live call presentation

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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PowerPoint Presentation

Live Callspresented by Matt H. Evans

What are Live Calls?Live calls are live briefings that I conduct a few times each yearLive calls are presented over the internet using features provided with my Google+ accountLive calls allow you to reach me directly and learn the most current and best practicesLive calls allow others to participate so we can learn together from actual examplesLive calls are free there is no cost to participate

How do Live Calls work?Events for live calls are scheduled in advanceInvites are sent out for the event to those who have signed upOn the scheduled day and time, I initiate the Live Call using Google HangoutsThe Live Call will appear as a video call with my live image, leading the discussionThe Live Call is approximately 30 minutes long with an open question and answer session at the end. Calls are limited to a total of 60 minutes.

How can I participate in a Live Call?Setup a Google+ account and follow me on Google+. Add yourself to the Live Calls circle. This puts you on the invite list!If you do not want to sign up with a Google+ account, you can still participate:Go to my workshop / webinar page: A You Tube live link is posted approximately 20 minutes prior to the Live Call. Click on this link to participate.You can call in by phone: 401-283-6160, enter PIN 82170Even if you miss the Live Call, you can view it after the fact from my You Tube Account:

How can I check and see what live calls are scheduled?Visit my workshop / webinar page: Look under the Live Calls section for upcoming calls. Obviously, this is subject to change depending upon my schedule.

Some additional ground rules . . . Active participation includes video participation or group discussion participation You must have a Google+ account.Video participation is limited to 10 callers (including my self)Group discussion participation is limited to 100 (including myself)Active participates should be respectful of others when participating in a live callIf you want to ask a question during the Live Call, use the Chat feature since it is silent. Appears on the right side of the panel.Feel free to offer suggestions for how I can improve Live Calls. My email address is:

Thanks and lets connect . . .

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