leadership styles analysis 2

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Leadership Styles Analysis

HRDV 4301 D01: Dr. Gena Jones


Steve Weber

Leadership Style 1

Leadership is an extremely important part of a successful organization without

leadership the overall organization would have a very difficult time being successful in today’s

challenging economy. This paper will be pointing out some strong leadership skills and traits

that my leader has today and it will point out an area of study within the line of theories we as

a class have studied these past weeks. One believes that we all should have possible learned

from a leader in the past and as we all can become a leader with great practice and learning

ability. Finally one should follow before one leads and by watching my current manager/leader I

am also on the road to becoming a great leader for my future organization.

The leader that will be discussed in this paper this week will be my current general

manager that has over twenty five years of experience; Joe Rousseau is a proven leader within

our organization at Avis and although he could be between multiple different forms of

leadership styles the one that stands out above all of the rest is the authoritative/influencer

leadership style. This style believes in placing goals and visions before the organization but

more importantly he strongly believe in a people-oriented manager that supports his staff

members and believes that motivating and being an influencer is a great practice within our

organization. In our recent assessment conducted last week in our course, I believe Joe

Rousseau more than likely follow under the gold status as he has a lot of qualities listed.

My current manager is more of a leader has he believe that doing what is required to

ensure the staff members are confident, successfully, and most importantly happy within the


Leadership Style 2

My manager believes staff members need to have a proper vision, consideration, and to

have excellent guidance. One of the most important leadership styles that my manager has at

our organization is trust. A manager must be extremely trustworthy and stand by the

information and words spoken to his staff members and consumers at all times. If an

organization did not have any forms of trust then one would believe that there could be a full

list of possible backstabbing, fear, and uncertainly of what exactly is true out of the mouths of

our leaders. The extraordinary leader points out in text, “When leaders lose the trust of others,

it becomes difficult for them to succeed. People begin to lose trust when there are poor

decisions and they lose trust when promises are not kept.” (Zenger, J.H. & Folkman, J.R. 2009)

The 35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy once stated in an address,

“Courage- not complacency- is our need today- Leadership not salesmanship.” (Kennedy, J.F.

1960) Even our former President believes that leadership is an extremely important factor and

one must have the necessary courage to stand up and lead their team.

Joe Rousseau leads our team by ensuring to placing company listed goals before all

associates within the organization. He believes that placing goals before the team will give the

team something to strive for and having a potential reward at the end of the week or end of the

month. I believe goals should be reachable for starters and not too hard to obtain. Goals can be

a great motivational tool, provide clear expectations, drive performance, and support company

culture. These goals let the employee know that their success helps the organization and having

potential rewards is an extra step for everyone involved within the company.

Leadership Style 3

The third and final leadership style that Joe Rousseau has is a mixture of having high

character and having great interpersonal skills within the company. Could you imagine a leader

that has poor character or interpersonal skills? That certain leader would have a very difficult

time leading their team to be successful for themselves or more importantly for the

organization. Thankfully my manager has both skills working for him and it has led our

organization to being the top revenue maker among other challenging organizations in the auto

rental industry.

My manager has a great personality and is great to get along with during the great/good

times and even during the times that might be very challenging to others. Our text the

extraordinary leader points out that character is the, “center pole of every leader.” Joe

Rousseau always does what is necessary to make decisions based on organization paramount in

mind, keep commitments, practice self-development, and finally being approachable by

anyone, although is our manager/leader he sees himself just like everyone else-apart of the

team. He also communicates powerfully and prolifically, inspires others to be successful and

being open and receptive to feedback and/or suggestions which would fall under the

interpersonal skills that he has gained as our manager. Our text the extraordinary leader states,

“Character is at the heart of our model, and everything radiates out from it. It ties strongly to

interpersonal skills” (Zenger, J.H. & Folkman, J.R. 2009)

My manager would clearly be best at all the following qualities but if I had to only

choose one particular field then that field would be having high character.

Leadership Style 4

My manager is what I would like to call a “people person” has he has the ability to

interact with anyone regardless of the situation and he always treats everyone the same

regardless of position within the company. He believes that there should always be an open

door policy even during times during potential conference calls. He strives to motivate,

encourage, and places everyone on the same line within the organization-even himself as equal

parts of the team as no one person is one important than the other.

Although my manager Joe Rousseau has over twenty five years of experience of being a

manager at our location, the main thing is that he never leaves anyone out. I personally

suggested that he place a suggestion box outside of his office for any suggestions that

employees within the organization could simply drop in the box. He now brings up the

suggestion in our monthly employee meeting (epg meeting) and see how everyone feels about

the overall suggestion that could improve employee relations. Although he has the final

decision based on the suggestion such as monthly pot-lucks this small suggestion box implies

that he falls within the democratic leadership theory. In past studies we studies most important

theories by Raul Malos in which it points out, “group members are encouraged to share their

thoughts, democratic leadership can leader to better ideas and more creative solutions to

problems. Group members also feel more involved and committed to projects, making them

more likely to care about the end results.” (Malos, R. 2015)

Taking the time to listen to the employees and making them truly feel like they are a

part of the team will make the team work grow within the organization.

Leadership Style 5

A second theory that my current manager current has working for him that some

managers might not believe or does not have this strong quality is the behavior theory. This

theory points out people can learn to become leaders. As myself, I have the ability to learn a

great deal of knowledge by simply watching and listening to my manager who has been

successful as manager for over twenty five plus years. He must be doing something right if he

has employees that have a high level of retention within the organization. Raul Malos points

out, “Behavioral theories of leadership are based upon the belief that great leaders are made,

not born. Rooted in behaviorism, this leadership theory focuses on the actions of leaders not on

mental qualities or internal states. According to this theory, people can learn to become leaders

through teaching and observation.” (Malos, R. 2015)

The argument here is what if manager/leaders did not care or believed that listening to

employees suggestions were a waste of time? One of the biggest items that could occur is that

staff members would believe they were not a part of a team, which strongly could only harm

the overall value of the organization. Employees want their voices heard and want some of

their strong ideas placed within the organization. Overall conflicts with colleagues could arise

and overall attitudes and retention within the organization could suffer. I would always want to

have an open door policy and listen to my employees/staff as much as possible as my current

manager does on the job. Secondly, I believe that anyone of us can be a leader for our

organizations if we put in enough hard work as extraordinary leader points out there has been

over 10,000 articles published to help us. (Zenger, J.H. & Folkman, J.R. 2015)

Leadership Styles 6

The two takeaways that I plan to take with me when I start my own management

position are to always have either weekly or monthly goals placed before my team. My team

will have goals placed before them to have focus on the main issues at hand, it allows my team

to measure overall process on the situation at hand, keeps the team locked in and undistracted,

overcome any forms of procrastination, and finally goals will give my team motivation and drive

to reach that certain goal placed on an individual basis and an overall team basis will potential

rewards such as gift cards to local retailers and/or lunch provided by management.

Secondly, I want to be able to listen to my staff members such as listening to employee

suggestions or recommendations to improve our team. Regardless of the situation, there is no

one perfect and sometimes a manager/leader might miss a particular item that might improve

the team and that small item might come from the team members of the organization. Open up

to suggestions will improve overall morale and it will lead to a better team within my


In conclusion, my manager wants to be the best rental car industry and he believes for

that to happen he has to have his staff members believing that they apart of the overall

equation. He places a great deal of trust within staff members after ensuring that staff

members have been properly trained in all aspects of the job. My manager believes that placing

goals before the team is a great start to build the team to be successful as it also builds

confidence within each member of the team. He follows under the democratic and behavior

theories as each of these theories have proven to be successful for him and for the team.


Zenger, J.H. & Folkman, J.R. (2009) the Extraordinary Leader

Assessment retrieved from https://ttu.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-1473605-dt-content-rid-6098728_1/courses/201627-HRDV-4301-D01/Week%206%20Power%20Point.pdf

Malos, R. (2015) The most important leadership theories retrieved from https://ttu.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-1473610-dt-content-rid-6098738_1/courses/201627-HRDV-4301-D01/Week%202%20Reading%20Leadership%20Theories.pdf

Kennedy, J. F. quote retrieved from http://www.depts.ttu.edu/aged/leadership/leadchr.htm

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