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Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Webinar:Webinar: Подготовка сильного пакета


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Дмитрий ВласовДмитрий ВласовFull-time MBA, Class of 2009, Full-time MBA, Class of 2009,

London Business SchoolLondon Business School

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Вступление Вступление

Часть 1.Сессия вопрос-ответ с Дмитрием ВласовымЧасть 1.Сессия вопрос-ответ с Дмитрием Власовым

Часть 2. Пакет документовЧасть 2. Пакет документов

Часть 3. Разбор реального пакета документовЧасть 3. Разбор реального пакета документов

Часть 4. Часто задаваемые вопросыЧасть 4. Часто задаваемые вопросы

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Сессия вопрос-ответСессия вопрос-ответ

Часть 1

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Часть 2Пакет документов

Application ChecklistApplication Checklist

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Часть 3Разбор пакета документов

Profiles HBS applicant INSEAD applicant

Age: 30 29

Field: Telecom Marketing

Years of exp. 10( incl.4 years of managerial exp.) 9(incl.3 years of managerial exp.)

Summary: Senior telecom consultant with more than 10 years of experience in telecommunications and IT (above 50 projects in 15 countries on 3 continents) with strong analytical and problem solving skills. Good team leader and reliable team player, also capable of working alone.

Well-educated and responsible expert in development of advance and communication strategies with a keen insight of budgeting, media relations and a rich experience in hosting and organizing high level events.

My career vision is to be a top manager in high tech industry or become a successful entrepreneur who develops or uses advanced technology to achieve competitive advantage. I have a passion for technology and I have shaped my life around it. My mission is to make technology serve people. I enjoy taking part in big and challenging technological projects from the beginning, when opportunities and available solutions are analyzed and implementation plan is created until the end when I can see and evaluate the results. Successfully completed projects encourage me to take on higher responsibilities and more complex and ambitious projects. Increased complexity and higher expectations allow me to fulfill my mission and help me to improve and develop as a person and professional.

I have decided to move to top management or develop a business because of several reasons. Firstly, these activities provide much more independence, possibility to make strategic and tactical decisions and full control. Secondly, I have achieved everything that one can achieve in technical telecommunications consultancy: excellent reputation, noteworthy international experience and lucrative work opportunities throughout the world, including first-world countries, such as the USA and Singapore. Therefore I want to try and succeed in something different and more challenging. Finally, my learning curve in technology and leadership is not as steep as it was before. ……….

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HBS What is your career vision and why is this choice meaningful to you?

………I have carefully thought about a career path that I should take to reach my objective.

First of all I want to get solid foundation in management and entrepreneurship in a renowned business school. After getting my MBA degree I plan to become an operations manager to ensure that business operations are efficient or a business development manager to help in realizing business full potential in MY_COMPANY or similar high tech company. Then I will seek higher management positions such as program manager to control several related projects, country manager or key account manager to be country or account overall responsible. My ultimate goal is to become a chief technical officer to handle global technical issues, a chief operational officer to control and develop critical departments, or a chief executive officer to be responsible for overall operations and performance. Another attractive alternative for me is to fully concentrate on my own business which I described in my first essay.

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HBS What is your career vision and why is this choice meaningful to you?

What is the main idea of the essay?

Does the essay answer the question?

Is it well-structured?

Is it logical?

Is it supported with real-life examples?

What about the style?

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HBS What is your career vision and why is this choice meaningful to you?

If I am accepted, upon my graduation I will return to Russia and try my best to become a part of one of the Big Three management consultancies teams in my country (McKinsey, Bain or BCG).I treat these three major strategic consulting companies as a solid foundation to get in-depth top-class practical experience in consulting. I believe that three to five years of such an experience would be quite enough to start up a venture of my own. The Business School of the World would give me knowledge and skills relevant both to the essence of business and ways how to efficiently start and run it. Management consultancy is a domain which I find extremely interesting as I am excited to find constructive business decisions and then watch their successful implementation. This is the very thing Dr. House does for his patients, he regards the human body as an integral system, throughout which all elements are interconnected and interrelated. Business is the same system for me and in the event of its inefficient functioning, the most interesting thing is to find and fix the causes.

What I am doing now is marketing, which is only partly relevant to business administration. In this respect the INSEAD MBA would give me profound knowledge in strategy of business administration and the program’s stress on international markets and settings is vitally important in order to become an expert in global business consulting.


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INSEAD Discuss your career goals. What skills do you expect to gain from studying in INSEAD and how they will contribute to your professional career?

…………………………..During my professional activities after graduation, I would be thrilled to conduct research in

partnership with Russian enterprises and teach in universities, helping them to raise respective academic knowledge and research to a new level. I am interested in intellectual leadership and that is why I am serious about sharing my knowledge, thus contributing to formation of a community of efficient and internationally recognized managers in the Russian Federation, who would lead their country to prosperity or at least to higher standards of living. That is why I am going to devote large part of my life to academics. I think it is a domain where I can make the most difference, even more than in senior management. I think that one should strive to pursue his career through his calling and not just try to become a CEO of a well-known company due to the popularity of such a path.

So long as I want to make an impact, the Business School of the World is the very place to learn how to correctly do it. The diverse international backgrounds, represented at INSEAD from the entire globe, combined with the best academic traditions and practices offer unique opportunities and resources for immense self-improvement. The program’s reliance on group work is extremely useful as interpersonal interaction would constitute a great part of my future activities. So due to contacts with INSEAD alumni established during education, this process would become permanent even after graduation. That is why I regard meeting such an intellectual challenge as a great possibility to successfully implement my career goals.

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INSEAD Discuss your career goals. What skills do you expect to gain from studying in INSEAD and how they will contribute to your professional career?

What is the main idea of the essay?

Does the essay answer the question?

Is it well-structured?

Is it logical?

Is it supported with real-life examples?

What about the style?

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INSEAD Discuss your career goals. What skills do you expect to gain from studying in INSEAD and how they will contribute to your professional career?

My first most substantial accomplishment is a profitable financial business that I have built during last several years. It started as a hobby but turned out to be very promising against all odds. This business uses latest technologies, such as C# programming language and fast data bases to analyze financial market inefficiencies and is based on trading correlated instruments to gain profits. I have always been interested in finance so I had several ideas about how to make money in stock exchanges. My contract income allowed me to start this venture several years back without external funding. I verified trading strategies on statistical data from the RTS stock exchange and used the most promising of them for real trading. After filtering out nonworking, I put considerable amount of my savings into effective algorithms and got excellent results in the RTS futures and options market. Then I rented servers for data storage and hired a programmer and a data base specialist who help me to build tools for trading and analysis of large statistical data to create and check other strategies. Currently I use working algorithms and I am further improving and expanding the business: devising new strategies, investing in development of a fully automated trading application and planning to start working in international stock exchanges.


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HBS What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such?

………………………..My second most substantial accomplishment is my successful completion of more than 50 telecommunication projects in 15 countries on 3 continents and my current reputation of excellent professional. I have successfully implemented, optimized, supported and improved many telecommunications networks and services all over the world. For example, my TELECOM_PROVIDER swap project and ANOTHER_TELECOM_PROVIDER migration project were completed much earlier than planned with much less resources than usually and received special recognition from the top management. I often solved critical problems in operators and helped MY_COMPANY to keep important customers and to avoid severe penalties. For instance in an ONE_MORE_TELECOM_PROVIDER project I took over the overall troubleshooting process and turned the failing project into successful despite being the youngest in the team. Most of the projects were extremely challenging technologically and often involved working with tough customers, such as ANOTHER_TELECOM_PROVIDER or in harsh conditions or countries such as Cameroon or Pakistan.


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HBS What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such?

………………………………….Even my move to consulting was extremely difficult because of the stringent job

requirements. Companies preferred people with established name in consultancy world and the recruiting process was grueling: clients hired people through recruiting agencies, so several rounds of interview in English were a common practice. I view my move and success in international consultancy a great accomplishment because it required a lot of hard work, organization and persistence. Not many people from CIS can speak English well not to mention are capable of competing in international job markets.

My third most substantial accomplishment is the degree from Moscow State University, the best university in the CIS. I come from a provincial city in Ukraine, THE_SMALL_CITY_IN_UKRAINE, and I remember the time well when I planned to go to Moscow to participate in mathematics competition in the MSU. Many of my friends and some of my relatives said that I was overconfident to dare to compete with so many people from all over CIS and that I would fail. Despite that I succeeded in the competition and after considering my results, the university offered to waive tuition fees. I was one of the very few Ukrainians who got accepted to such prominent university. Hard work and self confidence helped me to accomplish my goals then. Even though this accomplishment is very old, I believe it was crucial to all my future achievements.

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HBS What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such?

What is the main idea of the essay?

Does the essay answer the question?

Is it well-structured?

Is it logical?

Is it supported with real-life examples?

What about the style?

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HBS What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such?

My most substantial accomplishment throughout my career path came in 2008 when I worked as an Executive Director of the NAME_OF_THE_COMPANY, a company combining business communication professionals globally.

Notwithstanding the NAME_OF_THE_COMPANY’s activities within Russia, the advancement of NAME_OF_THE_COMPANY’s world-wide business communication competition NAME_OF_THE_COMPETITION across the country was rather sluggish. I believed that if it had been possible for participants from Russia to apply and be a part in Russian, the NAME_OF_THE_COMPETITION could have been much more popular among Russian people.

During the 2008 NAME_OF_THE_COMPANY’s conference in New York I took a chance to bring up the question, in spite of my colleagues’ assurances that the idea was inadmissible for the NAME_OF_THE_COMPANY.After several spurned approaches I was able to talk to the Director of Recognition Programs NAME_OF_THE_DIRECTOR. The success of the talk was huge: not only did I persuade her to introduce Russian as the forth official language together with English, French and Spanish but we even struck an agreement, according to which the NAME_OF_THE_COMPANY allocated funds to make respective arrangements in Russia. ……………………….

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INSEAD Describe what you believe to be your two most substantial accomplishments to date, explaining why you view them as such?

……………………….Such step drastically increased the competition’s accessibility in Russia and opened new

horizons for the Russian chapter’s activities, as well as proved one more time that one should not be afraid of bold steps and decisions if their outcome may make a difference.

Nonetheless my greatest achievement deals with my personality. This is becoming who I am – a person who has a feeling of belonging in the global world.

Summer of 2004 brought a bit of Pauline conversion to my views on the way of living. My three-week trip to Moscow made me never return to live again in NAME_OF_THE_CITY, my native city. On coming home I just packed my suitcase and went back to Moscow looking for better life.

Moscow attracted me by the way people thought there, by the fast pace of life. Finding myself 5000 kilometers away from home, from everybody I knew was a significant challenge for me. Nevertheless a need to struggle in a multi-competitive environment heavily hardened my will for self-improvement. So such improvement had to do with my perception of our world as well.

I understood that decisions we take every day, no matter what they are about, may have an impact globally. A feeling of a tremendous responsibility doubled my wish for broadening my horizons, my decision to continue my studies being, in my opinion, the very way to succeed.

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INSEAD Describe what you believe to be your two most substantial accomplishments to date, explaining why you view them as such?

What is the main idea of the essay?

Does the essay answer the question?

Is it well-structured?

Is it logical?

Is it supported with real-life examples?

What about the style?

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INSEAD Describe what you believe to be your two most substantial accomplishments to date, explaining why you view them as such?

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Admissions committee’s adviceAdmissions committee’s advice

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Часто задаваемые вопросыЧасто задаваемые вопросы

Часть 4

Как выбрать школу?

Как найти финансирование?О чем писать в эссе?

Когда начинать подготовку?

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Часто задаваемые вопросы

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