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LA-SiGMA First Annual ReportReporting Period: September 2010 – June 2011

As campus PI, please request and gather the information below regarding the LA-SiGMA participants, and send it to us no later than May 15, 2011 to Bety Rodriguez-Milla at

If you have any questions or concerns, let us know.

a) RII Participants

a.1) RII participants - Include all participants, paid or unpaid, involved in activities funded by the project. Participants are defined as those members of the project who contribute to the project in an ongoing and regular basis. An example of an unfunded participant could be someone using RII funded equipment but not personally receiving RII salary support.Added Participants

First name: Lashounda

Last name: Franklin

Position in contract: Computational research

Male/ Female: Female

Ethnicity: African American

Disable?:No Disability

Institution: Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR)

Department: Department of Physics

Worked for more than 160 hrs/month?: No

Contribution to the project: The performance of ab-initio calculations of properties of materials


First name: Yuriy

Last name: Malozovsky

Position in contract : Computational physicists

Male/ Female :Male

Ethnicity: White

Disable?: No Disability

Institution: Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR)

Department: Department of Physics

Worked for more than 160 hrs/month?: No

Contribution to the project: Ab-initio, self-consistent calculations of electronic and related properties of materials.

E-mail :

First name: Pui-Man

Last name: Lam

Position in contract : Statistical Physicist/Monte Carlo Simulation

Male/ Female: Male

Ethnicity: Asian

Disable?: No Disability

Institution: Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR)

Department: Department of Physics

Worked for more than 160 hrs/month?: No

Contribution to the project: Statistical studies and MC simulations

E-mail :

a.1.1) Non-Technical Staff

Ms. Samantha Thompson, MBA, female, SU, Black, Research Associate, <160 hr,

Ms. Chiza Onyenekwu, female, SU, Black, Undergraduate student, <160 hr,

a.1.2) RII Leadership TeamName, Male/Female, Ethnicity, Disable? University, Department, <.>160 hr, contribution (optional), email address

Diola Bagayoko, Lead Investigator at SUBR, Male, African American ,No Disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Physics, <160 hrs, Ab-initio, self-consistent calculations of electronic and related properties of materials,

a.1.3) SD1Faculty

Diola Bagayoko, Lead Investigator at SUBR, Male, African American, No Disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Physics <160 hrs, Ab-initio, self-consistent calculations of electronic and related properties of materials,

Shizhong Yang, Male, Asian , No Disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Physics, <160 hrs,

Yuriy Malozovsky, Male, White, No Disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Physics, No, Ab-initio, self-consistent calculations of electronic and related properties of materials,

PostdocsNot Applicable in this reporting period

Graduate students

Chinedu Ekuma, Male, Black, No Disability, Louisiana State University (LSU), Department of Physics and Astronomy, No, The performance of ab-initio, self-consistent calculations/predictions of properties of materials,

Lei Zhao, Male, Asian, No disability, Southern University, Department of Computer Science, No,

Rui Yao, Female, Asian, No disability, Southern University, Department of Computer Science No,

Research Staff Lashounda Franklin, Female, African American, No Disability, Southern University and A&M College

in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Physics, No, The performance of ab-initio calculations of properties of materials,

Undergraduates Daniel Hart, Male, African American, No Disability, Southern University and A&M College in

Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Physics, No, Ab-initio, self-consistent calculations of electronic and related properties of materials,

Ronald Alexander, Male, African American, No Disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Physics, No, Ab-initio, self-consistent calculations of electronic and related properties of materials,

Mbadozie Uchenna, Female, Black, No Disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Physics, No, Ab-initio, self-consistent calculations of electronic and related properties of materials.C/O

a.1.4) SD2Faculty

Amitava Jana, Male, Asian American, No disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Mechanical Engineering, <160 hrs,

Guoqiang Li, Male, Asian American , No disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Mechanical Engineering, <160 hr,

Shizhong Yang, Male, Asian, No disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Computer Science, < 160 hrs,

Postdocs Sanjay Kodiyalam, Postdoc, Asian American, No disability, Southern University and A&M

College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Mechanical Engineering, > 160 hrs,

Graduate students Mr. Michael Gbikpi Benissan, Graduate student, Male, Black , No disability, Southern

University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Mechanical Engineering, < 160 hrs,

Lei Zhao, Male, Asian, No disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR) , Department of Computer Science, <160 hrs

Rui Yao, Female, Asian, No disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Computer Science < 160 hrs,

Research StaffNot Applicable in this reporting period

UndergraduatesYalin Liu, Female, Asian, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Computer Science, No,

Other (specify the role)Not Applicable in this reporting period

a.1.5) SD3

Laurence Henry, Male, African American, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR) , Department of Physics, < 160 hr,

Pui-Man Lam. Statistical Physicist/Monte Carlo Simulation, Male, Asian, No Disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR), Department of Physics, No, Statistical studies and MC simulations ,

FacultyNot Applicable in this reporting period

PostdocsNot Applicable in this reporting period

Graduate studentsNot Applicable in this reporting period

Research StaffNot Applicable in this reporting period

UndergraduatesNot Applicable in this reporting period

Other (specify the role)Not Applicable in this reporting period

a.1.6) CTCIFaculty

Professor Amitava Jana, Faculty, Male, Asian American, No disability, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR) , Department of Mechanical Engineering, <160 hrs,

Postdocs Dr. Sanjay Kodiyalam, Postdoc, Asian American, No disability, Southern University and A&M

College in Baton Rouge (SUBR) , Department of Mechanical Engineering, > 160 hrs,

Graduate studentsNot Applicable in this reporting period

Research StaffNot Applicable in this reporting period

UndergraduatesNot Applicable in this reporting period

Other (specify the role)Not Applicable in this reporting period

a.2) Collaborators:

a.2.1) From Louisiana Partners

Diola Bagayoko

Our collaborators are Mr. Chinedu Ekuma and Dr. Mark Jarrell, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University (LSU). LSU is a majority White, Research I University. This collaboration is on ab-initio, self-consistent calculations of properties of materials.

Another collaborator is Dr. Matthew Tarr, Advanced Materials Research Institute (AMRI), University of New Orleans. UNO is a doctoral institution in an urban setting. The joint efforts (at proposal stage for the moment) are study “fundamental properties of nanostructured materials for solar energy conversion.” Our role with be to perform predictive calculations of properties of nanostructures of potential interest to the experimental groups.

Amitava Jana

I have worked with Patrick Mensah at Southern University Baton Rouge, HBCU, Collaborated on CAVE-based visualization of heat-transfer data from Fluent-based computations.

Shizhong Yang I have worked with Dr. Shengmin Guo at Louisiana State University, close collaboration in

material design and test.

Guang-Lin Zhao

I have worked with Professor Shengmin Guo in Mechanical Engineering Department, Louisiana State University, on thermoelectric materials; and James J. Spivey, Chemical Engineering Department, Louisiana State University, on catalysts.

a.2.2) US PartnersName, University (academic research institution, primarily undergraduate institution, historically black college and university, hispanic serving institution, tribal college/university, national laboratory, industry, or other (specify)), and nature of collaboration.

Shizhong Yang

I have worked with Dr. Bin Chen from LBNL, on high pressure and high temperature material structure and phase study.

I have worked with Dr. Michael Gao at NETL, on Albany Lab, alloy design and oxidation study.

a.2.3) International Partners

Diola Bagayoko

Department of Study and Research in Physics, University of Bamako, Bamako, Mali. This is a Black institution in the capital city of the Republic of Mali. This collaboration aims to engage several (5-10 or more) graduate students in LASiGMA related ab-initio, self-consistent, and predictive calculations of properties of materials.

a.3) Outputs

a.3.1) New Faculty HiredNot applicable for this reporting period

a.3.2) Postdocs CompletedNot applicable for this reporting period

a.3.3) Graduate Students GraduatedNot applicable for this reporting period

a.3.4) Undergraduate Students GraduatedNot applicable for this reporting period

b) Publications

b.1) Publications Primarily Supported By LA-SiGMA (Sept. 2010 - June 2011)

Diola Bagayoko

1. ManuscriptTo be submitted to (PNAS or API ADVANCES)“Density Functional Description of Electronic Properties of Wurtzite Zinc Oxide (w-ZnO)” L. Franklin, G. L. Zhao, and D. Bagayoko.

b.2) Publications Partially Supported by LA-SiGMA (Sept. 2010 - June 2011)

Diola Bagayoko

1. ManuscriptTo be submitted to the Canadian Journal of Physics “Ab-initio Electronic Properties of Rutile TiO2“ C. E. Ekuma and D. Bagayoko

2. Manuscript To be submitted for Publication “First Principle Local Density Approximation Description of Electronic Properties of Ferroelectric Sodium Nitrite (NaNO2)” E. C. Ekuma, L. Franklin, G. L. Zhao, J. T. Wang, and D. Bagayoko.

3. Refereed ArticlePhysica B 406, 1477–1480 (2011)“Ab Initio Local Density Approximation Description of the Electronic Properties of Zinc Blende Cadmium Sulfide (zb-CdS)” E. C. Ekuma, L. Franklin, G. L. Zhao, J. T. Wang, and D. Bagayoko.

4. Refereed Article Can. J. Phys, March 2011“Local Density Approximation Description of Electronic Properties of Wurtzite Cadmium Sulfide (w-CdS)” E. C. Ekuma, L. Franklin, G. L. Zhao, J. T. Wang, and D. Bagayoko.

5. Refereed Proceedings Accepted for Publication in the African Journal of Physics (2011) “First Principle Study of Electronic Structures of w-CdS, zb-CdS, w-ZnO and Ferro-NaNO2” E.C. Ekuma, D. Bagayoko, G.L. Zhao, L. Franklin, and J.T. Wang

6. Manuscript Comments on “Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW theory of III-V nitrides semiconductors: Bands, Gap Bowing, and Effective Masses” [Phys. Rev. 82, 115102 (2010)] D. Bagayoko, L. Franklin, and G. L. Zhao

Amitava Jana

1. Refereed conference proceedings electronically published:S. Kodiyalam, and A. Jana, “Computation and Stereographic Visualization of Molecular dynamics in Undergraduate Education,” in Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, March 2011, SessionT3B-3, Pga. 1-2.

Guoqiang Li

1. G. Li and W. Xu. Thermomechanical Behavior of Thermoset Shape Memory Polymer Programmed by Cold-Compression: Testing and Constitutive Modeling. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 1231–1250, (June 2011).

2. Z. Ouyang, G. Ji and G. Li. On Approximately Realizing and Characterizing Pure Mode-I Interface Fracture between Bonded Dissimilar Materials. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 78, No. 3, (paper No. 031020) pp. 1-11, (May, 2011).

3.G. Ji, Z. Ouyang and G. Li. Local Interface Shear Fracture of Bonded Steel Joints with Various Bondline Thicknesses. Experimental Mechanics, (Accepted, May 12, 2011).

4.W. Xu and G. Li. Thermoviscoplastic Modeling and Testing of Shape Memory Polymer Based Self-healing Syntactic Foam Programmed at Glassy Temperature. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, (Accepted April 22, 2011).

5.G. Ji, Z. Ouyang and G. Li. Effects of Bondline Thickness on Mode-II Interfacial Laws of Bonded Laminated Composite Plate. International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 168, No. 2, pp. 197-207, (April, 2011).

6. G. Li and T. Xu. Thermomechanical characterization of shape memory polymer based self-healing syntactic foam sealant for expansion joint. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, (Available on-line March 23, 2011) doi:10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000279.

7. G. Li, S.S. Pang, and S.I. Ibekwe. FRP Tube Encased Rubberized Concrete Cylinders. Materials and Structure, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 233-243, (January, 2011).

8. G. Voyiadjis, A. Shojaei, and G. Li. Continuum Damage-Healing Mechanics with Introduction to New Healing Variables. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, (Accepted December 11, 2010).

9. J. Nji and G. Li. A Biomimic Shape Memory Polymer Based Self-healing Particulate Composite. Polymer, Vol. 51, No. 25, pp. 6021-6029, (November, 2010).10. G. Voyiadjis, A. Shojaei, and G. Li. A Thermodynamic Consistent Damage and Healing Model for Self Healing Materials. International Journal of Plasticity, (Available on-line November 19, 2010) doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2010.11.002.

10. G. Li and N. Uppu. Shape Memory Polymer Based Self-Healing Syntactic Foam: 3-D Confined Thermomechanical Characterization. Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 70, No. 9, pp. 1419-1427, (September, 2010).

11.11. G. Ji, Z. Ouyang, G. Li, S.I. Ibekwe, and S.S. Pang. Effects of Adhesive Thickness on Global & Local Mode-I Interfacial Fracture of Bonded Joints. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 47, No. 18-19, pp. 2445-2458, (September, 2010).

Shizhong Yang1. Book chapterAccepted for publication, May 2011

“Carbon Nanotubes Dioxygen adsorption and dissociation on nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes from first principles simulation”Shizhong Yang, Guang-Lin Zhao and Ebrahim KhosraviEditor: Prof. Viktorija ZgelaPublisher: InTech

c) Invited Presentations

Diola Bagayoko

1. Diola BagayokoComputations, Modeling, and Simulation as Research ToolsMay 18-30, 2011, University of Bamako, Bamako, MaliInternational

2. Diola Bagayoko“The Law of Human Performance and Excellence in STEM learning and research”March 15 and 16, 2011Black Executive Exchange Program (BEEP), Grambling State University, Ruston, LA.Local (institution wide)

3. Diola Bagayoko“Systemic Mentoring for Competitiveness: The Model of the Timbuktu Academy”January 20, 2011Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, the 2011 Foreman Lecture Local (institution wide)

4. Diola Bagayoko “Systemic Mentoring Model of the Timbuktu Academy”December, 2010Columbus State University, Columbus, GALocal (Institution wide)

5. Diola Bagayoko“Preparing Minority Students for Graduate School: The Model of the Timbuktu Academy”October 20-23, 2010Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society (APS), Baton Rouge, LA Regional

6. Diola Bagayoko“Ab-initio, Predictive Calculations for Optoeletronic and Advanced Materials”October 20-23, 2010Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society (APS), Baton Rouge, LA. Regional

Guoqiang Li

1. Guoqiang Li, “Shape Memory Polymer-based Composites for Self-healing Structural-length Scale Damage” November 12, 2010.Presented at a graduate seminar in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette.

Shizhong Yang

1.Shizhong YangComputer simulation on the AxFe2Se2 high temperature structure superconductorJune 2011New3SC International

d) Grants

Researcher Name: Shizhong Yang

Grant Name 1: An Integrated Study on the Thermal Barrier Coating for Nb-based High Temperature AlloyParticipants: Ebrahim KhosraviStatus (Awarded, Declined, Pending): PendingSubmission date (mm/yyyy): Jan. 2011Beginning date (mm/yyyy): 10/1/2011Ending date (mm/yyyy): 9/31/2013Amount requested: $200,000Amount awarded: N/ATitle of award: N/AGrantor (NSF, NIH, etc.): DOEAward number: N/A

Grant Name 2: Integrated Research for Aerospace EngineeringParticipants: Ebrahim Khosravi, Shizhong Yang, and Nigel GweeStatus (Awarded, Declined, Pending): PendingSubmission date (mm/yyyy): April 2011Beginning date (mm/yyyy): 10/1/2011Ending date (mm/yyyy): 9/31/2014Amount requested: $735,876Amount awarded: N/ATitle of award: N/AGrantor (NSF, NIH, etc.): NASAAward number: N/A

e) PatentsNot Applicable in this reporting period

f) Nuggets

Researcher Name: Diola BagayokoNugget 1:Description:

With Colleagues at the University of New Orleans, Tulane, and LSU-Baton Rouge, we are developing a proposal for submission to the US Department of Energy, through the Louisiana Board of Regents. The focus of this multi-institutional and interdisciplinary research project is “fundamental properties of nanostructured materials for solar energy conversion.” These efforts are led by Dr. Matthew Tarr at the University of New Orleans (UNO).

Nugget 2:

The Department of Study and Research in Physics, at the University of Bamako, Bamako, Mali, is entering into a collaboration with us to have several of its graduate students (for MS and Doctorate programs) perform ab-initio, self-consistent calculations of electronic and related properties of materials. In a year or less, we expect to have 5-10 students doing calculations of interests to LASiGMA. Gaussian09 and other electronic structure codes will be utilized by these students.

g) Outreach Activities

Diola Bagayoko

Outreach Activity 1.

Diola Bagayoko made a presentation to participants of a Hillsborough Community College Reach Out Program. This community college is in Tampa Bay. The presentation was focused on the law of human performance for success in STEM fields (as students and as professionals or researchers). This presentation took place in the High Tech classroom, Engineering Building, Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge, LA. Audience: Seven (7) program staff members and 29 African American high school students. The 45 minutes of presentations were followed by 60 minutes of questions and answers!

Outreach Activity 2:

From November 2010 to April 2011, Diola Bagayoko made presentations in four (4) area high schools about majoring in STEM disciplines and how to master these subjects. The schools were Tara High, Broadmoor High, Northeast High, and White Castle High – with 200, 250, 220, and 30 students, respectively, at the presentations.

Outreach Activity 3:

We have already selected four (4) undergraduate minority students who will spend the summer participating in LASiGMA research at SUBR. This Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) is funded by LASiGMA. The REU activities begin in the first week of June and continue throughout the summer of 2011. Four LASiGMA investigators will each mentor one (1) undergraduate student researcher.

Outreach Activity 4:

We will also have a Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program in the summer of 2011. SUBR will collaborate with LSU and by having its funded teachers be part of a much larger cohort of peers at LSU. We expect to support three (3) high school science teachers.

Amitava Jana

Outreach Activity 1:

Description: Students to visit the CAVE in SUBR’s College of Engineering (June 2011). Ongoing work on stereographic visualization will be demoed: Virtual Robots, Visualization of streamlines and pathlines in CFD simulation of a stirred tank, Visualization of temperature and its gradients in a TBC coating a turbine blade.Organizers and Affiliations: Ms. Kathy Traxler, CCT LSU, CCT OutreachProfessor Amitava Jana, SUBR, Mechanical Engineering

Shizong Yang

A LONI Annual Workshop was held in Feb. 2011 at SUBR Pinchback Engineering Building, HighTech room. There were over 30 African American college students and 20 faculty members in attendance.Organizers and Affiliations: Southern University/LONI

Guang-Lin Zhao

Outreach Activity 1.

Graduate student, Mr. Zhaodong Li, participated the outreach activities organized by Professor Randall Hall for LA-SiGMA project. The outreach project is called Nanodays, on Saturday, March 26, 2011, Highland Road Park Observatory, 13800 Highland Road, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The demonstrations are for the people who are interested in the physics, material science and engineering. There are many experiment shows about nanoscale science and engineering, like the liquid crystal, the memory metal, the bucky ball model and others. Through the explanations of the volunteers (including Zhaodong Li) and teachers and the operations by the visitors themselves, people knows much better about what does the “nano” mean and what effects the nanomaterials have on our daily life. Especially, many children went there and enjoyed the fun of the demonstrations. Let them apperceive the magic of the nano-science. The event should have its potential impact on the future.

h) Highlights

Please see the attached highlights

We need to add NSF highlights to the report. Please read the NSF highlights guideline below, and send us the NSF Form 1515 for each highlight, do not send to NSF directly.

Taken from NSF:

An important facet of the annual reports is submission of several highlights featuring the research and broader impacts of the project. In terms of subject matter:

Any highlighted project should have been majority-funded by the award Highlights should have taken place during the most recent reporting period Holding a meeting does not usually justify a highlight Highlights must be stand-alone stories, assume that the reader has no background in your

project Receiving an award, or funding for travel, or having a prestigious journal accept an article is

generally not a highlight. The science that was the reason for the award, travel, or article almost always is.

In terms of content, a good highlight has 7 pieces:1) A Suggested Title  (at most 20 words)Example: Rocks Indicate That Antarctica was Connected to North America2) A main outcome or accomplishment? (1-2 short sentences describing it and why it is transformative; 50 word max.)Example: A team of scientists has shown that a rock from Antarctica is identical to a band of rocks in western North America, implying that the two continents were once adjacent to one another.3) Impact (1-2 simple sentences describing the benefits for science, industry, society, the economy, national security, etc; 50 word max)Example: Determining the past configuration of the continents can serve many purposes, including modeling past climates, understanding evolution, and helping to locate natural resources.4) Explanation/background does the lay reader need to understand the significance of this outcome (1-2 paragraphs that might include, for example, more on who, when, where; NSF's role; support from multiple directorates/offices; what makes this accomplishment unique; additional intellectual merits; or broader impacts such as education, outreach, or infrastructure improvement that are integral to this outcome; 150 word max. suggested)Example: We currently have a good understanding of the last amalgamation of continents called Pangea, which existed from 545 to 180 million years ago and allowed land-dwelling organisms to proliferate across the globe. However, we have poor information on the previous amalgamation--Rodinia--which formed about 1.3 billion years ago. Determining Rodinia's characteristics are key to understanding the origins of complex life on Earth, as well as understanding the snowball Earth period, when the entire globe froze over.The rock study, conducted by a multi-university team, supports the juxtaposition of East Antarctica with western Laurentia at that time. Laurentia is the continent that, at the time, included the landmasses now known as North America and Greenland. Previously, scientists had suggested that China or Siberia had been adjacent to this coast.5) An image that can be understood by lay-people, with accompanying release form6) A suggested caption/description for the image (25 word max.)Example: Researchers collect rock samples in the TransAntarctic Mountains.7) The  credit that should accompany the image (usually the owner or copyright holder; can be individuals and/or their institutions)Example: John Goodge, University of Minnesota-Duluth; multiple credits can be entered here

Examples given by NSF:

NSF Highlights


Rocks Indicate That Antarctica was Connected to North America




A team of scientists from multiple universities has shown that a rock from Antarctica is identical to a band of rocks in western North America, implying that the two continents were once adjacent to one another. Previously, China or Siberia were thought to have been adjacent to the western coast.

Determining the past configuration of the continents can serve many purposes, including modeling past climates, understanding evolution, and helping to locate natural resources.

We currently have a good understanding of the last amalgamation of continents called Pangea, which existed from 545 to 180 million years ago and allowed land-dwelling organisms to proliferate across the globe. However, we have poor information on the previous amalgamation--Rodinia--which formed about 1.3 billion years ago.

The rock study supports the juxtaposition of East Antarctica with western Laurentia at that time. Laurentia is the continent that, at the time, included what is now North America and Greenland. Determining Rodinia's characteristics are key to understanding the origins of complex life on Earth, as well as understanding the snowball Earth period, when the entire globe froze over.

Images/videos understandable by general audience, with captions and credits

Caption: Researchers collecting rock samples in the TransAntarctic Mountains.

Credit: John Goodge, University of Minnesota-Duluth

Permission from copyright holder via email or form 1515 to use images publicly

Community College Students Discover Rare Mushroom




In June 2007, a group of students from Dallas Country Community College, Eastfield, Texas, discovered the rare mushroom Hygrophorus chameleon. The mushroom had never before been spotted west of the Mississippi River, and had not been documented east of the Mississippi in the last 30 years. The find highlights one of the benefits of NSF-funded, hands-on education programs: scientific discovery.

The discovery was made during an eight-week summer program in Big Thicket National Preserve, and mycologist David Lewis identified the mushroom, recorded its location using a GPS unit, and sent specimens to a Chicago lab for further examination. The students were assisting U.S. National Park Service researchers in collecting data for the All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory. Students also collected data for their own research projects in areas including botany, entomology, mycology and ichthyology.

The research expedition was part of the college's "Project Pathways: Broadening Access and Success for STEM Students" program. Started in 2005, the project is intended to encourage students to pursue associate science degrees at the college or transfer to baccalaureate programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines.

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