jlhn c., 1964 - sturm college of la · wbtther yaur sympathies in with tht rectmmaadltlons t1 the...

Post on 08-Jul-2019






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,Reaarb tty Jlhn Clrvtr, Jr., Assbtant Secretary tfthelnttrltr, Public Lind Mlnlgllllnt, Hftn tbe NIUMII AdVIsory l•i COUncil, Washington, D. c., March 11. 1964 ·

This meeting Nrks tht beginning of the fourth ,_ ot tur

IS18Citlon - tht

and the Sterltlrlllltwl tt tbls Dtplrtment under tnt curreot ldaln·

lstrltkm. I ma If noldVtstry board In au of gtvern,unt service

wnkn bUJBidt and which continues tt mlkt sucb tolid contributions

tt tht poliq-evaluatian and PllkJ-I•mulatlen tutldlons ot 1 DepatbReftt.

iacb If us wouklmait hb own asess111nt of accomplbnm~nts, but

It tn.e top at any nst preparld by 11t would be tblldlleve~~tnt o1 the

lblt~phert of rupttt and uruttrstandlng which prevails not ooly·among

tblmellben ·tf this Council, but between tbe aembtrs and the gowrn·

lltftt tfflcllls, and bltwltn thegrtups which this council reprtsents

Md the gMrnment.

we·we Rtl 118ft luptntciiJ WltR til Cluadl, 1M UM Ctuncll hal

net MM SU,.,ldal with UL Hlrd, practkal, polftkally~barpd

subjlcb .hiYI beta on eur •ndls - feu, tnt lllkt·up 01 the CeUAcll

Itself and Its prtp~r role, tttislltlon on numerous subjtds llfedlng

tbt public land, and thl ~Ia If publk IIIIi con,servatlol prtJKb.


StiM If us bM bid to Mtllt tblt • wert wrong about umt tblfttS.

I atteadld Ute State lt~rd In ltlst a few ...a age, aad beard

OM of tbl lltllbtrs IIJ te .._ "1 ... llflndlng this bolrd, but I

.,, wttDfJ. • I couli , "I did. too, and I wu, toa."

~--. found a:amon grouad, IIIIOSt tnaa tbe ~ttmnlng, with

agrttmtRt on 1 touple ot lUte principia. One wa that the users, too,·

Itt con~tnatloailts. and tovtrement w Ill tbt uurs, 11th pwlk

lad,,..... hlvtl CHJIItn lntetllt In tht conurwdttn "-· land

amJ Its produdl. The lthtr •·tnat the Contrtu taas ,. .... that tbt

pullk lads sbould furnish sustenance It varlaus stglilnts tf the priwatt

ICOitay, and tblt ld•lnlltntlln ot such IM Jhauld taU into account


tM ,.... .. liMUirtiMHib of JI1Wl1t WUMIS, aot IACI81b1tnt wb

the pualk interest.

Slftce NIVIJ~ber, 1962. ,.a blve bad a SJKIII Ctmlllttlt en Tenure.

Tbis Is w If tbt tlugh tindl of .....,.. wlkh Utls Ctuacll tllctiM, /

tt Invest 11tr1 ot Uleir •:n litniJ &a tbtlr rtbabllltltltn •• lmprM~~~nL

tlfldld repert tf tbt Goatmltltlls aowln the Dlplrtmtot. Undtt·

wtn·t tt in• what tbt .o.,arl~~tftt's posltltn is.

It Is a lttllarllt fltslnL 1 • net .. ustlllly try to duct rw •••r such

questions. aut 1n tlday'saltultitft, I Wlnt t1 aunltl your further

ctoslil111tion of tbt lllltt. I'll lilt you why.

Thl.&lth CORVIII. I hOJliiDd ,..act, wlllaulftorlle a PUblic Lad

La RtlvlrM C~MaluleR. The top-sided VIle wltn wbkb tbt Hlust tf

leprtiiDtiUVU lweK Ill apprfMJfl Jt lndlalti tbt mtmtAtUii tht Idea



WlaMMr • _,.,. wbll • ut~ u. word tenure, ani then are

nu~~~tous Vltlltllns Md shldktgs, Ultra II no dlsagretm~nt that •

r•lly fWMIImtnlll Issue Is lnvolvtd. , II 'ttnurt Is 1 etntrll public lau

pllkJ Issue, then if dlfiDitlln I Is going te bM the attention ~-; ··<·" ' "1--,,

Comaiuloa. If 'bit CfUGtltn Is

then lis 1 virtual Gt1111nty that I wlll not get tatlvt attentkm 1ft

ldV~~~cetf or apart frt~~ Ctmmlssla conskttralltL

It yeu agr• wlh tbls IAIIysJs. then wblt iJ tbt lntlmt of this

Council wttb rtspedlo ~lllldloo on tbl t~C~MIItndltltn

wtllch hu kttft midi?

Wbtther yaur sympathies IN with tht rectmmaadltlons t1 the

minority or tl tftt majltly 0.1 U. tenure ttutsUm, I haw tbt strong




question of tenure. Is the qutditn of Its relathlnsnlp to tht Com•lssloa.

The Coaalsslon s.,nty will haw ••• • .., ak grtund rules. If It

Is tt find lbtll tbrtUgh the am et public lad IIWI to a recom ... IIR

for a rational national polky • pulllc lands. to be legislated by thl /'

Coregrtu, ami ratltn~~and pfldkll stlnilrdi ot ldminlltraUM, te bt

tXKulld by tbl ExtcuUw lrand\.

wltb lbt use.tt blnetit of tnt pUblic IIAdl o.th ctmmtrelllud non•

coam~rdll), will bt reprtHRttd en the Commission's Council. Tbts

Council's COAetrn Is not with the qutdiM whether 1nt point of vilw

or utlh• CIA gtt illtrt tbt Coamlssit~n, for Ill setiousiMttpOStd

points of view will IJI belt& Tbis Council's crmcer·n Is tblt Its recom-

mendations bl rtcllvtd db the weight and lty a whiCh the aount

Tbe Council's nctt~mtnffltitns wtll wry weight wltb the Commission

to Ute exttat tbit tbey Itt widely suppwttd within tbt Council, and to tbe

eattm tMt tAttr au!i.,..lll tbl CMalullft HI• ctAJldtt~Utft

lftd MIUitlta If tnt pr.._ fttll 1M f!!!!lk lrdertst polat 81 Yle&

I ~apptR te Deline that I PUblic llml Law Rtvllw t•ltsion

sust aaaaclplte p&dtlk IIRd 118 lfimtnlstrattrs from the praseat.

bandlp te aaelpb WhiCh a aot illkll really .. ,,.. the gossamer

~~tb ef )lrecadlat ali rituaL

Tbe t~r J\ct twl· art evl*actd by trrlltn docu~~MbJ tbey

Vt ttt I ten.,_, Wilt ·aM tbt Ptr.lttte hll II llstlutt preftrtnct

rigtat tt tltttwiL Glwfl matnttnana Of Ute illl prtptrly ud stability

tt Ute rMtt. IOd continued ctnlarmatt ·with ,.atlons, thnl

prlllltgH hlwa Yllue wttkl lalfllts no •• ucept tile •nq n.kn

Is chlf';ld with tMJr issuance. If tbt rencbtr wants to barrow • .,,,

It tbt Hnk, hls Tayltr ~·rlthts'' we not Dnly but semetlmts tbe

oraly -=~ clllltlrlb If hi il&ls his taach, tbl bUJtr lAd be hlvt

M tttutll rtiCb I If the aiRds II tl the VllutiiSCflblble

te tbttl; II ht dies, UACit SUI lftd tht Stitt 18Mtltlftce Til walner

ftiW At ctll,uactltnS ~bout VIIUIRJ not tnly bls rtntwlblt TJyltr rltbtl,


but bil Clftetlllblt fomt StrVlcl permlb. £VIA tbe ISStSIW IAOWJ

what effect Taylor rJgMs nave tn tht Vllua ot a ranch.

Tblstare the practlcatlles, aplmt wtakb • continue to Insist that

these "privileges" are not property.

Tbt PUblic LMd L• Rewa Commlsilon in this_ and In uwrat ottwr

areu If public lind Jaw admktlstratlon, will •• tbt talk of matcblag

theory with rtlllty, If tnt Ia Is II Qt~H, In Mr. Dtotey's pbraa, to bt

If then wenn, to u a public land 11w rtvl• commission, tbln tbt

slltlve orandl would nave to take up tbl ctMple.dty at the teaure

question In the tlrst lnltlnet. Penaatly, I epalr of Ullsapproactt. .

I think tftl Contrus Is both lbtllftd willing to try, Dut I also strongly

feel that the issue outht tilt auth blltr rtflnet tun It has been so tar.

Tblt Is whlll think the Council aDd Its Ct~~mlltte ought to do mort

If - nflnt the issue to 111 ·whetbtr v nit 11111 coau1on grtund cannot

be tound.


gentltmMiy M DoUl sNis hM ._.II the CtnSidlrldtAS M

this subjecl so far, thl t•llng persists that tht Issue "• Min framtNI

tither lfflrmatlvtly or ntpllvety areund tht ldtl that the users vt

bl ~awn•• a prtp~rty rlgtd, II tenure Is tollf'ICOIAized in tht

ttrats ubd tor •~JJ the majority. If this b tt. thin tbt tenure ,._

fiiHI has not a praytr.

Can tbt Issue bl framed on any dlffennt terms? I am ant wbt

thJnu se. at least tan Md 1 certainly think tbt snort ought

to II illdL It IJ fiJIUIIIStlln tblt further CIRJidtraU.O bl glvtfl

to th1 quutkm, that ttte Department net be lslld to tat a position

It the praeRt tlmtt ud that tht Ctunt:ll dtwtllts tlforb to bri,nglng

1 study en tbt subJect to the newly crllltd PUblic Land Law Review

Ctmmllslen wbkh will set a standard for all tAt ather gnw,s and

bodies which will be pttHOUng luues to It ovtr Its lift.


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