magazine final a2

Post on 10-Aug-2015






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  2. 2. For my magazine masthead I wanted the text to stand out so I made sure it was the biggest and boldest text on the front cover. I used the colour white as it makes it stand out against the black background. The name Monstrosity means a thing which is outrageously evil or wrong so this fits into the genre of horror. I decided to put the masthead in a conventional place right at the top of the magazine so that the audience can clearly see it as it is a new magazine to hit the stands. The font I used was really simple and bold so that it is noticeable to the audience from afar.
  3. 3. My main image was very simple as I didnt want my front cover to be too busy as I included a lot of text already. Film magazines tend to be liberal in their choice of shot and eve use long shots on their covers to cover a range of mise- en-scene features. I edited the image to make it look a lot more gloomy than what the picture looked like before. Doing this makes it look really effective
  4. 4. I placed a skyline at the top of my magazine cover to allow more content to be displayed without taking up the space that more cover lines would. I stuck with the consistent orange for the background and used the same font. Because its a skyline you don't have the same amount of room for the detail a cover line would convey, therefore I placed the name of four actors which feature inside the magazine. This will attract fans as they will want to get the free posters that are in the magazine.
  5. 5. A barcode is a must-have convention on a magazine cover, unless its a free publication. I placed it in a corner of the magazine, which is also conventional, as this keeps the barcode out of the way of important text and the main image. The right hand corner was the best place to position it on my magazine.
  6. 6. There isnt a particular number of cover lines to be placed on the cover conventionally, however it is important to get the right amount as too many can make the magazine appear messy and full, but too little can make the magazine seen bare and empty. Both of these are then unappealing to the reader, and they will be less likely to buy the magazine. I decided to keep the generic font for this magazine to create consistency on the cover and make the text flow better because too many different fonts wouldnt look very nice. I also kept the size of this text relatively smaller than the anchorage text so that the text could be easily distinguished as cover lines and not the main story. The cover lines were placed in this position as it didnt obstruct the main image too much and the best parts of the main image were still visible, but the cover lines are also still easy to see and read. They are also placed on a dark background which contrasts with the orange text, making it a lot easier to see from a distance.
  7. 7. I chose to price my magazine at 2.00 to correspond with the overall look of the cover. From my questionnaire at the beginning of the coursework my target audience had picked this price as they thought it would be affordable for them to buy it.
  8. 8. Flash buttons are becoming an increasingly common convention on magazine covers. I have decided to use a flash button to inform my audience that the magazine includes information on the 100 goriest films of 2015. I have stuck to the orange colour on this cover and used a black text and the same font as the cover lines, again to create consistency. This flash button will appeal to my audience because it is informing them of the horror special.

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