intro to wikis and more on distance collaboration

Post on 16-May-2015






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Contemplating Wikis


Wednesday, January 30, 13


Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13


Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

wikis are tools

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Things they’re not good for, according to Barton:

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

in other words,

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Things that are yours alone,

Wednesday, January 30, 13


Wednesday, January 30, 13

things that impact your digital identity.

Wednesday, January 30, 13

What’s a wiki good for?

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Big, collaborative stuff.

Wednesday, January 30, 13

s p r a w l i n g projects

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

It means we have to let go of this:

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

and consider collaboration as a given.

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Zelenka: Trust Factor

Jalisa, Mary DJ, Chelsea, Katie, Shanelle

(among others):

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Chelsea:I also valued [Moore & Neely’s] use of real life situations, such as BeeHive, though I didn’t quite share your optimism. I think that crowdsourcing and the virtual connections made in the examples given by Moore and Neely were quite possibly exceptions. A lot of times plans like this do not work- people troll the operating systems, gossip about coworkers, use these crowdsourcing means for nonproductive ends. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s possible- I just don’t think it is as probable as Moore and Neely suggest.

Wednesday, January 30, 13


I wonder what it would be like if SU had something equivalent to the Beehive. If anyone has experience with creating these kinds of websites, I would be very interested to try and maybe start something like this…

Caroline (and Red and Sheri and more):I totally agree with the Beehive point! ... It’s so simple but seems to make a big impact and I can definitely see why! Having a small Facebook/Linked in for just your company is genius and so smart-thinking. I wrote in mine, Can, that we should have this for Syracuse or our class even!

Wednesday, January 30, 13

2 viewpoints on community

Wednesday, January 30, 13


Zelenka states that, “No longer is social networking and schmoozing required only of salespeople and politicians. In the web age, everyone must build a social network in order to succeed.” (Zelenka, 161) However, with social networking reaching such high levels of importance, is it only a matter of time before the usage of social networking begins to outweigh that of human interaction in the workplace?

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Korena:Some people would argue that technology is limiting community interaction. We look at machines more than we look people in the eye. I think these people are wrong. Technology isn’t shadowing the role of the community. Technology is revolutionizing the role of the community. ... Virtual communities aren’t practical and can’t substitute face-to-face interaction unless they are used the right way. Being face-to-face with a person means a couple things: 1) Your attention is on that person, 2) You are taking the time to have a conversation with that person and 3) You see the person your talking to as a human being that deserves respect. Zelenka talks about the importance of taking such ideals with you to the virtual community in “effective virtual team work” (Zelenka 155).

Wednesday, January 30, 13

Red: I use Skype most often because it is so well known user-friendly. It is good to hear other people’s voices rather than just reading bland text. It helps to gauge how other members of your team are feeling about the work through their voices. The downside to this is that more and more people are saying “no” to voice chats or telephone calls. No one wants to speak anymore, only type due to its timeliness and the fact that you can work on more thing than one this way. I believe there is also a growing  fear in young people of feeling dumb for actually calling someone.

Wednesday, January 30, 13

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