keys to your success when dealing with student disciplinary issues disciplinary examples - student...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Keys to your success when dealing with student disciplinary issues

Disciplinary examples - student issues

Student Judicial Process

Student Complaint Process

Examples of overturned student sanctions


Disciplinary Examples - Classroom emails – rude/unprofessional

use of caps and heated

tardiness/being disruptive/leaving early


verbally argumentative

poor attitude

not responding to emails or not participating

challenging lecturer - in front of class

assuming lecturer/professor/staff is on same level

Disciplinary Examples - continued

failing drug screen/substance abuse/stealing drugs

failing criminal background check

not following policies – academic and nonacademic

computer misuse

social networking sites – words/photos

harassment/hostile work environment

disrespectful with faculty, staff or students


Disciplinary Examples – Rotation Sites absenteeism

poor attitude – disengaged or uninterested

clinical affiliation agreement requirements ignored

unprofessional with staff/preceptor

challenging preceptor in front of patient

misrepresentation – “Masters Medical Student”

HIPAA/confidentiality violations

computer misuse

social networking sites – words/photos

Student Judicial Process

Educational Progressive

Student Academic and Professionalism Incident Report

Disciplinary Warning Disciplinary Probation Suspension/Dismissal

Appendix Two, Section Four of SH Describes whole disciplinary process Right of appeal

Student Incident Report Form

Keys to your success when dealing with student disciplinary issues



Following policy

Progressive model of discipline


Student Complaint Process

Appendix Two, Section Three of SS Student has right to file a complaint

Standard maintained by all accrediting agencies Typically comes to Dean of Students Can involve HR also if complaint is non-

academic and involves a faculty/staff member Recommendation back to Academic Dean, but

can go directly to President or to HR Final decision is with President Appeal to DOE and/or accrediting agency

Disciplinary Issues Overturned Failures of rotation

insufficient documentation

not following policies

Cheating issues

can be difficult to prove – can’t just be hearsay

progressive model was not followed

Unprofessionalism issues

insufficient documentation

progressive model was not followed


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