a2 media studies magazine construction


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Post on 19-Nov-2014




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This is for my use only for my A2 media course work if you wish to use nay content from this presentation then please contact me. thanks.


Page 1: A2 Media Studies Magazine Construction

By Benjamin Haines


Page 2: A2 Media Studies Magazine Construction


The step was to upload the original image on to my computer then open it up in to Photoshop and to start editing it. We had a lot of ideas that we could incorporate into our magazine. We also took a lot of photos so we had a wide range to chose from and experiment with.

Page 3: A2 Media Studies Magazine Construction

STEP 2Step two was to edit the photo in photo shop and make it into a image that would fit our ideas and the horror genre message that we needed to get across to the audience members. The first thing was putting a separate image form the one we was using into photoshop to crop part of it out. We done this by using the magic wand tool, so we could combined the cropped image with the main image to create what we thought would look good and creative towards the audience. What we did was take our models face and made it transparent and also made the eyes look more vicious and evil by using the rubber tool and just pressing down on the mouse on the middle of the pupil to give it an effect so it makes her look more possets. We also made this image black and white by using the filter drop down bar and selecting black and white. This will work with the next step of creating our magazine cover

The original image and the cropped and edited image as you can see what we have done with the eyes and the effect we have put onto the picture

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STEP 3The Next step was to take the cropped and edited image and place it with the main image that we are using we had ideas to place it at the top of the image, mixed in with the trees but it did not work so in the end we put it at the bottom and made it look like it was a big shadow behind the actors and placed it on the pavement. We did this to show a storyline through a use of image by showing never look back or watch behind you hopefully the audience will recognize that and latch on to the idea of our trailer. I think that with the image being there it puts the magazine together and after this step we could work around it. Also I think it is different from the other horror genre magazine as they only have one main image with a plain background.

Here are the two images put together and as you can see the cropped, black and white image is in bedded into the pavement and looks good with it underneath the characters feet

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STEP 4Step 4 was to start adding text to the image so we saved the image we had and open it in InDesign. We then went through a bunch of fonts to try and find our perfect match and something that could connote the horror genre to the audience members. The first thing we did was to find the font scheme for the title this was the main text that the audience would see we found a font that suited our standards and we downloaded it from a free font site called 101fonts.com. For the title of our magazine we chose the font called crazy killer. We chose this font because it had the conventions of a ghost like look and really stood out to us. The rest of the text we also chose from the site 101fonts.com. We used fonts from there to do our sell lines, tag line, and the writing in the banner at the bottom of our magazine.

Here are all of the texts matched up with there font names from the site 101fonts.com

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We had to now add in more convention into our magazine to make it look like a real life media peace of work. For example price of the magazine, banner, date, issue number and barcode. We did this by looking back on our research and planning and looking at where they have placed all of these conventions on there magazine and started to place the same conventions on our but in different places , around the sell lines , dominant image and title. We made the banner by putting black boxes around the text to make it stand out and by having a black banner at the bottom to promote thing that are inside our magazine.

To The right is the tool we used to make the black box to go behind one of our sell lines and also used the other one as a banner at the bottom of the page and the middle to go behind our slogan we did this by choosing the colour black and making to more transparent so the audience can see the image behind it and also so we can add text on top of the box’s

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We then added in the barcode to the magazine and we got this from a website online that was free to use, we then re- sized the image to fit in at the bottom right of our magazine, as in our research and planning we saw this was many other magazines put there barcode here or in the bottom left so we are choosing to follow the conventions. Also we added in a price along with the barcode to make it look more authentic. After we had placed the price of our magazine along with the barcode we produced the issue number and current date and placed that with the price and barcode. Again this was to make it look like a real life media magazine that you would buy online or in a shop.

To the right is how I resized the barcode by using the purple arrow on InDesign and fitting it into the blue box and then by placing the price, issue number and current date in to the blue with the barcode.

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Also we added in two banners one at the bottom of our magazine were we are advertising another company that is the local cinema and you can get %10 off of your next visit to the cinema this is good business as we support there product being the cinema and they will repay the favour by promoting our magazine or selling our magazine at there cinema. We also added a banner underneath the title and placed our slogan for our magazine on the banner, this was so It would stand out from other features on the magazine so when the audience see that again they will remember the magazine and look out for more issue’s of this magazine. It also suites the layout of our magazine and again makes it look more professional.

Above are the two banners, we added n the black transparent boxes behind them to keep with the colour scheme and to make it fit with the layout, also we made the slogan to the magazine have a white glow by using a effect called inner glow this will make it stand out more than the other banner and also the glow connotes to audience ghosts, or paranormal activity.

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STEP 6We then added colour to out text e.g. sell lines and slogan. We did this to set a colour scheme for our magazine and used the colours Yellow, red, white and black these were comical colours to use for a magazine and especially a horror because of the red that represents death, danger and blood and with the black that represents, dark, evil and mystery. We also used the colour white to make it stand out and because it represents ghosts, heaven (religious), Protection and alone. We went for the simple reason of picking yellow as part of our colour scheme because when doing our research and planning it featured in a lot of horror magazine cover’s colour scheme. So we thought we would do the same by following the conventions of a real life media industry product.

Here are some screenshots of the text box’s before and after I kept the colour constituent and exactly the same by using a tool called colour picker by selecting the colour from one text box and placing it on the other text box

Here is the colour replacement tool.

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STEP 7Then we made a couple of changes once we got feedback and that was we needed to make our banners stand out a bit more and make the background behind the title stand out more. We had an idea of getting an image from a free website with no copy right of and old broken. Fence to stay with the horror genre and make it transparent so you can see the text and placing that behind the title and behind the banners but still keeping the black to give it that dark look. We tried this idea and it worked very well. It gives the magazine a more horror feel to it towards the audiences.

Above is the picture of the fence and below is the finished product of the wood behind the title and the banners.

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STEP 8The last step was to make sure everything was looking all right and to make sure that we put highest quality that we could. Then we had to publish the finished product and uploaded it on to my site.

Here is my magazine up against some real life media industry ones and I think that they stand out well up against them. And you can see the conventions I have followed, subverted and challenged.