l33 baltic expro sąvadas

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Baltic Expro sąvadas


You are holding a kind of an unconventional catalogue. It is a publication covering the one day exhibition “Baltic Expro. Young Artists on Educational Projects” which has been held in the Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius, and initiated by Education Ex-changes Support Foundation. 15 educational projects from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, respectively, have been introduced to current students and graduates of Vilnius Art Academy. As a result, they have created 15 pieces of art (objects, installations, per-formances) which you will be able to see and evaluate while looking through this catalogue. Furthermore, you will get acquaint-ed with the successful educational programs interpreted by the artists in their artwork. Also, if you have time, you will possibly get involved in the game and while reading the short project descriptions you will attempt to picture the participants, their actions and impressions; possibly, your imagination will draw lines and new creative ideas will emerge in your head.

From an art critic’s view, this particular project is interesting because it reflects an encounter and interaction of two different areas: education and art. It is true that an artistic language or means are occasionally used in educational projects; and art sometimes involves educational or training activities. Nevertheless, the role of educational institutions is defined by responsibility whereas in the art, it is not uncustomary to shock, attempt to “deceive” the viewer, keep him/her intrigued and not provide him/her with the final right answer. What are the results of the encounter of the two latter spheres?

To sum up, the young artists interpreted educational projects in three different ways. First ones interpreted a project topic visual-ly, others tried to include their own insights, while the rest expressed a critical point of view, did not conceal their hesitations, in this way provoking discussions. You will find them all in the catalogue where you will be able to familiarize with the projects, as well as artists’ ideas and, most importantly, with the works of art which have been included in the exhibition.

The process of making mashed potatoes, a spatial installation with a construction piece from an unused bus station, wagging cat tails or a drawn notation of an upcoming dinner- to name just a few objects exhibited in this interesting exhibition. Evaluat-ing them, one should not forget that they have been produced by young artists, therefore the ideas are sometimes expressed too straightforwardly and lack the depth of conceptual layers. However, while looking at the artwork you cannot lose a feeling that the artists have really enjoyed and genuinely cared about their work. It seems that during the exhibition, this attitude was successfully transferred unto the viewer. Hopefully, the catalogue readers will be able to experience this artistic, youthful atmos-phere as well.

Aistė Paulina VirbickaitėArt critic

Baltic Expro – an exhibition of the best projects implemented with the support of EC Life long learning programme. Originally starting in Estonia, the initiative has expanded to the Baltic States, and since 2007 has been yearly organised by one of the three National Agencies. We assume that this kind of cooperation is the best proof of common understanding about quality, meaning and impact of the activities we are responsible for.Lithuania hosts Baltic Expro for the second time. This year we’ve offered a new way to demonstrate the best examples of the projects by trying to synergize reality and imagination. How activities and results can be perceived by an unrelated outsider – the answer had to be provided by art students. Education Exchanges Support Foundation positions itself as a liable, modern, creative and socially responsible organisation, la-bouring for original solutions in its daily activities and making its best to acknowledge efforts of project participants and the staff. Expro – is a perfect occasion to demonstrate the results of the projects, to provide opportunity to share practical experience and most importantly, to thank the ones who consider their participation in the programme meaningful and rewarding.

Daiva ŠutinytėDirector


“Symbols in Arts and Theology”

Programme Nordplus Higher Education

Coordinating institution Latvian Christian Academy (Latvia)

Partners University of Tartu (Estonia), Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (Lithuania), Vilnius Academy of Arts (Lithuania), Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Ansgar College and Theological Seminary (Nor-way).

Duration of the project 2010 – 2011

The purpose of the project was to develop a deeper understanding of the current priorities related to climate change in the Baltic and Nordic countries from the liberal arts viewpoint. Climate change may enable us to better understand the fragility of our life within the man-transformed environment. Seriousness of climate change must be considered in a wider context which goes beyond demanding certain changes in life of a society, but rather questions basic attitudes and values. Consequently, the concept of sustainable development is a radical one which encompasses theological discourse and historical and stylistic observations of art.

Viltė Bražiūnaitė


The goal of my work was to raise the issue, which is as controversial and attention deserving, as the project itself – the position of Christian values in the contemporary society. The New Testament is widely recognized both for its content and form, however, after the verses are removed, the pages contain only punctuation, asterisks denoting notes and comments, and quotation marks- only a graphic frame of the text – a form deprived from any kind of content. The form itself later becomes the content so creating a completely new value. The absence of words and the emptiness of the form represent the position of Christianity in the modern society.


Viltė Braziūnaitė,“Un/Titled”,paper, glass, wood,2012.


“Career Guidance as a Successful Guarantee for the Quality of Education”

Programme Nordplus Junior Class Exchange

Coordinating institution Siauliai „Juventos“ Progymnasium (Lithuania)

Partners Sistranda skole (Norway), Torpparinmaen Peruskoulu (Finland), Riga Choreography School(Latvia), Parnu Vabakool (Estonia)

Duration of the project 2011 – 2012

Selection of a profession is a complicated process requiring a lot of efforts; moreover, it is influenced by both inter-nal and external circumstances. The purpose of the project was to educate students in a career planning and help them to better perceive its significance in an individual’s life. The students were also taught awareness of personal abilities and aspirations along with an ability to match them with the local/global demand. During the project, students got acquainted with a variety of professions both in theory and practise,evaluated the potential of some professions, discovered the knowledge, skills, abilities and charactertraits required for a certain profession; they also learned about possibilities for development and planning one’s career, various methods of self-cognition, and gained an understanding of a concept of goodeducation. Finally, completing of personal career plans, gave the students a very clear and definiteunderstanding of a profession selection process.

Gudri Lapė

“(one of the) The Alternative Ways”

Once you are taken out of the box and put into another one, you might suddenly see how ‘discoloured’ or old-fash-ioned your way of living was; or on the contrary, you may be astonished by the “alternative ways”of the new community.Nowadays, these formerly unfamiliar cultures become a part of our own and the former “alternative and unfamiliar” becomes the new “right and conventional”. Therefore, I wanted to experiment a bit with these novelties entering our culture. The first task would be visiting a Vedic astrologer who would establish my pre-determined fate, describe my talents and other things essential to my life; which, consequently, would be neatly laid out on paper in a textual-lin-guistic form.However, ironically, it would still be solely the fate which eventually would determine the directionof my life!


Gudri Lapė,“(One of the) Alternative Ways”, performance,2012.


“Education at the Crossroads”

Programme Nordplus Junior Network

Coordinating institution Viimsi School (Estonia)

Partners Lyceiparkens skola (Finland), Adažu Vidusskola (Latvia), Guldborgsund Ungdomskole (Denmark)

Duration of the project 2010 – 2012

The purpose of the project was to develop and enhance pedagogical methods, and to assemble supplementary material for class teachers to be used for future education of students aged 14 to 17. In addition, this project fo-cused on the development of an alternative education curriculum that would meet special needs students’ skills and prepare them for a potential career while the Danish education system model was chosen as an example.

Evelina Kerpaitė

“Unplanned Plans”

My interpretation of the project is a map of a non-existent place, that has been made from hand-drawn temporary maps, which once useful, now have lost their informative function. The unpredicted connections among real places are a reflection of everything that has passed and turned into abstraction, from which new links are reconstructed.


Evelina Kerpaitė, “Unplanned Plans”, pencil and pen on paper, wood,2012.


“The 1989 Revolutions in Eastern Europe and the European Integration”

Programme Comenius Multilateral School Partnership

Coordinating institution Martna Basic School (Estonia)

Partners Partrona Hungariae Általános Iskola, Gimnázium, Diákotthon és Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmény a PPKE és az AVKF Gyakorlóiskolája (Hungary), Zespół Szkół Nr 2 IX Liceum Ogólnokształcące (Poland), Sredno obshotoobrasovatelno uchilishte “Nikolaj Katanov” (Bulgaria), Colegio La Presentacion De Nuestra Señora (Spain), Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium (Germany), Mehmet Akif Ersoy Lisesi (Turkey)

Duration of the project 2010 – 2012

The purpose of the project was to introduce students between 15 and 19 years old from 7 countries to the 1989 revolutions in Eastern Europe and the European integration by enabling them to visit the sites that had played a significant role in the revolutions. Project participants saw numerous exhibitions in the museums and watched films depicting the communist regime. At the end of the project, all the results were published as a book and recorded in a DVD.

Алгуня МОЛОДЕЦ Algirdas Jaruševičius

“The Beat”

I ask myself a question: “What is the purpose of relentless reinventing and reinterpretation of controversial historical facts and transmitting them to new generations by the use of new educational programs?” My idea was to create a solution to these controversies of the past, or at least to transform them into a more productive form such as sport which can sometimes be perceived as a symbol of conflict. I wanted to incorporate noises in my work which were to symbolize the undertones of popular culture and globalization and also give a clear indication that the fight was still going on. Nowadays sports have become a mirror of global politics, sort of a symbolical boxing ring in New York’s “Times Square” or in Moscow’s “Red Square”, featuring Vitali Klitschko and Mike Tyson fighting against each other. Countries persist in competition with each other and sometimes an award is far less desirable than demonstrating superiority to your opponent.


Algirdas Jaruševičius, “The Beat”,organic glass, plastic, LED, digital press,2012.


“Our Tale Heroes are Meeting in Europe”

Programme Comenius Multilateral School Partnership

Coordinating Institution Šiauliai hearing Impaired Child Development Center (Lithuania)

Partners Osnovna Џla Ѝarjeta (Slovenia), Colegio Andres De Urdaneta (Spain), Mid Calder Primary School (Great Britain), Piri Reis Ilkogretim Okulu (Turkey), Publiczna Szkoa Podstawowa nr 1 im. Emilii Plater (Poland), Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 24 Sfintii Arhangheli Mihal si Gavril (Romania),2 Circolo Didattico” San Francesco d’Assisi” (Italy)

Duration of the project 2009 – 2011

In a project prepared by eight countries, national fairytale heroes solved ecological problems. After each of the countries had introduced their culture, traditions, national stories and their actors, it was decided to create a new story in which each of the participating countries’ national fairytale heroes would deal with environmental problems. As a result, a book on ecology was created where fairytale characters protect nature from pollution in a heroic way. The purpose of the project was to enhance children’s awareness of their environment and encourage them to find their own solutions for environmental problems. Students who were involved in the project, had an opportunity to liberate their imagination, improve their writing, painting, drama, foreign language, communication and internet usage skills. The participants acquired a greater sense of environmental awareness and learned to appreciate their own culture while respecting other cultures too.

Laima Dagytė


I created an object almost 2 meters high which resembles an exaggerated child’s toy – a rocket ship – an item possibly found on a playground. When you look out from inside of it, you can see the bright color of heaven. The material used is mixed: wood, plaster and paint. In the interior of the object, on the “ceiling”, there are a few smaller openings “into the light” (inside there’s an elec-tric light installation). Next to the openings “into the light” you can see fragile paper butterflies that are almost trans-lucent as if ready to disappear. The object is intended to be used and I hope that my audience-playing children who would be climbing in and out of it- would be a beautiful part of the artwork. The main idea was to create an artwork that would be easily perceived, interesting and fun for both adults and children.


Laima Dagytė,”Untitled”,plaster, light installation,2012.


“Experiential Urbanism – Developing New Tools of Urban Governance at the Intersection of Advanced Modelling and ‘Glocal’ Activism”


Programme Erasmus Intensive Programme

Coordinating institution Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia)

Partners Vrije University of Brussels (Belgium), Tilburg University (Netherlands), Manchester Metropolitan Univer-sity (United Kingdom), Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus (Germany), University Kassel (Germany), University of Applied Sciences Lausitz (Germany)

Duration of the project May 14 – 25, 2012

The EXP Intensive Programme recognises that digital tools to map and model urban phenomena, on one hand, and emerging forms of social media, on the other hand, have a potential to radically change the fields of urban planning, design and governance. The project conceptualises and tests ‘experiential urbanism’, a new urban and regional planning methodology, developed at the intersection of advanced modelling of urban processes and ‘glocal’ urban activism. The project is thus seen to provide building blocks for an entirely new, open and agile way to plan and govern European city-regions. More specifically, the project is a series of transdisciplinary summer schools, 2011–2013, organised in Tallinn and focusing on the complex socio-spatial dynamics of the emerging twin-city, Helsinki-Tallinn, or ‘Talsinki’.

Vladislav Novicki


The work consists of metal swings with a rocking seat tied down to the floor and a playing child seated in front of it on the ground. In this way, a ratio of a static object and indirect performance in represented. The artwork is only effective as long as the child is involved in it. The control aspect connects each period, paying no attention to the measures. That control is like a conditional, collective reality modeling a phenomenon. The systems created by people consistently require new generations for whom they have been prepared. The outside world helps children to get to know themselves with the assistance of games. However, a word “game” conceals the risk. A swinging child can fall off the seat or can be hurt by the swinging chair seat. Therefore, it is necessary to control the tools of the game.


Vladislav Novicki,“Untitled”,steel, wood,2012.Performer – Rafal Kolpak.


“Session of the European Chamber Music Academy”

Programme Erasmus Intensive Programme

Coordinating institution Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Lithuania)

Partners Sibelius Academy (Finland), Academy of Music in Krakow (Poland), University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Austria), Paris National Conservatoire of Music and Dance (France), Royal Northern College of Music (United Kingdom), Vilnius University (Lithuania).

Duration of the project 2011 – 2012

A ten-day-long intensive course was designed for advanced level music students with the emphasis on Chamber Music as a study major. Students from six European higher education institutions offering Chamber Music studies participated in the course and were trained by world renowned chamber music professors. ECMA network expan-sion was an additional result of this project (Krakow Academy of Music joined the ECMA session). IT technologies (e.g. virtual learning environment Moodle) were used for feedback and dissemination of the project results.

Vytenis Burokas & Naglis Kristijonas Zakaras


Because the musical project has just ended, its interpretation is represented in the context of the same musical aura – the scenario of a smorgasbord is presented in accordance with the principles of musical composition, such as a score. However, this composition does not describe an audio activity, but the visual action of the smorgas-bord’s participants (performers) instead. The score is composed in accordance with protocol and the rules of eti-quette, and guidelines which are given in the notes. The most paradoxical aspect is that the piece of art is recorded in the situation when the performers already know what they would do under the ideal conditions, therefore in order to make the prior knowledge a reciprocal one, a pocket – size version of the score is given to an audience – in this way a double observation is created (in order to fulfill the functions of the piece, the performers observe the audi-ence, whereas the audience observes the performers). The scores will act like a filter through which the action of a smorgasbord will be interpreted as a performance of a score.


Vytenis Burokas andKristijonas Zakaras, ”Score”, paper,2012.


“Brass & Jazz”

Programme Erasmus Intensive Programme

Coordinating institution Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (Latvia)

Partners Codarts, Hoheschool voor de Kunsten (Netherlands), ArtEZ Hooheschool voor de Kunsten/ArtEZ Con-servatorium Arnhem Enschede Zwole (Netherlands), Hogeschool Zuyd (Netherlands), Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Lithuania), Eesti Muusika-ja Teatrakadeemia (Estonia)

Duration of the project August 14 – 25, 2012

The Brass & Jazz Erasmus Intensive Programme was an experimental music project aimed at enhancing the bond between academic and jazz music education by giving the students an opportunity to test their talents in another field. Participants of the project were teachers and students from music schools. During the intensive programme, the students attended master lessons and played at concerts. The students were instructed by both academic and jazz music teachers, thus jazz students could learn the specifics of playing academic music and vice versa. During the intensive programme, students were also able to learn improvisation.

Eglė Vengalytė

“Brass and Jazz”

The only constant part of an orchestra is a music stand. Music, style, instruments and volume can change; people, musicians, listeners and the conductor can change; the score may change, but the reading-desks remain standing in their places, in an appropriate lineup. The visual attribute of the music is stable – black, slender, angular. Adorn-ment – mini orchestra.


Eglė Vengalytė, “Brass and Jazz”, copper, silver, textile, 2012.


“The Role of Local Customs and Traditions in Encouraging the Development of Older People and Self-education”

Programme Grundtvig Learning Partnership

Coordinating institution VšĮ Kazlų Rūda Social Support Centre (Lithuania)Partners Stowarzyszenie Współpracy Gminy Lwówek z Zagranicą (Poland), Freundschaft Königslutter Am Elm-Opalenica in Polen E.V. (Germany), Pieaugušo Profesionālās Tālākizglītības biedrība (Latvia)

Duration of the project 2009 – 2011

The purpose of the project was to foster traditions and customs in the partners’ regions. It is particularly important that the older generation promote their cultural heritage by transmitting it to the younger generation. During the project, eight meetings were held, two in each partner country. Seven participants from each country attended each meeting. In the course of the meetings, their traditional products were presented, and thematic presentations were organized, including conferences and meetings with local government representatives. Further-more, the participants attended town festivals featuring local music and dance group performances.

Raimonda Sereikaitė


In my work, I wanted to create the environment which best facilitates meetings and discussions. Therefore, I have concluded that process of making mashed potatoes is a perfect activity which encourages visitors of the exposition, alongside with curators and artists to join the project initiator and participate. Mashed potatoes were chosen because it is a common daily meal in rural Lithuania, moreover, potatoes tradition-ally has been a key ingredient of Lithuanian cuisine. While playing with these associations, one is reminded that food is a part of self-awareness, cultural identity and identity in general – one of the essential conditions for human survival. The mashed potatoes were served without accompanying dishes, and the quality of taste was intentionally ignored, invited the audience to experience potatoes aesthetically instead, focusing on their texture and color.


Raimonda Sereikaitė, “Untitled”, 2012.


“Intercultural Competence of Parents in Cross-Culture Families”

Programme Grundtvig Learning Partnership

Coordinating institution Consulting Company “Valda” (Latvia)

Partners NFP-NGO Ad Infinitum (Poland), Vilnius Co-operative College (Lithuania), Parents associations ATAŞE-HİR ÇAĞRIBEY İLKÖĞRETİM OKULU OKUL AİLE BİRLİĞİ (Turkey), LAROCCAWEB srl Via Oderisi da Gubbio 245 (Italy), Adult education provider Bildungsforum Glashütte Verwaltungsgesellschaft UG (Germany)

Duration of the project 2010 – 2012

Young people leaving their countries to study or work abroad and to participate in exchange programmes quite often find themselves uncomfortable being far away from home in a new cultural environment. Many of them feel isolated and excluded from the local society. This may result in mental imbalance and cause communication prob-lems. Families facing these complications often try to help their children by using their own experience and knowl-edge; however, their experience may be insufficient and only have limited applicability in the new environment.

Jonas Aničas


The project focuses on the relationship among family members living, working or studying in different countries. However, I am more interested in children’s support for their parents, living in post-Soviet countries, where lately the market is flooded with a multitude of unnecessary “low-cost and high-quality” household items. The goods are continuously bought, consumed and dumped to landfills adding to environmental problems. In my opinion, the young people are able to recognize this problem and possibly educate their loved ones, persuading them to shop and consume more wisely.


Jonas Aničas, “Un-titled”, photography, objects,2012.


“Islands meeting in Europe”

Programme Grundtvig Senior Volunteering

Coordinating institution LEGAMBIENTE onlus (Italy)Partner NGO Estyes: NGO Kassari Educational Society (Estonia)

Duration of the project 2009 – 2011

The purpose of the project was to draw attention to the similarities and differences between two European islands, Kassari and Sardinia. Thanks to the project, two Estonian volunteers got an opportunity to work in Italy for a month. Project participants worked as environmentalist-volunteers by maintaining and building new pathways, checking mountain roads and, if necessary, helping to clear roads by removing fallen rocks. They also helped in earthquake areas and organized nature camps for young people and families.

Indrė Biekšaitė


My artwork – a diptych, represents the archaic world. For the first part, I chose a dominating monochromatic tone, where the red appears as a symbol of life. The work executed by the tapestry technique was woven from one or several threads, by extending and shaping them, forming a “path”- a symbol of the continuity of life. I executed the second part of the work by combining collage, painting, sculpture and textiles while utilizing all natural materials, intentionally avoiding synthetic fibers. I successfully incorporated “life-juice“ in the collage represented by sap collection dishes found in the forests of Dzukija, which were old, rusted and had fallen off the trees... On the trees, the spots where the dishes had been attached were marked by scratches which resembled marks left by a large animal paw...


Indrė Biekšaitė, “Connections”, tapestry (flax, wool, synthetics), spatial collage (painting, objects),2012.


“Green Fingers Europe”

Programme Leonardo Da Vinci Mobility Project (IVT)

Coordinating institution Räpina School of Horticulture (Estonia)

Partners Staatliche Berufsbildende Schule 5 (Germany), Gregor-Mendel Berufskolleg (Germany), SALO Neue Zeiten AG (Germany), Centre de Formation Horticole des MFR (France), South Savo Vocational College (Finland), HAMK University of Applied Sciences – Lepaa Unit (Finland), Rättviks Gymnasium (Sweeden), AOC Groene Welle (Netherlands), Bildungszentrum Gartenbau Langenlois (Austria), Englich Heritage (United Kingdom)

Duration of the project 2009 – 2010

The goal of this project was to give students an opportunity to get new knowledge and work experience through practical work in foreign companies. The traineeship outside the school is obligatory in the horticulture curriculums and the students were highly motivated to gain this experience abroad. Furthermore, another important objective was to practice foreign languages and learn more about different cultures.32 students (high-school level and grownups from distance learning groups) specialising in gardening and horticul-ture, landscape design and floristic participated in this project.

Mantas Televičius


The summary of this project became an inspiration of my artwork – the multi-layered, multifaceted cooperation between humans and nature. I decided to carry out the work called “Leaf” as a diptych featuring two contrasting leaves – one yellow and damaged, the other one deep green and healthy, in this way my work encompassed all: live, rotten, sick, beautiful, ugly, young, old, etc. We use these words when describing both a tree and a human. In this minimalistic expression , I tried to incorporate contemplations on the relationship between humans and nature and also related socio-cultural reflections.


Mantas Televičius, “The Leaf”, 2012.


“Experience in Foreign Countries in the Assessment of the Practical Skills Gained in a Company”

Programme Leonardo Da Vinci Mobility for Professionals in VET (VETPRO)

Coordinating institution Vilnius School of Car Mechanics and Business (Lithuania)Partners Berufskolleg Kempen Training Centre (Germany), Tartu Vocational Training Center (Estonia), Sisli Voca-tional Technical School (Turkey), Panevėžys Vocational Training Centre (Lithuania), Joint Stock Company “Rimto-ma” (Lithuania)

Duration of the project 2010 – 2011

The main goals of the project were to increase competitiveness and entrepreneurship, encourage professionals to improve their qualifications in foreign countries; encourage continuous lifelong learning and innovation in vocational education; ensure that the implementation and evaluation process of practical training would meet the standards of the European Union, and furthermore, to enhance college graduates’ competitiveness in a dynamic labor market. Each participant of the project observed workshops in schools and other social institutions of the partners, and acquired useful teaching materials and teaching plans.

Valdas Skritas

“My Dear Friend, Don’t You Know that Departure of the Moon is Cancelled Today?” My work combines everyday phenomena and an absurd situation. I was inspired by the concept of consciousness and its states, which can vary and change. When choosing the manner of executing my work, I was lucky enough to have stumbled upon an accidental opportunity. Therefore, I wondered if real phenomena that did not have an ob-jective and clear reason for their existence, remained meaningless and futile; and if there was a point in life where consciousness was not rationally perceived or even intuitively felt? In my opinion, the metaphor “Walking to the Moon” best revealed the relationship between unconscious processes and accidental occurrences.


Valdas Skritas,“My dear friend,don’t you know that departure of the Moon is canceled today?”, steel constructions,2012.


“Development of Professional Skills of Employees in Veterinary Neurologyand Physiotherapy”

Programme Leonardo Da Vinci Mobility Project

Coordinating institution SIA “Dzīvnieku veselības centrs” (Animal Health Centre, Latvia)Partner AISTI Veterinary Clinic (Finland)

Duration of the project 2011

The project made it possible for two employees of the SIA “Dzīvnieku veselības centrs”, veterinarian neurologist Aigars Briņķis and veterinary physiotherapy assistant Artis Bečs, to acquire new practical knowledge at the AISTI Veterinary Clinic in Finland. A. Briņķis is experienced in the veterinary and surgery of small animals, therefore during the training he focussed on neurological diagnostics and surgical treatment methods. Physiotherapy is very important for the health of neurological patients; therefore A. Bečs concentrated on physiotherapy methods and their practical application.

Justina Gražytė

“The More Cats are Spoken to, the More They Will Speak to You...”

Veterinary medicine, animal physiotherapy, animal neurology...After reading the project description, I was left with an image of a cat in a beret and sunglasses sitting on a leather chair with his legs crossed and a notebook in hand, while the other cat was laying on the couch and describing his spiritual experiences.

Despite of all the information about cat tail language, which is provided in various cat manuals, it seems that a cat’s tail moves the same way every time, whether the cat is happy, furious or willing to play. The cat and his tail seem to exist as two separate entities, behaving independently from each other, i.e. a cat can be resting peacefully while his tail would be dancing Quickstep. Therefore, I have chosen the tail as an object for my project interpretation.


Justina Gražytė,“The more cats arespoken to, the more they will speak toyou...”,installation,2012.


“Class in Nature, Nature in the Classroom”

Programme Comenius Multilateral partnership

Coordinating institution Mālpils Secondary School (Latvia)

Partners Средно Общообразователно Училище “Никола Войводов” (Bulgaria), ITC Piero Calamandrei (Italy), Agrupamento De Escolas de Vidigueira (Portugal), Základná škola Kudlovská (Slovakia), I.E.S. Donoso Cortés (Spain), Atatürk İlköğretim Okulu (Turkey)

Duration of the project 2010 – 2012

The project was devised to increase the interactive communication and socialization level of students (especially the special needs students) through the creation and implementation of pedagogical and methodical tools associat-ed with nature. Main objectives of the project: to promote the diversity of the education through the utilization of modern teaching tools; to provide students with new knowledge and experience about nature in other countries; to foster environ-mental awareness by encouraging students to make their own decisions on matters concerning the protection of the environment; to provide opportunities for learners to become active European citizens through individual and collective eco-friendly projects.

Rytis Urbanskas & Justinas Gaigalas

“The Lesson Ends”

An installation on the second floor, in the inner courtyard of CAC, surrounded by windows… Outdated and unused school inventory: chairs, tables, a blackboard with a piece of chalk and a sponge – all is contained in this space. During the conference and the opening of the exhibition, a representative of Malpils high school will be asked to write down the word “Holidays” in Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian. This first part of the performance was available to visitors of the CAC. Later, everyone was asked to leave the patio and the doors stayed locked during the whole show. The installation was meant to be observed through the windows like a classroom which is locked and inac-cessible during holidays, though still available for the viewer’s eyes. Holidays have begun...


Rytis Urbanskas & Justinas Gaigalas, “Lesson”,school desks, board, 2012.

Geležinio vilko g. 12, 01112 VilniusTel.: (8 5) 261 0592, 212 3364, 249 7134, 249 8189

Faksas (8 5) 249 7137El.paštas: info@smpf.lt


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