listing/buying presentation module 7 & 8 · your listing, this is about one thing only - you...

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Listing/Buying Presentation

Module 7 & 8

Top1PercentAgent.Com © 2015

“It’s Not About The Presentation, It’s About The Result.”

Real Estate Listing Presentation ©2015

Brain Triggers Language

Control Social Frame

The 8 Brain Triggers You Must Push:

1. Attention2. Imagery3. Contrast4. Tangible5. WIIFM6. Emotional7. Frame8. Anchor

SPA: Triggers - “You must push...”

Power Of Scripting

ATTENTIONYour prospect’s attention span is short. The best attention spans are about 20 minutes. Your prospects and clients will remember the beginning and end the most. Start and finish with a bang. Solution: State interesting facts, ask interesting questions. Avoid long stories. Spread interesting thoughts throughout presentation. Add a mid way hook. (SPA: Attention. “What’s the one...”)

IMAGERY A picture is worth 1000 words. Use as many images as possible. Use images to demonstrate your most important points. Imagery keeps the left brain from wasting energy having to think. The brain reacts in two milliseconds to imagery. Solution: Do not just talk numbers. Show numbers and if possible, show contrast on graphs / pie charts / pictures. High contrast imagery works best. (SPA: Imagery: A picture is worth $1000.)

HIGH CONTRASTYou must draw high contrast between what you can do better than your competition. You must clearly be a stronger choice. Solution: What separates you from others they will be interviewing? It must be a clear contrast. What is your USP? What is your leverage? (SPA: USP. How to be your prospect’s obvious choice.)

TANGIBLEThe brain likes what it can experience or “touch.” A verbal, “We have a comprehensive marketing approach” says little. Solution: A tangible “three point plan,” and here’s what it is, Step 1, Step 2, Step 3...walk them through plan.

WIIFMYour clients don’t care about you. They care about themselves. Solution: Only talk about end results. Keep conversation FOCUSED on end result.

EMOTIONALPain and loss are your two biggest allies. The more pain and loss you can put people in, the quicker you can move them. Solution: Turn up and compound the pain for not acting. (SPA: Pain)

FRAMEYour prospect is pre wired to make decisions based on frames. Your prospect makes decisions from their pre-existing frames. The brain gets rewarded for confirming what it already believes. What do people already believe about realtors and real estate? Solution: Build a new frame and be the obvious choice.

30 SECOND ANCHORAnchors set expectations. “If you’ve interviewed or will interview others they’ll tell you how they can sell your home. This is not about me getting your listing, this is about one thing only - you selling your home in the time that you want and for the money that you want, that’s it. If I’m the right person for you then I’d love to help you. If I’m not, I’ll still do what I can to help you.” Solution: Set anchor at beginning of presentation. (SPA: Anchor. “Themes and times...”)

REMEMBER: Social Frame. Your prospect will control you or you will control them. You don’t need them. They need you! You are the expert. Anytime you defer to them, you are then following them and they are controlling you.

(SPA: Frame Control / Alpha: Oren Klaff Interview)


“Become So Persuasive You Can Control A Would Be King”

SPA: Frame Control

“John, I have our appointment on Thursday the 15th and 7PM. When I come over, we’re going to talk about three things. One, how to sell your home as quickly and as easily as possible. Two, how to get the price that you want and three, how exactly I can do that for you.” (SPA: Expectation - “You’re going to love this technique.”)



SPA: Language Patterns

“Thank you for the opportunity to visit with you, I’m thrilled that you may already think that we may be able to help you. (Say Casually) - > If you’re like most people, when we’re done visiting (today/tonight) you’re going to feel absolutely comfortable knowing that we/I can _______________.”

Before you start your formal presentation, ask them, if it’s not obvious: “What is your favorite and most comfortable room in your home?” If it’s appropriate (den/living room) suggest you sit and talk in that room.

They’ll quickly relax in that room and then be more comfortable with you. (That room is a psychological trigger for them and you want them to feel comfortable with you. The more comfortable they feel, the quicker they will like you.)


Next, engage with the seller/buyer and help them discover all the reasons they can feel comfortable putting their trust in you. Basically, start your chit-chat back and forth. Remember to mirror and pace them.

After small talk, (visibly) relax, sit back and start with your anchor: “Mr Smith, first and foremost, I want you to know that our meeting is not about me getting your listing. I may or may not be the best agent foryou. First and foremost, our meeting is about two things: One, you discovering how we can help you sell your home in the time that you want and for the money that you want, and second, discovering if I’m the right agent for you.

“So that I can help you discover all the ways that I can help you sell your home in the time frame and for the money you want, may I ask you a few questions about your property?”

a)How long have you lived here?

b) What convinced you to buy this particular home?

1b) Listen carefully, unless it’s a change in family size, what caused them to buy this home will probably be what will cause them to buy their next home. (MAN: Convincer Strategy)

c) What do you like best about your home?

1c) Listen carefully, what they like best about this home is probably the first thing they will be looking for in a new home. (Personality Clues)

2c) What caused you to buy in this neighborhood?

3c) What is your time frame for moving? (“This is a tricky/competitive market, do you consider yourself a reasonably flexible person?”)

1) “I know that most agents don’t ask questions like this, but I’d really like to better understand what’s most important to you. For me, this is more than brick and mortar, this is about building a relationship. I’m picky about who I work with, and I can’t work with everyone, so I’ll know if we’re a good fit or not, I’d like to ask you, what specifically are you looking for in a realtor?”

1a) Listen carefully, (Reinforce how they will discover the same in you.)

2a) “I never take a listing just to take a listing. I vest myself in the lives of people I do business with. In the same spirit as the last question, what do you value most in the person you’ll choose to market your home for you?”

2b) Listen carefully, you MUST be this to them. The entire listing or not will hinge on this question.




SPA: Authority. “Your prospect will fall inline....

(OK, this is where you lay down the ground rules, pace their fears and get them to commit to the rules. (Control the social frame. Also, this is where you eliminate their concerns well before they even give them to you – and this is where you take charge of the process. Doing this will eliminate or cut down on resistance as you’re moving through the details of the listing.)

“Alright, I’m getting a great sense of who you are and what’s most important to you. Before we go on, we’ll get to the marketing and pricing strategy in just a moment, let me share with you what most agents don’t know or won’t tell you. Most times selling a property is not really about the property itself but about the owner, expectations and their relationship with their agent. I want to quickly cover (X) things before we talk about your marketing strategy: (X) things and the biggest mistakes that most people make when selling/buying a home.



(This is about them.) “One, first and foremost, as you’re going to discover and as I said earlier, I’m not here to get your listing. I’m here to be of service. I’ve been doing this a X years and right now I know that your three biggest concerns are probably : (This is their fears/limitations. This applies to most markets and economies but in some situations it may not apply. Put their fears behind them.)

1) ________________________________________________2) ________________________________________________3) ________________________________________________

(Remember, there are two kinds of objections. Those you bring up first and those they bring up first. What you bring up first you can eliminate. This step will help you eliminate resistance when it comes time to close. SPA: Enter Conversation. “You’re probably.”



(“Alright, we’ve addressed your biggest concerns....we’ll cover it more thoroughly as we go on. Now, let’s cover my biggest concern. My biggest concern is never the market – it’s the seller because truth be told, most times the seller is the single biggest obstacle to getting a property sold.

Sellers can be difficult, they can want to emotionally over price, they can do things to sabotage getting the best offer, they can ___________, ___________, and __________.

I know you’re probably not the kind of person who does things like this, but it’s important that we make you you will do all things that we need to do to get you the best price in the quickest time.



***This part can go earlier or later in the presentation, but if you don’t cover’ll be chasing them to get things done. POINT: Get them to commit to what needs to happen in the relationship or

you’ll be sorry. It’s a commitment contract.

(AGENT - If you know there are things that you’re going to need them to do the sell the property, now is the time to address it. Address it, ask them if they will consider your suggestions. THEN, move on to technicals and come back to this later in presentation. If not, skip to next section: Marketing.)

“I’ve done this for _____ years and as you’ll discover, I know my way around. It’s my job to make all this happen, fast and easily .... in order to do that, it’s important that we be on the same page and that you follow my advice, it’s all in the best interest of selling your property.

Again, they are all reasonable, and you’ll find they will make your property more appealing. Some people have less things that need to be done, some have more – we’ll explore that. What I’m asking is this...When you agree to list with me, will you also commit to strongly taking under advisement my best guidance? When you agree to do this, you’re home is already half sold. (Later, detail every suggestion and have them agree. Later in the listing process you can hold them to their commitments.)

(This is about both) “Alright, we’ve talked about you, we’ve talked about me, now let’s talk about us. We both have to bring things to the table to get your home sold quickly.

I have to bring/commit to: (offering reciprocity)

1) ________________________________________________2)________________________________________________3)________________________________________________

You have to bring/commit to: (asking for commitment)1)________________________________________________ 2)________________________________________________3)________________________________________________

I’ve found that when either side can’t meet these minimums, then the whole process takes more time than necessary. As you’re going to discover, this is my job, I WILL bring these three.. will you commit to brining your three when we work together?


“We at XYZ Company take a XYZ to marketing your home. Over the years we’ve found that this is a tried and proven blue print for moving your property. When you see all this, I think you’ll agree.”

(Walk them through YOUR presentation)

** Think outside the box. What can you offer than no one else can? Maybe offering “Home staging” as part of our process? Research demonstrates that staged homes sell quicker. This is a huge value to the home owner, and there is most likely not a single firm in (city) that offers this as part of their package. I’m sure there is some way you can make this cost effective.

*** What can you offer that makes it a “no brainer” to use you?






Shama Hyder

Brandon LuceroJames Wedmore

Nick UnsworthAmy Porterfield


“As I said earlier, the biggest obstacle to selling a home is usually the owner and I also said that a house priced right is half sold.”

“The biggest mistake that most homeowners make is they get into the emotions of what they think their property is worth, and I understand that – and in the long run, that mindset can cost homeowners $1000s of LOST dollars. Selling and buying a home is really math – plain and simple, and many people find this out the hard way - though many of us are emotionally invested in our homes, the market is not emotionally invested in us. My job is to get you the most amount of money from your home, and I’m ethically bound to represent your best interest. If I let you ask to price your home too high, then I’m not ethically representing your best interest. I’m ethically bound to advise you price your home where the market says it will sell the quickest at the highest price. This does make sense, right?”


GIVE A REAL EXAMPLE HERE of someone who insisted on over pricing their property and they lost money because it sat on the market too long (plus the other negatives of a home that ‘sits.’) “Had they priced at XYZ, which is where they sold, they would have sold quicker and actually saved _____.” (Pull out a visual)

“So, many people unfortunately never realize the true costs of what an over-priced property will lose them until it’s too late. That’s why I’m going to suggest we price your home to strike a balance between maximizing your sell price and minimizing your time on the market.”


SELLERS - Prevent Over Pricing


Now, go into the CMA/Pricing.

If they balk, remind them of earlier when you told them that the biggest obstacle to selling a home is the owner.

** If you just cannot get them on board with your listing advice. The smarter strategy is to say, “Mr X, I’m bound be a professional code of ethics. I can’t list your property for X. I know you think that’s what it’s worth, and I want you to have that, but the reality is that the market says your property is worth ______. One of the biggest mistakes that most make is they try to tell the market what their property is worth, and the reality is that the market tells us what it’s worth. The price you want to list at is not realistic and it’s going to cause your property to sit.

If someone else will list it at that price then they are not looking after your best interest. I understand where you are coming from, but I think if you choose to do that, in six months when you look back and see how long your house sat on the market and how much money you lost, you’re not going to be happy with your losses.

I’ve done a comprehensive CMA....this ___________ is what a buyer, in this market, will pay for your home in this market.”


First, some people may be offended or mad at offers. Tell them this (if it’s an inappropriate offer), Mr. Smith, by law I’m bound to present all offers to you. I can’t say I agree with them all and you do not have to accept any of them. But, by law I do have to present you with legitimate offers. We do have an offer that came in at ________, I’m not thrilled with it, but I do have to present it.” Explain your thoughts pro or con.

(Tell them you cannot control the offer, you’re just the messenger. Also, ask them in commitment section to agree you are just the messenger, and they’ll not get mad at you for low offer.)




Use the responses in the Eliminate Objections document.




Technicals, but...

ASK! Repeat ASK! “Have we covered everything and are you now fully convinced that we can sell your property in the time you want for the price you want?”

If no...respond with objections from the Eliminate Objections document. If yes, “OK, then the only thing to do next is to get your property on the market.”



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