losing balance in your life, and the easiest fix

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Losing Balance in Your

Life, and the Easiest Fix

Life can become hectic real fast, which is why it is important to have a balanced mindset. There are 168 hours in the week - working takes up 50 hours, commuting takes up 5 hours, sleeping takes up 50 hours, eating takes up 10 hours, drinking takes up 10 hours, watching TV takes up 5 hours, and now you only have 30-40 hours left to accomplish everything else you want to do in life.

How are you supposed to start your

side business, read your new book,

spend time cultivating relationships,

and go to the gym with the rest of the

time? Something is guaranteed to fall

out of sync if you continue on this path

without paying attention. We aim to

help fix that.

When one area of your life begins to impede on the other areas, things can fall out of sync real quick, and the only one who loses is yourself (and your family). You work longer hours, and would rather watch House of Cards than workout. You spend Friday afternoon after work until Sunday getting wasted, and all of a sudden you have no time to address any of your life goals.

You are so focused on losing weight,

you forget that you haven’t gone out in

a month and are losing touch with

your friends. There is no right or

wrong to address your own life, but

the only guarantee is that if you do not

address a way to maintain balance,

things will fall out of whack.

Finding Balance is the goal-setting

workbook to help you with this. Rather

than focusing on one major goal, the

workbook weighs all areas of your life

completely evenly. You are to set

goals in all areas of your life at all

times to create balance. The core

areas are:

Personal Growth





Life Purpose

The goal of choosing these six

categories is to make sure you are

devoting time to ensuring you are

optimizing all areas of your life to

protect any one of them from falling to

complete mayhem.

By constantly seeking to improve

yourself in all areas of your life, you

are ensuring that you are always even

keeled. This way, when one area has

a hiccup, you have a strong support

system in yourself to maintain

balance. Balance is the path to

harmony, and this goal-setting

workbook will be a great tool to help

you achieve balance.


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