leadership development december 2015 (4)

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Leadership Development


• Everyone write down two great questions that you’d ask to get to know a complete stranger

Meet Joy… Meet George…

“The Bus Driver” “The Business Man”

“Everything happens for a reason, you can choose to

ignore it or ask what the reason is and learn from it.”

“Are you living a success story or a soap opera? It’s your choice.”

(Regarding her father with Alzheimer's)…“Everyone one of us has got challenges. Everyone who comes on this bus has

problems. It’s a part of life. I’m just another person on this bus with a problem. WE ARE ALL EQUAL.”

She calls George “Sugar”.

Breaks went out (he threw away the note from manufacturer). If he would have kept driving likely would have resulted in an accident.

“Great another inconvenience”.

(Son asked him to play basketball)

“No (shouted)! It’s not the


(wife asked if he tried the spare)

“Of course you’d bring that up. I

never got it fixed.”

5 month old puppy greeted George by jumping and slobbering all over him

“Why did we get that dog anyway?”

Suppose Joy and George parachute into your town to sell for a day?

Who do you want on your team?

Which is easier?

Getting attention?

Making a sale?

• If someone is interested, can you make a sale without energy?

• Can you get consistently get people interested without energy?

If sales is a complex formula, what is the first variable?

Back to George…

How had his lack of energy impacted his life?

1. You’re the driver of your bus

When do most people die?

How important is choice?

Why do we what we do?

Why do people change?

They have to!They want


Which one has more staying power?

Who can choose our energy?

The bus, not driven by choice, will always break down!

“If we don’t take responsibility for our

lives and control of our bus, then we cannot take

it where we want it to go!”

Advice from Joy…“Don’t let the world create you, you create your world.”

(1)My vision for my life (including my health) is

(2)My vision for my work, career, job and team is

(3)My vision for my relationship with my family is

The universe is made of energy…

How do we mobilize the

energy to create the life that we want?

If we don’t’ have a vision of where we want to go, how will we ever get


When do most people think about life and what

they want?

Why do we wait for things to fall apart before thinking about our

life and what we want?

“Sometimes we have to see what we don’t want, to know what we do want.”

2. Desire, vision and focus move your bus in the right direction.

Who can explain the law of attraction?

Negative Thoughts…


What do these people want out of work?

100% of these people haven’t figured out

how to connect their work to a purpose!

3. Fuel your ride with positive energy.

E + P = 0(events) (perception) (outcome)

“It’s how we choose to deal with the events in our life that

determines everything”

Positive Energy & Positive People Create Positive


Two dogs inside of me…


which one will win?

What can cause us to lose momentum?

We stop feeding the positive dog!


Let’s feed our positive dog…

PLEASE, PLEASE walk around for TEN minutes saying out loud reasons that

you’re THANKFUL!!

Do you know why golf is addicting?

Think about this relative to our work.

Think about objections.

Can I yell “movie” in a crowded firehouse?.

Why do we park on


When we start…

6 months later…

Without PURPOSE, this is inevitable!!!

How to avoid it?

Rule # 4

4. Invite people on your bus and share your vision for the road ahead.

Who do we need to share our vision with?


5. Don’t waste your energy on those who don’t get on your bus.

Everyone has setbacks…1) Bill Gates – first business was called Traf-O-Data. Failed. Made 0 sales!!2) Henry Ford- went broke 5 times before he successfully opened the Ford Motor Company.3)Colonel Harland Sanders(KFC)- rejected 1,009 times before a restaurant accepted his recipe.4)Walt Disney- fired from newspaper for "lack of imagination and ideas".5)Albert Einstein- didn't speak until he was four and couldn't read until he was seven. Teachers thought he was actually handicapped.6)Thomas Edison- Over 1,000 failed attempts to creating a working light bulb.7)Oprah Winfrey- Fired for being "unfit for tv.“ Lost a child at age 14.8)Jerry Seinfeld- first attempt at stand up comedy was boo'd off stage for freezing up.9)Stephan King- His thriller "Carrie" was rejected 30 times before being accepted.10) Ben Franklin – dropped out of school at 1011) Richard Branson – suffers from dyslexia


“There will always be negativity everywhere and in everything you do.

You will always be surrounded by negative people. It’s not these people

so much. It’s the negativity they represent. That negativity is inside all

of us. It’s why we must feed the positive dog.”


Can you avoid

negative people?

“Salespeople know this real well. If they get caught up in the rejection, they lose energy to go after new customers.”

6. Post a sign that says “NO ENERGY VAMPIRES ALLOWED” on your bus.

Who are they?

Can customers be ENERGY VAMPIRES?

Remember George?what happens with Tom the “Energy

Vampire”What about


“Why should we believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself”

“What the heck, man! How can I get on your bus, when

you’re not on mine”

What about negative people around us?


Which is more lasting?Solving a problem? Inspiring solution based thinking?

“PEOPLE WILL DRAIN YOU! Don’t try to solve every problem, inspire the way to think”

#1 JOB of a Leader(what is it?)


How do we deal with Energy Vampires?

We must be strong enough to tell people that

we will not allow their negativity!

Our positive energy & vision MUST be greater than

anyone else’s negativity. Our certainty must be greater than

anyone’s doubt!

Apply to us?


7. Enthusiasm attracts more passengers and energizes them during the ride.

Emotions =

Energy in motion

“When we feel good, everyone around us feels


“Too many people try to please others and this only makes them

unhappy! Better to focus on feeling good & letting this feeling and happiness shine on others.

When you feel good, you give them POWER. When you feel

bad and try to feel good by pleasing others you give away

your power.”









What happens if part of the “life equation” gets ?


Friends Family






How do we fix everything?





Can customers tell if our heart

is in it?

The HEART’s electromagnetic field is 5,000 times more powerful

than the brain…

“God keeps breaking your heart until it opens.”


C E OChief Energy Officer

“Energy is the currency of personal and professional success today. If you don’t

have it, you cannot lead, inspire or make a difference.”

• Always Optimistic• Don’t let fear stop them• See challenges as an opportunity

8. Love your passengers.

Who is a passenger on

your bus?

5 Ways to Love your Passengers:

(1)Make Time For Them(2)Listen to Them(3)Recognize Them(4)Serve Them(5)Bring out the Best in


9. Drive with purpose.

What is the purpose in our work?

Purpose is the ultimate fuel for our journey!

Purpose is the ultimate fuel for our journey!

“The spirit of a company is based on the spirit of the



10. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

Study of 95 yr olds…• Reflect more. Enjoy more

moments. More sunrises and sunsets, more moments of joy.

• Take more risks and chances. Life is to short not to go for it.

• Leave a legacy

“The best legacy that you could leave is not some building that is named after you, but rather a world

that has been impacted and touched by your presence, your joy and your positive actions.”

Life is a TEST“Every adversity helps us grow.

Negative events and people teach us what we don’t want so we can

focus our energy on what we do


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