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The Latest News in Health, Beauty, Fitness and Expertise.

The Latest News in Health, Beauty, Fitness, and Expertise.

Easy Meals for Moms! .................................................2



Life After Baby: The Mommy Diaries ................5

Collagen Supportive Measuresfor Healthy Skin

Top 3 Ways to Optimize Fertility forPatients with Polycystic OvarianSyndrome (PCOS)

In this issue

May 2019

HighlightingWomen’s Heath

OUR EXPERTSGenny Burgess C.N.P. Nature’s Signature Guelph

My journey into the natural health field began with an inside customer service representative job with an organic produce distributor in Etobicoke. Learning about the different farming requirements for organic verses conventional produce lead me to think about the effects conventional food has on our bodies, the environment and the economy. I discovered there was a program that could help me understand all these things in greater detail. I enrolled at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Mississauga and began my journey. Prior to my job in customer service and my education, I worked for many years as a pharmacy assistant in a large retail chain. I always found the work interesting and compelling. As I learned more, I began to see a link between conventional medicine and holistic supplementation. I felt that there was a definite need for a more integrative approach between the two. I feel that my knowledge in both fields allows me a greater understanding of our customer base. Many of the clients we see on a daily basis have been under the conventional medical stream and are looking for new ways to supplement and support their current protocol. My knowledge and education allow me to help them to change their way of life to include new, healthier ways of living.



2October 2019 Expert Newsletter

Healthy Smoothies....................................3

Cancer-Related Fatigue — What to Do About a Fatigue That Can't Be Slept Off.....................................................6

Stress & Fertility........................................9

Pregnancy Detox......................................13


OUR MISSIONOur passion is people, health and well-being. We are committed to the health and wellness of our customers, our communities and our planet. We value sustainability, ethical resource management, and charitable-giving while upholding the highest standards for clean formulations, product quality, evidence-based research and support for our customers.

3October 2019 Expert Newsletter

N owadays we live in a very busy world and sometimes it feels like we do not have enough time for healthy eating. But let me

remind you that this is just an illusion and when people set their priorities right, there is always a way to choose a healthier path.

When people are struggling to include some wholesome meals in their diet, there is an option to make a smoothie that comes to a rescue.

Smoothie can serve different purposes – it could be a fun way to blend a few fruits with your toddler, it’s a sneaky way to add hidden greens and vegetables into your family’s diet or a fast way to make a liquid meal on the go. It is super easy - just throw a few ingredients in a blander and there you have a delicious and nutritious drink.

Sometimes you have some family members that refuse eating vegetables; no matter what you try they do not enjoy the color or the texture of it. No worries, when you mix in a blander some sweet fruits like bananas, apples or berries you can also add some spinach or other greens, then the sweetness of the fruits will cover up the taste of everything else. As to the green color, it can be changed with bright berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries or strawberries.

With liquid meals you will need a little more creativity or a good recipe. It is preferable that your breakfast smoothie includes all the main nutrients like complex carbohydrates, protein and good fats, so it gives you enough energy to last until the next time you eat. When your meal has complex carbs aka high fiber content, it will not let the blood sugar jump too high and then suddenly drop low before the lunch time comes. Unfortunately, that is what happens with a lot of popular breakfast options like cereal and muffins that are full of sugar. Even though fruits have natural sugar, it also has fiber that slows down the blood sugar crush. Protein and good fats are very helpful in that sense too and they help to keep your satiety longer.

Besides the main nutrients, it is important that your smoothie has a lot of vitamins and minerals that fill your cells with energy and vitality. That’s why I like adding a scoop of organic dry powdered greens to my recipe. It is strongly recommended to get

Healthy Smoothies

organic greens, so that not to add all the pesticides and herbicides to your mixture. Also please make sure that there are no sweeteners added, plain and natural is the best option. This way you can make it sweet just by adding your fruits.

Another favourite item of mine to add is hemp hearts. I call them a “nutrient powerhouse”, because they are not only full of protein, good fats and fiber but they also provide calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, folate and some vitamins like A, B, C and E. How amazing is that!

Another important ingredient in my smoothie is plant-based protein. For this type of drink, I prefer unsweetened and unflavoured option, so that it doesn’t taste too sweet, since we will also add some bananas and sweet cherries into this mix. My personal favourite is Botanica “Perfect Protein”, because of its unique texture, but everyone has his own preferable protein powder that he likes to use. Next ingredient is Oat Milk. The reason why I put it there is the smooth texture that it adds to the smoothie and more importantly its nutritional value. It has some good fats, protein, fiber and Vitamin A, Calcium, a bit of iron, Vitamin D and B12, Riboflavin, Phosphorus and Zinc. Another “nutrient powerhouse”, would you agree?

The last ingredient is nut and seed butter. It also brings a very smooth texture and good fats, protein, as well as a little calcium and iron. I am adding a lot of fabulous fats to this drink, because it will help you stay full for a longer period and because we normally underestimate the importance of having good fats in our diet.

This smoothie is designed for a generally healthy person, who would like to have a fast and nutritious liquid breakfast on the go. If you have any health concerns or following a certain type of diet, please consult your health care practitioner to make sure this recipe is suitable for you.


4October 2019 Expert Newsletter



• ¾ cup oat milk• ¼ cup of filtered water• One scoop of plant-based protein• One scoop of greens powder• 1 tbsp. of hemp hearts• ½ tbsp. of nut and seed butter• 1 peeled ripe banana• ½ frozen sweet cherries


Blend everything well in a blender until its smooth and don’t forget to enjoy every sip!

It’s once again the start of a new school year, which is an exciting time to rekindle your love of learning and reconnect with the friends you haven’t seen in three months. Everyone will be catching up and sharing their fun summer adventure stories. However, that’s not the only thing shared during this time of the year. It also means sharing bus seats, desks, computers, and gym lockers with fellow classmates and friends who feel under the weather and don’t want to fall behind. They may not get behind in their schoolwork, but they may be sharing whatever illness they brought with them with you.

No matter the season, maintaining a healthy immune system is one of the most important jobs for your body. We encounter millions of germs every day, many with the potential to keep us from living an active lifestyle. There’s been an increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria in recent years, which means these germs can be very aggressive and difficult for the immune system to defend against. Our immune system is the body’s defense against enemy cells. Its job is to recognize and destroy foreign invaders (bad cells), while preserving healthy cells (good cells).

Don’t let the close quarters and shared computers at school leave you or your family sharing sickness instead of a walk or drive through the beautiful color-changing leaves. It is important to proactively arm yourself by incorporating natural health products backed by independent research and proven results into your daily routine. Introducing the Silver Biotics® family of products, clinically proven in the US over the last 20 years to help keep you and your family healthy and strong despite what surrounds you.

Silver Biotics Trace Element Silver Supplement is the perfect, daily way to support your Immune System. It contains our

powerful SilverSol Technology® to give your body a boost, so that it can do its job keeping you strong and healthy for all your daily adventures. It is all natural, gluten free, and safe for the whole family. Also, unlike other silver supplements, it has been proven through independent research that Silver Biotics Trace Element Silver Supplement will to not harm your probiotics. This means it can safely be taken everyday without harming your

gut health, a key element of a healthy and happy immune system. Backed by over 420 independent major reports and studies, Silver Biotics Trace Element Silver Supplement is the proven leader in safe and effective immune support.

Silver Biotics Trace Element Silver Supplement is also available in an incredible new form called Silver Biotics Silver Lozenges, where it is combined synergistically with manuka honey and all of the benefits that come with it. Combining two such super-powered immune supporting ingredients in one lozenge has never been done before, and the results are life changing. They work in tandem to soothe a sore throat and help support the immune system.

All of our Silver Biotics products are non-toxic and also play well with other supplements you may like, so it can easily be added to your routine without any worry of negative interactions.

Your skin is also an important component in protecting your body, and let’s face it – we all want healthy looking skin. We carefully formulated our Silver Biotics® products to work triple duty by beautifying and protecting, while promoting healing. Our fast absorbing skin care products use our patented SilverSol Technology® to naturally promote healing, leaving

your skin looking and feeling amazing.

The Silver Biotics Antimicrobial Skin Cream brings skin care to a whole new level. It is an all-natural and organically formulated skin cream that provides a layer of antimicrobial protection for your skin. It helps moisturize, protect, and beautify the skin, all while leaving it feeling silky smooth. The ingredient panel reads like a lineup of A-list ingredient celebrities, including coconut oil, vitamin E, and hyaluronic acid. You’ll also notice that

it also doesn’t contain any of the bad actors like parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and harsh preservatives. It is available in unscented and essential oil scented varieties.

Another of our amazing skin protecting products is Silver Biotics Armor Gel, an antimicrobial first-aid gel for wounds that effectively kills bacteria, fungus and yeast. It quickly soothes, and won’t stain, stick, sting or burn. Armor Gel wound care provides a protective layer, or “armor”, allowing the body to heal itself faster. It will also give you peace of mind, knowing you’ve given your family the best protection – so that you can all keep going strong.

5 5October 2019 Expert Newsletter

6October 2019 Expert Newsletter

F atigue is the most common complaint from people with cancer and it’s different from the fatigue that comes with daily life – it can’t just

be slept off. Termed “cancer-related fatigue”, it’s a distressing and persistent, physical, mental and/or emotional tiredness related to cancer and its treatments. This fatigue can last for months to years and very commonly, people with cancer are looking for energy support.

Although the causes of cancer-related fatigue are not fully understood, there are underlying factors to consider when looking to improve energy. This means considering drug side effects, pain, sleep quality and quantity, nutritional status, tissue damage, chronic inflammation, emotional distress, and mitochondrial function. Because cancer-related fatigue can be caused by many factors, it is essential to have a comprehensive plan, including self-care methods, to reduce and cope with symptoms.


Whether you are on active cancer treatment or not, here are some tips to help manage cancer-related fatigue and improve energy:


Although seemingly contradictory for treating fatigue, exercise and movement is excellent medicine and well-supported by the research for improving cancer-related fatigue. Aerobic exercise, where heartrate and breathing are increased, is more helpful for fatigue-management compared to resistance or weighted exercises. Aerobic exercise has an effect on our

7October 2019 Expert Newsletter

mitochondria, the energy-producing factories in our cells; it can help us produce more of them as well as facilitate their repair. Physical activity can also result in secondary benefits such as improved muscular function, improved self-esteem and mood, and there is some evidence suggesting it can have a positive effect on the immune system.

Interestingly, the research suggests that low-intensity exercise is more effective than high-intensity for improving cancer-related fatigue. A good place to start is to go out for a 20-30-minute walk, most days of the week. In order to not overexert yourself, monitor your recovery time after activities – you should be able to recover in less time than the activity itself. If, for example, you are going out for a 30-minute walk and then need to rest on the couch for an hour afterwards, cut back on the time or intensity. As you begin to build stamina and feel more energetic, you can increase the time or pace, or change the activity to biking, light jogging, interval walking, low-impact aerobics or other exercises that you enjoy.


Some herbs have been studied in supporting energy in people with cancer. Always consult with a qualified naturopathic doctor before starting any supplements, including herbs, as some should be avoided during active cancer treatment.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an herb that has potential against cancer-related fatigue, in addition to improving quality of

life. This herb has been proposed to influence brain chemistry in a way that can ease mental stress and anxiety, improve cognitive functioning like memory and shown to improve energy scores in people with breast cancer. In naturopathic medicine, Ashwagandha is known as an adaptogen – an herb that has restorative properties on the body’s stress response system, which could ultimately help your body adapt to stressful situations.

Another herb to consider is in the ginseng family; Panax quinquefolius, also called American gingseng. It has been studied in people with various cancers and shown to provide a significant improvement in general exhaustion, compared to a placebo group. Ginseng has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a natural energy support and its active ingredients, called ginsenosides, are thought to have anti-inflammatory and stress-hormone modulating effects.

If you feel your cancer-related fatigue is impeding your quality of life, consider speaking with a Natural Health Care Practitioner such as a Naturopath Doctor (ND), to learn about other supplements as well as lifestyle interventions that could help improve your energy.


All of our hormones – including estrogen, progesterone and testosterone – must exist in a delicate balance with one another. If women have conversion problems or are exposed to hormones from outside the body (xenoestrogens), symptoms of PMS and the menopausal transition occur. Exposure to certain forms of estrogen have also been associated with women’s health problems including infertility, endometriosis, fibroids and cancers. Here is your cheat sheet for hormone health:

hormonehelp.comWomen Helping Women®

ESTROGEN 411 for Women:A cheat sheet for healthy hormonesLISA PETTY, MA, ROHP

Did you know?Sources of xenoestrogens include bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates in body care products, bleached hygiene products like tampons, pads and toilet paper, birth control pills and non-organic foods.

Clean up in Aisle YouThe liver is responsible for metabolising estrogen through the two phases of the P450 enzyme pathway. In Phase 1, the liver metabolises xenoestrogens and other foreign substances, steroid hormones and pharmaceutical drugs. This pathway works either by making the compound more hydrophilic (water-loving) so it can be eliminated via the kidneys, or by adding a reactive group (such as a hydroxyl group) to create a reactive electrophile species (RES). Much like a reactive oxygen species (ROS) or free radical, RES have the potential to damage cells. Likewise, estrogen metabolites can become toxic to the body after Phase 1. In Phase 2, these dangerous compounds are further processed for elimination.

Problems can occur, however, when these dangerous compounds linger. To proactively support your liver, you want to limit your intake of xenoestrogens and help your liver’s detoxification pathways.

Estrogen 911• After menopause, an enzyme that is responsible for converting

testosterone to the toxic form of estrogen,is produced in adipose (fat) tissue. Regaining and maintaining healthy weight after menopause may be helpful for protecting women’s health

• Read product labels carefully to avoid purchasing personal care and home products that contain xenoestrogens

• Enjoy cruciferous vegetables including Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and kale several times a week. These vegetables contain a compound called sulforaphane. Research has shown that sulforaphane is antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and may support liver function. Cruciferous vegetables also provide indole-3-carbinole (I3C), which then produces diindolylmethane (DIM) upon digestion. Both I3C and DIM help to promote healthy estrogen balance. The downside for some people, of course, is that cruciferous vegetables may cause digestive challenges.

ESTROsmart® can helpFor supplemental hormone balancing support, ESTROsmart® offers a tailored blend of research-supported nutrients that help to maintain a healthy estrogen-metabolite ratio and support liver detoxification processes. Sulforaphane from BroccoPhane® broccoli sprout provides antioxidant assistance for the liver without causing digestive upset. Along with promoting healthy estrogen metabolism, Indole-3-carbinol protects cells from free radicals while DIM helps reduce the severity and duration of symptoms associated with recurrent breast pain (cyclical mastalgia). Antioxidant green tea extract contains phytonutrients and may help with weight management when used with a program of reduced calorie intake and increased exercise. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant and rosemary extract has been traditionally used in herbal medicine to help relieve flatulent indigestion. Research shows that calcium D-glucarate may amplify the activity of antioxidants including vitamin C and carotenoids. ESTROsmart® also provides factors for detoxification of BPA.

For severe PMS, consider ESTROsmart plus® with vitex and zinc. Vitex helps to relieve premenstrual symptoms and is used to help stabilise menstrual cycle irregularities.

Selected ReferencesCui, J., Shen, Y., & Li, R. (2013). Estrogen synthesis and signaling pathways during aging: from periphery to brain. Trends in molecular medicine, 19(3), 197-209.Farmer EE, Davoine C. Reactive electrophile species. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2007;10:380-386.Hodges, R. E., & Minich, D. M. (2015). Modulation of Metabolic Detoxification Pathways Using Foods and Food-Derived Components: A Scientific Review with Clinical Application. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2015, 760689.Kim, J. K., & Park, S. U. (2016). Current potential health benefits of sulforaphane. EXCLI journal, 15, 571-577. Stocco C. (2011). Tissue physiology and pathology of aromatase. Steroids, 77(1-2), 27-35.Thomas, M. P., & Potter, B. V. (2013). The structural biology of oestrogen metabolism. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 137, 27-49.

• Maintains healthy estrogen- to-progesterone balance

• Eases hormonal acne, fibrocystic breasts, cysts and endometriosis

• Reduces cramping, heavy periods, mood swings and PMS

9October 2019 Expert Newsletter

I t is commonly known that psychological stress is likely to impact a woman’s ability to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy. But what exactly is

stress and how does it play such an important role in not only fertility and pregnancy, but also in overall health?


Stress is a normal part of everyday life, and it is what allows us to have productive days. When the body is under perceived stress, your adrenal glands secrete a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol contributes to a natural rhythm in the body, helping you to wake in the morning and sleep at night. In addition, if you are in a life-threatening situation, your body should respond by secreting cortisol and preparing for the “fight or flight” response. However, in modern Western society, the body and mind are under chronic stress, causing the natural rhythm to get out of sync and leading to either an overproduction or underproduction of cortisol.

High stress is extremely common today. In a large study conducted in 2017 by the American Psychological Association called Stress in America, women aged 18 to 55 reported an average stress level of 5.1 on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest stress level) . That was 2 points higher than what is considered healthy. About 23 percent of the surveyed women reported experiencing extreme daily stress, at levels of 8 to 10. The women acknowledged the importance of stress management, but few felt they were doing a good job of it.

Women who are struggling with their fertility generally fall within the group experiencing daily stress levels between 8 and 10. I find in practice that some women fully acknowledge the effects of stress in their lives, while others downplay its implications. Even if you don’t feel that you are stressed, implementing the following techniques will have a major positive impact on your daily life.

When stress becomes a chronic problem, it can have a negative impact on the health of your oocytes, your eggs, and your future babies. Thus, you need to become aware of the symptoms of stress.

Stress & Fertility

These symptoms include the following:

• Headaches• Anxiety• Irritability• Low energy (such as generalized fatigue

throughout the day or a mid-afternoon dip in energy)

• Poor digestion (such as constipation or irritable bowel syndrome)

• Premenstrual syndrome• Short, long, or irregular menstrual cycle • Heavy periods• Poor sleep quality (such as a pattern of

waking between 3 am and 5 am)


10 10October 2019 Expert Newsletter


One of the ways in which high stress can impact pregnancy is through a process called “progesterone steal”. Progesterone is a precursor hormone for cortisol, a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Generally, the more cortisol your body needs to make, the less progesterone it has in reserve. If a woman has low progesterone levels, her body cannot maintain a pregnancy because either there is isn’t enough time for implantation before progesterone drops, or an early miscarriage can occur.

The high cortisol levels resulting from stress can promote inflammation in the body. Certain conditions, such as PCOS or endometriosis, can be exacerbated by higher cortisol levels. For a patient with PCOS, the higher cortisol could lead to anovulation. With endometriosis, the endometrial tissue could become increasingly engorged, leading to more pain and further abnormal tissue growth.

In office testing can be very helpful both the Koenisberg (urine based test) as well as orthostatic blood pressure can give a general indicator as to how well the body is coping with stress.

Yet another test of adrenal function is the four- point salivary cortisol test, in which cortisol secretion is monitored at different points throughout the day. The results provide a good indication of how your body is responding to stress during the day, including whether you are oversecreting or under-secreting cortisol.


A number of strategies are available to help regulate your cortisol level and its impact on your body. I have found the three strategies discussed here to be highly effective.

1. Exercise

For most of my patients — and for myself — exercise has been shown to be a major stress reliever.

Unfortunately, exercise is often the first thing that drops out of a daily schedule when a person gets busy. It should be the last.

Exercising for up to 60 minutes a day will help lower your cortisol levels. The exercise does not need to be of high intensity. It could be walking, yoga, swimming, weight training, dancing—anything that gets your body moving and that you enjoy.

2. A Consistent Schedule

A consistent schedule. Your body thrives on routine. For your hormones to work most effectively, you should go to bed and get up at the same time every day. If possible, you should also exercise and eat around the same time each day. When your body “knows” consistently what to expect, the adrenal glands can start to cycle cortisol properly again.

3. Diaphragm breathing or yoga breathing.

When you engage the diaphragm for breathing, this muscle between your stomach and lungs takes your nervous system from its stressed mode to its relaxed mode.

If these three strategies are not enough to restore adrenal function, there are also supplements and botanicals that could be helpful. In particular, vitamin B5 and botanicals called adaptogens (such as holy basil, ginseng, and licorice) can help to restore the healthy function of the adrenal system. For more advice regarding supplementation and cortisol regulation, you should consult your naturopathic doctor.


11October 2019 Expert Newsletter

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SINUS FORTERelieve upper respiratory catarrh

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*By prescription only.


12October 2019 Expert Newsletter

Discover Holistic Health

Inspired by Nature, Validated by Science

Committed to Non-GMO Sourcing

Vitamins made with Organic Veggies & Herbs

Certified Organic by International Certification Services, Inc., Medina, ND, USA Read the label and follow directions. These products may not be right for you. © 2019 New Chapter Canada , Inc.

13October 2019 Expert Newsletter

W hat if I told you that our generation of children have a shorter life expectancy than us? What if I also told you that it

was from the amount of toxins that are stored in our bodies that are released during pregnancy and ending up in our vulnerable babies. According to Dr. Aviva Romm, MD, this is the case. Our children are constantly being pumped with medications, antibiotics, vaccinations, refined sugars, processed foods and heavy metals. Unfortunately, this is a harsh reality, however it is a reality that us as mothers can change by creating a stronger

nutritional foundation before pregnancy.


Well to start off, if women are planning on getting pregnant, there are some guidelines they can follow to create the best nutritional foundation for a growing baby. These guidelines should be followed for a minimum of 6 months- 1 year before getting pregnant. This time frame will depend on the toxic burden the mother has on her body.


• Previously or currently smoke? • Use of recreational or medical drugs? • Pollution exposure? • Use of birth control pill? • Consuming of processed/ refined foods?

• Negative Emotions? (trauma, sadness,

grief, anger)



If you are currently pregnant these dietary and lifestyle recommendations can be followed as well. It is unsafe for you and your growing baby to be doing any active detoxification; however, it is safe to reduce/ eliminate any potential toxic burden that could be put on the body during pregnancy. For women who are looking/ considering getting pregnant, it is important to be working with a Natural Healthcare Practitioner for an effective detoxification program. These recommendations below should also be considered and implemented.


1. What types of cosmetics or self care products do you use on a daily basis?

Think of how many different types of products women use regularly. We wake up in the morning brush our teeth, shower using soap and shampoo/conditioner, moisturizer and perfume. If make up is used, there are a ton of different concoctions women use for their make-up routine! Don’t forget that extra spritz of perfume you put on before leaving the house.

Here is a list of common self-care products being used by women:

• Makeup: eyeshadow, toner, bronzer, foundation, concealer, mascara

• Moisturizers• Deodorant • Perfume• Body Wash/ Soap• Haircare products: shampoo, conditioners,

hairspray, mousse, dry shampoo• Toothpaste• Tampons/ Pads• Nail Polish/ Remover

There could be a variety of toxic chemicals inside products you use everyday! You can review your skin care products on This is a great website to see how toxic or safe your self care products are.

14October 2019 Expert Newsletter

2. Is your home toxin-free?

This may seem like a silly question to consider, especially if you live in a clean home or consider yourself a “clean freak”. However, homes can be filled with toxins. Carpet and home furnishings usually have flame retardants in them. Every time carpet is walked on or a couch is sat on, it off gasses these flame retardants and other chemicals into the air. Flame retardants are endocrine disruptors (affects our own hormone production and elimination) and carcinogenic (cancer- causing).

Another place to look at is the types of cleaners being used in the home. Detergents, fabric softeners, air fresheners, bathroom cleaners, oven cleaners, dish soap and window cleaners, all can increase toxin burden due to the amount of toxic chemicals that are being used.

Check out for safe home cleaning products. Remember the vinegar your grandma used to use clean the house? She was on the right tract!


3. What kind of food are you consuming?

If you are not pregnant yet, you should be eating like you are pregnant. This reduces the amount of toxic exposure to the body.


Eliminate ALL processed foods from the diet. When it comes to processed foods there are a ton of food additives. Health Canada defines food additives as “any chemical substance that is added to food during preparation or storage and either becomes a part of the food or affects its characteristics.” Food additives are used to “enhance its keeping quality, make it attractive or to aid in its processing, packaging or storage” These food additives usually come from 3 different places in the processing preparation:

• Chemicals from processing: plastics, leached chemicals, metals and cleaning solvents

15October 2019 Expert Newsletter

• Intentional: colours, preservatives, flavouring and sweeteners

• Silent Chemicals: pesticides, herbicides and other environmental toxins

Most of these food additives can affect our endocrine system, brain development (especially for a growing baby), and are carcinogenic.

High mercury fish can be quite dangerous to consume pregnant or not. Mercury is found in all fish, however the larger the fish, the high amount of mercury. Mercury is known to cause neurological effects like poor memory and concentration. Check out HookedInc and NRDC for what fish have the highest amounts of mercury and what fish are safe to consume.

Although coffee can be quite delicious, I strongly suggest avoiding it if getting pregnant is an issue or if you are pregnant. Caffeine can increase the risk of a miscarriage when 250mg+ is consumed.

It is crucial to assess all aspects of your life if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Products that women use in their everyday life may seem to be harmless, unfortunately they could potentially be increasing the toxic burden on the body, therefore increasing the toxic burden on a baby’s body.

Processed foods cause serious detrimental affects to our health and to the health of a growing baby. It is important to be mindful of the foods you are nourishing your body with and the products being used on the skin.

ReferencesSkin Deep® Cosmetics Database. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The Knowledgeable Fish Store. (n.d.). Retrieved from NRDC. (n.d.). Retrieved from

1. Murray, M. T., & Pizzorno, J. E. (2014). The encyclopedia of natural medicine. London: Simon & Schuster.

Oct 30 7 PM - 8 PM Start Early in Life to Prevent Dimentia with Dr. Scott Clack B.Sc., N.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 24 7 PM - 8 PM Treatment and Prevention of Chronic Diseases with Dr. Bernadette Janczak N.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 28 7 PM - 8 PM Why You Should Pay Attention to Chronic Inflammation with Dr. Barb Woegerer N.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 29 7 PM - 8 PM Healthy Hormones, Pre & Post Menopause with Dr. Courtney Ranieri N.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 24 7 PM - 8:30 PM Healing AutoImmunity with Samantha Gladishat Nature’s Signature Burlington

Oct 23 7 PM - 8 PM All About Digestive Health with Dr. Maisam Hasan N.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga






The information contained in this newsletter is for personal interest only; it is not intended for diagnosis or treatment of any condition. Readers are always encouraged to seek the professional advice of a licensed physician or qualified health care practitioner for personal health or medical conditions.

Burlington2010 Appleby Line289.313.6891

Danforth3003 Danforth Ave416.691.1691

Guelph500 Edinburgh Rd S519.822.8900

Liberty Village100 Lynn Williams St416.535.3200

Ottawa4510 Innes Rd613.834.6789

St. Clair2155 St. Clair Ave W416.763.6789


Winona Crossing1370 South Service Rd, Hamilton905.643.1177


Oct 1 7 PM - 8 PM Cleansing Now, Be Ready for Cold & Flu Season and More... with Dr. Scott Clack B.Sc., N.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 4 12:30 PM - 3 PM with Annie Corbinat Nature’s Signature Guelph

Oct 2 7 PM - 8 PM What's Your Biological Age? Cutting Through the Noise on Healthy Aging with Dr. Mary Nagai M.D., Ph.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 7 4 PM - 7 PM with Lauren Neuburger CNP

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 10 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM All About Autoimmune with Dr. Christina Christoforou B.Sc. (Hons.,) N.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 8 12 PM - 3 PM with Dr. Michael Michna N.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 16 7 PM - 8 PM Natural Therapies for Chronic Stress and Anxiety with Cyrus Kuhzaraniat Nature’s Signature Orleans

Oct 21 3 PM - 7 PM with Dr. Andrew Hubbard N.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 22 12 PM - 5 PM with Dr. Barb Woegerer N.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 29 1 PM - 4 PM with Dr. Courtney Ranieri N.D.

at Nature’s Source Mississauga

Oct 5 All DayPlatinum Naturals Pop UpNature’s Source Oakville

Oct 20 & Oct 27 All DayGenuine Health & Basd Pop UpNature’s Signature Guelph

Oct 5 All DayDr. Bronner's Pop UpNature’s Signature Liberty Village

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