kriya kalpas

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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One of our students has made this ppt on kriyakalpa and we add it to our blog







सर्वे�न्द्रि��या�णा�म्� नयानम्� प्रधा�नम्� ।

अ¥ÉÉlÉ ति�मिम्रÉन्धxrÉ ¥ÉÉlÉÉgeÉlÉ शला�कया�। चक्षु�रु�म्�लिला�म्� या न �स्म्" श्री� गु�रर्वे नम्% ।|

►Look beyond your mind.. That explores the pearls in the ocean of knowledge..

►Knowledge is Brahma.. Meditate with the words of Acharyas.. Feel the presence of that Acharya/Guru in your heart.. They will guide..

►Feel the stillness and the oneness with the concepts that contributed by the Acharyas..


►Acc to Charaka : bidalaka, aschotana, anjana

►Acc to sushruta : seka, aschotana, anjana, tarpana, putapaka

►Acc to Sharangadhara : seka, aschotana, anjana, tarpana, putapaka, pindi, bidalaka

Important Kriya kalpas

Parisheka/SekaAschyotanaVidalaka Pindika Tarpana



► Kriya Kalpa literally means treatment; but is in vague for ocular therapeutics, since ancient times.

Parisheka/Seka AschyotanaVidalaka Pindika

Tarpana Putpaka Anajana

► These are the procedures included in Kriya Kalpa. It will not be an exaggeration to say that Kriya Kalpa is the only field of Ayurvedic ophthalmology which has the potential to contribute to the suffering humanity.

Seka-(Irrigation) : Indicated in Acute and exaggerated condition of eye ball it is the procedure of medicating the eye with a fine stream of liquid while eye is closed, for a specified time indicated in particular pathological condition and therapeutic type of irrigating fluid.

Ashchyotana-(Eyedrops) : Application of liquid ocular drug in the form of drops in the conjunctival sac, the number of drops indicated varies from 5-12 as per conditions.


►This is a procedure where medicine is applied drop by drop to kaneenika sandhi from a ht of 1 to 2 inches.

►Dosage – 8 to 12 drops►Purvarupa / pittaja condition►Swarasa/Kashaya/Arka/Sneha

Aschotana yogas

►Triphala kashaya►Amalaki phala swarasa►Stanya►Shigru patra swarasa►Ksheeri sarpi►Medicated milk prepared from

kantakari moola

Bidalaka (Anointing the Eye Lids) : In Bidalaka topical application of drugs in the form of paste over the skin of lids are indicated in acute inflammatory conditions of the lids. The paste is left over the site until it starts drying.

This is a procedure in which medicine is applied over the eyelids avoiding the eyelashes about ½ inch thick


►Kumari+ chitraka patra►Haritaki+shunti+tejapata►Shunti+gyrica►Dadima patra bidalaka►Vacha+haridara+nimba patra

Pindi (Poultice) : In Pindi the luke warm paste of drugs in the form of poultice is applied on the closed eye for the purpose of sudation and drug application. The poultice can be bandaged over the eye.

This is a procedure where bolus of medicine in the form of pottali is applied on eye ball giving complete relief to the eye especially in kapha

pitta predominant condn with oedema,congestion,pain as in Abhishyanda,Adhimantha etc

Tarpana : Ocular oleation is the therapeutic procedure of retaining pure or medicated ghee or liquid indicated, in the eye by making a compact circular boundary around orbital fossa using dough or diver’s goggles for specified period of time.


• It is a highly modified procedure for ophthalmic medication. In this method medicine is filled in the eye for a prescribed time.

• Normally 15-30 min for 5-7 days. Yogas-• Triphala ghrita• Mahatriphala ghrita • Jeevantyadi ghrita• Patoladi ghrita• Ashwagandhadi ghrita• Bhadradarvadi ghrita

Putpaka : Oleation of the eyeball with the liquid extracted by the method of Putpaka-a special pharmaceutical procedure wherein the wet drugs are heated in a closed chamber (ball) wrapped by green leaves and layer of mud and after cooling of the chamber drugs are pressed to have the liquid extract. Rest of the oleation procedure is like that of Tarpana Kriya Kalpa.

Anjana (Application of Collyrium) : A topical application of drug in the form of smooth paste or fine powder into the conjunctival fornices with an applicator. Indicated particularly when the acute symptoms of the ocular problem has subsided.

It is a procedure in which medicine is applied in the form of collyrium using shalaka or finger tip.

From kaneenika to apanga sandhi.

The time of application & number of days of application vary.

Anjana Yogas

►Sauveera churanajana►Guduchi rasakriyanjana►Samudraphenadi varthi anjana►Babbola patra rasakriyanjana►Karanja varthi anjana


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