m a-s-p

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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Depth of Field

Depth of field is used to bring you into the photograph. It uses blur to take out the focus in parts of the composition, making the section that is in focus more visible. By using it you can use the manual focus at the end of the lens. Using the depth of field on auto, the blur wont be as strong because it doesn’t know what you want in focus.

Shutter Speed

Shutter speed controls how fast a photo is taken. Taking pictures of people running, to get the ‘motion blur’ you would want the shutter speed to last longer to capture more light. If you wanted to take a picture of a pebble dropping into water and wanted to get more detail than movement, a shorter, quicker shutter speed would be best to get this shot.


Aperture is used to control how much light is in the picture. Too much light is ‘over exposed’ this makes the picture too bright, therefore takes out the detail. Finding the right aperture depends on the lighting. To create a clear picture, adjusting the ISO will help do this. The aperture is the size of the opening on the lens, allowing more or less light in.

The ISO is important when setting upthe camera for a photograph. When outside it needs to be on 1600, orpossibly higher. This will let less lightin. When the ISO is set, you can use the dial to either make the picture lighteror darker.


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