
Post on 15-May-2015






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Tips on using Fedora(Moving to Fedora 9)

An Overview

Installation Related Setting the Stage Get Set n Go

Play anything Google Products ODC/DC++ ADSL settings (Dataone, etc)

Important Packages

Installation Related An ideal Hard Disk Configuration

Suppose we have a 160 GB hard disk. And we want to have dual boot with Windows XP as the other OS.

30 GB – Windows (should be your first partition.)

40 GB – Fedora 9 Swap – 1.5 – 2 GB (should be more than your

RAM, preferably twice) /home – 2 GB / - 36 GB

90 GB – Data / Windows Applications

Installation Contd.

While setting the Time Zone during installtion, set it to GMT +0.00 (and not GMT +5.30).

If you want to reinstall windows after setting up fedora, you have to reinstall grub for using fedora again. Insert the Fedora DVD. Go to Rescue installation. It will mount your

fedora partition on a temporary location. Issue the command grub-install /dev/sda or

grub-install /dev/hda

Setting the stage Apart from on-line repository, the DVD of

Fedora 9 also contain useful packages. Installing these from DVD would really be fast and saves the net bandwidth. cd /media

mkdir dvd-rommount -t

iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/dvd-rom/ Add these lines to the end of /etc/yum.conf [base-local]

name=Fedora DVDbaseurl=file:///media/dvd-

rom/enabled=1 gpgcheck=1gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-

fedora file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY

Setting the Stage ...

Install Yumex yum -y install yumex

Http Proxy Settings Su http_proxy="http://usrname:password@"

If you are using Yumex, then do the proxy setting by, System -> Preferences -> Internet and Networks -> Network Proxy.

Play Anything Visit this blog and read the detailed instructions Adding livna repositories - 'A must' MP3 Support GCC compatibility 'Needed' Mplayer / Xine/ VLC Video binary codex mpg321 A cool utility CD/DVD burning using K3G

For Flash support Go to Adobe site and download the rpm.

Google's Product Install google Linux Repo -- Run these

Sequentially wget rpm --import

As root, add the following to a file called google.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/:

Google Product

[google] name=Google – i386 baseurl= enabled=1

gpgcheck=1 Now use these commands

$ yum install picasa $ yum install googleearth-package $ yum install google-desktop-linux

Setting up Valknut

This is a substitute for DC++ in windows yum install valknut Go to file -> options for usual settings,

like download locations, and file sharing. Choose connection type as passive.

Click on Show hub list. Then go to bookmarks. Right click and add hubs.

Note: You will not be able to download from those users who are also using passive connection.

One of the first things you need in a linux environment is a good internet connection. So, setting up PPPOE ADSL network connection is important.

Well the basic steps for this setup are: Set up a network link between your computer

and the modem Run /usr/sbin/pppoe-setup and create a ppp0

connection. Once ready, start or stop the connection

using the /sbin/ifup ppp0 and /sbin/ifdown ppp0 commands

For detailed step-by-step instructions visit

ADSL settings in Fedora

Important packages

You might find these softwares important in day-to-day use: Gnochm – Opens Windows Help file format

(.chm) Unrar – For RAR files Emacs – Handy for coding LaTeX fuse fuse-libs ntfs-3g – for mounting ntfs file



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