life purpose matters magazine - special edition

Post on 14-Feb-2017






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In your drive for excellence, you may take on so

many projects that life often seems chaotic. In the

midst of doing it all, do you remember to take

time for yourself?

Spending time on YOU is critical! It enables

you to feel rested, calm, stress-free, and fulfilled.

When you've had proper rest, you can

accomplish more and maintain the stamina to


On the other hand, if you neglect to make time for

yourself, you're more likely to become

depressed, stressed, or unhappy.

Consider using these strategies to reap some

rejuvenating time for yourself:

1. Pencil yourself in. Make time for yourself by

adding it as a priority in your schedule. As

you fill out your planner, include it along with

your other important tasks and stick to the


2. Give yourself 15 minutes when you get

home. Insist on at least 15 minutes of recoup

and rejuvenation time when you get home

from work. If you have to lock yourself away

from stressors or even family members, then

that's what you must do! This time allows you

to properly transition from your work life to

your home life.

Explain this new technique to your

family so that they understand its

importance. This way, no one feels

like you're just avoiding them!

A simple strategy is to soak in the

bath for 15 minutes. The water will

relax you, and you'll feel refreshed

after a long day.

3. Take advantage of your lunch break. Your

lunch break is there for you to do what you

please. After you eat, make good use of your

time by going for a walk, exercising, listening

to inspiring music, or even get in a bit of

shopping if that's what relaxes you.

Enjoy a break while the kids nap. Here's a

good tip for stay at home mums. Give yourself

some much needed "you" time whenever your

children sleep. You might be tempted to get as

much work done as you can while they're asleep,

but you'll find you actually get more done if

you give yourself a chance to rest and

rejuvenate yourself. Continue on Page 3



Continued from Page 2

Explore new ways of accomplishing

things like household tasks while your

kids are up. For example, turn chores

into learning games that you can all

participate in.

5. Go to sleep earlier. Going to sleep earlier at

night will enable you to get up in time to

enjoy some morning "me" time. Just think

how pleasant it would be to enjoy a cup of

coffee in the morning without having to look

at your watch.

6. Take a vacation day. Take a vacation day

to just relax and do whatever you like. You

don't have to take a trip to take a vacation!

Time spent on your favorite hobbies will also

rejuvenate you. When you return to work,

your renewed energy may surprise you!

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Not knowing how living on purpose


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At first glance, these strategies may look difficult to implement into your busy routine. A good way to get started with them is to incorporate just one at a time. As you become accustomed to that one strategy, you can add another, and then another, until one day you'll find that making time for yourself is easy. Once you learn to make time for you, you'll have more energy and time to enjoy the good things life has to offer.

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Is procrastination a serious challenge in your

life? Admittedly, it can be difficult to do things

we don't want to do. Even when we know that

waiting too long will create a lot of challenges,

getting started can still seem impossible.

Unfortunately, when procrastinating affects your

job-related tasks, it can have a negative impact

on your professional career as well.

So how can you kick this annoying tendency to

put things off and start getting them done


Try these strategies:

1. Schedule when you're going to do it.

Make an appointment in your calendar for

the day and time you're going to work on the

task. This is far more effective than just

leaving everything up in the air until the right

moment seems to present itself.

2. Consider scheduling just enough time to

get started. A long, unpleasant task can be

very difficult to start. Think, "I'm going to

work on this for 20 minutes." That's easy

enough that you should be able to sit down

and get busy. Interestingly, once you get

started, you'll probably spend a lot more than

20 minutes on it. Getting starting is the tough


Make it as easy to get started as you

possibly can.

3. Break the task into smaller parts. Larger

tasks can seem overwhelming. By dividing

the task into manageable parts, it will be

psychologically easier to tackle the

project. It's easier to do 10 small things than

one big thing.

For example, once you've done five

small things, you know that you've

completed five things, instead of just

starting on the one big thing without

deriving any sense of accomplishment.

So break that task down into smaller

bites. Continue on page 5

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Continued from page 4

4. Which part is the most dreaded part?

Frequently, there is a small part of the task

that is really holding you back. Is it possible

to get someone else to take care of that part

of the task for you? Can you outsource it?

Many times, if someone else handles the

part you dread, everything else will fall

into place.

5. Pick the best time to do it. We all have

times of the day that we're better at certain

tasks. We have times when we're better at

concentrating, others when we're more

creative, and other times when we have more

energy. What's the proper time for you to

tackle the task? Do you need quiet and

privacy? Do you need access to certain


6. Get what you need to complete it. Make a

list of the tools, supplies, and resources that

you'll need to both begin and complete the

task. It's hard to get started when you

know you can't get finished.

7. Reward yourself! Give yourself a reward for

completing the task. You've earned it! It

doesn't have to be anything big, but we all like a

little treat now and then. A little additional

motivation never hurt anyone.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. In my dreams, what am I doing that makes me


2. What steps do I need to take to make my

dreams come true?

3. Who can help me make my dreams a reality?

4. What steps do I need to take to achieve my


5. What are some obstacles that I have already


6. Who can help me on my quest for greater

achievement and success?


Time is like an equal opportunity employer. Each human

being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes

every day. Rich people can’t buy more hours, neither can

scientists invent new minutes. You can not in any way

save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is

amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time

you’ve wasted in the past, you still have TODAY!

Imagine how much better your life would be if you

could kick the procrastination habit out the door.

Unfinished tasks have a profound effect on your

sense of well-being and peace of mind. Living with

the stress that procrastination can cause isn't

necessary. Start using the tips above and remove the

challenge of procrastination from your life. You'll be

so glad you did!

Ever since computers have become such a large part

of our lives, it seems that workloads have dramatically

increased. Now, instead of things getting easier, we've

gotten busier and more hectic than ever before.

This may cause you to feel overburdened with your

heavier workloads, especially when it comes to tasks

you have to do repeatedly. Finding better ways to

accomplish your to-do list can save you time, money,

and a whole lot of frustration.

How do you "work smarter, not harder?" Look at what

you do on a daily basis and develop ways to get the

same amount done with less effort and struggle.

Here are some ways you can work smarter, not


1. Simplify repeated tasks. Forms and templates

can save time on a lot of tasks. For example, if you

have to send out a lot of the same email, create a

template email so you can just fill in the specific

parts for each person individually.

2. Delegate. Delegate some of your responsibilities to

other people. If you have too much housework, give

the kids some chores and set up a schedule. Four

people doing four things will get them done

faster than one person doing all four things alone

3. Automate. If you're in a position that requires

the same thing done every day, at the same

time, then try to find a way to get the process

automated so it happens without you there. An

example would be to back up your computer

every night, automatically.

4. Eliminate the useless. There are unproductive

things you do on a daily basis. In fact, you

probably already know exactly what these

distractions are! Once you identify your time-

wasters, remove them from your routine and

focus on those tasks that are truly


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Do you want to increase your leisure time with a few

simple changes? Time management is essential for

creating the freedom to spend time with your family

without worrying about work or other responsibilities. It

requires a promise to change habits and a commitment to

reaching new goals.

Consider these ideas:

1. Synchronize all the calendars. Instead of managing

multiple calendars from work, school, and other

activities, combine them into one system. Pick one

type of calendar and transfer all the information to it.

Calendars come in online, paper and even sticky note

versions. Selecting one type is important to keeping all

the data together. This allows for easier scanning to

find leisure time or add it to the calendar.

2. Schedule time off. Include time for fun in your daily,

weekly, and monthly calendars. Including leisure time

in the calendar makes it one of your priorities.

Scheduling time off requires a commitment to

completing other tasks on time and meeting all the


3. Learn to be selective. The constant stream of emails

and demands on your time call for being more

selective with your tasks. Delegating tasks and

rethinking your approach to work will help you

discover more leisure time.

The 80/20 principle is a popular way to manage

time. Also known as the Pareto principle, it

states that 80 percent of your success comes

from 20 percent of your efforts. This is why it’s

important to focus on important tasks first and

delegate work to others.

4. Find hidden time wasters and remove them. Are

you spending too much time checking Facebook

messages? Do you log in to Twitter multiple times a

day? Social media can be one of the hidden daily

time wasters, and changing this habit will lead to

more leisure time.

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A fresh year gives you the opportunity to make resolutions that will make your life happier in the

upcoming year. The plans you make for the next year matter, so you’ll want to carefully consider

your resolutions. New Year’s resolutions can be a powerful way to alter the direction of your entire

year. They can also transform your life. Pick a few of these resolutions that resonate with you and

enjoy the happy life you deserve!

Consider these resolutions to fill your life with more happiness and joy:

1 Laugh at least once a day. Laughter releases endorphins in the body and brings

instant joy into your life.

2 Stay grateful. Reflect on your daily blessings and find gratitude in them.

3 Find hobbies that make you happy. What do you enjoy? Tap into your natural

passions with a new hobby that brings you pleasure.

4 Reconnect with nature at least once a week. It’s important to enjoy nature and find

time to explore it.

5 Volunteer to help a local organization. Instead of writing a check and forgetting

about the charity, connect with a local organization that needs help. Your heart will

be filled with joy as you help others.

6 Explore your creative side. Do you love art, dance, music, or other creative

outlets? By exploring creative pursuits, you can find new happiness.

7 Express your appreciation to others. Ensure that others know you appreciate their

efforts. Making them feel good makes you feel good too!

8 Clarify your priorities. Spending time on those activities that support what’s most

important to you brings you satisfaction and fulfillment.

9 Organize events with friends. Your friendships can be a source of joy.




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10 Exercise frequently. Exercise helps fight stress and increases energy. It can also

improve your mood and make you feel happier.

11 Enjoy your favorite foods in moderation. It’s important to enjoy the foods you love,

but eat them in moderation. You can find instant joy by sipping your favorite wine or

eating your favorite chocolate.

12 Get enough sleep. Researchers have found that getting enough sleep boosts

happiness levels.

13 Stay present in the moment. You can find joy in the little things by enjoying each

moment of the day.

14 Keep your mind active. An active mind avoids boredom, so you can find more joy.

15 Make new friends. New friendships instantly add joy to your life.

16 Give and accept more hugs. Hugs can lift your mood, and researchers have found

they have a positive impact on endorphin levels.

17 Spend more time with your children. Instead of watching TV or focusing on work,

find more time to spend with your children. See the joy of life through their eyes.

18 Play more games. Do you love board games or puzzles? Running around with your

kids or pets? Let loose and spend some enjoyable time playing games.

19 Avoid anger. Giving in to anger drains the joy from your life and makes the people

around you miserable.

20 Encourage the people around you. As you encourage others and help them find

happiness, your own joy will increase.

21 Do something just for you. It’s important to find time for yourself.

22 Look for the positive aspects. Find the silver lining in all situations.

23 Smile more. Make smiling a priority and watch joy fill your life.

24 Create new goals. Find happiness in new directions and goals.

25 Reconnect with lost family members. Have you drifted apart from some family

members? Rediscovering your bond will bring happiness to both of you.

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