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  • 8/2/2019 Jadline_By_Moonlight


    Jadline By Moonlight (Pars I)For Jadline

    Poeta Ricardo Sal LaRosa


    A midnight serenade in the silhouettes of my mind; for her; for Jadline; My love ! I

    enjoy her radiant smile; those sparkles in her eyes; sincere and fragile as they glaze upon

    my soul; and upon me on those precious stolen moments Fortune allows us to share; as

    she sees me from afar; she smiles and those beautiful eyes of hers start to glow; for our

    spirits know much more than we both do; and although I have dedicated verses to other

    starlets I have not betrayed her nor the glorious love we share; for her love is not ajealous love; she is beyond human conditions; a far superior being than the masquerade

    of a petite female she portrays in this incarnation; when I see her I feel weakened by the

    sheer power of her alluring femininities; as one by one they and she ardently embraces

    my very being; wrapped around in the powers of her love; the laughter of her voice

    transforms me into another realm; where neither hurt nor pain nor fear can ever touch us

    ever again; for ours is a sacred oath; pledged to one another eons ago before the

    foundations of this earth were laid; and for how long this cherished surreptitious bond

    shall endure; I do not know; nor will I worry about it, for now; this celestial bundle of

    happiness shinning upon my life; today; this very moment as I write these words; every

    single word; every single letter; every single syllable inspired by her and her alone; O

    Jadline ! Who art thou, my love ! Whence do you come ! My angel of sweetness; my

    dreams in perpetual motions around you and all the goodness that you represent, my

    darling; you are unassuming; you are unpretentious; you are humble and coy and shy and

    sweet and womanly submissive to my manly desires for you, my goddess; my reason for

    living and my reason for dying defending your HONOR; O Princess Jadline you are

    willing to place your hearts trust upon me; for you believe in me; this solitary, this

    eccentric, this knight in shining armor for you; this poor poet whose riches dwell not on

    this earth, but, in the stars twinkling afar; in this poet man who has known only war, and

  • 8/2/2019 Jadline_By_Moonlight


    destruction, and exile, and hurt eons upon eons; with no hope of love in his heart; until

    you appeared in his world finding him and calming his restless Spirit; I feel the love in

    you when our palms touch; when our palms caress; when our palms kiss; a forevermore

    of your love overwhelms me; and now I know that you have visited me many times in myslumber; but, of these I only remember one; for the others are too powerful for my soul to

    experience in the second conscious; this dream within a dream; where mortals dwell; and

    Spirits like yours playfully inhabit; I must admit, Jadline, that I am not at the spiritual

    level as you are; but, I am learning quickly from you and my mentors; I shall not dwell

    anymore on the whys for they are truly making me insane; I shall devote all my energies

    on these present moments; on living in the NOW; on living life moment by moment

    exploring the wonders of being alive in this life, minute by minute; sweetness by

    sweetness as you inspire me ever more with your presence; as you captivate my soul

    gently; peacefully; divinely in your every glance of your girlish dark brownish eyes

    mesmerizing towards me; for you are love beyond compare; beyond the words on a

    poets mind; beyond the imaginations of a poet in love; there is a storm raging upon my

    soul because you dwell within my realm within my reality within my knowledge of what

    is Truth and this, my love, makes all the difference; O Jadline, my love ! Come to me

    girl ! Fill me with the LOVE dwelling dormant in your heart and soul and Spirit, too; for

    NOW; today; this very moment; I realize the purpose of our reunion; and there are three

    reasons for me having you invading my world; to behold you; to cherish you; and to love

    you fervently more than the spoken words can every articulate; O Jadline O my girl O

    my love behold me with your LOVE over and over and over again, my Princess ! ! !

    For Jadline

    Poeta Ricardo Sal LaRosa

    March 15, 2012

    Long Island, New York

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