lib mngmnt

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  • 8/7/2019 LIB MNGMNT


    A Project Report On

    Library Management System

    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

    Bachelor of Technology


    Information Technology


    Amit Saurabh Dhasmana, Ankit Sharma, Kushan Thapar & Ankur Kumar

    Under the Guidance of

    Mrs. Ritu Pal (I.T. Co-ordinator)

    Department of Information Technology

    DIT School of Engineering

    Approved by A.I.C.T.E.

    Affiliated to U.P. Technical University, Lucknow

    Greater Noida - 201306

    Batch : 2007-2011

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    Approved by A.I.C.T.E., New Delhi

    Affiliated to U.P. Technical University, Lucknow

    Greater Noida 201306.



    This is to certify that Amit Saurabh Dhasmana, Ankit Sharma, Kushan Thapar & Ankur Kumar

    (0729113006, 0729113008, 0729113019, 0729113009) of the third year B.Tech. (I.T.) have carried out a

    project work on Library Management System under the guidance of Mrs. Ritu Pal I.T. Co-ordinator

    for the partial fulfillment of the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Information

    Technology in DIT School of Engineering, Gr. Noida (Affiliated to U.P. Technology University,

    Lucknow) is a bonafide record of work done by them during the year 2009-2010

    Head of the Department Internal Guide:

    Signature with date Signature with dateMrs. Ritu Pal

    (I.T. Co-ordinator)

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    This project report has been made possible through the direct and indirect

    cooperation of various persons for whom we wish to express our

    appreciation and gratitude.

    We are heartily thankful to management of DIT School of Engineering

    (DITSE) for providing us the opportunity to develop the given project as

    the part of Information Systems lab work.

    We are thankful to MRS. RITU PAL (CO-ORDINATOR) who allowedus to work under his guidance to gain competent knowledge. We owe a

    great intellectual debt to him for the inspiration & stimulating insight

    provided by him, to complete our project report.

    We would like to accredit our other faculty members also for their

    contribution in providing us with information, without which we would

    not have compiled this project.

    We are beholden to our parents and other family members for theirblessings and encouragement. They deserve special acknowledgement for

    willingly enabling us to work for realizing one of the major ambitions of

    our life.

    It was a productive experience to work under Mrs. Ritu Pal who was a

    beacon of light and provided valuable guidance throughout the project.

    Amit Saurabh Dhasmana

    Ankit Sharma

    Kushan Thapar

    Ankur Kumar

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    1 Introduction

    1.1 About the Project1.2 Project Features1.3 Problem Statement

    2. Feasibility Study

    3. Requirement analysis

    4. Design description4.1 Entity-Relationship Diagram

    4.2 Use Case Diagram

    5. Cost - Benefit Analysis6. Testing

    7. Conclusion & Future Scope8.1 Conclusion

    8.2 Future Enhancements

    8. References

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    A library is a collection of information resources and services, organized

    for use, and maintained by a public body, institution, or private

    individual. In the more traditional sense, it means a collection of books.This collection and services are used by people who choose not to or

    cannot afford to purchase an extensive collection themselves, who

    need material no individual can reasonably be expected to have, or who

    require professional assistance with their research.


    Basic tasks in library management include the planning of acquisitions

    (which materials the library should acquire, by purchase or otherwise),

    library classification of acquired materials, preservation of materials

    (especially rare and fragile archival materials such as manuscripts), the

    deaccessioning of materials, patron borrowing of materials, and

    developing and administering library computer systems. More long-term

    issues include the planning of the construction of new libraries or

    extensions to existing ones, and the development and implementation of

    outreach services and reading-enhancement services (such as adult

    literacy and children's programming).


    Initially LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS involved intervention

    of man. The systems employed several different groups of people, each

    group to handle a particular section in library-be it issuing books, adding

    member details etc. These systems were very time consuming and

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    The objective behind this project is for automating the manual library of aUniversity. Our library management system is going to have the

    following functions-


    1) On the login form the system requests to enter a password to

    display the components.

    2) After typing the password we can get our options displayed.

    3) We have three main options-

    a) Student details consisting of add detail, modify detail, deletedetail and display details.

    b) Book details consisting of add, modify, delete, display book

    details, issue books and return books.

    c) Exit to close the current process.

    4) A student of any course can get books issued.

    5) A book can be issued in two ways-

    a) Book for TBL.b) Book for 1/4/10 days (that is books in general section).

    6) Books from general section are issued to all but TBL books areissued only for their respective courses.

    7) The project takes the current system date as the date of issue and

    calculates date of due.

    8) We can save the student as well as the book information.

    9) The student who has got the book issued can only return the book.

    10) Only a registered user (that is the student) can get the books



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    A software has to be developed for automating the manual library of auniversity. The system should be stand alone in nature. It should be

    designed to provide functionalitys as explained below:

    ISSUE OF BOOKS: A student of any course should be able to get books issued.

    A limitation is imposed on the number of books a student can issue.

    The due date for return of the books is stamped on the book.


    Any person can return the issue of books. The student information is displayed using the bar code detector.

    The information is saved and the corresponding updating take place

    in database.

    QUERY PROCESSING: Availability of a particular book

    Availability of book of any particular author.

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    Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a

    system and their relationship within and outside the system. One aspect of

    analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether

    or not a candidate system should consider other related system. Duringanalysis, data are collected on the available files, decision points, and

    transactions handled by the present system.

    Dataflow diagrams, interviews, on-site observations, and questionnaires

    are examples. The interview is commonly used tool in analysis. It

    requires special skills and sensitivity to the subjects being interviewed.

    Bias in data collection and interpretation can be a problem, training,

    experience and commonsense are required for collection of the

    information needed to do the analysis.

    Once analysis is completed, the next step is to decide how the problem

    might be solved. Thus in, system design, we move from the logical to the

    physical aspects of the life cycle.

    The various steps of requirement analysis are:

    1. DRAW THE CONTEXT DIAGRAM:The context diagram is a

    simple model that defines the boundaries and interfaces of the

    proposed system with the external world.

    2. DEVELOPMENT OF A PROTOTYPE:We can use usersfeedback to continuously modify the prototype until the user is

    satisfied. Hence, a prototype helps the client to visualize the

    proposed system and increase the understanding of requirements.

    3. MODEL THE REQUIREMENTS: This process usually consists

    of various graphical representations of the function, data entities,

    external entities and relationship between them. Such model

    includes DFDs, E-R diagrams.

    4. FINALISE THE REQUIREMENTS: After modeling the

    requirements we will have better understanding of the systembehaviour. The inconsistencies and ambiguities have been

    identified and corrected.

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    Many feasibility studies are disillusioning for both users and analysts.

    First, the study often presupposes that when the feasibility document is

    being prepared, the analyst is in a position to evaluate solutions. Second,

    most studies tend to overlook the confusion inherent in the systemdevelopment-the constraints and assumed attitudes .if the feasibility study

    is to serve as decision document, it must answer three key questions:

    Is there a new and a better way to do the job that it will benefit

    the user?

    What are the costs and savings of the alternative(s)?

    What is recommended?

    The most successful system projects are not necessarily the biggest ormost visible in a business but rather than truly meets user expectations.

    Most projects fail because of inflated expectations than for any reason.

    Feasibility study is broadly divided into three parts:

    Economic feasibility

    Technical feasibility

    Operational feasibility


    It is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a

    candidate system. That is expected from the candidate system and

    compares them with costs. If benefits outweigh costs then the decision is

    made to design and implement the system. Otherwise, further justification

    or alteration in the proposed system will have to be made if it is to have a

    change of being approved. This is an ongoing effort that improves in

    accuracy at each phase of the system life cycle.


    Technical feasibility centers on the exciting computer system (hardware,

    software, etc.) and to what extent it can support the proposed edition for

    example, if the current computer is operating at 80 percent capacity-an

    arbitrary ceiling- then running another application could overload the

    system or require additional hardware. This involves financial

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    consideration to accommodate technical enhancements. If the budget I

    serious constraint, then the project is judged not feasible.


    People are inherently resistant to change, and computer has been known

    to facilitate change. An estimate should be made of how strong a reaction

    the user staff is likely to have towards the development of a computerized

    system. It is common knowledge that computer installations have

    something to do with turnover, transfers, retraining, and changes in

    employee hob status.

    There is no doubt that the people are inherently resistant to change, and

    computers have been known to facilitate change. As in today's world allthe work is computerized because of computerization people only get

    benefits. As far as our system is concerned it is only going to benefit the

    staff of the library in their daily routine work. Thus our system is

    operationally feasible also.

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    Entity-Relationship (E-R) diagram model data instead of the flow of data,

    which separates them from Data Flow Diagrams. Modeling data is one of

    the most important steps involved in designing a successful system. E-Rdiagrams layout the structure of the data used by the TO-BE system

    without tying it to the computer system such as existing databases.

    However it important to first construct E-R diagrams so that the designers

    have an idea of what they are working to fix.



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    A use case is a set of scenarios that describing an interaction between a userand a system. A use case diagram displays the relationship among actors and use

    cases. The two main components of a use case diagram are use cases and actors.

    An actor is represents a user or another system that will interact with the

    system you are modelling. A use case is an external view of the system that

    represents some action the user might perform in order to complete a task.

    Use Case Context diagram:-

    The above diagram reveals the high-level functionality of the system.

    Log In

    Add New Student

    Update/Delete Student

    Add a Book

    Update/Delete Book

    Search for Book

    Check-In Book

    Check-Out Book

    Pay Late Fee

    View Book Detail

    View Student Detail

    Search for Student



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    Here in this system, the primary user of the system is librarian who is responsible for

    user creation, book item creation, check-in, checkout and all search operations. The

    student refers to an end-user of the system who is a member of the library and a

    student at the university.

    Use cases description is as shown below:-

    Name: Add/Edit/Delete Student record.

    Description: Only librarians are responsible for adding/editing/deleting student


    Actors: Librarian

    Result: The details of the student get updated.

    Essential process: Identify user by login process.

    Carry out manipulation task according to requirement.Check student details are updated or not.

    Name: Add/Edit/Delete Book item.

    Description: Only librarians are responsible for adding/editing/deleting student


    Actors: Librarian

    Result: The details of the book get updated.

    Essential process: Identify user by login process.

    Carry out manipulation task according to requirement.

    Check book details are updated or not.

    Name: Search for book.

    Description: Librarians and Student are responsible for search book.

    Actors: Librarian, Student

    Result: Book details should be displayed.

    Essential process: Identify Librarian or Student by login process.

    Search for required book.

    Check availability of book.

    Display required book details.

    Name: Check-Out Book.Description: Librarians and Student are responsible for check-out book.

    Actors: Librarian, Student

    Result: Check-out confirmed.

    Essential process: Identify Librarian or Student by login process.

    Check whether check-out is completed or not.

    Name: Check-In Book.

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    Description: Librarians and Student are responsible for check-in book.

    Actors: Librarian, Student

    Result: Check-in confirmed.

    Essential process: Identify Librarian or Student by login process.

    Check whether check-in is completed or not.

    Overdue alert

    Name: Display book-detail.

    Description: When the librarian or student searches book for borrow at that time the

    system shows the details of the book.

    Actors: Librarian, Student

    Result: Specific book-details should be displayed in terms of call number, title,

    author etc...

    Essential process: Identify Librarian or Student by login process.Search a specific book.

    Display book-detail.

    Name: View student detail.

    Description: Librarian can select a student record for detail view.

    Actors: Librarian

    Result: Specific student details displayed in terms of student id, phone number, books

    issued by that student with the issue date & due date, late fees etc

    Essential process: Identify Librarian or Student by login process.

    Search a specific student.

    View student detail.

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    For any new software project, it is necessary to know how much it will cost todevelop and how much development time it will take. These estimates are needed

    before development is initiated. In many cases estimates are made using past

    experience as the only guide. However, in most of the cases projects are different and

    hence past experience alone may not be enough. A number of estimation techniques

    have been developed and are having following attributes in common:

    Project scope must be established in advance

    Software metrics are used as a basis from which estimates are made

    The project is broken into small pieces which are estimated individually

    If costs and benefits can be quantified, they are called tangible; if not, they are called

    intangible. Examples of tangible costs are the costs of hardware and software,

    employee salaries, and other quantifiable costs needed to develop and implement an

    IS solution. Intangible costs are difficult to quantify; they include the loss of customer

    goodwill or employee morale caused by errors and disruptions arising from the

    installation of a new system.

    Tangible benefits are favorable results, such as decrease in payroll costs caused by a

    reduction in personnel or a decrease in inventory costs. Intangible benefits are harder

    to estimate. Such benefits as better customer service or faster and more accurate

    information for management fall into this category.

    Estimation techniques

    This is also known as cost-benefit analysis. The procedure is to determine thebenefits and savings that are expected from a candidate system and compare them

    with costs. If benefits outweigh the costs then the decision is made to design and

    implement the system. So we have considered these categories for the purpose of cost

    benefit analysis:

    Hardware cost

    Personnel cost

    Facility cost

    Operating cost

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    Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of

    finding errors

    During system testing the system to be tested is executed with a set of test

    cases and the output of the system for the test cases is evaluated to

    determine if the system is performing as expected.

    The purpose of system testing is to identify and correct errors, which

    were not discovered previously in the system. So we can say that testing

    is an activity in which a system or the results is observed and recorded

    and evaluation is made up.

    Strategies for testing software

    Code testing or dynamic testing

    This strategy examines the logic of the program. Analyst develop test

    cases that result in executing every instruction in the program or

    module, that is , every path through the program is tested .

    Specification testing or static testing

    The analysts examine the specifications stating what the programshould do and how it should perform under various conditions. Then test

    cases are developed for each condition and submitted for processing. By

    examining the result, the analysts can determine whether the program

    performs according to its specified requirements.


    White box testing sometimes called glass box testing or structural testing,

    is a test case design method that uses the control structure of theprocedural design to derive test cases. Using white box testing methods,

    the software engineer can derive test cases that:

    1. Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been

    executed at least once.

    2. Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false side.

    3. Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their optional bounds.

    4. Exercise internal data structures to ensure their val


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    Black box testing, also called behavioral testing or functional testing,

    focusses on the functional requirements of the software. It enables toderive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all functional

    requirements for a program. It is a complementary approach that is likely

    to uncover a different class of errors than white box methods. Black box

    testing attempts to find errors in the following categories:

    1. Incorrect or missing functions2. Interface errors3. Errors in data structures or external data base access4. Behaviour or performance errors5. Initialization and termination errors

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    The first software project management activity is the determination of

    software scope.

    Software project scope must be unambiguous and understandable at the

    management and technical levels. A statement of software scope must be

    bounced. That is, quantitative data are stated explicitly; constraints and

    limitations are noted, and mitigating factors are described.

    1. This project is very useful for students as they can access the

    required books anytime.

    2. It is fully automated system and thus no manual searching or

    manipulation of records is required.

    3. All information is centrally stored in a database that avoids data


    4. It saves manual working and time and provides instant information

    about any book or the member (that is the student).

    The use of this project is also that a lot of manual work is reduced and a

    high service is achieved. It provides automated systems.


    Since this project has been designed as a part of syllabus of variouscourses, scarcity of deep knowledge and practicality has left certain

    aspects where further enhancement is possible in the near future.

    We look forward for developing more advanced software and a refined

    version of the same project by increasing its functionality, efficiency and


    Certain improvements can also be made in the field of security by

    creating a more secure mechanism for faculty identification.

    We leave all this as a part of enhancements to be made in the future.

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