jul 2016 newsletter

Post on 04-Aug-2016






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July 2016 Newsletter


“The mission of the West York Church of the Brethren is to love, nurture and build the community of Jesus Christ.”

West York Church of the Brethren 5101 Darlington Road York, PA 17408 Gregory L. Jones, Pastor

The West Yorker

July 2016

The West Yorker

West York Church of the Brethren 5101 Darlington Road

York, PA 17408 Phone: (717) 792-9260

Fax: (717) 792-9799 Prayer Line: (717) 792-8816

E-mail: WestYorkCOB@verizon.net Website: www.westyorkcob.org

Sunday Worship: Sunday School 9:00 am Worship Service 10:00 am

UPCOMING EVENTS: Annual Conference - June 29-July 3

Independence Day - July 4

Leadership Team Meeting - July 5

Summer Splash - July 9

Vacation Bible School - July 10 - 14

District Board Meeting - July 16

Congregational Forum Info Due - July 18

Day of Prayer for Children & Youth - July 20

Newsletter Deadline - July 25

Congregational Forum - July 31


West York

Summer Splash! Saturday, July 9th, 2016

12 Noon to 3 pm

West York Church of the Brethren

A free picnic for children and

parents featuring:

Animal Kingdom Toddler Maze

18 Foot Water Slide

Water Games for Children

Duck Pond Game

Big Bucket Dump target game

Fire Truck displays - put out your own


Free Food, drinks and Sno Cones

All families and children are invited, but activities are

geared toward children 10 years old and under.

Vacation Bible School

July 10th thru 14th

6:00 pm—8:30 pm

“Finding Truth Below the Surface”

VBS could use the following items: Flippers and goggles for games

Please let Linda Fulmele or Nicole Grove

know if you can help with donating any

of these items.

Bible Stories Crafts


Games Snacks

July 2016 Page 3

Giant gift cards for CAS will be sold on Sunday, July 3, 2016 from 9:30 - 10:00 am

in the church narthex. If you are unable to be at church that day, please call Nancy Anthony.


20th Annual FORE Children Golf Outing

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hanover Country Club

Proceeds will help to provide art therapy for children in Adams and York Counties.


Children’s Aid Society Annual Dinner

Saturday, October 29th - Greencastle COB **************

CAS is once again in need of paper goods - paper towels, Kleenex, wipes, toilet paper, paper plates, copying paper and construction paper. Articles can be placed in the CAS box in the Narthex. Donations of these items mean that CAS will have more money to spend on services for the children.

Thank you for your continued support for CAS.


(For more info on denominational events, go to www.brethren.org)

The Friends of Cross Keys Village are collecting unused coupons (new or expired) as a project for the Adult Day Care program. There is a box in the narthex to put these unused coupons. Thank you for your help!

Brethren Disaster Relief Auction September 23 & 24, 2016

Lebanon Valley Expo

80 Rocherty Road, Lebanon PA Brochures are on the narthex table.






Any questions, see Ed Jacobs.

56th Annual Friends Chicken Barbeque, Bake Sale, Car Show and Auction Saturday, August 13th 9:00 am to 4:00 pm The Brethren Home at Cross Keys Village

The BBQ Committee is requesting donations of items for the Bake Sale table.

The are also requesting gardeners to share their harvest of vegetables with them to sell at their Baked Goods

table. If you have anything to donate, please contact Nancy


Proceeds benefit The Friends of Cross Keys Village - The Brethren Home Community

Southern PA District Church of the Brethren

2016 District Conference

September 16-17, 2016

Buffalo Valley Church of the Brethren

46 Brethren Road, Mifflinburg, PA

Contact the church office if you are interested in attending.

An Evening of Sharing with EYN Bermudian COB will be hosting an evening of sharing with the delegation from EYN (Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) that is coming to the U.S. for Annual Conference. It will be about 9 persons including the newly elected president of the EYN. This will be held on Friday evening, July 8th at 7:00 pm in The Gathering Place. Everyone is invited to come and hear an update on the situation in Nigeria. An offering will be received for the EYN Crisis Fund.

July 2016 Page 4

This summer Pastor Greg will be teaching a short

series called Knowing Your Faith and Knowing Your Church: what it means to be a Christian and what it

means to be a member at the West York Church. Anyone is invited to attend. We are

meeting at 9 am each Sunday morning.


Christian Apologetics: Knowing what you believe and how to defend what you believe in a world that doesn’t believe. Beginning this summer, Pastor Greg will be leading small group studies for Youth and Young Adults on:

The Truth The Existence of God The Historical Jesus The Reliability of the Bible The Question of Evil Ethics in an unethical world

We are meeting Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm at Pastor Greg’s house. If interested in attending please contact Pastor Greg.


Each month we are collecting certain items for our Food Pantry. For the month of Ju-ly will be collecting PAN-CAKE MIX AND SYRUP. You can place your donation in the shopping cart that is in the narthex. THE ITEMS WE ARE REQUESTING ARE THE ONLY ITEMS WE NEED THIS MONTH. This will help to keep expenses down for the Food Pantry. Thanks for your help!!

On June 5th we honored the following graduates:

Branson Bricker (son of Bryan & Julee Bricker) graduated from York County School of Technology. He studied Auto Collision Repair and is currently working at Gordon’s Auto Body Shop in Stewartstown.

Brendan Malloy (our Worship Service guitarist) graduated from Spring Grove High School. He will be attending the University of North Texas majoring in Jazz Studies.

Paul Smith (grandson of Nancy Smith) grad-uated from Lebanon Valley College with a degree in Criminal Justice.


Children ages 4 through 11

Sunday at 9:00 am to 9:45 am

Youth older than 13 are encouraged to attend as well to assist the teacher

with the younger children. The theme is based on scripture text from Judges, Ruth and

1 Samuel and each week focuses on building a forever friendship with Jesus - the best friend you could ever have.

TEACHERS FOR JULY: 3 Joyce Whitcraft 10 Linda Zumbrum

17 Karen Phillips

24 Pennie Jacobs

31 Brenda Myers

Congregational Forum Sunday, July 31, 2016

Please have all reports for the Congregational Forum to Barb in the church office no later than

July 18, 2016 ————————————-

August Newsletter Deadline for articles for the

August Newsletter is

July 25, 2016 Thank you.

July 2016 Page 5

Adult Sunday School class - NEW! A Guide For Biblical Studies: toward a New Creation. (Tom Whitcraft) WE WILL NOT BE MEETING IN JULY AND AUGUST.

“Seeking Amazing Grace” Adult class - (Larry Marshall) WE WILL NOT BE MEETING DURING THE SUMMER.

Monday Morning Bible Study - Book of Matthew (Janet Jones)

Care and Share Women’s Group - “Bless These Lips: 40 Days of Spiritual Renewal” (Judith Wallace)

July Special Offerings Our special offering for July is

“Heifer Project” Heife P oje t o ks ith o u iies to e d

hu ge a d po e t a d a e fo the ea th ith gits of li esto k a d t ai i g. The help fa ilies i p o e

thei ut iio a d ge e ate i o e i sustai a le a s. Fa ilies e ei i g li esto k ag ee to gi e o e

of its a i al’s ofsp i g to a othe fa il i eed. It’s alled, Passi g o the Git— a o e sto e of ou

issio that eates a e e -e pa di g et o k of hope a d pea e.


In the next few weeks you will notice a change in our telephone and internet systems at the church. To eliminate some serious problems

we’ve been having, we are in the process of upgrading our equipment. Our phone numbers will remain the same, but when you call the church you will be given the option of reaching individual extensions. When the system answers, you will be

prompted to enter an extension. “To reach the main church or the office, press 1. To reach the pastor, press 2. To reach the 3-year-old preschool class, press 3. To reach the 4 & 5-year-old class, press 4. To reach the

prayer line, press 5.” Also part of this upgrade is an improvement in our internet service. Because we are switching

our service to Comcast, the church email address will be changing as well. At this point, we are not completely sure what that will be, but westyorkcob@verizon.net will no longer be

active once the internal construction is complete and the Comcast account is activated.

We thank you for your patience and understanding as we make this transition.


There will be no hospitality table during the summer months. If

anyone would like to make a donation for the hospitality table, please see Ted Schmittel.

The Parking Lot Greeter Ministry is now

underway. To participate in this ministry,

please talk to Ken Miller.

If you would like to offer special music during the worship service this summer,

or if you know of someone outside the church, please contact Beth Marshall or Lin-

da Zumbrum.

July 2016 Page 6

Cats on the Kitchen Counter

It’s been my observation that a cat will always act like a cat, no matter how much you teach and train. No matter how many times you scold; no matter how many times you swat, you cannot keep the cats off the kitchen counter. As soon as you turn your back . . . You see, a cat is only interested in one thing; themselves. With a cat, there’s no waiting in line. We used to have three cats, and I never observed them graciously offer their food to another (“no, please, you can have the bowl of milk”). You know what I’m talking about, especially if you have cats of your own. Cats are selfish. They’re only concerned about their own wants, needs, and desires. Surprisingly, some people are the same. From the home to the marketplace, we live in a “me” centered society; a society where people look out for their own interests and their own personal gain. Very few actually consider the feelings and needs of others. Oh, there may be a hint of concern, but for the most part, the concern is selfishly biased – where a person worries about their loss or discomfort caused by an unfortunate event in the life of another. We see this lived out in a personal relationship and in the business world as well. Employees are only viewed as tools to be used, not people to be valued. A supervisor views an employee’s personal catastrophe as an interference with productivity at work. Who would really want to be a part of a society like this? Who would want to be a part of a church that did the same?

In Philippians 2, Paul reminds the people of this church to “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” (verses 3-4). Paul preaches this text on selfishness and empty conceit as if he’s lived there himself. It’s almost as if he’s saying, “Don’t try it. I’ve lived this way before, and this attitude should not be found within the church”. I’ve never seen my cats go to church. They don’t kneel before God in praise and adoration. They don’t know Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Consequently, I doubt my cats ever change. But me? I know what Paul says is true. I know this is how I should be living, and perhaps you do as well. So how do we develop this healthy Christian attitude? If we want to get rid of selfishness and empty conceit, Paul says we first must have Christ. If Christ encourages you, if His love comforts you, if God’s Spirit unites you, and if you are concerned for others, THEN you should naturally be united in love for one another. To end the selfishness, we must first submit ourselves to Christ, for without Him, without allowing His love to transform us, without the guiding of the Holy Spirit, and without a genuine concern for others, we will not be able to correct this attitude that runs so afoul of Christian teaching and Christian living. A cat will always be a cat, but for me, I can be so much more through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. If I surrender myself to His power, I can learn to see people the same way Jesus did; in a way that honors the name Christian … and so can you. Just imagine what it would it be like to live in a church where people considered the feelings of others; where people encouraged one another? Well, we can, and it all begins when we Christians allow ourselves to be changed. When we stop acting like a cat. Now if we can just find a way to stop clawing at the furniture.

Pastor Greg

July 2016 Page 7

It's tick season! Ticks are very common in South Central Pennsylvania and are very capable of causing serious diseases. We tend to think that we will only be exposed to ticks if we are walking in high

grass. But the truth is that ticks are in the flower beds, the back yard, the ball field, play ground and

even on the patio furniture if you have a cat or dog that plays outside. Even when animals are protected with collars or medication they can still carry ticks into the home and deposit them on your clothing or bed.

Many of us remember having our parents pull a tick out of our hair or ears or extremities when we were kids. No one

thought much about it then...but things are different now. Today the "dog tick", once thought to be just a nuisance, now often carries Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Tularemia. The "deer tick" (black tick) carries Lyme Disease and

several less common, but serious diseases.

This summer be sure to take precautions to avoid ticks. Use DEET repellent, wear light clothing so that ticks will show up more readily and shower/shampoo immediately after working/playing in grassy areas. Inspect yourself and children

carefully. Protect pets with vet approved repellents. Wash clothing and pet gear in hot water (cold doesn't destroy ticks).

If you find an attached tick, don't just yank it out. If the tick is carrying disease, pulling it in the wrong manner can

cause the tick to infect you. Use a pointed tweezers to grasp the tick as close to your skin as possible and pull upward in a steady manner. Clean the area with alcohol. Contact your doctor to report your tick bite. Depending on how long

the tick was attached, your doctor may want to make further observations or testing.

Symptoms of tick borne illness will depend on the type of disease the tick was carrying and how long it was attached.

1. Fever/chills: With all tick borne diseases, patients can experience fever at varying degrees and time of onset.

2. Aches and pains: Tick borne disease symptoms include headache, fatigue, and muscle aches. With Lyme disease you may also experience joint pain. The severity and time of onset of these symptoms can depend on the disease

and the patient's personal tolerance level. 3. Rash: Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) and tularemia can result in distinctive rashes:

• In Lyme disease, the rash may appear within 3-30 days, typically before the onset of fever. The Lyme disease

rash is the first sign of infection and is usually a circular or "bulls eye" rash called erythema migrans or EM. This rash occurs in approximately 70-80% of infected persons and begins at the site of a tick bite. It may be

warm, but is not usually painful. Some patients develop additional EM lesions in other areas of the body several days later.

• The rash seen with Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) varies greatly from person to person in appearance, location, and time of onset. About 10% of people with RMSF never develop a rash. Most often, the rash begins 2-5 days after the onset of fever as small, flat, pink, non-itchy spots (macules) on the wrists, forearms, and

ankles and spreads to the trunk. It sometimes involves the palms and soles. The red to purple, spotted (petechial) rash of RMSF is usually not seen until the sixth day or later after onset of symptoms and occurs in

35-60% of patients with the infection.

• In the most common form of tularemia, a skin ulcer appears at the site where the organism entered the body. The ulcer is accompanied by swelling of regional lymph glands, usually in the armpit or groin.

Treatment: When the above diseases are treated with medication early in the course of infection, patients usually

make a complete recovery. However, if treatment is delayed the diseases can progress and ultimately cause permanent

and serious issues. For example, untreated Lyme Disease can cause neurologic damage. Typically, doctors will order blood work to test for the presence of disease, but very often they will treat based on the

presence of the symptoms. It is customary to use specific antibiotics for several weeks to be certain that the disease is eradicated.

Tick bites are not just a nuisance anymore. They are serious business and shouldn't be ignored. Be alert!

Be Well!

Page 8 July 2016

The Wellness Corner … by Judith Wallace, MSN, RN Faith Community Nurse

July 2016 Page 9

Serving our Congregation in July

Acolytes 3 Alana Grove 10 Ben Grove 17 Carley McDowell 24 Alana Grove 31 Ben Grove

Greeters 3 Tom & Nancy Ausherman 10 Cindy Heist 17 Joann Rohrbaugh 24 Nancy Anthony 31 Mike & Susan Parente

Nursery Caregiver 3 Nancy Buckingham 10 Wendy & Bill McDowell 17 Heather & Tom Fluke 24 Pat Eutzy 31 Nicole & Steve Grove

Sound Board Operator 3 Bill Fulmele 10 Ed Jacobs 17 Sean Grove 24 Merl Keefer 31 Ron Buser

Power Point Operator 3 Bill McDowell 10 Landon Eshbach 17 Landon Eshbach 24 Nathan Keefer 31 Bill Zumbrum

Worship Leader 3 Judith Wallace 10 Linda Fulmele 17 Jake Hershey 24 Landon Eshbach 31 Beth Marshall

Children’s Story 10 Linda Zumbrum 24 Pennie Jacobs

Children’s Church Worship Leaders 3 Steve & Nicole Grove 17 Pat Eutzy 31 Pennie Jacobs


1 Nancy Buckingham

Tom & Marge Shue

2 Jordan Heist 4 Aydan Heiland

5 Ronald Eutzy

Sienna Verbjar 6 Tim Coonan

7 Mike King

Tyra Whitcraft 8 Ruth Mundis 10 Anna McMonigle

12 Don & Donna Ausherman 15 Jered Marshall 17 Glenn Miller 18 Tom Whitcraft Savannah Hershey

19 Henrietta Gantz

Kyley Hughes

24 Andy & Lindsay Feeser 26 Mary Jane Hoff Marsha Kunkle

31 Mariah Schmittel


July 2016 Page 10

For pastoral emergencies: Pastor Greg may be contacted through the church office at 792-9260 or his home number 717-308-7499. If Pastor Greg is not available please contact Pennie Jacobs (292-4159 or 586-4646).

Ted and Julie Smoker and their family are in Guatemala to do mission work with the K’ekchi

farmers. If you would like to stay in contact, please go to their website www.tedsmoker.com

or email them at jasmoker@gmail.com.

There is a calendar hanging in the narthex from the Ted & Julie Smoker family featuring pictures

of the Smoker Family and their work in Guatemala.

Thank you to everyone for the prayers, cards, concerns and contributions to the church in memory of Bob. Sherril Smith

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ray’s De tler ele raio at your hur h as a lessi g to so a y fa ily a d frie ds! Tha k you for your lo e a d help at this i e. Chris, April & I tha k you for lei g us use your hur h! God less you all.

Lo e, Er a De tler, Chris & April ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Congregation of WYCOB, Thank you so much for the expressions of

sympathy and beautiful cards. Joe would be gratified by all your kindnesses.

God bless you all. Sue Smith

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Thank you to all the people who came and helped on Saturday, June 18th

with the church work day. Your help

was very much appreciated.

Prayer Requests If you have a prayer request you would like to share with the church, please fill out a prayer card (found in the narthex) and give it to Pastor Greg or the Worship Leader. You may also call Barb in the church office.


Wednesday, July 20th is our monthly Day of Prayer for our Children and Youth. Please find time during this day to pray for our Church’s Ministry to

Children and Youth.

The Wellspa Spiritual Care a d Educaio Depart e t a ts to let ou hu h k o he a

e e is i the hospital. PLEASE ide ify our church at registraio a d ad ita ce i to the hospital. A o di g to HIPAA egulaio s, if ou p o ide this i fo aio to the hospital, ou hu h a e oiied of the ad issio .


To date we have received $1,576.00 for the table fund which covers the 20 new tables that

have arrived. Thank you for your help and blessings to you all!

July 2016 Page 11


The SO PA District Board meets on a regular basis throughout the year, and visitors are

welcome to attend these meetings and bring their joys and concerns of their home

congregations. If you would like to see firsthand how the Board conducts the business

of the District, plan to attend the meetings listed below, beginning at 9:00 a.m.

July 16 - West York COB

October 8 - Black Rock COB

Young Adult Smoky Mountain Adventure

(Ages 18-35) July 3-8, 2016

Contact Mike Kovacs, Program Director (Mkovacs@CampEder.org) for further details.


Camp Eder has announced that Ann Cornell has graciously agreed to serve as the Interim Executive Director. Ann officially began on Monday, May 9th.

Please keep Ann and the staff of Camp Eder in your pray-ers during this transitional time.

Through the Eyes of John

A study on the gospel of John

Join us for this continuing sermon series.

WEBCASTS All Worship Services and Business Sessions will be streamed over the

internet from the

Annual Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina

Find a link to the webcasts at www.brethren.org/ac/2016/webcasts

The schedule for all web broadcasts is as follows (all times are Eastern time):

Wed, June 29 7:00-8:30 pm Opening Worship

Thurs, June 30 8:30-11:30 am Morning Business Session

2:00-4:30 pm Afternoon Business Session 7:00-8:30 pm Evening Worship

Fri, July 1 8:30-11:30 am Morning Business Session

No afternoon business session

7:00-8:30 pm Evening Worship

Sat, July 2 8:30-11:30 am Morning Business Session

2:00-4:30 pm Afternoon Business Session

7:00-8:30 pm Evening Worship

Sun, July 3 8:30-10:30 am Closing Worship

Dear Friends, On behalf of Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Christmas Child, thank you for partnering with us for the 2015 shoebox collection season. 29,985 shoebox gifts were collected this past year in the York and Adams County area alone. That’s 29,985 opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with children around the world! You may also be encouraged to know that through the gifts collected in all shoebox sending countries, a total of 11,213,010 hurting children will receive a gift, have the opportunity to hear the Gospel, and many will have the chance to connect with a local church for on-going follow up and discipleship through our OCC discipleship program, The Greatest Journey. Please join with us as we continue to pray for the safe arrival of shoebox gifts & God’s blessings on the distributions that are taking place. Serving Christ Together, Tim & Anne Jessee (Area Coordinators)

“iste s a d othe s i Ch ist - I e ei ed a g eei g a d this eek that sa s, Life is ’t a out ho fast ou a u o ho high ou a li - it’s all a out ho ell ou a

ou e! Well, I fou d out the a s e to that uesio hile taki g a ide o the e ho se e got. The ho se

that e took i as olde , supposedl o p oof , safe fo old ladies a d hild e a d o e uiet. Ho e e , I did so ethi g o g a d the ho se let e i d out ho u h I

ould ou e ate ea i g, u seai g e a d the la d-i g o top of e. I p aise God I a sill a o g the li i g a d that eigh-

o as the e he the a ide t happe ed so she ould get i ediate help. The oke o es hu t a d a e u -ha d at this i e of ea o the fa a d hopefull e a get the dizz spells e igo u de o t ol soo e tha

late . A si e e tha ks fo all the a ds, isits, p a e s a d e ail

essages. The a e ost upliti g a d app e iated. A spe ial tha ks fo the isits f o fo e olleagues that e i ded e of God’s lo e a d a e. God’s lessi g as ou

ha e ea hed out to Cha lie a d I du i g this i e. I His G a e, Geo gia Ma ke

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