litany of farewell -efm online training 11-10

Post on 13-May-2015






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Litany of Farewell

Good Christian people, let us now pray for the saving presence of

our living God.

In this world:Christ is risen.

In the places where we live: Christ is risen.

In our faith communities:Christ is risen.

In this gathering:Christ is risen.

In the online world:Christ is risen.

In the hearts of all faithful people:Christ is risen.

Today we pray for each other, as we leave this place, and go back to the work and play of our lives.

For expectations not met:God have mercy.

For grievances not resolved:God have mercy.

For wounds not healed:God have mercy.

For anger not dissolved:God have mercy.

For gifts not given:God have mercy.

For this portion of our lifelong pilgrimages which we have made together:Thanks be to God.

For friendships made, celebrations enjoyed, and moments of nurture:

Thanks be to God.

For wounds healed, expectations met, gifts given, promises kept:

Thanks be to God.

For trust and confidence shared; for times of good humor and moments of gentle leadership:.

Thanks be to God.

To continue the journey with new friends, new adventures, new gifts to give and receive:.

Go in peace.

To offer wisdom and experience, competence and compassion, in the ministries to which we are called:

Go in peace.

In faith, hope, and love:

Go in peace.

Your own prayers are invited at this time:

Now, we pray, be with us; and grant that all of us, by drawing ever nearer to you, may always be close to each other in the communion of your saints.


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