jeopardy lesson 1 lesson 2lesson 3 lesson 4 random q $100 q $200 q $300 q $400 q $500 q $100 q $200...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Lesson 1

Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Random

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from NSGA

Why did the Southern states want to buy goods from Britain instead of from the North?

$100 Answer from NSGA

Britain had lower taxes and they could get products for cheaper

$200 Question from NSGA

Why did the southern states want slavery so badly?

$200 Answer from NSGA

They thought they needed slaves for their economy because slaves picked and grew the cotton for the plantations.

$300 Question from NSGA

How were free African Americans discriminated against?

$300 Answer from NSGA

They could not vote until theyowned land and they did not havefull rights of citizens.

$400 Question from NSGA

How did free African Americans feel when they lived in the North?

$400 Answer from NSGA

They feared of losing their freedom or someone thinking they were an escaped slave

$500 Question from NSGA

What is the definition for sectionalism?

$500 Answer from NSGA

Loyalty to a section or party of the country rather than the whole country.

$100 Question from Resisting Slavery

What three risks did escaped slaveshave when using the UndergroundRailroad?

$100 Answer from Resisting Slavery

1. being sent back to the slave owner2. being beaten3. being killed.

$200 Question from Resisting Slavery

How did slave owners havecomplete control over their slaves?

$200 Answer from Resisting Slavery

1. When to start and end work2. They could split up families3. Slaves had to ask permission to leave the plantation or even to marry

$300 Question from Resisting Slavery

What ways did slaves resist slavery(name at least 3)

$300 Answer from Resisting Slavery

1. They refused to obey their owners2. They would break tools they needed for work.3. They would work slowly4. They would pretend to be sick.

$400 Question from Resisting Slavery

Why could free African Americansnot work, even in the North?

$400 Answer from Resisting Slavery

1. white people would make threats of violence towards them

2. Also, the south passed a law preventing freeAfrican Americans from working certain jobs.

$500 Question from Resisting Slavery

Summarize the events of the Amistad

$500 Answer from Resisting Slavery

1. group of captive slaves seized control of the ship2. they were tricked into sailing to the US3. US Navy imprisoned the slaves4. Supreme Court voted they were not property but

humans and they were sent back to Africa.

$100 Question from SOS

If California was to be accepted as a freestate, the north would pass a law called __________________ and it said:

$100 Answer from SOS

1. Fugitive Slave Law

2. It said all slaves that escape must be returned to their owners.

$200 Question from SOS

Why were Northern and Southern statesdisagreeing about Kansas and Nebraskaterritories?

What did they finally vote tolet the states do?

$200 Answer from SOS

1. Northern states wanted the two territories to be free states, while southern states wanted both territories to be slave states.

2. They finally allowed the states to vote on whether they want to be slave or free states.

$300 Question from SOS

What was Lincoln’s views on slavery?What did he feel was most important for our nation?

$300 Answer from SOS

He thought slavery was wrong but moreimportantly he wanted to keep our nationunited.

$400 Question from SOS

What was the main fear that people had about Abraham Lincoln?

$400 Answer from SOS

They feared he would be trying to stop slavery in the whole nation.

$500 Question from SOS

What was the Missouri Compromise? Why did they create it? Why did it not work?

$500 Answer from SOS

The Missouri Compromise was a compromise trying to keep the senate equally balanced between slave and free states. It said that they would draw a line under Missouri and free states would be above the line and slave states would be below the line. This did not work because CA wanted to join the US and it was split by the line.

$100 Question from First Shot Fired

Why did some states secede from the United States? What did they form?

$100 Answer from First Shot Fired

They seceded to form their own government because of the issue of slavery. They formed the confederacy

$200 Question from First Shot Fired

How did Jefferson Davis feel about states and about the Confederacy?

$200 Answer from First Shot Fired

He believed in states’ rights. He was proud of the Confederacy but felt threatened by the Union.

$300 Question from First Shot Fired

How did the Confederacy have power?

$300 Answer from First Shot Fired

They had control of all military bases in the south, exceptFort Sumter

$400 Question from First Shot Fired

Why did the Confederacy fire on Fort Sumter?

$400 Answer from First Shot Fired

The Union asked for three days to surrender and the Confederacy gave them one hour.

When they did not surrender in one hour, the Confederacy fired on them.

$500 Question from First Shot Fired

Why did Border States not send troops to help fight for the union forces

$500 Answer from First Shot Fired

They were slave states and did not want to send their men to fight against slavery, but they did not want to join the Confederacy.

$100 Question from People

Enslaved African American who fought for his freedom in the Supreme Court

$100 Answer from People

Dred Scott

$200 Question from People

Attacked Harpers Ferry in an attempt to attack slave owners

$200 Answer from People

John Brown

$300 Question from People

proposed the split of Nebraskainto two territories, creating the Kansas- Nebraska Act

$300 Answer from People

Stephen Douglas

$400 Question from People

Known as the Great Compromiser, created the Missouri Compromiser

$400 Answer from People

Henry Clay

$500 Question from People

Leader of the Southern states in the Senate. He was a strong believer in states’ rights

$500 Answer from People

John C. Calhoun

Final Jeopardy

Final Jeopardy Answer

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