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Volume 1, Issue 1 – July – December – 2017



Journal-Business Administration-Marketing; Accounting

Volume 1, Issue 1 – July – December – 2017

ISSN-On line: 2531-3002




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Volume 1, Issue 1, July - December 2017, is a

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/, Editor in Chief: RAMOS-

ESCAMILLA, María. ISSN-2531-3002.

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ALIAGA - LORDEMANN, Francisco Javier. PhD

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BARDEY, David. PhD

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GÓMEZ - MONGE, Rodrigo. PhD

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HIRA, Anil. PhD

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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

MORÁN - CHIQUITO, Diana María. PhD

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CAMELO-AVEDOY, José Octavio. PhD

Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit-Mexico

ACEVEDO-VALERIO, Víctor Antonio. PhD

Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo-Mexico

SANCHEZ - CANO, Julieta Evangelina. PhD

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In Pro-Research, Teaching and Training of human resources committed to Science. The content of the

articles and reviews that appear in each issue are those of the authors and does not necessarily the opinion

of the editor in chief.

In Number 1st presented an article The Strategic management allied in the organizational

performance of the SMEs by LEYVA-OSUNA, Beatriz, Alicia, JACOBO-HERNÁNDEZ, Carlos

Armando and DÁVILA-AGUIRRE, Mario César with adscription in the Instituto Tecnológico de

Sonora, in the next section an article Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning by


with adscription in the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Universidad

Politécnica de García, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, in the next section Application of Business

Intelligence in the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution

of goods to educational institutions of the State of Mexico by ROMERO-ROMERO, Araceli,


María de Lourdes with adscription in the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México to a small family

business in the industrial sector by NAVARRO-ARVIZU, Elba Myriam, LÓPEZ-PARRA, María

Elvira, ESPERZA-GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia with adscription in

the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora




The Strategic management allied in the organizational performance of the SMEs

LEYVA-OSUNA, Beatriz, Alicia, JACOBO-HERNÁNDEZ, Carlos Armando and



Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning


LOREDO, Victoria


Application of Business Intelligence in the warehouse department as support to

improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods to educational

institutions of the State of Mexico


PAREJA, Ana María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes


Diagnosis in the phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative

Process to a small family business in the industrial sector


GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia


Instructions for Authors

Originality Format

Authorization Form


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 1-10

The Strategic management allied in the organizational performance of the SMEs

LEYVA-OSUNA, Beatriz, Alicia*† JACOBO-HERNÁNDEZ, Carlos Armando and DÁVILA-

AGUIRRE, Mario César

Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. 5 de Febrero 818 Sur, Col. Centro. Ciudad Obregón, Son. México.

Received July 28, 2017; Accepted December 20, 2017


This paper provides information on the relationships between Strategic Management and Organizational

Performance of SMEs, which describes the intervention of the entrepreneur in the elaboration,

implementation and evaluation of the strategy and how they emphasize these aspects in the results of the

efficiency indicators in The Organizational Performance of SMEs. So also this research allows to know

which part of the strategic process has more influence to obtain a good performance. The objective of

this research is to analyze the impact of Strategic Management (in its process of formulating,

implementing and evaluating the strategy) in the Organizational Performance of SMEs in the commerce

sector. In order to obtain the required information from the research objective, 81 entrepreneurs with the

highest hierarchy in the company or decision makers were interviewed. As a result it is obtained that the

formulation of the strategy has no impact on organizational performance as it has the implementation

and evaluation of it.

Management Strategy, Organizational Performance, SMEs

Citation: LEYVA-OSUNA, Beatriz, Alicia, JACOBO-HERNÁNDEZ, Carlos Armando and DÁVILA-AGUIRRE, Mario

César. The Strategic management allied in the organizational performance of the SMEs. Journal-Business administration and

business economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017. 1-1:1-10

† Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 1-10


Armando and DÁVILA-AGUIRRE, Mario César. The Strategic management allied in the organizational performance of the SMEs.

Journal-Business administration and business economics; Marketing;

Accounting 2017

ISSN- 2531-3002

RINOE® All rights reserved


The entrepreneur has always had as main

concern the permanence of his company in the

environment where it operates, so over the years

different solutions are sought through theories,

systems, resources, among others; what helps to

achieve the highest efficiency in all its

administrative and operational areas. Some of

the many issues that prevail for the solution of

problems of any company is Strategic

Management and its impact on the development

of them during their life cycle.

Currently, problems and turbulent

environments are forcing SMEs to adopt a

strategic approach, which allows them to

respond quickly and effectively to

environmental conditions. Research on

environment, strategy and performance show

that environmental changes force companies to

develop strategies with the purpose of creating

and defending their competitive advantage as

well as their performance. (Ynzunza and Izar,


Through several empirical works focused

on the success of large companies, it is obtained

that they rely on their strengths, which range

from better technological, financial, commercial

resources, development of their personnel,

among others. (Nightdress, 1997).

On the other hand, although there are

research works focused on SMEs, when we talk

about specific issues there are very few that we

can find focused on Strategic Management as a

tool to obtain success in them, much less find

SMEs that expose their cases of success in the

process of said topic. (Rubio and Aragón, 2007).

According to the importance of the SMEs

in any part of the world for what they represent

in the economy of each of the countries, it is

considered of the utmost importance to study

them to understand their situation and later

support them.

This work, therefore, has as a general

objective to analyze the influence of elaborating,

implementing and following up the strategy to

impact on the organizational performance of

commercial SMEs. For the scope of this research

work, a search of empirical studies that refer to

the theoretical model in this work is carried out,

in addition to the creation and verification of the

hypothesis in 81 commercial SMEs, this study

ends with the presentation of the results of

quantitative form.


The importance of the SMEs means that actions

are planned that help address their economic,

social and labor environment, as well as creating

the conditions that contribute to their

establishment, growth and consolidation

(ProMéxico, 2013).

The realization of this research is

considered justifiable, since through it it will be

possible to identify the relationships that have a

positive impact between the Strategic

Management process and the Organizational

Performance; this will help to guide the SME

entrepreneur specifically in this matter, as well

as identify new lines of research, all in favor of

efficient performance.

The purpose of this research is to cover

the little information related to the topic of

Strategic Management in the SMEs, in Mexico

and Sonora. In addition, a theoretical model is

elaborated with which the relations between the

variables that make up said model are measured.

It is also intended with this research to support

the business sector of Ciudad Obregón, Sonora,

pointing out the trade sector in which it is

intended to identify the current situation of the

guild to subsequently seek improvement in its

Strategic Management.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 1-10


Armando and DÁVILA-AGUIRRE, Mario César. The Strategic management allied in the organizational performance of the SMEs.

Journal-Business administration and business economics; Marketing;

Accounting 2017

ISSN- 2531-3002

RINOE® All rights reserved


The SMEs are the main source of formal

employment in 72% in the country, but young

companies make common mistakes, so the

concern is to avoid them so they do not stop

operating. (FORBES, 2015)

The Semario (2014) states that specialized

studies of the Condusef (National Commission

for the Protection and Defense of Users of

Financial Services) indicate that only half of the

existing SMEs in the country survive for

eighteen months, and Marker (2013) ), states that

75% of the new companies in the country fail

and should close their businesses only two years

after they started their activities, the most

common errors are: 1) low sales, 2) bad

leadership, 3) bad Administration, 4) lack of

strategy and analysis, 5) lack of financing, 6)

lack of trained personnel, among others.

El Financiero (2016) publishes that failure

to resolve the lack of productivity in SMEs in

Mexico is less likely to survive than in countries

such as Colombia, Brazil or the United States,

since 75% of entrepreneurs fail in Mexico.

One of the solutions to avoid a large

percentage of the closure of the SMEs, is to carry

out the process of Strategic Management in

which the culture is involved, various areas of

the organization, processes, resources, structure,

and leadership, among others. .

In Sonora, according to data from INEGI

(2012), the companies closed in (-4.1), this

figure represents that more companies left the

market than they start their operations in a period

of time. According to this exposition of the

problem in the SMEs, the follow-up research

question is elaborated:

Is the Strategic Management (in its process

of elaboration, implementation and evaluation of

the strategy) related to the improvement of

efficiency indicators in the Organizational

Performance of the SMEs of the commerce

sector in Ciudad Obregón, Sonora?

General Hypotesis

Strategic Management (in its process of

formulation, implementation and evaluation of

the strategy) has a positive impact on

Organizational Performance.

Specific Hypotheses

H1 = The formulation phase of the strategy has

a positive impact on the organizational

performance of the commercial SMEs of Ciudad

Obregón Sonora.

H2 = The implementation phase of the

strategy has a positive impact on the

organizational performance of the commercial

SMEs of Ciudad Obregón Sonora.

H3 = The evaluation phase of the strategy

has a positive impact on the organizational

performance of the commercial SMEs of Ciudad

Obregón Sonora.


The objectives that allow the guide for the

realization of this study are presented below:

General objective

Analyze the impact of Strategic Management (in

the process of formulation, implementation and

evaluation of the strategy) in the Organizational

Performance of SMEs in the commerce sector.

Specific objectives

Analyze the background of Strategic

Management in the SMEs.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 1-10


Armando and DÁVILA-AGUIRRE, Mario César. The Strategic management allied in the organizational performance of the SMEs.

Journal-Business administration and business economics; Marketing;

Accounting 2017

ISSN- 2531-3002

RINOE® All rights reserved

Review Theoretical and Conceptual

Framework that allows obtaining

information on the variable Strategic

Management and its relationship in the

improvement of Organizational


To elaborate an instrument that allows to

measure the variables of Strategic

Management and Organizational

Performance of the SMEs.

Obtain the study population to

subsequently obtain the sample.

Apply and validate the instrument.

Analyze the results to obtain conclusions

and recommendations of the study.

Theoretical framework

Below is the theoretical foundation that

supports the present research and the theoretical

model of it.

Strategic management

The importance of Strategic Management in the

companies from the point of view of Arano,

Espinoza and Arroyo (2011), is that it induces

the organization to reach its purposes, for which

it must understand them and avoid conflicts that

make the management lose direction. deal. For

David (2008), strategic management "is art and

science where the decisions that allow an

organization to achieve its objectives are

formulated, implemented and evaluated".

Phases of Strategic Management.

Proposals by: Terrazas (2004) cited by Murillo,

(2010) and David, (2008).

The Strategic Management consists of a

process to develop its task, which consists of

four important phases: a) Strategic diagnosis,

this phase includes the Internal Analysis

(Microenvironment) which considers the

resources, personnel, facilities, machinery, etc.,

and the External analysis (Macroeconomics) in

which the market, technology, economy,

competition, intermediaries, etc. are considered,

this analysis allows to identify strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the

company, b) The choice of strategy, in this phase

is carried out the formulation of the strategies

and the bases are defined to choose the most

appropriate, c) Implementation of the strategy,

has to do with the planning and execution of the

strategy, coordinating with the resources of the

company and responsible personnel to carry it

out, e) evaluation of the strategy, this phase is

responsible for the review and monitoring of the

ongoing strategy, with the purpose of rule in case

of error in time and form the course of the same.

Organizational Performance

For Lusthaus, Anderson, Carden & Montalván

(2002) the "performance in companies is

established through their capacity to survive".

Mondy and Noe, (2005) state that to achieve the

success of Organizational Performance, it is

because of the coordination between the

employee and the organization, since the

relationship between them is reflected first in a

good individual performance, which in turn

impacts on a good organizational performance.

Figure 1 Own Elaboration. Theoretical Model of the

Strategic Management Process (formulation,

implementation and Evaluation) and Performance.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 1-10


Armando and DÁVILA-AGUIRRE, Mario César. The Strategic management allied in the organizational performance of the SMEs.

Journal-Business administration and business economics; Marketing;

Accounting 2017

ISSN- 2531-3002

RINOE® All rights reserved

Some empirical considerations are

presented below:

Analoui and Karami (2003) expose with

the purpose of identifying and comparing the

characteristics of typical strategic management,

some of the strategic management models have

been revised. Despite the differences in the

details and variations in the wording, the three

models show three common characteristics: the

formulation of the strategy, implementation and

evaluation of the strategy.

According to Galbraith and Schendel

(1983), they comment that regardless of the

strategy used in companies, "there is a positive

relationship between strategy and performance".

Calderón, Álvarez and Naranjo (2010)

agree on "what is the most structured strategy

best results in organizational effectiveness", and

this can be replicated to companies in other


Ramírez, (2004) contributes that the

performance objectives are efficiency, in which

the efficiency in the use of the infrastructure and

the available resources in the company is

increased, and the efficiency, in which the full

accomplishment of the objectives is carried out


Research Methodology

In this section the methodology to be used for the

development of this research is exposed. The

points that are part of this methodology are:

Type of research, Criteria for the inclusion of

participants, Research techniques, Population

and sample size, Sampling method, Instrument

for data collection, Validity, Reliability, and

Statistical method to check the hypothesis.

Type of Research

This study is based on empirical research or

scientific method, so it is quantitative, so it is

also considered a descriptive research, since it

describes, records, analyzes and interprets the

data of the composition of the phenomenon

which one is studied It is explanatory since it is

carried out the verification of a hypothesis, and

seeks to explain the why of things. It is

correlational because statistical relationships of

the variables studied are established, with a non-

experimental and transversal design since the

variables will be studied without manipulating

the subjects and data will be collected in a single


Criteria for the inclusion of participants

The informants required for the investigation are

the people with the highest hierarchy in the

company, or decision makers (Owner, Manager,

Administrator) of the SMEs of the commerce

sector of Ciudad Obregón, Sonora.

Population and Sample Size

The SMEs of the commerce sector of Ciudad

Obregón, Sonora, add up to a total of 349,

according to INEGI-DENUE (2012).

To determine the size of small and

medium-sized commercial enterprises, the

MiSMEs Classification was used, published in

the Official Gazette of the Federation (2013),

where it specifies that 11 to 30 employees are

considered small commercial companies and 31

to 100 employees. They are medium commercial


A total of 79 companies were surveyed

through the formula of finite populations.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 1-10


Armando and DÁVILA-AGUIRRE, Mario César. The Strategic management allied in the organizational performance of the SMEs.

Journal-Business administration and business economics; Marketing;

Accounting 2017

ISSN- 2531-3002

RINOE® All rights reserved

Instrument for data collection

The Instrument allows obtaining the data with

which the purpose of the research will be

achieved, said instrument was developed

according to the literature consulted with respect

to the study variables.

A structured questionnaire of 16 questions

was prepared, which is divided into:

First section. General Data of the


Second section. Items

This series of questions allows us to

identify the relationships that exist between the

variables that are studied.

The Strategic Management section is

comprised of 16 questions, which are focused on

the formulation, implementation and evaluation

of the strategy and in the Performance section, it

is measured with 8 questions.

For the measurement of each question, the

six-level Likert scale will be used, since the

importance of this number of options lies in

eliminating centralism.

Validity and Reliability

The questionnaire was validated in its format,

writing questions, variables and dimensions with

experts in the research topic of this work. The

experts who participated have the degree of

Doctor, so they also have research referring to

one or two variables of this topic.

Likewise, a pilot test was applied to 30

companies of the SMES Commerce population,

in order to measure the reliability with

Cronbach's Alpha in the SPSS Statistical System

version 21.

Statistical method for checking hypotheses

In this study, the method of Multiple Linear

Regression will be used for hypothesis testing.

To develop this modeling the SPSS system

version 21 will be used.


Out of 81 commercial SMEs located in Ciudad

Obregón, Sonora surveyed, 53% of the

informants are women with greater hierarchy in

the company (Owner, Manager, Chief,

Administrator), 52% have from 0 to 3 years in

positions of high responsibility business, time

that is considered relatively short which

indicates that most of them are newly opened,

the infomantes manifested in 43% against with


Cronbach's Alpha

First, the reliability of each item was determined

through the SPSS Statistics Basic System,

version 21. See table 1.

Variable Cronb










Formulation of the

Strategy (5)


,888 ,903 2

Implementation of the

Strategy (5)


,885 - 0

Evaluation of the



,880 - 0



,860 ,892 2

Table 1 Cronbach's alpha. (Own Elaboration). Data

obtained from the SPSS Statistics Basic System, version


The alphas of cronbach are all greater

than 7, which is considered that the items are

considered reliable in the construct since there is

no correlation between them.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 1-10


Armando and DÁVILA-AGUIRRE, Mario César. The Strategic management allied in the organizational performance of the SMEs.

Journal-Business administration and business economics; Marketing;

Accounting 2017

ISSN- 2531-3002

RINOE® All rights reserved

Factorial analysis

The next step was to carry out the factorial

analysis which helps to determine the minimum

number of dimensions capable of explaining the

maximum amount of information contained in

the data collected from 80 companies, the results

are presented in table 2.

Variable KMO Next Explained


Formulation of

the Strategy

.793 ,000 66%



,896 ,000 77%



,773 ,000 90%

Performance ,843 ,000 65%

Table 2 Factor Analysis. (Own Elaboration). Data

obtained from the SPSS Statistics Basic System, version


The results describe that the KMO are

within the range, since all the values per variable

are greater than 0.7, when they are low this

indicates that the correlations between the

variables can not be explained by other

variables. (Rositas, 2005)

Regarding the significance (sig.) It

should not be greater than 0.05, since then the

null hypothesis can not be rejected. The

variables in this study comply with the condition

since none of them exceed 0.05.

Finally, the Explained Variance shows

that the extracted components explain the% of

the variable under study. In this column it is

displayed that most of the components explain

above 50% of the variable. (Rositas, 2005)

Multiple Linear Regression

The multiple linear regression analysis is a

technique used to study the relationship between

variables, (Pardo, and Ruiz, 2009).

Results of Multiple Linear Regression in

table 3.

R R2 Statistic



Sig change

in F



.791 .625 42,863 .000 2.310

Table 3 Multiple Linear Regression Summary (Own

Elaboration). Data obtained from the SPSS Statistics Basic

System, version 21.

It is observed that the regression R2

statistic is 0.625 considered acceptable in the

social sciences, because it means that the

dependent variable and its variance is explained

in 62% of the three independent variables.

The F statistic helps to determine if there

is a significant linear relationship between the

variable dependent and the set of independent

variables (Pardo and Ruiz, 2009). With F = 42,

863 and S = 0.000 indicates that there is a

significant linear relationship between the

dependent variable and the independent

variables of the model under study.

One of the basic assumptions of linear

regression analysis is that of independence

between residues; The Durbin Watson statistic

provides information on the degree of

independence and can assume independence

when it takes values between 1.5 and 2.5 (Pardo

Merino & Ruiz Díaz, 2009). As can be seen in

Table 4, the Durbin Watson indicator is of 2,310

which is within the range of acceptable and it is

considered that there is independence between

the residues.

Results of coefficients

Model β T Sig FIV

Constant 1,310 3,940 000

Formulation .120 1,474 .144 3,119

Implementation .383 3,277 .002 3,441

Evaluation .219 1,760 .082 3,821 Table 4 Summary Coefficients (Own Elaboration). Data

obtained from the SPSS Statistics Basic System, version



Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 1-10


Armando and DÁVILA-AGUIRRE, Mario César. The Strategic management allied in the organizational performance of the SMEs.

Journal-Business administration and business economics; Marketing;

Accounting 2017

ISSN- 2531-3002

RINOE® All rights reserved

Table 4 shows the collinearity statistics,

FIV. According to De la Garza García, Morales

Serrano and González Cavazos (2003) the range

of values for this indicator should be between 1

and 10. The results obtained as presented in

Table 4 are less than 3.5 considered acceptable.

According to the significance of the

student T of table 4 and considering an estimated

error of less than 5%, we can conclude that the

variables that significantly impact the

performance variable are:

X2 = Implementation of the Strategy

X3 = Evaluation of the Strategy

The variable is left out:

X1 = Formulation of the Strategy.

Therefore the formula of this model would be:

Y Performance = 1,310 + .383

Implementation + .219 evaluation


First of all it can be assumed that the research

question and objective of this investigation was

carried out in a timely manner. So it is also

important to mention the result of the specific

hypotheses is:


H1 = The formulation phase of the strategy has a positive

impact on the organizational

performance of the commercial SMEs of Ciudad

Obregón Sonora.


H2 = The implementation

phase of the strategy has a positive impact on the

organizational performance

of the commercial SMEs of Ciudad Obregón Sonora.


H3 = The evaluation phase

of the strategy has a positive impact on the organizational

performance of the

commercial SMEs of Ciudad Obregón Sonora.


Table 5 Hypothesis Check Result (Own Elaboration).

The results show that the phases of the

Strategic Management that impact the

performance in the SMEs, according to data

from the field work, are those of implementation

and evaluation. According to David (2013), he

explains that the most important phase in the

strategy is implementation since it directly enters

the work and support of those involved in the

execution of it, it is a very difficult combination

to carry out (personal, execution).

The preparation phase of the strategy

does not occur in this study because, according

to the data of the fieldwork, the entrepreneurs do

not carry out mostly research related to external

and internal factors to formulate the strategy of

their business, as well as some of them they do

not have the mission and vision of the company

as a basis to elaborate the strategy.

It is important to point out that there are

limitations within this study, since it can be

confirmed that the SME entrepreneur in Ciudad

Obregón, who is mostly undergraduate,

continues to administer his company

empirically. They do not know that the activities

they carry out are part of a complex Strategy


This research offers information on a

current situation of the entrepreneurs of Ciudad

Obregón, which can allow them to have a self-

evaluation of their role as managers and

responsible for the survival of a business, and

thus be interested in starting to exercise the

strategy process with the purpose of seeking

success and establishing the necessary actions to

carry it out, training, consultancies, etc.

As future research, it is suggested to

analyze the situation of SME companies of

industrial and service remittances, individually

(by turns), as well as include other factors of

more specific studies within the human

resources, culture and structure of the company.

, research effects were not included, as well as

studies focused on business leadership.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 1-10


Armando and DÁVILA-AGUIRRE, Mario César. The Strategic management allied in the organizational performance of the SMEs.

Journal-Business administration and business economics; Marketing;

Accounting 2017

ISSN- 2531-3002

RINOE® All rights reserved


Analoui, F. and Karami, A. (2003) Strategic

Management in Small and Medium Enterprises.

Thompson. Great Britain. Page. 7-8 Disponible

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Arano Chávez, RM; Espinoza Mexia, A; Arroyo

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Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 11-20

Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning


Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Universidad Politécnica de García, Universidad Politécnica de


Received July 14, 2017; Accepted December 2, 2017


In this article we consider the problem of generating personalized tourist routes. Considering a set of

preferences, a tourist can get a guide of places to visit in a particular tourist spot. These preferences are

regarding the time available to make your journey by visiting various points of interest or money that

you want and / or can spend. The problem of generating personalized routes can be expressed as a

problem of Artificial Intelligence Planning. For this, we designed a model based on the planning domain

definition language PDDL 2.1(Fox, 2003). A set of test instances was generated and the planning

algorithm LPG-td was used to obtain solutions from the planning model. Considering the results of the

experimentation, it is possible to generate these tourist routes according to the preferences established by

the user in a reasonable computing time. The resolution of this problem is expected to help tourists to

plan their trips.

Planning, Artificial Intelligence, PDDL, Routes, Tourism

Citation: ELIZALDE-RAMÍREZ, Fernando, MAYA-PADRÓN, Cristina and REBILLAS-LOREDO, Victoria. Generation

of customized tourist routes using AI Planning. Journal-Business administration and business economics; Marketing;

Accounting 2017. 1-1; 11-20

* Correspondence to Author (email:

† Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 11-20


REBILLAS-LOREDO, Victoria. Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved


In this work an application of the Artificial

Intelligence Planning is presented in the design

of a personalized tour. To generate these routes,

the points of greatest interest or with the highest

degree of recommendation for tourists are

evaluated. In addition to the above, the

preferences of the tourist regarding to the time or

money available are considered.

To solve the problem of generating

personalized tours, we designed a planning

model in the PDDL2.1 planning domain

definition language (Fox, 2003). In the instance

of the problem capture the public transport

network that connects all the tourist points

considered, as well as displacement (walking),

the transition functions that arise in the

generation of the plan, as well as the travel time

metrics, visit time and economic costs.

To personalize the route, in addition to

offering the tourist points to visit, the tourist is

offered to restrict their plan according to the

available time and the economic cost destined

for their stay. The tourist has as options to

minimize the duration of the trip or to minimize

the cost.

To solve the developed planning model,

the LPG-td planning algorithm was used

(Gerevini, 2003).


At present there is a great mobility of people who

visit different places to their place of origin.

Some of the reasons are the connectivity and the

reduction of the transfer costs. Therefore, the

application of this work would help a lot of

tourists, to be able to optimize their trips. The

plan obtained according to your preferences can

serve as a guide to visit the characteristic places

of the place you are visiting and know how to

move between these places.

In Figure 1 you can see the growing trend

of the number of tourists. In this case,

represented by the federative entity of the

Mexican Republic (SECTUR, DATATUR,


According to the data presented in the

Economist, the country is in eighth place as the

most visited country by foreigners worldwide.

(SECTUR, 2017).

Figure 1 Graphs by federal entity of the Mexican Republic

of arrival of foreign tourists, Secretary of Tourism



When a tourist wants to plan his trip to a certain

city, the first thing he asks himself is: Which

places to visit? In what order to visit the selected

places? In addition to the above, you have to

consider two important factors: the financial

issue and the available time to complete your


What we propose in this article is the use

of Artificial Intelligence Planning (AI) models

that automatically generate tourist itinerary

plans that are personalized to tourists. This

personalization is with respect to the factors

mentioned before.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 11-20


REBILLAS-LOREDO, Victoria. Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

These factors are metrics that can be used

as constraints or as variables to optimize when

obtaining a plan of the route that can be carried

out. The use of public transportation is

considered to be able to travel to the different

tourist points.

This problem is formally described


Problem definition

The network of tourist points consists of a graph

where the nodes correspond to locations that

may or may not contain a place of interest to

visit, the arcs define the transportation means to

go from one place to another. These arcs have a

cost to be used (transfer time). The problem is to

travel from one origin to a set of destinations,

considering the use of public transport and a set

of preferences that we will call metrics.

This tourism network V is a 6-tuple:

𝑅𝑇 =< 𝑉, 𝐸, 𝑇, 𝑍, 𝑂, 𝐴, 𝑊 >

𝑉:It is the total set of network locations.

E: It is the set of arcs that connect two

locations of the network. An arc represents a

segment of the network where you can go

walking or on public transportation.

𝑣: It is the set of tourist sites. Each site

𝑡∈𝑇 is located at some geographical point 𝑣 ∈ 𝑉.

The mapping 𝑟: 𝑇 → 𝑉 defines the location of

the touristc place.

z: Set of existing transportation lines in

the network.

o: It is the set of transportation means

within the network. Each transport action o∈O is

described as a 3-tuple or = <z, u, v>, where z∈Z

is a transport line and (u, v) ∈V is an arc of the

network. Through this representation there are

several ways to go from one place to another

within the network.

a: Set of actions permissible to the user.

w: Set of metrics of the form 𝑤𝑜: O → R

for each transportation in the row, 𝑤𝑎: A → R

for each user action a∈A, these can be economic

cost and travel time. These includes both the

user's movement, as well as entering a site, since

some of them usually have an economic cost,

and demand a consumption of time.

The planning problem P, is to find a

tourist route plan in a public transport network,

and is defined as:

𝑃 =< 𝑁, 𝐶, 𝑖, 𝑔 >

𝑛: It is a public transportation network.

𝑐: It is the set of preferences in the

system. These preferences are usually treated as

restrictions of the problem that limits the

solution found in your search. Currently you

have, 𝐶 = {𝑊𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑘, 𝑊𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 , 𝑊𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡}, where, Wwalk

refers to the maximum time allowed to walk

during the journey. For the total travel time we

have Wtime, this is used for when the user has a

limited time available and Wcost is limiting the

economic cost of the plan, this is a cumulative

between what was spent for using public

transportation and the costs acquired by entering

some tourist point.

𝑖: Place of origin of the walk,𝑖 ∈ 𝑉.

𝑔: Set of objectives to reach is the tourist

points to visit, g∈V.

It is worth mentioning that the model

allows the user to return to the place where he


A solution for an instance of F can be a

journey for a day or several, since it is not limited

to one day. Plans that use several days may be


Then a solution of P is a sequence of user

actions A and transportation movements of O

with objective function to minimize a cost

without violating any preference.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 11-20


REBILLAS-LOREDO, Victoria. Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved


Is it possible to generate personalized plans of

tourist routes that consider the time and money

available to make them?. In addition to the

above, using the proposed methodology, which

uses planning algorithms to obtain solutions, are

the current planning algorithms vast to solve this

type of problem?


General objective

Apply Artificial Intelligence planning in the

development of a model that represents the

problem of generating personalized tourist

routes. In addition to the above, evaluate the

performance of the planning algorithms used to

solve the test instances.

Specific objectives

To determine the topography of the

network and what elements make it up.

Represent the problem in a transition


Carry out the design of a planning model

that represents the problem of generating

tourist routes using PDDL2.1 (Fox,


Convert the transition graph and the

network into a planning domain.

Perform experimentation to generate the

tourist routes considering a proposed


Evaluate the planner used.

Theoretical framework

Planning is the process of searching and

articulating a sequence of actions that allow

reaching an objective (Russell, 2004).

Which is adequate to generate tourist

routes, since what is intended is to obtain a set of

actions to be carried out that allow me to obtain

a plan of the places to visit (objective).

The planning uses a language of

definition of planning domains called PDDL is a

language centered in the actions inspired by the

formulations strips of planning problems

(Aeronautiques, 1998), this is a standardization

of the syntax to express actions using

preconditions and post-conditions to describe

the applicability and effects of actions (Stuart

Jonathan Russell, 2004).

Actions are operators that base their

logical descriptions on preconditions and effects,

generating complete descriptions of the resulting

states after their application. The actions are

made up of three parts: name of the action and

its list of parameters, preconditions and effects.

Preconditions are a conjunction of atoms

(positive literals) that says what must be true

before the operator can apply; and the effect of

an operator is a conjunction of literals (positive

or negative) that tells how the situation changes

when applying the operator (Stuart Jonathan

Russell, 2004).

That is, to be able to apply a certain

action it is necessary to comply with a set of

preconditions, which are a set of sentences that

must be met and, if they are met, the effects of

such action will be applied, which are also a set

of sentences, which can serve of precondition to

other actions. Sentences can be predicates or

metrics that form parts of the system. The

predicates are those properties of the objects that

are of our interest, these are logical statements.

The metrics in this planning language are called

functions and represent numerical values. It is

the relation of an abstract concept to a numerical



Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 11-20


REBILLAS-LOREDO, Victoria. Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

In order to define the predicates, it is

necessary to use objects, which are the elements

or particles existing in the model, for example in

our problem, tourists and the topography of the

network, among others.

A solution in planning is a plan that an

agent can execute and guarantees the

achievement of the goal. To obtain a solution of

the planning models, planning algorithms are

used, called planners. A scheduler is a special-

purpose algorithm, which uses a formal planning

language with well-defined syntax, semantics,

and demonstration theory. The theory of the

demonstration specifies what can be inferred

from the results of the action sequences and,

therefore, what the legal plans are. The

algorithm allows us to find such plans.

Not all planners use the same solution

search method. However, they can be classified

with respect to the type of planning models that

it solves. For this article we use LPG-td which

was the winner in the International Planning

Competition and was awarded as the best

automated planner in 2003 and later in the IPC


LPG-td performs local searches greedy

randomized. This algorithm has the advantage of

obtaining more than one solution found.

Research Methodology

The problem of generating tourist routes is

modeled as a problem of Artificial Intelligence

Planning. To design the planning model, we use

the PDDL2.1 planning domain definition

language (Fox, 2003). And then we use the

planning algorithms to obtain solutions from

these planning models.

Type of Research

This research is an application of Artificial

Intelligence, using Planning models for the

generation of personalized tours.

Theoretical methods

Modeling of the problem

We have used the planning language to represent

the public transportation network of a city, as

well as the location of the various points of

interest for the tourist. PDDL (Aeronautiques,

1998) is a language centered on actions, for this

we have defined a transition diagram for all the

actions of the model, with this we aim to

facilitate the design of the planning model as

well as its translation into the PDDL2.1


This transition diagram describes the

conditions necessary to carry out an action, as

well as the effects performed once the action has

been carried out. This diagram shows the

different preferences considered at the time of

the calculation of a plan. A similar model can be

seen in Elizalde Ramírez, 2017, which was taken

as a basis to be used in this problem.

For example to be able to carry out the

action Visit, which is the one tells us if to visit

a place or not, it is required as previous a

condition that the tourist is in the same place that

the place to visit. For this, the cost must be less

than the defined by the user. In the same way,

this is with the total time of the plan at the end of

the visit. In this action the economic costs

increase and temporary travel, allowing the user

to enter the place. This action can be seen in its

representation in PDDL in Figure 3.

Actions of the planning model

In the transition model, five actions are shown,

which allow the user to generate a travel plan to

get from a point of origin to any place of interest,

depending on various metrics used, either to

optimize or restrict the plan to generate

according to available resources, see Figure 2.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 11-20


REBILLAS-LOREDO, Victoria. Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

Figure 2 Transition diagram of the tourist routes planning


Figure 3 Action Visit in the PDDL2.1 language

In this action, the duration to carry out

the action is the necessary time to allocate to the

place visited. And to take place, it is required that

the user? p and the tourist site? visit be in the

same place ?l1 These predicates are expressed as

(at ? p ? l) and (at_visit ?visit ?l1).

This ensures that the costs and travel time

comply with the rules established by the user.

This is reflected in the other two conditions. In

the effects of the action it is indicated that a

touristic place? visit has already been reached,

((point - tourist ?visit), to prevent it from being

visited again. In addition to carrying out an

increase in time and in the total cost of the

accumulated trip.

The walking action allows the user to

move from a source i to a destination g.

For this, it is required to know the current

location of the user and where to move, in

addition to no to violate the maximum time limit

to walk during the plan established by the user

and the available travel time for the entire trip.

The generated effect is a change in the

geographical position of the user, as well as an

increase in the accumulated time traveled. This

is represented in PDDL 2.1 in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Walk action in the PDDL2.1 language

Where (road?l1 ?l2) indicates to which

location the user? p can be moved, whose current

location is represented by (at? p?l1), the other

two conditions are those related to the

accumulated time walking and the entire route,

which should not violate its limitations. In the

effects, it is first indicated that the user is no

longer in the same starting location, followed by

an update of his current location, after which the

temporary metrics already described above are


So far, the modeling of the problem in

PDDL only works for a single trip (one day), but

this can be extended for several days. Because,

when you tend to take a walk, you usually have

several days and many places to visit. So the plan

is to make tours for days, where each of the

objectives is achieved per day, thus giving a

better tourist planning.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 11-20


REBILLAS-LOREDO, Victoria. Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

In order to extend the model to these

instances, the available time per day must be

added, and the variables that accumulate the

times which now accumulated will be per day

must be modified. In the end the plan will snow

tours to visit the various sites listed per day. This

plan can be seen as in Figure 5 where all the

routes leave and return to the same point, this is

the place of origin (for example place of

lodging), the routes are defined by colors and the

nodes are the touristic points.

Figure 5 Solution of a tourism problem where several

days are considered. Each route is represented by a

different color.

As can be seen in Figure 5, the problem

considering more than one day to realize the

tourist planing has the structure of a typical

Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) (Toth & Vigo,

2014). This entails certain modifications in the

model represented in PDDL-2.1, thus affecting

the actions described in this article.

Figure 6 Walk action for a model that makes plans for

more than one day.

As you can see in Figure 6, the Walk

action suffers changes in the functions used for

time, either those that accumulate as well as

those that limit (restrict). The first ones are

modified in the following way: (total-walking?

p) and (total-times?p), which unlike what is

presented in Figure 4, have been modified so that

it is able to find plans where more is required. of

a route (one per day) therefore it has been

added?p which refers to which day that route

belongs, consequently the first function carries

the accumulated per day of the plan and the

second the available time per day to carry out a


The action "Visitar" also suffers

modification in the functions over time, this is

seen in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Action to Visit for more than one day

Software Development Methodology

We translated the network topography to the

planning model in PDDL. Defining the actions

that are allowed, their preconditions and effects.

We developed a program in ANSI C

lenguage to generate automatically the planning


A Shell script was used to call the

program that generates the planning models, and

once having said models, the LPG-td planner

(Gerevini, 2003) is called to obtain the solutions.

Afterwards, the results are read, that is, the

solutions thrown by the planner.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 11-20


REBILLAS-LOREDO, Victoria. Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved


To evaluate our model we have considered the

transportation networks of four cities, this

information is taken from Google TransitFeed

and whose translation to PDDL 2.1 format

appears in Elizalde Ramírez, 2017. These

networks were randomly included in their

locations some points that will serve as sites of

interest to the user.

The size of the networks is shown in

Table 1. It should be mentioned that not all

locations are sites of interest to the user, but can

be used as starting points or final destination at

the time of finishing visiting the tourist sites.

City Routes Locations

Berkshire 7 72

Monroe County 6 285

Berkeley 4 35

IndianReservatio 13 74

Table 1 Copy features of the network.

Between sites, it is possible to arrive

walking or using public transportation.

By each city, we tested three diferent

configurations that are defined regarding to the

number of available touristic points to visit (five,

eight and ten).

In addition to these groups, and as has

been mentioned, users' preferences are used in

this case, the duration of the trip and the

permitted walking time, serving as restrictions

when wanting to compute a plan. Therefore,

there is experimentation only with preference of

duration of the plan, another one with the

previous preference and the one of time walking,

a third group with two days to complete the

routes, and finally make the journey in two days

and with time Limited duration of the plan and


The duration time of the plan go from ten

to twenty hours of availability, and the walking

times should not be beyond 50% of the total time

of the plan, it is necessary to consider that being

a tourist trip, on a considerable part of the routes

are walking.

To test our models we use the LPG-td

planner (Gerevini, 2003), the results obtained are

shown in the Tables [2,3]. The first of them

presents the average time for three requests in

each of the cases. As you can see the

computational time are quite impressive, with

the exception of Monroe County limited in both

times and with two days of duration of the plan,

where no result was obtained, this is due to the

large size of the graph, the time available to

reach all points of interest.

Tourist Points A B C D


Monroe country


5 2.7 2.6 11.7 2.5

8 2.6 6.4 43.7 32.3

10 26.5 36.8 255.0 91.1




Monroe country

5 355.6 433.1 30.4 98.7

8 175.5 305.0 20.8 79.1

10 478.3 265.8 671.7 ***



5 1.1 10.2 25.7 10.5

8 2.6 14.9 12.6 96.5

10 1.7 9.6 9.0 72.0

Monroe country 5 426.9 693.3 11.4 298.5

8 134.1 140.1 45.8 82.7

10 433.9 172.5 13.6 398.9

Table 2 Processing time to find a plan *.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 11-20


REBILLAS-LOREDO, Victoria. Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

In the tables shown capital letters are

used in the columns, these are interpreted as

follows: A model without restriction of time

walking, B model with restriction of time

walking, C model with two days available,

finally D model with restriction of time to walk

per day, you have two days. For each of the

models, the duration of the plan is restricted.

The Table 3 shows the quality in the

tourist plan, where the aim is to minimize the

duration of the trip (expressed in hours). The

obtained results are quite reasonable to realize

the tour in each case, except in the case of

Monroe Contry.


Points A B C D


Monroe country


5 2.6 2.4 1.5 2.6

8 4.8 3.2 3.2 4.4

10 4.6 3.2 3.7 3.9

Indian Reservation


Monroe country

5 14.4 12.4 12.7 10.3

8 18.4 13.8 21.6 13.7

10 17.7 16.4 21.5 ***



5 6.8 5.3 5.5 4.8

8 8.0 5.0 5.4 4.6

10 7.7 6.5 6.3 4.9

Monroe country 5 10.1 8.1 13.0 7.5

8 12.3 10.8 8.9 10.9

10 16.6 63.2 16.2 15.0

Table 3 Travel time, *.

One of the things observed in the

experimentation that when touring and

considering that much of the time is spent

walking, the restriction on this variable is loose,

which helps to solve these problems quickly, in

addition the algorithm gives priority to make use

of this action because it saves number of steps in

the generated plan, but this is up to a certain

point not so good, since the times are greater

than if a means of transport were used, since

when to optimize the time we would expect more

the use of the action drive, which is the transfer

in public transport.

Then, when the action is left open,

walking without restriction can lead to the whole

walking journey, for this purpose, it is

recommended even if the user does not indicate

it, to make use of restrictions in the time walking,

with an approximate of 50% of the total time of

plan travel.


The problem can be modeled satisfactorily using

Artificial Intelligence planning techniques.

On the other hand, regarding to the

selected planner to obtain solutions, LPG-td, it is

observed that it can solve the planning models

without problem.

One of the limitations that show the plans

thrown by the planner is that it uses the action of

walking a lot. This means that tourists will walk

a lot on their tourist route. Which could be

annoying for some tourists. As future work, you

can adjust the parameter that restricts the action

of walking in case the user does not enter it


Talking about this action of walking,

being a loose restriction in practical cases, it

helps to scale between the sizes of the network

and in the number of sites of interest. Then we

can say that our proposal is applicable to the

resolution of this type of problems.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 11-20


REBILLAS-LOREDO, Victoria. Generation of customized tourist routes using AI Planning. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

As part of the future work is to test with

larger networks and in certain tourist sites with

networks of these real sites. As well as the

inclusion of sites such as restaurants, cinemas,



Aeronautiques, C. H. (1998). PDDL—The

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Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32

Application of Business Intelligence in the warehouse department as support to

improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods to educational institutions

of the State of Mexico


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Received July 12, 2017; Accepted December 15, 2017


The companies regard information as a valuable asset, this has significance once they make a meaningful

and useful advantage out of the information, i.e. When you can consult information quickly, safely, at

the time and in the format that is required, so that the person who is responsible for decision making in

the organization will avoid uncertainty and intuition, and surely will take better and informed

determinations, for this purpose many organizations have resorted to the use of business intelligence.

Business Intelligence assists on having a better understanding of the organization, improving the

decision-making process, facilitates the way to access and share information, helps identifying 'junk' in

information systems and enables analysis in real time. In regards to the Department Store, the lack of

information of this type, does not allow the sufficient support in order to plan define the logistics and

distribution of goods to the Agency (administrative units and schools) in an informed manner, which

results in the bad distribution and misuse of resources, this problematic takes greater importance in the

context of the Educational Reform where one of the important principles is to improve the physical,

material and pedagogical conditions in schools.

Business Intelligence, Decision Making, Information Systems, Management of Projects

Citation: ROMERO-ROMERO, Araceli, HERNÁNDEZ-SUAREZ, Alejandro, RAMÍREZ-PAREJA, Ana María and

HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in the warehouse department as support to

improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business

administration and business economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017. 1-1;21-32

* Correspondence to Author (email: † Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in

the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods

to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved


Have a general knowledge of the organization,

know the financial situation, visualize the degree

of progress of established programs and goals,

detect opportunities, analyze trends, propose

future scenarios, among other aspects, have

become a necessity of the company, obtain this

Information at the time and in the business

language that is required is paramount for the

decision-making process and even more in a

highly competitive environment framed by the

globalization of the market. This is the

environment of Business Intelligence (BI).

Curto Díaz, Conesa Caralt (2010) define

Business Intelligence as the set of

methodologies, applications, practices and

capabilities focused on the creation and

administration of information that allows better

decisions to the users of an organization.

This research focuses on the use of

Business Intelligence (BI) in public

administration, the Directorate of Material and

Financial Resources (DRMyF) has been chosen

as the organization object of study. The intention

of this investigation is to propose a project of

Business Intelligence in the DRMyF, developing

the case of the Warehouse Department.


The central theme of this research work is the

application of Business Intelligence in public

administration, particularly in the DRMyF, it is

important to mention that various IT projects

have been developed in the organization under

study, which have allowed to know the processes

DRMyF substantives as well as the development

environments used in the existing Information

Systems, which motivates to propose the

development of a Business Intelligence project

(focusing on the Warehouse Department) as an

adequate and viable alternative to support for the

decision-making process.

With regard to the Warehouse

Department, to be able to consult information

that serves as a support to plan the logistics and

distribution of the goods to the agency

(administrative units and schools), will directly

impact on the equitable use of resources, provide

the necessary goods to use in the school year

(chairs, tables, desks, blackboards, personal

computers, printers, stationery, etc.) as well as

material for maintenance (cleaning material,

waterproofing, paint, etc.).

It is significant to note that the approval

of a BI project depends on the formal

justification of the project, which is why the

administration of projects is used in order to

present a project plan that identifies the

requirements; address the diverse needs,

concerns and expectations of stakeholders,

maintain an active communication with

stakeholders, in addition to contemplate the

management of scope, quality, activities to be

carried out, budget, resources and risks.

In relation to the BI project in the

DRMyF it is appropriate to mention that there

are some factors that favor the realization of the

project, such as:

The technological platform and the

Information Technology personnel required for

the development of the project will be provided

by the Information Unit, which is represented by

the Department of Information Technology and

Telecommunications (DIT).

The DRMyF and the DIT are located in

the same line of Directorates that depend on the

Coordination of Material and Financial

Resources. For years, ICT services have been

provided and various IT projects have been

developed, which has fostered an appropriate

and collaborative working relationship.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in

the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods

to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

The cost of a project has always been a

decisive factor in determining its viability,

because it involves making an investment in

financial, material, human and technological

resources, in relation to the cost of the BI project

is included in the allocation of financial

resources and authorized personnel in the budget

for fiscal year 2017, that is, no additional

expense would have to be incurred in the

purchase of equipment, software, personnel

hiring or training for the development of the



A decentralized public body whose institutional

objective is to offer basic and normal quality

education throughout the entity, with the mission

of covering the educational needs at its different

levels, from initial, preschool, primary and

secondary education to upper secondary

education and superior.

The Warehouse Department depends on

the Subdirectorate of Material Resources and

Services, which in turn is part of the Directorate

of Material and Financial Resources (DRMyF),

and is the administrative unit in charge of

controlling the entry and exit of real estate they

enter the warehouse in addition to being the area

responsible for the logistics and distribution of

the goods to the agency (administrative units and


Through the development of Information

Systems (IS), it has been possible to automate

important and substantive processes in the

different areas of the organization, which has

been decisive to offer goods and services of

better quality, as is the case of the Warehouse


At the operational level, the DRMyF's SI

have fulfilled their purpose, but when it is

necessary to consult information that serves as

support for decision-making at the managerial

level, it simply can not be obtained immediately

or in the business language that is needed. . The

problem lies in the fact that the information

generated from the ISs is not used in a useful and

meaningful way by means of an IT alternative,

such as Business Intelligence (BI), which allows

consulting information (historical, ordered,

classified, purified and grouped) that serves as a

support for the decision-making process, which

causes misinformed decisions, based on intuition

and uncertainty. Regarding the Warehouse

Department, the lack of information of this kind,

does not allow planning and defining the

logistics and distribution of goods to the agency

(administrative units and schools) in an informed

manner, which has an impact on poor

distribution and inadequate use of resources. The

negative impact of this problem represents:

Not having the necessary goods to use in

the school year (chairs, tables, desks,

blackboards, personal computers,

printers, stationery, etc.).

Lack of maintenance material in schools

(cleaning material, waterproofing, paint)

Consequently, it means (in the cases that

correspond) to have facilities in

inadequate conditions for the correct

teaching of classes in the schools.

This problem also impacts on the

administrative units that share information with

the Warehouse Department (Acquisitions,

Budget, Accounting, Treasury and Inventories)

because the decision makers in these areas need

to consult information that is not available and

require other means to obtain it.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in

the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods

to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

Research Questions

Why is it important to analyze the technological

infrastructure and human capital to implement a

Business Intelligence project in the Directorate

of Material and Financial Resources?

What are the Business Intelligence tools

that could be used in the web application of the

BI project in the DRMyF?

In what way does the use of Business

Intelligence generate a benefit in the DRMyF?


General objectives

Design a Business Intelligence project for the

Directorate of Material and Financial Resources.

Analyzing the case of the Warehouse

Department, in order to obtain information that

serves as support for the decision-making


Specific objectives

• Analyze the technological infrastructure and

human capital for the development of the

Business Intelligence project.

• Determine the information that is required to

consult to develop the Business Intelligence

tools that will integrate the WEB application.

• Formalize the proposal through the BI project

plan based on the Guide to the Fundamentals for

Project Management (PMBOK Guide).

Theoretical framework

Only the concept of system has been the subject

of multiple studies, with different approaches

and points of view, in our days it is common to

have a relationship with some type of system

consciously or unconsciously, that is part of it or

that is interact with some, so it is not surprising

that research continue to be conducted and new

trends are developed on this concept, Bunge

(2012, p.325) comments that there are no

isolated things: that everything interacts with

other things, in such a way that all things concur

and form systems (a world of systems), also

establishes as a foundation that everything is a

system or a component of a system. Under this

approach it is interesting and fascinating at the

same time to study the principles applicable to

systems in all fields of research that make up the

General Systems Theory.

In the first instance it is pertinent to

conceptualize what a system is, Skyttner (2005,

p.58) refers to a definition expressed by Russell

Ackoff, which determines that a system is a set

of two or more elements that satisfy the

following conditions:

1. The behavior of each element has an

effect on the behavior of the whole

2. The behavior of the elements and

their effects on the whole are interdependent.

3. The subgroups of the elements

formed, have an effect on the behavior of the set,

but none has an independent effect on it.

Warehouse Department

Its objective is to organize, operate, evaluate and

control the actions of reception, storage,

conservation and supply of the acquired goods,

with the purpose of keeping them in optimal

conditions of use and provided to the

administrative units, for the development of their

assigned functions, in accordance with current

regulations on the subject.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in

the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods

to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved


Plan, operate, manage and control the reception,

storage, conservation and supply of the acquired

goods, and provide them to the administrative

units of the agency in optimal conditions of use.

Prepare and submit to the Subdirectorate

of Material Resources and Services for

authorization, the program for the physical

inventory survey of the warehouse, verifying

that it complies with the current regulations in

the matter.

Propose and operate the mechanisms of

an administrative nature, which allow it to

improve and control the reception, storage,

conservation and supply of materials to the

administrative units.

Supply the goods and materials to the

administrative units of the agency, based on the

supply requests that they send.

Apply and keep updated the records for

the inventory control system, regarding the

inputs and outputs of warehouse materials.

Perform the physical inventory survey of

existing goods in the agency's warehouses, in

accordance with the previously authorized

program and other applicable regulations.

Prepare and present to the Subdirectorate

of Material Resources and Services, the reports

and reports regarding the storage and supply of

goods, and propose the mechanisms that allow

improving their administration.

Prepare and send to the Accounting

Department, for registration, the reports of

inputs and outputs of warehouse.

Research Methodology

This research begins with the concern to suggest

the use of Business Intelligence BI in public

administration, with the purpose of offering an

alternative that serves as a support for decision

making. Derived from the participation in the

development of various computer projects in the

organization under study for 25 years, it has been

possible to detect problems and visualize areas

of opportunity in the different administrative

units, which have allowed enriching and shaping

this research project.

By the means to use to obtain the data, it

is a mixed investigation, because it works with

secondary information sources (documentary

research) and primary sources of information

(field research), relying on data collection tools

such as interviews, Work meetings and


For the control and manipulation of the

variables is a non-experimental investigation,

the phenomenon is observed as it occurs in the

natural context, to later analyze it.

For the period in which the research is

carried out (May 2016 to December 2016), it is

of a transversal nature.

Hernández Sampieri et al. (2014)

indicates that by scope, the research may be:

exploratory, descriptive and explanatory.

Regarding this study, it is exploratory: because

it addresses the issue of business intelligence in

public administration; usually business

intelligence is associated with private

companies, so there have been few

investigations in this regard, descriptive: the

decision-making process is analyzed in the

Directorate of Material and Financial Resources,

taking as reference the case of the Warehouse



Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in

the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods

to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

Type of Research

Because of the scope, the research is

exploratory: because it addresses the issue of

business intelligence in public administration;

usually business intelligence is associated with

private companies, so there have been few

investigations in this regard, descriptive: the

decision-making process is analyzed in the

Directorate of Material and Financial Resources,

taking as reference the case of the Warehouse

Department .

The population selected for the

development of this research is the Directorate

of Material and Financial Resources.

With respect to the sample of the selected

population, it is represented by those responsible

for the following administrative units:

Warehouse Department Headquarters

Subdirección de Recursos Materiales y


Directorate of Material and Financial


The measurement instrument that is used

in the development of research for the collection

of information are interviews, in their types

(semi-structured and open). The participants and

the points to be discussed are mentioned below:

Owner of the Warehouse Department.

Head of the Subdirectorate of Material

Resources and Services.

Owner of the Directorate of Material and

Financial Resources.

Staff of the Systems Development


Open interview

Decision making

Decision-making process

Information to be considered in a general

manner, to serve as a support for the decision-

making process (Information from the

Department of


Information sources

Historic information

Level of detail of the information

Business Intelligence (BI)

Knowledge of Business Intelligence

Use of Business Intelligence

Semi-structured interview

Decision making

Decision-making process

Design of the departmental database (Data

Mart DM) of the

Warehouse Department (Department


Identify key department information

Analyze information

Information to load in the Data Mart (DM)

Format to use to show the information

Business Intelligence (BI)

BI tools

Design of Executive Boards, operational, with

use of different types of graphics (Dispersion,

Histograms, Pareto).


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in

the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods

to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

Preset reports.


Companies need information to understand their

operations, have knowledge of their customers,

competitors, suppliers, partners, shareholders

and employees. They need to learn about what

happens in the organization, analyze their

operations, have the capacity to respond to

internal and external pressures and make

decisions that help manage costs, increase

revenues and increase sales and profits.

The application of BI in public

administration has a different use perspective,

focuses on supporting the decision-making

process, which allows to follow up the strategic

plans of the organization and finally achieve the

institutional objectives, which are reflected in

offering better goods and services.

Under this context, the proposal for the

use of Business Intelligence is made as an

excellent option to support the decision process

in the organization under study, because it would

have a better knowledge of the company,

decisions based on Intuition and uncertainty and

you could consult information that is safe,

understandable and in the moment that is


Once the existing BI alternatives for the

acquisition, contracting or development of BI

products have been analyzed, the own

development of the BI Tools that integrate the

WEB application as part of the BI project in the

DRMyF in the Department was opted for. of

Warehouse, derived from the research carried

out in the organization under study, it was

determined that there is sufficient technological

infrastructure and human resources for the

development of the project, in addition to a

specialized IT area, represented by the

Department of Information Technology and

Telecommunications .

The business intelligence project at the

DRMyF is based on the BI environment

proposed by Laudon et al. (2012) and considers

the following elements:

Elements of the



Type of element

considered by

Laudon et al.


Elements to

consider in the BI

project in the


Intelligence Call centers

Website Mobile devices


Shops Suppliers




Department Information


1 Business

environment data


Data warehouses

Data Market

Data Market

2 Business



Statistical models

Data mining


Production Reports

Identify the


required to

develop the BI tools

3 Business analysis toolset

Business strategy Performance


Integral Scorecard Forecasts

Reference to the SI of Performance


Regulations applied to the


units involved

4 Users and

management methods



Web Application

5 Platforms Reports

Control boards

Command Pictures


Mobile Web Portal

Social media


Control boards

WEB application accessed by PC

and mobile


Table 1 Elements of the BI environment, elements in the

BI project. Own elaboration based on diagram in Laudon

et al. (2012, p.464)


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in

the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods

to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

With regard to the information needs

resulting from the interviews held with the

owners of the administrative units involved in

the project, the required BI tools were proposed.

The proposal of the Business Intelligence

project, includes as a final result the

development of a WEB application that

integrates the required BI tools, which can be

executed by any computer or mobile device

connected to the corporate network or the

internet, to consult information of a graphic and

summarized way, in a simple language, that

serves as support for the decision-making



In relation to the research carried out in the

organization under study, it was concluded that

the use of BI Business Intelligence represents an

important alternative to obtain meaningful

information that will support the decision-

making process and focus its efforts, knowledge

and experience to achieve the institutional

objectives, which are ultimately reflected in

offering better goods and services.

With the intention of directing the

present study, the following considerations were


It is important to analyze the

technological infrastructure and human

capital that is required for the

implementation of the BI project in

DRMyF because it allows knowing the

elements of the Business Intelligence

environment that interact with the

organization so that it can be decided

which integrates the Intelligence project

of business.

Analyzing these aspects is fundamental

for managing the integration of the

project to develop the business

intelligence project plan in the

Directorate of Material and Financial


It was detected that the middle and upper

management of the DRMyF interviewed

require consulting information from the

Warehouse System that can not be

obtained immediately, which could serve

as support for the decision-making

process in their respective fields.

The Project of Business Intelligence

Project in the Directorate of Material and

Financial Resources. (Case Warehouse

Department), considers the management of the

following areas of knowledge according to the

PMBOK guide:

Project Integration Management.

Project Information (Context and


Project scope management.

Constitutive act of the project, Work

Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Management of the stakeholders of the


Identification of Interested.

Management of Project Human


RACI matrix.

Management of Project


Communications Matrix

Project Time Management.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in

the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods

to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

Activity Schedule, Critical Route, Gantt


Management of Project Costs.

Estimation of Costs.

Quality Management and Project Risks.

Quality Plan and Risk Planning.

Project closure

Closure Acceptance Form.

Context for the development of the WEB

application (BI Business Intelligence Tools)

A decentralized public organization whose

institutional objective is to offer basic and

normal quality education throughout the entity,

with the mission of meeting the educational

needs at its different levels, from initial,

preschool, primary and secondary education to

upper secondary education and higher.

The department of Warehouse depends

on the Subdirección of Material Resources and

Services, that in turn forms part of the Direction

of Material and Financial Resources (DRMyF),

and is the area in charge of the control of the

entrances and exits of the real estate that enter to

the warehouse in addition to being responsible

for the logistics and distribution of goods to the

agency (administrative units and schools).

Through the development of Information

Systems (IS), important and substantive

processes have been automated in the different

areas of the organization, which has been

decisive to offer goods and services of better

quality, as is the case of the Warehouse


At the operational level, the DRMyF's SI

have fulfilled their purpose, but when it is

necessary to consult information that serves as

support for decision-making at the managerial

level, it simply can not be obtained immediately

or in the business language that is needed. . The

problem lies in the fact that Business

Intelligence (BI) is not used to consult

information (historical, ordered, classified,

purified and grouped) that the Information

Systems (SI) generate, therefore, in many cases

they take Misinformed decisions, based on

intuition and uncertainty. Regarding the

Warehouse Department, the lack of information

of this type, does not allow planning and

defining the logistics and distribution of goods

to the agency (administrative units and schools),

which affects the maldistribution and use of

resources. The negative impact of this problem


Not having the necessary goods to use in

the school year (chairs, tables, desks,

blackboards, personal computers, printers,

stationery, etc.).

Lack of material for maintenance in

schools (cleaning material, waterproofing,


Consequently, it means (in the cases that

correspond) to have facilities in inadequate

conditions for the correct teaching of classes in

the schools.

With the present Analysis, we intend to

make the proposal for the development of the

WEB application (BI Tools) as part of the

Business Intelligence project in the Materials

and Financial Resources Division (case

Warehouse Department).

Critical Success Factors (FCE)

With respect to the development of the WEB

application (BI Tools) as part of the Business

Intelligence project in the Department of

Warehouse Materials and Financial Resources,

the FCEs are mentioned below:

It has the support of the Directorate of

Material and Financial Resources.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in

the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods

to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

Sufficient human capital to develop the

Business Intelligence project.

Technological Infrastructure suitable for

the development in WEB environment.

(Servers, Internet connection, and the

corporate network).

Trained staff.

Computer equipment suitable for the

WEB environment.

Design and proper construction of the

Data Warehouse.

Continuity of the project in case of a

change of administration


Based on the research carried out, it was detected

that the middle and upper management of the

DRMyF interviewed required to consult

information from the Warehouse System that

can not be obtained immediately, which could

serve as support for the decision-making process

in their respective areas.

Using the information generated by the

Warehouse System, in a useful and meaningful

way through the use of Business Intelligence

(BI), represents an added value to the use of the


The benefits that would be obtained with

the use of Business Intelligence, in the first

instance represent consulting information of the

Warehouse System that can not be obtained

immediately, that serves as a support to plan the

logistics and distribution of the goods to the

agency (units administrative and schools), which

could translate into allocate resources in an

equitable manner and where they are really

required, providing the necessary goods to

schools, and thus have facilities in suitable

conditions for teaching classes.

It is significant to mention that having the

possibility of consulting this type of information

could make the decision to supply materials and

furniture to the schools that require it in the short

term, according to the inventory reported by the

Warehouse Department.

The implementation of the Business

Intelligence (BI) project in the Warehouse

Department, contemplates the development of a

WEB application, which will be integrated by

the following BI tools:

A control panel integrated by reports and

graphics, with the option to carry out

specific searches.

Detailed views of the information

consulted, drill down.

Forecasts using standard statistical tools.

Developing a Business Intelligence

project is a feasible and adequate alternative

according to the study carried out. It has the

technological infrastructure, sufficient human

and financial resources, it was determined that

the BI Business Intelligence project in the

DRMyF is viable, there is no additional cost for

its realization because the ITL, as IT responsible

area, has the ability to develop the BI tools that

will integrate the WEB application.

The BI project has an inclusive

philosophy in the sense that it considers the use

of other BI tools that could be acquired or

developed in future stages, in order to make a

more robust project.

It is significant to mention that the true

potential of the use of Business Intelligence in

the DRMyF, will be able to be shown when it is

possible to integrate the information of the

existing IS in the Data Warehouse of the



Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in

the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods

to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

It is important to point out that the

present investigation proposes the use of

Business Intelligence (BI) to respond to the

problems posed, however it is not the only

option because there are other alternatives that

could be useful for the support of decision


One factor identified as a major threat to

the acceptance of the project is corruption, it is

well known that the lack of credibility and

honesty of some middle and top managers in

public positions could hinder the

implementation of BI projects, because it could

be consult historical information that you do not

want to disclose, but it is also true that you

should start using BI Business Intelligence to

give clarity to government efforts, in order to

improve the goods and services offered, in turn

to exercise the assigned resources efficiently and


The implementation of the BI project

aims to be a trigger for its use in other areas. It

also aims to be a reference guide for the

implementation of BI projects in public


Finally, it is important to indicate that

this study is only a starting point and that there

is the possibility of continuing with more in-

depth research that contributes ideas, concepts

and improvements to this project.


It is important to involve all the participants in

the project, clearly communicating the purpose

and purpose of the BI project in DRMyF, so that

it can work in a coordinated manner according to

the assigned activities in each phase of the


The support and participation of the

sponsors is fundamental, because the

authorization and allocation of resources depend

on them, so it is crucial to keep them informed

of the activities that are being carried out

according to the established communication

matrix, in order to achieve a commitment to the

project from its initiation to the conclusion.

The project plan in the Warehouse

Department is a document that establishes the

initiation and planning criteria for the project in

a simple and understandable way, so only

aspects applicable in the present study, taken

from the guide of the Fundamentals for Project

Management (PMBOK), with the aim of

providing clarity and formality to the proposed

result of the research carried out.


Bunge, Mario Augusto (2012): Tratado de

filosofía. Un mundo de sistemas. 1a. ed.

Barcelona: Gedisa.

Curto Díaz, Josep; Conesa Caralt, Jordi (2010):

Introducción al Business Intelligence.

Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Hernández Sampieri, Roberto; Fernández

Collado, Carlos; Baptista Lucio, Pilar (2014):

Metodología de la investigación. 6a ed. México,

D.F.: McGraw-Hill Education.

Laudon, Kenneth C.; Laudon, Jane Price;

Romero Elizondo, Alfonso Vidal; Cerón

Project Management Institute (2013): Guía de

los fundamentos para la dirección de proyectos

(Guía del PMBOK). Quinta edición. Newtown

Square, Pennsylvania: Project Management


Project Management Institute (2016): PMI

Capítulo México. Disponible en línea,

consultado 2/3/2017.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 21-32


María and HERNÁNDEZ-PRIETO, María de Lourdes. Application of Business Intelligence in

the warehouse department as support to improve the planning, logistics and distribution of goods

to educational institutions of the State of Mexico. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

SEIEM Programa de Desarrollo Institucional

(2013): PRODI 2012-2017.

Skyttner, Lars (2005): General systems theory.

Problems, perspectives, practice. 2nd ed.

Singapore, Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 33-44

Diagnosis in the phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process

to a small family business in the industrial sector


Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia

Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. Calle 5 de Febrero 818, Centro, Urb. No. 1, 85000 Cd Obregón, Son.

Received July 14, 2017; Accepted December 5, 2017


The present study is descriptive, non-experimental and qualitative, carried out at a small family business

in the industrial sector in Sonora, Mexico, trying to answer the question: How to improve the

organizational performance of a small family business in the region? To which an administrative

diagnosis was made in the planning and organization phases, with the objective of to implement

proposals for improvement through administrative diagnosis to improve the organizational performance

of a small family business in the region. Based on the results obtained in the diagnosis, an improvement

plan was proposed as well as its implementation process to start whit the plan. As conclusions, it is not

enough to have empirical knowledge to create a company, it must have administrative knowledge that

allows the formalization of activities and vital processes for the organization to function properly and

can has optimum growth. In addition, it is considered extremely important to support small companies

in the region to formalize activities and improve processes, leading to an improvement in their

organizational performance, reflected in better products and / or services offered to customers, leading

to greater permanence and market participation.

Administrative Diagnosis, Administrative Process, Small Family Business

Citation: NAVARRO-ARVIZU, Elba Myriam, LÓPEZ-PARRA, María Elvira, ESPERZA-GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and

CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small

family business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business economics; Marketing; Accounting

2017. 1-1; 33-44

* Correspondence to Author (email:

† Researcher contributing first author.

© RINOE Journal - Western Sahara


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 33-44


GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the

phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small family

business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved


Small and medium enterprises that have earned

in the economy of the countries, but despite this,

faces the diversity of problems that prevent them

from remaining and / or subsisting in the market.

Estrada, García & Sánchez (2009) state that due

to the structural characteristics of small

businesses, it is common that they present

disadvantages both in terms of resources and

capacities compared to large companies. In the

same way, the authors assure that the factors

related to the success or failure of a small

company are innovation, technology and

certification in quality, human resources and

strategic planning. Arroyo, Espinosa and Erazo

(2011) agree with what was stated by the

previous authors, assuring that in Mexico there

are structural problems that hinder the

development of SMEs, the situation in which

there are more countries in the world, they also

state that it is important study and research small

businesses, considering that it is an important

factor for the growth and development of the

country; and if to the above it is added that the

small business is familiar, there are several

authors who agree that it is a broad field of study,

since it is research in this field.

For the parties, operations, operations,

conditions, conditions, conditions and

requirements in the future; In addition, provide

services for people involved in the diagnosis and

implementation of improvement proposals,

acquire the knowledge to better face the change

and the situation that may arise; hence the

interest of conducting the present study.


Without considering the first organizations with

commercial and industrial activity it constitutes

an extension of the family, there has been very

little interest in its existence and economic

importance throughout history, according to

Soto (2013).

That is to say, the countries of South

America are interested in knowing and revaluing

the economic role of this type of companies that

began their study in the mid-80s, and in Mexico,

their study is even more conservative.

For its part, Lozano (2000) states that in

Latin America has not yet investigated the

origins and consequences of conflicts in family

businesses and the problems facing these

companies Try to collaborate with its extension,

which, generate an effect positive in the

economic dynamics.

According to data provided by the

National Survey on Productivity and

Competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises (ENAPROCE) (2015) conducted in

Mexico, of the total number of companies

considered, which were 26,997, 2% are small

businesses, which have 13.5% of the employed

personnel. 55.8% of the small companies

allocated the time and resources for the solution

and 30.8% of the prevention measures before the

productive process and the productive process.

24.4% of the small companies

considered that their business did not grow due

to excess of governmental and high procedures,

9.2% of them affirm that it is due to the lack of

credits, 11.7% due to the low demand of their

products, 7.5% due to the problems of public

insecurity, 14.9% affirm that it is due to the

competition of informal companies, 15.5%

assure that it is due to other problems, where the

low quality of raw materials, labor and

infrastructure is mentioned, Difficulty in

calculating taxes, energy costs and

telecommunications and problems in locating

the right personnel, only 16.8% of small

businesses that have no problem growing

(ENAPROCE, 2015).


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 33-44


GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the

phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small family

business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

Based on the above information, the

interest in carrying out this study, which is aimed

at SMEs in the region who are interested in

improving their performance through the

detection of areas of opportunity in the

administrative functions of Planning and

Organization, is increased. , with the purpose

that based on the results obtained, the elements

in these functions have been enabled, thus

elevating the quality of the products and services

offered to its customers, which will result in

greater participation and permanence in the



There are several studies to identify the

problems of SMEs, which have used two types

of approaches to characterize them, and which

Palomo (2005) calls "internal and external

approach". The first refers to the problems that

arise from the management of the business and

the economic sector to which it belongs and

which must be solved and improved as a

responsibility of the SME. The second approach

is the macroeconomic problems and over which,

the SME has no influence for its solution.

As a result of Palomo's (2005) analysis of

these studies, the main problems faced by SMEs

in Mexico are: lack of organization, which

includes the lack of a formal structure, lack of

written policies, lack of supervision,

performance standards and a planning system,

lack of staff training, high turnover and lack of

safety and hygiene; technological delay, lack of

accounting records, lack of financial resources,

lack of access to credit, lack of links with the

academic sector, lack of culture of process

innovation and technological development,

among others.

Likewise, Palomo (2005) mentions that

the publications available on the areas of

opportunity of SMEs are the same as those

studied for large companies, so the proposed

solutions do not concede the particularities of


In turn, Gon (2003) mentions in his study

that most of the companies he interviewed

present problems in matters of family strategic

planning, communication, human resource

management techniques and in the succession of

business administration, what causes that the

company loses efficiency and competitiveness in

comparison with other companies that do not

present these disadvantages.

On the other hand, in the research

conducted by Beltrán (2006) in small and

medium-sized Colombian companies, in order to

identify the main problems that directly affect

their competitive level, the twenty common

problems that occur to a greater or lesser degree

are indicated in them, such as the lack of a

strategic plan; the use of inadequate

methodologies for costing products or services

offered, lack of use of policies and instruments

to promote exports of programs created by the

government; ignorance of international trade

agreements; affected management due to non-

compliance of suppliers, use of low quality raw

materials, lack of technically skilled labor,

unfavorable labor legislation; lack of knowledge

of local and international potential markets,

entry barriers to these markets; accounting seen

as an instrument to fulfill a fiscal obligation, is

not used to make decisions; lack of medium and

long-term financial projections due to ignorance

of the tools to carry them out; high level of short-

term debt, little contribution of capital by the

partners, difficult access to credit; ignorance of

local and international competition; poor

selection of distribution channels used; low level

of technological development in production and

in the administrative team.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 33-44


GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the

phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small family

business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

In addition, Beltrán (2006) points out that

together with the previous problems, due to the

fact that most of the companies studied are

family SMEs, there are also situations that cause

conflict, such as the distribution of profits

between members of the family. the family who

work as those who do not work in the company;

there is informality in the mechanisms for

decision making, and operational aspects such as

schedules, discipline, remuneration of family

members who work in the company, among

others; generational shock in the face of

technological, commercial and financial

difficulties; claim of labor participation quotas

by political relatives; succession in the

command, among others.

Most of the problems mentioned by this

author, despite having been detected in

Colombian companies, can be considered in the

same way for Mexican organizations, as

mentioned by Gon (2003) and considering what

was presented by Palomo (2005).

In spite of the above, Soto (2013) affirms

that the research on the family business in

Mexico is in the process of being developed, so

there are still many lines of research that are


Starting from the above, on which there

is little research involving small family

businesses, in addition to considering the

problems that arise in this type of business, the

question arises in this study: How to improve the

organizational performance of a company? small

family business in the region?


Implement improvement proposals through

administrative diagnosis in order to improve the

organizational performance of a small family

business in the region.

Theoretical framework

Part of this investigation consisted in the

analysis of the following concepts:

Administrative diagnosis. For Gallego

and Triana (2015), the administrative diagnosis

has as main objective to analyze the company

and design improvement plans in its different

areas, allowing the administration to design new

strategies based on the results obtained, so that

the organization can be more competitive and

That way you can survive and grow in the long


Campos, L., Ribeiro, M., Santos, K.,

Azevedo, K. and Sant'Ana, T. (2008), cite Santos

(2002), who states that administrative diagnosis

is a method of quantitative analysis performed

through data, at a given moment, of the causes of

low productivity of performance, identifying

deficiencies and imbalances, in order to develop

a program of reorganization and facilitation of

decision making.

For its part, Carballo (2013), says it is a

study that seeks to determine how the

organization is, its organizational structure, its

plans and programs, the coordination that exists

in each of its areas as well as the decisions taken

by the directors. Similarly, the author cites

Martínez (1998) who states that when putting

into practice an administrative diagnosis, there

are two main purposes: a) to serve as a basis for

concrete actions and, b) to base the strategies that

will be implemented with based on the needs of

the interested parties.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 33-44


GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the

phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small family

business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

Therefore, considering the

conceptualization provided by the

aforementioned authors, it can be affirmed that

the administrative diagnosis is a study through

which the organization and each one of the areas

that compose it is thoroughly known, and is

carried out with the purpose to detect areas of

opportunity in which concrete strategies are

implemented so that the company is more

competitive and can have greater permanence in

the market.

Administrative process. According to

Luna (2014) it is the base of the administration,

formed by a set of continuous and interrelated

stages through which the administration is

applied. Likewise, he mentions that the

administrative process is divided into two

phases: a) mechanics, which is the theoretical

part of the administration where what is to be

done is defined; and b) the dynamics, where it is

established how to lead the organization.

Blandez and Editorial Digital UNID

(2016), conceptualize the administrative process

as the functions performed by administrators

within organizations and receives that name

because within the companies are systematized

important activities for the achievement of

objectives, which are: establishment of these

objectives, allocation of the necessary resources,

coordination of activities and verification of

compliance with the objectives.

On the other hand, Benavides (2014)

ensures that the administrative process is to plan,

organize, integrate, direct and control the

activities of the organization, using the resources

with which it has the purpose of reaching

previously established goals, adding that the

functions of the administrative process are

constant and interminable, as well as dynamic

and interrelated.

It broadens its conceptualization by

pointing out that the raison d'être of every

company is the needs generated in the market,

which become the main input for it based on

which its purpose is established, and it is here,

the author mentions, "where the art of

administration is shown "; affirming that the

tasks of the administration are not a continuous

series of steps, but are performed

simultaneously, that is, the administrators can be

directing activities and at the same time planning

and controlling, and then repeat the planning and

so on depending of the requirements of the


Therefore, analyzing what has been said

by these authors, it can be said that the

administrative process is the set of interrelated

functions that each administrator performs in

order to achieve the objectives established in the


Small family business. For Miller and Le-

Breton (2005), quoted by Romero (2006) family

business is "that organization owned by a family,

which is controlled and managed maintaining

the expectation that the company continues from

one generation to another." The same author

assures that there are great difficulties in

investigating this type of companies, because

they seek to protect their confidentiality; his

field of study is very recent, the most important

publication on this subject is made in March

1988: the Family Business Review.

Another conceptualization, provided by

Bastar (2013) is: "entity for the purpose of

generating profits that is owned by a family, and

whose management / operation is in the hands of

members of said family" The same author

assures that in Latin America, the majority of

micro and small companies are family owned,

and are those that generate the highest

percentage of employment.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 33-44


GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the

phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small family

business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

On the other hand, Claver, Rienda and

Pertusa, E. (2004) affirm that there is no clear

and unique definition of this type of companies,

but there are three features that distinguish them

and must be present when it refers to them: a)

transfer of the business through the different

generations, b) ownership and management

mostly in the hands of a family, and c) the

involvement of said family in everything

concerning the firm. Based on this, the authors

conceptualize it as "any organization whose

ownership and direction is mostly in the hands

of a family and there is a desire for continuity

towards the following generations, inculcating

its members with a sense of identity through

family culture".

On the other hand, Tàpies (2011) mentions

that the European Group of Owner Managed and

Family Enterprises (GEEF), a European

association founded in 1997 by associations of

family businesses from different countries,

proposed a definition in 2009 that seems to be

accepted in a majority, ensuring that any

company, regardless of its size, is considered a

family business if: a) the majority of the shares

with voting rights belong to the individual who

founded the company, the person or individuals

who have acquired the company , or their

spouses, parents, children or descendants

thereof; b) the possession of the majority of the

shares with the right to vote may be directly or

indirectly; c) at least one representative of the

family is involved in the governance and

administration of the company; d) listed

companies are considered to be family members

if the person who founded or acquired the

company or their families or descendants owns

at least 25% of the voting rights conferred by

their percentage of share capital.

On the other hand, Geneva (2005)

provides as characteristics of the family business

the following variables: a) relationships of

affection, meaning that the ties that unite them

are the same that will procure reciprocal welfare;

b) enormous comprehension, they know each

other very well, so the formal communication is

very little; c) acceptance of the authority,

whether of the father, mother or older siblings;

and d) common purpose, to be a family there is

unity of its members, which makes them have an

end in common. Likewise, Rojo, Diéguez and

López (2011), cite Comblé et Colot (2006) who

argues that there are three elements that must be

present to classify a company as a family: 1) the

control of capital by the family, 2) the active

participation of the family in the management of

the company, and 3) the transmission or

willingness to transmit the company to the next


In addition to the above, there are several

criteria to classify the size of the company, the

one suggested by Luna (2014) is shown in Table

1, which is based on the number of employees,

according to Small Business Administration,

Financial Executives in Mexico and Nacional

Financiera, who also presents the classification

by economic sector:

National Financial Small




















Micro 1- 30 1-5 1-20 -- --

Little 31-


6-20 21-


1-250 1-25





21-100 51-


251-500 26-


Big +500 +100 +100 +500 +251

Source: Own elaboration with information from Luna


Table 1 Classification of the company


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 33-44


GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the

phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small family

business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

Taking into consideration the

aforementioned, it can be added that the small

family business is any economic entity that,

according to the sector to which it belongs,

complies with the number of employees required

and the administration of the same is in the hands

of a member of the family who is considered the

owner of that company.

Research Methodology

The present investigation is descriptive, not

experimental and qualitative. Because it

describes the characteristics and current

situation of the small family business under

study, in addition to identifying areas of

opportunity, collecting data and obtaining

information without manipulation of variables.

Object of study. Small family business in

the industrial sector, which manufactures and

repairs hot-dog cars.

It was founded in 2010 when the owner of

the company buys the first hot-dog trolleys that

make up the group of this business, which, in the

beginning, were rented. Because the business

was growing rapidly, by 2012 it is necessary to

buy more cars not only to rent them, but also to

sell them, getting involved for this date in the

family business the owner's son. Currently there

are five family members involved in the


In 2016 the founder of the company dies,

so his son takes charge, who expands the

business, besides renting and selling the hot-dog

cars, he bought machinery necessary to start with

the manufacture and repair thereof.

Instruments. To obtain the information

required in the present investigation, two

instruments were elaborated, with the purpose of

evaluating the functions of planning and

organization of the administrative process of the

small family business under study, which were

answered by the manager of the business.

The content of these instruments is

described below:

a) for the planning phase, the questionnaire

was composed of twenty items, focused on

knowing if the organization has mission, vision,

objectives, values, strategies, policies,

procedures, programs and rules, as well as

questioning who is involved in the preparation of

plans and in the decision making of the

organization. Some of the questions were open

and others were dichotomous. The questions

about the mission have as objective to know if

this one is designed in attachment to the turn of

the company, if it is clear and known by the

employees; The questions about the objectives

are intended to know if the company has them, if

they are written and if they have been made

known to employees. When asking about the

strategies, it is with the purpose of knowing if

they are related to the established goals and

objectives. Questions about policies, regulations

and procedures seek to identify if they have been

established for the organization and transmitted

to employees.

The purpose of the questions about

programs and decision making is to obtain

information about who participates in its

elaboration as well as the procedure that is

followed to apply them.

b) to obtain information in the

Organization phase, the instrument consists of

twenty-two questions related to organizational

charts, job descriptions, administrative manuals

and authority, seeking information on the

organizational structure and the appropriate use

of administrative tools. The questions about the

organization chart have the objective of knowing

if the company has this, if it is updated and

designed according to the current structure of the

organization. The questions regarding the job

description are intended to know first if you have

them, if so, if they were developed considering

all the activities carried out in each position that

makes up the organizational structure.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 33-44


GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the

phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small family

business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

The rest of the questions are focused on

knowing if the organization has administrative

manuals, and if these are known and used by

employees. Finally, the authority is questioned,

if the employees know the lines of authority

contained in the organization chart, if there is

delegation of authority to said employees and if

this authority is clearly defined for each of the


Procedure. To carry out this investigation

the following procedure was developed:

1. Contact with the company under study.

First, a search was made of small family

businesses that agreed to participate in the

research project, resulting in the company that

manufactures and repairs hot-dog cars.

2. Familiarization with the company under

study. Through an interview with the owner of

the company the research project was presented,

explaining in detail the objective of the study,

the procedure to be followed and the benefits

that could be obtained by participating in the


3. Characterization of the small family

business. Once the company was presented with

the research project, a characterization of it was

carried out, through a structured interview with

the owner of the company, obtaining

information about its background, turnover,

number of employees, products and / or services

offered to the market, types of customers, among


4. Design and validation of the instrument

to obtain information. The instrument was

designed to perform the administrative diagnosis

of the planning and organization functions.

5. Application of the designed instrument.

Once the designed instrument was validated, it

was applied to the person in charge of the small

family business, since it is the person indicated

to answer the questions raised due to their

experience and seniority within the organization.

6. Analysis of the information obtained.

Based on the answers that were obtained when

applying the designed instrument, the

administrative diagnosis of the planning and

organization functions was elaborated, which

reflects the real situation presented by the small

family business in these areas.

7. Preparation of improvement proposals.

From the obtained diagnosis, the elaboration of

proposals of improvement for the areas of

opportunity detected in the small family

business, denro of the phases of planning and

organization was derived.

8. Development of improvement proposals

for the small family business. Based on the

improvement proposals elaborated, we

proceeded to the design and development of the

same, in order that the employer can implement

them in the short term.

9. Preparation of the final report. A report

of results was prepared to present the

entrepreneur, which contains the diagnosis

made, the proposed improvement proposals and

the development of the same, in addition a

process of implementation of said proposals is



The administrative diagnosis of the planning and

organization functions prepared based on the

information obtained by applying the designed

instrument is as follows:

The company under study is a small family

business where five members of the family are

part of the staff. This organization was formed

based on the empirical knowledge of the hot-dog

carts that its founder had, starting operations in

2010 when he bought the first trolleys which, at

that time, were for rent only.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 33-44


GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the

phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small family

business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

For the year 2012, the business grows and

the purchase of more carts is made but not only

to rent, but also to sell them for what the owner

decides to involve his son, and to whom he

shares his knowledge about the business of the

dogs. At the beginning of 2016, the founder of

the small family business dies, leaving his son in

charge of the business, who in turn begins to

involve his son due to the increase in the

clientele and the flow of the activities of the

organization, who proposes to implement new

strategies to the business, venturing on this

occasion, in addition to the rent and sale, the

design and assembly of cars for hot-dog, so it

had to acquire the necessary machinery for the

assembly of this product. With the acquisition of

said machinery, it also began with the repair of

the units that had been operating the longest,

allowing the repair of units to individuals to be

added to their list of services. Therefore, the type

of customers to whom this business directs its

products and services are all those people

interested in starting a business selling hot dogs

and who do not want or can not buy the car, so it

is necessary to renten one; people who have the

economic capacity to appropriate the hot-dog car

to start or continue with this business, and people

who already have a car, but need to provide

maintenance and / or repair to continue with their


As part of the diagnosis, despite the fact

that the family business grew rapidly, the people

who have been directing it lack theoretical

knowledge about administrative issues, which

has led to a lack of formal planning, therefore, it

does not They have a vision, mission, objectives,

values, regulations, or some other type of plan.

Currently, the only rules that apply are those

related to hours of operation and the use of

machinery, but these are not in writing and are

made known to employees only by word of

mouth. In the same way, the activities and

procedures executed and that are vital for the

functioning of the organization, are not

formalized either.

An advantage that the organization under

study presents is that the five members of the

family who are working in it contribute directly

to the decisions that are made, discussing the

alternatives and solution options that can be

taken; However, the measurement of the

achievement of objectives is lacking, since when

these are not found in writing, there is no basis

on which the degree of compliance is measured.

Although employees say they are clear

about their activities, there is evidence of

duplication of functions, as well as a lack of

clarity or knowledge about who they directly

depend on and who they have to report to, since

the small family business lacks a organization

chart where each of the posts that make up the

organizational structure and its hierarchical

levels are captured and there is no document

describing and detailing the activities that must

be carried out in each of the positions that make

up this organizational structure. Similarly, there

is no procedure manual, currently only one

document is used that is located on the wall of

the area where the hot-dog trolleys are

manufactured or repaired, in which the

measurements of each one of them are specified.

the parts of the cart, as well as the instructions to

assemble it. This document is based on the

employees of the production area both for the

manufacture of new cars and to reassemble those

to whom some type of repair or maintenance is

performed. Both the procedure and the measures

are the same as they have been since the

company started operations.

The improvement proposals developed

and developed for this organization, start from

the deficiencies detected through the

administrative diagnosis made and are the


1) Design the mission, vision, objective

(s), values, regulations, procedures and any type

of plan that is considered vital for the

functioning of this organization.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 33-44


GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the

phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small family

business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

2) Prepare the organization chart of the

small family business that contains the positions

that make up its organizational structure.

3) Design job descriptions for each of the

positions that are part of the structure of the

company, which details the activities to be

performed in each of them, as well as the

specifications of the same.

4) Formalize both administrative and

production processes that are carried out in the

small family business, through the detailed

description of these.

5) Design and implementation of an

organization manual.

6) Design and implementation of a

procedures manual, describing the processes of

production, repair, rent, and all those processes

vital for the proper functioning of the


7) Rearrangement of the facilities, which

will allow more space for new machinery or

simply have greater breadth and comfort for


8) Formalize the rental process of the units

through the design and implementation of a

contract, which is used at the time of renting

those units, thus avoiding losses, either by theft

or mistreatment of these.

In addition to the administrative diagnosis,

the design and development of improvement

proposals, an implementation plan for these

improvements was also presented to the

organization, in order to ensure a greater

proportion of the objective of the present

investigation, leaving the Following way:

1) Present the mission, vision, objective

(s), values and other types of plans designed to

the employees in an informative meeting, also

taking advantage of the presentation of the

organization chart and other documents that are

part of the company's formalization.

2) Review jointly the manuals of both

organization and procedures, because with the

design of the job description, the functions of

each position must vary, thus avoiding

duplication of functions that has been presented.

The above is important because in this way the

employer will ensure that each of its employees

knows in detail all these documents and can

perform their activities under this new scheme.

3) Place in a visible place within the

organization at least the mission, vision,

objective (s) and organization chart since it is

important that all workers can be constantly

consulting said documents.

4) Provide each employee with a copy of

both the organization manual and the procedures

manual, so that they are available to them

whenever they need to consult them.

5) Safeguard in a safe place the originals

of the documentation designed, to start from

these, make the relevant updates at the time that

is required.


Based on the results obtained in the study made

to this organization, it can be confirmed that the

creation of a company can be done based solely

on the empirical knowledge available to the

owner or founder of it; but these are not enough,

it is necessary to have administrative knowledge,

which will allow the formalization of activities

and vital processes for its proper functioning and

optimal growth process.


Article RINOE Journal December 2017 Vol.1 No.1 33-44


GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the

phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small family

business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


RINOE® All rights reserved

With the proposals for improvement and

the process of implementation of the same made

to the small family business under study, it is

concluded that it is of the utmost importance to

support small businesses in the region to

formalize their activities and improve their

processes, which will give origin to an

improvement in their organizational

performance, reflected in better products and / or

services to offer their customers, which in turn

will lead to greater permanence and participation

of the market.


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GARCÍA, Irma Guadalupe and CLARK-MENDÍVIL, Yesenia. Diagnosis in the

phases of Planning and Organization of the Administrative Process to a small family

business in the industrial sector. Journal-Business administration and business

economics; Marketing; Accounting 2017


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