intrinsic alpha january 2013 - fancy a punt?

Post on 13-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 Intrinsic Alpha January 2013 - Fancy a Punt?


    Intrinsic Alpha Note February 2014

    "What happens to us in the future? Do we become

    assholes or something?" Marty, Back to the Future


    "Expecting something for nothing is the most popular

    form of hope." Arnold H. Glasow

    "Hope is the overdraft on reality." Team Macro Man

    "Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope." -


    Greed is goodGordon Gekko

    Fancy a punt?

    Welcome to 2014. Its been an interesting start to the year,

    however, I find myself at a quandary equities and

    bonds arent that interesting these days, we know

    equities are going up and bonds are going down, at least

    in the long run. Maximum gains there sit somewhere in

    the high single digits for the 11 months remaining of

    2014. In the hunt for something sexier, something that

    could really get your pulse racing, Ive decided to hurt

    the voices in my head. Ive decided to make them cry.

    What have I done? Ive decided to buy some Bitcoin. Yes,

    you are correct in thinking this diametrically opposes

    everything I believe in.

    Before you get too excited, let me reaffirm my stance on

    the Bitcoin:

    1. It will be stamped on by governments in the long-run.

    2. It is not a currency and never will be.

    3. The only thing impressive about it is its speculative


    4. It is not finite because anyone can make their own


    5. Nothing backs a Bitcoin whereas at least fiat

    currencies issued by central banks are backed by the

    future tax revenues of their governments.

    6. Bitcoin is not like gold or silver, its more like tulips or

    South Sea stock.

    So why am I doing this? What is going on inside my

    head? The answer: pure speculative greed. My New

    Years resolution is to make money. I have 11 months to

    show that I can. Here goes. Before I continue, I must

    warn you, that if you are a bitcoin bug, you should stop

    reading here, because I will most likely offend you. It s

    nothing personal, just business.

    If I had a (random name here)-coin every time I heard


    The first thing you have to accept is that the 1000% return

    days of bitcoin are over. Sorry, you missed that boat (or

    punt). Thats not necessarily a problem, because given

    the interesting nature of the bitcoin speculative bubble,

    many people have jumped on the bandwagon of creating

    alternative crypto-currencies which aim to supplant or

    complement bitcoin. The problem however is, as of

    today, I count around 80 of these. It seems one needs to

    exercise some coin-selection when deciding which of

    these to back.

    Figure 1 depicts an interesting visualisation of the

    marketcap split of the ones Ive come across. With

    interesting names like Primecoin, Feathercoin, Dogecoin,

    Sexcoin (ooh lala), Casino Coin (vegas baby!), you cant

    help but think people are frankly taking the piss. In my

    view, they are not taking the piss. What theyre doing

    is quite simply jumping on the bandwagon and trying to

    get something for nothing.

  • 7/27/2019 Intrinsic Alpha January 2013 - Fancy a Punt?


    Intrinsic Alpha Note February 2014

    Figure 1: Source -

    Needless to say, most of the altcoins out there arepointless. They have been created for the sole purpose of

    filling the pockets of their creators, who no doubt were

    jealous of the handsome returns bitcoin early adopters

    received. Thats fair enough, in any bubble with near

    zero entry cost, you can expect new entrants. The funny

    thing about this list, is that each of these (bitcoin

    included) is said to have a market capthe number of

    coins in circulation multiplied by the price. I find that

    quite funny. Lets get one thing straight, if everyone sold

    their bitcoin in one go, the market cap would be zero.

    Thats because these assets have no intrinsic value only

    hype value. What Im getting to is that the only way to

    valuethese things is to attempt to estimate which coins

    are most likely to get hyped up and to what extent that

    might affect the price.

    Discounted insanity?

    I have taken the liberty to examine each of the altcoins in

    the above list and filter it down to a select few which I

    believe are most likely to experience surges in hype, and

    hence price. The criteria I used are as follows:

    Remove any coins which are simple bitcoin


    Remove any coins which are simple litecoin


    Include coins which have some identifiable

    feature that differentiates them from bitcoin or


    Include coins which have shown some signs of


    Exclude coins with less than $1m market cap.

    My list is shown below, and I include a brief sentence for

    the rationale behind my selection. All comparisons are

    made with respect to bitcoin.

    Peercoin apparently less vulnerable to a proof-of-stake

    attack and more energy efficient to mine.

    DogeCoin pure ability to get hype, it was in the media

    recently for a donation made to the Jamaican bobsled


    Quark apparently far more secure than bitcoin and

    wide distribution.

    Namecoin acts as a decentralised domain name service,

    so people can register domains in the blockchain.

    Mastercoin so many things here and very complicated

    to understand, hence why it could be hyped easily as

    people will buy what they dont understand.

    ProtoShares Like Mastercoin in terms of complexity

    and allegedly entitles the holder to a fraction of

    ownership in something called a DAC (Distributed

    Autonomous Community).

    NXT All coins are pre-mined, so very green and it uses

    a completely different code base to bitcoin, also the

    wallet requires a passphrase like a Swiss bank account so

    no need to install special wallet software potentially.

    42 Coin there are only 42 coins (of course divisible to 8

    decimal places) and so a lot of hype potential.

    Craftcoin the crypto-currency of choice for Minecraft

    players and therefore speculators?

    Datacoin so small and with a lot of potential for hype as

    apparently you can store a limited amount of data in its

    blockchain, like torrents or something else.

    Bitcoin Ripples Litecoin Peercoin

    Nxt DogeCoin MasterCoin Namecoin

    Quark ProtoShares WorldCoin Megacoin

    Primecoin Infinitecoin Feathercoin Novacoin

    Kittehcoin Tickets YbCoin Devcoin

    Digitalcoin Zetacoin Mooncoin Anoncoin

    Copperlark Ixcoin Terracoin Particle

    Freicoin FedoraCoin EarthCoin LottoCoin

    GoldCoin TagCoin Cryptogenic Bullion Extremecoin

    BBQCoin Sexcoin Dimecoin BitBar

    Frozen MemoryCoin Fastcoin Vertcoin

    Deutsche eMark Unobtanium Datacoin AsicCoin

    RedCoin Junkcoin StableCoin I0Coin

    Catcoin Grain FlorinCoin RonPaulCoin

    42 Coin GrandCoin Bytecoin Philosopher Stones

    Tigercoin Astrocoin QQCoin Franko

    Argentum GlobalCoin Xivra BetaCoin

    Luckycoin HoboNickels Diamond Elacoin

    CasinoCoin Bitgem Phoenixcoin Noirbits

    Joulecoin CraftCoin

  • 7/27/2019 Intrinsic Alpha January 2013 - Fancy a Punt?


    Intrinsic Alpha Note February 2014

    Thats the list, and I advocate holding a portfolio of these.

    Thats no easy task as each of these requires a wallet,

    which can take some time to install. Furthermore, most of

    these trade for bitcoin on exchanges, which means you

    will need to first buy bitcoins and then the altcoins.

    My conviction in each of these stands at:

    Coin Weight

    Peercoin 10%

    DogeCoin 10%

    Quark 10%

    Namecoin 20%

    Mastercoin 5%

    ProtoShares 5%

    NXT 25%

    42 Coin 5%

    Craftcoin 5%

    Datacoin 5%

    Not to get too scientific about the whole exercise, but if

    the marketcapof each of these was 1% that of bitcoin,

    you would generate a weighted return on investment of

    8,787% and if the figure were 2%, you would generate

    17,775% return. These numbers are too large to ignore,

    infact so large that Ill take my investor hat off and put onmy evil speculator fake moustache.

    Coin Market Cap $ Weight %Bitcoin






    Bitcoin 10,007,053,992 100.00%

    Peercoin 112,202,364 10% 1.12% -11% 178%

    DogeCoin 55,630,161 10% 0.56% 80% 360%

    Quark 19,832,691 10% 0.20% 405% 1009%

    Namecoin 42,176,095 20% 0.42% 137% 475%

    Mastercoin 54,252,471 5% 0.54% 84% 369%

    ProtoShares 15,473,573 5% 0.15% 547% 1293%

    NXT 69,418,375 25% 0.69% 44% 288%

    42Coin 296,246 5% 0.00% 33680% 67559%

    Craftcoin 83,977 5% 0.00% 119064% 238328%

    Datacoin 482,174 5% 0.00% 20654% 41508%

    Of course a larger current market cap of each coin

    implies that the return potential is lower. Under this kind

    of outlandish scenario, a 100 investment would turn

    into around 8,000 not bad. Imagine how much those

    early adopters and early miners will make. I would give

    the time horizon of this less than a year perfect timing

    and something for nothing.

    Back to the future

    I could not let this note finish without a few updates on

    the real markets. I provide an update of my favourite

    chart of the S&P 500 Index:

    I cant believe I still have to convince people that what

    we are experiencing is a new secular bull-market in US

    stocks, and as if to reinforce the correlation between the

    1995 line and the 2013 line. It feels to me like we went to

    the future in 1995, or that weve gone back to the past.

    The sell-off this week (27January 2014) will provide a

    great opportunity to those who listen to fill their

    stockings. If anything the recent tones of caution at

    Davos are a great indicator that we will experience a

    near-term sell off in risk which will then be met with aferocious wave of buying risk.

    I am pleased to report that the outlook has indeed turned

    disinflationary in the US and Europe and even Emerging

    markets are starting to stall and their currencies tremble.

    Imagine what would happen if developed central banks

    started to tighten outright. Remember, that any shock to

    the system will be met with an even greater quantity of

    easing, which will eventually enter the system as

    inflation. We just need that extra bit of deflation to stokepolicymakers. In short, were in need of a correction Mr

    Market deliver it.

    Thats mostly it, nothing much has changed since my last


    May the gods of speculation look down kindly upon us

    so that we may no longer have to hope.

    The Actuary



























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