laracea hopson exam review semester 1

Post on 22-Aug-2015






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Recognize this?

“His teeth were crooked like a pile of wrecked



“The boy’s eyes were as deep , and blue as the



“The girls skin was as pale as a ghost.”



In the movie, “Independence Day,” alien ships _______ over major cities around the world, waiting to strike.

The woman ________ over her daughter’s shoulder whenever she chatted on the internet with anyone.

Syn: linger, float, loom (over)

Ant: soar

Definition: (v) to float or hang suspended over; to move back and forth over or around

The female bird hovers over the male bird, during the day.

“The _____ worker caused the entire project to fall behind schedule.” (adj.)

“Tour guides often have to urge ________ to keep up with the rest of the group.” (noun)

Syn: (n) slowpoke, straggler, (a) sluggish, lazy

Ant: (n) early bird (a) swift, speedy

Definition: (n) a person who moves slowly or falls behind

(a) Falling behind; slow to move or act

(describing a person or thing)



“Several students plan to collaborate on a History Fair project about the American Revolution.”

Syn: (team up, join forces)

Ant: work alone

Definition: to work together

In order to get the job done fast, the workers had to collaborate and work hard!

Definition: Words that make you theoretically see, smell, hear, or even feel something.

Sam McGee sitting in the fire.

Example 3: “ For a second David hesitated in front of the raging, crackling fire that had been a door.”

“I am David”


Internal conflict is yourself v.s yourself

Squeaky had a choiceTo make, either to go intoThe candy store and runawayFrom the girls, or protect her Reputation and stay in the Street.

External conflict- yourself v.s other people, the world.

Squeaky v.s the kids who teaseRaymond. Every one is alwaysMaking fun of Raymond because he Is not all there. So Squeaky stands Up for him.

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