mad men revisited for exam

Post on 11-Jan-2015






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Which question would we choose for the television industry texts?

How do your texts target their audience? WJEC say students should…. How do your chosen texts attract their audiences? It is likely that candidates will need to begin by explaining (defining) the target audience for the text/s. Candidates may refer to some of the following points in their answer, depending on the media industry selected: 1.  form and structure 2.  Representations of characters 3.  Mode of address 4.  Placement/scheduling

Some references should be made to theories such as the uses and gratifications theory and to ways in which audiences are attracted to texts depending on the cultural positioning. CRASH

(2)My discussion point which actually answers the question  

(3) Narrative or additional evidence

(4) Brief conclusion which proves I have answered the question


It is likely that candidates will need to begin by explaining (defining) the target audience for the text/s.

Applying the exam formula to the, How do your chosen text target their audience?, question and in this case Mad Men

1.Representations of characters 2. Finding models of behaviour 3. Relatable plots (family life, work) The use of a slow pace, linear narrative and minimal non diegetic sound help the sense of realism. 4.Aesthetic enjoyment 5. Information – Historical and social contexts 6. Familiar structure

Discuss specific scenes that prove your discussion point is valid and occurs within the narrative

Conclude your answer briefly and recap on how your point has answered the question

How do your texts target their audience? 2. The representation of Females in Mad Men

Peggy, Joan and Betty

My discussion point which actually answers the question; • My first studied text is Mad Men. When analysing the series five episode “The other woman” varied, fair and complex gender roles are represented. This can target an audiences consumption needs and gratify them consciously or subconsciously. In this episode the female characters are represented as ambitious, determined and driven to concur their oppressions. The characters Peggy and Joan are represented as motivated to break out of their traditional 1960’s gender roles. They have no intention to conform to the traditional gender role of the stay at home house wife such as the character Betty Draper. This narrative device could inspire, provide models of behaviour and educate female viewers on a historical society and therefore gratify and successfully target its audience.

My narrative evidence •  My studied episode shows two paradoxical methods the female characters

use in order to gain power and status in the early sixties. The character Joan much to her own inner distress, sleeps with a client from Jaguar when pressured by the advertising company in which she works for. Joan is persuaded to perform this act in order for the company to secure a large financial contract and therefore gains herself the status as a partner and total financial independence from men. In stark contrast the previously male controlled character named Peggy has finally gained the respect of her male colleagues and worked her way up in the agency where she started as a simple secretary through nothing but intelligence and hard work. Peggy leaves the company for a new, high-ranking job, as a head copywriter for a rival business. The narrative represents Peggy defying and outgrowing her male mentor Don Draper and demonstrates that her hard work alone, not the use of her body and beauty like Joan, has allowed her to gain status, intelligence and respect. Betty Draper, the stay at home wealthy housewife is controlled by a man and is represented as being bitter, board and mainly superficial. Betty, incidentally, is extremely beautiful. By representing Betty in this particular fashion helps the audience realise that beauty and wealth is not the utopia many people may think it is.

Brief conclusion which proves I have answered the question •  The wide range of female representation and behaviour and its

consequences, allows an audience to learn from the texts moral compass abiding narrative. This could gratify and successfully target the texts active demographic

•  The same point can be used for the audience response question to discuss how the Guardian newspaper complimented Mad men’s wide and varied representation of females showing the true complexity of issues females faced in this time period.

How do your texts target their audience? The text provides the following gratifications for its targeted preferred audience 1.Information and Escapism, transported back in time. 2. Gaining the texts intrinsic cultural or aesthetic enjoyment (cinematography, history and cultural knowledge, polysemic text) 3. Relatable narrative plots (family life, work) The use of a slightly slow pace, linear narrative and minimal non diegetic sound help the sense of realism. 4.Models of behaviour (charm, business, female roles and aspirations) Find narrative proof.

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