
Post on 05-Aug-2015






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What is Islam?

The name "Islam" simply means "Self-surrender to the Will

of God." It is the way of life that all Prophets throughout

history have taught, from those known in the Western world

such as Abraham, Moses and Jesus to those sent to other

parts of the earth like Salih, Shu'ayb and Luqman, the African. parts of the earth like Salih, Shu'ayb and Luqman, the African.

The last and final Guide was Muhammad, may he be

blessed, who lived in sixth century Arabia. A "Muslim,"(i.e.. a

self surrendered one,) is a follower of this faith. Nearly one in

every five persons alive today is a Muslim.

What does Islam teach?

Islam calls humanity to the service of the One, Omnipotent

Creator, Who is known as "Allah, " (for Muslims the greatest and

most inclusive of the Names of God) in the Arabic language. It

further instructs people on how they may live together in peace

and harmony regardless of race, class or beliefs. and harmony regardless of race, class or beliefs.

The unity of purpose brought by all previous religious guides

is highlighted as well as traditional morality, the equality of the

sexes before God and the virtues of patience and humbleness.

He is God, the One God Independent and sought by all; He begets

not, nor is begotten, and there is none like unto Him" (The Holy

Qur 'an – 112)

Where do these teachings come from?

Muslims have two major sources from which they derive

their religious teachings.

The first is a book known as "the Quran," the direct Revelation

of God to His last Prophet, the blessed Muhammad. of God to His last Prophet, the blessed Muhammad.

The second source is the collected sayings and

pronouncements of the Prophet which are complimentary to the

Revelation. These are known as "the Hadith."

Who is Muhammad(pbuh)?

Muhammad (pbuh) was only a man among men who

received the special favor of God. No true Prophet of God

taught that any man must be worshipped, as if any human body

could contain the infinite.

God instructs us in the Quran about him thus: God instructs us in the Quran about him thus:

"Muhammad is no more than Messenger. Many were the

Messengers who passed away before him..."((The Holy Qur 'an

– 3:144.)

*pbuh: acronym for “Peace be upon him”, a phrase that Muslims often say after saying the

name of the prophet Muhammad.

How does one become a Muslim?

There are no elaborate rituals or ceremonies to perform to

enter Islam (Self-Surrender to God), for Islam is the faith of

reason, and therefore it takes an exercise of reason to become

a Muslim.

Simply by declaring and believing in one's heart the

following phrase: "There is no object of devotion save God following phrase: "There is no object of devotion save God

and Muhammad is the Messenger of God," one thereby is a


As a consequence of making this statement sincerely,

everything an individual did that was wrong or unethical in his

life up to that point, is forgiven by God, no matter what it was.

From that moment onwards, the slate is cleared and you begin

life again as a new person.

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