it helps to know how your diet can affect or improve your skin?

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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It Helps to Know How Your Diet Can Affect or Improve Your Skin?

• Lots of articles and advertisements on skin care focus just on the surface of the skin. But there is much more to your skin than just the surface. It is important to look closely at your diet to help your skin to be healthier and look better. Your diet can also contribute to certain skin conditions such as acne, redness, rashes and other skin related conditions.

Good and Bad Foods for your Skin

The following is a list of good and bad foods for your skin:

• Good – water. Hydration is an essential part of skin care and by drinking more water your body is able to distribute plenty of this important liquid to all of your organs including your skin to keep it vibrant and to maintain its elasticity.

• Bad – grease. Fried foods can be delicious, but the grease from these foods can transfer to your skin in the form of oily skin, blemishes, acne and other problems.

• Good – milk. Drinking milk along with a healthy diet can help your skin to rejuvenate faster and stay younger-looking.

• Good – coffee. Believe it or not, coffee in moderation can be helpful for the skin. While it has been found to be a good scrub to reduce wrinkles, the caffeine in the coffee actually stimulates the circulation and the antioxidants helps skin to respond quicker. Some people who have redness, however, may notice an increase in redness. If that is the case, reduce the amount of caffeine intake.

• Bad – fatty foods. The fat content in meats, butter, or other products can not only cause you to gain weight, it can also hamper circulation and keep blood flow from properly moving to and from the surface of the skin.

• Good – vegetables. This food group has many benefits, but the nutrients in vegetables can help skin to respond better to changes in climate and protect itself from rash-causing particles.

• Bad – alcohol. Drinking in excess causes too much blood flow to the skin’s surface, which can cause red patches for some people. A little bit of alcohol is not necessarily bad, but more than a couple of drinks every day can make your skin sag and age prematurely.

• Always try to exercise regularly as well. This awakens sweat pores and helps to clean your skin from the inside out. Incorporating a healthy diet plus a good skin care regimen can definitely help your skin to look much better. If you have concerns about your diet or that you may be allergic to certain items, you may want to visit a dermatologist to explore the issues further. There could be some helpful products available that can reduce redness and skin irritation and keep your skin looking healthy.

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