jurnal 1: reviewer di jurnal internasional ieee access q1

Post on 27-Nov-2021






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Tabel Reviewer Jurnal Bereputasi

No Nama Jurnal Data Reputasi Link Jurnal

1 IEEE Access Q1

H Index 8 SJR 0.78



2 IEEE Transactions on

Industrial Informatics


H Index 115 SJR 2.35




Reviewer di Jurnal Internasional IEEE Access Q1 SJR 0,78


Thank you for submitting your review of Manuscript ID Access-2019-62702

for IEEE Access

IEEE Access <onbehalfof@manuscriptcentral.com>

Sat, Jan 4, 11:11 PM

to me


Dear Dr. Riana:

Thank you for reviewing manuscript # Access-2019-62702 entitled "The determinants behind the acceptance of

autonomous vehicles: A systematic review" for IEEE Access.

On behalf of the Editors of IEEE Access, we appreciate the voluntary contribution that each reviewer gives to IEEE

Access. We thank you for your participation in the online review process and hope that we may call upon you

again to review future manuscripts.


Dr. Yuyu Yin

Associate Editor, IEEE Access


Invitation to review

28-Dec-2019 Dear Dr. Riana: You are identified as having expertise in the topic of the following manuscript, which has been submitted to IEEE Access. The abstract appears at the end of this letter, along with the names of the authors. Please let me know within 2 days if you will be able to accept my invitation to review. If you agree to review, we ask that you provide your review comments within 7 DAYS. After completing the review, you can easily receive credit on your Publons profile. Please note that this quick turnaround is to maintain IEEE Access’ rapid peer review process. As a reviewer, you are asked to provide an Accept or Reject recommendation with comments. IEEE Access publishes multidisciplinary articles, practical articles, surveys and reviews, as well as traditional technical articles. When reviewing the paper, keep in mind the following IEEE Access qualities: 1. The article must be technically sound. 2. The article must be original writing that enhances the existing body of knowledge in the given subject area. However, review articles and surveys are acceptable if they add value, even if new data/concepts are not

presented. 3. Practical articles are acceptable if they are useful to the engineering community on how to demonstrate a technology that may not be novel. 4. The references that are provided must be applicable and sufficient. 5. The title is applicable and appropriate. Additional information regarding the review process and scope of IEEE Access can be found at http://ieeeaccess.ieee.org. To reply to this reviewer invitation, please click the link below to register with our online manuscript review system, or you may email me with your reply. If you are unable to review at this time, I would appreciate your recommendation for another expert reviewer. *** PLEASE NOTE: This is a two-step process. After clicking on the link, you will be directed to a webpage to confirm. *** Agreed: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ieee-access?URL_MASK=6edcf171dcab4a6f86baa66998288799 Declined: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ieee-access?URL_MASK=a5420146d99a4d70b0529ded48618b43 Once you accept my invitation to review this manuscript, you will be notified via email with directions on how to access the manuscript and the reviewer instructions in the Reviewer Center. Thank you for your assistance with the peer review of this IEEE Access article. Sincerely, Prof. Derek Abbott Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Access ieeeaccess2@ieee.org MANUSCRIPT DETAILS TITLE: The determinants behind the acceptance of autonomous vehicles: A systematic review AUTHORS: Peng, Jing; Xu, Gang; Chen, Yuexia; Shi, Yuji; Zhan, Fengping ABSTRACT: The diffusion of autonomous vehicles (AVs) may be significantly affected by the public's acceptance. A few factors that may affect people's acceptance of AVs have been researched in the existing studies, one-third of which cited behavioral theories, while the rest did not. A total of seven factors with behavior theories are screened out that significantly affect the acceptance intention, including perceived ease of use, attitude, social norm, trust, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, and compatibility. Six factors without behavior theories are summed up that affect AV acceptance, namely safety, performance-to-price value, mobility, value of travel time, symbolic value, and environmentally friendly. We found that people in Europe and Asia have substantial differences in attitudes toward AVs and that safety is one of the most concerned factors of AVs by scholars and respondents. Besides, public acceptance of different types of AVs and consumers' dynamic preferences for AVs are highlighted in the review too. The quality of literature is systematically assessed based on previously established instruments and tailored for the current review. The results of the assessment show potential opportunities for future research, such as the citation of behavior theories and access to longitudinal data. Also, the experimental methods and the

utilization of mathematical and theoretical methods could be optimized. Per Section 8.2.1.C.4 of the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual, information contained in an article under review is confidential and shall not be shared with others, nor shall reviewers use non-public information contained in an article to advance their own research or financial interests. Per Section 8.2.2.A.2 of the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual, all editors and referees shall immediately DECLINE from review of articles in which there exists a conflict of interest. If you have any questions, please contact the article administrator: Mr. Ankit Srivastava a.srivastava@ieee.org. In addition, if you would like to get a certificate after completing this review, please send an email to ieeeaccess@ieee.org. For more information regarding IEEE Privacy Statement please see: https://www.ieee.org/security-privacy.html


Dear Dr. Riana:

Thank you for agreeing to review Manuscript ID Access-2019-62702 entitled "The determinants behind the

acceptance of autonomous vehicles: A systematic review" for IEEE Access. As mentioned in the invitation letter,

due to the expedited peer review process of IEEE Access, we request that you submit your completed review within

7 days; no later than 05-Jan-2020.

You can access the manuscript and review form by clicking the link below:


Please keep in mind that the article has been evaluated for grammar during administrative review, and minor

grammar mistakes are tolerated due to IEEE Access’ streamlined review process. Also, the article does not need to

present novel engineering research, but it should be original writing that enhances the existing body of knowledge in

the given subject area.

Additional information regarding the review process and scope of IEEE Access can be found at


Please elaborate on your review in the spaces provided on the review form. Your specific comments will offer

valuable feedback to improve future work. It is essential that you click the “Save” button if you wish to exit the

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publication, fabrication of data, or plagiarism must immediately be reported to me and ieeeaccess@ieee.org.

IEEE Access encourages submissions that reflect the following criteria:

1. Interdisciplinary topics or applications-oriented articles that do not fit within the scope of traditional journals.

2. Practical discussions of new experimental or measurement techniques, including negative results.

3. Practical articles describing interesting solutions to engineering, or information system design challenges.

4. Development of new or improved fabrication or manufacturing techniques.

5. Reviews of new or evolving fields aimed at increasing others' understanding of these emerging topics.

Thank you for evaluating this manuscript.


Dr. Yuyu Yin

IEEE Access Associate Editor


Log-in Instructions:

To log in to your account on IEEE Access - ScholarOne Manuscripts site at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ieee-

access use your case-sensitive USER ID dwiza@nusamandiri.ac.id. For security purposes your password is not

listed in this email. If you are unsure of your password you may click the link below to set a new password. Once

logged in you will find the manuscript in the Awaiting Reviewer Scores section of your Reviewer Center.




Reviewer di IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics – Q1

dengan SJR 2.35

Bukti Review:

Dear Dwiza Riana,

Thank you again for reviewing "A Stable Binary and Multiple Prediction Approach for Heart Disease Prediction and Diagnosis " for IEEE

Transactions on Industrial Informatics. You indicated that you would like to receive recognition for your review on Publons, which you

can do now by claiming your review here:

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may be able to reveal additional details of your review if our official policy allows it.

Please contact us or check the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE)-Publons info page if you have any


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Thank you for submitting your review of Manuscript ID TII-19-

4037 for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics


Sun, Oct 13, 2019, 10:42 PM

to me


Dear Dr. Riana:

Thank you for reviewing manuscript # TII-19-4037 entitled "A Stable Binary and Multiple Prediction

Approach for Heart Disease Prediction and Diagnosis" for the IEEE Transactions on Industrial


On behalf of the Editors of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, we appreciate the voluntary

contribution that each reviewer gives to the Journal. We thank you for your participation in the online

review process and hope that we may call upon you again to review future manuscripts.


Prof. Qinglin (GE) Sun Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics


IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics - Reviewer Agreed - Manuscript

No. TII-19-4037

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics


Sat, Sep 14, 2019, 1:30


to me

Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 14-Sep-2019

Dear Dr. Dwiza Riana,

Thank you for agreeing to review the manuscript No. TII-19-4037, a SS on Intelligent Wearable Systems for

Human Health Monitoring entitled "A Stable Binary and Multiple Prediction Approach for Heart Disease

Prediction and Diagnosis". It's available to you through the Reviewer Center in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial

Informatics S1M website.

To access the manuscript you can click on the link below which will take you directly to the scoresheet (no

password necessary)


************** INSTRUCTIONS for Reviewers ***************


Consider carefully these instructions before start your review:

1. Excerpt from PSPB: "An Editor or Associate Editor shall not perform or accept any action that has the sole

purpose of increasing the number of citations to influence the bibliometric independent measures of quality or

impact of a periodical". In other words, do not coerce the authors to include your papers or from a particular publication papers.

2. We expect your review be completed within 28 days (14 days for R1, R2, ...).

3. We are conducting a double blind review policy. Please note that if you attach a MS Word file or a pdf file with

your comments, please first go to your file property and delete your name and affiliation that might reveal your

identities. Names of the Reviewers must not be known to the authors.

4. As reviewer you are responsible for avoiding potential conflict of interest situations when you are reviewing a

submission. If this is your case please decline the invitation of review. See more detailed info by visiting " PSPB

Operations Manual", Section 2.6.2 – Conflict Of Interest. http://www.ieee.org/documents/opsmanual.pdf .

5. Please make constructive comments that will help the authors to reduce the size of the paper instead of enlarging

it. Note that a normal submission should have no more that 8 pages, as usually in the review process the Reviewers

tend to ask for more explanations, also note that the maximum allowed length is 8 pages and exceptionally up to 10

pages may be authorized (paying an overlength fee), and the final manuscript will include bios and pictures.

6. Carefully check the technical nature of the paper, which can signify the possible contribution to science,

engineering and technology, or otherwise if reverse. Major points for revision needed to be listed item by item,

similarly for minor points. Advise the authors to update the references but reviewer must never propose include his

own or from a particular publication papers.

7. Papers must be within the scope of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

8. Please remember about respect for authors in your review (decision), even if you feel that paper is not journal


9. Writing your recommendation please be aware that new result and technically correct information are not good

enough reasons for manuscript acceptance.

- If your recommendation is "reject" please write in the box "Comments to the Author" the reason why. Note that

recommendations written in the box "Comments to Editor" cannot be seen by the authors.

- If your recommendation is "major of minor revisions" explain in the box "Comments to the Author" how the authors can improve the manuscript.

- If your recommendation is to "accept" please justify your decision and write to Associate Editor how the paper's

accomplishment will attract readers.


For detailed Reviewer instructions on S1M, please visit


For more detailed info please read our IES Periodicals Editorial Policy and Guidelines:


We are aware of the burden we are placing on you by asking you to provide this review. However, in order to

publish papers of the highest quality, we must depend upon experts such as you. Your help in this important task is

greatly appreciated. On behalf of the Industrial Electronics Society I will appreciate your fast cooperation.


Prof. Qinglin (GE) Sun

Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

http://tii.ieee-ies.org/ sunql@nankai.edu.cn

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics


Tue, Sep 10, 2019, 2:55 PM

to me


Dear Dr. Riana:

Welcome to the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics - S1M site for online manuscript submission and

review. Your name has been added to our reviewer database in the hope that you are available to review

manuscripts that fall within your area of expertise.

Your USER ID and PASSWORD for your account is as follows:

SITE URL: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tii

USER ID: dwiza@nusamandiri.ac.id

PASSWORD: For security reasons, your password is not displayed here. Please click the link below to reset it:


Please note that your password is case-sensitive. When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to complete

your full postal address, telephone, and fax number. You will also be asked to select a number of keywords describing your particular area(s) of expertise.

Thank you for your participation.


Prof. Qinglin (GE) Sun

Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics


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