introduction to imperialism

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Introduction To Imperialism. World Domination that makes you feel good. What is imperialism? Political and/or economic domination of foreign lands. Europe had had empires since the 1500s. What caused the “new imperialism?”. Economic interests Nationalism Religion and humanitarianism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Introduction To Imperialism

World Domination that makes you feel good.

What is imperialism?• Political and/or

economic domination of foreign lands

Europe had had empires since the 1500s

What caused the “new imperialism?”

• Economic interests• Nationalism• Religion and

humanitarianism• Social Darwinism

However, Before 1870, Malaria And Harsh Terrain Kept Europeans Mostly Out Of Africa

But The Industrial Revolution Changes That

The 19th Century Race For African colonies

In the 19th Century, The Largest Empire Is britain

The Maxim Gun“Whatever

happens, we have got

The Maxim gun, and they have not.”

The British Raj

The Most Notorious Example Of Imperialism Is In The Belgian Congo

The Congo is ruthlessly exploited for its rubber resources.

• Why was rubber suddenly worth killing for?

Leopold Rules The Congo As A Slave Colony

Belgian rule is unspeakably brutal.

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