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HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

JOB DESCRIPTION 1. JOB TITLE: Senior Assistant Registrar:

Student Affairs (Academic Appeals and Malpractice)

2. HRMS REFERENCE NUMBER: HRMS/13289 3. ROLE CODE: FINSAR 4. DEPARTMENT: Academic Quality and Enhancement

– Academic Quality Support Services (AQSS)


The role holder is responsible to the Dean of Academic Quality and Enhancement (AQE) for the operational management and coordination, across the University, of the academic appeals and academic malpractice procedures for taught provision from level Z to level 8.

In this, the role holder is responsible for contributing to the maintenance of the quality and standards of the University’s awards by ensuring that all aspects of the relevant regulations are applied fairly and consistently in all cases.

The role holder is also responsible for identifying any individual or strategic quality or standards issues that may arise from consideration of academic appeals and academic malpractice cases, and for using their judgement either to deal with the issue directly or to advise the Dean of AQE accordingly.

The role holder also:

is responsible for ensuring responsive and proactive communication is maintained by AQSS with the Faculties and professional support departments within the University and, where relevant, with academic partner organisations

is responsible for the preparation of written reports for the Dean and other members of the University, including SMT, regarding quality assurance or enhancement matters relating to, or arising from, academic appeals and malpractice.

7. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Academic Quality Support Services (AQSS) exists to provide advice, guidance and administrative support in the areas of quality assurance and

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

enhancement, and in relation to external academic review. It is also charged with the maintenance of the University’s Quality & Standards Manual and other documentation associated with quality assurance and quality control, and seeks to ensure adherence across the institution to the regulations and requirements contained therein, in the light of the UK Quality Code. AQSS has responsibilities to the University for ensuring that the expectations of QAA and HEFCE are fulfilled in respect of all matters relating to academic quality and standards. To this end, it is essential that that the University’s regulations and procedures for academic appeals and malpractice are routinely reviewed and updated as appropriate, and the role holder has key responsibility for oversight and monitoring of their implementation. The Dean of Academic Quality and Enhancement is responsible at a strategic level for leading developments and preparations relating to the QAA Higher Education Review method. The role holder is required to support the Dean actively in meeting these responsibilities in relation to the academic appeals and malpractice procedures and in the appropriate use of their outcomes for enhancement of academic provision and the experience of students. 8. WORK PERFORMED AND/OR KEY RESULT AREAS: 8.1 Communicating Effectively Oral Communication The role holder:

communicates proactively on a daily basis with a range of staff across the institution, both in central departments and at faculty/academic department level, in order to explain internal and external (particularly QAA and OIA) requirements

provides clear advice and guidance to staff at all levels in the University on policies, procedures and sector-wide developments in relation to academic appeals, academic malpractice, and general matters of quality assurance and enhancement as appropriate to the role

communicates regularly (several times a week) with chairs and members of appeals boards and academic malpractice panels, giving procedural and regulatory advice, the impact of which will affect individual cases and may also develop case law within the system

presents new or revised procedures to University committees for approval, explaining complex conceptual ideas on the basis of specialist knowledge in order to justify the proposal (occasionally, every few months).

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

Written Communication The role holder:

frequently writes detailed outcome letters for academic appeals cases, where complex decisions have to be explained to the recipient, who will be a student or potentially a solicitor acting on behalf of a student

frequently writes detailed Completion of Procedures letters which will enable a student to take their case to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA), describing the case and explaining the complex decisions made in relation to the case

occasionally writes briefing papers or letters for the Vice Chancellor and other members of the Senior Management Team about particular cases

writes papers, for example annual reports for the University’s Academic Quality and Enhancement Committee, reviewing and evaluating the previous year’s academic appeals and academic malpractice procedures, analysing complex data and drawing attention to any external developments in the sector; and making recommendations based on the report and external requirements

writes detailed reports to the Dean of AQE on behalf of an academic appeals board or academic malpractice panel, where occasional matters of University-wide concern have been raised

annually updates the Quality and Standards Manual sections relating to academic appeals and academic malpractice, ensuring that any proposed changes are discussed with the Registrar or Deputy Registrar, and ensures that any changes to the assessment regulations are, where necessary, taken into account within the academic appeals and academic malpractice regulations

reviews the quality assurance procedures, policies and guidance drafted by others, e.g. Senior Assistant Registrars in AQSS, including proposals for committee approval and the annually-updated Quality and Standards Manual, to ensure that any changes which impact upon the academic appeals and academic malpractice areas are considered.

All this involves information which needs careful explanation or interpretation to help others understand, taking into account what to communicate and how best to convey the information to others. This usually requires detailed and specialist knowledge and an understanding of the complexities pertaining to University regulations and committee procedures in order to collect, interpret and present information appropriately for each type of written requirement.

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

8.2 Leadership and Working Collaboratively The role holder:

line-manages three members of staff in AQSS: two Policy Implementation Officers (Student Affairs) and an Administrator; and additionally, on a seasonal basis, a further member of staff recruited through the student Unijob scheme. The role holder ensures that the post-holders make a full contribution to the work of the department, particularly in their specialist areas. As such, the role holder is responsible for clarifying the requirements of these members of staff, agreeing clear task objectives, organising and delegating work fairly and maintaining high motivation.

coordinates the contributions of those colleagues, in AQSS and on a cross-University basis, involved in the business of academic appeals boards and academic malpractice panels, and ensures that action is taken on follow-up work as appropriate

ensures that members of the team are made aware of the requirements of external bodies eg QAA, OIA, and for keeping the team updated, where appropriate on strategic developments within the department and the University which may impact directly upon their specialist roles, or upon their wider roles within the department

acts as AQSS lead, working closely with the Director of Learning and Teaching, and other academic staff and students, on actively promoting academic integrity in students’ studies and assessments

works closely with the Academic Partnerships Liaison Manager over the application of appeals and malpractice procedures in academic partner institutions.

The role holder is a member of the senior management team of AQSS and as such contributes to the framing of departmental policy and practice both proactively and in response to specific issues which have arisen within the University. It is also an important requirement to represent the Dean of Academic Quality and Enhancement, for example at regular meetings of senior University staff and at Faculty Boards of Studies. 8.3 Liaison and Networking The role holder:

liaises, often on a daily basis, with the Dean of Academic Quality & Enhancement over the interpretation of relevant regulations

liaises with sabbatical officers and permanent staff of the Students’ Union, to ensure that the student voice is heard in the development and implementation of procedures, and in more involved or unusual

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

cases where the Students’ Union, representing the student, may need advice and guidance

establishes and maintains pools of academic staff as chairs and members of University academic malpractice panels and academic appeals boards, so as to secure their participation in the maintenance of effective processes, to update them on developments in the sector, to garner opinion and advice on proposed development of relevant procedures, and to facilitate moderation of decision making by use of case studies. This requires the role holder to win the trust and confidence of those asked to participate in such processes, and to explain the rationale for the processes, which may not be immediately apparent.

liaises closely and frequently with senior colleagues in Registry, usually the Registrar or Deputy Registar, over regulatory and administrative matters relating to the resultant outcomes following academic appeals boards, academic malpractice panels

liaises frequently with members of academic and support staff, often at a senior level, giving advice about regulatory situations, e.g. briefing and advising the Chairs and members of Academic Appeals Boards, and Pro-Vice Chancellors who may be reviewing cases

liaises with senior Faculty staff, the Deputy Registrar, and the University Proctor as appropriate, over complex cases

liaises with the Dean of Students or Head of Disability to ensure that any changes to disability procedures are reflected where necessary in the academic appeals procedures, and taken into account when advising academic appeals boards and academic malpractice panels

liaises with Dean of Students and senior members of Student Support and Guidance staff over sensitive cases relating to welfare of students and changes to areas within the remit of SSG with regard to potential effects on student academic appeals or academic malpractice

liaises with the Institutional Compliance officer on matters relating to OIA cases, to UK Visas and Immigration requirements, and to Freedom of Information requests and data protection issues, as they pertain to academic appeals and academic malpractice cases and data

chairs occasional working groups relating to academic appeals and academic malpractice

attends the Board of Studies of at least one Faculty (normally five times per annum) as representative of the Dean of AQE, advising on quality and regulatory matters, and on occasion may also attend meetings of the Faculty Administrators’ Forum in order to disseminate information and discuss developments of mutual professional interest

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

liaises with the staff of the Graduate School and advises the Dean of Research and the Senior Assistant Registrar of the Graduate School on matters relating to undergraduate and taught postgraduate academic appeals and academic malpractice cases, where they have an impact on practice in these areas at research degree level

liaises directly with external agencies (e.g. other institutions, sector specialist interest groups such as the Academic Registrars Council Complaints and Appeals Group) and on occasion (two or three times per annum) represents the University at external events or meetings.

8.4 Delivering a High Quality Standard of Service The role-holder:

interprets external and internal requirements relating to academic appeals and academic malpractice, and to assessment and other regulations where they impact upon academic appeals and academic malpractice, providing clear and accurate guidance to all involved in the developing and implementing the University’s regulations and procedures

deals promptly and constructively with those who contact AQSS in connection with the interpretation of academic appeals and academic malpractice regulations. Often these will relate to complex situations, requiring judgement, use of initiative and specialist knowledge on how to advise or whether to consult with others.

proactively monitors and reviews the operation of University processes for academic appeals and academic malpractice, and provides advice accordingly to the Dean of AQE

leads on the strategic use of data from, and the outcomes of, academic appeals and academic malpractice cases to enhance the student experience, and contributes to the development of the University’s policies, procedures and practice accordingly

proactively intervenes (normally, initially via the Faculty Administrator) in any case where the Faculty to which s/he is linked is failing to comply with University quality assurance requirements.

In addition to the key responsibilities associated with the post, the role holder is required to fulfil other responsibilities attached to an Assistant or Senior Assistant Registrar in AQSS, including the frequent checking of newly-approved programme specifications prior to verification by the Dean, and participation in occasional working parties and relevant internal and external meetings.

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

The role holder is required to initiate contact with relevant external bodies over policy requirements relating to the remit, and to respond promptly to their requests for information, reports or other documents. 8.5 Effective Decision Making The role holder:

uses their own judgement, based on experience and thorough knowledge of the University’s regulations and procedures; external body requirements (OIA, QAA); and relevant case precedent, to interpret and apply these in advising on the more complex and sensitive cases of academic appeal and academic malpractice and to inform procedure and process where necessary

makes independent decisions, such as whether to permit a student to defer an academic malpractice hearing; or, taking into consideration the experience and expertise of chairs and panel members, to ensure that the membership of particular academic appeals boards and panels reflects the requirements of the cases to be heard

identifies those academic appeals boards and academic malpractice panels where complex cases are to be considered, and attends as officer to give regulatory and procedural advice to the chair and panel. The role holder will also brief the chair, the board or panel before the hearing if necessary, or if requested by the chair.

on a regular basis (monthly) undertakes preliminary consideration of all academic appeals, along with either the Dean of AQE, or as senior colleague with a Policy Implementation Officer, and decides whether appeals should be rejected or sent to an academic appeals board

identifies where any issues arising from either academic appeals boards or academic malpractice panels may have implications for the quality and standards of the awards of the University or the experience of its students, and brings these to the attention of the relevant head of department, Dean or Faculty Administrator, or the Dean of AQE, as appropriate.

The role holder also contributes to collaborative decisions on quality assurance processes taken by the senior management team of AQSS which have an impact on the University’s performance in QAA HE Review (of significance for the University’s sector-wide reputation with possible major financial implications) as well as on the full range of internal quality procedures. As a member of the senior management team of AQSS, the role holder is also required on a weekly basis to contribute to collaborative decision-making on strategic matters relating to quality management across the University, including the drafting of the annual AQE Business Plan, the devising of new policies and procedures, and the response to be taken to specific situations.

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

8.6 Planning and Organising Self and Others The role holder:

is not a budget-holder but plans and prioritises their own workload and that of the Policy Implementation Officers and Administrator who are line-managed, in the light of the changing pattern of demands upon AQSS through the year and the availability of colleagues to participate in meetings

ensures that schedules are planned and the work of others co-ordinated to enable all academic appeals boards and academic malpractice panels for taught programmes to be managed, organised and minuted

ensures that all academic appeals boards and academic malpractice panels are held in a timely manner, and that the planning of these hearings takes into account the need for consideration within published deadlines, the resources available and the availability of chairs and members of the boards and panels

ensures that all updates to regulations, procedures and processes are undertaken in a timely manner and completed to deadline.

8.7 Innovation and Improvement (Effective Problem Solving) The task- and project-based approach adopted within AQSS demands independent working practice and sets a premium on problem-solving and finding workable responses to policy requirements and solutions to operational matters, in conjunction with other members of the AQSS staff team as appropriate. The role holder has a wide range of problems to solve on their own initiative, on a daily or weekly basis, which require a creative response and the exercise of professional judgement, making adjustments as necessary, including:

Providing advice to the Dean and other colleagues (e.g. SMT, senior academic and support staff) to inform their decision-making and responses to internal and external regulatory requirements;

Undertaking periodic gap analyses to identify any gaps in regulations or procedures relating to quality, standards and review in the light of internal or external developments.

8.8 Analysis and Research The role holder:

researches the operation across the sector of those quality assurance and regulatory processes for which responsibility is held, analysing the results to ascertain whether adjustments to these processes should be made. It is an essential requirement of the role holder to investigate

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

and analyse issues which arise from the consideration of academic appeals and academic malpractice cases.

strategically leads on the analysis and use of quantitative and qualitative data from both internal and external sources, including the outcomes of academic appeals and academic malpractice cases, to enhance the student experience and to develop the University’s policies, procedures and practice, particularly in relation to academic appeals and malpractice.

8.9 Sensory and Physical Demands There are no extraordinary sensory or physical demands associated with this role. 8.10 Work Environment The role holder is normally based in a stable office environment, but also frequently visits other areas on all University campuses. and occasionally the University’s collaborative partners. It is an occasional requirement of the role to understand how the work environment could impact on their own work or that of colleagues, and to take standard actions, within health and safety guidelines where applicable, to adapt to the environment.

8.11 Pastoral Care and Welfare The role holder is immediately responsible for the welfare of the Policy Implementation Officers, Administrator and seasonal Unijob worker who are line managed. The role holder is required to show sensitivity to those who may need help or, in extreme cases, are showing signs of obvious distress; initiate appropriate action by involving relevant people. The role holder is regularly required to give advice on commonly occurring welfare issues or queries; follow standard welfare procedures for the institution; recognise when an individual should be referred elsewhere for professional help; respect confidentiality. 8.12 Team Development The role holder:

provides induction and probation oversight for a newly-appointed Policy Implementation Officer or Administrator, in accordance with standard University procedures

conducts an annual Professional Review Development Plan interview with the relevant Policy Implementation Officers and Administrator, defining the performance standards required, identifying current

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

capabilities and appropriate developmental activity, assessing the application of learning and giving feedback and guidance on overall performance. The role holder is also responsible for ensuring that the staff who are line-managed are kept up to date on an ongoing with new developments and requirements in their areas of work.

ensures that the pool of Academic Malpractice Chairs and members and the pool of Academic Appeals Board Chairs and members meet on at least an annual basis for development and moderation sessions.

8.13 Teaching and Learning Support The role holder:

contributes to a series of annual AQSS training/information sessions for staff across the University, and for staff from partner institutions, and delivers sessions on particular areas of responsibility in person

identifies new developments affecting the areas of academic appeals and academic malpractice arising both internally and externally and delivers, on at least an annual basis, workshops to the pool of academic malpractice members and chairs, and academic appeals board members and chairs, to provide internal and external regulatory updates, including on OIA, QAA and legal decisions, and their implications for decision-making at these boards and panels

occasionally (several times a year) provides training or information sessions to individual departments or faculties, either upon request, or by negotiation with the relevant Head of Department of Dean of Faculty

advises, briefs and, where necessary, provides appropriate staff development and support for colleagues across the University on new developments in policy and practice which pertain his/her remit, and on their implementation.

8.14 Knowledge and Experience The role holder:

maintains currency in new developments and best practice across the sector, particularly in relation to the University’s obligations in respect of academic appeals and academic malpractice, through attendance at appropriate external events and through ensuring familiarity with relevant publications

uses their knowledge and experience to enhance and develop practice. This requires a thorough understanding of academic appeals and academic malpractice issues, and also more broadly, academic quality and academic standards processes. The role holder will maintain an

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

up to date overview of all relevant OIA case studies and outcomes of legal cases in this area.

maintains currency on HE quality assurance and enhancement matters in general. The role holder is expected to be sufficiently knowledgeable on these matters and, on the basis of this knowledge and expertise, to be able to brief and advise SMT, the Dean of AQE and colleagues internal and external to the University, as required.

8.15 General To undertake any other duties commensurate with your grade, and/or hours of work, as may reasonably be required of you.

To take responsibility for upholding and complying with the University’s Equality and Diversity policies and for behaving in ways that are consistent with fair and equal treatment for all.

To comply with all University Health and Safety policies.

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014


Job Title: Senior Assistant Registrar: Academic Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice)

Department: AQE (AQSS)

Criteria Essential / Desirable

Method of identification

Qualifications: Undergraduate Degree or (exceptionally) equivalent level professional qualification ECDL or evidence of comparable computer literacy Higher degree (or relevant postgraduate qualification)

Essential Desirable Desirable

Application Form Application Form Application Form

Proven Experience: Experience of working in Higher Education administration at a level commensurate with the demands of this post; or similar experience of academic work in Higher Education, with direct participation in the management of academic appeals, academic malpractice, complaints, or disciplinary and fitness to practice procedures Experience of acting as Officer/ Advisor to boards or panels relating to academic appeals, academic malpractice, complaints, disciplinary or fitness to practice hearings. Experience of working with, or advising on, assessment regulations Direct experience of the work of the OIA or the QAA

Essential Desirable Desirable Desirable

Application Form/Interview Application Form/Interview Application Form/Interview Application Form/Interview

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

Essential Requirements are those, without which, a candidate would not be able to do the job. Applicants who have not clearly

demonstrated in their application that they possess the essential requirements will normally be rejected at the shortlisting stage. Desirable Requirements are those that would be useful for the post holder to possess and will be considered when

more than one applicant meets the essential requirements. Method of identification is where the selection panel will match the candidate’s skills and abilities to the required

criteria outlined (i.e. application form, interview, test)

Delivering academic and service excellence: Knowledge of the principles of natural justice and their application in a Higher Education context, and of the accountability placed upon Higher Education providers through the OIA High level skills in the analysis of academic appeal and academic malpractice issues (or experience in related areas), interpretation of data and supporting information, preparation of reports and position/ evaluation papers High level of judgement in complex situations where there are competing priorities and a range of possible outcomes Ability to work to a high level of attention to detail Commitment to maintaining integrity at all times

Essential Essential Essential Essential Essential

Interview Application form/ Interview Interview Application form Interview

Managing self and inspiring others: Problem solving and ability to work on own initiative Good management potential and organisational abilities Experience of staff supervision Ability to manage projects and deliver to deadlines

Essential Essential Desirable Essential

Application form/ Interview Interview Application form /Interview Application form / Interview

Working together: Ability to interpret and act upon complex information and communicate this to others Ability to work flexibly, maintaining tact and diplomacy at all times

Essential Essential

Application form/ Interview Interview

Organisational and stakeholder awareness: Commitment to the goals of the Department and University



HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

Dean AQE

Department Administrator

Director of Learning & Teaching

Senior Academic

Development Advisor – TEL

Senior Academic

Development Advisor



Academic Development


Senior ARStudent Affairs

Principal AR Partnerships & Academic Strat Support Devt

Senior ARInformation

PIO Validations

AdministratorProg Approval &


PIO Partnerships

ARMonitoring, Review

& Evaluation


Monitoring, Review & Evaluation

Technical Officer

AdministratorInformation &


AdministratorStudent Affairs (Unijob 15 hrs)


PIO Student Affairs

Director Undergrad

Modular Programmes (0.6)

Senior AR

Quality, Standards, & Review

PIO External Examiners

PIO Validations

PIO Validations

Senior ARPartnerships &

Devt Operations Manager

Academic Quality & EnhancementJanuary 2014

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014





SALARY SCALE University Scale OS9, points 31-34, £32,277 - £35,265 per annum payable monthly in arrears. RESIDENCE REQUIREMENT It is a requirement of this post that within 12 months of appointment, the post-holder should live within a 30 mile radius or within a one hour travelling time by public transport from the University. HOURS OF WORK 36.5 hours per week, to be worked as follows: Monday to Thursday 9.00am - 5.30pm Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm (less a one hour lunch break each day) A flexible approach to work will be required as there may be occasions when it would be necessary for you to work additional hours as dictated by the workload. HOLIDAY ENTITLEMENT 22 days per annum (pro-rata during the commencement and cessation years), rising to 27 days after five years' continuous service. Two extra statutory days per annum during the Christmas period. PROFESSIONAL CONTRACT The successful applicant may opt to be employed on a ‘professional contract’. Those employed on professional contracts have a holiday entitlement of 35 days per annum. As a minimum they are expected to be present during the core hours of the role, as outlined above, and they are not entitled to participate in the department’s flexi-time scheme. MEDICAL EXAMINATION Successful candidates will be required to complete an Occupational Health questionnaire, and may be required to undergo a medical examination.

ESSENTIAL CERTIFICATES Short-listed candidates will be asked to bring to interview, proof of qualifications as outlined on the Job Description and Person Specification provided. Upon appointment, copies of essential certificates will be required by HRM Services. PENSION SCHEME The University operates two pension schemes for support staff:

The default scheme is the Higher Education Defined Contribution Scheme (HEDCS), which is administered by Friends Life.

HRMS/13289 – AQSS – Senior Assistant Registrar – Student Affairs (Academic Appeals & Malpractice) – JD – July 2014

The Cheshire Local Government Pension Scheme, to which the University is an admitted body.

All support staff are entitled to participate in one of these schemes. Some staff will be automatically enrolled into a scheme, depending on their age and earnings, but if they do not wish to remain a member of the scheme, they will be entitled to opt out after enrolment. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The University has a policy of equal opportunity aimed at treating all applicants for employment fairly. SMOKING POLICY The University operates a No-Smoking policy. PROBATIONARY PERIOD A nine months' probationary period applies to all University posts. CLOSING DATE Candidates should apply for this vacancy via our online recruitment website ( by Monday 4th August 2014 quoting reference number HRMS/13289

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