linkedin portfolio

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Our simulator uses a hand-crafted model of the lower-abdominal area with the uterus and ovaries in

view (similar to views in our clinical trials). We simulate our proposed instrument and obtain virtual

endoscopic camera views under a user-controlled number of illumination patterns. From these

images and assuming no pre-calibrated arrangement of the fiber-optic bundles (except for the fact

they cannot be collinear), we estimate the 3D structure.

Project Timeline

Spring 2008:

• Select initial visualization and navigation tools to append to current simulator.

• Commence building of prototype device.

Summer 2008:

• Perform initial clinical trials to record preliminary live video sequences using prototype.

• Approval by the Purdue Animal Care and Use Committee will be obtained, by the collaborators,

at a later date but well before the study itself. Since we only need to record video of using the

endoscope during NOTES and do not need to perform explicit procedures on the animals, we

will piggyback off other studies and their use of animals. Therefore, the animals (i.e. dogs) will

not be affected and no additional cost for obtaining the animals will be incurred.

Fall 2008:

• Use pre-recorded live video footage to show 3D visualization and navigation tools.

• Summarize approach and results into patents and publications; further live-trials will be

considered based on time and funds. We will also apply for external funding.

Figure 1. Simulator. (a) A real-view from an endoscope from which we created our simulated abdominal site where the observed structures are lit using a synthetic multi-fiber-optic illumination source and gratings (two example views are shown). (b) Per frame and without moving the endoscope, additional 3D views such as this one can be generated using our method; this enables enhanced depth perception and also seeing “around” visible objects. (c) A close-up wire-frame rendering to highlight that we are observing a geometrical reconstruction.

a) b) c)

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