john jacob's brand book

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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A book about who I am and what I stand for.







Hard Working

















Logical John makes decisions with his head, he will make decisions based on facts and reason. John can be seen as unexpressive emotionally. John will rely on his intellect and logic during times of crisis and stress, when others might become hysterical, John has poise.

Practical John is a practical person whose goals are planned, reasonable, and down to earth. He enjoys planning and anticipation of projects. He feels he has the ability to achieve anything he sets his mind to. However, he sets his goals according to practicality not “too out of reach” . John will be motivated by tangible benefits more than emotional ones.

oing t

hings they can “go to hell”. He m

ay also use sarcasm as a defe





Defensive John may be sensitive to critisism

. He m

ay have the attitude that if some o

ne d


’t lik

e th


way he

is d




l John w

ill build facts on top of one another to com

e to a conclusion.H

e may

be less adaptable to new

ideas but better equiped to handle repitition. H

e w

ill be production orientated.H

is effort should result in an a tangible product or idea.



ve J






agination and creativity to sol ve problems. H

e will allow

people into his circle of trust.

oing t

hings they can “go to hell”. He m

ay also use sarcasm as a defe





Defensive John may be sensitive to critisism

. He m

ay have the attitude that if some o

ne d


’t lik

e th




ve J






agination and creativity to sol ve problems. H

e will allow

people into his circle of trust.I give it a...

CI was suprised at how much I agreed

with the anaylsis. I do feel like I am a fairly rational and practical

person. That my decisions are based on logic and not emotion. However,

the same things that the handwriting analysis got right, such as logic, practical, and procedural doomed it from getting a higher, grade. First of all, I got this from The Handwriting Wizard and I don’t trust wizards, fortune tellers, or astrologers. If you make something vague enough and include enough modifiers like may, possibly, and probably then anything applies to anyone. For example, It’s true I’m fairly rational and logical, but who exactly would say that they’re irrational? Even people who do illogical things rationalize them until they sound logical. Second, I’ve never liked things that try to determine who I am. Demographics, psycographics, peer groups, these are all things that may be part of my story but don’t define me. This analysis makes it sound as if I’m a robot, but I can be fun and energetic, and people love to have me at parties.

So in conclusion I enjoyed the analysis, it was entertaining to do and pretty

close, but it’s hardly a perfect indicator of who I am.

Leonardo da Vinci, painter, sculptor, mathamatician, engineer, biologist, botanist, and muscian. In 67 years Da Vinci lived enough for 10 lives. Leonardo da Vinci was a true renaissance man. A constant experimentor and thinker, Da Vinci is the best example of what genius, creativity, curiosity, and hard work can accomplish.

John Jacob - Writer, actor, photoshoper, flash programmer, indesign screamer at-er, comedian, and proof-reader. In no way would I ever compare myself to Da Vinci. His intellect and imagination were were peerless. However, I have the love of pushing boundries to see what is possible, and the belief that human creativity is the only resource that we have that is completely limitless.

Extra time at


Extra Turn

Learn to read.

Go Spot G


Extra Turn

Walk into the

class bathroom

while a girl is in


Lose a Turn

Move to a new


Free Move


as in Florida w

ith G


Move A

head one.

2cd Grade

teacher has no control of


Lose a Turn

Stupid Swim


lessons. You hate them

soo much.

Move back one



Leave all of your friends behind.


lways R


Mr. B




Extra Turn

High School.

Get a Fresh Start.

Move A

head One

Boy Scouts

teaches you valuable skills.

Gain A


You love D

ungeons and D

ragons. C

all everyone M

y Lord or Lady.

Feel trapped in M

iddle school.

Flip until heads.



Flip until heads.

Bad G

rades in M

iddle school.

Flip until heads.

My LifeThe Board Game!

To Start the Game:To begin every player plays rock-paper-scissors to see who goes first. Players then place their pieces. No two players may start the game on the same blue space.

MovementTo Move: Each player flips a coin, heads means the player moves forward 1 space. Tails means the players must move to the left or right. If a player cannot move to the left or right because of a permanent their turn is simply over.


1-5 6

8 9 11 14 1 6 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 .

First Car

“The Corsicar”

Free Move

Get lost in D


Lose a turn

First Car

“The Corsicar”

Free Move

1-5 6

8 9 11 14 1 6 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 .


Leave all of your friends behind A

lways Left.

First Car

“The Corsicar”

Free Move

Get lost in D


Lose a turn

First Car

“The Corsicar”

Free Move

Start the M

iami A

d School.


ain a Nullify

You’re not good at com

puter program


Lose a Turn.

21st Birthday Party.


ove perm


Break up w

ith H

igh School sw

eetheart.Lose a Turn

Cousin takes you to C

anada for birthday. R






Only flip a

penny with your

opposite hand.

Still Delivering

Pizza’s at 25. N

ot exactly a prestigous job.G

o back 2 spaces.

Friends getting m

arried, you’re still single.

Go back 2 spaces.

You are good at


Free move

You’re not good at engineering

either.Lose a Turn.

First Girlfriend.

Gain a N


Great H

igh School M


ain A Turn

Dent up the


Lose a turn


o job at graduation.

Tails now m

ove you backw


Make D

runken idiot of yourself. B

egin every turn w

ith a dance.

Graduate C

ollege R

emove all


Do w

ell at C


unity C


ove ahead one

Take the sum

mer for


ain A turn

Start MSU

Go G


Move ahead one.

Your new room

is aw



ain a turn.


Game Concepts Free Move: Move 1 space in any direction then do the action on that space.Move Forward/Back: Move 1 space in the direction specified but do not do the action on that space. Permanents: Repeat the action on that space until you nullify it or land on a space with Remove all permanents. You may have more than one permanent at a time. (Permanents: Call everyone My Lord or Lady, Always Left/Right, Flip with Opposite Hand, Tails moves you backwards, Begin every turn with a dance). If the player does not perform their action they lose their next turn.

Always Left/Right: On tails the player must always choose the specified direction. If they can not move that direction their turn is over.

Flip until heads: The player must remain at that space until the coin flips heads up. If they flip a tails their turn is simply over. Nullify: Nullify allows you to either remove one permanent from yourself or to skip the action on any space. Players should keep track of nullifies with a piece of scratch paper.

Food for the body

Wonder Bread - I’ve been told I’m very white. Not in a Klansy sort of way, but I don’t tan well, I grew up on a farm and I’m not above using words like darn and shenanigans.

Barilla Pasta -I’m skinny and tall. ‘nuff said.

Jack in the Box - My friends are always waiting for me to do something outrageous or unexpected. They say that I’m full of suprises, and I am. Betty Crocker- No one

would ever guess but I can make a mean muffin. Try my baking sometime, you’ll be impressed.

One of my favorite magazines. Smart, concise, articles about every major event happening during the week. From world politics, to culture, to science, Time magazine is one of the best ways to keep abreast of current events. I’m known for being up on a lot of current events and politics, so I’m proud to be associated with the Time brand.

From the very traditional to the new media, aggregates the daily news according to users referals. While I appreciate the most interesting articles rising to the top, I worry about what happens to the news stories that we need to hear when they become mediated by what the general population decides is interesting. In any case, sites like Digg are the growing pains of how news content will be delivered inthe future.

And food for thought

Against all odds. We can do it. We can win.

Historically inaccurate, blatantly stylized, and pretty thin on plot, 300 ranks as one of my favorite action movies. One of my favorite images is the Spartan phalanx. To me it symbolize the ability to resist anything as long as you’re willing to hold your ground. Life can be hard. Work, school, chores, and responsibilities can all seem as unstoppable as a rushing army, but if you’re willing to draw a line in the sand, do your absolute best and rely on your friends and family, you can accomplish almost anything. Even if you don’t, remember the saying “fail harder”, sometimes greatness is achieved through trying the impossible.

The only sensibi le way is to l ive without rules.

Why, why, why would I be against rules?

Rules help us play nice, to get along, to determine who’s right and wrong.

But people follow rules without ever asking why. People will follow the rules even if it’s to their own destruction.

And rules can turn nasty real quick. People can be abhorrently cruel and justify it because they’re just following the rules.

Rules I’ve found are unbendable unless the peo

ple in

charge need them to bend.

You’d be amazed at how many rules are ill-defined.

I agree with the concept of rules, just not the execution.

I don’t think we should ask

if we are following the rule


We should ask “are we doing the right thing?”

What kind of knight are you?

One of a kind.









The World is Kind I believe that we’re going to make it. Everyday I watch the news and it’s so easy to fall into despair. Wars, economic hardships, global pollution, all seem to be caused by people unwilling to make the right choice and yet these aren’t the norm. The people who will stop to help a stranger, the people who work towards justice, or pick up trash these are the invisible people in society, but they do it everyday. If you look at history every single day has been better than the last for humanity. Everyday people gain rights, technology makes lives easier, and we move towards the knowledge that the things that hurt others truly hurt us. That social and economic justice should not belong to royalty, or the wealthy, or white men, but to everyone. The growth of global media has given to those who have the least a forum to be acknowledged and to be seen and voicing grievances is the first step to having them resolved. Humanities path to working towards what is right is never ending, the lines are not always clear and the path is undeniably difficult, but people walk it everyday and small victories turn into the rights and opportunities that give everyone a chance to succeed. So to the future I say bring it on, bring on the challenges of a generation, bring on global warming, bring on poverty and social inequality, bring on the evil men who would wallow in there own greed and lust for power. These are not things that we haven’t faced before. We’ve faced wars, plagues, and oppression and humanity on the whole has shown a resolution to say, no we are not so weak as to allow these things to continue. We can look into our past and see the shameful failings of humankind and acknowledge that we’ve failed entire groups of people, but in doing so, we learn from our mistakes. Even though we as a species can be frustratingly slow to learn from our mistakes, we do learn. Everyday people make the right choices, silently and thanklessly working towards the world I know we all can imagine. I believe we are going to make it.

The World is Cruel I believe that human beings are somehow getting stupider. Everyday I watch the I look around me and I say, good we’ve finally hit the bottom, there is no way we can get any worse than this, and yet some how we do, someone manages to be stupider, lazier, or greedier than the person the day before. Don’t confuse intelligence with knowledge. I’ll be the first to admit we’re more knowledgeable today than at any point in history, more technologically advanced, and yet still somehow ignorance is the one who benefits. Take for example the internet. We have instantaneous access to almost any information on the planet. Theoretically people could learn almost any language, skill, or ability for free during the most convenient time for them. What do we do with this amazing technology? Well as far as I can tell, besides look at porn, most people do one of two things. The first is to make up or fall for spam and scams that are so blatantly obvious they might as well have the text “how incredibly stupid are you?” written on them. The second is to engage in pointless arguments, it really doesn’t matter the subject religion, sports, and politics are favorites but anything people can use to call each other Nazi Communist faggots and then misspell every other word is fine. That’s the stupidity that’s done just out of ignorance, don’t forget mans infinite capacity to be stupid and greedy. Why do corporations pay billions of dollars for influence in government, or move to countries where they can outright buy the right to do whatever they want? It’s so men who have so much money they literally could not spend it all in their lifetime, can make just a little bit more. They take the bread out of the mouths of the hungry so they can have an extra bedroom that they’ll probably never walk into. So I believe that the world is cruel and ignorant. I believe the challenges of this decade will be shuffled off onto the next generation, the same thing that’s been done every generation, until the whole system collapses in on itself. I believe the planet will stop supporting us first, but it’ll be a close race between that and us destroying ourselves.

Dylan Klebold potential

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