introduction to park hyatt

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt



    Hyatt Hotels Corporation is an American international company and operator of hotels. The Hyatt

    Corporation came into being upon purchase of the Hyatt House, at Los Angeles International Airport, on

    September 27, !"7.Hyatt center # head$uater in Chicago. As of %une &', 2'', the Company(s

    )orld)ide portfolio consisted of **" properties.It is a leading global hospitality company )ith a proud

    heritage of ma+ing guests feel more than )elcome. In 2'*, Fortune magaine listed Hyatt as the !"th#

     best -.S. company to )or+ for. Hyatt consists seeral different brands such as /ar+ Hyatt, 0rand Hyatt,

    Hyatt 1egency, Hyatt /lace, Hyatt, Hyatt Centric, Hyatt House, Anda,  Hyatt Zilara and Hyatt Ziva, 

    Hyatt 1esidence Club.

    History of Hyatt

    The original o)ners )ere entrepreneurs Hyatt 1obert on ehn and %ac+ yer Crouch3 after a fe)

    years, 4on ehn sold his share in the hotel to entrepreneur  %ay /rit+er . %ay5s younger brother onald

    /rit+er  also too+ on an important role in the company.

    6er the follo)ing decade, ac$uisitions )ere made, and Hyatt became the fastest#gro)ing hotel chain in

    the -nited States. onald died in !723 %ay continued to run the company.

    In !!, Hyatt opened its first hotel outside the -nited States, the Hyatt 1egency Hong 8ong. In !9'

    the 0rand Hyatt and /ar+ Hyatt brands )ere introduced. Hyatt runs resort hotels, starting )ith the Hyatt

    1egency :aui in !9'.As of 2'2 Hyatt had oer *!' hotels )orld)ide.

    The Hyatt 1egency brand is the oldest brand in the company, )ith the 0rand Hyatt and /ar+ Hyatt

     brands being introduced in !9'. Some of these are styled as ;resort; properties, and may hae spas or

    other recreational facilities. 6ther brands include Hyatt /lace, designed as a limited serice offering for

     business traelers. An e

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    Hyatt consists several different brands such as Par Hyatt! "rand Hyatt! Hyatt

    Re#ency! Hyatt Place! Hyatt! Hyatt Centric! Hyatt House! Anda$! 

     Hyatt Zilara and Hyatt Ziva, Hyatt Residence Club%

    &rand lo#os

    Par Hyatt

    "rand Hyatt

    Hyatt Re#ency


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    Hyatt Place Hyatt

    Hyatt Centric Hyatt House 

    Anda$ Hyatt 'ilara And Hyatt 'iva


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    Hyatt Residence Club

    Par Hyatt(

    Par Hyatt are residential lu

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    Hyatt Re#ency offers a full range of serices and facilities tailored to sere the needs of meeting

     planners, business traelers and leisure guests. /roperties generally range in sie from oer 2,'''

    rooms and are coneniently located in urban, suburban, airport, conention and resort destinationsaround the )orld. Hyatt 1egency conention hotels feature spacious meeting and conference

    facilities designed to proide a productie enironment.

    Hyatt Place(


    Hyatt Place hotels are mid-sized hotels catering for family and business travelers,in urban, airport and sub-urban areas. t Hyatt Place things are done di!erently. "his hotel combine style, innovation and 24#$ convenience to create a perfectlyseamless stay %ith every modern comfort people deserve. Hyatt Place hotelsa%arded &Highest in 'uest (atisfaction mong )pscale Hotel *hains+ by ..Po%er.



    Hyatt hotels are smaller full#serice hotels )ith "' to &"' rooms located close to maGor business

    centers. Hyatt hotels offer guests the opportunity to e

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    Hyatt Centric(

    Hyatt Centric is a ne), full serice lifestyle brand designed for business and leisure traelers. Hyatt Centric hotels )ill proide a simple, )elcoming enironment that deliers the essentials in the

    easiest, most streamlined )ay possible. Hyatt Centric hotels )ill offer a balance of adanced digital

    capabilities but )ith the understanding that these ehile guests can enGoy the in#room technologies designed to connect

    seamlessly )ith their deices and media, a staff of +no)ledgeable associates )ill be on hand to aid

    guests in their discoery of the destination particularly useful for business traelers )ith limited

    time for e

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    Anda$ hotels are upscale lifestyle bouti$ue#style hotels. Anda is a bouti$ue#inspired hotel brand )ith

     properties located in liely urban neighborhoods and leisure destinations such as >est Holly)ood,

    London(s Lierpool Street and ?e) @or+ City. Inspired by the cultural and social life of the locale, each

    Anda hotel is uni$ue in design, amenities and cuisine, but all share a friendly attitude and )arm,

     personal serice. Stylish and spirited .

    Hyatt 'ilara And Hyatt 'iva(

    Hyatt 'ilara ) adults#only, all inclusie resorts create endless opportunities to lie in the moment.0uests delight in uni$ue and spontaneous e

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     participating )ithin Interal International5s program, a third#party company )ith oer 2,"'' resorts in its

    ee proide authentic hospitality. >e ma+e a difference in the lies of those )e 5touch5 eeryday ##

    that is our definition of hospitality. >e do this in an enironment that respects all people and all

    ideas. >e do it in an efficient )ay that leads to superior results.


     >e aspire to be the preferred brand in each of the segments )e sere. :ost preferred among our

    employees, guests and o)ners.


    :utual 1espect, Intellectual Honesty, Integrity, Humility, Fun, Creatiity and Innoation .


    0reet the guest )armly

    -sing the guest(s name and ma+ing eye


    Say goodbye )armly

    Letting guests +no) you loo+ for)ard to

    )elcoming them bac+ 

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    Accept compliments humbly resole

    guest complaints

    0raciously than+ing the guest

    1esole guest complaints

    Ta+ing o)nership by courteously and

     promptly fiith )armth and humility, including guests,

    o)ners and the local community

    =scort guests personally

    1ather than pointing out direction

    Ans)er the phone professionally>ithin three rings, )ith a smile in your oice

    and than+ing the guest for holding

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    Ta+e pride in your appearance

    1emembering that first impressions count

    >or+ safely and cleanly

    Ta+ing pride in your )or+place

    :aintain your )or+ enironment


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    Par Hyatt Hyderabad 0o#o

    Par Hyatt Hyderabad is a lu

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    Oriental Bar & Kitchen – South East

    Asian Cuisine







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  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt





    ,3CUTI+, CH,.

    =C-TI4= S6-S CH=F

    S6-S CH=F

      C/ C/ C/

    =:I CH=F = /A1TI= =:I CH=F = /A1TI= =:I CH=F = /A1TI=





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    ,3,CUTI+, CH,.

    He carries the full responsibilities, he must be both coo+ and administrator, and he needs to becapable of ensuring $uic+ serice and maintaining discipline. He should hae a strict sense ofeconomy and efficiency. His principle function is to plan, organie and superise the )or+ of

    +itchen. He is responsible for staffing, selection and dismissal in consultation )ith personnel for

    department. He prepares a predetermine percentage of profit and )or+s in accordance )ith the policy of the establishment. He is concern )ith $uality of food and its presentation. He is

    departmental head and is responsible to the management.

    -OU- CH,.

    The assistant head chef under studies the head chef in all his duties, it is the sous chef )ho calls upthe order from the +itchen. He is mainly responsible for the efficient day to day functioning of the

    +itchen. In large establishments there are number of sous chef, especially )hen there are separate+itchens.

    CH,. D, PARTI,

    In different sections of +itchen there is a i.e. . =ach one is assisted according to the production load

     by one or more commi coo+s3 first, second, third and also trainees. All C../ may be regarded as

    superisors of their sections as )ell as s+illed craftsmen.


    They come under the Chef#e#/arties. They hae full +no)ledge of all dishes made in the +itchen

    and these are the person )ho )or+ on ranges along )ith Commis#I.


    They are responsible for the preparation of all food items in their section respectiely. 1esponsible

    for cleaning and hygiene.1esponsible for the total mise#en#place of their section. Inform hisMhersuperisors on item short in stoc+ and pic+ up the items from the stores.


  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    .ood Production Outlets in PAR2 HYATT HYD,RA&AD

    Oriental bar and 2itchen

    /anAsian comfort food


    Authentic Italian restaurant

    The Dinnin# roo1


    The 0ivin# roo1

    Lounge,Hi#tea,French pastry

     &an5uet itchen

    Erea+fast,Coffeebrea+s,Hitea,Socialeents,Sit do)n dinner 

    ,1ployee Restaurent

    Erea+fast,teabrea+,lunch,dinner,mid night snac+s


     1a) preparation of all products fish, meat,egetables, fruits etcN


     All meat receiing,cutting,processing


     French pastry speciality and freshly ba+ed breads


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    Contemporary bar and +itchen )ith inspiring dOcor to un)ind and rela

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    South east Asia food concept that offers guests a confortable and rela

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    #Located in the lobby lounge, the ining 1oom portrays a feeling of comfort and elegance. The

    menu offers classic =uropean coo+ing in addition to authentic Indian cuisine flaored )ith spicesThis )ill be an all#day dining restaurant sering premium $uality meats and local faorites li+e

     biryani and +ebabs )ith an open +itchen as its focal point.

    #The continental brea+fast includes a cold buffet )ith a selection of fresh oen#ba+ed bread and

    freshly s$ueeed Guices )hilst also offering a )ide choice of hot a la carte food selections.

    #2 pm to J&' pm is sered a la carte only.

      Total -eatin# Area(

    #A total of ! coers

    Hours of operation( 2*

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    TH, 0I+IN" ROO*

    )The Liing 1oom is an elegant, refined and at the same time rela

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      #The pastry section produces a huge ariety of ca+es, gateau

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      Apple pie

      Chocolate mousse



      0inger pudding

      Eread and Eutter pudding.


    #Commissary is separate into three sections.

    .4egB fruit . 2. fish. &. Eutchery

    It caters maGorly to Ean$uet and =mployees restaurant for the bul+ production.

    It also assist

    The dinning room,

    Tre Forni,

    6riental bar and +itchen and the ba+ery.

    The operation involves!





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    ,6UIP*,NT- U-,D IN CO*I--ARY

    7,T "RIND,R 

    • This is a ery important labour saing e$uipment used for grinding masala(s, ma+ing pastes,

     batters especially for Indian cuisine• Consists of 2 stone discs both of )hich moe in different directions and hence the ingredients

    to be processed is rotated in and around the discs and ta+es the form of the paste or batter asre$uired.

    POTATO P,,0,R 

    • This e$uipment is used for peeling potato or any similar egetable

    • It )or+s on the principle of friction

    &U..A0O CHOPP,R8*INC,R 

    • This is a heay duty chopping machine for fine chopping

    HO&ART *INC,R 


    This is a common mincing machine used for all meats

    • Comprises of 2 blades, arch t)ister and a tray and inlet platform

    &ON, -A7


  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    • A high proficiency French machine )hich comprises of a chain sa) blade )ith settings for

    tightening the blade

    • The machine is generally used to cut froen meat

    • -sesJ

    - -sed to cut flesh )ith bone and froen to ariant measured dices.

    - -sed to cut arious froen carcasses for faster and easy usage for stoc+s and sauces.

    +ACCU&OY +ACCU*, PAC2 

    This machine plays a ery important role in the commissary as it is one of the maGor processes in

     processing of food at the last stage .This machine is used to pac+ food or processed products in plastic bags

      7A02 IN

    There are different )al+#ins for eery +itchen. The temperature is also fi

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    HACCP Haard Analysis Critical Control /oints

    Ha$ards9 means biological, physical, or chemical property that may cause a food to be unsafe for

    human consumptionK

    Ob:ectives#It addresses basic operational and sanitation conditions in an establishment to reduce foodsafety ris+s. The information proided should be used as minimum good practices, as it is not an


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    .OOD AND &,+,RA",


  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    Food and Eeerage epartment FBE is responsible for maintaining high $uality of food and serice,

    food costing, managing restaurants, bars, etc.

    Food and Eeerage Serice is the serice of Food made in the 8itchen and rin+s prepared in the Ear to

    the Customers 0uest at the Food B Eeerage premises, )hich can beJ1estaurants, Ears, Hotels, Airlines, Cruise Ships, Trains, Companies, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals,

    /risons, Ta+ea)ay, etc

    In general, ho)eer, food and beerage serersJ

     prepare tables or counters for meals

    stoc+ the serice area )ith supplies for e

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    Food and beerage serers should enGoy haing clear rules and organied methods, )or+ing )ith people

    and )or+ing )ith tools and e$uipment.

    Food and beerage serers )ho sere li$uor must be at least 9 years of age. In formal dining rooms,

    food and beerage serers also mustJ

    +no) proper food serice eti$uette

    use the correct terminology and be able to ans)er $uestions about )ines and other beerages be

    able to prepare tableside dishes for e

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    TOP ;< HYATT .OOD = &,+,RA",

    4 Coffee >e offer the best cup of coffee in to)n in all its

    arieties including latte,

    cappuccino, and espresso as

    )ell as decaffeinated.

    ; Tea 6ur tea programs proideherbal, decaffeinated and

    other loose leaf teas.

    /ouring a cup of bre)ed tea

     properly is e$ually as

    important as the selection.

    > ?uices >e proide a selection of freshly s$ueeed Guices

    using a ariety of fresh

    fruits and egetables.

    @ .resh .ruit >e offer fresh fruit that issered perfectly ripe.

    &read >e sere bread that is ba+ed fresh daily.


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    B &evera#es >e offer alcoholic and non#alcoholic beerages using

    the freshest ingredients

    and premium brands. 6ur 

    coc+tails are s+illfully

     perfected, consistently

     presenting classic and tasty

    coc+tails, sered elo$uently



    =ach restaurant should hae

    its o)n Rclaim to fame.P

    .resh .ish

    = -eafood

    >e proide the freshest fish

    aailable using sustainablesources for 

     both farmed and )ild

    caught fish and seafood

    )heneer possible.

    E Perfect



    >e use perfect preparation

    methods in our +itchensJ

    1oasted to a golden bro)n,

    grilled to the appropriate

    temperature,stir#fried and piping hot,

    steamed to perfection.





    >e al)ays offer a ariety of 

    local and

    International comfort foods

    in room serice.

    44 7ines >e offer a dierse selectionof intage )ines,sered by

    +no)ledgeable employeesat arious price points.


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    0ocal =



    >e prepare local and ethnic

    cuisine using authentic

     preparation methods and




    Dessert =

    Ice Crea1

    >e offer a selection of 

    irresistible desserts and

    gourmet ice creams,

    emphasiing $uality,

    ariety, freshness, taste and






    >e select garden fresh

    herbs that are gro)n locally

    or on#property )heneer 





    >e offer a balanced array of 

    menu choices including

    lean cuts of meats,

    fish, poultry and egetarian

    creations. Ingredients are

    fresh, organic and

    represent a balanced diet.


    +e#etables= -alads

    >e sere salads that arecrisp and fresh, and

    egetables that are pic+ed at

    the pea+ of the harest,

    )or+ing )ith local farmers

    )hen possible


    Cleanliness >e adhere to the ultimateminimum standards )hich


    carpets should be spotless,

    chandeliers and )indo)sshould spar+le,

    +itchen floors should shine.


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    +alue for


    >e ensure that our  

    customers ee delier an impeccable

    tabletop )ith spar+ling and


    china)are, cutlery and

    glass)are. Linen that is

    clean and )rin+le#free



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    Type of operation

    The ining 1oom is a 2* hour outlet sering all the maGor meals and mid night meals for the people

    staying in the hotel and city. Apart from food, it )ill also sere hot and cold beerages, both non#alcoholic and alcoholic. The outlet )ill be +no)n for its authentic Indian and =uropean specialities

    )hich are highly influenced by French cuisine. The ining 1oom )ill proide its guests )ith a fine

    dining e

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    The outlet )ill offer a )ide selection of food to its guest )hich )ill be highly influenced by French

    as )ell as the Indian cuisine. Special attention )ill be gien to brea+fast meal period here. It )ill

    hae both buffet and a la carte choices for the guest. Euffet spread )ill hae the choices of morning

     ba+eries, and other cold selection li+e cereals, fruits, Eircher muesli and cold cuts. 1est of the

     brea+fast specialties li+e )affle, panca+e, French toast, eggs to order etc. )ill be sered to the guests

    on the table.

    To gie a taste of local cuisine to our guests, )e )ill also be sering local brea+fast specialties li+e

    dosa, idli, uttapam, and South Indian filter coffee.

    In Lunch and dinner, the guests )ill hae a )ide a la carte selection of authentic French and Indian

    delicacies to choose from. There )ill not be any buffet. >e also )ant to be regarded as the pioneer in

    ma+ing Hyderabadi biryani a local faorite. >e )ill also sere certain tandoori specialties )hich

    )ill proide opportunity for our guests to appreciate the taste of local cuisine. The menu )ill also

    feature certain comfort food items li+e dal, sand)iches and mouth#)atering desserts.


    Type of Operation

    Tre Forni means RThree 6ensP is an Italian 1estaurant. The restaurant )ould be operating for

    Lunch and inner sering authentic north Italian cuisine and also Italian aperitif based coc+tails and

    non#alcoholic beerages. The >ine list )ould be featuring some of the best Italian )ines fromnorthern Italy. Tre Forni offers a home#style and comfortable dining e

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    The outlet should be +no)n for its authentic food such as thin crust pias, pastas, fresh salads,

    cheeses, meat B fish preparation and traditional desserts. The enue )ill hae an in +itchen dining


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    Hours of Operation

    Tre Forni 1estaurantJ Lunch J 2 noon to "J'' pminner J !J'' pm to 2&J&' pm

      Tre Forni Ear 

      2 noon 2 midnight




    Contemporary bar and +itchen )ith inspiring dOcor to un)ind and rela

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    China %apan

    The outlet should be +no)n for its premium selection of Single :alts and Cognacs. The ariety of

    Asian flaoured coc+tails, beers from different parts of Asia.


    Located on the meanine floor 

    Desi#n Co1ponents 8 -pecial .eatures

    Single :alt Library, the finest selected Single :alts )ill be on display

    Cognac Library, premium handpic+ed cognacs on offer 

    Asian flaoured coc+tails station, handcrafted, innoatie coc+tails to enGoy

    Asian beers, ariety of Asian beers to be sered

    6pen sho) +itchen

    Single :alts to be sered in leather trays, drin+s made right in front of the


    Culinary Direction

    The outlet )ill offer South =ast Asian cuisine. Sho) +itchen )ill proide opportunity for guest

    interaction, )here the guest can see the chefs at )or+.

    Carefully selected South =ast Asian delicacies

    Authentic preparation methods and fresh ingredients

    /erfectly presented and A la minute sauces

    Fresh chef(s choice of bar snac+s )ould be sered daily.

    >anton soup, fried tofu, egetable spring rolls are fe) of the dishes that are on offer. uic+

     preparation dishes, so that it can go )ith the drin+s order to the guests simultaneously. The portion

    sie of the dishes are made +eeping in mind that the guest can enGoy a dierse ariety of oriental


    Hours of Operation

    >ee+days# !J'' to 2&J'' hrs


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    >ee+ends#2J&' to "J&' and !J&' hrs on)ards

      -tyle of -ervice

    The serice )ill be efficient and friendly

    Interactie and personalised guest e

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    1oom serice proides the best of $uic+ deliery of food and beerage to our in room guests as )ell

    residences guests through trolleyMhotbo

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    • esserts M Cheeses


    Full range of beerage in the hotel can be made aailable according to re$uirement3 ho)eer there)ill be standard beerage pac+ages of different price leels in place to meet different preferences.

      TH, 0I+IN" ROO*

    The Liing 1oom lounge seres a )ide selection of the finest premium teas and freshly bre)ed

    coffee accompanied by delicate French pastries.


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    .RONT O..IC,

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt



    Park Hyatt Hyderabad is a contemporary Hotel which offers the discerning traveler an atmosphere ofunderstated elegance and luxury,coupled with gracious service and the welcoming warmth of a personaresidence.

    We are equipped with 2! rooms including "uites and #2 service apartments..


    P$%& %''( P$%& )*+W %''( P$%& "*-+ P$%& ++/-*)+ "*-+ 0*P1'($- "*-+ /H$*%($ "*-+ P%+"*0+-*$1 "*-+


    Front Desk& Guest Relatons

    3ront 0esk areas include reception and cashiering located on the 1obby 1evel. "taff members are not restricted

    behind reception desks, but are stationed by the lift landings and lobby areas on lobby level to greet, welcome

    and assist all guests.

    O!erall e"#eren$e

    -he overall experience of a guest visiting Park Hyatt Hyderabad will be the sense that we have not only met bu

    also exceeded all his 4her expectations through our personali5ed service and the ability to anticipate guest


    %o Role'

    /heck 6 in 7/heck 8 outWelcoming 7 +scorting 9uests$llocation of %ooms/onduct hotel tours3oreign +xchangeHandle )*P guests/ashieringHandle guest queries 7 concerns9uest history management9uest recognition 7 service


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    Co((un$aton Centre


    -he 9uest "ervice /entre is located at the 1obby 1evel and is situated in the :ack 'ffice.

    -he 9uest "ervice /entre is a /entral ode where all incoming, *n6House and 'utgoing calls are handled.

    Busness Centre

    -he :usiness /entre is located on the :asement 1evel ;.

    O#eratn* Hours'

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    %o Role'

    3irst 7 1ast point of contact for guests-aking walk in reservations$irport transfers

    $ssisting guests with immigration procedures9reet, meet 7 escort services


    Re$e#ton & Bell Desk

    %o Role'

    *n residence /heck *ns 7 /heck 'uts

    Welcoming 7 escorting guests

    Handle guest queries 7 concerns

    9uest history management

    9uest recognition 7 service

    1uggage "ervices

    $irport "ervices

    Ser!$es & Fa$ltes +or res-ents'

    3ull Housekeeping service 8 ? times a week

    2#4@ guest services

    2#4@ security services

    Parking facilities 8 for two cars


    0efining the true meaning of luxury and comfort, the uniquely designed residences at Park Hyatt Hyderabad offer

    an exclusive product with a wide variety of services and facilities. estled between the prime residentianeighborhoods of Aubilee Hills and :an>ara Hills, makes Park Hyatt Hyderabad effortlessly accessible from thecityBs international school, key business districts, *- Hub, airport, shopping and entertainment destinations.

    /omforts of home and more, the residences at Park Hyatt Hyderabad is the preferred address for all residents, wholook for a perfect blend of luxuries and personali5ed services.


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    -he generously proportioned and well6appointed residences are the cityBs most contemporary and spaciousserviced apartments. $ll hotel services and facilities, from concierge assistance to -he "pa, are available to alresidents.

    Des*n $o(#onent, s#e$al +eatures

    'ur #? spacious apartments offer a truly modern home6inspired setting with spectacular views of the city and hoteatrium.

    $ll our apartments are furnished with hand crafted Walnut wood flooring and furniture, and equipped with luxuriousfeatures like (ichelangelo marble kitchen, high ceilings, oversi5ed work desk, expansive walk in closet andcontemporary bathroom with soaking bathtub and rain shower. 'ur fully equipped kitchen and welcome amenities will provide a truly comfortable and homely experience.

    9lassware6 "chott Cwiesel/hinaware6 arumi"ilverware6 W(3&itchen ware6 Paderno'ur central location provides easy access to all the attractions, tours and shows in and around Hyderabad.

    :elow is the breakdown of our apartments=

    One Be- Roo( No' S./ Area  Park 'ne :ed %oom 2 ! sq.m"uperior 'ne :ed %oom D ! sq.m

    0eluxe 'ne :ed %oom ;; ! sq.m"ubtotal 01

    T2o Be- Roo( No' S./ Area  

    "uperior -wo :ed %oom ; ;?E sq.m0eluxe -wo :ed %oom D ;D sq.m"uperior -wo :ed %oom F-erraceG ? ;#E sq.m+xecutive -wo :ed %oom ? ;D sq.m"ubtotal 33

    T4ree Be- Roo(   No' S./ Area  0eluxe -hree :ed %oom 2 22E sq.m"ubtotal  3

    Total a#art(ents 56

    $partments offer the following features=


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    /ontemporary design

    Panoramic view

    "i5e varies from ! sqm to 22E sqm

    Walnut finish furniture, white marble planks, (ichelangelo marble in the kitchen

    3ully equipped kitchen

    "pacious bathrooms with soaking bathtub and rain shower Heated shower mirror

    "eparate living room with contemporary sofas and armchairs

    0ining area with seating for # to ;2 people

    3unctional work stations with Wifi connectivity

    -wo telephone lines

    &ing si5e bed in master bedroom and two twin beds in >unior bedroom

    9oose down bedding and quality bed linen from Hanse F 9ermanyG

    Walk6in closets

    *ndividual temperature controls

    *pod docking station #D and EE inch -)s

    "atellite -)

    :athroom -)

    :athroom scales

    Hair 0ryer ;D W

    :lue ray

    *n room safe

    *ron and *roning board

    Hair dryer

    3ridge with free5er

    +lectric hub with # burners

    +xhaust hood


    +lectric &ettle

    espresso machine





    /ooking utensils

    +lectric combi microwave

    9uest washroom



  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    -he apartments at Park Hyatt Hyderabad will be the preferred address for all residents, who look for a perfect blendof luxuries and personali5ed services.

    -he generously proportioned and well6appointed residences are the cityBs most contemporary and spaciousserviced apartments. $ll hotel services and facilities, from concierge assistance to -he "pa, are available to al


    -he guests will be offered to rent an apartment on a monthly and yearly basis. :ased on the commitment the rentfor yearly lease will be more favorable compared to short term lease.

    :eing fully serviced and furnished apartments, the following exclusive facilities and service will be offered to theresidents and included in their rent=

    O#eratn* P4loso#47

    • %esidents have private entrance and elevator leading to their apartments

    0edicated 3ront 0esk with 2#4@ operation, includes the services provided by 9uest "ervice'fficers4 /oncierge and :ell $ttendants

    • 2#4@ security services

    • 2#4@ engineering services

    • +very apartment will have a designated housekeeper, who will service the apartment three

    times a week. -he concept of the personali5ed housekeeping service will be appreciated bythe long staying residents, as they will not require explaining their preferences to every newteam member. -he permanently assigned housekeeper will know the guestsB likes and dislikesand will certainly build a better rapport and gain trust from the guests. -hese components arevery essential to make the residents feel like at home.

    • -he full housekeeping service will include the change of bed and bath linen, dusting of

    furniture, mopping of the floor and cleaning of the kitchen except for dish washing.• -he guest bathroom amenities will not be replenished during the service, but full range will be

    provided upon arrival as part of welcoming amenities.

    • (onthly social activities will be conducted for the residents, such as cooking class, florist

     workshop, fitness class, etc.

    • early residence party will take place as appreciation of guestsB loyalty to Hyatt and %esidence

    • -he %esidence 1ease $greements will be handled by "ales 0epartments whereas 'perations

     will be overseen by %ooms -eam.

    • Pets will not be permitted in the apartments.

    • -he residences are not included in any of the 3requent 3lyer or 9old Passport programs.

    St7le o+ Ser!$e

    -he service is at all times sincere, friendly and efficient with a personal touch and dedication. "taff should be

    sensitive to the cultural needs of each individual guest and adapt their service delivery accordingly.


  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    -here is a very important aspect of service that is the valuable relationship with long staying guests, knowing

    their preferences, likes and dislikes, anticipating their needs and exceeding the guestsB expectations where


    -he service if based on the principle that this is home for the residents and they should feel comfortable living

     with us.


    0efining the true meaning of luxury and comfort, the uniquely designed urban business Park Hyatt Hyderabad hoteoffers spacious and well6appointed guestrooms with a wide variety of services and facilities. estled between theprime residential neighborhoods of Aubilee Hills and :an>ara Hills, makes Park Hyatt Hyderabad effortlesslyaccessible from key business districts, *- Hub, airport, shopping and entertainment destinations.

    Des*n $o(#onent, s#e$al a(entes an- ser!$es8

    -he guestrooms come with the following features and amenities=

    • 1/0 -) #DI inch

    • *ndividually controlled air conditioning

    • /able 4 "atellite television channels

    • (edia hub

    • 0ataport

    • 0igital and cordless phones• iPod docking station

    • 'versi5ed work desk

    •   &ing6si5e bed 7 feather bedding

    • Walk6in closet

    • *n6room safe

    • *ron4ironing board

    • -wo bottles of complimentary mineral water

    • espresso 8 coffee maker with supplies

    • -ea maker with supplies• (ini bar with refreshments

    • 'versi5ed rain shower

    • "eparate bathtub

    • Heated mirror

    • Hair dryer ;D watts


  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    • :athrobes and slippers

    -he below services are provided upon request=

    • 2#hrs room service

    • Wi63i high speed internet connectivity

    • (orning newspaper with choice of local and international newspaper• "hoeshine service

    • on allergic bedding

    • /rib 7 rollaway bed

    • 2# hours laundry service

    • :aby sitting

    • 0octor on call

    • *nterconnecting room Fadditional charges applyG


    -he guestrooms at Park Hyatt Hyderabad will be offer a perfect blend of luxury and personali5ed services and wilmeet the needs of both leisure and business travelers.

    -he generously proportioned and well6appointed rooms are the cityBs most contemporary and spacious hoteguestrooms. $ll hotel services and facilities, from concierge assistance to -he "pa, are available to all hotel guests.

    -he created comfort of the guestrooms and extended personali5ed services make the guest experience en>oyableand hassle free.

    $ll guestrooms are equipped with state of the art technology to meet the needs of todayBs business travelers. -heyinclude the Wifi internet, media hub facility and two line telephones. -he guest is given an option to choose a dailynewspaper od his preference.

    -he comfortable Hyatt bed with quality cotton linen from 9ermany enhances the guest stay experience and createsa feeling of Jhome away from homeI.

    -he guestBs stay is complimented by variety of bathroom amenities from (iller Harris F & G and forest essentials.-he minibar refreshments in the rooms, room service around the clock and variety of 3ood 7 :everage outlets addto the guest convenience.

    -he following departments work together towards making a wholesome guest experience through providing thepersonali5ed services=

    Housekeeping1aundry:ell 0esk/oncierge9uest "ervice


  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    3ront 0esk%oom "ervice:usiness /enter"pa"alon

    9ym and Pool%estaurants and bars

    O#eratn* P4loso#47

    • $llocate the rooms as per guest preference F i.e.non6smoking, king si5e bed, high floor, etcG

    • (aintain guest history

    • pdate guest profile notes to meet and preferable exceed the guest expectations

    • *nspect the rooms prior to guest arrival to meet the cleanliness standards

    • +nsure that the standard amenities have been placed in the room

    • :e extra attentive to the needs of single female travelers and guests with special needs

    • -o carry out the regular maintenance, pest control and spring cleaning programs to maintain

    upkeep and cleanliness of the rooms

    • %ectify the reasons for out of service rooms in a timely manner to avoid potential revenue loss

    • Perform daily checks of the privacy and double locked rooms to ensure guest safety and


    • %eport to "ecurity about suspicious visitors and packages to ensure the guest safety and


    St7le o+ Ser!$e

    -he service is at all times sincere, friendly and efficient with a personal touch and dedication. "taff should be

    sensitive to the cultural needs of each individual guest and adapt their service delivery accordingly.


  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt




  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    House+eeping is the department that deals essentially )ith cleanliness and all ancillary serice attached

    to that.

    The standard plays an important role in the reputation of the hotels. 6ne feels comfortable only in the

    enironment )hich is clean and )ell ordered, so cleanliness is important for health foremost also for

    )ell being.

    Accommodation in hotels tend to be the largest part of the hotel, it is the most reenue generating

    department, the house+eeping department ta+es care of all rooms is often largest department in hotels.

    The rooms in hotels are offered as accommodation to traelersM guest as indiidual units of bedroom.

    Some interconnected rooms are also made )hich )ill be helpful to the guest and families

    Hotel offer laundry, dry leaning facilities for guest clothes, shoe polishing facilities also. Hotel aims to

    ma+e enironment comfortable and offer specialised serice to the guest.

    House +eeping is the department determine to a large e

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    To ensure high standards the house+eeping department )or+s efficiently to +eep clean, dust free

    rooms, hygienic both rooms and public areas

    Different sub depart1ents in house eepin#(

    • Floors

    • /ublic area

    • Control des+ 

    • -niformMlinen room

    • Laundry

    HOU-,2,,PIN" = 0AUNDRY


    ?ob Role

    Cleaning of 0uest roomsB 1esidences

    Cleaning of /ublic areas

    -ervices offered to #uests

    :orning serice

    =ening serice

    Shoe Shine serice

    In house floristHandling guest amenity re$uests

    Additional re$uests li+e e

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt



    "uest Roo1s No( -5% Area8ing 1ooms && *"


    T)in 1ooms *! *" s$.m

    Accessible M isabled 1ooms & *" s$.m

    Total "uest Roo1s 4

    -uites No( -5% Area

    /ar+ Suite 8ing 7 ' s$.m

    /ar+ =


  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    A1enities>e use hypo#allergenicMecological friendly bath products.Amenities used in par+ hyatt#

    Forest =ssentials

    :iller Harris

    CH,*ICA0- U-,D &Y HOU-,2,,PIN"

    All the chemicals )hich are used at /A18 H@ATT Hyderabad are from


    Toilet cleaner TAS8I 1

    Hygienic hard Surface


    TAS8I 12

    0lass cleaner TAS8I 1&.

    Furniture polish TAS8I 1*

    Air freshener TAS8I 1"

    Heay#duty toilet cleaner TAS8I 1

    Acidic bathroom cleaner TAS8I 1!


  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    Roo1s Top ;<

    Arrival ,Fperience(

     >e ensure a personal and )elcoming ee smile and greet out

    guest )armly using their name if +no)n and offer our assistance.

    -afety = -ecurity( >e ensure that guests feel secure and erify guest information )ith picture identification before

     proiding replacement +eys or opening a guestroom door. =mployees are all )ell ersed )ith ourfire, safety and emergency procedures.

    7ae)up Call( >e delier )a+e#up calls on time, using the guest name, time of day and al)ays offering a follo)#up


    *essa#e Delivery(

     >e delier all messages, fa

  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt


    "uest 7or Areas(

     Amenities and collateral are coneniently situated )ithin the guest room in order to create clean,

    organied and non#intrusie )or+ area for our guests.

    Privacy -i#nJ

    >e do not enter rooms or disturb a guest re$uesting priacy.


    >e proide )ell presented communication materials to our guests in the most efficient and professional manner, using $uality graphics, materials and printing.

    In)Roo1 A8+ ,ntertain1ent( 

    >e offer an ee ma+e certain that all noticeable cables and )ires are neatly tied using $uality and appropriate

    colour straps and retainers.

    Pest Control( 

    >e ensure that a fre$uent and comprehensie pest control program is carried out on a regular basis

     by a certified endor to ensure )e are al)ays pest free.

    7or Areas( 

    >e ta+e pride in +eeping all )or+ areas, front and bac+ of the house e$ually neat and presentable.


     >e participate in green initiaties, consering energy )here possible and recycling )hat material

    )e can.

    Chec! Chec! Chec( 

    >e create a philosophy that it is eeryone5s responsibility to constantly chec+ the standard.


    To ensure minimum standards are set in all 1ooms departments )ith ''U commitment from all

    employees and management to ensure the Top T)enty standards are implemented throughout thehotel.


  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Park Hyatt



    * have learnt how a hotel runs in real, after having briefing through studies. * could have a good knowledge

    of hotel operations. *t helps to get fit or habituated for the hotel industry. $lso * could learn different branches

    and new varieties of machines and items and beverages in the hotel.

    "o * thank to my college for giving me this opportunity.

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