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\ OLl':.\IE XX II. BOZE:.\L.\_.'>, :'IIO'.'\TA'.'\A . TCESDA Y, :'IIAY 19. 1931 '.'\lJ:'IIBER 31

STUDENTS AJGEND MO UNT BAlD~ r~;rQ~~~!t 0~e~~:~ 1 A~~~~rn:~J~ls 380~~f;ei~b~::t~ons l l NTERCOllEGIATE KNIGHTS CHOOSE fOR ANNUAl Glt~NU P Ot tMBlEM J u~~~\~~~~d:n:~ HOe~~s~n~~~ .\lpha Zeta Chooses Knox,Hurl - ISiWre~'~:;c~':\~.:~k.T'~~~eA~: IOAHO u AS SIT[ Of NtXT MttT

Social Affa ir of \\'eek bm t, McMaster. Gannaway, Sen ed By Weeklies L<nal Cren \'cnture ... l'p Steep Sloi;c~ of .)fo unt ai~ . Yesterd~y to Bla kely and L und I - Jkn<H ate and \\ hite\\,t'<h (,igantic College " ;\!. · Remainder )!1•, Pcg-~"Y Scott made a lo,cly and -- !'c" York, :-;. ) . (:-;SF.\)-f D· S . t \\ ith Picnir. and Qi. h er E ntertainment g-,a.._ 1ous queen ot the n.gnly succ:c~~.- Thu.•c jun tor~. Thomas :\I :\laster, Thirty - e 1 g ht un11 er:st ie::o in the O •1)- .. pln ul l:J.il Junior l rom, held. )ia~ lo, :\lelbo .. rnc Knox and \ ll'J.dl Jiuilbmst l mtcrl ~tat.c~ .ire ,..,el"H:d by dat.J: I :.lt t lie Hotel Haxt<.:1 .\hS::) bl<> t I:s .t antl thi ce ~OJ>.lOmore ... , .J 1111 Gann .. rn a:i, }><l}'CI "• 1s:sued and ocntrollecl by stu -

ConYention of '.'\alional Order Terminates al ;\lontana State Col-lege \\' ith Election of ;\tart) \ \ ilson of Unh·crsity of \\'ash­ing- ton as I~ing. Stan Hale, Idaho l'. and .\rt Buckle). ;\J. S. C., .\ re Other Off icers

\\ htch \\a:-. he si,,.:n.il t.h ... t sc 10ol jrA1pular member ot tne senior cla~:; lharlb Blakl"iY and Leo Lund weie llt-t1b :51xty 1..olle..!'es. ha\e papcr:s wou:d be ctb.rn :s cd l 1'r tt.e occa ... 1on . awJ \\<l.::> clcc".;ed by he· clas.,.., maws pledg-~d to Alpha z.eta, the honoraiy \\hicn ate J ........ ue,I t.\\IC:C 01 three trnv..... Thirteen delegate;,:; representing' Spt'lng and the Gardiner entrance of o im ro \\hl:-tle:s \\ere ... ounJt-<l the la .... t \\"edncsday by se.rct ballot to agncultu al Hatcrmt;,:, la:s .. \"\l'l'~~. a \\Cek, \\!lllc more than 4011 a c fl\e chapter::. of the I ntercollegiate \cllo\\stone Xattonal Park. r<'ma.nJer of r-..hp Jay .mu no c.i .. t.:, rel.Jn a:-. quc:cn. ~he I:; alultat.eU "1t11 To he elig1bte !or ml'mbe1shtp m scned hy \\eehlic::., ac:co1·amg 0 a Knight::. comene<l at :\Iontana State Of the thirt('cn n•p1·e:-cntnthcs nt -\\c.-re t-eld 1 . ..\lpha Unucron Pi soro1 1t.). !he this f1at.eJ111ty a cnn<l1<late must ha\c Htent surver. College la:st \H•ek to transa<.:t bu:s1- ltcndmg the nH.·ctmg-s fhc wer(' frum Ttw .mm ic• o ~1ud"'n .. :-. LUITl;ng- nut quL--cn'1:1a11..-noant3 ''e1e the :M.issc" compleu .. d on~ and a huli \:ears ot ht::. 'lnc :)b <.:ulle,..,e aa1ll('::. claim a cir- ne"s and exe;hange ideas as well as Idaho. Cnt\l•rs1t\, four from \Vash-for the Y.h t.c\\a .... Ji "~ or 1he hu,!<' l-...lthi:,n Hird, Carohnt! Loehranc fout-).C'ar college cuu1~r. ~must haH~ culat.ion 01 u:~..: .. n7 or an a\e1ag:e ot lo attend to details always a:-;~otmled ington State> Coil('gc> , three from the h~e \\o.1. not •1"' .:.r~e a, \\a"' ~x- Doiothy Ilan~ah and .\lary l<ranci., an a\c1ag-e of grades that \\1l1 pla,,;C ·ihOJ COJHC:. ca...:h. but th1~ means lttt1e \\tth a coment1on of this natu1e. The t~ni,er:sit~ of \Vashtngton, and one pectcd. ·I :-.paui, al of Chi Omc~a s~routy, )li:ss htm m the U 1lper l\\o-hf h.:-. oi hns a~ t\\o ha\C? ell ulat1on.._ .... 01 les!-i t.han in~t meeting was held in the F ire- from Oregon ~tatt- Collegc :\lo~t of no h) lOOf' t " ~le t ctl"blem '"°'~ '1 nP '11' , r('J)Ull•,i as hcmg- ont"._ 01 ·'~ac Burkhait, Pt HeLa Phi, the '.\lL .... "b clas:., anll must be po:--:.C:>~cd oL th a tnvi.. ... an~, anil one d1::itribute~ as place ioom of Herrick hall Frulay thl'm made the tlip to Bozeman by .\ he . n n.g \\a:-. cow- tltc 1:: ::: 't l'OllC'gtat.e Jette•:- In 1 2\3o.u~ Lo\\ ncy and l la a Roat. both o .. I quahtib of cna1 acte1 an<l lcader:-:.htp. many a" l_a,OOU The ~a1he:-- are µub-1 m01 mng. The local chapter of the 1 auto. }Jl:l.l\l.tcd.h e .k.~ ,~e e ~c:vedlw 'd .... dis a decided 1nnn~ or P· de K<q>ra Delta. and .:\lL'-i~ EYcl)r :\lat.t- lanutLate:s must pa~~ a 100 per cent lbh&.l mainly at m~1tul1ons hanng outer l'Ommonly known a~ the Fangli The prog1am opened offtctally F r1-u~!htont.'l,,: l S s, J1IH:.rnore eo- i:f b t Wt"" faculty anil olll•g'e s u-1~11llcr, Al1~ha Onuc.ron P1 lhcy 3;Ie affnmatne vote o1 the ac:ti\e m.em- lar~c t•nrodments, a1~nough t.hrcc al'ted as host to the \ 1s1to1:s. The dav mornmg with :\' at ional Kmi! t d c , "c or imzat ion. o('nts. I ~1.1 ~I -0yulai n.1?mbl'I ~ 0~ the . J_umvr bets 01 the f1a e1 mty, and must abo colll:p,t.-s nuuntamm)! dail1c,., ha,·e 1 es~ <.:onclave te1 mmated Sunday afternoon Arthur \V. Buck ley, p r es 1 <l 1 n g . lu e a oon ~c "'l\1'' club ltlcl 3 ,md ''"IC! elected b.) populai \Ole be appro\e.d b.) the iaculty members. than 2000 s .. udcnt:-;. 1 ne only _ gLrb with a 8Ight s~emg tour to Chico Hot ~pcN:hes of welcorric were made by ~~ I a l n e cl ice and oil-me MONEY S HO R TAGE I S ~ ?' class mcctmg- held Thurs.day at The ~lont.ana State c:har1tc1 of Alpha ('olie,r~ to be set "eel by a daily ts I 1'1 e d t of :\lontana StatC' Collep; ~ 1 h • c.,. ·, h..' d:tn e pa'' lH>n, ,, ~\lock m :\Iont.ana llalJ. Zeta "as organized 111 HJ~.! Alpha H.add1ffe. D . s1 .\}~ d Atk •L H d' \ h h 1 , sti<l nr .i nd&I The I he attendants led the grand Zeta 1s a national hono1ary frntcrmty I Jn tt~" ea,..,t the gene1 al size 1s f1om 1 B E L ErTRl rALS r.o cli~~l lor r~I the ~n~~lcn~t Boaund a0~~a~~ n. It ~ held ~~ pH ni<" at the Bo'""- marl h at the t•n(l of th1..• fi>t: 1 th rlanl'e 1 for 4udenb; of a:!Tll ul u1 e and ha" four to eight pace~ . while in the m 1·1- l.J l.J U honorary member of the Fang chapter n 1• ~.:::; r.n~. FACED BY EXPONENT l~l·'.. Bo,Uby Long-, p1e~1dcnt of .he J cb,111~r::. located at the vanous \\Ct"" and "e~t. tne a,·~ a~e number ot and by Leonard \V mg, P resident of 1 ~rnc wt '1 cu le rr. ~ JUmo .. r c.a~s ll'<l t ·c queen, to he1 a2J ie .. ltmal eollcges of the LmtC'd rages 1::; greater, 2\Ianv or the chuhe~ O N V I SIT TO BUTT E 1th A. t d Stt I t f :\l t t h~ eoJ ci:;c ,,h le wnc;; leau ful black \Clvct th.one, banked ~Late-: . 1his 1ratcrmty has as its use some kmJ of wire ... erntc-, e\'en St~te s~~I;~g~. • )J1~:t~;: 00 r ·i~~C'l~('~~ '>' l• k tcacl o" G 1). on l'ttlier sulc.• by gla(holas and !-\llap JU po~e: The de\elupmen,_ of thC'lthougn 1t be only a pyny se1\1ce. On occupied the meeting' until 11 00 d a.gon~. Tht! 9ul'en "a:-. <' 10" iw<l 1 ::nrn and the farm home 1,arti •ulai ly the other hand. thue .ll e many <la1he:s o'doc: k when the del e~ate!-\ adjourned Board of Publications 1\leeting • 9 C't'n Pcgg-y I by )lr. l.A:.'-Orai cl 1n the ~tatc "he1e the chapU-r 1s I'' h1ch c\c\ote thC'1r tolumns <:.olely o to old Gatton Field to view t he


GRAPH Is I 'J his Xoon lo Discuss Problem ~\111{, t"'e<IC~nt t of ~he a,,oc5ate<I lo ak,d, through an o1ga111zat111n con- mm pus affai r,, Group Yisi ts Engineering E nter- spcction of the local R. 0. T . C. uni t. SEISMO · lll en s. · as er om my. Pars tro leJ. by ag11cultural students, ad· l ra. tica.h u t'"Y <lailv. as is true Folio" mg the m~pec:tion thC'y assem-1 of Xe\\spaper~ .F inance ::<£n··ed a:-- crown hearer for tht· \!..,l'd by an agricuJ ural Ia<.:ulty. ~tlm- of t1e less· f1equentlv i:--:,ued colle~e prises of Region on Stud y bled at the Blue and Gold Tea Room 6 '' renwn) · He "\\as attneJ tn a blaf..:k ulated b)· th!:! bonds of a f1a~rmty 1 ublicaii1,n~, at101ds · ~ome financial Trip Held Yesterday fm luncheon. F 1 iday afternoon was INSTALLED HERE I th" !'.a.tm full drc~:s suit. Ilancm~ \\as re- a1ound a membership cho:sen after lo npcn--atton to one o1 more mcm-llot.•1 c.:d and nc\\ member:-:; of ... sumtd after tl'e coronation. . an earne~t a!!ntultur~J motl\e a nd an be1s of the .:-.taff. In e-eneral the com-bc.," 1 pu1..d1...:a .. '(>ll ... "111 l>c 11 e'L'llt Ch.a ltrnne .... for the o ... c..."l~Jon \\Crt• eXL'<"Utl\e ability ha'c been demon- yen~twn oi t.e daih~::. take::. the fo•m 1 E.ghteen jumor and senior electr11.:al -------- rr th r:•cctm~ the. m.or dt. th!! .Blue P1c-..1dcnt and '.\Ii.. . Alf1ed. Atkmsor; stratecl.

01 salaiw" although member:-; of the lcngmeermJ:r ::.t1..denb, unhcr the :s.u~ \\ha ... A loin,. C.J.l...aUJu. .. \M: m .1.11..:Zt! and L1>Jd ll·a .kuom. llw mo:s.t 1111- Dean ~ml ::\!rs ,J ,7\[. Hamilton and bu::-m~" :--la.ft are often gi\'en com- f11.; r v1::.1on ot Assistan t P1 of. C . .to', 1.~n .. mu JLaSt. la L . 1 ;;;. t uc, lJi 1ta .. thm)! to be <l1:-.u .......... cd '" 111 l>c Dc.':in l na D. HC>1" 1ck. missions on a<lvei tising contract.c;. Bowman, made an auto trip to Butte u L1t.Ic s ica .. y no cau c fo1 appie- thi:- Expon<'nt d<~fi~ t. It \\Ill l>c 11..!· '.\lu h cte<l1t fo1 the g-reat ~ucl·e~c; on " :J.l ' nay to vi::stt the ,·arious en-i.:l .i.vr t silOi.:A .J.l d lllan_, 111 mbeie t tha.t 1orme1h- out of the of the Prom s.hould be tnven to the HL.\ CK Ll ST The s1gmfkant fa tor <:oncernmg gmeeimg- enterpnse::. m that region. tlcr 'i\ha:l vci.:u1 ia .. her OJ ten, \\\:fC 21 puiu Ii.\ ..:mh :--tmh.:ri la::.• year it Prom t·ommittee ~hss Eh1..al:.ei h Pope. thc"e <lathes ts t.hat he iacult y exClt:st The gioup left Bozeman in h\·e autos 1· tov ~JJgnt tu be 1c o 0 nn·A!<l IJ.> \\as voted by t.ho sti..-dent boJy, upvn Goore"e Il ould . AJ1;>o1t Pettibone. J ack .\ "'black lis t " carrying the little or no control over the paJ)<'rs a eatlv m the mor nm<l" a nd r eturned the um.an .... 1,:11.:,~::.. 1• \\a.::; 1 ~ o.c..J 11c'c H. .. omnlln<latwn of the .::::itudent ~n· Erkkila. Ed Lane. and Tom Farr1~ na mes of those men \\hO s h irked a. l .• \ fafct:lty member "e.rc.l\es as the samC mght after : pending- 1110,.., of Cle:i.~. b\ a , •Ii. at.... 11 i ... 1t: - au• that :..5 l·enb be taken fl om the thei r dut) and did not as~ i st in ~dnser o some paper::;., an. m many the dM· a~ the g-ucs~s of the A. C. .\!. nu\\ JI ;i:, a :..1.< mo~taJ h" \\;._i.;l ha::. .Expont-nt allo\\anle anti rc..ipportioncd pa int ing the " )l '" ) <"R te rday "ill lll"tanc:e~. take>:-. active 1n e1est m the compaiiy. The on gi nal plan for the t.•ntJ\ .. ccn tn.<:>t.dJcd 111 a 1.:l1'.tmbc1 for dchatu .rnd art cxperi..e:s. But it A w s CHAIRMEN not he pnnted publication. trip r equired two da) s and mcludcd a vie ;ub-1.ia enwni. v tiu: cng.11ccr1ng- ha,.. beetl found thL:. )~at that the Publis hing a black lis t at this vi:-;it to the $melte.! at Ana: onda but Uut..ull.l .Due to LHc i.l ::c1 Sc\ ere bx 1 oner {;annot 00 edited upon th... • • • time hardl y appears to be pra c- I AGGIES AND HOME due o lack of time th is part of the stu1b.uu::1..~ .n t s 1e 101 a JC\\ ~ea ... I ~er ::.um. The board mu,.,t ut.><:ide CHOSEN FOR 1932 ti ca l as it Y. ould he too large to t11p \\as om1tteu The followmg ts a 0 t 1t: Li. ::::.. go\l~1nmcnt m:stallt.!d u ..on 1111.:'ans of sccurmg fund .. en1JUi!.h sen (' its puri>ose. also tim e and list of the c;tudents m the party · 11 m::.tlument ht.re .n Bozeman. !he to JHc\ent the d.:.contmuanu.• of Tht- s paee are both limit( d. E c s HOLD PICNIC S1..~niors--Robe1t Erb, Xor man Ho\'ey . a.:. tenant::c nn1 .. op~r<~tton 01 it W~ 1 Expoi.r:•n.t (ot· the re:11a1de.~ of thi~ Editor Fi ank Jl ollyfi , J EYeictt Pepper. and t::ib.. n c~ue .. .._ by· t e me.:h.im...:c.i.l \car aml lo cie\ls.e a plan to preH·nt · S · B l I Rol'and Crumley ; )umors-Arthur 1 1.;-1nt-"t."r1t1~ tltp~u ment o.i. .Hontana h:,.., ~hortag:e ol nwncv next year. J• Annual Junior· entor anquet s Buckley, Leonard E~tey, \\re~ley Funk, .1te coLcge. " Ed;to• -<>lc·ct ")like" u~..,,,.., SUI?· Held at 'Which Officers For . 01' ! (!'' Joint .\ffair Held a t Bozeman .James Garr i5on. ('•Tis Ho•son, E dwin lhe:; u·1.4me. t. the operation of itf t•on that t.te senate Uc ~cque--te<l ... ~ext Year Are Introduced - r _ H ug-hes. Herbert Hogen . Roderil'k -.11 , : upen 1 by l of. 'lb<• l«l· '• 1ec"mmend to the 'udent b.>dy I Hot SP rings \\ edne,.day. ~facDonald, Austin :\IcXa ll, E'erett 11 of the mechan il t.!J. lllCl'J",n1' de- .hat the 2:l c·t . ..'Tits \\ h1 h \Hts. reappor- 1 --- I Tormentor meeUng Tuesd<tY ~Jany E njoyable Events I Bla nchard , and "~ i lliam Seheele. · 1 rment, lOU1:1bts 01 t, .. o scpatate tio~Nl be returned at the expense 0f I The annual ju111or-semor banquet night at 9 :00 o"clock at the S ig ma 01 :-; cuc11 of whll·h is moun~t:d on 1. art :Jnd c!c+ate or t.ha nn extra 25 \\as held \Vednesday at (.i ·.JO o'clock at Chi house. S TES · .-~.c f undat10n \\hich" cn:irel: <ent< le a1lded to the total co•t of the the Hotel Baxter wllh about ;;o \\omen Jimmie O'en' . The llome Economic and Acr1ccl - PI DELT.\ N \i\IE INITL-\ j a e 1 rom the foundation of the ,..,Lmkn:. acth 1ty t" kt•t Th(• Exponent prest;nt. tu ul clubs of '.\!. S. C. helc.l a joint. I AND NE\V OFFICERS

~IR. I. R. A. CURRY .Xational Ad,·iso r of Intercollegiate

Kmghts, who was in Bozeman for the Com·ention las t week.

ulting-, l'Xt.eno::- l~ f('et l>clo" the mU"t ha,·e mote 1non{'-y for the> added At the banquet L1ll1an Tubb . the H O USE PLACES IN picmc at Bozeman Hot Spnng:-; last H·l 0 i..l-tt sub-ba:--cment. The entlrl' rcas.on th..'lt th'!?l"E' \\Il! be a proba':Jle uutgomg' A. \\'. ~. president, mt10- Wcdnc::.dav e'cnmg. The ~tudent~ of . . U1pmenL l:-. h4JU~<'d. ma lo ked ~our .. d .... '1or-ta .... e f income fr 1111 adve 1·t1~ln!? duceu the o!Lt er~ and the \aTIOUS thcSP tv.o" depart ment..':' !('ft Bo1,eman l 1_ Delta, h~:morary JOUrnaltsm frn.- . . r nf ch~nnher. In optratton, one of 11ext year. l<.:hatrmen for next yea .. , as 10110\\:>: at :; o' lock for the S 1>rtmn~ where 1 e rnity held m1t1at1on ot 1,ew mem- oc:cup1ecl by the tak mg of a group e un.t.... mca~u1es anu rei.:or<ls the B.sme":-; mana,,..e>ts ~or the Ex- Chan-man of \Yoman's day, \.'irg-m1::i NATIO NAL CONTEST l h<"Y enJOY"'<l a varied program of Les a nd ttle e le .lOn of_off1cer~ for p1tlu rc. a three hour bu!'.' iness meet-10\·e11en. r the earth ma north and pone1t ':1" I )Ion nnan . "rill he pa1t of \\#ainer; chaumc1n of \~ocatrnnal con- da ncin!!', swim ming and a mcnic lunch. the en~mnl!' year at the Kappa ~1gma rng. a reeeption by the Spur s. award-ow h d'rection \\ :i1e tne other~ 1e- 1 th<'" husm~~s to b~ d1stu~--('>(.1 by the :lerenn', Helen Olivet; (ha1rman ot' A ;e:ature of the party was a comeciy house last \~ee~. The org.a111zat10n H mg- of t rophies for outstanding work rds the mo\cnu.:nb m an ea~,.(.!rl:i.; hoard. Tn(l' apporntme1 t~ for these I )lus1c. \ '1\ 1an Boulwa1e; chaim1an of nlav m tn e form of a lake off on the compo::.ed of 1- men who hm·e done I by members , and ('Ont luded by a pro-nd \\ ~tt· ·h· chrect1on. positions will be announced later. RcliJ?ious. affai rs . Carolyn Delaney; -- hoilie ccono1n;, . ., home management out.:.tandmg- work on t he college pub- gress1ve dmner sponsor ed by the The c·ha1!s tor th~ .... e inshuments 1'hc NL·tors of t~1e 19.m-·H Exponent chauman of Entertainment, ~Jargaret Bridge Design of Lyall House ho'.'se pr e.-.,ented by t he ~eruor a mmal Hca.t.on~ and ha\e served at le~st t"o 3ororit1es of ~lontana State Colleg-e. c1 \Cl. accm·~itely t11ne'-l hy means an,l )font~'"'at~ will present for ap- ( hoate; h1s.-0r1an, Helen Bradbury; Enters F inals of American hu~bandr,· clas" A surprise play un- ,:.ea~s one ... her 01 both p~blica~10ns All day Saturda:r was occu pied by f a m~"tttr c? l i.; "htch is corrccte-J ,,roY:tl 'hC'1r h:::.ts of staff member3 treasuier :\lan,· Lo\\ nev· !';e rctaD, . . . dr. the direction of :\li ss Yera Ann I \\ allaee Ha1rit_y, P i ~appa Alpha, bus mess mC'etin~r-s Jn the evening a ouih fn m the Xa,al Obscnatory at whi h they re('ommend to the Rt1ard t :.\hh Tan~e; .. ,~ic:e p1c..,1de;1t Loname Institute Cornpehhon O':foil won mu h a pplause f rom the " as ele .... leJ pns.1~ent ; ."\ rt Buckley, banquet was served f or t he deleJ?ates iI n'i'on. :'.\". J .• 111 oder 'that the ex- of Public'ations a~ \\Orth).· of. receidn g- i'h~mp~on : ' and preside~t . :\la.•y I audii nee. .~1111go, \ice ni cs1C1ent; Harry Adam!;, and members of the Fangs a t Gtl-s m \\"a~lrn--:<rtun. D. C .. may de- "::\['' pin awards for e~cept1onal ~r- Frances Spa111. :'.\hss Spain gaYe a L)all liouse, engineer mJ? student of Stt.?.ma Alpha ~ ~ps1 lon~, sec~tary ; kl•rson"s C'after ia . Lou Ho\\ard aC't-n.nerl the ditcctLon of tra\el. of fo"Tl1anC'e of ~tatf dut.c..-. . . The wm- brief repo1t of the Xationa.l Ass~ci- ) fontan.a State college, has been hon- XOTI CE! Geonre Gft u nebnl.te.t er, Kappa igina, I ed a" toas t master. President Atkin-e ra1th mO\(•rnents bv eomparmg ner~ of these awa1<ls will be an- ated " 'omen Students' eomcent1on d i ector o P~ l. 1 Y . . . ~on , Dean Ha mil ton, Coac h Dyche, i/~~.';~~~ ~;~~l?y;~~;t\:! ~~iin~~~-- )f.~~~c28' at the P1 Delt a banquet on :~b~~·. )~YchJ~c,:',:'tly a'tended at Ann ~~~! ~l~n~i',e11 .t,;;~eib~anbe;~;"~}:ct~J All organizationR and ind i\'i- •1 .JheL~o~~~'.'~nl~a;i;;n .~,f~~is'.'u&;;~~ t\·a~· ii:'nd;;~ri';;as~a~i~~i~~lds~~~;: Denn Herrick gave her farewell ad- ~~ci~~1~,-~~ ~~1: l~~nr~:s~~n~~~>e~~~v,~ t~'~,~~ ~;~~~gp;;o ~~e~t ~~nc~~er~11~~: qi unen~~l~ l er,. A rt .~uck_le~., w,,e:" 1 e~: ta ry, Art Buckley and ~forty Wilson, r OR , lER SlTDEXT DRO\Y~S I CLASS OF '34 ELECTS dress to the sen ior women and ex- a timshcd d1mnng contest for pr izes the dues a r e paid the issuance of I:unk ( ••b:' all, Jack E1t1k1la. II C'~'~ Past ~at10na l Kmg. and National HENRY FOX PRESIDENT pres'-'Cri her reg-"'et that she \\Ol.ld not offLrl'<l b\· he Steel Institute. An ac- the ' 'ear hook "ill be \\ithheld. ~{"'a1~nu, a1ent·e onne ' am e K111g- elect. a s \\Cll as C'ach of the \\ ord \\ ns rej ci\·ed la~t night that --- be here next year to aid the A \V S. count of the contest from the " A.nun- Indi,· iduals o,\ing money to Lin- up~t ~-~1~.a will ~ponsor the annual Dukes o~ the Chapter s represen~ed ' a;ne KoJ.he. i\lcintana ~tate College . . offHers 111 t.hC'i r work. '" .. t>teel" bulletin, of the Am encan Inst1- field's " ill haxe to pay what they \ f <'o a n.rn-E xnonent b:rnr:iuct whieh eontribut1ons to the progra m "1th aduat<> of '2S iret v.ith a fatnl ac- Henn· Fox,." of B11lrntJ"c;, w1l1 ~<"::id I ~ was Yoted •o ~hm1~a.e t~e JUntOl- lute of StLel Cont:ruction follm' s O\\e according to his a ccount he· wi ll be he'd the 2Rth of th is month. spt'~ches and toasts. Sat urday <''en-id1..nt \\hill' l ruts mg on a lake mar I the da~~ of .A ne~t year by v1rtu" c:.entor banquet f 01 next yea 1 be ausc Out of 1:3h :student::. of engtneel m g- fore the books \\ ill he issued them mg the delegates were g-uests of the i•he1 ee;· ad\•. ::\c:w York, ~aturday of w_mmng tlie f'l~t10~ f?1' c:.op~on:01e of ~uch a full c:.cllCdule. an<I nr ... h1te<:turc "ho subm itted pre- ('l;,' O"'ICE J unior C la~s a t t he J umor Prom. f t' ·Th . t · that Kobl>P prf\sirlent. held l a~ \\eek Fox 1 ~ an llim111a1y d1aw111gs m the 1u:n br 1d~c 1 Sunday morning the del egates and l'inoon. ~tltlf~r


~. 1 \\ere nut-+2r1 n...,. un<lc·rela~s lenclP1· an<l is NG PARTY design ompl.•ti'ion held bv the A1neri- TAU BETA Pl ELECTS many of the F angs, "ith their lady n e~d1;;,11,1nrh;v1 aftC>l~~~n l~~m; hoat a m~m.her of.the P1 Kappa .\~nha. fra . BARB SPRJ l'an n l ~t1tutt:: of Steel Construchon. I 1'Jiere " ill be a P i Delta meet · guest". left for Ch1eo Hot Spring~ Ph g I h l l 11 +C'rl'"t\. FPlson Tuttle of \'\ hitc:hall ten L·nc•mecrmg anJ. ten arch1tc.'dural m~ Thursda) , :\lay 21. at 7:30 p . nnd Gard mer bY car r eturning to ~1ceh ~al:~nzj'~ ~'h:n etfo~~< \~n ~~fm ~ thP. l :wh· ~le<>tl"fl vicP prC's.'dent of PLANS ARE COMPLETE "'tudenl.s ha\ e been !'lelecte._I ~o com- WELLER PRESIDENT I m .. ~1t thC' Pi 1\:a1>pa .\ltlha hou~"- Bo7.C'111 an t he sati1e evening. '-l . 1 cl the ill fticnd m his com- tl'-e rJ:i ....... Tlf> hrlonll"s h ~eta i:nsilnhn I ete the ll" dc_s1g-ns and submit ftmshcd Im1>orta nt! New officers were elerl<·d Satu rday u1J JC an ~ I d 1.l,llan ~c'n\a11:z. Ilo7.C"man, won t e tendc1tn,l.?'S lor fin~1l JU<lttment S tu- -- \\~a ll acc llarrity, pres ident. afternoon . They are 1larty W ilson. t iy \\ere both suhmen~ec a~ I vote- fo .. cr(·rf>L.'l.rv. ~l·hwartz ic: n Pi dents m 30 mst1tut1ons m l H state::< . . - Um\ ersit y of \V'a shing ton, Royal "1\\ne1!. The other C'OUple landed I Kanna .\hl·n. Tho pew sonhomore Program .Arranged at Bozeman and prorn1ccs rn he Umted States Officers fo r Honorary Engm· 1 T .\ CTICAL INSPECTION King ; St an llale, U niversity of Idaho, (~I). • • r 11" 0"'' '•""Frank "rnn of Great Hot Springs for Pleasure { land Canaua par1.1 ipated 111 t he p re- eering Fraternity are Named OF R O l' C UNIT HELD Royal Duke; Arthur _Buckle;, ~1on-\ ,ayiw Kobbe \\as an out--ta~1,' 111g Fnll'-', \\ho ic:. a l~o a m<'mber of the O I mm·n·v competition w h i c h wa" • • · • ltana State College ::\ at1onal Se<: r e rommrnt •tudent at )L!". C "um- P1 Knnna .\lnha fratemi'y i ndependent Students J~dg~d "on Apnl 2 bv a jury consist- for 1931-1932 School Year --- tar~· and Treasu r e1:. • Tdah~ !I'nh·er= erc<l among 111 ~. aC'tl\'ities "Pn• . the R(•sul .. ~ of thc- c•l<Xtior:i of ned I I lfl:! of Dr. Ralph :\lo;l jesk1 , con sultmg --- T he R. O. T. C. battnl wn was g1\·cn 3lt.):, ::\Ioscow, Idaho, was sclertecl as rt " denc1e~ of !"1gma Al11ha Ep..,1lon, ve>:ir's sorh"more <'lase; off1cen:; ,.. 11 ~1 11 c•"t" Di· 8h<>1tJ'ld e II u de~t\' T B ' " I ' 8 th t t t Al"ltc· s c:luh and the ~enim clas3 of. P1·<'~ident· H r-nry p .... , 7 1 Tom i\ext S&urday, ::\1ay 2: l, u; the t.unclccon' · 1t"1 n',. et1"111c'·e• ' !1· g il 1'1 '!-u1· ' At! a i e-cent meetm~ off atu ~ ....... 1 :-; a nnual mspe<.·1t1011 Fnt a v. •"lay . e ne_x <.'O Jl\'en ion s1 e. ti · s '"' ..... ·" .. ~ - Pt 10norarv l'll'rtnen mg- ra e r m \' \\ I h f'o'onel P1llow, ofthe :\mth C01ps A s1her trophy cup pre~cnted by

~ H ... • \\as numu er of \atsity ha~- ::\In1·~l·al1 10. ~n<l .Jark .Tchnc: :)1. set for the big- l uuepcn cnt plUHc dock arch1tcc:t · :.\ir. Clinton . :\la('- th' J t · i fr . . ! ~el l Th~ .\ tea hladquarte~. as m~pectrng of-1 ~done>k Kmtt_ing Compnn). of whic_h etball anil hu"ln<'~s managl·r of th(' \"irn rr<'-..icle>n~· Fe1-- in Tuttle !'11 \\htch \\ill be hc1tl at Hozcman Hotlkenzic• arc·h1•c~ • a;1 cl !.lr F . E c e L't..rfon o o iecr~ "a.j \ ( . J k ficer 1'he- mspechon t his :i, E:-ar is . ational Ad nsor I. R. A . Curry ts iontaian in lll27· He " 3

" also a untl Frrl T•lton 'il. ISprmgs. k S{'hmi1t cd1to~· ~f t.he Enginc~rm~1 ~\~~l1 c1? i. ... ~r"e a i;1:e·i~~~~ce1~'r·1 nki~n :;uml·wha.t eai lr. but no otlwr a1Tnng-e- pn·s1dent. for the c: hapter making the ) 1 · 1H..,_t~r < • Tnu B(•ta ~1 • L1..·s Bo~lffon, RC'<·re .. :ii·y lI<'"nld ~Jm do<>k :1!. '] h~ ... ~mnu~t.ee.s 1 ~1 <:harge are wor : Xews-R~corcl . Dewey : 1.:one,.., ondm~ s!>ct~etary: Jean n ents co .. Id be made. ( 'olonel Pi llow most advancement ~ince the l a~t con-hi K.111pa Phi a1tl ~ept<•m\IJ"I. \ lhn ~"""nrtz ~6. and E'don Enmc::; 1mi:r dilt~entlj t.o make thls. enteitam. Th<" ten en!.dncen11g- and ten ar h1- s Pth ·' ticas.ui.er \Ye"l"v Funk · re- was yer y well pleased \'.nth the ..,hO\\- vrnt1on \\C'nt to the Ball and Chnin ~I' Kohli~ ha-: heen cmplo)e<l hy 22. ment suq.ass aH prenous yat It.'::. tC:·tu1<il stucknt.;.., s<·1ecte l to submit ~~rdm~ s~~H"'"a.'v Lc<ina1d Esty ini.r the ba ta l10n made a n intencJ.. to,chapter of Idaho Unne1:-;ity. P re:--en-he Gcni·! al _ElcC"_tric ( 0 ·• at ~chen- ,. .. , ... ~· 1 r:'"'· Frnnk ';\. \ nn, 59· .Jo~n whi1.. ~ ha\ e ~een. g iven by. the ln~lc: I finished <l1U\\1ngs \\ 111 com pc e for I t~ta1t J!e r , 'w ait'e r "riunta n ~The act1v~ J!'I\ c a ven· favorable rC'port t-0 t he tat ion of keys for outstanding- work tnrh ~- "\ . since hi~ _giaduat1on 'rcFrrl•n .~ C'. Dru \ner 42, an I Ttd p~nd~~1t~ . 1 ~ is planned to .ha\e a fehtt. thlle ca~h money pnzes in ca c:h dn 1- chapt r a )lontana State now num- Corp~ Area headquarte rs . (Cont inued fr om Page Two ) ro m c:olles:e. Ra!!"srlale 12. m; bal! g.une that att.et noon, ot c,.1 ~·on The first 1s ~500, second ~~50 hers 27 men m.e1estmg- sports, nnd a peppy 0 - 1. ml third Sl OO. The .... e dr awm...,.s wi ll ~ · chc,..,tla 0 furmsh mu~w fo: tlic 1a . 1,. .. • :\T· , 1 . b. th'"' 1 .Jack " elle1 was selected dC' legate Q / ·t f • Ed t • D f • ~ II Cla ss Offices Except That mixer \\ h >ch wil be held Ill the e\C· ~e JUI )(«I Oil •• t; ne xt l IS san elto the annual national tonvent1on t o ua l a lVe uca ion oc rine ning-. ' . ]Uf~l' ten emnneerin students SC- be held next f al l. Th .... , plaee of th i~ f LJ r Of Treasurer Banned at P urdue Jn charg-c of tnnsportat1ou will be lccted to rnmpoto a•c : ~J.B. Stnowski com·~nt10 11 has not yet been de- Is Aim 0 naver1ord University a (Omnuttee that has planned to ha.~e of l'mvers1l\: of :'.\Iani toba; A. Lyal l ltermmed. . I all the car.s as.semble 111 front of :\lam Ilou~e of ::\.fon'ana Slate college A sprm1t banque~. is lo be helc.l at. lla.11 <lt 2 ::W p. m. In his. way all C-0vett Robe;.t~--on .Ir of Unh·er-:-.1ty of ll e1riek Hall 'Ycdnesda ~. ~lay 20 Tla,·erforcl. Pa.-(::\SF. \ ) Vottll11! "' \\"c belil',·e," Dr. Cc>mfort said, 1i:ltcimty. The jumor p·om commit- t,hose who ha\'en't a way to 1!:Ct to the :\-hehiEran: C J. Rob;n of A rmour I n- 1 ~he ft~tern~lY 'yas founded a! L~ · a. sharp nitici-..m of m"-titution:-. of ' 'that he cuuntry n<'eds an exhibit of t c \\lll be elc<:te<l .Ls in past )'.ears. ~p1in~s ~~ou1d be> ab.le to securel"'titute of Technolos:,· ; E . A . J ohnson hc11!h u 111,·ei·"1h~ m Penn~yha111a m h1cher l<"arn m g- \\ h1eh allow them - qu<1hty iatlwr tlhrrn quantity in t-'<lm·a­The Gal.t \\ee . ..: commltil-'C! will be t1anspL>rtat10n . Olhenn:-.e t.h_e labs ;.f \i nrnur Institute ;lf Tech nology ; c. 1R88. ~m('(' thC'n 48 chapt~rs hav:e sch·e.:: to be ovt'1 -run "not \\tth sC'hol- t·on, and it L~ 111 kc1l'Pln1? with H .lHff­tuder.t counc-11. 1 he duties of th<! rlo. te-cl in tt..-.ul or bcm_z appointed. will ake thtm out for a mm1mum ll. \·olthich 01 Pm due unhersit:\.; R. 11 een. e:-.tabh ... hc<l . at th(> luidm:.r C'n_g-1 - ars. .. b· t wi th aimabfo bipeds," :u~d ford's tradition~ and de ... trny to ma kt• lass of 1» •r, !1.··,n be"!! 1>l.1t•>.c.l with Eath incommz fn:-,hman das::. "'II I h I t th• co11nt1·\· \ }11ah h h t h I d t t I t' I I th I t '"" ~"" "" .... ·-- I ff cmrgc. ."!so be'inno ) !. )Joiris. of the Umvcrc;ity of Pitt..- neermg- "'<' oo o ....- . . .. "'· w 1c ral· uncer~ra ua es mom con rt >U w n 1y >rmgmg- e lt'S

ar1ou~ ot:wr unin•r,..,itY ~rou1i.:-, and '-1 l .. a ila::-:s. t c:isurer t.o hod 0 ic:e .\. wonclC'tf .. l lunch ic::; .• "'bml!h · Rob<'r' B Kleinsch midt of th<' starnlmd of s<•holru-t;c a""hieYcment ts " droH•:-." in:-tcad of inol1vic!ually , D r. (~du at1onal ror<.:C':o; to bC'ar upon n ~ ont• 01fil'c, tl-at. o{ t.he fre hman 1 >l" f,iur yt•ars. . plannPd hv the girl" At present they emH·;·s ity o f Pennsylvania : .Tc>rC'miah ne e"-=:.v·v fo r ad mission f--0 the fra- \Y1!11am .\ . Comfort. p1esidcnt of small nu mber of ulrC'fulJy ..... e lt'<tl-'<i a_,:. , trrn u er, h~ls bet-n 1c amed Tlw \t tht• e;nd of the senior YL'ar a t·n:-i' - ~ wcn't d1Sclo"ed their menu, but t hey C. Iandolo 01 the tlnhe?sitv of Penn- ternib-. · Only junior and sen ior !;tu- Have•ford collc•ge, announ C'd the nc\\ ~tuch·nt~ .... fl an•rford j,.. in an almost rea 1.ln•r, as is thl• 1.:u,..,tom no\\, wil1. nu th• \\tll (lt..'Cl(f1._~ tiH~ nature. of t_he ha,·1• said 1l '~ 111 he a g-ood one. svh-a n ia ; aii.l D E :'.\ lcLC'od of dE:'nts in enf!i1ucnng- are eligible. (.•<lucat1vnal and athletiC' prog-ram of t:ni(]ue post Jon to l'rt•atr a exhihit of ·e for four ve..·u ... ('-0mnnth·e;·~ I mt morHll t 1 bt• g:i\·t•n !11c umvcrsi Y The•f" ar(' a grC'at many students on Lafa\'C'tte coll<"e"C. the tolleue at the· CentE:nnn· con\·oca.- national s i1..,'111fknnl·t•. Hs past nc-. h an• no\\ appoint1\c "'It be p]ec- bv the J!"t'tlduatin .. l·lac;s., to ~e pu~·- the campuo;;: who arc ~ellin g- ~ick etc:. for T h'c kn architecutural <::.t•'<lC'nts ~C'- NOT ICE! ion C'eH•mome:-. this wC'ek. · complishment it~ r esources, its \e m the future. < hast'<l fiom tho monC'y iemnming- 10 the ra.rty , Jt is hooed t hat lhe ticket~ leded to comm•te ar('' R F. 'Veber of ~nC'.akm!!" before a ~athning or O\er established pat"'onat?'(', its geo~"Taph 1-T1~ aetion h) tho coun H l::is.•,. Wl'C'k tlv · da.....:;s tH•asur~ The d~~~ trl'n"- \\11l al! bC' "o1d bpfore \Yl-.lne ... day cvP- ..\1cht.>r: . .\dams X(•}<:-0n . Chica~o ; Tht' rc " ill he 3 , oral rC'rit a l a thousand alt:mni. parents of ~tu - <«11 nos1tion its stuctl\~ hn11'ed am -:a?!le al'Out. after di .... cu ... -..1011 of tlr n·r will 3.Ct as l' a·1man ° e com - 1·in~ ~o th<" committee m d1arg(' can Ilat-r\· Burve of tht.• L'nhcr--ity of ( d ) s • 1 k . dent~ and fnc•n<l~ of the colleg-c. Dr. hition c·ombinC' to ~iH• rolor to our re '1t \""t~m h·Hl lw n canwd on ·niecr '[h,,, otheT memht',.." \\Ill be 113\.p a•11plC' time> l'-0 make arrang-e- .~1utl1•1 11 Cal1fo1nia·, R. 0 . Dfl'cter of t oni g ht. Tues a ~ at o e oc. m Comfort, President .\ Lawrl'nee hope. l~ ·ar .Thr tou;1lil f('cl that und~r 4 hP pr<.• i11('llt of the '\Jen's. P.m- mC'nt~ for the lunC'h . t~he ;~,,,\·er .. itv of Il linois·, A. c the E ncdneerin .1t assE'mhlr room . [.()well, nf Han1rd, a nd Pr(•s1Jent ••\Ve hav(• base<l mir r.cn·.cnary pro-~ .. .. nt 1)''111.V; n-.. +.hl·r(' ·~ f\0 1l('l~1 fr Jh·lkn·c· t:'OUl'C'll. thC' prcsu]c•nt or the c::~ ht~eben of the r niversity of Th C' pu hli c is cord ial! ) in,it ed. Thoma.~ S. Gat(' ... of PPnnc;yh·am:i, vram, wh1d1 I a.m <.ibout to annou net", la! s ~f t'C' ~ :md hat t."P\. n) 1onnoer \\"omPn'~ Pan-IlPllemi: coun 11.. th1..' .\X .\PPRECI \TIOX h r · <l. u · el '"h Ifft.• c>it ec:luC'at1ona l svs o the bv t judrrm<nt of our own fac c> t l\.:I"{.<l"I! "or "hi h tJ1ey W'-'It? •',' t' 1dc1~ of th~· r~u'n« i..\I .. {h~· ~~ft'~~('~i ! ~~!.1~~i~ ; 0~\ 1 j;,;0~~n.J tef ... 0~et~:<"'t n~ f XOTI CE I. · oEPE~DE:\TS :~ ;;; :.\ nl,1e<;.fra ~nd it" relatio~ · t~ uJ ,. and ~nc· ad VJ .ti of "om~ 30 p«Ju= h"-hP41. !l t ~· • ud n c,. h' 1 ,.. f th T h<' Fan4" ('hapterof Tntercollcgiate thP rniver~·tv of J lrnoi~ : L E l\k- Jfaverfo•d '-: new pt"ozram of n t1,·1ty. <'atn1 a nt h E"l" m:-.tituri~1n~ who \\e'"C , ,.U der the new pl.rn \~hkh goeq m1to n;•;_ ~ xpo1icJl and t e l' !Lor 0 e •I Knig-ht~ \\ ishE's to ~dncc>rely thank all C'ullom!'h of Town state coll<"l?'P; G E.


I mportant meetin g- Thur~day. The thrc•e como(·ation 'fX'C'<:he~ were ~utfieipntk mtc•res.ted m lfa,crford of ~ t 'l xt \~·· •1 eica \\111 be no f!·p~1- l~':'r·c:. . . 1

. th c:.nm(' tho..:;e per .. nn~ and $!roup~ " ho as~ist - C'rinf)f'n 0 r Iowa State eoll e•"'C' : A. L at ;) o'clock in Enl!'in~ring \s- hroad a"'• O\Cr a r<>lumbia rad io the• pa~t and pr" C'nt to <lt• "J 'n hc·l p In! <0

1.n e The sop~omore e~t1l110'1r ll 1" 1"' clt:e: 't;\ 1 ~ l .( nlUbll ha:d1ed in I cd in the recent convent ion held at , .J oh11 st-0n of Iowa ~ta t-0 colle~e : a nd sembl:r room. Finn i plans fo r hock-up of 30 stations in all parts of I in the formulation of our future p1ang. Bi •• t... held under the a usp1co< o I an< ' ass '"ea ei ' ," 1 e 1lontana State College. L. w Casey of Iowa State college. pa rty· will be discus<ed. the country. (Continued on Page Three) 14t'k Tongs, sophomore honorary the present manne1. • ---~





tb¢ w~~~1!~ 19~Xl-'On¢nf !-.I ___ S_l\_IA-T-TE_RI_N_G_~"-'F_~_:Jn_M_l\H-11E_D~-~-A_N_D_T_H_E_R_E~-:-The Fangs are lo he hi!!'hly l'Omplimentcd on their succ('~::;ful Conn~ntion.

.:'llny all o!" the l~nighb rc<.ln"t'I' from t.heir stnmuous good time~.


Cvntinuance of the Monthly Exponent, Established 1895

PuLlished C\'t•ry Tuesday of the college year by t:.he staff chosen from the Associated Students of illontana State College at Bozeman. Montana

SuDscription Rate: S2.00 per school year

The Ag-s and the Home Ecers hnYt'.' at la:-:.l fou nd n mutual undc-rslamling. That 's one way to get eYer~:1>ne interested in a Dcpa r tml'ntal picnic.

In ,he . \ pril in;n i=-t-uc tif the m:t::· 37.ine "Cini Engin.:cring" there i~ ·1 \ C'rY l"'.\:C'Clll'nt. artic:c by Thacl.lcu . ..: :;\ lci-rinrnn. nu..•mb<"r of tlw .\mcrinm 81.)Cil•ty of Ch il Eng-,11t't.·r:-; m~d l. :iiet EnJ.!"illL'~r of the Huard ot \\all'

Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, 'The C'hi Omci:rn:. are ori,dnal in th<'ir st~pping- stone walk. bl~t Wt.' ~re Supply of the city of :\ew ):ork .. on Act of OcLolJer ;j, 1U27, authorized February l'i, 19Hl worried that the hritlal party will han.' ti.) come down lhc walk smgle Ille. g1!~g-~~~~~~ ... ··r.):.~icd1.•~b~l n~~:~u~~·ri·~;~~

Telephone 117-.Ask for El\.Ponent. On l\londa)s After 12 :00 noon-SO cn.dnce· ing ~Ludcn: 5 ha\ l' ulrNt.ly Jt i$ too had that such heautiful g-irls as our P rom Queen have to g-rnduate. rl'a<l t.his artL lt'. but. if t.hey h:.lH· n1\l

~~~~~~~~-frl~~g~~·-~·.-.-.-... '..~'.'.·.·_·_·~·-·_-_-_-.·-·~-_-_-_-_·_-_-_·_·_·_·_'.-_'. .. ".".~_-_-_'.'.".-_'.'.-.~ ... -_'.-_'.·.-.".".'.'.'.'.'.-.·_-Ai~e~~r1~.1Gr~t~ \\·c mu$l mentil)ll the fact that the :Kappa Sig's mocking--bird was in tl)Wfl Friday night.

th. y will find it emint'ntl~· worthwhil ... ·. In · fac·t. ~nw s.tudent. will lin1l ilw ar .iclc quilt• wo1ih rcadint!'. Tht• 01x·n· ing- parap;raphs of thh~ artkle m·c:

NeYi s Staff

~:s~=fi1~f fd~~~~r -------.-_·_-_-_._._. .. _..-_'.·_-_-.-.-.-.-_-_-_._-.--··-·-···_-_-_-_-.-.-_-.-.-_-_-_~_-_-_-_._-_-_-_·.-_-_-_-_-~·_-_-_._-_-_-_-_~_._-_-.-_--_-_~~i~~~~1~i~e~Ji Associate Editors .... ·-----·· .-\lice Ynn<lenhook, \\'" e:sle:y Funk, Franklin Dewey Sports Editor --··-····-·········--··--·--------------··-··--·--·-·-··-·-·- ·---·--·-·-·-·- ... -... \\'allace llarrity

Assistants Chet Huntlc~·, Ralvh \\'ii.son, Peck :McFarland, John Peterson.

Feature Editor ··-······-···-··-·---······---·----······- -- .. --------··--··-------·-·- .. ···-·--····Mary Hakala ~.\ssistant:s-llclcn OJi\'er, Kathryn Kclletl, Mary Lowney, Clara Route

\Y omens Sports .............. _--·---·-·--··------ .. ·-·--··--····-· ....... ---·--·--- ·----- ...... Dorothy Garrett Assistants-~largaret Kunkel and Sarah Barringer.

Society Editor ·-··-···-·····-·--·-----·-·-·-.. ···----·--···-·······---···-------········-·······---Helen Souders Assistants-Lucile \\'esto\'er, Betty \\' esch, Mila Tanner, Josephine )licklich, .:\anc.r Smith, Gretchen Lchrkind, i\largert Souders, \"irginia Speck.

Rcporters-~Iarg-nrct Bowman. Yirgil Hurlburt, Helen Eagle, Stewart " 'ngner, Phil Hobert$, :Sam Eagle, Harry Adams, Bruce l\lull. i\Iargaret Gm·.r, Lucile L.rtl'll, Louise Talmage, Henry Lund. Joe \\"alters, Patrica Gort!, Patty Patten, Helen Bradbury, Annn Lee Johns, Jeanncbclle Chaplin, Betsy Jal'ks.on, Kay Ri\'Cl"!$ 1 Fay Clark, Lorraine Thompson, Ho:se Stone, Julia Kuaff, Ll'ona OraYetz, Gral'e Crc~ap.

Proof Reader .... .................... ......... --·-··----····· --·-···-·-· ·--··-·······--·--·.Edward McPherson Typists·-· -- -·-- ____ .............. ----·····-·-·---·· ------·--··---·-··· _______________ Ruth Lowe

Billie Henkel, Dorothy IIanna.h, :'.lary Jane Roberts, Lawrence l\Ialmborg1

~ ina Da\'i:-, :'.lay Burkart.

"Lndc is tht• ~cit.-nce (1f <.'Ill rect The S<:"niors don ' t ha\'c to kt·~p rules anymor(', hut we sint'C'l'('\y hope that thinking; it. is U\0 :ui of n•a!'.onin .

they will keep Uwir heads. l.o.t!"ic is the s i<.'ncc Qf 1.·omwding- .an<l l'ont.nL..;ting- infen.•nl·es, 3$ m_u1..'h a~ 1t ~-::.

The Junior and SenilW women held their annual Pow-\Yow \\'ctlnesclay. l!1l~l~:\l~i~. 1~~~l~~:t:.~~~\ r ... ~~\:)~1:1 ~;ea;;~!!~ Pe-rson:illy we think it was a big- Bull Scs~ion . ~n "'~nd. :.·ct no P~ re con<.'t'pt i~ \-nlhl

unt~l it ha~ bt'cn p on•n hy the n• suit~ of ob:-:t•n·ation. A pro\'Cll Cf>n­

Oh. Lyle, how could you bear to let Lut'illc go ou t with nn utter ~trang-cr l't•pt is dunonstratl"'<l lruth .. luclj?'mt•nt Friday nig-ht? i~ tlw n~,-ull l)f r :l."'l'ning- from proY<':

t."orwepL". Tht• Yalue o( a jutlg:nwnl i~ \Ye hOJ'C the Alpha o·~ beha\'Cd like ladies thi.s week ~o as not to Rhock in proportion to tlw l'Xpcricnn· of it~

Jll't)nounc·t>r. Thu~ i:'o lo)!ie sc>\'ll. t_o bf' their new housc-chnperone. both a :"-l'it'nl'. and n.n art. ~ wme

'-'onnoh'~ l'nkrly tib:-wrYation of fa t . \\' a:'l it the Sornritie~ or the Yisiting Kni!rht:s that rah•<.l th<' hig~t'.'sl hrcak whilc mt l"' tlv pradil·al and ::-killful

application of dt•mnn:-:.t--nkd truth, .of nun• .<'lwt•pt. and of tran~ct'ndent 1n-Fridny night'?

\Ya~ Tomm.r SC'an' tap dnnce n question or an exclamation? fl•t;;r;11~~1;1 A.1·istotlt'\ <lown thrnul!h Kan· 1 to lkrb<'rt SJ>t>IH'l'r. th .. • ~tudy of lo!._rir I

I I ti · t fell h:1s fo1·wartit•d all JffCK'C-:"-~<.·~ of thou!!"ht The Pi Phis ju:;;t couldn't contain themsc YCS any ong-cr, iey JU:-> .,n,! been t.hC' nn·nn~ of t!Tcnt ndvancf' that th0y had to be heard . m<'nt in humnn tm<ler~tamlin~. ln thi.;o

worltl of eH'rv-day life. . loEric makr~ l \V1:'11. " C'rcsty" you made the big hit of the week. \\' here did you g-ct that i'-.; pr ·..-ent'C' folt_ at all tin~t,~ :i1~(1 in

Yoice? I ~~1nJ~1

:~<-·~~·u1 ~·~,~11l~n 1~f1~~~ ... 1~~ir-'-:~()i~{"~! Business Staff

Circulation Manager --·-·---------·· Assistants-Rudolph Stokan, .:'llehin ~1.atson.

<·(w~-den·d ~ .... a to•)l fo ... PV<'ry-(Ia:.~ u..;c 1·~thr>l' than u:.:. n seil'nn• to hC' ex­pournlt,d.

•·That whirh i.;. rntir• I:.· Jo:::itinl to onr> man ma\· he whollv illn ·ieal to

T_he .\lpha (\'s are unique, in lhnt they hC'ld the first "Sorority Rmoker" <'no'hC't'. nol }i('('aUSC' th{' }(lr"iC' oi <.·it''~'t'

·w e henr that thC' Sitt::. ha\'c ;\ Sig Alph night when they throw lhingg at ......... .Jack Erkkila l'D<'h other. \Yha l could the mcanin,g be'? The naughty boys.

Advertising Manager ............ _____ -------------··· .. ·--··-.. ·-·-----· .. ······--····- .. Frank Ceserani • ..\ssistants-Richard SlatteryJ Robert C'ro~sthwaite, Tam Fnrds, Ralph Ho$ig, Glenn Fri~be, Parham llat:ker, Cynthia. Hopkins.

Business Assistant ____ ... _. ___ ..... ___ .. ____ ·----·-··--------·James ·waters

Courier Print ~-~ Bozeman, Mont.


(Ill :\lonlana Slate's Campus. i:-:. in error. hut h''caus(' thl' lord of nt•itlwr hn-:. bC'i•n C'omplC't<.'ly and cor-

Thc only cau~unlty charg-cd a{!'uin~t the Fangs thiK week wn~ a hnlken ~~~\\~.u};1~11~:~-,~~- f:i~~ri~e1:~~thJ; ~~r heart at tllC' Pi rhi house. wht•n the'I.." an• illlp..'lrlia1ly Yil"W d

+hrougoh th<' mit~·o:-rOJ* of rC'n ... <m." The K. Ds. are lu1Ying nervous prostrations about lht> hou~ini:? question

for 1wxt year. Poor Dears, thC>y may ha\'l~ to nppeal lo the Red C'mss yet. I~TERCOLLEGL\ TE KNIGHTS CHOOSE TD .\ no


(\.<mtintH'cl from P:lC'f> flne) wt"re mad(' lo 1. R. A. Curry. mul \Yalter Hendrix. The con\'l'ntion nlso

"""-''-"""~~'-'-'-'-~~~'-'-~~'-~ v ~

FOR .\.1\Y OCC.\ ' JOX

~ M. LANGOHR, Florist $ 19 E. ~l a in Phone 95


1111 I I I 1111 I I 11 1111 I I I I 11 1111 I I I I I I I 11I11 I I 111 111 11 11+

Seniors Announcements and Cards an• now Ready

Extra Announcements AYailablc

HAUSEMAN & McCALL Phone 107 t Eas t Main

1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ..

1111111i111ItI111111111i111J111 111lI1 111111111111111•

\\'!:'\' BER HEART WITH C.\XDY A box of :.\Ii~s Saylor's l'ni,·0r"al Chol'olate"

will ahrn~·s ~at1"fy

The Bungalow "\Yhere Quality Reigns''

..........+4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f " I I I I I I ' I I 11 11 I I I I I I

~~..__"'-"'-''"'-"'-'-'""'-""''-''-~'-"'-"'-"'-'-'~"'-'~''""'''''~ a i I H. B:,~,~CA y I ~ PHOXE 49 l ""'~'-''-..__~...._,,,,,,,~~~""'-~~~~"'-~

Yesterday the men studenb of ?llontana State College reported to the bleak and "·ind ;wept face of )fount Baldy to r ej u\'enate the giant "?If," authentically reputed the largest letter of its ki11d in the world.

Pardon u~ ! To say that the men students of .i\fontana Stale College repainted the '':II" is an error. When the names of those who did the \\'Ork were checked O\'er. it was found that true college spirit. sportsmanship, intestinal fortitude, loyalty, and pride exists only in a pathetic minorit>-, 29.J r eported for labor and .JO presented excuses accepted by the student authorities. That means that the other 303 men ('?) who grace, or rather dis­grace, our campus lack the qualities pre\'iously mentioned. They belong to the spineless, listless, and "let the other fello\\· do it" class of pikers who sleep in. go home, or attend to personal affairs when the college authorities grant them a full day to do three hours work. They are the fellows, howewr, who say to Yisitors with pride in their rnices, "See OUR big letter, it is t he biggest in the "·orld-\\'E paint it twice each year-and, \\'E sun·eyed it from the top of :Montana Hall."

than it has had in former yearn. This is quite a significant sum of money. It may be that an issue of the Exponent be elimina ted 011 account of financial shortage. Last fall the management of the Exponent was taken o\·er with a deficit to make up. " 'e ha,·e mininizcd expe1rnes in e\'ery way possible. \Ye ha,·e gotten practically no cuts made and those that ,,.e hm·e used lu\\'e been paid for from other sources. As much acl\'ertising as possible has been secured. These things ha,·e been clone at the expense of much ad\'erse crilicbm on the part of many students. If you hm·e been forced lo look O\'er too man,· ads or ha\·e not seen yours or your friends pictures in our columns ,,.e are sorry. You ha\'e sa\'ed twenly-fi,·e cents.

Yoted to 11re..-ent :-:-imilnr 1'eys to -----------------------------­Arthur Ru<:klC'y and Stan Hale of lclaho.

All thC' c·on\"t•ntion hrld in Herritk lla!L wert'.' hou~ed hy the '\[, '' C'.

lll.C'C'tiO"'"S W('l'(!'

The dl'ieg-ntes IralC'rnities of

S.\J,E~rn \'.\ \\' .\'.\ TED

\\"ante\1: An upi. r1.:1ag-=nl:.m t.o hantlh• a dann, pro~"l·am, .stntion­l'ry aml Xmas .ard line on the rnfnpu" during- the UrH-:~~ s1.·hnul year. ..-\ppb· The )[a .. 4er En(!'l'a\l'l"s , llug-hc"' Rid~ .. PN·t. land, 0 t~e-on. Gin• ;.n·ti,-'.tiei::. fta 'o1..>n1ity and n•fl•renn~~:·

h I II 11111111111i11111111111111 11II11I111i11111111111


ORTON BROS. Come in and hear your [a\'Orile piece

By what right do these slackers speak of this shining emblem as their propert>'· For them to use the \·erbal inflection of pos­session is an affront to those students whose hearts pulsate beyond their tongues. A person might expect that those males ( ?) "who spin not and neither toil" \\'ill link about the campus with hang-dog exi;.ressions on their faces, and that they will try to a\'oid their brethren who are \\'illing to sacrifice. Such will not be the case, howe,·er, because the member· of this group of weak sisters referred to are too selfish and non-cooperatil·e to realize that they transgress by shirking and leaYing this work for others. They \\·ill probably smile at the contents of thi s editorial. Let them smile, you boys who took part in the cold and dirty labor, you ha,·e the satisfaction of knowing that your college spirit will stand the test. Also you are assured that ,·ou did not come to college to sleep and become proficient in the art of "passing the buck."

But we are \\Tiling this not for oursel\'es but for our successors next year. The new editor and his business manager will hm·e the r;sponsibility of putting out the \\'eekly Exponent \\'ith less mone,· than il is possible lo publish a well-balanced college paper. \\'e feel that the addition of 25 cents as a deposit towards editing of the Exponent is necessary and warranted.

Dear Dave: ! ~~~-~~~~--~-~---~~ f""" ·~~~·~~·~ ·~ ~\~~~~~· .. ·~ i

There is another group of spiril -squelchers on our campus who desen·e criticism. Probably they acted without reali zing exactly what they did. The group referred to is those faculty members who took adrnntage of the holida,, to conduct inspection tours and to hold all-day laboratory classes. :\Iaybe they are too wrap­ped up in their work lo understand that being a college graduate means more than ability to manipulate a slide rule and to juggle test tubes. "J.\1 Day," as we understand it, is set aside bv the college administration for a specific purpose. It is not an dppor­tunity for professors lo broaden their courses, e\'en though the broadening is \·ery much worthwhile and commendable.

Something must be done. To lea\·e the proposition to the volun­tary efforts and spirit of l he student body seems lo be use le s. Part of our so-called collegians mu ,· t be eit her taken b,· the hand and led, or forced 1i,, threat. to perform their duty.

Suggestions are in order. -By Leonard Wing


At an election held last spri ng ::\lontana State College students rnled on a re·apportionmcnl measure, which cut the deposit going into the Exponent fund l wenly-fi,·e cents per indil·iduaL Taking the rough consen·ati\'e est imatc of one thousand students enrolled at :IL S. C. it means that the Exponent has $2i'i0 less lo operate on

Meters By

Centi and :Milli

Deitr Cent.i an<l 1\lilli: Do you know B. J.?

Dear Glen: ::lure, 301.

Questionally, Glen Frisbie.

Sootltlngly, C<!nt1 and ;i1illi.

Dear Ccnt.i and )Jilli : Did the auclie11<:e show much feeling­

\\.·hen \ 'i,;enne ::.ang on the Glee dub t1ip '!

Yow·s 'Don Kintz.

Dear Don: Yes, we hc.ar that they bcgnn feel­

ing for their hat.:::.. Alway.s,

Centi and ~Jilli.

Dear CcnLi and ;\Jilli: Do you know t.hat it's no essu \' to

ha\'e t.hc Pope at a tornaLion '! • QLe.<t.ionally,

D ... ar F'ranklin: $Q we noticed.

Franklin Dewey-.

Always, c~nti and )li!h.

Dear Centi nnd )I illi: How lllany gas lines arc there in

Bozeman? Yours for a prompt. reply 1

Dear :llugirs: .:\lugg-s Howe.

::\lak<.~ three, counting- Lh~ old line the new line an<l tht• eollcg-c rnen. '

Affect.ionalcly, Centi and :llilli.

Dea~· Cen ti and .:'llilli: Did ,rou know that 'Yarcl propo~cd

four limps lx•iore 1 accepted him'! Sw<><'tly,

Dc•ar Mary: Mary Patt.cc.

llu h ! \\'ho W('!•c the Lhrec tlt..1.l tul'ncd him down?

'\\'i t.h IO\'t, C'<>nLi and :l!ill i.

:i====:===:n:n:n:n::::=:::====::n:n:i ff Ot•ar C'Pnt.i and :llilli:

PERSONAL STATIONERY I . T ,hea~· that t.he TT. S. g-orl'rnnwnt 1.s_ s1 ~Tt1ng a c·ampaig-n Lo consc1-..·e wild hf<'. \Vhat do<.':-; that mean?


I Pat Go re,

Dear Pal: BRIEF C \SES FOUNT \IN PENS , w,. think that it• a movement to

, P~ILLIPS. 800.K STORE !ll ::,::~:·.::~:;';,, "'" I ~ Dorothy Garn•tt opinionated ?

=n:w.=nw.u::nr.:m::::m=:nu:m:m::nimn==nu Yours, t Davo Ri\~enes .. 1

With your name and address

Say, :5-he hns fallt'n ar('he~ Irom tak­ing- t'lands on question.:::..

LoC~~ft~Y~m1 I\1i11i.

i TH.\T SUITS YOU - t ~ BEST t

Dear Centi and ~lilLi: I ~ PARK t Can you suggest some sys. cm for ~ l

wea•ing my clothes? ~ Barber Shop .Anxiously, ~

Dear Ka\·: 11 E. Main


Paints and Kalsomine

Phone 182 26 w. !\Iain k uy \\' i!lard, - t \\~l~a'.• ;·our Sunday <:lothes on Sun- _ _ - _. - .... -----~4------4--4--4--4--4--4--.....

day:-; and your week day c:lothes on _il';_"-'-'-"-"'-"-'"-'"-"-"'-'"-"-''-'-"-'-"-'-'-'-'-'-'-"-"-'-"-'-'-----------------------------­b\~~~d~·~·)·t· Can wr come o\'cr on your I

Alway~, C-enti and :.\1 illi.

Dear Centi an<l i\lilli: \\'"hat'.s a bad girl?

Doub' fully . Gwen Bowler.

nt'.ar Gw('n. One wlw <.~a.t ries lo\'C- lo ib lo~h:al

conl'iusion. . \Yilh cnution .

Centi nn<l /.tilli.

Wel i«sil•)', 'lass.-(JP) That the Amerkan g-i1 l is allowed far 1 s:-; I libC'rty in t·ullege than t.he G<.'nnan girl, contrary to the .rrenera l impn•s· sion, is the opinion or 7\liss. Ann dl' Papp, oi G<'.'rmnny, an t. xchang-c stu­dent at \\~ellt'slt·y C'-01lt:>:,!e ht•re.

Ameri an J.!"i·l~ work harder at. tlwir studit.·s throui.!11 the s_mcslel', i\li~:; d(' Papp said. hut. Gerrnnn girls ~tutly hardt"r for lhl' final examination::., whi<.·h arc \·ery difTieult in Gl·rm<.llly.

. C'harlotte-;;\'illc. Yn, (IP) -Nt..'\' l O"k lead:-> all other states oubit.L of \ 'irJ-,rina in th<' number of .studt'nts ~ent h') Lhc l'niYl·r:·dty of Yi rginia hl.!'l",. Students from 41 stat..·~ anti l;l foreit.'1l eountries. are among- tht• record numb r of 2,600 l'nrolled thi~ year.

Cnmbridg-1;', :\la.~s. (l P) - F ollowing­thc l'l'fusul of 11!11•\ anl Univcr=--it ,. lo acl'cpl a g-ift in n will lo e1ltkrn t·ou 1sc's for inslruc.·tion in lUg-<.•nil'~. the Suprt•nw Court. of P ennS\'lnrnin has rult"tl tha t the~ monc>y mn-st ht• g-i\'l'll le> sonw ()t.lwr in::.titution for lhe :->nm(' pu1·posC'.

For lhe Haircut that s uits you bes t- :





El.l-,l. rRIC l'RO(;R,\~I, llRO \1)­

t \ST J:\rR\"~\"Jt RD.\Y t '\I"

l'\l~G (\:\ ,\ :>..\llU!\-WIDE.

N.U.L. !\l."l\\URK.




ATR:\C'K 1111:1~\ \\ill tdl Yl~u th.tt TlCorJs an:- hro'r..t'n \\hen the tr.lC1'. \'- j,, t. l' h1;1 (lf t \I' S nin~ .1 ("l1l 1 -n .. ·n1n;,

the st.1n,!s O\utl \\lll _,the \\hdc '-}1cct.lL ~ hri .. ndv- tidn 1i ,, 1th G-1' fh di!.!:' .t:-., " .if a i".bt tr.1..::k - J. recur...'! !i;llll' y couldn't ~t:m1..l t

1·C " g:1ff."

:\1i:.:httime1 \~·hen people n:vur . .lly t'::r•1 to l;;\-cr.-ion 1 is !he ll'f!il.';1l t:m..: !er ;\ track lllt'."t.'L I .tc'c;, ( f surr )ft \\I' ht' 3 dung ol the p.bt. .\nJ just \\,tt .. h the .tthkti..:: lun-.. ::-row.

G-l. floodli~~htinf! pr j .. i:t n 1 l.m~1,· the dt:\ c.:l_opmt~nt ol <.:olkt!t."·tr.li1w.l mc.:·n, ;1rc c.1'i \' ~hi..t'tl: I tn any tX:c:t-.1un \\ht'thtr fu, rl~.111, tr.i.ck, tt·nnis, i.::t m"mcn1..·c.:111t·nt, r"'·ccrti~m:-, or pl.1y .... l 1licicnt C-E illumin:u!<.lll pn1111d<.'s .1thkti1.·s and huild: school spirit.

I or f:1rt'ur illf.Jrma:fon t:t!.!n·s.s J'uli/,'cit)· /)1•(11n-t11unt

(I;. I tbr Ul-'t·J.:Vo-··rh1· /.i~ht /Jwt .. "taruJ

.._\'por:s m .\,_hr. "




tana St~:" ..: ,}h;g-e, tbl• ~lontana Soc·i- ~~~~~~ ID ~~~~~§ et\· of E:. ~nec>r:< \\ ·11 alsu man.e a ~

1 .!! I ~ • • .... • • • • .-..w...... • ... ._......_ ........... .._......_~~

-::.1iniJar award to ou~:-.tan~n~ En- ~ ~

~~~,~~ino~ ~ii~::~::~e. the· Sta c l I fr~n\e~i~lt;~:;;nrf~~~i~f.~ II !~ CLASS!~e B!~~~t~n~~n.O~[B~~!! SHOP I~~ ,\lonlana Sociely of Engineers

Will Gh e Gold l\ledal to Best One of Fh·e Chosen

,\, W. S. Council meetinl' in either sterling sih·er or ~ llerri ck Hall Thur-<!a) at .; :00 'olicl gold. o'clock.

Lillian Tubb. Leslie E. Gage EVERYTHING IN BEAUTY WORK I '.'\OTICE I Optometrist and Mfg. Optician ~ l\l F ~

In accordam.:e '' ith the clli'tom by I Broken Lenses Replace<l the ~ r s. rancis Baker, Operator ~ h i v c I whi.h tr.e :.\lon:.ana ~odcty of En~i- ~\II women riflf.' f:andidates see I! Same Day , ...,,._,,._.........,.._.._....._.,..._._.._. ............... ..._._.._._ ............... .._w · .. '" -J-....,.._~

SO< J \L C.\LE:'\O \R Bob Culloncn, bot 0 enn:r, 0 o- necrs awurd.s the must outs .an<l·n~ n~~ke on bullet in in ;\lain Hall rado. senior grnduating eng"m<.'t!r trom .\lon- ror inter _ sorority_ lndei:cndent 20 S. Black A,-e. Phone 8 12-J

Tut day. )!av l!J ;\Jus1 1 l' ... itai in tana ~t.at.e college the c.1wincc. in,! meet. cnc-im~ ing huilding. On.c.ga Beta. 1at·dty hai:; sclt"<.:tccl five slutlen.s trom

Wedn<· lay. Al.a} 20 \\" n.en's ora- ... <.utin \\ ll.son of Sl"attlc, \\'a~h., which he will be cho.:-;cn. The fiq~ can- --------------- E R I C K S 0 N J S t1> :cal ,. ntc • at 7:1;0 p. m. wa3 a guc.:::H. 01 Umcga He...a ourm.; dida~es arc: Don .. \h:E,liot , indu:-trial

I·.riday. :\Ia :!:.! C. E. s.pring party; tni;: 1nw1colltg-ia.-c h.n.gn "oun:n- e:ngintc1ing-, Gicat Falbi Walter \\".l- l ~-· • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • 1 1 • • • • • • 1 1 ';_

r 1. B. sprn(" party. uvn. hams, cledrital eni;int."<!ring, Butte; Ellen Thea.tre News Stand T ' t"1Jay, .\a" 2> "Jnd ·pendent pnrt)·: 1 . .H.. A. ( ur,v amt Gorham Roberts RudoJr h Ro~·. ci\"il cng-tnc.er111).!. Boze- 1 :\lrs. Sina Cutti n g •, ~, __ - he Park ::

A.n "'' prm:r par y; Kapr •. 1 S1J.m1a we1e urnm:1· gu"e"t::> ur Unu:.;a vet.a ~nan; Brul'e )lull. cle1.:tri.al t>ng1neer- Pe riodicals. T obaccos, Confcc-p1 n -r part), J•i Heh Ph. spr •::? :-:.at ... irday. Inf!.". Gla~g-uw, and Rot.ert. Erb, cle<:-

party. .'1.r. au<l )Ir:::.. IL (. G ce\'cr were tTical engineering-, 2\lilltown. tionary, :\ovelties, Box Candy, I ~ · !\Ion.~~ •. \la~· 2;, Mr. Kintz" mu:-ic:il !:)unuay tlLDtier guL:.-b 01 Umcg-a Beta. The junior anu f.enior engint.etin,.:. and up-to-dale merchand ise. l ~ · ~

_ wc- taJ. _ bolJ :-,haiJaJ'h.l.:r. u 0111 liut....c spcnL :)tudenb will \ ote omo row and elect I Creamy Root Beer •

r: rert Joint anque"". I L. \ e1n R1ve1::; ~pent. the \H--ek end make the final sdett1on. p I 'I dnv, '.\by:?~) .\ pha Gamma ne-Jt::i at Vct:r W.l~c and .\11:::.:-.0UJa. The winnt.•r of the U\\Uld. \\Ill re- ~I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I·= 00



Prompt, Reliable Service - Careful, Courteous Drivers

PHONE 3-1-4-W \\t !1 l~dar. )Jay :!1 )J,.. <: rctttal: 't.ne \\C.<eh. end a,, tnc Omega netalthiec. 0 ; t.he::;e men from \\h!ch the SO.'.\lETfIING NE\\ 1h ·r 1 ·ty, lay 2~ 2\Jontanun-Ex- hoUJ:i.e. )J..()ntana Society of Eng-mt~r:-. \\Ill I -

p •n..,. party, S1,_:ma .\lphn E1•"1lon I --- 1.:ei\ e a gold medal \\ h1ch will I)~ ~ ~ ~a t~-~r:;,p~l;~~- ~· Pi Kapi?a ~IJ?ha ::;1~~~t~;;h.1A~~,:~lo~~ :)i·rma . .\.l1}ha \~:~~h;L1h~~~~~:t~~lld~~a~o~i~t~~L \\'.I~ SMARFTorHTAhaltRCUT ~ 6 ol f { .. --.. --- .... - .. -.... ----....... w~_,.._,.._,,..._-........................................... -.,,,..,,....

p~n· _P}11~-·R· 1;i~rn r~v.=--pnng Ep:,don mmound~..s tnc ,_~~mal.m1t1a- Theawan!b>m~1!le~nt.hefollowin'.! ~ ; ~ QUALITY SEEKERS BUY FROI\1 THE pa, ;y, .\ (,. · s 11 ~f ~a • ital· t.ion vl John lrn.ley and \\11l1<.1.i1 ~tatcmen.t of qualihca!..1on,.;: i: - Come in and t.ry our new ~

)J'\~1•~;. .J L· '.\l:·n ;~~<:da :~unch' c1owl1:y o1 Luzcman, Howard la,.;.n- 1. S::-.hular:-;hip as eYiclenc:cd by ~ ~ w E s T s I D E G R 0 c .. ~tar 1111..1. : • _ lo • mOJt: of lJillon amt l:iL"Orgc ::::,.nanley u.1. schola..-.;t1c r~ord. ~ Come to the Nine Bole Course ~ E R y L no U> I llU


clock. (;ruat tall; on :Sunday, .11ay 17. 2. lntcl'l'lty as measured by repu· ~ I...,..,.,,,..,.,,~~~. . --. 1 ::> • ....-L E. entertained at brcakiast 1 tation for h.one~t a.r.1d. fair <l~1lin~ ~ HOTEL BAXTER - :-lfa?ulton Hall. .

1 t I :-=uudav morrung in honor of the new amon7 as......,or ates. <\1111 mst.ruo or~ .

~J he ~1rb of Ham1lt.·.;in Ila 1 ~n er- intt-J<I ~·s. Alumni prc::;cnt were Prot. ;~ . Engineering- promi:"-C a" demon- 9 EAST MAIN tamc~-l the frc 1:~t.'n g rb who CJ~ .n~t .:\Iclall and Lieut. Jacks.on. fttatei by in~erest. experience anJ _ ;;;

Staple and Fancy Groceries

iivc• m the d':rnu..ory at a brcakfa~t, . --- aptitm:c in eng-ineerin.!! work, and by BARBER SHOP "' • • ' • ' • ' ' ' • ' ' ' • ' ' • ' • ' ' ' •·' • :-, llfiay rnornmg. p- h. . \I h abilitv to , omman'i an I the respect

A 11rcc cour:o.e bn·akfa:-.t.. \\:a..." 1 appa ~ P a. and go id will of fellow ~tudent:-". Phone 266 410 W C t" ~ rvc1!. Bc•-wccn l·ou1 :'CS .ent.c~111- i .Euwm I·n~·n!>wurth ~ n d Lc~-er Be~idcs he :-;enior pkk~d at :\Jon- ~ Patronize Our Advertisers · ur 15

:> m~nt v.as fum1.:.he4! b\~ )Jtss Leigh, \\ alte1s "~ \\ a:shm~""tvn State collc~c, 1 1 1 • • • • • • • 11 1 • • • 11nn11· 11 n1 • 11 • 1 J".- -.-~.,,._ .. .,. • .., • .., • ._ • ._ • ...,.,.,., ............ .., • .__ • .._ ........ ,._..,.,,..,...,.., ...... ...,.,,.,,.....,,..,.., ...... ~,,.,-.,,. • ., • ..,..,.,;:~


L"llian \\'tll;om ,, an;l Cynthia were gu-.:-;t:.- over llll.' \H.>t•k 1:n<l <lur- ------------------------·------_;_ _________________ :..::_::..:_;:_;, . .;.;,;:;...::.:::..;.;.;.;.;;...::.;...::.:::..;;.:,;:;;;·;-;•;•;•:,:•:,:•:;•:;•;;•;•;•;•::•::•:;•:;•;;•;•;•;·;•;• J 1 1pkin~. ing hl· .t aag t·onn~nt1vn .

l.Yel\"n I· rec o was the Saturday ~1 i\.appa AIJ1ha entertained at a l>H·ak1 ~ t ·ut'"- of Kat:iryn Llilford. smokt·r 10r Lambda Lhi Alpha on

(.il'T!('\U \\'it., h ltl Gral'e Gilchris ... a::; Sund.a.:r alternoun. h1 r <linm•r ['"Ue ton Fr.day n"ght.

. \lpha Omicron Pi. .\I :-.~ Lcu.,:t. H tpncr \\a the house

h.aper m d the a1 cn1 ot,; of 2\liss

Lambda Chi Alpha . Dave )la:"-on and Cyril Conrad were

c.linnL·r g-ues l• rid<.t~y eYening.

Jt.~-1~ 1i~nuo B< ulwa•,. and )I,, Ritchie ()l.\LITATI\ E EIJLC.\TIO .. r turned Satu1·<Jal rom the Wee Llub DUCl"l!J'.'\E IS .\DI OF 1np .

.-\.phn. OnJc·on Pi c1.t-ertained he Jn,ercoJh,.riate I\..n;·~ht.~ Friday e\ -

IL\\ ElffOIW L'.'\1\EHS!TY

r.ing- with CJga cttL's and coffee . (Continued from Paue Onel 2\1ary Jl~kala. .:-;pt.•nt the week end at I ".\!'J::>t bo)s naYc ::>Utticient brains

he~~ :h~hme :n :{cd ~~~e . ~ \\.in.er::; tu uo tnc toJlco:ic wuik. we are plan-E4. ' ,J )~n on, . J., i:rare.. . I nlll.,. tor them Ji tncy are m.en~:stcll.

.a_nd Pe-..i.· l JI1r:-.h s;>ent th(• wcC'k end m Im 7'nteile<:tuu1 'ta:,k.s. \\ c propose w 1 u~t~. p 1 ., I emv1uy e\"ety 1ca::.ona1.>lc mean:; to

, ~ 1 ~~~1~ h.u~ns.sof, _II~i~~~~1 K~hnnt~ sun- oe...e,L tho::;c wno nave tne aln!lt)·, the tla~ 1 .... h hei.. tl~, · . . J. c.dlll)l.IOll and. t.ne <:lUlt<.lCl.E:r LO ma.Ke . P3:u1.lllt' '\ uak · pc,t the week C'fi I 1....s1.:.·1ul men. 1 ne brcL"<l u.i. college .men 111 Bi11mg:.::;. 1.:an be nnpro\'ed by tt1~ s~iccttve pro-p· B t· Ph· --- Lt:;,.:'. \\ c arc not :iCl:Klllg tor intel-

1 (' a 1• • ~ · icdural prod.1gic~ at the age 01 ll), .Jud.l!'t; anll )Its. Geo!·ge \·Patten but iur \\cll-bata11cco youths \\ho ha\e

Wl'l"l' dmne-r ).."'UC t; on fuc:-:.day t.>\'e- wme idea 01 wr.at thty \\ant an<l ate

ni~1· Bo a r:1i C'1'.('rlallletl Thursday \Vllllng- to work for it . en·nin~ at- artcr dinner toficc- for i ··During the freshman year a per-

l , :::;onal uuY1.::-c~ wui a~.st m mah.mg an I mt.~1,yb~~~aof1 ;~\g~~~c-~~:~ine.t the Inter-


inu1nliual p1og1am alter iea11rn1g- tnc

edlegiat"• h.nighL""> with the main ~~~~: 1~~;e·~nd g~tc~~t 1~:~~~-tt~~l.S~ho~l~ f~:~:iav ~~~'.!~1-~ l~:~;~r~~i\~·a~ir~~~i~y~~ thoose tne general nellt tor 1us maJoI

a."ter ".tnner. ~~~~~~~~iujncat~~~e ~1~.~~~;!>~~.u~n ~~: \Ir.ha Gamma Uelta.

1he delegate~ of the Intercollegiate l\nichis <:onn·ntion were guests of Alpha Gamma Delta at dessert Friday e•enint?.

G<.>nl;'.'\ ie\·e Ka~ter, i\an Cole and :\largaret Clm·k spent the week end in Jlis~oula.

dh·1:.10n oi his C'floscn nrnJor group ::;houl<l guiue hun in <le\elopmg scno,atly mterc.sts anti hab1~ .

"1 hroughout the junior and senior year~ we p1opose tu pro,·ide in tne n1aJor fielus 1<-H.:lllt.ies 1or all students equal to tho:-:.e us1,.;ally offered else­whc1e only t-o honor students ." Under a plan of this sort it is ne~es~ary,

.\ migo Dr. Comfort expJaine<l, to ofter a Ira Cuny. Theta Delta Chi and Ka- large number of confe1ence coursc.s,

comprising but five students eal'h, in tio1.ml Ad\·isur . of .. Inten~llegiate all departmen.·s and provide that the Kn.1ghts and ;\lartm ~ ilson\ Pt ~appa major supcnisor sugge!;t :supplement­Ph1, bot~ from the U . of V. ashmgton 'ary resear,:h under his guiuam:e and were; chnner guests last Thursday I cxPosed to the comment and criticism e\'et!mg. . . . of his fellow-students .

. Vi a!t Ilcnd~~x. Chi Pin, fron~ U. of "Oi lb coi.;rses rcqui1·ed for gra<lua-\"\ a~hmg-ton; . ta1~t~n Hale, Phi Garn- tion, only one, t..ng11sn, L::; iequi.cu ol ma Delta; .Jack .,htchell, Alpha Tau a11 • :six cour!>c:s. wlll IJe tah.~n 111 tne O.rnega. and -~a~k H?~·ue, Beta Theta e,1~up 01 ones nUtJOr concentra:ion; P1 f~·om the Ln1\·ers1~y of Id~ho we:e six others must b~ su dlsi<nbutcd a .-; house. guests of Amigo durmg. then· to ui::;un~ a general acquamtance wttr: :"Lay. m Ilozcman la~t w~ek wl!1l~ at- ::.UbJe...:Ls 111 tnc otner uutt group.:>; tendmg_ the Intercollegiate Kmghts ltive c.uur.ses ate completely ltec

c:o~,;~~l~~~~-Price of Simms wa~ a <lin- ei~tn•s. . . ner g-ue:-::.t Friclav C\·ening. · _lhe no\·el.y of our plan is. that

Sunday dinnE:r guests of Amigo whu~ oilermg oppo1.un1ue.s tnrougn were R~{lph Hodge, an alumnu~, and ~.:11~ 1 b~;1;.onf~~~~·~U>~:~~~ 1 ~Ju~at 1~~1;t~~~

___ __ mas.t<:ry of one field, w1tr1 all sti..aents

ST YLE CORRECTNESS Hol< proof Hosiery is as durable

as it is delicate ... as high in

fashion as in quality ... and its colors flt your costumes as per­feclly as the hosiery fits your foot.



ti ea -<:u 4S potenual honor men. 11 any d1sc1p1i11e Ls lo.st throug,n tht: e11minat1on oi rcqu1rcu cour::;cs, we cuunt un 1 ecaptunng 1L m tnc :stncwr a .. counLinµ; to wh1cn. .he stuaent w1l1 be he1d 111 tne held 01 his o\' n choice. \'\ e do not seek t.o prottucc intellt."('.t.ual prig-", but Lo imbue our .students with more so11d Uodnne.

.. The ph) sical <lcYelopmen ... of youth I nrnst ret:Cl\"C ca1 ctui p1 ov1s10n. Our program u1 athlctt .. s is an rntegral pa1t v:f o .. r euucat1onal program. We wish C\'ery student m collt-gc. to be 1 eng-agt.-><l m three SJK>l1..::>, wrnch we n1ay dc.::s.~nbe ror him u.s a major and t.wo minor sports. One of thes.e :iHOttld be a sport in which he c.an continue to engag~ in mat.ure life, such as tennis, golf, cril'kct or swimmmg."

l'OLl.i3lliL\ \"OTES LEE\\.\ Y L'\ umorr HEl!LlR1':3!E'.'\TS

::Xew York, •. Y.-('.'\SFA)-Lce­way in the rl-'<JUire<l. attainment of UO maturity crc:dn .. -.. for g-1a<luativn was l>l'On<led, in special instances by the unanimous Yote of the. fa. ulty of Columbia Co.lcgc a.t a mcet.it1g- at the Faculty club this wcC!k. Uy a ~econd resolution, the g-1a<lc or "D'' wa.s <lis­t·ontinucd und the mark ")lU'' (make­up) e::.tabli:-;hed as an indicator that the s.l..u<le1it may ha\'e the pri\'ilegc of a make-up examination.

Tho resolution affecl .ing t.hc matcJ'­ity credit requirement wa:s pas..:-;ed to pro\ i<le relief fut students who may feel that the requirement is detri­mental to their !'eduL·ational welfare,'' ac or<ling to the stat.enwnt of Dean Herbert E. Hawkes. "If the •tudcnt feels th~1t his educational welfare is prcjuclit·ed/' the- Dean said, "he may appeal to hi~ mhi=--c:r for pc-nniss1on to wai,·e 1 art of t'.1c l't.'quirement.'' This n'f1Uest will be 1 efen ed to the Dean who is the executh·e officer of the committc on in~ ruction in whith I is veste<l the uower of wai\·ing the re­quirement by the faculty rc•olution .


.: ... :/:~ ·::-.·: f/:~~;~~>· . ~': . l.~·f.: . ~ : .

...... : ........ . . - " ..

-.... ,.t. • ~-. · ..... ;,.~·~. ' ·. ;:..

Paid to Winners of

s L ~AM ' • R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company takes pleasure in annollncing

that the decisions of Judges CHARLES DA "A GIBSON, ROY W. HOWARD

and RAY LONG in the $50,000 Camel Prize Contest have been

reached and that prizes accordingly have been awarded as follows:

JAMES THOMAS SHARKEY, 101 Train Street, Dorchester, Mass.

Secolld Prize, $10,000 MRS. WALTER SWEET, Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. JULIUS 1\1. NOLTE, Glen Avon, Duluth, .Minn.

5 Prizes of $1,000 each 25 Prizes of SIOO each A. B. FRANKLli'l, Ill, 52 Kirk.land St., Combriclgc, Mase. JOHN R. I\lcCARTJfl·, 721 Main St., Willimonti(·, Conn. FREDERICK E. ROBINSON, Coronado Bouch, Calif. WM. A. SCHRADER, Brent Apts., New Albani, Ind.

l'tlARIE ALBERTS, 6252 So. Spaulding Ave., Chicago W. B. BARKER, JR., 420 . Spru€"<', Winston-Salem, N .C. EUGE:>iE BARTO'\', 3625 Ln Luz St., El Puso, Texas MRS. ED"\\. F. DALY, 1133 Loui•ville St., SL Loui>, Mo. W)I. G. ERBACIIER, 308 N. Front SL, Conway, Ark. LEROY F.\IRJ1A.:.'\', 69 Dartmouth St., ForC"st Hills, N. Y. KATIIRY'\' R. FRAXCIS, 4 111 E. 22d SL, Balfonorc, Md. ~mS. ALEXIS GOIJILLOT, 191 "l>u,·crly Pl., New York C. W. GllA.<'IGE, 2316 Central S1., Ernnston, 111.

DR. D. II. SOPER, 523 E. Brown, Iowa City, Iowa.

5 Prizes of $500 eacli F. CARTWRIGHT, Tra.nsp't'n Bldg., Washing1on, D. C. EDITH COCHRA.""'E, Glenvale Ave., Darien, Canu. BARBA.RA LAWLESS, Ardmore, P::. J A '\'E PAHSONS, 325 E. 79th SL, New York, N. Y. RICl.L\RD W. VOGT, Green Bay Roud, Waukegan, IIL

C. S. GRAYBILi~ Pa'<tomill<·, Pn. JOH~ 1. CRIFFI~, 1208 Jucl~son, Pm~hlo, Colorado DAVID C. HILL, Peyton and Arlington Rds., York, Pa.

I N congratulating the winners in the great Camel contest we want at Lhe same

time to thank most cordially the approxi­mately million men and women who dis­played their friendly interest by sending in au entry.

We wish also to thank the millions of smokers throughout the country for the appreciation they ai·c showing fo1· our new Humidor Pack a• is evidenced by the notable increase in the sale of Camel cigarettes.

By means of this dust-proof, germ-proof,


ELIZABETTI JARRARD, Porter A.pts., Lansing, Mich. 1. W. KEATING, 523 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio J. II. KENNEDY, 2627 W. State SL, Milwaukee, w;... JOHN KILPELAL'l'EN, West Paris, Maine DR. CLIFTON ll. LEECH, 211 Angell SL, Providence, R. I. EDWARD MARTI'.'!, 121 Liddell SL, Buffalo, N. Y. MRS.LC. MILLARD, 609 Stockley Gardens, Norfolk, Va. EUGENE SAHTINI, 7.i5 Chapel SL, Ottawa, IlL GREGORY LVCE STONE, 755 Te.'<as St., Mobile, Ala. DR. C. L TllO\IAS, Mount Airy, N. C. LEE R. WO)l.\CK, 44a Tenney Ave., Amherst, Ohio J. ARTl!l'R WOOD, 21 Burke SL, Mechanicville, N. Y. EMERY HERBERT YOUNG, Painted Post, N. Y.

moisture-proof Cellophane wrapping the rich aroma and full flavor of choice Turkish and mellow Domestic tobaccos have been air-sealed in Camels for your enjoyment.

If you have not tried Camels in the Humidor Pack all we ask is that you switch over to this brand for one day.

After you have learned how much milder, how much cooler, how much more enjoy­able it is to smoke a perfectly conditioned fresh cigarette, go back lo the harsh hotness of stale ciga1·cttes if you can.

~1931, R. J, Bep1old1 Tobacco C.mp&117 0 tvilllloa-!1Jem, Jlf.C.


roNFERENrE TRArK I B 0 B GATS TAK [ BETA EPSILON ANO LECTURER DISCUSSES NEW EXAM SYSTEM I ~t~'.,iml~a;.·.~11'~~·."·~~·~: ii'.~~l~f.:~t~~::~s: {J lJ lJ H [ I ~~~/ol~~:~l~';"~;:n~~-\',\i(~'as~~Y,'.~~.\~~--W JL L BE MAY 22 PlftP[ AMJfiO UNDEFEATED RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT IS COMPREHENSIVE ;~~:.;~':t~~ .. n~::;1~~ •• ;\~~::~h1~·;:i~:011~~~: ANO 23 AT DENVER

s tG 0 N 0 HlJ [ JN BASEBALL RACE fo;1~~~11;;lo~:~',i~::~(~~l'~~~at .. ~~~.~i~;~ - I t·::1'l:.·~::'.''p;,:~b~;~~ ~t:ite-1<•nchcrs U1c p1-.:::;t~nt. p1~111 opc1atzng 111 hu::-::.1a, P•1w1dC'n,e, R. I.- -t:\~FA) :l.._ nt .. ' '': I Tht.• an .. •1arc studl•nt nt tht' t•ni-

~ ;::,ne1\\00tl l!.<.!d~. nutt.'d h!LlUtcr, ttol\- ty11t• tif lt . .':-<t for colit.'~t.· :-tud~nl~ !~us ni-~lt\· 1 .f Kansas hns a lun~ apn1.:1t~·

'N TR~GK M[[T __ Ider anu \\ tlte-1 stat1.:d in hi::. add1L·~::. betn ~l.:-,.!t:s_tc_1l b,y l'rl>f;_ll. E. _:::-mi_tri 0 f 1n to :!O l'Uhk ini-Ju.·s Jnrj?'1..'l" thnn bcture ~LUJl.'lll::l of ltaH•1 to1d Lotlt·~c of Brown l nin r:-<ily. _I he IH.''>\ pl.in thL· tan.la rel sC't bv ,·ariNI~ mt~rlil"'a

1 .< 'ltohebca•nh1~~.,"Jl 1.co1·, 1Uu·c··nn,·~~.',·.•,,,,ratrn·~ •. '._'.'._."n·~~ 1.w thmJ \\eek of llld,<\ll!Ural ba~c- I L>ct.ntl.~. · t:\Ct) counll) 111 tlll.! \\Otld i.:alb. fol' ··l"on_1prclwn:-1n" 1.!Xam na· prgani 7_atinn:-; , Thl' ·l'tandard capadty

.• ... .. .. ,,_ u bull enctt.'tl \\ 1tn t.Jte H. J:.. 1unc sttll could t·opy H. us;;ia's llll!U:s on !'.-Ot:•~11-, titin3 by rdt·rrmg lo h•xl ~)Ollk:-. i!" from ~OO 0 ::!10 l'tthil' in hC":-: and ano :!.lt'u 01 U1 ::' m.on~ll. !his )"('a1 ~ leadmg- with Jour wm.:; anJ no }l)S-SeS mtnllcdne::.:s une1 Jll"ulit. by ibi l.'X- t•nd1.r th1.· 1.01l\Jll"t•l11.·n!;1\c s):-t~m •he a\"l'l'al!"l' ra:,adty for Knn5-a~ ::.tu-lllt..:Cl JH~m1H·:- to Le unt..' or tnc g-a:;1t- t iru:.d1es \Yin ~late ~\nnua.l Col- \\llllt• the _-unu.:-os ranh ~vcn \\Illl ample." the ~.ud1.·nt 1-.ocs o hi:-: lU lc;1.• hu1l~l- tl"nb r!rnk~ at·~'.!:~.· Th1..• hidw:-t lung U•t. nh.'cl::. lll tJlc lll!'.-t91'\ ui tile 1.on- tfoee wm.-: nnct no IO,:;;::;C!). . ~\.tr . Eddy, who has tran:led m Rus- ing- on a 1.yrtai1~ l1a)· .. t!ra\\.s t~. :-l'.p i•rinn1~it~· n•l'ordl."d was :100 inches. icrcnn•. 'ltHffc ui-c n~a.ny m1.·n 01 J.l:g tdLC

11'-LCh. aJlU 1' ieiu l\leet The~- A. 1:.. . ouUlt •ook a dose one :-:in lhrougnout the wst :w )-1.·:u·s, ha:'! from a box in .whKh ~ll.! hntb Hhii1.atLCI TIH'"'l' fads wPn' hn1nghl to lit.!ht n·-

prnm1~ all o\cr the nwumam rc~ion JJ,) Large 1Harg1n trvm tnc l'i hap:;., 10-H. to Siatt the mall(! a stud:,· Of thL'Jr mctho<b and a s1:bjt:tt with:n the la·ld of his know I-I <"C'nth· in the luht,ralorv t·las:"<"~-hi:; year and It is t:Xjit.>t:lt'll Wtat the wt•t•k'i:> J,!.ames. :::oigma l hi tooK lnl.! their pn.:>gre~s. A 1ter a uist.:u:::-:-1011 of l'th:e. Jlc> mu~t return :!-1 _hour:- lali.:r · ·

\\dlnl'r w111 not l>t• 1.ar a.he.ad uf lll5 fantlty .:-.-l, while t .. c b. £. ag-g-rega- t .. l' ti\C'-year plan . l\VO yt·ars oi \\lli--·h ,,·ith a t·omp}(•tl' lt1.:tu:t' wr1tt1.•n ~111 th t:Jost.-.st com1Jellt.or. All tlu·ec of thl' .\.J..vntau~l un,\1.:l'::r.t .. y \\•,.lll tnc ::;un . ..: lwn (wwned the 1'-· :::.. 11..·am lu-..;. ine ha\"C been 1.:ompletcd, he said, ··1 bt:- !'ubje.I. It must mdudc :~n adt·quatl' l t.aJ1 l't·J1oob an~ st:ndmg- ~trnng tt:>am:s mtcrt.:vHt:b•~llL' L•d .. n. atllt Jll.'.u lm .. ..- Amii.:.os then h~uu.h.J the U . .13.·~ tnt•ir licvl' that c1.·onom1u11ly Hus~rn is gu- hihlio!?!'aphy 1lf all. ma!-er:nl that he in:..o tJ1e lra1.·k and iit•hi and UlL' l.(JIV- J>WllSlltlJ .. q, #1 .u~::r.vu..1 .. 4, "iuwa C-.Jiu ... u fir:;.t liL'i"l'at in a n ·"'-1 ,;ramt•. 1 he 1>i inf! to st1n•cec.I . J bL'lic\·c that t1lL' ma\' sd1.•l·t, and :l trl'~h nnd 1wrsu114tl raoo H·1wo!S ate g-omg to Jig ht hard ->~HUi.u..iy, ::. .. v' 111..6 ¢V .1.- ... J'v.u.::.. -•.o.v .. - 1, aps do:-t..-"(.i tli~ \\"t~t•k's adl\ ities with pl't;SL'lll ~on.•tnment 1s ht•rc to ::;tay. trt.'l;lllll'nt of the subjL'd mattt•r. to b.un~ Juun:b La..k to the ea.~tt:rn .. .ana ~t-<-i.~ t,;V.tt:e-L· ::.t.:Vlt.:U '"''"' i•vnu,.·, a Hl-ll ~lll,!.!!in!! 1.·ontest wni1.·h t!wy .uy bel it-'I is based not on the use oi Thl" toph·s ar1.• chnH'TI so that th U1\"is101l. 'llu: \\l.'stcrn d1nsivn h~1-s .uu.Hm -' 01111a 1

- i-... , Ull'-"'1111vunL<uo ,ook front the.-\. li . R . njne. ll·i·~c, but on the Hussians' :-.agacity! task is hopl•lt•s,;. fur lhl' s udt•!1l ~in-Lak1.•11 most of the lau1ds ll1 the con· Lllivn, - 1 allJ. ~ .... HVOJ. v.1. _i.1.J.hl! .... 1 .1.. The S t:Uld i n~ So F:!r 'lhc\· will sur,·hc het.:ausc 01 their lrss ht• hrts skill in lht• org"a111zatwn 1crcm .. '-C atblt•tJt..s for :-<en·ral veal":$, j ... \ottu _\iout<.uia t.·oiu:6 e u1.. .1.-1~l\lC ,,.t.., T eams \\·. L. nbility to adnpt thcmsch·e::; to duln~- of data, :'\n•l ha:- pos:o.e~ .... inn of ahu!1 l

..\llhot.:g-h Lht.• .Dobca;.s arc 1iot '-=on- ::-huL out. lieta £p~ilon -1 U ing- conuitions.'' ant fads. This nt•\\' nwth<_,d .uf tak~n sidereJ as co11knth.rs lur the 1.·ham- 1 .I.Ht.' Jlh."t'l \\as ucia)·0tl by a JlL'<l\".\ .:\migo O Then:- is . howen•r. a great {'\'ii in quizzes is t'X}wl'lc•d to 1·I.m11Hllt> l-piun~htp tlwy are Sl'll1..~1ng- one uf tJH? rain an_u Lile. c't:Jn,::; 1 •L~.c .1.un ou 111 S . .:\.. l


their p rcst·nt system. There i:-; tool nHntal st1ain that. is <>nroun.'l'l"l'il ,a Jcu·g-t.•:-.. , anJ su-on,gi:-~t- lt.'~un.-- to the/ UllCl"HH1.<leiu. .. .SllO\' L'1.::. Lll<Li..._ 0.1.~ll. U.LV i 1.· K .A. E. 1 mul'h dictatorship. The g-ovc.rnmcnr l!l"t'H'nt nn~on~ ~~Ldl·~ts. dur111.I!' t.1C'

meet th.at the\· ht\YL' sent tor son:c tii~ ~mau '-.JVi•\J LO :: .. it.:l~t:!t: O. B. l ... ont1uls tlHJ prct-:l', thl.' n1ones. 1he hnnl _<'xam111at1011. r-e11ud. . . . time. lhc JlH'n \\ht) will make the U:lp ,.,c\ciw .. ,c~;: . ~Lil Jh:\\ ::>Lil•C JU>t.!Jll1 l'i h. . A. a radio, the edu1:atiu11, _thl· rl!lig:ion~ and, I This s~ste;n _1~. now Ill ll~L' Ill ale Hulst, Dt+ratt' . ""ildL·r. ::;pab1.•rg, l"L~oru anu sw.tr._ilb nm~nt:;:;. m lHl! ltl::.- 1''atultv 1 worst of nll, the indnidual. l'hc1r hL·- E11rn;1eun uninoi:-:1t1<.'S and hns md l'ocy, Kcc11~1n, Ilixl1n, 3Lu1<1.~ot· \\"alll t;..lHl~ l.i;.;1.:::. \u,:tl! ait1ong- .. nc l"L'WaLJS l ndept•i1dent~ J lid, ht• e:xplainl;;;'d . is thal l'Ul:t"l'~.-· a:;. with widl' app1·m·:il frnm <'\"l' yonP


~PECT.\L . \COB PIPE~ Pi1w $1.00 2 pkg' tobacco .. .20 Pi pc Cleaner' .O!'i I nner Do\\·] (Extra ) .05

$1.30 .\LL FOR Sl.00

Kleinschmidt & Co. "For the Tel le H ou r"

"Varsity" - Gruen's smart wrist for men. Coin gold ca'c v.;ith link band $ 55

PEAS E'S " P eage's for Quality"

e F .\SHfO'.\' B.\RBE R .\.:'\D I 5 BEA U TY SHOP

and l'oaL"h Adams. vl me lan.u.u! spL-ct..atoi::i. h.. ~. 1 they de-sin· it would bt' impossble un- ·tu lenll' anti inslrudur-.; nlik(•. Prol' O-O-o-o-0-0-t>O-O-O-O-O-o-a-o::;::~ h llc i e 1ncn t·~ 1..ount L. C. A. U le.s~ C\'en·un~ well• re.luccd to th:• :--:mi·h i!' of the opinion that llw otn- ------------------------------


l.iH:nn LV'(.;n..1,vu\1 v.1. utt.! un1\ISJ(,.1 A. G. R. O ~ame le\~l; but nL'Ycithele~s wlwn nn·lwn:.-:ht• l'"amin:tlion n~dhnd woul(~ I . INTER-SORORITY .llUJ..'-u ~nc ~p'-·~~ • .L~v .Leu., l.L Hh. ....... "' you kill thl!' indh·idual you kill man~ ht:> a btHin to all .\mettt 1n_ ('ollC'•', ... ~"'-'-~~'--~'""-~~'-""-"-'''''-''-'"'-''-'-'-'-''''''''' w 1..: ... uti.::,.c L•t..: rn•u·~ V.l .J.•.-"-1

.LC..:L ~""' \YE_\l\J\ ESS IN C ... \PlT_\Ll!:)T I l"l'l~d.om an~I reYolt inwardly, it' not a_nd lw hl•artily l'l"C'OnlnlC'll•l::; lts ailrip- ' ~

L C 0 111.utL"' .::it.:" .. 1 J.t.:" ,\L' .. 11.::,. 4100 LI) .u~it1.- • ph\'::O.IL"alh 1s bound to en:oL-<.: . tJOn. ~ HQ WA RD'S ~ Rlf E MAT H T •\ .. ua 0.1. Wh! \:OJJt'gt:. .S \"8TEl\l IB JJIBCUS~ED bi:,;1..·us.~i·llJ.!". th~ el'onomk ;ituatwn - ~ ' ~

Ll~lll'll~C H~lo.::.UllS pOW<.:l'lUI spilllL- in Rus::;ia. ~lr. Eddy br11ught out l\.>at- 1·1 h .. \ PI•\ n E I ,T \ 1101. l) ~ , , ing u11.~ .. 1..:~ w l.._H\C "'•>-e i11uc a11u L\10- fh 1 I· I . >. :-..; • •"'\..) "\ u1es of thc11· method \\hH:h sel·m .11- - , .. : • .... T).? .. I E::.\T ~ RPRI. "" G P.\ ::S-TR ~

ST~RT THIS WEEK JhuC lull.:> .LJ.Vlll .LlV~u v ... lHC 1..Ullt.::;.t.: ~rou',aot~P,,',',:~·llt•lclal:-,.l,,· t~~1i1d:-,, ,tll mo ... t 1mpo~s1lle when\\(' 1.·ons1tl(•'!' th(_• h \ ).S.\ ~ DLb.~ l l l '\ \ ' ... _ !... r1 I G If ,, \'tLll' vu ... Na.Hu.ng 11.;,1~ •• 1.s \\a.:i .:>ti.;\ - g: I ... '" g ... P lrl. ·"'""", "ltu·itrnn m thi~ <.·ountrv a+- thl' pie::;- ,,_ • Hnnc and Tll Knil'ker' in de\ er patten1s - Slec\·cle~~ I 1111~::;011:::. .:::.u1vvLu pc.J. .. ouna111.:c 111 \\in- :ml'll a uamin:... a~ tnc \\ rl.lrt.on ~cnooi t'll 'ti nil' l'n~mplo\ 11;l·n't" h·i-:. b .. t.:n J itt" nu·;... l\an 1 ~~F .\ l Tnc 111- ~ S\\ eater::; - Golf Ho~e - Sport Oxfords in Two Tont'S ~ nu,.:;. wu.~ .lo\\ nu1u11.:::. c\ 1.:m. 101 Lm: ~~·1 .~~~

1~~\11:~:t 1~~~~15 i.:~l~h~~~,.c ulll~~~~ abuhshed ill Ru~sin · 1 f u ma~ shoul\l a .. nnual pro' rn<·ial. t . !IH\l~t·nt of 1)1 l ~

-- lulh•i.:l.:ilt.J . d I• ho~::; 111 th~ 1.:apit.afisnc :y::;fcm.' happt·n to Ios<' his pt<'scnt .iob tlwre h.1pJM I1llta, nnt10n.d,fo1t·n~1c ~n( ~ The Hub ~ One of th1.~ ouk-tandmg C\en'.!::' of , lHc lutL~h1;.:::i ~' 011 lO tit~:::;. .in t tc opmcd Hl'\\\oo<l llioun po ular nc\\~· a1e ahHn· .. three ntnll' \\alt!n!!" ft~r l'~). \\a-.. hdd al th<.~ I 1ttsbunr ~lntl ~ fc

the )t'--.lr rn \\onwn· ... atluet1c~ take::. livL•c: .. ~t..-.. tnc ,1cmamut!l: • , . .,.1 H:•r col .... mm~t ctlh..I a~t.ito~ 111 an 111 _ lllm lh• c::'lll entC'r the held m :1~n- 1l·a Ill':.. l nllL'l!e Ja..,t \Ht·k \\Ith ahon~ ' Ed and. Lou Howard ~ plac:c thi... '\L'('~, \\hen so1011t) and !11- in~ ~bo~c:l;,t::. e,;, v1.. ... lcd thi.: icl.l) b:, ~e/\lt!w gt anted rC\:cnth . tu the tulture, mdust1y o1 L"On:-t1u tion . .lob" 110 of thP. ... tudC'nt .~11•·akers of~ l ~ \ralk-0\C'I' Shoe:; Interwo\cn Sox Stets H l I dL'p<'ndL•nt i1ile te::u11.::.; 1.-•.nnpcte ..lor a i.ubc mare.Ill · . i~enn:-\hallt<l.11 . "lt 1~ a mu'Ot qut•s IOll .. re madl' for eYe!~Olll' h.an ... :i.s tollc 'l-' (•nte1cd .\bout 1( ~ 011 as " honors. This year h.::ts been a \Cl) lnl.! .:::..wumal.} · \\ b l'·n-mentct "ncth~r tile \\e<.lk ::.pol~ Ill uiptt .. Ui:sm The fi1st :,ear ot thl' fiH·-~ear plan cl' atl' t~arn \'t'Jl" entcr1.•d ltl a dout P '-'"-"-'--"'"-'--'"'--~'-'-""-.'--"-~'"-~'-'~""--'~~~'-~~"-~~~~~ 1;_;.uc.·t·c.:-:,ful one tor rllle. l'hc ~l'a....--On lVu-J~LU u~n on ;. "·vLh: 1.: ' aie the iesulb 01 ::.tupitlllJ or arl! "ho\\l'tl an mcrea"'f' of ~1 p<'r <·cnt m l•l11n na.lltlll eon es. .. t \\Ith cal"'h team :-ta1

1 cd \nth approx1matdJ 73 L"and.i- 01 lllU\ t::t.::,.ll.~ 1 ::.t"t.:onu, \..OC.} 01 c, ""' • 111 .1 .... 1 cnt \\ 1.• .. ikne:,..:::-l':- 111 uic oiganiz.l.- I ,,1 oclut tion. The sN·ond \\:ls tht~ ..,anu• l'fllll i 1t•t1111: unt 11 it h.i"' h\ o '~l'fr:Jt$

dau.-~ e>t:t. Last. \\L"(.'k tt'ams '\etc tllllll, ~1 '.13 o.1. ,:011


::r..lL) . 1 ~~1 ~~1

1 u~-· tlon and t.ht:>ol') 1 ~11 . _\ n mtl:lllgent anli thi-.. :,eat, thC' thi1d, "hould ht: 01atnt). an1l 1·x't·mp11re ..,pe:ik111g- en- ;I 1111111111 I I It I I I I 1 I 1, a I 1111: 111 1l I11 11 1 11 11111 1 1 1 1 1 dto!'ien Jn~m tho~ \\ho \\t•re ::ihoo7~m! Jt,~:~~~ 4\~~ <.:~~~~.._.; 11~~~~~~leiey 0~ )oUn~ t:apitaJIBt nuoht do much to- l'<Jt::.al .lo tlw forn.er m.1rk~1 if ,not +r~nt... \\l"c• ('h·~im;f~tl by mean flt

~lroW1tl 11..> nut of a po::r.;:,Jblc -Ul1 • • 1 U1 r 01 Ulll- \\i.lrd bulstermg up the capitall-:;;ti~ J!ll.ltl't t_hnn them. 1 ht• mttl?'nhtHk ~f r,1.dm1.-_(lf tht> JUCLC' .

. \ftL~r th~ mtersororit) :shoot , a.II those ui:~\Ll.::,.IL~. tJ~uu,, ;:,p.au u g: thcon by pronU.mg a \\Ol'kat.>le ~olu- -.oul'h nn rn~•C"as{' tan only he nppr(•<·1- 1hl' 1.l tn!lPr-1 ... rntf'red \H.,..< .. Rak··· \'ho hmt' made 1t10 out of a po~1biL• '~ 1 ~1 ">·. _J.ml~sl~0 -\\on b Dt.'Frat.l! Ol tion ·0 [ the uncmpfo~·ment st'.uation ated \\hen'\(' con ... 1cil'1 that m th1~ l ll!\t•r ... 1t\·. B1ld\\lll.: Jlc:Plw1 11n '-·ol-2Uu \\lil be eligible fo1 the A1ueney --;,~-)a~~ u; 0 'atmcllL~I 01 Ulll\C.l- and thiJ like," c:ontmueU Jl.r. Broun. counll) nf oms tllC" mo ... t prosp{'ron~ le,.(•, ifrPh •1·"1"'n: K:"'nsas ~ta·t', c01-troph)· ::;.hoot wmch \\ill take plau~ ~~1~1.:""'~du-:t· 0 :u'r~l 01 Uill\L'l::;Jt\ , iime, Jn 1 ~;:,ponse to the quc:stion, ··Arc )t'ar ... nl't un i1wrC'a-.e of nnly .i prr,lt•gl•. ).lanhaHan: lktharn· co1l~1.;t next '1.L't.•k = .. -':,-' •Lt .. ~chools ~tnd dt.>p..1.rLmcnts o1 JOUl"lla _ Jll'r C'ent. while durine- a )L•ar of 1lc>- I,mtlsb«_r}.."· ()tt;:n~a 1 111,e•;.;1t:. 0 .la·

ThL: l1.'ams all exh1b1t unusual .nbtl· -- ·~~O-\·a:td dash-\\ on b. Co,•mgt.on is.m tendmg- to 0 ,·en.:rowd the ne\\ ::r.- pre-.s.1011 similar to 1h~ Inst a 11.'duc- \~·a. ha1~":.1s \\e-.ll"\an. l.lTil~~1s tv 1 J and the t:ompL'tt-wn oui.:ht to b1.• vl um·.er~It\' 't."COl!d :::,~\·tuig:s.on or pa[X"t fieldt" )fr. B1oun 1eplwJ. "ll'-:.. twn of from :W to~.) pe1 (ent re- Sahna· J1it•1HI" un:ver .... 11\·. "1ch1ta; ~lose. The Alph~ On11e1on Pi ~eai.1 um\c.lsll\ ·tm;u, L~~ 01 '-=ouc.;c. Jl)UtnaJL-..m ha~ \ery aeiuu.cly en- suit~. i.:?rcsis.t:s of lead _lhrsh, Do1 oth_:., l lme o·> , tcrL'<l mto the .::.;..amc das~ a::. la\\ and --- I Garrett, Lorrutne lhomp:-.on, and ll.l:l-~~ile ru.u-Wun bl \\'"ltltc of n.e-d1L·me. \\ tthm the pa.st- fe\\ yea1::. l'~J1 E D ST.\TES < I\ 11. SEH \ ICE ::---------------:: 313.ry Lyman, \\Ith Helen Sha\\ a.;: lum\l~.r:-.1t\ ~econd l; Gro\e1· or u111 - the fiekl of journah:--m ha::- fill1..•d up EX \:\It -:'\ \ T IO:\' I n.ltcrna..tl.' . . ~he Alpha ~a1~1.ma .D.el~a \l:l::ilt) ... , thu~, 1..xU:e o! l nwrmountarn. rapidly. The umc \\as ,,nen a ~Otlh.~ __ I Northern Automobile Co.

For Dry Cleaning C.\LL


GALLA TIN LAUNDRY "Expert Dry Cleaners"

team <.on.si~i...~ of :\l .. ir~.uct AakJn, '! ~ »·o- felJO\\ \\ho \\as 11\tl'restt'<l 111 ne\\~· The l·111t('{I St~•tt..·~ Cn·il ~l'~\ 1.: Che vrolet Dis tributo rs )fa.rg-arl"t Choat:, Julla h..na.ff. B1t11c I~lt! , ~·~·n·" \\onbyL<>c:k\,oodo1 papers1.:ouldr::etaros1uoninn11c\\::o- Comm1-. ... ion anm)UJltt·~ thefolo"m"' 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ¥enkel 1h an~ l't·zgy ~nnth, altell1atef um:~1~ ... 1l~~· :~on<l h.<.."i:Iian 01 Lolkg:c· J UJt.•r of11ce .ts an offite boy at .,l:J named op n comJlt't1t \l' ('Xt11ll111a- ;J l South \Yill son A'f e.

Dne t~ I lh m:tza .tean~l"lcoJL}l.::Ot.s o tflll'(J. ::,cn~.l z ul ~m\el:slt). D1::;tance: 1 cr \\t•ek and lwn '\ork hLo,,; \\ay up. tion" : . PTIONE Hit ''''"'-'-'-''"-"-'-'-''~''""---"-'-'''-'~'-""-""-.'-'-."'-..'-.~"-.'-.~'-..'-.~~~ o~ol )• :~- .en~en, - 1 a ,nrn,e11 lOti .1.1.:ct 11 m nc.::;. l2'C\\ l&o tlJ. . But tvd.a~ . l'.'\t't) paper m Wu! cOLUltl") .\ s ... oe1at(" P.lth ol1ld"' t Bo zem an, - :- Montana ~ <-:10 tnc t~111ant.:. and .l~r1011 G-Il- lJis~u~ thll.m-\\ on bv 1~t!tey ol i:-;. O\crc10\\Jt•d \\1th tlus kind of thtn.l!". I Fruit ]) ..... 1 ... t·~ I "' BOZEMAN MEAT MARKET : D:i~~\eirn · 3~~1~~cn ~~~dt;: .. .h.~~t~ Ulll\;1 ::.1L); ~L-'t.'.Olll1, L.ox of Ulll\ ~J ~It), I get ~umw·~us !equ<"::;.t.-.. t.'\CI") d:.~::, _.\• ... uc·att~ l'.1tholog-i-. t ~ 'I B· <lb G l . ~ · . 1 ,. thir<l. ~\.1.unu;- of umn:r::.tt.} . l)b1,_illll'l:, a~ktnl! 1f I will aid. them to get 1~s1- ~Stmn~c and Tian~it Di-.ea-..<.:::. 0 · , ! ~ \\~t~h~~~d a:i:1te :\.lil~~~p,.F'I~~:~ 1~-l ll'et .J1t..! .1111.he::;.. tlun ... \\"~ h ::\(!\\ 1ork Jl3 Jlt'I_.... 1 h~ \""e~ctnhlc-.) '1 I I I I I I I I I I' I. 1. I'' I I' I I. ~ ~ alternate lJrn Pi ·Bet.a !'ht:::;. are 1 ~p~ l11;:h Jump \\on b) :\eboh of um- nt•wspaper fiel<l_ is n !!'oo<l pnym!! pro- Applitat.011 ... fo1 the Jw.>:-itwn ... u1 : ;;; fc \Ye Specialize in the Bes t of Dressed i\Ieats. Poultry ~ resented ·b,· ,\lice \ an<lcnhook The1e Ye1::-ll). i> 11.:d 9 iu1.he~, t.1c tor second position \\lll'n you onee get rnto it, bu.~ :_1 .... so('l<-ltt' patholo!!i...t ( frmt th-.t'.l""l' J .. DIX() N'S . ~ and Fish .., are two rnJePcnaent Ll.'ams. 'lhe ti!::r.t ai.ui ~u.rd amon).!' H1x:::.on o: .L·oikgc1 TIO\\ L-.. a-2._l~Wr time to try to get m. 1and a~i .. ltL' path.~lo,..'1s~ (-.to1af!'t' nnd : : ~ ; te-a.m (.'On~i::.ts of _\lildrc<l \\'"hite, 1 \\ oh ei·~n of l>ulon _ ~ 01 m .. 11 anu ,. . ~ ,., t 1.rns1t thsc·as1.•s ot \ e~<.·tahJc,..) mti...t I. Paint ~h .. .., ~ & ... -.1e E,-re Lui.:lle \\ ~ -O\ er Jane 1~ciUcnman ol )!me::;, a fee. 1 l·v 1 ll>E. \1 ~\ <? 1> ;...: E.\' (. OLLE~E, • lw 1111 fil.: \\1th the l'. :--. l n ii ~l ~vi e .. ~ o p "" 1 t I. .Jurdock.'anJ )llldred Conrad: alter- m<~e.s. . . h of um- E XI L \l:\ ED in FOl:-\DEn ('omnu--ion at "::''""~"1'm, l> l, not :

17 So. Trac.'· Ph '>"G :\I : ~ We Ca te r t o Frat e rnities and S ororities ~

nate. 'lhe ~ oud mdept.:n<lcnt team hro.ui JU1llp- :'on b:,: Rut . ' . ·~ .. - hltC'r than .Tunc> 1 r. HI 11. - one .... ti -;. ... <; ~ con.-;.bts of )lary Dwyt:'r. \\"anna \:rs1ty; :n.1l'e~ ti inches.; ~1:--><.·~n~, 1'~rnt .. Cil·t:cv.n. S\~"It7.L: 1 la11t~:- (:\ . . 1:-~) . Th~ l'x~rn1ina tons arc to fill ,.:tl"an- -, 1 1 1 •• ,,,. 1 ,,,,,, 1 • • 1 1,, 1; ~ ' Lru:p~rs :\ia.rjorie .St.air \larr Ander- or unl\er::;1ty, 21 ft."<:.'t ~"' n~~h,_ tlurd, . Edui.:at10n fo1 a c.:ul_tm.tl u1~d~t.:-.L!t.Hl ctl's m tht• Burt.ill of Plaut Indus~ry. l Phone 167 435 E. 1\Iain ~ son and' Leona Oun·it; 'a-ltt:r~ia't.e. Ke~nan of colle)!~. :W feet ~ ,2 .. rnch~. mg- of the. contn~ut1o_n. of c1nliza,10n Department of AcrL ulturt', for dut) " ~

______ ·_ 220-yard low hu:dles--\\on by to _11rotlul"t1Ye soc1al hvmg- set al' ~he in W ushin·,.ton. n. C'. or in the- fii•ld. ~~~ '°'''''-''-''''"-'-'-'-'-''-''-'--'-'-''-"-""-''"-~'-'-'-'-'-"-'-'-"-"'--"""-'-'-'-'--""-~'-"-~ .:\OTICE FAXG8! Stedin~:~on ol univ~r~ity;. set·ond, ulumatl' goal," of The P_rogres:->1,·e Tlw t•nt .. alll"<:' sa.ia.1~il•i> range irom i ~1ARQU1S H .\TRCL'"T SHOP £

Parmenter of uniH'f'SltY; .third.;> _Jen- ~ol_lcg-<.' for \~omen opened ~n Gent>nt, ~:1,~00 to ;.;:·3 . ~00 a vt>ar. ¢ Ther e "ill be a mc-e tin .!.! t on if!ht kins of Dillon ).;ormaL T111~e, :.u. l~wllzerl~nd, 1~ Ol'lobt:r . 1~1:>0, i~ccor<l· C'om1wt.i o1.., wil( noL be re11uircd to As good as the best and better ol i

(:Ha) H)) a t us ual t int <' and pla ce. Two-mile I.1.m- \ \'on by \\ atson o.f tn.!! to ~h~s ...\hl'.e )I. Burg-c.-..s, dtrcdor n·i .. ort for l'Xamin.ltion a.t an\· pli_1L'e , than the rest 0 J im Gannav.ay. D uh.e . uni\·er.-d.)'"j second, IIobt .of. coll~ge; Of an alu~1ia o[ :\lount Jle>lyoke. hut will be rat<•.! on tlll·ir e,fu<:'at1011. ~OT I r E ·' g

thirJ, Blakc~le of t.mive:r:s1ty. Tinll , Pro.cechnc: from tht! belief that a uainiug-, and t•Xp(>ril'nc-L', and on a l ~ '--' ~ UAR\'"_\ HD WI LL R E_\.DJ L ST IO:Ui.~1. ~ . Lro.ad~r outlook nnd a more tolt.>rant lht.>si.-:: 01. puhlisht"l writini?. Xcxt d oor to 0 Sl l!EIJL LE OF .\'lJILETI CS Shot put-" on by .Percy of um- att1tuuo on the 1•art of rnuth to«:arn Applicant" mt< ha<e lt·en g-radu- Montgomon-Ward Co g 0 SEE l 'S FOR .\:\'YTHI::"IG !:\' THE ELECTRIC AL LI:\'E Q

vers.ity. -12 f~t ~ mche~; seco.nJ. dh<.'r pt•oples sho~ld be brought mto ateil from n C' •lie e or miin•r:.:.itY of · . ~ 6 g 'l of t 40 feet l' du ational e > ne e th foumlor- " · <>i:Hl<:>oo-<:n:i-<:H:i-00<><>~-0-0 ! A n up- to-date R epair D epa r t m ent in Connection 0 Cambridge, :Ua~s.-(~.SFA) ln or- _t un-ar un~\·ersi y, ' • ., e c. XJ c nc .' e . s re_-o~nize<l :-:.ta.11dinJ.!" witl1 major wo .. k

der to mimnuze the incrcasmg d11l'i - in he-"; third, Keenan of r:ollege, -lO chose ql'.'neYa a~ then· loeation ~-.c- in p1unt ratholo,.., or dosch· rela.tt~d Satisfaction Guaranteed 2 culties in s~hola.::.tic requircmer.ts JHl\\" feet ~ 1 ~ in<: he":.'. • . . a use 01 the specrnl a'h antages which : brnm·hl'" of boL:.m 'enl sl'il'lll"L'. Tln ee f5 ourdenin:; sltidents eng-aged m ath- Pole \·au!t " on. br. E. BuzzetLl of it offrr:. to s,tu1~f'nts . The f':l'Ht of the 1' Years spt-'eifll•d l X~l'r'.encc> or i.:ra<lu- ga-o-o-o~ D " BUDD {;() Q lcth:s , the Han·ard Ath,ctic Comnut- eolle!!e, 11 feet; tw for ~cco1~d and ~<':.l~e tlf Nation:.:., of thl' Interna- ~t, ~tuck i~ also rNiuin"'<L i;:t I • • • ~ tee is <!ndca,·oring tu adju~t its intl.'r- hirJ among- Burke- of u111ver~1ty, R. . i11na, _Bureau._ and many .oth~r pro:n- Full iilfol"mai.ion ma,- ht" ob':lined }i:!' THE MODERN * Plun1bing, !{eating, E lect rical, Sheet :\Ictal 0-colle.tdate ~che<luhng~ :$0 that they Buz.zetti of _l'olle.i.re and l~~mmo~d of tnent mtl·l"nat1onal O~l!an1zat1ons., l.ht> from th{' ~N'l't•tnn· of thl' rnitl .. l Q will t.onfo1 m to the alte1 ation:; of the l'Ollt·~t'. lleig-ht, 10 r~et li mt·hc~. cnllt>g-e ~fford:; ~J)l•rial oppo• lumtw~ ~t."lte-; Ch·iJ ~pT\·i<-(' noar1l of F:xnm- 30 \r. ~Iain Phone 300 0 edut"ational pro•;ram of the unh·ers1ty. .J~ilt · relay rru:e- '' on. by (·olleg~ for n~<·ctm~ men and w~llll'll who art' in<·rs at t1h<" po ... t offiC'(' 0"' <·u~tom- Q

Duri1ig- the past two year::. no i11cer- (\~"iJde1~, Spaberg-. D<.>I·rate, C~y) I prominent Ill world affair~. honsc~ in an\· c·itv or from till~ rnitrd rLEANERS I CHX>O-OOO<>Oono rolleg-iute contests ha\ e been ~t.:heduled umn•r:o'lt)· only other entrant. Time! Thf' Gc•nc,·n CnllPge, rncorporalt·rl ~tntPs f'i\"il Stn-\·ke Commis~ion. l.J Uurin(7" the m1d-.vear i.:xamination J>Cl'- '.l:3:1:K • • . umh·r the h\\\ ~ of tht~ !-i:a.lt• o~ l)~·la - \\·a.-::hin.t.>i.on TI. C

~ )11lc run \\on by \\at.~on of t~m- ware> as a 11011-profi'-makm!.{ m~utu- ' ~~"'-"-~~~~'-"-""-..'-"'-~""-""'--"'~"-"'-'-'-~"-"-'-'--""-'-'-"-~'-'-"'--'-'-"-~ iod, while practice during thi~ same n·r~itv· ~·ond Hol"-t of collegoe; th1r1l, tion, with the inrorporatecl name of ·10 "°'· 1\lain ~ ! time has been reduced to a minimum. Snow -~f Intermountain. Time. i::17.6. •·'fhc Pro~r<"~i'ivc.> \oll<'ee Foundation, ( har;?i11.C" "profitc.,,•ring-., in thl' l'ni- ~ ~ As the Uivistonat examinations in _lay l fi 'ersity of Pitt~bi..rgh <.:afrti:.•ria, Sl'' - r H B ' are')eriodsofexces$iYc:-.trainon.:>t:-n-, fnr. , pan~ to undertake a \"C-yenr I t 1 1 b I I CTE ' ' G p SS ' "G ~ ate t , . wlopm t 1 . ti ft r·ra s menls ian· rou1<1t crnr~'" , , ,\ JN - . RE , 1,,, ax -r ior~, athletic t·ontest:s an~ abo omitted Barnard Bulletin l\Ierges < t• en Pan in le near u urf'. a.cainl't tlw ma11a1?.·emenL, <"itml:..'" th1.: ~ C ~ ~::,7:fci~~~ ~';~"\cil~ . w~:;!:0 ,;;10:f"io~~~ TO OR f.. \XlZE Jl'XIOR hi.!!h ens: of prune, as nn r•xamplc. REPAIRf.:'\G ~ ~ have been made, moreover, to elimin· Xow York - (XSFA)-The Barnard .\ ('.\DE'IY OF SC"IK\;C E ~ F • R ~ ate all trps dunng- the test~ tormerl) Bulletin, ~emi-\\'Ct'kly ncw::-;.papcr of -----.-.-..-.---... --------------................ _._..._..._._..._..._..._ Hats Cleaned and Blocked ~ ounta1n oom , hld " C b "d h 'd 1 bl' f l m\l'eme.Kas (~RF,\)-Or~ani- 1 ~

cTh in balm n ire at t t·::-he pc:b1 JO ~.l t I Barna1 d Collegr, cease<. I pub tclu 'uon zat1on of n Jttnwr ~H ailc·my of ~·ient·P '• ~ "- ~ eat et1c con1111Htee as roug-1 Ap11l 11 and \\as a>s.or e1 Y t

1 f

1 . . \ \ .,. ""

about .1 grauual d1n11nut1on m the Srt'l tato1 .' .0


1 ~ or sc'l'tl,~l" ten(' ll'I ~ m }.um or :• s p 0 RT s ' .' PHONE 77 · .,_ ~ ~.,"" number of trip,, t.akt'n Ly any team, The amal:,!amat ion of the \\omen's < ~ lle ..... e-s a~d hi h s hoo l!-i of T\.m-.a-.. ~ ~ - #"· The Home of ,.. "h1Je the length of time away from papf'r with that of Columbia Coll<•J!C '~ha. thP. h.an~a ... :;.t·acl~my of ~.e11:.ne •• !(: the Utll\ l:) s1ty on lh~'i(' t1 lflS on has marks tht• fi "St ..,h~p in Spl><.:tato1 ·~ ( oes fot tltt r~1 ult\ lllC'111bl ls ~lncl .. \ 0: ~ ~ al-o been le»ene<l. A rule ha'. ;e.en I) pn.g-1°am nf expansion to«ards 1t• I ~·'a•!U~-~·. ~lu<l_t'l'.t:' of lho °''.llOl!O~ and I ~ I :: ~O-O<H'.H'.H'.HXl-0-00000 I ~ nu:.\i\IY l\L\l .TED i\IILKS . \:\'D OTHEH GOOD ~ been passed whe1cb)r no I•rcshtna.n g-oal of a Universitv 1mper. An in- Ulll\C:l:-;ltl(."', Is f"J>t><_t-etl t.c! t<•sult f!om > .. , I,, r tt·ai~1 can go on more tuan h\o trip:,:; ,r~::o;e in ein·r.latiCm of ahout nne ~~1eet~n:s ~ n .onn<.'<;~1011 >nth the T\a1~- •: :1 ~ FOU:\T--\11' DRl~l~~ ~ durmg a season and t"aunot engage 111 thousand j._ ·rnticipatctl bv the campus . .as :\i.:.1dc Ill~\ met- rng"R. at the l nt- .. \ ., ~ a~ny athk•ti co~t.1.·st outsj<le lli Xcw daily. · • · '<rs1ty of hansa"-, April 2!l-2fi . i \ ~ ~ E.ngla.nd. In addtWon to these changL'=' Onlv af!er considerable negotiations . . \ .. ~ f ' \n Mt•a l P lace for Thea t re Pa rti6 .,_

~tur~~gJJ:h~~(;~ri;~ ,~1~.'~:1~~~1.c TNe ;~:ri~ t~~~i~~ o~-:~s~n~,~~~~i~1~rm\~~r~c.·r~:~~~~~ viSt/~~~ .T~ia~;~~tl'R~~~]k~~:~~~~~~\~~~ ~ ~ en1 ors ~ \ fll' r the ShO\\ a mittl'e decided to take this :;tep first A.ui:h.1ritit·s ·of both Colleg-es author- 1·nuplc. 111~1 ect£>d thf", .Ta1~ar;est' ~ ultrre ~ \ , ~ of all b(•umse se11io s who are ~tudy~ izPd the consolidation n1:~111 Vin!inia r.<'ntc•r . at ro1m:nh1a 1 11\\'('l'Slty and •• ~ "'''"''''-'''''-"'''""'''"'"-''-'-''--~'"'''""-"-'''~'-~'~"-"U" inl! for divis~o!1al examination~ do not Gi.ldrrsll'e\'e, of Ilnrn~rd g-i,·ing her ':'""'"'cl its. toll<:"ctJCm of .10.000 ho(lh;, :• \ care to par-1c1pate in ::;uch tnps and, t'onsent prior to hL·r departure for, (,0() of wlnc·h w~n contnhut£>d by tl!e •: \ sec?r:i~ly, betau--e t~e cnla_rged iihlour Europe l a~t week. ~Iiss l·folcn Bloik, 1.T:1pan<'s(' ~ mp<> .. ial Tl oust-'holcl. on lhl•1r i '!1,VO TONE 'J'_\NS- :• r .......................... .._~.._ .... ,.._.._.._._._......_._..._...,...,...,..._.._.._.._.._ .... -.-.. ...... ..._ .... ..., ... .._.._ ......................... .._.._") fac~h.:1~ .and the 'mr~·e_a~inK ~~1.n~e1; C'ditor of .thL• Bulle' in . will he electccl I tour of th1~ counhT. \ \ ~ ~ of "'.ailable opponents in the \ICUllt) womon'< editor of Spectator, a newly- •, WHITE .\NJ) BL.\ ( ' !{.'-;- ~.~~\· , ('L\SS OF •

3 1 \

v~ . .,( amb~1.c~:~'. hnq~ rc:ndl·r~d ,thl•st• neate<l po~ition on this paper's ~taff. < • \ \ tt1p,. unn~cc-~ary for the p1op(_r <le- and will be in chari.re of n<•ws cman- , ~ '• $5.00 ~ \ 1·clopment of tho teams. atin~ frnm narnard. A •pecial •«· 1 ·· . \T c;H .\Dll.\TIO:\' THIE ~ Galla tin County High S chool ~

Sl:R\" E Y SHOWS J:\CRE.\:SE tinn of thc~ is:-;ut·~ of Tut-'sday and Fri- Just Good :• \ \ L . :\l' " UER Ol' o oer o RS dar. hr dut.•s of the Bull<·lin'• former Haircuts •: ~ Y OUR l?HJE.:'\DS \ \

uppenranc-Ps, will lw ext1usin•ly lit'- '. \ Sl 0 OO ST '"LE FOR \ Present \ X . y k X y (XSP \)- "''ti rntrd 'n 1wws of intc1·cst to the Col- TDEAL B.\RBER SHOP ~ ' ' · ' \ ' \ EXPECT YOlfR ~ ~

on1. cd~cto~r t~ ~~,:en: Koii p(•;sons, t1h~ lei.!'"~. won~cn. · · · · • •, $5 00 \ ' • lJnit<-d States lr·ad· th world tn the· hnanr·1a\ .rl1ff1cnlt1cs .attrihutc•l . to l lJ E. Main ~ \ PHOTOGIL\Pll •' ''Th y ' \ number of p!ivsic>ans, ir ha' be<·n di>· I tlwt. prt"'1"'

1;n1< I'

01'1'"t101~11" depr""r'"'' ~------------ :: • ~ ~ e oungest' ~ <·on•red by Iir. Willard C'. Rappk•ye,, mn rva P.c _t H' )~ <• ~n <;: rc·que~t . or - ....... ....... -•• .---~, ... n.n..r, •• n.f·J.rv-u·s.tt.x.Hx>-~ •' ~ \ • llcan of the <'olumbia .J.kliit·al !'>thOol am:ilg-amalion: ;\ I I:-<!' IJ!oc·k c:mpha~ 17;l'd .; ~ \\ ~ in a.n inll-rnational surVt'\' whic:h he 1 th1' fa l that 1t wns nnlv w1Lh t•onsHl- -. FRE E1\1..\N'S \ ~ has just ("Olllpletcd for the Offi I' or t'rabl(' l't-'luctancC" t~at her hoa~d ~-DilP-~ ~ r \1\ 0 - - .-- \ • f.ducalion of tho l'nited State De- '1"


0 '!, to h<•. ab•oi·ption. but she mid \ '' l US \ _\ THHE E \ CT CO~I EDY ~ partmC'nt of the Interior. tliat I s :·aqou~ m~·mb('r" r1?al1zNl '• FIVES ~ ~

..\lthouc.h ;hp numht·r of medical !'<tu- h~. ~n,ant,rn~ 1:~ 1.c-~n<' l£>s ma~lr s_u~h a! ~ \\ Hy Philip Darr.\ - Direct ed h) Corrinna P e rry " dc.:nts shows .1 (·onstant inrreasl'. Dr. m \( im1eittll\:< if. Rnrnaid '\\ti~ to LET UR FlX THA'r \ \ \ ~

~a~,!~~~<~li~~;l~,j;,~~~ ;',~ 0~c~,~~~l~;;Jic~l hair• any n<'«• medmm. PICNIC LUNCH ~ CAMPBELL-HAGEN ~ L. 1 · I~ ~ ~· n~~~o •. ;.~s.1a'"ttr~u~1~a~r~,.~y~~lt;(u,ar,p\~~-'.~,)1r.co:.ta,~r··,:0~1r~.;1;~,""i~ "'~:;t~::~,1a1 ~.'.·ti~~1;;.~'"~.~il<'~\:~n ;i11!~~ ~.: CO. ~~ ID Ie ~ Tuesday, May 26

_... ,, ,.. wornpn frc>~Jl :,!;);; <·nllPg-c•s :1111! ulli\"f"I"- - :- -.

to th<· 1'(>port. nurilll!' l~1(.' yr•ar l!l~O. ~Hies th1ou~hnut th' C'ot1n 11r, «Rrric·d ~ H oll owa y 's ~ thl' tC;tal numLer of' women l!r.:uluatc>cl on hy Tlr. R(n- X. .\ndf'tr-•on, or '. \

from .\nll·rk:in nt<'•iicnl collcl!c """ T<•ar·her< r: .. 11 .. ~(' of rnlumhi:i l'ni- Star H mb g Sh \ " \\'lwrc ;\fen·~ Clo thes ~ \~~ E l, l , E1"' THE.\'I'ER RESEl!'' ED s- E .\TS-onlv :!O:;, a clpl'line havittJr ~et"ll \f'r!;j(~;. which Wf'l"C l'l'l'C•ntlv macll" a ur er op j :1 • ' • noti l'd in the ~·early enrollment smce nulili1· in<licntecl a lnC'k or voC'ntional J > Are Detter" 'i3c

1!.126. discriminaton . - ~w.•.-................... -. .-. .... -.. .-.-.-.-..-.. ... -.-. 1 I ~ ....... -..... -.....,,.,.._.._ ....... ..._.._.......,..._..._,..........-.-..;..._._..._.._ ............... .._.._.............. ~w • .._,....;

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