introduction to content marketing workbook

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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The workbook from Taleist's Introduction to Content Marketing seminar, designed to excited newcomers to content market


An Introduction to Content Marketing

Steven Lewis

1. Introduction



Content marketing isn’t new



1971 1908



John Oliver on native advertising

2. One-off content marketing



When once might be enough

The content marketing transaction






3. Websites


Examples of content marketing websites


4. The importance of strategy


It’s easy to forget the why when what you’re doing is fun

5. You don’t own Facebook

“Owned” media are sometimes just borrowed


Facebook pages are sometimes described as “owned” media because it’s “your” Facebook page. But you don’t own what you don’t ultimately control, especially where the provider is making you no promises.

6. Facebook

Why is your audience in Facebook?


Just because your audience has a Facebook account (because over a billion people do) doesn’t mean they’re on Facebook looking for information about you. Before you invest time in Facebook, think about that.

7. Ebooks

Ebooks convert


Ebooks are great ways to build credibility and as an incentive to readers to sign up for a mailing list, for instance. They’re also a great way to repurpose content you’ve already put on your website.

8. Podcasting



Check out the Taleist Content Marketing Podcast at:!!!!

More about Rode’s SmartLav+ here:!!

9. Webinars

Webinars are easy


Webinars are growing in popularity, partly because they’re cheap to run and also because they save time for presenters and attendees, none of whom has to leave their desks to participate.!!

We use WebinarJam:!*


10. Infographics

Highly shareable


Infographics are another inexpensive and popular way to attract an audience. Tweets with images, for instance, are at least 25% more likely to be shared. The public loves information in an easily digestible form.!!

The Australia Street infographic discussed in the talk is here:!! !!

11. Instagram

People gather for a picture


Images get shared. Instagram is short on words but a picture more than makes up for that to millions of users.!!

Brands and individuals are building enthusiastic followers in Instagram.!

12. LinkedIn

Building a personal brand


LinkedIn is a place to build a corporate brand and a personal brand.!!

Even if you’re not working on a corporate brand for an employer or client, you should be building your own.!

13. Blogging

The hub of hub-and-spoke


Unlike other “owned” media that might just be borrowed, a blog you definitely own (provided you host it yourself). Whether you call them blog posts, “articles” or something else, blogs build intellectual property and Google juice.!

14. YouTube

Video is eating other contentA billion people a day start their search for information in YouTube. Although the costs of producing video have come down, it’s still expensive relative to other content but it’s highly effective. The Volkswagen video on the left has been watched almost 200,000 times:!!!

15. Pinterest

PinterestPinterest shouldn’t be dismissed lightly, unless your audience is almost exclusively men. Pinterest drives more ecommerce than any other social network per head.!


16. TV

If you have the moneyBrands like Chipotle and Subway are promoting themselves with TV shows. The ratio might have to be lower than the 20 of 80:20 but the reach can be extreme.!!

In Australia Intrepid Travel, Old El Paso and Travel Insurance Direct clubbed together to send a couple of Masterchef contestants to film a YouTube series in Mexico:!! !


17. Recap

Opportunities aboundThere have never been more channels and people have never consumed more content than they are now. With clever thinking and a clear strategy, every brand has an opportunity to reach customers in more interesting and more fruitful ways.!

18. The 80:20 rule

A time and a place


There’s a time and a place for talking about yourself and you probably have marketing channels for that already. Content marketing is about talking about what your customers are already interested in and building an affinity with them as an audience. It’s not a direct sales tool, nor is it for PR.!




19. The right message in the right place

Be where they want you to be


If your audience is looking for career advice, LinkedIn is probably a better place to be than Facebook. If they’re short on time but spend a lot of it in their cars, a podcast might be the answer.!

20. Strategy




More on SOSTAC from its creator, PR Smith:!! !

21. Time tracking

Know where the time goes


Content marketing takes time. When you’re trying to work out what it costs you, it helps to know how much time you’re putting in. It’s probably more than you think.

22. Assigning value

What’s a lead worth to you?


When you’re measuring the return on your investment in content marketing, you have to know what you’re valuing. The value of a like on Facebook will be different to you from the value to someone else. If you’re selling million-dollar houses, one more enthusiastic bidder at an auction could cover the entire cost of your content marketing.

23. The buyer’s journey

The questions a buyer asks


Ultimately, you’re trying to be the answer to your customers’ questions. Part of your content marketing approach should be asking yourself what questions your customers are asking so you can make sure your information is there when they’re looking.

24. Buyer personas

The simple questions


Asking questions about your customers helps you to build a picture of different kinds of customers. It’s easier to write something that will be interesting to your audience when you’re clear on who they are and what interests, motivates and moves them.

25. The technology

The right equipment for the job


Storytelling today often calls for the same story to be told in words — books, articles, blog posts, Tweets, status messages… — and audio and video. You would have needed half a dozen people and a van for all that equipment before. Today it fits in a standard camera bag.

The Zoom H6 recorder can be held in your hand for recording an interview or takes up to four external mics. It runs for hours on AA batteries.!


The Rode Reporter is great for interviews, audio-only or on camera!

The Sound Grabber II is a reliable tool sitting on a desk!

DSLR cameras like the EOS 7D aren’t just for pictures. They shoot HD video and can be paired with the Zoom H6 and mics


Don’t let the retro styling fool you. The Fujifilm X100s takes amazing pictures and is almost pocket-sized

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