ldrz and fz options paper - final - city of greater …...requires overland flow path to the...

Post on 07-Jun-2020






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Golden Square

Site 10: Kronk Street, Golden Square Land size 25ha No of properties 20 (25 parcels) No of land owners 18 Current Zone LDRZ Background Previous master plan approved by Shire of Marong (file

DS/569/2000 for 9 lots). Provides for realignment of Kronk Street through subdivision. Requires overland flow path to the reservoir. Investigated as part of ‘Density Management Provisions and Low Density Residential Land Review 2008’ Recommendation was no change at the time due as:

• Parts of the area are difficult to sewer • Needs a road realignment for Kronk Street and land

acquisitions • Needs an Outline Development Plan

Urban Growth Boundary Land within the UGB Salinity, Contamination, Aboriginal Heritage

• No known areas affected by salinity or cultural heritage sensitivity

• Potential for contamination; former mining land and speedway to the north-east, as well as mine shafts contained within the site

Overlays ESO1 Applies to a small portion on the south western section of the site Flooding Applies to a small portion on the north western section of the site VPO Applies to a small section on the south western section of the site WMO Applies to the west of the site BMO - proposed Proposed to apply across the entirety of the site Infrastructure Roads There would be a need to provide roads through the site. The site

is currently accessible via the Calder Freeway or Kronk Street which extends over land owned by Coliban Water. Would need to speak with Coliban Water prior to any rezoning.

Utilities and services Not sewered. Would need a long sewerage extension from Maiden Gully, which may not command all of the area. Also there is insufficient capacity in the existing mains for any additional development. Water supply is also difficult but could be made available with poor pressure.

Distance to nearest Activity Centre Golden Square approximately 2km Distance to City Centre Approximately 3km Distance to schools Approximately 1.5km Distance to public open space Approximately 500metres




The site is identified within the latest state government bushfire mapping.

There are other issues which would need to be addressed prior to any rezoning. These include:

• Currently very limited road access through the site • Coliban Water (67 Inglewood Street, Golden Square) • Impact of the industrial zoned land to the north east of the site • A number of land owners means there would be a need to coordinate the delivery of

infrastructure in particular road infrastructure. This may be tackled through a DCP

If all these issues can be addressed it may be possible to consider rezoning this site in the medium term.

In the shorter term removal of the DPO4 would be appropriate as no minimum land size is specified within the planning control for this site.



Site 11: O’Sullivans Road, Cassons Crescent, Burgoy ne Street Land size Approximately 43ha (residentially zoned land only) No of properties 139 No of land owners 136 Current Zone LDRZ Background The study area to the north of the study area was included in the

Huntly Township Plan 2009. It was not recommended to be rezoned from LDRZ at the time.

Urban Growth Boundary Within the Urban Growth Boundary Salinity, contamination, Aboriginal Heritage

• Part of the site is within an area of cultural heritage sensitivity • The former Huntly Tip is located to the east of the site • No other known areas affected by contamination • No known areas affected by salinity

Overlays ESO1 Runs north south through the site Flooding Applies to the west of the site from LSIO Runs north south along the west of the site DPO4 Applies to entire site BMO - Proposed Proposed to be applied to the east of site Infrastructure Roads Limited road access

Reticulated infrastructure The majority of the area is connected to reticulated infrastructure Distance to nearest Activity Centre Approximately 1.6km Distance to City Centre Approximately 10km Distance to schools Approximately 1.8km Distance to public open space Within study area





The site is under fragmented ownership and much of it has already been subdivided to the maximum allowable under the Low Density Residential Zone.

The area to the north of O’Sullivans Road was investigated as part of the Huntly Township Plan. It was not recommended to be rezoned at the time.

Given a large amount of Huntly was rezoned through Amendment C136 (Approved on 31 March 2011) it is not recommended to rezone this land in the short to medium term. This land should be investigated as a longer term proposition as required.


Site 12: North East of Burgoyne Street Land size 85ha No of properties 133 No of land owners 130 Current Zone LDRZ Background Considered as part of the Huntly Township Plan 2009 which

recommended it remain as LDRZ Urban Growth Boundary Within the Urban Growth Boundary Salinity, contamination, Aboriginal Heritage

• The former Huntly Tip is located to the east of the site • No other known areas affected by contamination • No known areas affected by salinity or cultural heritage

sensitivity Overlays Flooding A small section north east of Burgoyne Street subject to Minor

Overland Flows DPO4 Applies to the site. No minimum land size specified BMO - proposed Proposed to be applied to the east and south of site Infrastructure Roads A number of roads through the northern section of the site

Reticulated infrastructure Reticulated infrastructure connected to the West of East Road Distance to nearest Activity Centre Adjacent Distance to City Centre Approximately 12km Distance to schools From approximately 300metres Distance to public open space Within site




The site was considered as part of the Huntly Township Plan 2009 which recommended the site remain as LDRZ.

Much of the site particularly to the west of East Road has been subdivided to the maximum allowable under the LDRZ.

This site also helps to provide a break between Epsom and Huntly.

The DPO4 should be removed from the site as no land size is specified and is not relevant to the majority of the site considering the extent of subdivision which has taken place.

Given the land to the north east was rezoned recently as part of the Huntly Township Plan 2009 it would be recommended to consider this as a longer term proposition.


Site 13: Burgoyne Street, Old Murray Road, Boronia Road Land size Area bounded by Old Murray Road, Boronia Road, Viola Road

and Burgoyne Street: 70.37ha

Area bounded by Old Murray Road, Burgoyne Street, Sawmill Road and Pitt Street: 55.91ha Area bounded by Burgoyne Street, Viola Road, Hehir Road and Sawmill Road: 16.97ha Area bounded by Viola Road, Deep Lead Road & Midland Hwy (not including Crown Land and area covered by proposed DCP): 15.96ha Area bounded by Pitt Street, Telford Street, Burgoyne Street and Sawmill Road: 21.70ha Area to the north of Old Murray Road: 36.89ha

No of properties 116 No of land owners Area bounded by Old Murray Road, Boronia Road, Viola Road

and Burgoyne Street: 51 Area bounded by Old Murray Road, Burgoyne Street, Sawmill Road and Pitt Street: 12 Area bounded by Burgoyne Street, Viola Road, Hehir Road and Sawmill Road: 6 Area bounded by Viola Road, Deep Lead Road & Midland Hwy (not including Crown Land and area covered by proposed DCP): 3 Area bounded by Pitt Street, Telford Street, Burgoyne Street and Sawmill Road: 13 Area to the north of Old Murray Road: 31

Current Zone LDRZ Background

Reviewed through the Huntly Township Plan 2009. This plan proposed to retain the Low Density Residential Zone to areas outside of the structure plan area. These areas are currently subject to a Development Plan Overlay and are subject to flood inundation. While some services are located within this area, currently there is no basis for further consolidation of residential activities beyond the current statutory arrangements. Land bound by Deep Lead Road on its southern boundary and Viola Road to this north and assessed as Site 4 during the Bendigo Former Mine Land Project is recommended for Public Park & Recreation Zone. This is in accordance with the recommendations of the reporting by SKM and will provide opportunities for connection to proposed Residential 1 Zoning to the south and areas of Low Density Residential zoning to the north.

Salinity, contamination, Aboriginal Heritage

• Part of the site is within an area of cultural heritage sensitivity • Former Huntly Deep Lead Mine is located to the north-east • No other known areas affected by contamination • No known areas affected by salinity

Overlays ESO1 Runs east west along the site near Old Murray Road LSIO Covers an extensive section to the north west of the site Flooding Covers extensive sections of the site and is part of the flooding

study; LSIO1, LSIO2 & SBO2 proposed (Amendment C221) DPO4 Applies to the site VPO Covers a strip on the northern section of the site Infrastructure Roads Limited road access Reticulated infrastructure Land is not currently connected to reticulated infrastructure Distance to nearest Activity Centre Midland Highway Epsom 2km Distance to City Centre Approximately 15km Distance to schools Approximately 500m Distance to public open space There are Crown Land reserves off Viola Road




The area to the west of Boronia Road is included within the Huntly Township Plan. It was not recommended to be rezoned at the time.

There are some constraints with the site including fragmented ownership and that part of the site is subject to flooding.

The land with frontage to Lavenia Road is not subject to the constraints and has an area of approximately 25 hectares. It is considered suitable for residential development in the short to medium term.

The remainder of the site is subject to flooding and has limited development potential.


Site 14: North East Boronia Road, South Old Murray Road and North of Bendigo Tennyson Road Land size Approximately 19.5ha No of properties 4 No of land owners 4 Current Zone LDRZ Background Outside of area investigated as part of the Huntly Township Plan

2009 Urban Growth Boundary Within the Urban Growth Boundary Salinity, Contamination, Aboriginal Heritage

• No known areas of salinity • No known areas of contamination, however close by to land

used for intensive animal industries (SBA) • Part of the site is within an area of cultural heritage sensitivity

Overlays ESO1 Runs along the northern section of the site LSIO Runs along the northern section of the site Flooding Subject to Waterway Flooding & Overland Flows

Part of the flooding study; LSIO1, LSIO2 & SBO2 proposed (Amendment C221)

DPO4 Applies to the site no minimum land size specified Infrastructure Roads Limited road access

Reticulated infrastructure Land is not currently connected to reticulated infrastructure Distance to nearest Activity Centre Midland Highway Epsom 2km




This site is relatively large with relatively few property owners.

The development potential on the site may be reduced because of flooding.

While the site is within the Urban Growth Boundary, given that it is outside of the area investigated as part of the Huntly Township Plan it would not be recommended in the short to medium term.

It may be worthwhile to investigate in the longer term as part of a Huntly North Structure Plan.

* Specialised Breeders Australia (SBA – formerly Hy-Line Australia) is located to the east at 1555 and 1645 Midland Highway Bagshot, and 460 Old Murray Road Bagshot. The sites are used for rearing and production of layer hens for sale as day old chicks to the commercial egg production industry, and eggs for production of human vaccines. The land is operated as a quarantine site in accordance with biosecurity requirements applying to chicken and egg production.

As part of the Environmental Guidelines for the Australian Egg Industry 2008, SBA must meet a number of buffer distances from different environmental and sensitive land uses; e.g. flooding, waterways, residential. In particular the recommended buffer distance from the impact source (rearing/egg production sheds) to residential land use is 500 metres.

In this instance, the closest boundary of Site 15 is approximately 700 metres from nearest shed on SBA’s properties.


Site 15: West of Banksia Road, North of Old Murray Highway, Huntly Land size 131ha No of properties 12 No of land owners 11 Current Zone LDRZ Background - Urban Growth Boundary Within the Urban Growth Boundary Salinity, Contamination, Aboriginal Heritage

• No known areas of salinity • No known areas of contamination, however close by to land used

to store fireworks explosive magazine • Part of the site is within an area of cultural heritage sensitivity

Overlays DPO4 Applies to entire site specifying a minimum lot size of 1ha LSIO Covers an extensive section of the site to the north and east VPO Applies to a small section to the north of the site ESO2 Ground water – Applies to the northern section of the site Flooding Subject to Waterway Flooding & Overland Flows

Part of the flooding study; LSIO1, LSIO2 & SBO2 proposed (Amendment C221)

Infrastructure Roads Very limited road access through the site

Utilities and services Reticulated infrastructure not connected Distance to City Centre Approximately 12.5km Distance to schools Approximately 1.7km Distance to public open space Approximately 1km




There are relatively few property owners for such a large land size.

While the site is within the Urban Growth Boundary, it is far removed from services and over 12km from the City Centre.

Much of the site is subject to flooding.

It would be recommended that this site be further investigated in the longer term and possibly part of a new township/structure plan for the area.

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