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Liz and John Soars

Intermediate Study Companion

for Swiss learners

the THIRD edition



© Oxford University Press

WordlistHere is a list of most of the new words in the units ofNew Headway Intermediate – the NEW edition Student’s Book.

adj = adjective prep = prepositionadv = adverb pron = pronounUS = American English pp = past participlecoll = colloquial n = nounconj = conjunction v = verbpl = plural

Unit 1achievement n /@"tSi:vm@nt/

● réussite � risultato, successo � ErrungenschaftSending a man to the moon was a great achievement.

afford (can’t afford) v /@"fO:d/● (ne pas) avoir les moyens, (ne pas) pouvoir se permettre � (non) potersi permettere � sich (nicht) leisten könnenI can’t afford to go out tonight.

ages n /"eIdZIz/● longtemps � un sacco di tempo � eine EwigkeitI’ve been waiting for you for ages.

amazing adj /@"meIzIN/● incroyable � incredibile � erstaunlichThe Pyramids are an amazing sight.

ambassador n /&m"b&s@d@(r)/● ambassadeur � ambasciatore � Botschafter/BotschafterinAmbassadors from all over the world attended the conference.

ancient adj /"eInS@nt/● ancien, antique � antico � altertümlichThe ancient world was very different from the modern world.

apologize v /@"pQl@dZaIz/● s’excuser � scusarsi � entschuldigenI apologize for taking so long to reply.

architectural adj /A:kI"tektS@r@l/● architectural � architettonico � architektonischThe architectural features are very interesting.

assassinate v /@"s&sIneIt/● assassiner � assassinare � ermordenI was very sad when John Lennon was assassinated.

benefit v /"ben@fIt/● bénéficier � trarre beneficio da � profitierenThe whole world has benefited from the discovery of antibiotics.

break (from work) n /breIk/● pause, vacances � intervallo, vacanza � PauseYou need to take a break from work and have a rest.

bright adj /braIt/● brillant � brillante, splendente � hell, glänzendThe windows were bright and clean.

builder n /"bIld@(r)/● maçon, ouvrier/ière du bâtiment � muratore � BauunternehmerI think I’ll get a builder to repair the wall.

celebrity n /s@"lebr@ti/● célébrité � persona famosa, celebrità � Prominente/ProminenterHe is very famous in this country – he’s a celebrity!

century n /"sentS@ri/● siècle � seccolo � JahrhundertTechnology really developed during the last century.

come round v /%kVm "raUnd/● passer voir qn � venire a trovare � vorbeikommenMaria said she would come round tonight to watch a film with me.

commercialized adj /k@"m3:S@laIzd/● devenu commercial � commercializzato � kommerzialisiertI’d never go there for a holiday. It’s too commercialized.

communicate v /k@"mju:nIkeIt/● communiquer � comunicare � kommunizierenModern technology makes it really easy to communicate with people.

computer n /k@m"pju:t@(r)/● ordinateur � computer � ComputerComputers have changed the way we work today.

corn n /kO:n/● blé, (aux USA) maïs � grano � GetreideCorn is a healthy food. It’s good for you.

destroy v /dI"strOI/● détruire � distruggere � zerstörenThere are enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world.

dishwasher n /"dISwQS@(r)/● lave-vaisselle � lavastoviglie � GeschirrspülmaschineIf you have a dishwasher, you don’t need to do the washing-up.

drug abuse n /"drVg @%bju:s/● usage abusif de stupéfiants � abuso di droga � DrogenmissbrauchDrug abuse is a serious problem in some parts of the country.

email n /"i:meIl/● mail, e-mail � e-mail � E-mailI’ll send you an email about it later.

email v /"i:meIl/● envoyer un mail � inviare un’e-mail � E-mail mailenI’m just about to email the details to everyone.

estimate v 1/"estImeIt/● estimer � calcolare � schätzenHe estimated that it would cost a lot of money.

famine n /"f&mIn/● famine � carestia � HungersnotWe need to help the countries where there is famine.

freezing adj /"fri:zIN/● glacial � si gela � eiskaltPut your scarf on! It’s freezing outside.

full-time adj /%fUl "taIm/● à plein temps � a tempo pieno � Vollzeit-Have you got a full-time job now?

galaxy n /"g&l@ksi/● galaxie � galassia � SternsystemA galaxy is a very large group of stars and planets.

get stuck v /%get "stVk/● être bloqué � rimanere bloccato � stecken bleibenI got stuck in traffic for ages this afternoon.

giant adj /"dZaI@nt/● géant � gigantesco � riesigLet’s try the new cinema. It has a giant screen.

go mad v /%g@U "m&d/● devenir fou de rage � impazzire � wütend werdenMum will go mad when she sees this mess.

go out with (sb) v /%g@U "aUt wID/● sortir avec (qn) � uscire con (qlcu.) � ausgehen mitPeter asked me to go out with him on Saturday.

goodwill adj /%gUd"wIl/● de bonne volonté � di buona volontà, di pace � des guten WillensThey paid for the damage as a goodwill gesture.

gorgeous adj /"gO:dZ@s/● superbe � magnifico, stupendo � wunderschönShe’s very trendy and she wears gorgeous clothes.

greed n /gri:d/● cupidité � avidità (di denaro) � Gier, GeldgierGreed for power and money drives many people.

hang on (= wait) informal v /%h&N "Qn/● attendre � aspettare � wartenCan you hang on a moment?

health care n /"helT %ke@(r)/● soins médicaux, prévention sanitaire � assistenza sanitaria� GesundheitswesenPrivate health care is very expensive.


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hectic adj /"hektIk/● mouvementé � frenetico � hektischI’ve had such a hectic day. I’m exhausted!

humble adj /"hVmbl/● humble � umile � einfachShe was a very humble person.

increase v /In"kri:s/● augmenter � aumentare � zunehmenThe number of students studying English has increased over the years.

interactivity n /%Int@r&k"tIv@ti/● interactivité � interattività � InteraktivitätExercises on CD-ROM have lots of interactivity.

Internet n /"Int@net/● Internet � Internet � InternetThe world has become a much smaller place thanks to the Internet.

knowledge n /"nQlIdZ/● connaissance(s) � cultura, conoscenza � WissenReading helps to increase your knowledge about a subject.

leap n, v /li:p/● bond (n), bondir (v) � balzo, passo avanti (n), sobbalzare (v)� Sprung (n), springen (v)Moving to a new job was a big leap for me.I leapt out of bed when the alarm went off.

(give a) lift (= ride in a car) n /lIft/● prendre en voiture � passaggio � jemanden (im Auto) mitnehmenCan you give me a lift to the shops, please?

loo (= toilet) informal n /lu:/● toilettes � gabinetto � Klo, ToiletteShe won’t be long. She’s just gone to the loo.

mankind n /%m&n"kaInd/● humanité � genere umano � MenschheitModern science has benefited the whole of mankind.

mess n /mes/● désordre � disordine � DurcheinanderI’ll have to tidy up my room. It’s a real mess!

mobile phone n /%m@UbaIl "f@Un/● téléphone portable � cellulare, telefonino � HandyPlease switch off your mobile phone during the exam.

musical instrument n /%mju:zIkl "Instr@m@nt/● instrument de musique � strumento musicale � MusikinstrumentI’d love to be able to play a musical instrument, like the piano.

noticeable adj /"n@UtIs@bl/● perceptible � evidente, notevole � wahrnehmbar, erkennbarThere was a noticeable silence when he entered the room.

nuclear weapon n /%nju:kli@ "wepn/● arme nucléaire � arma nucleare � AtomwaffeNuclear weapons could destroy the world.

observatory n /@b"z3:v@tri/● observatoire � osservatorio � ObservatoriumYou can study the stars and planets from an observatory.

Olympic Games n /@%lImpIk "geImz/● Jeux Olympiques � Olimpiadi � Olympische SpieleI always watch the Olympic Games on television.

online adj /Qn"laIn/● en ligne, connecté � on line � Online-Online shopping is easy nowadays.

payment n /"peIm@nt/● paiement � pagamento � ZahlungThe first payment is due next month.

perform v /p@"fO:m/● donner un spectacle � recitare � spielen, aufführenHe is performing in a play in New York.

pet n /pet/● animal de compagnie � animale da compagnia � HaustierI’d love a pet, but my mum won’t let me have one.

pick up v /%pIk "Vp/● aller chercher � passare a prendere � abholenI’ll pick you up from the airport when you arrive.

popcorn n /"pQpkO:n/● pop-corn � popcorn � PopcornIf we go to the cinema, can we get some popcorn?

race (of people) n /reIs/● race � razza � RasseIt is illegal to discriminate on the basis of race or gender.

ray (the sun’s rays) n /reI/● rayon (de soleil) � raggio � Strahl (die Sonnenstrahlen)You should use sunblock to protect you from the harmful rays.

record v /rI"kO:d/● prendre note � prendere nota di � aufschreibenYou should record all the hours that you work here.

revolutionize v /%rev@"lu:S@naIz/● révolutionner � rivoluzionare � revolutionierenComputers have revolutionized the office environment.

rise v /raIz/● monter � aumentare � steigenThe number of computer users rises every year.

save (a life) v /%seIv/● sauver � salvare (la vita) � rettenAntibiotics have saved many lives.

skid v /skId/● déraper � slittare � (aus) rutschenThe car skidded, and finally stopped.

solar system n /"s@Ul@ %sIst@m/● système solaire � sistema solare � SonnensystemOur solar system is only one of many.

space probe n /"speIs %pr@Ub/● sonde spatiale � sonda spaziale � RaumsondeA space probe can transmit information back to earth.

sparkling adj /"spA:klIN/● étincelant � scintillante � glänzendThe little girl had sparkling blue eyes.

stage n /steIdZ/● scène � palcoscenico � BühneEveryone went mad when the band came out onto the stage.

stand (can’t stand) v /"st&nd/● (ne pas) supporter � (non poter) sopportare � ausstehen (ich kann esnicht ausstehen)I can’t stand it when the music is so loud!

stand for (sth) v /"st&nd f@/● vouloir dire (qch) � rappresentare, indicare � bedeutenWhat do the initials stand for?

statement n /"steItm@nt/● déclaration � affermazione � AussageMy car was stolen and I had to make a statement to the police.

step n /step/● pas � passo � SchrittThe first step is the most difficult, after that it’s easy!

stuff (= things in general) informal n /stVf/● des trucs � roba � SachenI need to sort out all this stuff.

surely adv /"SU@li/● certainement � sicuramente � sicherSurely he didn’t mean it – it was only a joke.

swimming costume n /"swImIN %kQstju:m/● maillot de bain � costume da bagno � BadeanzugNext time we go to the beach, I’ll wear my new swimming costume.

take part v /%teIk "pA:t/● participer � partecipare � teilnehmenDid you take part in the contest, or did you just watch?

take place v /%teIk "pleIs/● avoir lieu � aver luogo � stattfindenThe final match will take place on Saturday.

text message n /"tekst %mesIdZ/● message text, texto � messaggino, SMS � SMSI’ve received a text message from my sister.

text v /tekst/● envoyer un message text � mandare messaggini � textenJohn, will you text me when you find out the details, please?

try on v /%traI "Qn/● essayer � provare � anprobierenCould I try on that coat and see if it fits me?


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the UN n /D@ % ju: "en/● l’ONU � l’ONU, le Nazioni Unite � die UNOThe UN sent out a peacekeeping force when the trouble started.

user n /"ju:z@(r)/● utilisateur/trice � utente � Benutzer/BenutzerinComputer users can communicate via the Internet.

vegetarian n /%vedZI"te@ri@n/● végétarien/ne � vegetariano � Vegetarier/VegetarierinSally hasn’t eaten meat for years. She’s a vegetarian.

web page n /"web %peIdZ/● page Web � pagina web � WebseiteThat web page is really helpful, you should read it.

website n /"websaIt/● site Web � sito web � WebsiteThat band you like has its own website now.

wing n /wIN/● aile � ala � FlügelThe bird has broken its wing.

wonder n /"wVnd@(r)/● merveille, prodige � meraviglia � WunderIt is a wonder that he survived the car accident.

Unit 2absolutely adv /%&bs@"lu:tli/

● absolument � completamente � wirklichI am absolutely certain that I saw her.

advertisement n /@d"v3:tIsm@nt/● publicité � pubblicità, annuncio � WerbespotI read the advertisement in the newspaper.

aerobics n /e@"r@UbIks/● aérobique � aerobica � AerobicShe does aerobics every Thursday evening.

allow v /@"laU/● permettre � permettere � erlaubenMy parents won’t allow me to go out tonight.

amount n /@"maUnt/● quantité � quantità � die Menge, die AnzahlYou only need a small amount of that.

arrangement n /@"reIndZm@nt/● décision, arrangement � sistemazione, disposizione � VereinbarungLet’s make an arrangement for the weekend.

bargain n /"bA:gIn/● bonne affaire � affare � SchnäppchenI found some bargains when I was shopping today.

brochure n /"br@US@(r)/● brochure, prospectus � opuscolo, dépliant � BroschüreI’m just having a look in the brochure for you.

busy adj /"bIzi/● occupé � occupato, impegnato � beschäftigtI’ve been so busy this week, I’m glad it’s the weekend.

charity n /"tS&r@ti/● organisation caritative � ente benefico � WohlfahrtsorganisationI always support my favourite charity.

cheer (sb) up v /%tSI@(r) "Vp/● remonter le moral à (qn) � rallegrare � aufheiternThat was a great film. It really cheered me up.

cheque n /tSek/● chèque � assegno � ScheckPlease remember to sign and date the cheque.

clown n /klaUn/● clown � clown, pagliaccio � ClownThat clown was the funniest I’ve ever seen.

coach v /k@UtS/● entraîner � allenare � trainierenBob has been coaching the team for the last three years.

(at your earliest) convenience n /k@n"vi:ni@ns/● dès que cela vous sera possible � appena possible � so bald wie möglichPlease call me at your earliest convenience.

(be) crazy about (sth) v /"kreIzi @baUt/● (être) fou de (qch) � (andar) matto per (qlco.) � verrückt nach etw (sein)I love snowboarding. I’m crazy about it!

decimal n /"desIml/● décimale � decimale � DezimalzahlWhat is 67% when written as a decimal?

decimal adj /"desIml/● décimal � decimale � Dezimal-The euro is based on the decimal system.

decorate v /"dek@reIt/● faire des travaux de décoration � decorare � streichen und/odertapezierenI’ve been very busy decorating the bathroom.

distract v /dI"str&kt/● distraire, détourner l’attention � distrarre � ablenkenHe was distracted by the noise of the traffic.

dry ski slope n /%draI "ski: sl@Up/● piste de ski artificielle � pista artificiale � TrockenskipisteI practise skiing on the dry ski slope in summer.

energetic adj /en@"dZetIk/● énergique � energico � energischWhat an energetic performer she is!

event n /I"vent/● événement � avvenimento � VeranstaltungThe biggest event will be held in the main arena.

exhausted adj /Ig"zO:stId/● exténué � esausto, sfinito � erschöpftThe exhausted runners need to have a long rest.

fancy adj /"f&nsi/● fantaisiste, chic � appariscente, particolare � ausgefallenShe wore a fancy skirt to the party.

feed v /fi:d/● nourrir � dar da mangiare a � fütternI’ll just feed the cat and then we can go.

football pitch n /"fUtbO:l %pItS/● terrain de football � campo di calcio � FussballfeldThe players are on the football pitch ready to start the game.

goggles pl n /"gQglz/● lunettes (de ski) � occhiali da sci � SkibrilleMaria is wearing some new ski goggles.

graduate n /"gr&djU@t/● diplômé/e (de l’enseignement supérieur) � laureato� Hochschulabsolvent/HochschulabsolventinJohn is a graduate of the University of Oxford.

guess v /ges/● deviner � indovinare � ratenI didn’t know the answer, so I had to guess.

health n /helT/● santé � salute � GesundheitGood health is the most important thing in life.

inconvenience n /%Ink@n"vi:ni@ns/● désagrément, inconvénient � disguido � UnannehmlichkeitPlease accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

injection n /In"dZekSn/● piqûre � iniezione � SpritzeI was bitten by a dog in Africa, so I had to have an injection.

interior designer n /In%tI@ri@ dI"zaIn@(r)/● architecte d’intérieur � arredatore � Innenarchitekt/ InnenarchitektinWe asked an interior designer to advise us about the decorating.

jogger n /"dZQg@(r)/● joggeur/euse � chi pratica il jogging � Jogger/JoggerinA jogger ran past and I dropped my drink.

journalist n /"dZ3:n@lIst/● journaliste � giornalista � Journalist/JournalistinJim’s got a job as a journalist on a national newspaper.


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kid n /kId/● gosse, enfant � bambino, ragazzino � KindLook at that little kid. Isn’t he cute?

laugh v /lA:f/● rire � ridere � lachenI laughed so much I cried.

laughter n /"lA:ft@(r)/● rire � riso, risata � LachenMy mother always said that laughter is the best medicine.

lawyer n /"lO:j@(r)/● avocat/e � avvocato � Anwalt/AnwältinI’m going to study hard. I want to be a lawyer.

leisure n /"leZ@(r)/● loisir � svago, tempo libero � FreizeitI don’t have a lot of time for leisure.

leisurely adj /"leZ@(r)li/● tranquille, pas pressé � di piacere � gemütlich After a late lunch we went for a leisurely walk.

lobby n /"lQbi/● hall � atrio � EingangshalleIf you wait in the lobby, I will meet you there.

loose-fitting adj /"lu:s %fItIN/● ample � largo, ampio � weitHe was wearing a loose-fitting shirt and jeans.

magic trick n /%m&dZIk "trIk/● tour de magie � gioco di prestigio � ZaubertrickThat magic trick was brilliant!

marriage counsellor n US /"m&rIdZ %kaUns@l@(r)/● conseiller/ère conjugal(e) � consulente matrimoniale� Eheberater/EheberaterinIf you are having difficulties, perhaps you should both see a marriagecounsellor.

master’s degree n /"mA:st@z dI%gri:/● maîtrise � master � zweiter UniversitätsabschlussI’m studying for a master’s degree in chemistry.

medicine n /"medsn/● médicament � medicina � MedizinPlease take your medicine; it will make you feel much better.

mind n /maInd/● tête, pensées � mente � Sinn, GedankenShe’s worried. She has a lot on her mind.

nonsense n /"nQns@ns/● absurdités, sottises � assurdo � QuatschI can’t understand this. It’s nonsense.

operation n /Qp@"reISn/● opération � intervento � OperationHe has to have an operation on his knee.

order n /"O:d@(r)/● ordre � ordine � BefehlYou have to obey orders in the army.

order v /"O:d@(r)/● commander � ordinare � befehlen, anordnenStop ordering me about!

otherwise adv /"VD@waIz/● sinon � altrimenti � sonstWe must hurry, otherwise we’ll miss the plane.

pack v /p&k/● faire sa valise � caricare, stipare � packenHe packed his things into the car and drove home.

packing and postage n /%p&kIN @n "p@UstIdZ/● frais d’emballage et de port � imballaggio e affrancatura� VersandkostenWas the packing and postage very expensive?

participate v /pA:"tIsIpeIt/● participer � partecipare � teilnehmenIf everyone participates, we’ll have more fun.

percentage n /p@"sentIdZ/● pourcentage � percentuale � ProzentsatzWhat percentage of your salary do you spend on food?

plait n /pl&t/● natte, tresse � treccia � ZopfJo’s hair was tied back in a plait.

privileged adj /"prIv@lIdZd/● privilégié � privilegiato � privilegiertHe was a lovely man. I felt privileged to have known him.

process v /"pr@Uses/● traiter � sbrigare � bearbeitenI’ll have to process all the application forms before I decide.

race about v /%reIs @"baUt/● courir (partout) � correre di qua e di là � herumrennenShe had to race about town to get finished in time.

raise (money) v /reIz/● collecter (de l’argent) � raccogliere (fondi) � (Geld) sammelnI want to raise money for the children’s hospital.

rarely adv /"re@li/● rarement � raramente � seltenI don’t like swimming very much. I rarely go to the swimming pool.

reduced adj /rI"dju:st/● réduit � ridotto � reduziertDid you get your ticket at a reduced rate?

relax v /rI"l&ks/● se détendre � rilassarsi � sich entspannenI attend yoga classes to try to relax.

research scientist n /rI"s3:tS %saI@ntIst/● chercheur/euse scientifique � scienziato ricercatore� (naturwissenschaftlicher) Forscher/ForscherinI work as a research scientist at the university.

resort (ski resort) n /rI"zO:t/● station (de ski) � stazione sciistica � Ferienort, WintersportortI love going there. It’s my favourite ski resort.

response n /rI"spQns/● réponse, réaction � reazione � AntwortI would like to give my response to that question.

rubber adj /"rVb@(r)/● en caoutchouc � di gomma � Gummi-The rubber boots keep my feet dry in the rain.

sale n /seIl/● solde � saldo, svendita � AusverkaufThey are holding a sale at the sports shop next week.

sensitive adj /"sens@tIv/● sensible � sensibile � empfindsamHe is a very sensitive man. Be careful what you say.

shorts n /SO:ts/● short � shorts, pantaloncini � ShortsIt’s so sunny, I think I’ll wear my shorts.

sick adj /sIk/● malade � malato � krankHe was a sick child, and often had to go to hospital.

silly adj /"sIli/● stupide, idiot � sciocco � albernThat was a silly film. I didn’t enjoy it.

sleep n /sli:p/● sommeil � sonno � SchlafYou will feel much better if you get some sleep.

sleep v /sli:p/● dormir � dormire � schlafenI’m trying to sleep, but the noise outside is disturbing me.

slightly adv /"slaItli/● légèrement � leggermente � ein bisschen, etwasOur new car is slightly bigger than our old one.

suburb n /"sVb3:b/● banlieue � sobborgo � VorortYou won’t know it; it’s a suburb of London.

supportive adj /s@"pO:tIv/● d’un grand soutien � che aiuta, che incoraggia � unterstützendShe was the most supportive teacher at my school.

tights n /taIts/● collant � collant � StrumpfhoseI never wear tights in summer.


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tip (= money) n /tIp/● pourboire � mancia � TrinkgeldThe service was excellent. Let’s leave a big tip.

tiring adj /"taIrIN/● fatigant � stancante � anstrengendThe journey to London was long and tiring.

totally adv /"t@Ut@li/● complètement � totalmente � völligI had totally forgotten about my appointment.

treat v /tri:t/● soigner, traiter � trattare � behandelnI try to treat people as fairly as I can.

unemployment n /%VnIm"plOIm@nt/● chômage � disoccupazione � ArbeitslosigkeitThe level of unemployment is going down at the moment.

unwind v /%Vn"waInd/● se relaxer � distendersi, rilassarsi � sich entspannenI like to unwind when I come home at night.

useless adj /"ju:sl@s/● nul � inutile � zu nichts zu gebrauchenIt is a useless car. I’d really like to buy a new one.

volleyball n /"vQlibO:l/● volley-ball � pallavolo � VolleyballShall we play volleyball this afternoon?

ward n /wO:d/● service, salle � reparto (d’ospedale) � StationThe ward is full of patients awaiting surgery.

waterproof adj /"wO:t@pru:f/● imperméable � impermeabile � wasserdichtYou’ll need a waterproof jacket if it’s raining outside.

web page designer n /"web peIdZ dI%zaIn@(r)/● concepteur/trice de pages Web � disegnatore di pagine web� Webdesigner/WebdesignerinI’m going on a training course. I’d like to be a web page designer.

wedding anniversary n /"wedIN &nI%v3:s@ri/● anniversaire de marriage � anniversario di matrimonio� HochzeitstagIt’s our parents’ wedding anniversary on Saturday. They’ve been married25 years.

worry n /"wVri/● souci � preoccupazione � SorgeFinding a job is a great worry for most people.

worry v /"wVri/● s’inquiéter � preoccuparsi � Sorgen machenI worry about my parents now that they are old.

yell v /jel/● crier � urlare � schreienDo you have to yell so loud?

zookeeper n /"zu:ki:p@(r)/● gardien/ne de zoo � guardiano di zoo � Tierpfleger/TierpflegerinRobert loves animals. He wants to be a zookeeper when he grows up.

Unit 3accidentally adv /%&ksI"dentli/

● accidentellement � per caso, senza volere � aus VersehenI accidentally knocked your water over. I’m sorry!

act (of a play) n /&kt/● acte � atto � AktThe play was so boring that I fell asleep after the first act.

award n /@"wO:d/● récompense, prix � premio � Auszeichnumg, PreisI felt so proud when you collected your award.

award v /@"wO:d/● décerner � essere premiato � verleihenHe was awarded a special prize for coming top of the class.

awful adj /"O:fl/● épouvantable � terribile � schrecklichWhat an awful uniform. I’m glad I don’t have to wear it.

battle n /"b&tl/● bataille � battaglia � SchlachtThe teams were prepared for a real battle of a game.

beat v /bi:t/● battre � vincere, battere � besiegenHe was such a good tennis player. He beat me easily.

bet v /bet/● parier � scommettere � wettenWould you like to bet on it?

birth n /b3:T/● naissance � nascita � GeburtThey are really looking forward to the birth of their baby.

boast v /b@Ust/● se vanter � vantarsi � prahlenI don’t want to boast, but I did do rather well!

breathe v /bri:D/● respirer � respirare � atmenI love being in the country, breathing the fresh air.

brush n /brVS/● pinceau � pennello � PinselHe used a fine brush to finish the painting the picture.

chapter n /"tS&pt@(r)/● chapitre � capitolo � KapitelThis book gets really interesting from the third chapter onwards.

chat v /tS&t/● bavarder � chiacchierare � sich unterhaltenI’d love to stay and chat, but I have to get to work.

commit suicide v /k@%mIt "su:IsaId/● se suicider � suicidarsi � Selbstmord begehenI read that she was so unhappy she committed suicide.

depression n /dI"preSn/● dépression � depressione � DepressionDavid suffered from depression when he was a teenager.

diamond n /"daI@m@nd/● diamant � diamante � DiamantShe was wearing a ring with a huge diamond in it.

dig v /dIg/● creuser � zappare, scavare � grabenWill you help me to dig a hole to plant this tree?

disgusting adj /%dIs"gVstIN/● dégoûtant � schifoso � ekelhaftIt was a very expensive restaurant, but the food was disgusting.

draw (a picture) v /drO:/● dessiner � disegnare � zeichnenCan you draw a picture of those flowers for me?

DVD n /%di: vi: "di:/● DVD � DVD � DVDI’ve borrowed a DVD from the library.

emperor n /"emp@r@(r)/● empereur � imperatore � KaiserWe don’t have an emperor in this country.

encourage v /In"kVrIdZ/● encourager � incoraggiare � ermutigenShe is an excellent teacher who encouraged me to work really hard.

exhibition n /eksI"bISn/● exposition � mostra � AusstellungThe exhibition of folk art will run for a whole week.

eyesight n /"aIsaIt/● vue � vista � SehkraftGood eyesight is essential if you want to be a pilot.

fail v /feIl/● échouer � fallire, non passare � durchfallenIf you don’t study hard, you’ll fail your exam.

fascinated adj /"f̂&sIneItId/● fasciné � affascinato � fasziniertHe was fascinated by the pictures.

fearless adj /"fI@l@s/● sans peur � intrepido � furchtlosHe was a fearless sportsman. He’d try anything.


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feature n /"fi:tS@(r)/● trait � lineamento � (Gesichts) ZugShe has very unusual features, but is still quite attractive.

fight v /faIt/● se battre � combattere contro � kämpfen, sich streitenYou don’t have to fight your brother. Try talking to him.

genius n /"dZi:ni@s/● génie � genio � GenieShe came top in her year; I think she’s a genius!

hang out (= relax) informal v /%h&N "aUt/● traîner � rilassarsi, passare il tempo � herumhängenHe loves to hang out with his friends at the weekend.

heart failure n /"hA:t %feIlj@(r)/● arrêt du cœur � arresto cardiaco � HerzversagenHe was rushed into hospital after suffering from heart failure.

(be) homesick adj /"h@UmsIk/● avoir le mal du pays � avere nostalgia � Heimweh habenI was sure he would be homesick when he went to university.

honour n /"Qn@(r)/● honneur � onore � EhreIt is a great honour to win this award.

honour v /"Qn@(r)/● honorer � onorare � ehrenWe are here to honour the people who gave their lives for their country.

huge adj /hju:dZ/● énorme � enorme � riesigHe had a huge smile on his face as he left the meeting.

hunting n /"hVntIN/● chasse � caccia � JagdHunting has never interested me at all.

impressed adj /Im"prest/● impressionné � pieno di ammirazione � beeindrucktI was very impressed when I saw the results.

influenza n /Influ:"enz@/● grippe � influenza � GrippeShe caught influenza and was in bed for a week.

lifelike adj /"laIflaIk/● ressemblant � realistico � naturgetreuIt is a very lifelike painting. It’s almost like a photograph.

masterpiece n /"mA:st@pi:s/● chef-d’œuvre � capolavoro � MeisterwerkEvery work of art in this gallery is a masterpiece in my opinion!

match (in sport) n /m&tS/● match, rencontre � partita � SpielMy teamed played really well and won the match.

mile n /maIl/● mile � miglio � MeileYou could walk there. It’s only about a mile away.

moral n /"mQr@l/● morale � morale � LehreThe moral of the story is ‘don’t believe everything you hear’.

nationality n /%n&S"n&l@ti/● nationalité � nazionalità � NationalitätHe speaks excellent English. What nationality is he?

nature n /"neItS@(r)/● nature � natura � NaturHer main interests are nature, art and reading.

necklace n /"nekl@s/● collier � collana � HalsketteHe gave her the necklace as a birthday present.

neighbourhood n /"neIb@hUd/● quartier, voisinage � vicinato � NachbarschaftIn this neighbourhood people notice if anything is different.

old-fashioned adj /%@Uld "f&Snd/● vieux jeu � all’ antica � altmodischShe’s young, but she wears such old-fashioned clothes.

only (child) adj /"@Unli/● unique � unico � Einzel(kind)He is an only child so he gets a lot of attention.

outdoor adj /"aUtdO:(r)/● en plein air, à l’extérieur � all’aperto � im FreienWhen the weather is good, the children play in the outdoor play area.

palace n /"p&l@s/● palais � palazzo � PalastTheir house is so big – it’s like a palace!

palette n /"p&l@t/● palette � tavolozza � PaletteThe artist mixes his colours on a palette.

pigeon n /"pIdZ@n/● pigeon � piccione � TaubeHundreds of pigeons flew past and landed on the roof.

pleased adj /pli:zd/● content � contento � zufriedenI was so pleased when I found out that I’d passed the test.

point v /pOInt/● indiquer, montrer du doigt � indicare � zeigenThe teacher pointed at the student and asked him a question.

portrait n /"pO:treIt/● portrait � ritratto � PorträtHe is an excellent painter, and he specializes in portraits.

recognize v /"rek@gnaIz/● reconnaître � riconoscere � erkennenIt’s difficult to recognize Paul when he’s wearing sunglasses.

refuse v /rI"fju:z/● refuser � rifiutare � sich weigernTry not to refuse. You could offend your host.

religious adj /rI"lIdZ@s/● religieux, croyant � religioso � religiösThey are very religious. They go to church every Sunday.

report (in writing) n /rI"pO:t/● rapport � rapporto, resoconto � BerichtI have to write a report about the training course.

sand n /s&nd/● sable � sabbia � SandThe beach has miles of golden sand. It is beautiful.

scary adj /"ske@ri/● qui fait peur � che fa paura � gruseligThat film was so scary. I didn’t like it at all.

score v /skO:(r)/● marquer un but � segnare un goal � ein Tor schiessenIt is difficult to score when the goalkeeper is as good as he is.

scream v /skri:m/● crier, hurler � urlare � schreienDid you scream when you went on that rollercoaster?

shotgun n /"SQtgVn/● fusil � fucile da caccia � SchrotflinteI hope he has a licence for that shotgun.

sign v /saIn/ ● signer � firmare � signieren, unterschreibenPlease sign your name on the dotted line.

sink v /sINk/● enfoncer, couler � sprofondare � sinken, untergehenI was sinking in all the mud. It was horrible!

sketch n /sketS/● esquisse � schizzo � SkizzeShe quickly drew a sketch of the old church.

sketch v /sketS/● esquisser � bozzare � skizzierenIf you have the time, I’ll sketch the plan for you.

skip v /skIp/● sauter � saltare � hüpfen, springenI finished the exam, but I skipped a few questions in the middle.

soldier n /"s@Uldj@(r)/● soldat � soldato � SoldatHe is going to join the army and be a soldier when he leaves school.

spill v /spIl/● renverser � versare � verschüttenI didn’t mean to spill my drink on you. Has it stained your dress?


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spoiled (child) adj /spOIlt/● gâté � viziato � verwöhntHis mother always let him do as he wants. He’s such a spoiled child.

star v /stA:(r)/● jouer (le rôle de), être la vedette � recitare, interpretare � die Hauptrolle spielenHe is going to star in the remake of my favourite film.

strict adj /strIkt/● stricte � severo � strengJames had very strict parents, and he is strict with his own children.

suffer v /"sVf@(r)/● souffrir � soffrire � leidenHe suffered from a bad back.

sunglasses pl n /"sVnglA:sIz/● lunettes de soleil � occhiali da sole � SonnenbrilleI bought a pair of dark sunglasses for my summer holiday.

sweetcorn n /"swi:tkO:n/● maïs � mais dolce � MaisWould you like some sweetcorn in your salad?

teepee n /"ti:pi:/ ● tipi � tepee � TipiIt is a type of tent; it’s called a teepee.

terrified adj /"terIfaId/● terrifié � terrorizzato � schreckliche Angst habenI wouldn’t go to see that sort of film. I would be terrified.

thoroughly adv /"TVr@li/● tout à fait � completamente � völligSarah did a thoroughly good job, didn’t she?

treasure n /"treZ@(r)/● trésor � tesoro � SchatzThey say that pirates used to bury treasure on desert islands.

triangle n /"traI&Ngl/● triangle � triangolo � TriangelThat small metal instrument is called a triangle.

unless conj /Vn"les/● à moins que � a meno che � wenn … nictUnless you come now, I will leave without you.

upset adj /Vp"set/● vexé, déçu � seccato, dispiaciuto � aufgeregtSam was very upset not to be chosen for the team.

vine n /vaIn/● vigne � vite � WeinstockLook at those grapes on that vine!

vineyard n /"vInjA:d/● vignoble � vigneto � WeinbergI go to France and work in the vineyards every summer.

war correspondent n /"wO: kQrI%spQnd@nt/● correspondant(e) de guerre � corrispondente di guerra� Kriegsberichterstatter/KriegsberichterstatterinYou know him; he’s the war correspondent for the BBC News.

war n /wO:(r)/● guerre � guerra � KriegMy grandfather was a pilot during the war; he loves to talk about it.

warrior n /"wQri@(r)/● guerrier � guerriero � KriegerHe was a warrior from an ancient tribe who won many battles

wave n /weIv/● vague � onda, ondata � WelleThe waves crashed around the boat during the storm.

wound v /wu:nd/● blesser � ferire � verwundenA lot of soldiers were badly wounded during that battle.

Unit 4banquet n /"b&NkwIt/

● banquet � banchetto � FestessenThat meal was very formal. It was like a banquet!

behave v /bI"heIv/● se conduire � comportarsi � sich verhaltenHe behaved very badly at school today.

bill n /bIl/● addition (au restaurant), facture � conto, fattura � RechnungI don’t want any coffee thank you – just the bill.I have to pay the electricity bill by the end of the week.

bow (greeting) n /baU/● salut � inchino � VerbeugungAt the end of the dance, he smiled then gave a bow.

bow (greeting) v /baU/● saluer � inchinare � sich verbeugenI think you are supposed to bow to the Queen.

break (the rule) v /breIk/● désobéir à (la règle) � disubbidire (le regole) � verstossen gegenIf you break the rules, the teacher will be cross with you.

briefcase n /"bri:fkeIs/● serviette � cartella � AktentascheI’ll put it in my briefcase and read it on the train.

budget n /"bVdZIt/● budget � budget, bilancio � EtatI am decorating the house on a limited budget.

business card n /"bIznIs %kA:d/● carte de visite � biglietto da visita (della ditta) � GeschäftskarteIf I leave you my business card, you can call me later.

casually adv /"k&ZU@li/● simplement � in modo informale � legerIt won’t be a formal meeting, just dress casually.

chew (gum) v /tSu:/● manger (du chewing-gum) � masticare (il chewing gum)� (Kaugummi) kauenThe dentist told me that chewing gum is good for my teeth.

childhood n /"tSaIldhUd/● enfance � infanzia � KindheitI remember my childhood well; it was such a happy time.

choice n /tSOIs/● choix � scelta � WahlYou have a choice: we can go to the cinema or to the art gallery.

chopstick n /"tSQpstIk/● baguette � bastoncino cinese � EssstäbchenAre you any good at eating with chopsticks?

cleanliness n /"klenlIn@s/● propreté � pulizia � SauberkeitMy mother is obsessed with cleanliness in the kitchen.

code n /k@Ud/● code � prefisso � VorwahlWhat is the code for telephone numbers in central London?

colleague n /"kQli:g/● collègue � collega � Kollege/KolleginAllow me to introduce Jim, my friend and colleague.

complain v /k@m"pleIn/● se plaindre � lamentarsi � sich beschwerenI hate to complain, but the soup is very cold.

cool (= OK) informal adj /ku:l/● super, cool � forte � coolAll the girls love him: he is such a cool guy!

dish n /dIS/● plat � piatto � GerichtI always order pasta when we eat here: it’s my favourite dish.

driving licence n /"draIvIN %laIs@ns/● permis de conduire � patente di guida � FührerscheinI hope I haven’t forgotten to pack my driving licence.

drop off v /%drQp "Qf/● déposer � far scendere � absetzenI’ve just dropped the kids off at school.

engaged adj /In"geIdZd/● occupé � occupato � besetztI’m sorry, but the line appears to be engaged.

extension (phone) n /Ik"stenSn/● poste � interno � (Neben) anschlussCan you put me through to extension 3335?


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fasten v /"fA:sn/● attacher � allacciare � anschnallenWe are ready to leave now so please fasten your seatbelts.

(be) fed up with adj /%fed "Vp wID/● (en avoir) marre de � (essere) stufo di � die Nase voll haben vonI am fed up with work. I need a holiday.

gathering n /"g&D@rIN/● réunion � riunione � TreffenWe are having a little gathering on Saturday. Would you like to come?

gift n /gIft/● cadeau � regalo � GeschenkThank you so much for the beautiful birthday gifts you bought for me.

global adj /"gl@Ubl/● global � globale � globalI’m afraid it’s a global problem. I don’t know what we can do about it.

guest n /gest/● invité(e) � ospite � GastWill it be okay if I bring a guest with me?

guidebook n /"gaIdbUk/● guide � guida � ReiseführerI’ll just go and buy a guidebook; it will make it easier for us.

heel n /hi:l/● talon � tacco � FerseThe heels on those shoes are too high.

host n /h@Ust/● hôte � ospite, padrone di casa � GastgeberThe host was so friendly: he made us feel at home as soon as we arrived.

hostess n /h@U"stes/● hôtesse � ospite, padrona di casa � GastgeberinThe lady who looks after you is called the hostess.

interrupt v /Int@"rVpt/● interrompre � interrompere � unterbrechenI’m sorry to interrupt you, but could you pass me the salt, please?

kilt n /kIlt/● kilt � kilt � SchottenrockThey had a real Scottish wedding and the groom wore a kilt.

loads of things (= lots of things) n pl /"l@Udz @v TINz/● des tas de choses � un sacco di cose � vielI’m sorry I can’t talk. I have loads of things to do.

make-up n /"meIk Vp/● maquillage � trucco � Make-up, SchminkeShe’s very glamorous. I’ve never seen her without her make-up on.

manners (= behaviour) pl n /"m&n@z/● manières � (buone) maniere � BenehmenHe has such lovely manners. I bet he went to a good school.

military service n /%mIl@tri "s3:vIs/● service militaire � servizio militare � MilitärdienstMilitary service used to be compulsory, but it isn’t now.

minus n /"maIn@s/● désavantage � svantaggio � Minus, NachteilBefore I decide, I need to consider the pluses and minuses.

modest adj /"mQdIst/● modeste � modesto � bescheidenShe is very talented, and very modest about it.

name tag n /"neIm t&g/● badge (d’identification) � cartellino con il nome � NamensschildBefore the conference began, we were all issued with a name tag.

noodle n /"nu:dl/● nouille � tagliolini � NudelI hope you like noodles; we don’t have anything else in the fridge!

plus n /plVs/● avantage � vantaggio � VorteilUnderstanding computers is considered a plus in all jobs these days.

pocket money n /"pQkIt %mVni/● argent de poche � paghetta � TaschengeldI get pocket money from my parents every Friday.

polite adj /p@"laIt/● poli � cortese � höflichIf you are polite about it, I don’t think they will mind you asking.

potluck lunch n /%pQtlVk "lVntS/● déjeuner à la fortune du pot � pranzo improvvisato � Mittagessen, zudem jeder was mitbringtBring whatever dish you like. Its a potluck lunch!

pray v /preI/● prier � pregare � betenI always pray when I go to church.

pursue v /p@"sju:/● poursuivre � perseguire � nachgehenI intend to pursue this matter, through the courts if necessary.

rainy season n /"reIni %si:zn/● saison des pluies � stagione delle piogge � RegenzeitEven in the rainy season it will still be very hot.

raw adj /rO:/● cru � crudo � rohI don’t like raw fish. I prefer mine well cooked.

responsibility n /rI%spQns@"bIl@ti/● responsabilité � responsabilità � PflichtPlease remember that it is your responsibility and no one else’s.

reverse n, adj /rI"v3:s/● verso (n), inverse, opposé (adj) � rovescio (n, adj), inverso (adj)� Rückseite (n), umgekehrte Reihenfolge (adj)There is a flag on the reverse of the coin.Can you say the alphabet in reverse order?

rule n /ru:l/● règle, règlement � regola � VorschriftThe rule is: be back here before it gets dark.

rush v /rVS/● se dépêcher � correre, affrettarsi � hetzenI’ll have to rush, the taxi is waiting.

seatbelt n /"si:tbelt/● ceinture de sécurité � cintura di sicurezza � SicherheitsgurtI would never ride in a car that didn’t have seatbelts.

short-sleeved adj /"SO:t sli:vd/● à manches courtes � con maniche corte � kurzärmeligI like wearing short-sleeved shirts in the summer when it’s hot.

sign of respect n /saIn @v rI"spekt/● signe de respect � segno di rispetto � Zeichen der AchtungYou must take off your hat as a sign of respect.

skateboarding n /"skeItbO:dIN/● le skateboard � fare skateboard � SkateboardfahrenSkateboarding is a sport which is very popular with teenagers.

skewer n /"skju:@(r)/● brochette � spiedino � SpiessI’ll put the vegetables on to a skewer and grill them.

socialize v /"s@US@laIz/● rencontrer des gens � socializzare � sich mit anderen Leuten treffenI have to socialize with my clients. It’s part of my job.

spray v /spreI/● asperger � spruzzare � besprühenIf you spray the flowers with water, they will last longer.

stranger n /"streIndZ@(r)/● étranger(ère) � sconosciuto � Fremde/FremderMy parents always taught me never to speak to strangers.

stuffy (a room) adj /"stVfi/● étouffant � senz’aria, soffocante � stickigThis room is stuffy. Can I open the window?

suncream n /"sVnkri:m/● crème solaire � crema solare � SonnencremeYou should always use suncream when you go to the beach.

supply v /s@"plaI/● fournir � fornire � zur Verfügung stellenYou have to supply your own books and pens. Everything else is provided.

tip (= suggestion) n /tIp/● conseil � suggerimento � TippTake a tip from me and get there in good time.

traveller’s cheque n /"tr&v@l@z %tSek/● chèque de voyage � traveller’s cheque, assegno turistico � ReisescheckDo you accept traveller’s cheques or do I need cash?


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(be in) trouble n /"trVbl/● (avoir) des ennuis � (essere) nei guai � SchwierigkeitenWhen they find out, we’ll be in big trouble.

turn down (volume) v /%t3:n "daUn/● baisser � abbassare � leiser stellenPlease turn down the radio. It’s too loud.

vaccination n /%v&ksI"neISn/● vaccination � vaccinazione � ImpfungI had to take the dog to the vet for a vaccination.

valuable adj /"v&ljU@bl/● de valeur � prezioso, di valore � wertvollThat vase is very old and valuable.

welcome n /"welk@m/● bienvenue � benvenuto � EmpfangThere is always a warm welcome when we stay at that hotel.

welcome v /"welk@m/● accueillir � dare il benvenuto � willkommen heissenI’d like you all to welcome Jo. She’s a new student at the college.

yawn v /jO:n/● bâiller � sbadigliare � gähnenI was so tired, I couldn’t stop yawning.

Unit 5acting n /"&ktIN/

● interprétation � recitazione � schauspielerische LeistungIt was a really good film. The acting was excellent.

blow v /bl@U/● souffler � soffiare � blasenCold winds will blow from the east this evening.

chilly adj /"tSIli/● froid, frisquet � fresco, freddo � kaltThis chilly weather doesn’t do me any good at all.

clear adj /klI@(r)/● clair, dégagé � sereno � klarWhat a clear, blue sky. It’s going to be a good day.

climate n /"klaIm@t/● climat � clima � KlimaItaly has a warm, sunny climate.

cloud n /klaUd/● nuage � nuvola � WolkeI can’t see any clouds, but I think it’ll rain.

cloudy adj /"klaUdi/● nuageux/euse � nuvoloso � bewölktIt’s very cloudy and dark. It looks like there might be a storm.

confess v /ken"fes/● avouer � confessare � gestehenIt said on the news that he had confessed to the police.

crossing n /"krQsIN/● traversée � traversata � ÜberfahrtThe crossing from England to France took two hours.

deer n /dI@(r)/● daim � cervo � RehWe had to keep really quiet so that we didn’t frighten the deer away.

degree (of temperature) n /dI"gri:/● degré � grado � GradI wouldn’t mind it being a degree or two warmer in that pool.

depart v /dI"pA:t/● partir � partire � abreisenThe bus departs from London at 7.00 a.m.

descent n /dI"sent/● descente � discesa � SinkflugThe descent was pretty bumpy, but we landed safely.

dramatically adv /dr@"m&tIkli/● de façon spectaculaire � drammaticamente � dramatischShe threw her head back quite dramatically, and then walked out of theroom.

eastbound adj /"i:stbaUnd/● vers l’est � in direzione est � Richtung OstenThey walked for hours in an eastbound direction.

enquiry n /In"kwaI@ri/● enquête � richiesta di informazioni � AnfrageThere will be a public enquiry about this, I’m sure.

enquiries n /In"kwaI@riz/● (demandes de) renseignements � informazione � NachforschungenThe police have been making enquiries about the recent burglaries.

en-suite bathroom n /%Qn "swi:t/● salle de bains attenante � bagno annesso � eigenes BadAll the rooms in this hotel have en-suite bathrooms.

exciting adj /Ik"saItIN/● excitant � emozionante � aufregend, spannendGoing on holiday is so exciting. I can’t wait!

experience n /Ik"spI@ri@ns/● expérience � esperienza � ErfahrungGoing on holiday to Africa was an amazing experience.

face v /feIs/● faire face à � dare su, guardare verso � liegen zuOur hotel rooms face the sea. The view is fantastic.

ferry n /"feri/● ferry � traghetto � FähreWe took the ferry to France, because we wanted to take our car.

fog n /fQg/● brouillard � nebbia � NebelThe fog is making it difficult to drive this morning.

foggy adj /"fQgi/● brumeux/euse � nebbioso � nebeligWe drove slowly and carefully along the foggy road.

forecast n /"fO:kA:st/● prévisions � previsioni � VorhersageThe forecast wasn’t good, so I brought an umbrella.

haircut n /"he@kVt/● coupe de cheveux � taglio (di capelli) � HaarschnittHe really needs a haircut. I’ll take him to the hairdresser’s tomorrow.

heaven n /"hevn/● paradis � paradiso � Paradies, HimmelThis is my idea of heaven, it is so peaceful.

heavy (rain) adj /"hevi/● fort � forte � starkDo you think this heavy rain will ever stop?

helipad n /"helIp&d/● plate-forme pour hélicoptère � eliparco, eliscalo� HubschrauberlandeplatzThere is a helipad on the roof of that hotel.

honeymoon n /"hVnimu:n/● voyage de noces � luna di miele � HochzeitsreiseWe have booked our honeymoon in Barbados.

horizontal adj /hQrI"zQntl/● horizontal � orizzontale � waagerechtShe was wearing a skirt with horizontal stripes.

hurry n /"hVri/● hâte � fretta � EileJohn is always in a hurry. He’s always late.

ice n /aIs/● glace � ghiaccio � EisWould you like ice in your drink?

icy adj /"aIsi/● glacial, verglacé � ghiacciato � eisigBe careful when you go out. It’s very icy.

igloo n /"Iglu:/● igloo � igloo � IgluIgloos are made out of snow and ice.

item n /"aIt@m/● article � articolo � StückIf you take that item over there, you can pay for it.

land (a plane) v /l&nd/● atterrir � atterrare � landenThe hardest part about being a pilot is landing the plane.

laze v /leIz/● se prélasser � oziare � faulenzenAll that cat does is laze around in the sun all day!


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library n /"laIbr@ri/● bibliothèque � biblioteca � Bibliothek, BüchereiI often borrow books from my local library.

lightning n /"laItnIN/● éclair � lampo � BlitzThe lightning struck the tree during the storm.

loaf n /l@Uf/● pain � pagnotta � BrotCould I have an extra large loaf, please?

lowland adj /"l@Ul@nd/● de faible altitude � bassopiano, pianura � TieflandThat type of plant grows in lowland areas.

luggage n /"lVgIdZ/● bagage � bagaglio � GepäckLet’s collect our luggage and get onto the coach.

melt v /melt/● fondre � sciogliersi � schmelzenI think the snow is beginning to melt now.

millionaire n /%mIlj@"ne@(r)/● millionnaire � milionario, miliardario � Millionär/MillionärinHe made a lot of money as an actor, and now he’s a millionaire.

must-dos pl n /"mVst %du:z/● ce qu’on doit faire absolument � attività d’obbligo, cose non perdersi� Dinge, die man unbedingt tun sollteThey are on my list of must-dos for today.

non-smoking adj /%nQn "sm@UkIN/● non-fumeur � non-fumatori � Nichtraucher-You can’t smoke here. This is a non-smoking restaurant.

nose around v /%n@Uz @"raUnd/● fouiner � curiosare � sich umsehenI love nosing around these old houses, don’t you?

paint n /peInt/● peinture � vernice � FarbeDo you like the red paint or do you prefer the purple?

pile n /paIl/● pile � mucchio � StapelJust put it on top of that pile, please.

pleasant adj /"plez@nt/● agréable � bello � angenehmThe forecast said it was going to be very pleasant tomorrow.

potter around v /"pQt@(r) @"raUnd/● aller sans se presser � fare le faccende con calma � herumwerkelnOn Sundays I like to get up late and potter around the house.

practise v /"pr&ktIs/● s’entraîner � esercitarsi � trainierenYou have to practise for years to be a really good pianist.

qualification n /%kwQlIfI"keISn/● qualification � qualifica � QualifikationRick has a lot of qualifications, but no job!

rain n /reIn/● pluie � pioggia � RegenThe rain has stopped. Let’s go to the park for a walk.

rainy adj /"reIni/● pluvieux � piovoso � regnerischRainy days are not unusual in England, so try and get used to them.

rare adj /re@(r)/● rare � raro � selten, rarThat is a very rare breed of dog. I bet it cost a lot of money.

reach v /ri:tS/● atteindre � raggiungere � erreichenIn July, the temperature often reaches 40°C in my country.

reception (wedding) n /rI"sepSn/● réception (de mariage) � ricevimento (di nozze) � EmpfangThe reception was fabulous. I danced all night!

recommend v /rek@"mend/● recommander � consigliare, raccomandare � empfehlenI can recommend that book. You’ll enjoy it.

remote adj /rI"m@Ut/● isolé � lontano, remoto � abgelegenI don’t like cities. I come from a tiny, remote village in the country.

removal man n /rI"mu:vl %m&n/● déménageur � addetto ai traslochi � MöbelpackerThe removal man was very quick; he had the van packed in an hour.

rhino n /"raIn@U/● rhinocéros � rinoceronte � NashornWe saw some rhinos when we were on safari in Africa.

rough adj /rVf/● houleux � agitato � stürmischThe sea wasn’t rough last Sunday. It was calm.

shampoo n /S&m"pu:/● shampooing � shampoo � SchampooCan you get me some shampoo? I need to wash my hair.

shaped adj /SeIpt/● en forme de � a forma di � geformtYou can get biscuits shaped like animals. The kids love them.

shine v /SaIn/● briller � splendere � scheinenIt was a lovely day. The sun was shining brightly and it was really warm.

sleeping bag n /"sli:pIN b&g/● sac de couchage � sacco a pelo � SchlafsackIf you go camping, don’t forget your sleeping bag.

smooth adj /smu:D/● calme, lisse � calmo � ruhigWhen we left the port, the sea was smooth and the sun was shining.

snow n /sn@U/● neige � neve � SchneeLook at the garden, it’s covered in snow!

snow v /sn@U/● neiger � nevicare � schneienIt must have been snowing all night. Everything is white.

snowy adj /"sn@Ui/● neigeux � nevoso � verschneitI love the snowy mountains. They are really beautiful.

spice n /spaIs/● épice � spezia � GewürzThis soup needs a little more spice adding to it.

spoil v /spOIl/● gâcher � rovinare � verderbenI won’t let the bad weather spoil my holiday.

spring n /sprIN/● printemps � primavera � FrühlingSpring is such a pretty season; I think it’s my favourite.

stamp n /st&mp/● timbre � francobollo � BriefmarkeYou need to put a stamp on that postcard before you send it.

steak n /steIk/● steak � bistecca � SteakLet’s get some steak for the barbecue.

storm n /stO:m/● tempête � tempesta, burrasca � SturmThere was a storm last night, which caused a lot of damage.

stormy adj /"stO:mi/● orageux � tempestoso, burrascoso � stürmischIt’s never a good idea to travel in stormy weather.

struggle v /"strVgl/● avoir du mal � lottare � sich abmühenCan you help me with my homework? I’m struggling!

temperature n /"temprItS@(r)/● température � temperatura � TemperaturThe temperature in the swimming pool is perfect. Try it.

thunderstorm n /"TVnd@%stO:m/● orage � temporale � GewitterWhen there is a thunderstorm, the dog hides underneath the table.

ton n /tVn/● tonne � tonnellata � TonneIt is really heavy. It weighs about a ton.

(at the) top n /tQp/● (en) haut, (au) sommet � cima � oberste Teil, GipfelIf you stand at the top of the mountain, you can see for miles.


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towel n /taUl/● serviette � asciugamano � HandtuchI need a new towel to take to the beach.

travel agency n /"tr&vl eIdZ@nsi/● agence de voyages � agenzia di viaggio � ReisebüroThey went to the travel agency to book their holiday.

tube n /tju:b/● tube � tubo � RöhreHe put the poster back into its cardboard tube.

vast adj /vA:st/● vaste � vasto � riesigThere was a vast crowd at the concert. I couldn’t see the stage.

view n /vju:/● vue � veduta � Blick, AussichtOn a clear day, the view is superb.

weather n /"weD@(r)/● temps � tempo � WetterThe weather is good today. Shall we go for a picnic?

wind n /wInd/● vent � vento � WindI could hear the wind blowing outside.

windy adj /"wIndi/● venteux � ventoso � windigWhat a windy day. It’s ruined my hair!

winter n /"wInt@(r)/● hiver � inverno � WinterIt’s always cold in winter, but we don’t get a lot of snow.

yoghurt n /"jQg@t/● yaourt � yogurt � JoghurtWould you like some yoghurt with your fruit?

Unit 6anchovy n /"&ntS@vi/

● anchois � acciuga � SardelleI think I’ll have some anchovies on my pizza.

appearance n /@"pI@r@ns/● apparence � aspetto � AussehenSam and Martin are very similar in appearance, aren’t they?

bacon n /"beIk@n/● lard � pancetta � SpeckI love English breakfasts with lots of bacon and eggs.

basil n /"b&z@l/● basilic � basilico � BasilikumWe could grow basil ourselves – it would be much cheaper.

cause v /kO:z/● provoquer � causare � verursachenThe weather is causing problems for people who are travelling.

consumer n /k@n"sju:m@(r)/● consommateur/trice � consumatore � VerbraucherAs a consumer, I am always keen to try new products.

cosmopolitan adj /kQzm@"pQlIt@n/● cosmopolitain � cosmopolita � kosmopolitischIt’s a very cosmopolitan city: people from all over the world live there.

cross adj /krQs/● en colère � arrabbiato � böseI’m cross with you for not phoning me.

cynical adj /"sInIkl/● cynique � cinico � zynischHe gets more cynical with age. Don’t worry about it.

delicious adj /dI"lIS@s/● délicieux � squisito � köstlichThat cake was delicious. Did you make it?

deliver v /dI"lIv@(r)/● livrer � consegnare � liefernThe parcel was delivered yesterday.

disease n /dI"zi:z/● maladie � malattia � KrankheitIt is a really nasty disease. She could be in hospital for quite a while.

disgusting adj /dIs"gVstIN/● dégoûtant � schifoso � ekelhaftThat food tasted disgusting. I’ll never come to this restaurant again.

dry clean v /%draI "kli:n/● lavage à sec � lavare a secco � chemisch reinigenI should dry clean my jacket. It’s dirty.

eel n /i:l/● anguille � anguilla � AalAn eel is a type of fish that looks like a snake.

evolve v /I"vQlv/● évoluer � evolversi � sich entwickelnIt’s hard to believe how we’ve evolved, isn’t it?

external adj /ek"st3:nl/● externe � esterno � äusserlichThe external walls are in need of repair.

fantastic adj /f&n"t&stIk/● fantastique � fantastico � fantastischThe atmosphere was fantastic. I’d definitely go again.

fast food n /%fA:st "fu:d/● nourriture de fast food � fast food � FastfoodSome people like fast food, but I’m not one of them.

fatal adj /"feItl/● mortel � mortale � tödlichThere has been a fatal accident. It was on the news.

finally adv /"faIn@li/● finalement � alla fine � schliesslichThe car finally stopped when it hit the hedge.

focal point n /"f@Ukl %pOInt/● point central � punto focale � MittelpunktThe focal point of the room will be the fireplace.

forever adv /f@"rev@(r)/● pour toujours � per sempre � für immerThe film ended when he told her that he would love her forever.

fresh adj /freS/● frais � fresco � frischRemember to put fresh fruit on the shopping list.

frozen adj /"fr@Uzn/● surgelé � surgelato � tiefgekühltFrozen vegetables are convenient, but I don’t like them.

garlic n /"gA:lIk/● ail � aglio � KnoblauchCould you chop some garlic for me, please?

generally adv /"dZen@r@li/● généralement � generalmente � allgemeinHe spoke generally about the changes he had in mind.

go clubbing n /%g@U "klVbIN/● aller en boîte � andare in discoteca � in die Disko gehenI love dancing! Let’s go clubbing on Saturday night.

gradually adv /"gr&djU@li/● progressivement � gradualmente � allmählichGradually add the milk and keep stirring the mixture.

grateful adj /"greItfl/● reconnaissant � riconoscente � dankbarI would be grateful for any advice you could give me.

gravitate v /"gr&vIteIt/● graviter � gravitare � angezogen werdenI wasn’t sure whether to do art or music, but I think I’m gravitatingtowards art.

grumble (= complain) v /"grVmbl/● râler � brontolare � sich beschwerenI shouldn’t grumble, but I’m going to!

handsome adj /"h&ns@m/● beau � bello � gut aussehendHe’s very handsome. He’s the best looking man I know.

herring n /"herIN/● hareng � aringa � HeringI like herrings, but my husband doesn’t.

home-grown adj /%h@Um "gr@Un/● du jardin � di produzione locale � selbst gezogenAll the vegetables in the farm shop are home-grown.


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(have) in common /In "kQm@n/● (avoir) en commun � (avere) in comune � gemeinsam habenI have always felt that we have a lot in common.

junk food n /"dZVNk fu:d/● nourriture industrielle � junk food, cibo spazzatura � ungesundes EssenIt’s hard to make children eat healthily when they all love junk food.

karaoke n /k&ri"@Uki/● karaoke � karaoke � KaraokeI’ve never been brave enough to try karaoke.

kettle n /"ketl/● bouilloire � bollitore � WasserkesselCan you put the kettle on? I’d love a cup of tea.

lane (on a road) n /leIn/● voie, file � corsia � SpurYou’d better stay in this lane. We’re turning off soon.

locked adj /lQkt/● vérouillé � bloccato � abgeschlossenI’m going back to check that the door is locked.

look forward to v /%lUk "fO:w@d t@/● se réjouir de, attendre avec impatience � non vedere l’ora di � sich freuen aufI’m really looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening.

mend v /mend/● réparer � riparare � reparierenMy glasses have broken. Can you mend them?

migrate v /maI"greIt/● migrer � emigrare � wandern, ziehenA lot of birds migrate during the winter.

miss v /mIs/● manquer (à) � sentire la macanza di � vermissenI’m going to miss you when you leave.

mix n /mIks/● mélange � misto, miscuglio � MischungThere was a nice mix of people at the party.

mix v /mIks/● mélanger � mescolare � vermischenI’m just mixing the sauce. It’s nearly ready.

notice board n /"n@UtIs %bO:d/● panneau d’affichage � bacheca � PinnwandIf you want to sell your car, put an advert on the notice board.

oil n /OIl/● huile � olio � ÖlOh dear, I haven’t got any oil for the salad.

orchestra n /"O:kIstr@/● orchestre � orchestra � OrchesterMy sister plays the violin in an orchestra.

outside prep /"aUtsaId/● à l’extérieur (de) � fuori � ausserhalbShe was sitting on a bench outside the park.

pea n /pi:/● petit pois � pisello � ErbseIf you can’t find fresh, buy frozen peas.

pineapple n /"paIn&pl/● ananas � ananas � AnanasI think pineapple is my favourite tropical fruit.

popularity n /%pQpj@"l&r@ti/● popularité � popolarità, rinomanza � BeliebtheitPhilip’s popularity has never been greater.

prayer n /"pre@(r)/● prière � preghiera � GebetI’ll remember you in my prayers tonight.

producer n /pr@"dju:s@(r)/● producteur/trice � produttore � HerstellerJapan is a major producer of electrical goods.

promise v /"prQmIs/● promettre � promettere � versprechenI promise that I’ll come to your party.

promotion n /pr@"m@USn/● promotion � promozione � BeförderungI’m delighted about my recent promotion.

put the world to rights /%pUt D@ %w3:ld t@ "raIts/● refaire le monde � criticare (lett. mettere a posto il mondo)� diskutieren, wie man die Welt verbessern kannWe should meet for a coffee and put the world to rights.

rave v /reIv/● s’emballer � andare in estasi � schwärmenJulie has been raving about her new boyfriend. I’d love to meet him.

rectangular adj /rek"t&Ngj@l@(r)/● rectangulaire � rettangolare � rechteckigIt’s in a rectangular box. Have you seen it anywhere?

reputation n /%repj@"teISn/● réputation � reputazione, fama � RufMy reputation depends on it, so I’m very nervous.

rude adj /ru:d/● malpoli � scortese � unhöflichI found him to be bad-tempered and rude.

safe adj /seIf/● sûr � sicuro � sicherIt feels like a very safe environment for the children.

salmon n /"s&m@n/● saumon � salmone � LachsDid you see that salmon just leap out of the river?

seldom adv /"seld@m/● rarement � raramente � seltenMy boss seldom appreciates how much I do for him.

shrimp n /SrImp/● crevette � gamberetto � GarneleThe shrimps look good. I’ll have a kilo, please.

simple adj /"sImpl/● simple � semplice � einfachIt’s a simple task: you just need to think about it.

skyscraper n /"skaIskreIp@(r)/● gratte-ciel � grattacielo � WolkenkratzerIs it the tallest skyscraper in the world?

slice n /slaIs/● tranche � fetta � StückI’ll have a small slice of cake, please.

squid n /skwId/● calmar � calamaro � TintenfischI always order squid in a seafood restaurant.

starving adj /"stA:vIN/● affamé � affamato � sehr hungrigI’m starving. Can we stop for lunch soon?

stereotype n /"steri@UtaIp/● stéréotype � stereotipo � KlischeeShe doesn’t fit the stereotype of a typical English person.

stove n /st@Uv/● fourneau � forno, fornello � Herd, OfenCould you put this on the stove, please?

succeed (in) v /s@k"si:d/● réussir � riuscire � Erfolg habenTo succeed in this business, you will need to work very hard.

tasteless adj /"teIstl@s/● insipide � insipido � geschmacklosThat soup is completely tasteless.

tasty adj /"teIsti/● savoureux � saporito � leckerWe had a very tasty meal at the Indian restaurant.

Thai adj /taI/● thaïlandais � tailandese � thailändischThis Thai food is the best I’ve ever had.

topping n /"tQpIN/● garniture � guarnizone � BelagWould you like extra topping on your pizza?

truly adv /"tru:li/● vraiment � veramente � wirklichShe truly understands the problem.

tuna n /"tju:n@/● thon � tonno � ThunfischTuna is very tasty when it’s grilled on the barbecue.


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ultimate adj /"VltIm@t/● suprême � massimo � beste, das Höchste anA Rolls-Royce is the ultimate luxury car.

universal adj /ju:nI"v3:sl/● universel � universale � universellEnglish is the universal language for airline pilots.

upright adj /"VpraIt/● relevé � verticale � aufrechtMy seat wouldn’t stay upright.

varied adj /"ve@rId/● varié � vario � abwechslungsreichThe college offers a varied timetable to suit all students.

vegetable n /"vedZt@bl/● légume � verdura � GemüseI could live on vegetables; meat doesn’t interest me.

wealthy adj /"welTi/● riche � ricco � reichHe must be wealthy. Look at that car!

Unit 7advice n /@d"vaIs/

● conseil � consiglio � RatAre you going to get professional advice about it?

advise v /@d"vaIz/● conseiller � consigliare � ratenIt’s difficult to advise you without knowing the full facts.

amazingly adv /@"meIzINli/● incroyablement, chose étonnante � incredibilmente� erstaunlicherweiseAmazingly, our team won the match 4–0.

ankle n /"&Nkl/● cheville � caviglia � KnöchelI tripped and hurt my ankle.

announce v /@"naUns/● annoncer � annunciare � bekannt gebenHe announced that they were getting divorced. It was such a shock.

application n /%&plI"keISn/● candidature � domanda � BewerbungI haven’t completed my application for the job yet.

back off (= retreat) v /%b&k "Qf/● ne pas insister � tirarsi indietro � aussteigenJust tell him to back off and leave you alone.

box office n /"bQks %QfIs/● guichet � botteghino � KasseJulie said she would call the box office and find out how much the tickets cost.

broke (= have no money) informal adj /br@Uk/● fauché � al verde � pleiteI’m broke. I’ll have to borrow some money.

career n /k@"rI@(r)/● carrière � carriera � KarriereHe had a brilliant career as an architect before he retired.

carry on v /%k&ri "Qn/● continuer � continuare � weitermachenI’d like to carry on working until I’m seventy.

championship n /"tS&mpi@nSIp/● championnat � campionato � MeisterschaftHis team won the championship, so he’s in a good mood.

chase v /tSeIs/● courir après � inseguire, correre dietro a � verfolgenThe dog chased a cat across the garden.

circus n /"s3:k@s/● cirque � circo � ZirkusCan we go to the circus on Sunday?

come across (= find) v /%kVm @"krQs/● tomber sur � trovare per caso � findenI’ve been looking in the shops, but I haven’t come across a suitable present yet.

come up with v /%kVm "Vp wID/● trouver � suggerire � findenI think I’ve come up with an amazing idea.

cover v /"kVv@(r)/● assurer le reportage � fare un servizio su � berichten überWhen he was a journalist, my brother had to cover the political news of the day.

crane n /kreIn/● grue � gru � KranThey had to use a big crane to lift it.

cut off (isolate) v /%kVt "Qf/● couper de � isolare � abgeschnittenWe were completely cut off when it snowed.

cut off (telephone) v /%kVt "Qf/● couper � cadere la linea � unterbrechenWe were chatting on the phone when suddenly we were cut off.

CV (= curriculum vitae) n /%si: "vi:/● CV � curriculum vitae � LebenslaufI sent off my CV, and I’m just waiting to hear something.

damage n /"d&mIdZ/● dégâts � danno � SchadenCan they repair the damage?

descendant n /dI"send@nt/● descendant(e) � discendente � NachkommeMark is a descendant of a famous writer.

documentary n /%dQkj@"mentri/● documentaire � documentario � DokumentarfilmThey are filming a documentary about my old school.

elect v /I"lekt/● élire � eleggere � wählenPeter was elected for a four-year term.

end up v /%end "Vp/● se retrouver, finir � finire � landenI didn’t think I’d end up in this mess!

excitement n /Ik"saItm@nt/● sensations fortes � emozione � AufregungThe news caused a lot of excitement in the office.

fascinating adj /"f&sIneItIN/● fascinant � affascinante � faszinierendIt is a fascinating story. Is it true?

few adj /fju:/● quelques � pochi � ein paar Has it happened more than a few times?

fight n /faIt/● combat � lotta � KampfSimon watched the fight on television, but I didn’t.

flood n /flVd/● inondation � inondazione � ÜberschwemmungIt said on the news that there had been a flood.

fluent adj /"flu:@nt/● qui parle couramment � parlare correntemente � fliessendLisa speaks Spanish quite well, and she is fluent in French.

fluently adv /"flu:@ntli/● couramment, avec aisance � correntemente � fliessendMike spoke fluently on the subject for about an hour.

flyer (= publicity leaflet) n /"flaI@(r)/● dépliant, prospectus � volantino � FlugblattI’ve got a flyer for tonight’s concert.

force (sb to do sth) v /fO:s/● obliger (qn à faire qch) � obbligare � zwingenMy boss forced me to do the job, and I wasn’t pleased.

forecaster n /"fO:kA:st@(r)/● journaliste météorologue � meteorologo � auf Vorhersagenspezialisierter MeteorologeThe forecaster certainly got the weather wrong. It’s lovely!

genuine adj /"dZenju:In/● véritable, sincère � genuine � echt, aufrichtigSusan is a very genuine person, isn’t she?

get on with (sb) v /%get "Qn wID/● s’entendre avec qn � andare d’accordo con � sich verstehen mitI have known her for years and always got on well with her.


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girder n /"g3:d@(r)/● poutre � trave � TrägerThey will need a very strong girder to support that roof.

give up (= stop) v /%gIv "Vp/● abandonner � smettere di � aufgebenIt isn’t easy to give up smoking.

guy (= man) informal n /gaI/● mec � tipo � KerlHe’s quite a strange guy.

hand down (give to a younger relative) v /%h&nd "daUn/● transmettre � tramandare � weitergebenI always hand down my old clothes to my sister.

hand out (= distribute) v /%h&nd "aUt/● distribuer � distribuire � verteilenCould you help me hand out these leaflets?

headline (TV news) n /"hedlaIn/● gros titre � titolo � Schlagzeile, NachrichtenüberblickDid you see the headlines on tonight’s news?

heavyweight adj /"heviweIt/● poids lourd � peso massimo � Schwergewichts-He’s a heavyweight boxer, so don’t annoy him!

height n /haIt/● hauteur � altezza � HöheWe’ll be flying at a height of 15,000 feet.

hit v /hIt/● atteindre � colpire � treffenA violent storm has hit the south coast.

hold (= wait) v /h@Uld/● patienter � aspettare � am Apparat bleibenI’m afraid he’s on the phone. Do you want to hold?

homeless adj /"h@Uml@s/● sans-abri � senzatetto � obdachlosThousands of people are homeless as a result of the war.

hunter n /"hVnt@(r)/● chasseur/euse � cacciatore � Jäger/JägerinThe hunter was getting close to his prey.

hurricane n /"hVrIk@n/● ouragan � uragano � HurrikanThe hurricane has caused terrible damage.

in charge prep + n /%In "tSA:dZ/● responsable � responsabile � verantwortlichCan I speak to the person in charge?

indoors adv /In"dO:z/● à l’intérieur � al coperto � drinnenThey stayed indoors all day.

interpersonal adj /%Int@"p3:s@nl/● de communication � interpersonale � zwischenmenschlichThe manager has excellent interpersonal skills.

interview n /"Int@vju:/● entretien � colloquio di lavoro � VorstellungsgesprächI have been asked to attend an interview on Tuesday.

interview v /"Int@vju:/● passer un entretien � fare un colloquio di lavoro � ein Vorstellungsgespräch führenWould you like to interview him?

ironworker n /"aI@n%w3:k@(r)/● ouvrier ferronier � operaio siderurgico � Arbeiter, der dieStahlgerüste von Wolkenkratzern montiertNew York’s ironworkers built the city’s skyscapers.

journalism n /"dZ3:n@lIzm/● journalisme � giornalismo � JournalismusShe studied journalism because she wanted to work for a newspaper.

just in case /%dZVst In "keIs/● au cas où � non si sa mai, nel caso che � für alle FälleI’m going to pack extra clothes, just in case we stay longer than planned.

knock out (= make unconscious) v /%nQk "aUt/● mettre au tapis, assommer � mettere k.o. � k.o. schlagenHe knocked out his opponent in the first round.

lay off (= make redundant) v /%leI "Qf/● licencier � licenziare � entlassenThe factory had to lay off several hundred workers.

leader n /"li:d@(r)/● dirigeant/e � capo � LeiterJo left the team because she didn’t get on with the leader.

leave a message v /%li:v @ "mesIdZ/● laisser un message � lasciare un messaggio � eine NachrichthinterlassenWould it be okay if I left a message?

look (sth) up v /%lUk "Vp/● chercher � cercare � nachschlagenIf you don’t know what the word means, you should look it up in thedictionary.

mayor n /"me@(r)/● maire � sindaco � Bürgermeister/BürgermeisterinThe mayor attended the ceremony.

meteorologist n /%mi:ti2@"rQl@dZIst/● météorologue � meteorologo � Meteorologe/MeteorologinHe worked as a meteorologist until he retired.

nasty adj /"nA:sti/● méchant � orribile � schlimmThere was a nasty moment when we got lost.

Nobel Prize n /"n@Ubel %praIz/● Prix Nobel � Premio Nobel � NobelpreisDidn’t he win the Nobel Prize that year?

novelist n /"nQv@lIst/● romancier/ière � romanziere � Romanautor/RomanautorinShe is a very busy novelist; she writes several books each year.

of course adv /@v "kO:s/● bien sûr � naturalmente � natürlichOf course he speaks English. He’s from Wales.

organize v /"O:g@naIz/● organiser, gérer � organizzare � organisierenI’m trying to organize a surprise party for Robert.

outdoors adv /aUt"dO:z/● à l’extérieur, dehors � all’aperto � draussen, im FreienIt is more fun for the children to play outdoors.

particularly adv /p@"tIkj@l@li/● particulièrement � particolarmente � besondersIt’s not particularly difficult.

photocopier n /"f@Ut@U%kQpi@(r)/● photocopieuse � fotocopiatrice � KopiererThe photocopier is in the corner.

pride n /praId/● fierté � orgoglio � StolzHe takes great pride in his work.

put (sb) through (on the phone) v /%pUt "Tru:/● passer (qn), mettre (qn) en communication � passare (al telefono)� verbindenI’ll put you through to Mr Brown now.

put up with (sth) (= tolerate) v /%pUt "Vp WwID/● tolérer (qch) � tollerare � ertragen, sich gefallen lassenI don’t know how you put up with him.

recapture v /%ri:"k&ptS@(r)/● reprendre � riprendere � wieder einfangenIt was 7.30 p.m. before we managed to recapture the rabbit!

resign v /rI"zaIn/● démissionner � dare le dimissioni � zurücktretenI’m going to resign and look for a new job.

resignation n /rezIg"neISn/● démission � dimissioni � RücktrittJack handed in his resignation yesterday.

retire v /rI"taI@(r)/● partir à la retraite � andare in pensione � in den Ruhestand tretenWe are going to retire and live in the country.

retirement n /rI"taI@m@nt/● retraite � pensione, pensionamento � RuhestandThey are looking forward to their retirement.


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round (of a boxing fight) n /raUnd/● round � round � RundeThe match was fought over several rounds.

sacrifice n /"s&krIfaIs/● sacrifice � sacrificio � OpferIt is the ultimate sacrifice.

scandal n /"sk&nd@l/● scandale � scandalo � SkandalThe news has caused a bit of a scandal in the office.

seek v /si:k/● rechercher � cercare � suchenYou should seek medical advice about it.

shoulder n /"S@Uld@(r)/● épaule � spalla � SchulterHe hurt his shoulder when he went skiing.

skeleton n /"skelIt@n/● squelette � scheletro � GerippeThey found the remains of a human skeleton.

skill n /skIl/● aptitude, talent � abilità � Fähigkeit, GeschickIt takes a lot of skill to play that game.

slowdown n /"sl@UdaUn/● ralentissement � rallentamento � FlauteThere has been a slowdown in productivity recently.

take a message v /%teIk @ "mesIdZ/● prendre un message � prendere nota di un messaggio � etwas ausrichtenCan I take a message for her?

take (sth) away (= remove) v /%teIk @"weI/● enlever � togliere � wegnehmenI took her toys away until she stopped being naughty.

take up v /%teIk "Vp/● se mettre à, commencer � iniziare, intraprendere � anfangenShall we take up a new hobby together?

training n /"treInIN/● formation � allenamento, formazione � SchulungAll employees will be given full training.

turn on v /%t3:n "Qn/● allumer � accendere � anmachenI’ll just turn on the light for you.

twist v /twIst/● tordre � slogare � ausrenkenI twisted my ankle when I fell.

vacancy n /"veIk@nsi/● poste à pourvoir � posto vacante � offene StelleWill you consider me for the vacancy?

washing-up n /%wQSIN "Vp/● vaisselle � piatti da lavare � AbwaschWashing-up is not my job: my brother does it.

widespread adj /"waIdspred/● répandu � molto diffuse � verbreitetThere have been widespread fears about job losses.

Unit 8actually adv /"&ktS@li/

● en fait � veramente � wirklichWe’ve spoken on the phone, but we haven’t actually met.

address n /@"dres/● adresse � indirizzo � AdresseThe address is written down on that piece of paper.

afford (can’t afford) v /@"fO:d/● (ne pas) avoir les moyens, (ne pas) pouvoir se permettre � (non) potersi permettere � sich (nicht) leisten könnenWe can’t afford to go on holiday this year.

AIDS (= acquired immune deficiency syndrome) n /eIdz/● sida � AIDS � AidsMedical experts are hopeful that they will find a cure for AIDS.

alone adj /@"l@Un/● seul � solo � alleinShe was all alone and I felt sorry for her.

amnesty n /"&mn@sti/● amnistie � amnestia � AmnestieThere is to be an amnesty for all the prisoners.

angry adj /"&Ngri/● en colère � arrabbiato � ärgerlichWhen you said that, I was very angry.

appeal n /@"pi:l/● appel � richiesta di fondi � SpendenaufrufThey are holding an appeal to raise money for their charity.

appreciate v /@"pri:SieIt/● apprécier � essere grato per � schätzenI really do appreciate how much work you have done.

astonished adj /@"stQnISt/● surpris, étonné � sorpreso � erstauntShe looked astonished when I told her.

attractive adj /@"tr&ktIv/● séduisant � allettante � attraktivFor an older man, Bob is very attractive.

awake adj /@"weIk/● reveillé � sveglio � wachHe was awake very early this morning.

beg v /beg/● mendier, demander � chiedere l’elemosina � bettelnThere were many homeless people begging for money.

belief n /bI"li:f/● conviction � convinzione � ÜberzeugungIt is my strongly held belief that something must be done.

blanket n /"bl&NkIt/● couverture � coperta � DeckeMy auntie knitted this blanket for me when I was a girl.

book (a holiday) v /bUk/● faire les réservations pour � prenotare � buchenMum and dad have booked a holiday for us in August.

boss n /bQs/● patron/ne � capo � ChefThe boss doesn’t look too pleased today.

both /b@UT/● tous les deux � ambedue � beideBoth of my parents speak Spanish.

burglar n /"b3:gl@(r)/● cambrioleur � ladro � EinbrecherA burglar stole the computer and the TV from our flat.

calm adj /kA:m/● calme � calmo � ruhigTry and stay calm about it.

camp n /k&mp/● camp � accampamento � LagerThe refugees stayed in a camp after the war.

cancer n /"k&ns@(r)/● cancer � cancro � KrebsThe doctors found the cancer in time and she was cured.

carpet n /"kA:pIt/● tapis, moquette � tappeto � TeppichI’ve spent all morning cleaning the carpet.

chimney n /"tSImni/● cheminée � camino � SchornsteinWe need to clean the chimney before we can light a fire.

circumstance(s) n /"s3:k@mstA:ns/● situation � circostanza � VerhältnisseUnder the circumstances, I will allow you more time.

conservation n /%kQns@"veISn/● protection � conservazione, tutela � SchutzThey are working on a project to improve the conservation of wildlife.

crisis n /"kraIsIs/● crise � crisi � KriseTalks have failed to resolve the crisis.


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crowd n /kraUd/● foule � folla � MengeAn angry crowd had gathered outside the court.

curtain n /"k3:tn/● rideau � tenda � VorhangThe first thing she does in the morning is open the curtains.

dedicate v /"dedIkeIt/● consacrer, dédier � dedicare � widmenI would like to dedicate this song to my parents.

demand n /dI"mA:nd/● demande, exigence � richiesta, esigenza � ForderungThis bill is a final demand. We’ll have to pay it.

desperately adv /"desp@r@tli/● désespérément � ardentemente, vivamente � unbedingtI desperately want to see New York.

die v /daI/● mourir � morire � sterbenWe all have to die some day.

dirty adj /"d3:ti/● sale � sporco � schmutzigPlease remove your dirty boots before you come in.

disastrous adj /dI"zA:str@s/● désastreux � disastroso � katastrophalThat was a disastrous football match.

dream v /dri:m/● rêver � sognare � träumenI used to dream about meeting him and now I have done!

drive n /draIv/● allée � viale di accesso � AuffahrtThey live in the big house with the long drive.

drop dead v /%drQp "ded/● tomber raide mort � morire � tot umfallenHe just dropped dead on his way home from work.

dump (sb) (= end a romantic relationship) informal v /dVmp/● plaquer (qn) � piantare � (mit jdm) Schluss machenHow could he dump me like that?

earn v /3:n/● gagner, toucher � guadagnare � verdienenI used to earn more, but I’m happier in my new job.

economic adj /i:k@"nQmIk/● économique � economico � wirtschaftlichIt caused an economic disaster for the company.

embassy n /"emb@si/● ambassade � ambasciata � BotschaftThe embassy will probably be able to help you.

emergency supplies pl n /I%m3:dZ@nsi s@"plaIz/● réserves de secours � aiuti umanitari di emergenza� KatastrophenhilfeThe charity promised to help out with emergency supplies.

endangered species n /In%deIndZ@d "spi:Si:z/● espèce menacée � specie in pericolo di estinzione � vom Aussterbenbedrohte TierartThe tiger is now an endangered species.

enormous adj /I"nO:m@s/● énorme � enorme � riesigHave you seen that dog? It’s enormous!

establish v /I"st&blIS/● établir � stabilire � feststellenCan we just establish the facts before we go any further?

ethnic adj /"eTnIk/● ethnique � etnico � ethnischThere are many different ethnic communities in this country.

fantasize v /"f&nt@saIz/● rêver, fantasmer � fantasticare � träumenHe fantasizes all day instead of working.

fee n /fi:/● honoraires � parcella, onorario � GebührThey charge a fee for their services.

filthy adj /"fIlTi/● crasseux � sudicio � dreckigThe car is filthy, so I’m going to wash it.

fit together (a jigsaw) v /%fIt t@"geD@(r)/● (s’)assembler � mettere insieme � zusammenpassenIt took me a long time to fit together all the pieces, but I did it!

floor (of a building) n /flO:(r)/● sol, étage � piano (di una casa) � StockMy office is on the 53rd floor of a skyscraper.

fluid n /"flu:Id/● fluide � liquido � FlüssigkeitWe should drink plenty of fluids on the journey.

fortunately adv /"fO:tS@n@tli/● heureusement � per fortuna � glücklicherweiseFortunately for the team, he only missed one match.

frightened adj /"fraItnd/● terrifié � spaventato � verängstigtShe was cold and frightened when they rescued her.

funny adj /"fVni/● drôle, amusant � divertente � lustigBill is very funny. He always makes me laugh.

furious adj /"fjU@ri@s/● furieux � furibondo � wütendDad was furious when he heard about it.

get rid of (= discard) v /%get "rId @v/● se débarrasser de � sbarazzarsi di � loswerdenCould we get rid of these old clothes?

ghost n /g@Ust/● fantôme � fantasma � GespenstHave you ever seen a ghost?

grow v /gr@U/● (faire) pousser � coltivare � anbauenEvery year I try to grow tomatoes and every year I fail.

growl v /graUl/● grogner � ringhiare � knurrenIf the dog growls at you, keep away from it.

guard n /gA:d/● garde � guardia � WachmannThe guard showed us the way out.

heart attack n /"hA:t @%t&k/● crise cardiaque � infarto � HerzinfarktHe had a heart attack, but he’s okay now.

heat n /hi:t/● chaleur � calore � HitzeNo, I can’t stand the heat in summer.

heavily adv /"hev@li/● lourdement � forte, a dirotto � starkThey were heavily armed and ready for a fight.

hilarious adj /hI"le@ri@s/● hilarant � spassoso, divertente � urkomischThe show was hilarious. I might go again.

horrible adj /"hQr@bl/● horrible � orribile � scheusslichThat was a horrible thing to do.

hospice n /"hQspIs/● établissement de soins palliatifs � hospice, casa di accoglienza permalati terminali � HospizHe spent his last few weeks in the hospice.

hound (= pursue) v /haUnd/● traquer � perseguitare � verfolgenThey were hounded by the press.

housing n /"haUzIN/● logement � alloggio � WohnungenThere is some really nice housing being built around here.

human rights pl n /%hju:m@n "raIts/● droits de l’homme � diritti umani � MenschenrechteThey don’t take any notice of human rights in that country.

(be) hungry adj /"hVNgri/● avoir faim � affamato � hungrigWe have no idea what it’s like to be really hungry.

incredibly adv /In"kred@bli/● incroyablement � incredibilmente � unglaublichIt was incredibly difficult to find a space in the car park.


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incurable adj /In"kjU@r@bl/● incurable � incurabile � unheilbarThe disease is incurable, but they can control it with drugs.

invest v /In"vest/● investir � investire � anlegenI invested all my money in property.

island n /"aIl@nd/● île � isola � InselIt is a small island in the Mediterranean.

jigsaw n /"dZIgsO:/● puzzle � puzzle � PuzzleCan you help me finish this jigsaw? Where does this piece go?

just adv /dZVst/● juste � appena � gerade nochI just managed to finish it in time.

knock n /nQk/● coup � colpo � KlopfenThere was a loud knock on the door.

knock v /nQk/● frapper � bussare � klopfenI was knocking but you didn’t hear me.

land n /l&nd/● terrain � terra, terreno � LandThe land is very dry and dusty.

last v /lA:st/● durer � durare � dauernThe film lasted longer than I expected it to.

leave (sth) behind (= forget) v /%li:v bI"haInd/● laisser � dimenticare � zurücklassenI left it behind on the bus!

loan n /l@Un/● prêt, emprunt � prestito � DarlehenI got a loan from the bank to pay for it.

lottery n /"lQt@ri/● loterie � lotteria � LotteriePeople have won millions of pounds on the lottery.

loudly adv /"laUdli/● bruyamment, fort � forte � lautShe knocked loudly on the wall.

mansion n /"m&nSn/● hôtel particulier, manoir � villa, palazzo � HerrenhausThey won a lot of money and now they live in a mansion.

medical supplies pl n /"medIkl s@%plaIz/● approvisionnement medical � materiale sanitario � ArzneimittelThey have plenty of medical supplies, so they should manage.

menacingly adv /"men@sINli/● de façon menaçante � minacciosamente � drohendIt crept menacingly along after its prey.

miserable adj /"mIzr@bl/● malheureux � infelice � unglücklichPaul feels miserable today.

misery n /"mIz@ri/● souffrance � infelicità � UnglückEven though she was rich, her wealth brought her nothing but misery.

nearly adv /"nI@li/● presque � quasi � fastI nearly won the race. I should have trained harder.

organization n /%O:g@naI"zeISn/● organisation � organizzazione, ente � OrganisationI’ve never worked for such a big organization before.

pay-rise n /"peI %raIz/● augmentation de salaire � aumento di stipendio � GehaltserhöhungThe boss has promised us a pay-rise next month.

penniless adj /"penIl@s/● sans le sou � senza un soldo � armShe spent all her money, and now she’s penniless.

photography n /f@"tQgr@fi/● photographie � fotografia � FotografierenShe has done some great wildlife photography.

pick up (= collect) v /%pIk "Vp/● aller chercher � passare a prendere � abholenI’ll pick it up on the way home from work.

post office n /"p@Ust %QfIs/● poste � ufficio postale � PostI need to go to the post office to send a parcel.

post v /p@Ust/● poster � imbucare � aufgebenJohn posted the letter for me yesterday.

pour v /pO:(r)/● verser � affluire, riversarsi � giessenI was pouring the milk carefully, but I still spilt some!

pretty adj /"prIti/● joli � carino � hübschThat’s a very pretty dress she’s wearing.

prisoner of conscience n /%prIzn@r @v "kQnS@ns/● prisonnier/ière d’opinion � prigioniero di coscienza � Gefangene/Gefangener aus GewissensgründenHe was a prisoner of conscience for eight years.

prize n /praIz/● prix � premio � PreisThe first prize is a car.

psychiatrist n /saI"kaI@trIst/● psychiatre � psichiatra � Psychiater/PsychiaterinI think she went to see a psychiatrist about her problems.

purpose n /"p3:p@s/● but � scopo � SinnWhat is the purpose of the meeting?

put pressure on (sb) v /%pUt "preS@r Qn/● faire pression sur (qn) � fare pressione su qlcu.� unter Druck setzenI don’t want to put pressure on you at all.

ragged adj /"r&gId/● effiloché � stracciato � verschlissenIt’s a little ragged around the edges, but it’s okay.

receptionist n /rI"sepS@nIst/● réceptionniste � recezionista � EmpfangsdameI rang the receptionist and made an appointment to see the doctor.

relative n /"rel@tIv/● parent � parente � Verwandte/VerwandterAll my relatives are coming to the wedding.

release v /rI"li:s/● libérer � rilasciare � befreienThe prisoners were released yesterday.

rescue n /"reskju:/● sauvetage � soccorso � RettungThey were very brave carrying out that rescue.

research n /rI"s3:tS/● recherche � ricerca � ForschungResearch suggests that they may find a cure soon.

routine n /ru:"ti:n/● routine � routine � RoutineIt’s his daily routine, it never changes.

run (my nose is running) v /rVn/● couler � colare � laufenI need a tissue: my nose is running.

run out of v /%rVn "aUt @v/● ne plus avoir de � rimanere senza � kein… mehr habenI’ve run out of money, I’m afraid.

sanity n /"s&n@ti/● raison � sanità mentale � geistige GesundheitI need some time alone to restore my sanity.

shelter n /"Selt@(r)/● refuge � rifugio � HeimThey are building a new shelter for the animals.

smash v /sm&S/● briser � mandare in frantumi � zerstörenHe did that dance where they smash plates!

solicitor n /s@"lIsIt@(r)/● avocat/e � avvocato, rappresentante legale � Anwalt/AnwältinMy sister is going to be a solicitor when she leaves university.


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space shuttle n /"speIs %SVtl/● navette spatiale � shuttle � RaumfähreThe space shuttle looks a bit like a plane.

(go on a) spending spree n /"spendIN %spri:/● dépenser des sommes folles � spese folli � EinkaufstourWe are going to London on a spending spree.

stand v /st&nd/● supporter � sopportare � ertragenI can’t stand sport, especially football.

suddenly adv /"sVd@nli/● soudain � improvvisamente � plötzlichSuddenly, they heard shouting in the street.

superb adj /su:"p3:b/● superbe � magnifico, superbo � grossartigWhat a superb meal that was.

surprised adj /s@"praIzd/● surpris � sorpreso � überraschtShe looked surprised, when she saw her boyfriend walk in.

survive v /s@"vaIv/● survivre � sopravvivere � überlebenMy grandfather survived the war.

tempt v /temt/● tenter � tentare � in Versuchung führenCould you be tempted by a slice of cake?

the press n /D@ "pres/● la presse � la stampa � die PresseRecently, the press has been following them.

thrilled adj /TrIld/● ravi, enchanté � entusiasta � begeistertI was thrilled when I saw him win the race.

tired adj /"taI@d/● fatigué � stanco � müdeHe is tired after his long journey, but he’ll be fine.

turn out v /%t3:n "aUt/● s’avérer � rivelarsi � sich herausstellenEven thought the weather was terrible this morning, it turned out to be anice day.

violently adv /"vaI@l@ntli/● violemment � violentemente � heftigThey disagreed violently when I suggested it.

visa n /"vi:z@/● visa � visto � VisumDo you need a visa to visit Russia?

waste v /weIst/● gaspiller, dilapider � sprecare � verschwendenHe’s wasted a lot of time already.

wide adj /waId/● large � vasto, ampio � breitThe river is very wide and very fast flowing.

windfall n /"wIndfO:l/● aubaine � colpo di fortuna � unverhoffter GewinnThey received an unexpected windfall.

wildlife reserve n /"waIldlaIf rI%z3:v/● réserve naturelle � riserva naturale � WildreservatWe went to the wildlife reserve during the holidays.

wild-looking adj /"waIld %lUkIN/● à l’air égaré � dall’aspetto selvaggio � wild aussehendThat wild-looking creature is actually very gentle.

winner n /"wIn@(r)/● gagnant/e � vincitore � Gewinner/GewinnerinShe was a gold medal winner in the Olympics.

Unit 9advantage n /@d"vA:ntIdZ/

● avantage � vantaggio � VorteilHe had the advantage from the very beginning.

agony aunt n /"&g@ni/● journaliste du cœur � courrier chi tiene la posta del cuore in unarivista � KummerkastentanteHave you ever written to an agony aunt?

ambitious adj /&m"bIS@s/● ambitieux � ambizioso � ehrgeizigI am ambitious but my family will always come first.

annoyed adj /@"nOId/● agacé, fâché � seccato � sich ärgernI was so annoyed when I broke it.

background n /"b&kgraUnd/● fond, arrière-plan � background � HintergrundThe background to the story is still unclear.

care (for) v /ke@(r)/● soigner, s’occuper de � prendersi cura di, badare a � pflegenI shall care for my parents as they cared for me.

cheat v /tSi:t/● tricher � imbrogliare � mogelnYou cheated, so why don’t you admit it?

cheerful adj /"tSI@fl/● joyeux � allegro � fröhlichLinda is so kind and cheerful.

clearly adv /"klI@li/● clairement, manifestement � chiaramente � offensichtlichClearly I wouldn’t want to upset you.

complexion n /k@m"plekSn/● teint � carnagione, aspetto � TeintShe is a beautiful girl with a lovely complexion.

concentrate v /"kQns@ntreIt/● se concentrer � concentrarsi � sich konzentrierenI concentrated so hard during that lesson.

conscious adj /"kQnS@s/● conscient � cosciente � bewusstWe made a conscious decision not to buy a car.

contented adj /k@n"tentId/● heureux, satisfait � soddisfatto � zufriedenWhat a contented little baby he is.

cruel adj /"kru:@l/● cruel � crudele � grausamIgnore her, she can be very cruel sometimes.

crutches pl n /krVtSIz/● béquilles � stampelle � KrückenPatrick has been on crutches since he broke his leg.

curly adj /"k3:li/● bouclé � ricciuto � lockigI wish my hair was curly like yours.

date n /deIt/● rendez-vous, date fixée � appuntamento � VerabredungAre you asking me out on a date?

daydream n /"deIdri:m/● rêves � sogno a occhi aperti � TagtraumShe walks around in a daydream at work.

daydream v /"deIdri:m/● rêver, rêvasser � sognare a occhi aperti � träumenI was just daydreaming when the phone rang.

deal with (sth) v /"di:l wID/● s’occuper de � affrontare � fertig werden mitI’ll deal with the problem so don’t worry.

definite adj /"defIn@t/● précis � preciso � festThere is a definite link between junk food and obesity.

depend on (sb) v /dI"pend Qn /● dépendre de (qn) � dipendere da � sich verlassen aufI have always depended on my father for everything.

depressed adj /dI"prest/● déprimé � depresso � deprimiert, depressivHe is feeling depressed about work.

disadvantage n /%dIs@d"vA:ntIdZ/● désavantage � svantaggio � NachteilBeing famous can be a real disadvantage sometimes.


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drawer n /drO:(r)/● tiroir � cassette � SchubladeI think your socks are in your bedroom drawer.

drop v /drQp/● laisser tomber � lasciar cadere � fallen lassenI dropped your vase and I’m afraid it’s broken.

easygoing adj /%i:zi"g@UIN/● accommodant, facile à vivre � tollerante � gelassenShe is easygoing and friendly.

envy v /"envi/● envier � invidiare � beneidenI envied his wealth and success until I realised that he was unhappy.

expert n /"eksp3:t/● spécialiste, expert/e � esperto � Fachmann/FachfrauShe is considered to be an expert in her field.

expert adj /"eksp3:t/● spécialisé � esperto � fachmännischJane’s an expert cook.

finances n pl /"faIn&nsIz/● finances � fondi, finanze � FinanzenSince we bought our house, we haven’t really had the finances to go onholiday.

forget v /f@"get/● oublier � dimenticare � vergessenI’m sure I’ve forgotten something.

gambling n /"g&mblIN/● jeu (d’argent) � gioco d’azzardo � GlücksspielHe had huge debts because of his problem with gambling.

generation n /%dZen@"reISn/● génération � generazione � GenerationWill future generations still listen to the Beatles?

hand-me-down adj /"h&nd mI %daUn/● vieux, d’occasion � usato, smesso � abgelegtI get sick of hand-me-down clothes.

hardworking adj /%hA:d"w3:kIN/● travailleur � che lavora sodo � fleissigMy brother is so hardworking. I do admire him.

hate v /heIt/● détester, haïr � detestare � hassenI hated living close to that factory.

housework n /"haUsw3:k/● ménage � lavori di casa � HausarbeitI don’t enjoy housework, but one of us has to do it!

husband n /"hVzb@nd/● époux � marito � (Ehe) MannShe met her husband when they were studying at university.

I suppose /%aI s@"p@Uz/● je suppose � suppongo � ich denkeI suppose it doesn’t bother me too much.

impatient adj /Im"peIS@nt/● impatient � impaziente � ungeduldigThe children were bored and were getting impatient.

in front of prep /In "frVnt @v/● devant � davanti a � vorThe red car is in front of the green car.

in the meantime /%In D@ "mi:ntaIm/● entre-temps � nel frattempo � inzwischenIn the meantime, shall we have some tea?

kind n /kaInd/● sorte � tipo � die ArtThe restaurant had many different kinds of food.

kind adj /kaInd/● gentil � gentile � freundlichSarah is a very kind and generous person.

lorry driver n /"lQri %draIv@(r)/● routier � camionista � Lastwagenfahrer/LastwagenfahrerinThe lorry driver reported the accident to the police.

memory n /"mem@ri/● souvenir � memoria, ricordo � ErinnerungMy memory isn’t as good as it used to be.

mood n /mu:d/● humeur � umore � LauneAre you in a good mood now?

moody adj /"mu:di/● lunatique � lunatico � launischHe’s quite a moody boy, isn’t he?

notice v /"n@UtIs/● remarquer � notare � bemerkenI noticed that the local shop closed at eight.

nun n /nVn/● religieuse � suora � NonneShe went to a Catholic school where she was taught by nuns.

nurse n /n3:s/● infirmier/ière � infermiera � KrankenschwesterShe is a nurse at the local hospital.

obsessed adj /@b"sest/● obsédé � ossessionato � besessenShe was followed everywhere by an obsessed fan.

oversleep v /%@Uv@"sli:p/● se réveiller trop tard � non svegliarsi in tempo � verschlafenI’m sorry I’m late, but I overslept!

passion n /"p&Sn/● passion � passione � LeidenschaftMusic is her great passion in life.

plaster n /"plA:st@(r)/● plâtre � gesso � GipsHe had his leg in plaster for several weeks after the skiing accident.

point of view n /%pOInt @v "vju:/● point de vue � punto di vista � StandpunktShe has her point of view and we must respect that.

put off (doing sth) (= postpone) v /%pUt "Qf/● remettre à plus tard � rimandare � aufschiebenYou’ve put it off long enough!

rather adv /"rA:D@(r)/● plutôt � piuttosto � ziemlichShe’s rather attractive for a women of her age.

relationship n /rI"leISnSIp/● relation � relazione, rapporto � BeziehungI’m not sure about the relationship between them.

reliable adj /rI"laI@bl/● sérieux, digne de confiance � affidabile � zuverlässigThe car may be old, but it’s very reliable.

relieved adj /rI"li:vd/● soulagé � sollevato � erleichtertI feel relieved now that I’ve done the exam.

resentment n /rI"zentm@nt/● ressentiment � risentimento � GrollI could feel his resentment when I got the promotion.

reserved adj /rI"z3:vd/● réservé � riservato � zurückhaltendLucy is quiet and reserved most of the time.

reunion n /%ri:"ju:ni@n/● réunion � riunione � TreffenWe had a reunion with old school friends.

sense of humour n /%sens @v "hju:m@(r)/● sens de l’humour � senso dell’umorismo � Sinn für HumorJohn has a brilliant sense of humour.

share v /Se@(r)/● partager � condividere, dividere � verteilenI have to share a bedroom with my little brother.

sociable adj /"s@US@bl/● sociable � socievole � geselligJoe is extremely sociable this evening.

take care of (sb) v /%teIk "ke@r @v/● s’occuper de (qn) � prendersi cura di � sich kümmern umI’ve been taking care of my friend’s dog.

talkative adj /"tO:k@tIv/● bavard � chiacchierone � gesprächigI like her, but she’s too talkative.


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tolerant adj /"tQl@r@nt/● tolérant � tollerante � tolerantAre you a tolerant parent?

twin n /twIn/● jumeau/elle � gemello � ZwillingI have a twin. His name is Richard.

unsure adj /%Vn"SU@(r)/● peu sûr � non sicuro � unsicherAt the moment, I feel a little unsure about what to do.

untidy adj /%Vn"taIdi/● en désordre � disordinato � unordentlichThe garden is untidy and the house matches it.

ups and downs pl n /%Vps @n "daUnz/● des hauts et des bas � gli alti e i bassi � Höhen und TiefenWe’ve had our ups and downs, haven’t we?

vet n /vet/● vétérinaire � veterinario � Tierarzt/TierärztinI’ll take the dog to the vet tonight.

veterinary assistant n /%vetnri @"sIst@nt/● assistant(e) vétérinaire � assistente di un veterinario� Tierarzthelfer/-helferinThe veterinary assistant helped me to carry him.

Unit 10air conditioning n /"e@ k@n%dISnIN/

● air climatisé � aria condizionata � KlimaanlageHas the air conditioning stopped working?

airport n /"e@pO:t/● aéroport � aeroporto � FlughafenWe spent hours waiting in the airport.

audition v /O:"dISn/● auditionner � avere un’audizione � vorsprechenYesterday, I auditioned for the play.

autobiographical adj /%O:t@baI@U"graefIkl/● autobiographique � autobiografico � autobiographischIt’s a very interesting autobiographical film.

award n /@"wO:d/● prix, récompense � premio � PreisWhen I was a girl, I won an award for ballet.

ban v /b&n/● interdire � proibire � verbietenI thought the government had banned hunting.

birthday card n /"b3:TdeI %kA:d/● carte d’anniversaire � biglietto di auguri per il compleanno� GeburtstagskarteDid you receive many birthday cards?

blond adj /blQnd/● blond � biondo � blondHe is tall, blond and very handsome.

button n /"bVtn/● touche, bouton � tasto, pulsante � KnopfPress the button to switch on the computer.

(can’t) bear v /%kA:nt "be@(r)/● (ne pas pouvoir) supporter � (non) sopportare � (nicht) ausstehen könnenPlease stop singing, I can’t bear it!

cast v /kA:st/● distribuer les rôles � scritturare � eine Rolle gebenHe cast me as a rich and powerful lawyer in his film.

casting director n /"kA:stIN d@%rekt@(r), dI-, daI-/ ● directeur/trice de la distribution � regista che sceglie gli attori� Besetzungschef/-chefinThe casting director decides who gets which role.

ceiling n /"si:lIN/● plafond � soffitto � DeckeI’ll have to stand on a chair to paint the ceiling.

cello n /"tSel@U/● violoncelliste � violoncello � CelloI learnt to play the cello at school.

changing room n /"tSeIndZIN %ru:m/● vestiaire � camerino, spogliatoio � UmkleidekabineYou can get changed in the changing room.

chemistry n /"kem@stri/● chimie � chimica � ChemieChemistry was my best subject at school.

classical music n /%kl&sIkl "mju:zIk/● musique classique � musica classica � klassische MusikI love classical music, especially Mozart.

clear v /klI@(r)/● effacer � ripagare (un debito) � abzahlenI have to clear my debt at the bank by the end of the month.

collector n /k@"lekt@(r)/● collectionneur/euse � collezionista � Sammler/SammlerinHe is a collector of fine wines.

compose v /k@m"p@Uz/● composer � comporre � komponierenHe began composing music as a very young boy.

concert n /"kQns@t/● concert � concerto (spettacolo) � KonzertThe classical concert was superb.

concerto n /k@n"tSe@t@U/● concerto � concerto (composizione musicale) � KonzertThis violin concerto is one of my favourites.

conductor n /k@n"dVkt@(r)/● chef d’orchestre � direttore d’orchestra � Dirigent/DirigentinThe orchestra has a different conductor this evening.

constantly adv /"kQnst@ntli/● constamment � costantemente � ständigThese days technology is constantly developing.

credit card n /"kredIt %kA:d/● carte de credit � carta di credito � KreditkarteCan I pay for the goods by credit card?

debt n /det/● dette � debito � SchuldenThe bank admitted the mistake and cancelled the debt.

dust v /dVst/● épousseter � spolverare � abstaubenI’ve dusted all the furniture.

dynamite n /"daIn@maIt/● dynamite � dinamite � DynamitThey used dynamite to blast a hole in the rock.

engineer n /endZI"nI@(r)/● ingénieur � ingegnere � Ingenieur/IngenieurinHe works as an engineer on the new motorway.

estate agent n /I"steIt %eIdZ@nt/● agent immobilier � agente immobiliare � GrundstücksmaklerGrundstücksmaklerinThe estate agent showed us around the property.

explosion n /Ik"spl@UZn/● explosion � esplosione � ExplosionYou could hear the explosion miles away.

explosives pl n /Ik"spl@UsIvz/● explosifs � esplosivi � SprengstoffThe police found the explosives hidden in a shed.

fake adj /feIk/● faux � falso � nicht echtI wouldn’t wear real fur. It’s fake.

figure n /"fIg@(r)/● silhouette � figurina � FigurHe collects figures of the characters in his favourite film.

fire engine n /"faI@r %endZIn/● voiture de pompier � autopompa � FeuerwehrautoTom loves to play with his toy fire engine.

fireplace n /"faI2@pleIs/● cheminée � caminetto � KaminDo you keep this near the fireplace?

fireworks pl n /"faI@w3:ks/● feu d’artifice � fuochi d’artificio � FeuerwerkThe children love fireworks, but the pets hate them!


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found v /faUnd/● fonder � fondare � gründenThis school was founded 100 years ago.

hairbrush n /"he@brVS/● brosse à cheveux � spazzola per capelli � HaarbürsteI think I’ll have the blue hairbrush, please.

hairdresser n /"he@dres@(r)/● coiffeur/euse � parrucchiere � Friseur/FriseurinThe hairdresser cuts my hair once a month.

headache n /"hedeIk/● mal de tête � mal di testa � KopfschmerzenThat loud music has given me a headache.

hippie n /"hIpi/● hippy � hippy � HippieMy mother used to be a hippie in the sixties.

history n /"hIstri/● histoire � storia � GeschichteHistory is a fascinating subject, isn’t it?

hurt v /h3:t/● faire mal � far male � verletzenI hurt my arm throwing the ball.

immaculate adj /I"m&kj@l@t/● impeccable � impeccabile � tadellos sauberHer house is immaculate; she is always cleaning.

lecture n /"lektS@(r)/● cours, conférence � conferenza/lezione � VortragDid you attend the lecture this morning?

lecture v /"lektS@(r)/● enseigner � fare conferenze/lezioni � Vorträge haltenHe lectures in music at the university.

legendary adj /"ledZ@ndri/● légendaire � leggendario � legendärThere was a real woman on whom the legendary character was based.

make up (= invent) v /%meIk "Vp/● inventer � inventare � sich ausdenkenHe made up a story about his past.

memorabilia n /%mem@r@"bIli@/● souvenirs � cimeli � ErinnerungsstückeI have so much memorabilia, I could open a museum.

metallic adj /m@"t&lIk/● en métal � metallico � Metall-I think he uses metallic paint on his car.

movies n US /"mu:vIz/● cinéma � film � FilmIn the United States they call films ‘movies’.

optimism n /"QptImIz@m/● optimisme � ottimismo � OptimismusHer optimism never fails to amaze me!

(be) originally (from) adv /@"rIdZ@n@li/● être originaire de � essere originariamente � ursprünglichShe was originally from Spain, but now she lives in England.

out-of-work adj /%aUt @v "w3:k/● sans travail � disoccupato � arbeitslosIt’s difficult to find a job in films. There must be hundreds ofout-of-work actors in Hollywood.

ponytail n /"p@UniteIl/● queue de cheval � coda di cavallo � PferdeschwanzShe tied her hair back in a ponytail.

press v /pres/● appuyer sur � premere � drückenI pressed the bell but it didn’t work.

profile n /"pr@UfaIl/● portrait � profilo � BeschreibungThey have issued a profile of the wanted man.

promote v /pr@"m@Ut/● promouvoir � promuovere, reclamizzare � Werbung machen fürHe’s been on all the chat shows promoting his new film.

react v /ri"&kt/● réagir � reagire � reagierenHow did he react when you told him the truth?

reckon (= think) informal v /"rek@n/● croire � credere � halten vonWhat do you reckon to my idea?

redecorate v /%ri:"dek@reIt/● refaire � ridare la tinta/cambiare la tappezzeria � streichen undtapezierenPhil redecorated the whole house in a week.

revise (for an exam) v /rI"vaIz/● réviser � ripassare � lernenI’ve been revising for days, so I expect to do well.

role n /r@Ul/● rôle � ruolo � RolleHe played an important role in the film.

rugged adj /"rVgId/● rude � marcato, duro � markantI like his rugged good looks.

scholarship n /"skQl@Sip/● bourse � borsa di studio � StipendiumJames won a scholarship to Oxford.

shopping centre n /"SQpIN %sent@(r)/● centre commercial � centro commerciale � EinkaufszentrumThe new shopping centre opens on Saturday.

shopping list n /"SQpIN %lIst/● liste de courses � lista della spesa � EinkaufslisteDon’t forget the shopping list when you go to the supermarket.

(go on a) shopping spree n /"SQpIN %spri:/● aller faire des folies dans les magasins � giro di spese folli� EinkaufstourWe are going to New York on a shopping spree!

soundtrack n /"saUndtr&k/● bande sonore � colonna sonora � FilmmusikI loved the film, but the soundtrack is really sad.

state of the art adj /%steIt @v Di "A:t/● ultramoderne, de pointe � dell’ultima generazione, modernissimo� dem neuesten Stand der Technik entsprechendHe has got a state of the art music system.

sunset n /"sVnset/● soleil couchant � tramonto � SonnenuntergangThe sunset over the sea was absolutely beautiful.

tale n /teIl/● histoire � racconto � GeschichteDad loves to tell tales about his school days.

teacup n /"ti:kVp/● tasse à thé � tazza da tè � TeetasseCould you pass me a teacup, please?

teapot n /"ti:pQt/● théière � teiera � TeekanneHe poured me a cup of tea from the teapot.

tear (in your eyes) n /tI@(r)/● larme � lacrima � TräneShe had tears in her eyes when she said goodbye.

teaspoon n /"ti:spu:n/● petite cuillère � cucchiaino � TeelöffelI’ll have just one teaspoon of sugar, please.

toilet paper n /"tOIl@t %peIp@(r)/● papier hygiénique � carta igienica � ToilettenpapierCould you put toilet paper on the list, please?

toothache n /"tu:TeIk/● mal de dent � mal di denti � ZahnschmerzenI’ve got toothache. Can I see a dentist?

toothbrush n /"tu:TbrVS/● brosse à dent � spazzolino da denti � ZahnbürsteYou should clean your teeth with a good toothbrush.

toothpaste n /"tu:TpeIst/● dentifrice � dentifricio � ZahnpastaI like this toothpaste better than the other one.

traffic jam n /"tr&fIk %dZ&m/● embouteillage � ingorgo del traffico � VerkehrsstauThere is a traffic jam on the motorway.


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traffic warden n /"tr&fIk %wO:dn/● agent de la circulation � vigile urbano � Verkehrspolizist, PolitesseI wouldn’t be a traffic warden for any amount of money.

trapped adj /tr&pt/● enfermé, pris au piège � bloccato � gefangenShe is trapped in her role as a housewife.

trendy adj /"trendi/● à la mode � alla moda � schickHe always wears trendy clothes.

unconventional adj /%Vnk@n"venS@nl/● peu conventionnel � poco convenzionale � unkonventionellThey are an unconventional couple, but very nice.

underwear n /"Vnd@we@(r)/● sous-vêtement � biancheria intima � UnterwäscheI am always buying new underwear. I love it!

unlikely adj /%Vn"laIkli/● peu probable � poco probabile � unwahrscheinlichJo is the most unlikely person you could think of for that job.

videotape n /"vIdi@UteIp/● cassette-vidéo � videocassetta � VideoI’ll get the videotape and we can watch it together.

vote n /v@Ut/● vote � voto � StimmeThe politician won 10,000 votes in the election.

vote v /v@Ut/● voter � votare � wählenWill you be voting for him?

waiting room n /"weItIN %ru:m/● salle d’attente � sala d’aspetto � WartezimmerThe waiting room at the doctor’s was full.

wallpaper n /"wO:lpeIp@(r)/● papier peint � carta da parati � TapeteI don’t like the wallpaper – it’s old-fashioned.

water n /"wO:t@(r)/● eau � acqua � WasserThere is a jug of water on the table.

water v /"wO:t@(r)/● arroser � innaffiare � giessenI’ve just watered all the plants.

worldwide adv /w3:ld"waId/● dans le monde entier � in tutto il mondo � weltweitIt’s a big company with offices worldwide.

(be) worth (sth) adj /w3:T/● valoir (qch) � valere qc. � wertDo you think it could be worth something?

wrapping paper n /"r&pIN %peIp@(r)/● papier d’emballage, papier cadeau � carta da regali � GeschenkpapierI need wrapping paper to wrap this present.

writing paper n /"raItIN %peIp@(r)/● papier � carta da lettere � BriefpapierI have a big pad of writing paper that you can use.

Unit 11abbreviation n /@%bri:vi"eISn/

● abréviation � abbreviazione � AbkürzungGB is the abbreviation for Great Britain.

absent-mindedness n /%&bs@nt "maIndIdn@s/● étourderie � distrazione � ZerstreutheitYou can’t always use your absent-mindedness as an excuse.

affectionately adv /@"fekS@n@tli/● affectueusement � affettuosamente � liebevollHe treated that cat so affectionately, better than he treats me!

aggressive adj /@"gresIv/● agressif � aggressivo � aggressivJohn is a very aggressive player, isn’t he?

all-night party n /%O:l naIt "pA:ti/● fête qui dure toute la nuit � festa che dura tutta la notte � Party, die die ganze Nacht dauertWe had an all-night party to celebrate my birthday.

anyway adv /"eniweI/● bon, de toute façon � comunque � alsoAnyway, in the end we decided not to do it.

appear v /@"pI@(r)/● jouer (dans le rôle de) � comparire � auftretenGuess who’s appearing at the theatre next week?

appointment n /@"pOIntm@nt/● rendez-vous � appuntamento � TerminI have an appointment with Mr. Green at two thirty today.

backing vocalist n /"b&kIN %v@Uk@lIst/● choriste � cantante che accompagna � Begleitsänger/-sängerinHe started off as a backing vocalist, but now he has his own band.

beard n /bI@d/● barbe � barba � BartDo you think Jerry’s beard suits him or not?

bite v /baIt/● mordre, ronger � mordere, mangiarsi (le unghie) � kauen an, beissenHe’s a friendly dog; he won’t bite you.Don’t bite your nails!

blame v /bleIm/● accuser, mettre sur le compte de � criticare, dare la colpa a � dieSchuld gebenI’m not trying to blame anyone, I just want to know what happened.

bring up (a child) v /%brIN "Vp/● élever � allevare � grossziehenBringing up children is the most difficult job in the world.

campsite n /"k&mpsaIt/● camping � campeggio � CampingplatzI’ll book the campsite for five nights.

caring adj /"ke@rIN/● aimant, bienveillant � premuroso � sozial eingestelltMy grandmother is the most caring person I know.

cartoonist n /kA:"tu:nIst/● dessinateur/trice humoristique � vignettista, cartonista� Karikaturist/KarikaturistinShe’s working as a cartoonist for one of the daily newspapers.

catastrophe n /k@"t&str@fi/● catastrophe � catastrophe � KatastropheIt’s nothing really, but she acts like it’s a catastrophe.

check in v /%tSek "In/● arriver � fare il check-in � eincheckenYou have to check in, and then they’ll show you to your rooms.

cheerleader n /"tSI@li:d@(r)/● majorette � cheerleader � Mitglied einer Gruppe, die vorSportveranstaltungen Stimmung machtWere you a cheerleader when you were at school?

chew v /tSu:/● mâcher � masticare � kauenChewing raw carrots is good for your teeth.

childbearing n /"tSaIldbe@rIN/● maternité � maternità, gravidanza � KinderkriegenChildbearing is not my idea of fun. I’m glad I’m a man!

childbirth n /"tSaIldb3:T/● accouchement � parto � GeburtThe risk of dying in childbirth is very low in Britain.

climb v /klaIm/● monter, grimper � salire su � steigen aufHave you ever climbed a mountain?

construction work n /k@n"strVkSn/● travaux (de construction) � lavori di costruzione � BauarbeitenThe construction work started on Monday and should last for six weeks.

contract n /"kQntr&kt/● contrat � contratto � VertragDon’t sign the contract until your lawyer has checked the details.


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cope v /k@Up/● faire face � farcela � es schaffenShe coped very well with the pressures of her new job.

couch potato n /"kaUtS p@%teIt@U/● pantouflard/e (qui passe son temps devant la télévision) � persona teledipendente � jemand, der nur vor dem Fernseher sitztI love exercise. I have never been a couch potato.

crate n /kreIt/● caisse � cassetta � KisteThat crate looks big enough to hold all the bottles.

creature n /"kri:tS@(r)/● créature � creatura � LebewesenWhat a strange looking creature. What is it?

cross off (from a list) v /%krQs "Qf/● rayer � spuntare � streichen vonI’ve crossed her off my list. She was very rude.

crucify v /"kru:sIfaI/● crucifier � crocifiggere � kreuzigenThe Romans used to crucify criminals.

currently adv /"kVr@ntli/● actuellement, en ce moment � attualmente � gegenwärtigThis is the best home computer that is currently available.

deduce v /dI"dju:s/● déduire � dedurre � folgernThe answer can be deduced from the clues.

define v /dI"faIn/● définir � definire � definierenIt’s hard to define what it is that makes her special.

deli (= delicatessen) informal n /"deli/● restaurant-traiteur � salumeria � FeinkostgeschäftI’ll pick up a sandwich from the deli at lunch time.

dental floss n /"dentl %flQs/● fil dentaire � filo interdentale � ZahnseideMy dentist advised me to use dental floss every day.

desk n /desk/● bureau � scrivania � SchreibtischMy new desk has a lot more storage space than the old one.

dinosaur n /"daIn@sO:(r)/● dinosaure � dinosauro � DinosaurierThe T-rex was a very fierce dinosaur.

discover v /dI"skVv@(r)/● découvrir � scoprire � entdeckenDo you think scientists will discover a cure for the disease?

drop (sb) a line /%drQp @ "laIn/● écrire un petit mot (à qn) � mandare due righe a qlcu. � ein paarZeilen schreibenI’ll drop you a line next week with all the details.

drummer n /"drVm@(r)/● batteur � batterista � Trommler/TrommlerinShe was the drummer in the band and her brother played the guitar.

emotion n /I"m@USn/● émotion � emozione � GefühlDoctors have to be good at hiding their emotions.

employer n /Im"plOI@(r)/● employeur � datore di lavoro � Arbeitgeber/ArbeitgeberinIt should be okay. I’ll check the dates with my employer.

energy n /"en@dZi/● énergie � energia � EnergieGoing to the gym just fills me with energy!

equivalent adj /I"kwIv@l@nt/● équivalent � equivalente � gleichwertigIt costs £10 or the equivalent amount in euros.

eruption n /I"rVpSn/● éruption � eruzione � AusbruchThe eruption was devastating – it killed a great number of people.

feelings pl n /"fi:lINz/● sentiments � sentimenti � GefühleIt really hurts my feelings when you say things like that.

forgetful adj /f@"getfl/● distrait � smemorato � vergesslichPoor Grandma! She is so forgetful these days.

forgetfulness n /f@"getfln@s/● distraction, perte de mémoire � smemoratezza � VergesslichkeitYou must expect old people to display a certain amount of forgetfulness.

gadget n /"g&dZIt/● gadget � aggeggio � GerätThat’s a handy little gadget. I must get one.

go back v /%g@U "b&k/● (un arbre) être vieux de, (une idée) remonter à � risalire� zurückgehenJim and I have know each other for ages. We go back twenty years.

grab v /gr&b/● saisir, s’emparer de � afferrare, prendere al volo � holenI haven’t got time for dinner. I’ll just grab a sandwich before I go out.

gum n /gVm/● chewing-gum � gomma da masticare � KaugummiThis gum is fruit flavoured. I don’t like it.

halfway adj /"hA:fweI/● au milieu de, à mi-chemin � a metà � halb, halbwegsHe had to kick the ball from the halfway line.

hammer n /"h&m@(r)/● marteau � martello � HammerA good knock with a hammer should sort it out!

handheld computer n /%h&ndheld k@m"pju:t@(r)/● ordinateur de poche � computer palmare � Computer imTaschenformatI’d love a handheld computer, but they are very expensive.

H-bomb n /"eItS %bQm/● bombe H � bomba H � WasserstoffbombeThere are weapons today that can do even more damage than theH-bomb.

hiccup n /"hIkVp/● hoquet � singhiozzo � SchluckaufIf I eat too quickly, I get hiccups.

historically adv /hI"stQrIkli/● d’un point de vue historique � storicamente � geschichtlichIt’s a good book, but it isn’t historically accurate.

hit v /hIt/● frapper, percuter � colpire � schlagenDon’t hit your sister! She’s only little.

hit the roof /%hIt D@ "ru:f/● sauter au plafond � andare su tutte le furie � an die Decke gehenDad will hit the roof when he sees the scratch on his car.

hold your breath /%h@Uld jO: "breT/● retenir sa respiration � trattenere il fiato � die Luft anhaltenHold your breath when you dive into the pool.

hug v /hVg/● serrer dans ses bras � abbracciare � umarmenSally hugged her parents and thanked them for everything.

in fact adv /%In "f&kt/● en fait � in realtà � eigentlichI think I’m right. In fact, I’m sure I am.

insane adj /In"seIn/● fou � matto, malato di mente � verrücktYou must think I’m insane if you think I’ll say yes!

instinctive adj /In"stINktIv/● instinctif � istintivo � instinktivPeter is a very instinctive person and I trust his judgement.

kick v /kIk/● donner un coup de pied � dare un calcio � tretenShe kicked the ball into the goal.

kick the habit /%kIk D@ "h&bIt/● arrêter � liberarsi da un vizio � die Gewohnheit aufgebenHave you really tried to kick the habit?

kiss (sth) goodbye /%kIs gUd"baI/● dire adieu à (qch) � dire addio a qlco. � vergessenYou can kiss that goodbye if you’ve lent it to her.

ladder n /"l&d@(r)/● échelle � scala a pioli � LeiterMark has gone to get the ladder out of the shed.


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landscape n /"l&ndskeIp/● paysage � paesaggio � LandschaftThe English landscape is beautiful because it is so green.

lick v /lIk/● lécher � leccare � leckenThe dog always licks his dish completely clean, but the cat doesn’t.

life expectancy n /"laIf Ik%spekt@nsi/● espérance de vie � durata media della vita � LebenserwartungWomen have a greater life expectancy than men.

lifestyle n /"laIfstaIl/● mode de vie � stile di vita � LebensstilMum doesn’t approve of my best friend’s lifestyle.

litter n /"lIt@(r)/● ordures, détritus � rifiuti, cartacce � AbfallPick up all that litter and throw it in the bin, please.

man-made adj /"m&n meId/● fabriqué par l’homme, artificiel � sintetico � vom MenschengeschaffenI don’t like clothes made out of man-made fibres.

meat packer n /"mi:t %p&k@(r)/● employé/e d’un abattoir � commerciante in carne� FleischverarbeiterHe had a part-time job working as a meat packer.

nail n /neIl/● clou, ongle � chiodo, unghia � NagelHe hammered the nail into the wall.Stop biting your nails!

natural disaster n /%n&tSr@l dI"zA:st@(r)/● catastrophe naturelle � catastrofe naturale � NaturkatastropheVolcanic eruptions can result in dreadful natural disasters.

naturally adv /"n&tSr@li/● naturellement, bien sûr � naturalmente � natürlichKatie is so lucky. Her hair is naturally curly.

neglect v /nI"glekt/● négliger � trascurare � vernachlässigenThose poor children were neglected for years.

nevertheless adv /%nev@D@"les/● malgré tout � tuttavia � trotzdemShe was an unknown, but nevertheless interesting, writer.

orbit v /"O:bIt/● graviter en orbite autour de � orbitare attorno a � umkreisenThe space craft orbited the moon before returning to earth.

outlive v /aUt"lIv/● survivre � sopravvivere a � überdauernMy granddad is very fit. He’ll probably outlive us all!

owner n /"@Un@(r)/● propriétaire � proprietario � Besitzer/BesitzerinDoes anyone know who the owner of this car is?

personal trainer n /%p3:s@nl "treIn@(r)/● entraîneur personnel � allenatore personale � privater FitnesstrainerKaren got a job at the gym working as a personal trainer.

philosopher n /fI"lQs@f@(r)/● philosophe � filosofo � Philosoph/PhilosophinAristotle was a great philosopher.

police officer n /p@"li:s %QfIs@(r)/● officier de police � agente di polizia � Polizist/PolizistinDid you want to be a police officer when you were a little boy?

population n /%pQpj@"leISn/● population � popolazione � BevölkerungIt is a small country, but it has a large population.

poster n /"p@Ust@(r)/● affiche, poster � poster, cartellone � PosterHave a look at the poster. The details are on there.

primary adj /"praIm@ri/● primaire � primario, fondamentale � wichtigstThe primary objective is to raise funds for the club.

prove v /pru:v/● prouver � dimostrare � beweisenIt’s hard to prove when there are no witnesses.

purse n /p3:s/● porte-monnaie � portamonete � PortmoneeShe put the money in her purse.

pyramid n /"pIr@mId/● pyramide � piramide � PyramideWhen you went to Egypt did you visit the Pyramids?

rainforest n /"reInfQrIst/● forêt tropicale � foresta pluviale � RegenwaldThe damage being done to the rainforests concerns us all.

range n /reIndZ/● gamme � gamma � SkalaIt’s too expensive. It’s out of our price range.

risky adj /"rIski/● risqué � rischioso � gefährlichIt’s a risky job, but Joe loves it.

row n /r@U/● rangée � fila � ReiheI’ve got tickets for the second row, so we’ll have a good view.

shut down v /%SVt "daUn/● fermer, s’arrêter � smettere di funzionare � abschaltenThe power station was shut down last year.

slipper n /"slIp@(r)/● pantoufle � pantofola � HausschuhPlease take off your shoes and put on your slippers.

smart (= well-dressed) adj /smA:t/● élégant � elegante � schickStephen wore a very smart suit to work today.

stare v /ste@(r)/● regarder fixement � fissare � starrenI’ve been staring at this screen too long. My eyes hurt.

stone n /st@Un/● pierre � pietra � SteinThe boys were throwing stones, so I told them off.

stressed adj /strest/● stressé � stressato � gestresstGo to the doctor and tell her how stressed you feel.

suggest v /s@"dZest/● suggérer � suggerire � vorschlagenI suggested a picnic but it started to rain!

symbol n /"sImbl/● symbole � simbolo � SymbolIt’s supposed to be a symbol of peace.

think (twice) v /TINk/● réfléchir (à deux fois) � pensare � nachdenkenI’ll think twice before I do that again.

transportation n /%tr&nspO:"teISn/● transport � trasporto � TransportIt was a popular form of transportation 100 years ago.

unfortunately adv /%Vn"fO:tS@n@tli/● malheureusement � purtroppo � leiderUnfortunately, Peter will be leaving the band soon.

volcanic adj /vQl"k&nIk/● volcanique � vulcanico � Vulkan-There has been a lot of volcanic activity in that part of the world.

whistle n /"wIsl/● sifflet � fischio � PfeifeThe referee blew the whistle at the end of the game.

whistle v /"wIsl/● siffler � fischiettare � pfeifenHe’s been whistling that tune all day; it’s driving me mad!

wipe out (= destroy) v /%waIp "aUt/● anéantir � annientare � auslöschenThat disease could wipe out a whole community within weeks.

Unit 12add v /&d/

● ajouter � aggiungere � hinzufügenAdd the eggs and sugar to make a cake.


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admit v /@d"mIt/● admettre � ammettere � zugebenAre you going to admit you did it?

argue v /"A:gju:/● se disputer � litigare � sich streitenThey always argue about money.

ask v /A:sk/● demander � chiedere � fragenHe asked me where I live.

baby-sit v /"beIbi sIt/● garder, faire du baby-sitting � fare da baby-sitter � babysittenI’m going to baby-sit for Jack and Eliza.

blow n /bl@U/● coup � colpo, botta � SchicksalsschlagIt was a terrible blow for Jill when her husband left her.

bow n /b@U/● nœud � fiocco � SchleifeThat is a very pretty bow in your hair.

bury v /"beri/● enterrer � seppellire � beerdigenHe was buried in the grounds of his local church.

byway n /"baIweI/● chemin � strada secondaria, stradina � NebenstrasseYesterday I was walking along the byway when I met Frank.

captain n /"k&ptIn/● capitaine � capitano � KapitänThe captain sailed the boat safely to the port.

chart v /"tSA:t/● tracer � tracciare � planenShe charted her route across the desert.

coffin n /"kQfIn/● cercueil � bara � SargThe coffin was made out of wood with metal handles.

commemorate v /k@"mem@reIt/● commémorer � commemorare � gedenkenThey are attending a service commemorating his life.

cot n /kQt/● petit lit (de bébé) � lettino � KinderbettPut the baby in his cot. It’s time for his sleep.

cotton n /"kQtn/● coton � cotone � BaumwolleThat shirt is made out of good quality cotton.

course n /kO:s/● cours, route � rotta � KursThey planned their course carefully before the boat journey.

crew n /kru:/● équipage � equipaggio � BesatzungThe ship’s crew worked very hard.

crowded adj /"kraUdId/● bondé � affollato � engCrowded rooms always make me nervous.

dismantle v /dIs"m&ntl/● démonter � smantellare, distruggere � auseinander nehmenYou’ll have to dismantle it and start again.

dotted line n /%dQtId "laIn/● ligne pointillée � linea tratteggiata � punktierte LinieCan you sign on the dotted line, please?

doubt n /daUt/● doute � dubbio � ZweifelHe had some doubts about marrying her.

dove n /dVv/● colombe � colomba � TaubeThe dove is a symbol of peace.

drum n /drVm/● tambour � tamburo � TrommelI wish I’d never bought him that drum!

expect (a baby) v /Ik"spekt/● attendre (un bébé) � aspettare (un bambino) � erwartenThey are expecting their first baby in June.

feature v /"fi:tS@(r)/● paraître, presenter � pubblicare, dare un posto preminente � bringenThey are making a programme featuring my favourite band.

funeral n /"fju:n@r@l/● enterrement � funerale � BeerdigungWhen he died, hundreds of people went to his funeral.

get engaged v /%get In"geIdZd/● se fiancer � fidanzarsi � sich verlobenThey are going to get engaged soon.

groom n /gru:m/● marié � sposo � BräutigamThe groom made a great speech. I nearly cried!

hearing aid n /"hI@rIN %eId/● prothèse auditive � apparecchio acustico � HörgerätMy mum wears a hearing aid, because she cannot hear well.

helicopter n /"helI%kQpt@(r)/● hélicoptère � elicottero � HubschrauberI have never flown in a helicopter, but I’d like to.

hell n /hel/● enfer � inferno � HölleI don’t think I believe in hell. Do you?

highway n /"haIweI/● route � strada principale � StrasseA big lorry caused an accident and blocked the highway.

invite v /In"vaIt/● inviter � invitare � einladenJosie has invited everyone in her class to her birthday party.

judge n /dZVdZ/● juge � giudice � Richter/RichterinEverybody stood up when the judge entered the court.

juicy adj /"dZu:si/● juteux � succoso � saftigThat big, juicy apple was delicious!

kneel v /ni:l/● se mettre à genoux � inginocchiarsi � knienI’ve been kneeling down and now my legs ache.

liar n /"laI@(r)/● menteur/euse � bugiardo � Lügner/LügnerinDon’t believe a word he says. Everyone knows he’s a liar.

lifeboat n /"laIfb@Ut/● canot de sauvetage � lancia di salvataggio � RettungsbootThe men who go out on the lifeboat are very brave.

lifeboatman n /"laIfb@Utm@n/● sauveteur � marinaio di lancia � RettungsbootmannThat’s the lifeboatman who saved my life.

mainland n /"meInl@nd/● continent � terraferma � FestlandI can see the mainland. We’re nearly home!

manage to do (sth) v /%m&nIdZ t@ "du:/● réussir à faire (qch) � riuscire a fare (qlco.) � es schaffen,etwas zu tunThe exam was difficult, but I managed to answer the questions.

marriage guidance counsellor n /%m&rIdZ "gaId@ns %kaUns@l@(r)/● conseiller/ère conjugal(e) � consulente matrimoniale � Eheberater/EheberaterinI would go to a marriage guidance counsellor if our marriage wasin trouble.

midwife n /"mIdwaIf/● sage-femme � levatrice � HebammeThe midwife was very friendly and helpful.

miss v /mIs/● manquer (à qn/qch) � sentire la mancanza di � vermissenHe missed his family terribly when he went to Spain.

moan v /m@Un/● gémir � lamentarsi � klagenAll she does is moan about her boyfriend.Why doesn’t she finishwith him?


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mourner n /"mO:n@(r)/● personne assistant aux obsèques � chi piange un defunto � TrauergastThere were a lot of mourners at the old man’s funeral.

muffled adj /"mVfld/● assourdi � smorzato, attutito � gedämpftHe spoke in a muffled voice, so I could hardly hear him.

nappy n /"n&pi/● couche � pannolino � WindelThe baby’s crying. I need to change her nappy.

naught n /nO:t/● rien � nulla � nichtsI tried so hard, but it all came to naught.

noon n /nu:n/● midi � mezzogiorno � MittagWe always have lunch at noon as the office closes for an hour.

offer v /"Qf@(r)/● offrir � offrire � anbietenI offered to help, but she said she could manage on her own.

overhead adv /%@Uv@"hed/● au-dessus de la tête � in alto � in der LuftWe looked up when the plane flew overhead.

pregnant adj /"pregn@nt/● enceinte � incinta � schwangerJane is pregnant. She’s really excited about it.

prison n /"prIzn/● prison � prigione � GefängnisHe went to prison for stealing the car.

proposal (of marriage) n /pr@"p@Uzl/● demande en marriage � proposta di matrimonio � HeiratsantragLisa has accepted Jake’s proposal of marriage.

reception n /rI"sepSn/● réception � ricevimento � EmpfangThey plan to hold their reception at the new hotel near the church.

regret n /rI"gret/● regret � rimpianto � BedauernMy biggest regret is that I didn’t learn a second language at school.

remind v /rI"maInd/● rappeler � ricordare � erinnernCan you remind me to post the letter?

rose-coloured adj /"r@Uz kVl@d/● rose � di color rosa � rosaShe looks at the world through rose-coloured glasses.

say v /seI/● dire � dire � sagenShe said she was from Scotland.

scarf n /skA:f/● foulard, écharpe � sciarpa, foulard � SchalIt’s cold outside, so you’ll need your scarf and gloves.

scribble v /"skrIbl/● griffonner � scarabocchiare � (hin) kritzelnLet me scribble down your number so that I don’t forget it.

selfish adj /"selfIS/● égoïste � egoista � egoistischYou are very selfish. You only think about yourself.

spit v /spIt/● cracher � sputare � spuckenYou try giving the cat his tablets – he just spits them out!

subside v /s@b"saId/● diminuer, s’apaiser � calmarsi � nachlassenShe couldn’t talk to him until her anger had subsided.

sweep up v /%swi:p "Vp/● balayer � spazzare � auffegenI’ll have to sweep up. It’s such a mess.

take (sth) back (= return) v /%teIk "b&k/● rapporter � restituire � zurückbringenIt isn’t worth the money I paid. I’m going to take it back.

tell v /tel/● raconter � dire � sagen, erzählenDid he tell you all about the argument they had?

throw v /Tr@U/● jeter � gettare � werfenI was going to throw it away but John thought he could mend it.

translate v /tr&ns"leIt/● traduire � tradurre � übersetzenI’ll try to translate it for you, but my Spanish isn’t very good!

volunteer n /vQl@n"tI@(r)/● bénévole � volontario � Freiwillige/FreiwilligerHe’s a volunteer, but he works as hard as the paid workers.

wake v /weIk/● (se) réveiller � svegliare � weckenHe woke to the sound of birds singing.

warning n /"wO:nIN/● avertissement � ammonimento, diffida � VerwarnungIt would be silly to ignore the warning.

wedding n /"wedIN/● mariage � nozze, matrimonio � HochzeitAre you going to Sally’s wedding in August?

widow n /"wId@U/● veuve � vedova � WitweShe has been a widow for ten years now.

wreath n /ri:T/● couronne � corona funebre � KranzThe big wreath was sent to the funeral by his old workmates.


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Unit 1Introduction to auxiliary verbs● Initiation aux verbes auxiliaires� Introduzione ai verbi ausiliari� Einführung in die Hilfsverben● Il existe trois catégories de verbes en anglais.� Ci sono tre categorie di verbi in inglese.� Im Englischen gibt es drei Gruppen von Verben.

1● Les verbes auxiliaires do, be, et have

Ils sont utilisés pour former les temps, et pour indiquer les formes,comme la forme interrogative et négative.

� I verbi ausiliari do, be e haveVengono usati per formare i tempi degli altri verbi e per formare ledomande e le frasi negative.

� Die Hilfsverben do, be und haveMit ihrer Hilfe bildet man die Zeiten und formuliert Fragesätze undverneinte Sätze.

2● Les verbes auxiliaires modaux

Must, can, should, might, will, et would sont des exemples de verbesauxiliaires modaux. Ils « aident » d’autres verbes, mais,contrairement à do, be, et have, ils possèdent aussi un sens propre. Parexemple, must exprime l’obligation de faire quelque chose et can lacapacité de faire quelque chose. (Voir les unités 4, 5, 8, et 9.)

� I verbi modali ausiliariMust, can, should, might, will e would sono esempi di verbi modaliausiliari. ‘Aiutano’ un altro verbo, ma a differenza di do, be e have,hanno un significato proprio. Per es. must esprime obbligo e canesprime abilità (vedi unità 4, 5, 8 e 9).

� Modale HilfsverbenMust, can, should, might, will und would sind Beispiele für modaleHilfsverben. Sie ‘helfen’ anderen Verben, haben aber (anders als do, beund have) eine eigene Bedeutung. Beispielsweise drückt must eineVerpflichtung und can eine Fähigkeit aus. (Siehe Kapitel 4, 5, 8 und9.)

3● Les verbes complets

Ceux-ci représentent l’ensemble des autres verbes de la langue, parexemple, play, run, help, think, want, go, etc.Do, be, et have peuvent également être employés comme verbescomplets avec une signification particulière.

� I verbi veri e propriSono tutti gli altri verbi inglesi, per es. play, run, help, think, want, go,ecc.Do, be e have possono essere usati come verbi con un significatoproprio.

� VollverbenDies sind alle anderen Verben im Englischen, z.B. play, run, help,think, want, go usw.Do, be und have können auch als Vollverben mit eigener Bedeutungbenutzt werden.

doI do my washing on Saturdays.She does a lot of business in Eastern Europe.What do you do? = What’s your job?

● (Le premier do est un auxiliaire ; le second un verbe complet.)� (Il primo do è un ausiliare, il secondo è un verbo vero e proprio.)� (Das erste do ist ein Hilfsverb; das zweite ein Vollverb.)

beWe are in class at the moment.They were at home yesterday.I want to be a teacher.

haveHe has a lot of problems.They have three children.

● Une remarque sur have et have gotIl existe deux formes du verbe have : have, en tant que verbe complet(précédé de do/does/did dans les formes interrogative et négative, ouremplacé par do/does/did dans les réponses abrégées, et have got.Dans la forme du verbe have got, have est un auxiliaire.Se reporter à la p. 8 du livre d’exercices pour plus de renseignementssur have/have got.

� Una nota su have e have gotIl verbo have ha due forme: have, verbo vero e proprio che usado/does/did per formare le domande, le frasi negative e le rispostebrevi, e have got dove have è un ausiliare.Nel Workbook pag. 8 troverai ulteriori informazioni su have/have got.

� Anmerkung zu have und have gotEs gibt zwei Formen des Verbs have : have als Vollverb (mitdo/does/did in Fragesätzen, verneinten Sätzen und kurzen Antworten)und have got. In dem Verb have got ist have ein Hilfsverb.Siehe Workbook S.8 für weitere Informationen zu have/have got.

1.1 Tenses and auxiliary verbs● Les temps et les verbes auxiliaires� Verbi ausiliari per formare i tempi� Zeiten und Hilfsverben● Lorsque do, be, et have sont employés en tant que verbes auxiliaires,

ils produisent différentes formes verbales.� Quando do, be e have sono usati come verbi ausiliari, servono a

formare vari tempi verbali.� Wenn do, be und have als Hilfsverben benutzt werden, bilden sie

verschiedene Verbformen.

do● Au Present Simple (présent de l’indicatif) et au Past Simple (prétérit),

on n’utilise pas de verbe auxiliare pour la forme affirmative, mais do,does, et did sont utilisés pour former les interrogations et négations(sauf dans les cas de be et have got).

� Nel Present Simple e nel Past Simple non si usa un verbo ausiliare perla forma affermativa, ma si usano do, does, did per le domande e lefrasi negative (eccetto con i verbi be e have got).

� Im Present Simple und im Past Simple werden keine Hilfsverbenverwendet, also nimmt man do, does und did zur Bildung vonFragesätzen und verneinten Sätzen (ausser bei be / have got).

Where do you work?She doesn’t like her job.What did you buy?We didn’t buy anything.

be1● On utilise be + verbe + -ing pour composer la forme progressive des

verbes.La forme progressive du verbe décrit des activités en cours outemporaires.

� Be + forma in -ing del verbo si usa per i tempi ‘progressivi’. I tempiprogressivi o continuous descrivono azioni in corso e temporanee.

Grammar Reference


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� Be + Verb + ing-Form wird benutzt, um die Verlaufsformen derVerben zu bilden.Die Verlaufsform (Continuous) beschreibt Tätigkeiten, die geradestattfinden, und vorübergehende Tätigkeiten.

He’s washing his hair (Present Continuous)They were going to work. (Past Continuous)I’ve been learning English for two years. (Present Perfect Continuous)I’d like to be lying on the beach right now. (Continuous infinitive)

2● On utilise be + participe passé pour former la voix passive.� Be + participio passato si usa per formare il passivo.� Be + Partizip Perfekt wird benutzt, um das Passiv zu bilden.

Paper is made from wood. (Present Simple passive)My car was stolen yesterday. (Past Simple passive)The house has been redecorated. (Present Perfect passive)This homework needs to be done tonight. (Passive infinitive)

● Vous trouverez une introduction à la voix passive à la p33.� Vedi l’introduzione al passivo a pag. 33.� Eine Einführung in das Passiv steht auf S. 33.

have● On utilise have + participe passé pour former le perfect verb forms

(passé des verbes, dans ses différentes formes).� Have + participio passato si usa per formare i tempi composti o

‘Perfect tenses’.� Have + Partizip Perfekt wird benutzt, um die Perfektformen der

Verben zu bilden.

He has worked in seven different countries. (Present Perfect)She was crying because she had had some bad news. (Past Perfect)I’d like to have met Napoleon. (Perfect infinitive)

● Perfect signifie « avant ». Le Present Perfect (passé composé) signifiedonc « avant l’heure actuelle » (Se reporter aux unités 7 et 10.) LePast Perfect (plus-que-parfait) signifie « avant un moment donnédans le passé » (Se reporter à l’unité 3.)

� Perfect significa ‘prima’, perciò il Present Perfect significa ‘prima d’ora’(vedi unità 7 e 10). Il Past Perfect significa ‘prima di un momento nelpassato’ (vedi unità 3).

� Perfect bedeutet ‘vor’, also bedeutet Present Perfect ‘vor jetzt’. (SieheKapitel 7 und 10.) Past Perfect bedeutet ‘vor einem Zeitpunkt in derVergangenheit’. (Siehe Kapitel 3.)

1.2 Negatives and auxiliary verbs● La forme négative et les verbes auxiliaires� Verbi ausiliari per formare le forme negative� Verneinte Sätze und Hilfsverben● Pour former le négatif, ajoutez -n’t à l’auxiliaire. S’il n’y a pas

d’auxiliaire dans la phrase, utilisez alors don’t/doesn’t/didn’t.� Per ottenere la forma negativa, si aggiunge -n’t al verbo ausiliare. Se

non c’è un verbo ausiliare, si usano don’t/doesn’t/didn’t.� Zur Bildung der Verneinung hängt man -n’t an das Hilfsverb an.

Wenn es kein Hilfsverb gibt, verwendet man don’t/doesn’t/didn’t.

Positive NegativeAffirmative NégativeForma affermativa Forma negativaAussagesatz Verneinter Satz

He’s working. He isn’t working.I was thinking. I wasn’t thinking.We’ve seen the play. We haven’t seen the play.She works in a bank. She doesn’t work in a bank.They like skiing. They don’t like skiing.He went on holiday. He didn’t go on holiday.

● Il existe également une autre façon de composer la forme négatived’un verbe auxiliaire.Vous pouvez contracter les auxiliaires be et have,puis ajouter not.

� Con gli ausiliari be e have si può anche usare la forma contrattadell’ausiliare seguita da not.

� Es gibt noch eine andere Möglichkeit, verneinte Sätze zu bilden. Mankann die Kurzformen von be und have zusammen mit notverwenden.

He’s not playing today. (= He isn’t playing today.)We’re not going to Italy after all. (= We aren’t going to Italy …)I’ve not read that book yet. (= I haven’t read the book yet.)

● Mais:� Ma attenzione:� Aber:

I’m not working. NOT I amn’t working.

1.3 Questions and auxiliary verbs● La forme interrogative et les verbes auxiliaires� Verbi ausiliari per formare le domande� Fragesätze und Hilfsverben1● Pour poser une question, inversez l’ordre du sujet et du verbe

auxiliaire de la phrase à l’affirmative.S’il n’y a pas d’auxiliaire, ayez recours à do/does/did.

� Per formare le domande, si invertono il soggetto e il verbo ausiliare.Se non c’è un verbo ausiliare, si usano do/does/did.

� Zur Bildung eines Fragesatzes vertauscht man das Subjekt mit demHilfsverb.Wenn es kein Hilfsverb gibt, verwendet man do/does/did.


She’s wearing jeans. What is she wearing?You aren’t working. Why aren’t you working?You were born in Paris. Where were you born?Peter’s been to China. Has Peter been to China?We have been studying. Have you been studying?I know you. Do I know you?He wants ice-cream. What does he want?They didn’t go out. Why didn’t they go out?

2● Do/does/did n’apparaissent généralement pas dans les questions

portant sur le sujet. Comparez:� Non si usano do/does/did se il pronome interrogativo è il soggetto

della domanda. Confronta:� Wenn nach dem Subjekt gefragt wird, verwendet man do/does/did

normalerweise nicht. Vergleiche:

Who wants ice-cream? What flavour ice-cream do you want?What happened to your eye? What did you do to your eye?Who broke the window? How did you break the window?

1.4 Short answers and auxiliary verbs● Les réponses abrégées et les verbes auxiliaires� Verbi ausiliari per formare le risposte brevi� Kurze Antworten und Hilfsverben● Il est très courant de répondre en abrégé dans l’anglais parlé. Il peut

en effet paraître impoli de se contenter de répondre par Yes ou No. Ilest ainsi coutumier d’employer des réponses abrégées pour répondreaux questions qui demandent une réponse affirmative ou négative.Pour former une réponse abrégée, reprenez le verbe auxiliaire. AuPresent (présent) et Past Simple (prétérit), employez do/does/did.

� Nell’inglese parlato non è cortese rispondere solo Yes o No. Perrispondere alle Yes/No questions si usano le risposte brevi. Performare le risposte brevi, si ripete il verbo ausiliare. Nella formaaffermativa del Present Simple e del Past Simple si usano do/does/did.

� Kurze Antworten sind im gesprochenen Englisch sehr häufig. Wennman einfach Yes oder No sagt, kann das unhöflich klingen. AufJa/Nein-Fragen gibt man deshalb eine kurze Antwort, in der man dasHilfsverb wiederholt. Im Present Simple und im Past Simple bildetman kurze Antworten mit do/does/did.


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Short answer

Are you coming with us? Yes, I am.Have you had breakfast? No, I haven’t.Kate likes walking. No, she doesn’t. She hates it.Mary didn’t phone. Yes, she did. You were out.Don’t forget to write. No, I won’t.

Unit 22.1 Present SimpleForm

Positive and negative Question

I IWe work. weYou don’t work. do youThey Where they live?


does heShe

doesn’t work.she

It it

Short answer

Do you live in Bristol? Yes, we do.Does he have a car? No, he doesn’t.

Use● Le Present Simple (présent de l’indicatif) s’emploie pour exprimer:� Si usa il Present Simple per esprimere:� Das Present Simple wird verwendet, um Folgendes auszudrücken:

1● une action répétitive (une habitude).� un’azione che succede regolarmente (azione abituale).� eine Handlung, die immer wieder stattfindet (eine Gewohnheit).

I go to work by car.She drinks ten cups of coffee a day.I wash my hair twice a week.

2● un fait qui demeure exact.� un fatto che è sempre vero.� eine Tatsache, die immer zutrifft.

Ronaldo comes from Brazil.Some birds fly south in winter.My daughter has brown eyes.

3● un fait qui est vrai pour un long moment (un état de choses).� uno stato o una situazione permanenti.� eine Tatsache, die für eine lange Zeit zutrifft (ein Dauerzustand).

He works in a bank.I live in a flat near the centre of town.I prefer coffee to tea.

Spelling of verb + -s● Orthographe du verbe + -s� Regole ortografiche per la terza persona singolare� Schreibung des Verbs + -s

1● Pour former la troisième personne du singulier du verbe, on ajoute,

dans la plupart des cas, un -s à la racine du verbe.� La maggior parte dei verbi aggiunge -s alla forma base.� Bei den meisten Verben wird -s an die Grundform angehängt.

wants eats helps drives

2● On ajoute toutefois -es aux verbes qui se terminent en -ss, -sh, -ch, -x,

et -o.� Se il verbo termina in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o si aggiunge -es.� Bei Verben, die auf -ss, -sh, -ch, -x und -o enden, wird -es angehängt.

kisses washes watches fixes goes

3● On remplace le -y par -ies pour les verbes qui se terminent par une

consonne.� Se il verbo termina in -y preceduta da consonante, si cambia -y in

-ies.� Bei Verben, die auf einen Konsonanten + -y enden, wird das -y zu


carries flies worries tries

● Mais pour ceux qui se terminent par une voyelle + -y, on n’ajoutequ’un -s.

� Ma se il verbo termina in -y preceduta da vocale, la -y non cambia.� Aber bei Verben, die auf einen Vokal + -y enden, wird nur -s


buys says plays enjoys

● Se reporter à la p. 14 du livre d’exercices pour la prononciation du -sà la fin d’un mot.

� Vedi Workbook pag. 14 per la pronuncia di -s alla fine della parola.� Siehe Workbook S. 14 für die Aussprache von -s am Wortende.

Adverbs of frequency● Adverbes de temps� Avverbi di frequenza� Häufigkeitsadverbien

1● Les adverbes de temps s’emploient souvent avec le présent de

l’indicatif.� Con il Present Simple si usano spesso gli avverbi di frequenza.� Im Present Simple verwendet man oft Häufigkeitsadverbien.

0% 50% 100%

never rarely not often sometimes often usually always

2● Ils précèdent généralement les verbes, à l’exception du verbe be qu’ils

suivent. Comparez:� Si mettono di solito prima del verbo, ma dopo il verbo be. Confronta:� Sie stehen vor dem Hauptverb, aber nach dem Verb be. Vergleiche:

I usually start school at 9.00. They’re usually in a hurry in the morning.

I don’t often go to bed late. I’m not often late for school.She never eats meat. He’s never late.I rarely see Peter these days. We’re rarely at home at the weekends.

3● Sometimes et usually peuvent également se trouver en tête ou en fin

de phrase.� Sometimes e usually si possono anche mettere all’inizio o alla fine

della frase.� Sometimes und usually können auch am Anfang oder am Ende


Sometimes we play cards. We play cards sometimes.Usually I go shopping with friends. I go shopping with friends usually.

● On ne peut toutefois pas déplacer never, always, rarely, et seldom decette façon.

� Invece never, always, rarely, e seldom non si possono spostare.� Never, always, rarely und seldom können das nicht.

NOT Never I go to the movies.Always I have tea in the morning.


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4● Every day, etc., se place en fin de phrase.� Le espressioni di frequenza come every day, ecc. vanno alla fine della

frase.� Every day usw. steht am Ende.

He phones me every night.

2.2 Present ContinuousFormPositive and negative

I’m’m not





am I

What is he/she/it doing?

are we/you/they

Short answer

Are you going by train?Yes, I am.No, I’m not.

Use● Le présent progressif s’emploie pour exprimer:� Il Present Continuous si usa per esprimere:� Das Present Continuous wird verwendet, um Folgendes


1● une activité qui a lieu en ce moment même.� un’azione che avviene in questo momento.�! L’uso è obbligatorio. Invece in italiano si possono usare sia il presente

sia ‘stare + gerundio’.* Fa il bagno/Sta facendo il bagno.

� eine Tätigkeit, die gerade stattfindet.

Don’t turn the TV off. I’m watching it.You can’t speak to Lisa. She’s having a bath.*

2● une activité ou situation qui est vraie à l’heure actuelle, mais qui n’a

pas nécessairement lieu au moment où la conversation a lieu.� un’azione che avviene ora, ma forse non nel momento in cui si parla.� eine Tätigkeit oder Situation, die jetzt stattfindet, aber nicht

unbedingt genau zum Sprechzeitpunkt.

Don’t take that book. Jane’s reading it.I’m doing a French evening class this year.

3● une activité temporaire.� un’azione temporanea, che avviene in questo periodo di tempo.� eine vorübergehende Tätigkeit.

Peter is a student, but he’s working as a waiter during the holidays.I’m living with friends until I find a place of my own.

4● un arrangement planifié dans le futur.� un programma prestabilito per l’immediato futuro.� ein Plan oder eine Vereinbarung für die Zukunft.

I’m having lunch with Glenda tomorrow.We’re meeting at 1.00 outside the restaurant.

Spelling of verb + -ing

1● Pour former la forme progressive du présent, la plupart des verbes

ajoutent -ing à la racine du verbe.� La maggior parte dei verbi aggiunge -ing alla forma base.� Bei den meisten Verben wird -ing an die Grundform angehängt.

going wearing visiting eating

2● Les verbes qui se terminent en -e perdent leur -e avant -ing.� Se il verbo termina in -e, si elimina -e e si aggiunge -ing.� Bei Verben, die auf ein -e enden, fällt das -e weg.

smoking coming hoping writing

● Toutefois les verbes qui se terminent par -ee conservent leurs -ee.� I verbi che teminano in -ee non eliminano la -e.� Bei Verben, die auf -ee enden, fällt kein -e weg.

agreeing seeing

● Les verbes qui se terminent par -ie changent le -ie en -y.� I verbi che terminano in -ie cambiano -ie in y.� Bei Verben, die auf -ie enden, wird ie zu y.

lie lying

3● Dans le cas des verbes qui ne comportent qu’une syllabe, et qui se

terminent par une voyelle suivie d’une consonne, on redouble laconsonne finale.

� Se il verbo è monosillabo e termina con una vocale + unaconsonante, si raddoppia la consonante.

� Wenn das Verb nur aus einer Silbe mit einem Vokal und einemKonsonanten besteht, wird der Konsonant verdoppelt.

stopping getting running planning jogging

● Mais, si la consonne finale est -y ou -w, on ne la redouble pas.� Se la consonante finale è -y o -w, non si fa il raddoppiamento.� Wenn der Endkonsonant -y oder -w ist, wird er nicht verdoppelt.

playing showing

2.3 State verbs● Les verbes d’état � Verbi di stato � Zustandsverben1● Certaines catégories de verbes ne sont employées qu’au Present

Simple (présent de l’indicatif), la raison étant que ces verbesdécrivent des états ou conditions, considérés comme des faits et nonpas des activités / actions. C’est une caractéristique de l’emploi duprésent de l’indicatif. Ces catégories regroupent:

� Ci sono alcuni verbi che si usano generalmente solo nel PresentSimple. Sono verbi che esprimono uno stato, una condizione, un datodi fatto piuttosto che un’azione o un’attività. Si possono dividere inqueste categorie:

� Bestimmte Gruppen von Verben werden normalerweise nur imPresent Simple verwendet. Das liegt daran, dass ihre Bedeutung sichauf Zustände oder Bedingungen bezieht, die nicht Tätigkeitensondern Tatsachen sind. Dies ist eine Besonderheit der Verwendungdes Present Simple. Diese Verbgruppen sind:

Verbs of thinking and opinions● Les verbes exprimant la pensée et les opinions, tels que:� Verbi di pensiero e opinione� Verben für Denken und Meinungen

believe think understand suppose expectagree doubt know remember forgetmean imagine realize deserve prefer


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I believe you.Do you understand?I know his face, but I forget his name.

Verbs of emotions and feelings● Les verbes décrivant les émotions et sentiments, tels que:� Verbi di emozione e sentimento� Verben für Emotionen und Gefühle

like love hate care hope wish want admit

I like black coffee.Do you want to go out?I don’t care.

Verbs of having and being● Les verbes de possession et d’état, tels que:� Verbi di possesso e modo di essere� Verben für Besitz und Beschaffenheit

belong own have possess contain cost seem appearneed depend on weigh come from resemble

This book belongs to Jane.How much does it cost?He has a lot of money.

Verbs of the senses● Les verbes exprimant les sens, tels que:� Verbi di percezione� Verben für Sinneseindrücke

look hear taste smell feel

The food smells good.

● On utilise souvent can avec ces verbes, lorsque le sujet est unepersonne.

� Con questi verbi si usa spesso can se il soggetto è una persona.� Man verwendet sie oft mit can, wenn das Subjekt ein Mensch ist.

Can you smell something burning?NOTAre you smelling something burning?

I can hear someone crying.NOTI’m hearing someone crying.

2● Certains de ces verbes peuvent être employés au présent progressif.

Ceci en modifiera toutefois le sens. A la forme progressive, le verbeexprime en effet une activité et non plus un état. Comparez:

� Alcuni di questi verbi possono essere usati nel Present Continuous,ma il significato cambia. Nel Present Continuous esprimonoun’azione, non uno stato. Confronta:

� Einige dieser Verben können im Present Continuous stehen, aber dieBedeutung ändert sich dann. In der Verlaufsform drückt das Verbeine Tätigkeit aus, keinen Zustand. Vergleiche:

I think you’re right. We’re thinking of going to the cinema.(opinion) (activité mentale)(opinione) (attività mentale)(Meinung) (geistige Tätigkeit)

He has a lot of money. She’s having a bad day.(possession) (activité)(possesso) (attività)(Besitz) (Tätigkeit)

I see what you mean. Are you seeing Nigel tomorrow?(compréhension) (activité)(constatazione) (attività)(verstehe) (Tätigkeit)

The soup tastes awful. I’m tasting the soup to see if it needs salt.(état) (activité)(stato) (attività)(Zustand) (Tätigkeit)

Introduction to the passive● Initiation à la voix passive� Introduzione al passivo� Einführung in das Passiv

● La voix passive est étudiée dans les unités 2, 3, et 7.� Il passivo viene trattato nelle unità 2, 3 e 7.� Das Passiv wird in den Kapiteln 2, 3 und 7 behandelt.

Form● Le verbe to be + participe passé� to be + participio passato� to be + Partizip Perfekt

● On forme différents temps à la voix passive en changeant la forme duverbe to be. Comparez:

� Per formare vari tempi verbali al passivo, si cambia la forma delverbo to be. Confronta:

� Man bildet verschiedene Zeiten im Passiv, indem man die Form desVerbs to be ändert. Vergleiche:

A party is being held by the Patels (Present Continuous passive) next week.

My neighbour is invited to their (Present Simple passive) party every year.

He was invited last year, I wasn’t. (Past Simple passive)

I’d love to be invited to their party. (Passive infinitive)

Use1● A la voix passive, l’attention passe du sujet au complément d’objet de

la phrase à la voix active.� La frase passiva sposta l’attenzione dal soggetto all’oggetto della frase

attiva.� Ein Passivsatz verschiebt die Betonung vom Subjekt auf das Objekt

eines Aktivsatzes.

Alfred Hitchcock directed Psycho in 1960.Psycho, one of the classic thrillers of all time, was directed by AlfredHitchcock.

● La voix passive n’est pas simplement une autre façon d’exprimer lamême phrase qu’à la voix active. On choisit la voix active ou passiveselon ce qui nous intéresse le plus. Dans la première phrase, l’intérêtporte sur Alfred Hitchcock ; dans la seconde, Psycho est passé en têtede phrase car c’est le film qui nous intéresse.

� La frase passiva non è semplicemente un altro modo di esprimere lastessa frase. Scegliendo l’attivo o il passivo sottolineiamo che cosa ciinteressa di più. Nella prima frase, ci interessa di più AlfredHitchcock, nella seconda ci interessa di più il film e quindi spostiamoPsycho all’inizio della frase.

� Mit dem Passiv drückt man nicht einfach einen Aktivsatz anders aus.Der Sprecher wählt das Aktiv oder das Passiv, je nachdem, was fürihn wichtiger ist. Im ersten Satz ist Alfred Hitchcock dem Sprecherwichtiger; im zweiten Satz wird Psycho an den Satzanfang gestellt,weil der Film für den Sprecher das Wichtigere ist.

2● L’agent précédé de by est souvent omis dans les phrases à la voix

passive, si l’agent:� By + l’agente (chi compie l’azione) viene omesso se l’agente:� By und der Urheber der Handlung wird in Passivsätzen oft

ausgelassen, wenn der Urheber:

● – est inconnu.� – non è noto.� – nicht bekannt ist.

My apartment was robbed ● (Je ne sais pas qui l’a cambriolé.)last night. � (Non so chi l’ha svaligiato.)

� (Ich weiss nicht, wer eingebrochen ist.)


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● – n’est pas important.� – non è importante.� – nicht wichtig ist.

This bridge was built in ● (Il n’est pas important de savoir qui 1886. l’a construit.)

� (Non è importante sapere chi l’ha costruito.)

� (Es ist nicht wichtig, wer sie gebaut hat.)

● – est évident.� – è ovvio.� – offensichtlich ist.

I was fined £100 for ● (La police m’a donné une amende.)speeding. � (È la polizia che mi ha dato la multa.)

� (Die Polizei hat mir das Bussgeld gegeben.)

3● On associe la voix passive à un style formel et impersonnel. On

l’emploie souvent dans les notices et les annonces.� Il passivo ha un carattere formale e impersonale. Viene spesso usato

in avvisi e annunci pubblici.� Das Passiv verbindet man mit einem unpersönlichen, förmlichen Stil.

Es wird oft in Hinweisen und Bekanntmachungen verwendet.

Customers are requested to refrain from smoking.It has been noticed that reference books have been removed from thelibrary.

4● Dans le langage courant, on utilise souvent you, we, et they pour

parler des gens en général et donc d’aucune personne en particulier.De cette façon la voix passive peut être évitée.

� Nel linguaggio informale si usano spesso you, we, they per riferirsi adun soggetto generico, non a una persona in particolare. In questomodo si evita il passivo.

� In der Umgangssprache verwendet man oft you, we und they, um vonLeuten allgemein oder von niemand Bestimmtem zu sprechen. Aufdiese Weise kann man es vermeiden, das Passiv zu benutzen.

You can buy stamps in lots of shops, not just the post offices.They’re building a new department store in the city centre.We speak English in this shop.

● Attention! De nombreux participes passés sont employés commeadjectifs. Ne les confondez pas avec la forme passive.

� Attenzione! Molti participi passati sono usati come aggettivi. Nonvanno confusi con le forme passive vere e proprie.

� Vorsicht! Viele Partizip Perfekt-Formen werden als Adjektive benutzt.Man darf sie nicht mit der Passivform verwechseln.

I’m very interested in modern art.We were extremely worried about you.I’m exhausted! I’ve been working hard all day.

2.4 Present Simple and Present Continuous passive● Voix passive du Present Simple (présent de l’indicatif) et du

Present Continuous (présent progressif)� Il Present Simple passivo e il Present Continuous passivo� Present Simple und Present Continuous im Passiv

● Présent de l’indicatif à la voix passive am/is/are + participe passéPrésent progressif à la voix passive am/is/are being + participe passé

� Present Simple passivo am/is/are + participio passatoPresent Continuous passivo am/is/are being + participio passato

� Present Simple Passiv am/is/are + Partizip PerfektPresent Continuous Passiv am/is/are being + Partizip Perfekt


Itisis being



are being

Use● Les emplois de la voix passive sont les mêmes que ceux de la voix

active.� Gli usi di questi tempi verbali sono identici nell’attivo e nel passivo.� Die Verwendung im Passiv ist genauso wie im Aktiv.

My car is serviced every ● (habitude)six months. � (azione abituale)

� (Gewohnheit)

Computers are used in all ● (vérité permanente)areas of life and work. � (fatto che è sempre vero)

� (Tatsache, die immer zutrifft)

Sorry about the mess. The ● (activité en cours)house is being redecorated � (azione in corso in questo momento)at the moment. � (gerade stattfindende Tätigkeit)

Unit 3Introduction to past tenses● Initiation aux temps du passé� Introduzione ai tempi del passato� Einführung in die Zeitformen der Vergangenheit

● On utilise différents temps dans le passé pour décrire différentsmoments et périodes dans le passé.Regardez le diagramme. Lisez les phrases.

� Si usano tempi verbali diversi per evidenziare diversi momenti eperiodi di tempo nel passato.Osserva il diagramma e leggi le frasi.

� Man verwendet unterschiedliche Zeitformen der Vergangenheit, umsich auf unterschiedliche Zeitpunkte und Zeiträume in derVergangenheit zu beziehen.

When Andrea arrived at work at 9.00 a.m …

8.30 9.00 9.30 10.00

Her secretary opened the post.Her secretary was opening the post.Her secretary had opened the post.

3.1 Past SimpleForm● La forme du prétérit est la même pour toutes les personnes.� Il Past Simple ha la stessa forma per tutte le persone.� Die Form des Past Simple ist in allen Personen gleich.


IHe/She/It finished yesterday.We left at 3 o’clock.You arrived three weeks ago.They


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didn’tfinish yesterday.

They leave at 3 o’clock.(etc.)



When didhe finish the report?they get married?(etc.)

Short answer

Did you enjoy the meal?Yes, we did.No, we didn’t.

Use● Le prétérit s’emploie pour exprimer:� Il Past Simple si usa per esprimere:� Das Past Simple wird verwendet, um Folgendes auszudrücken:

1● une action terminée dans le passé.� un’azione conclusa nel passato.�! In italiano si può esprimere con il passato remoto o con il passato

prossimo.� eine abgeschlossene Handlung in der Vergangenheit.

We met in 2000.I went to Manchester last week.John left two minutes ago.

2● des actions qui se suivent dans un récit.� azioni che si susseguono in un racconto.� aufeinander folgende Handlungen in einer Geschichte.

Mary walked into the room and stopped. She listened carefully. Sheheard a noise coming from behind the curtain. She threw the curtainopen, and then she saw …

3● une situation qui remonte dans le temps ou une ancienne habitude.� una situazione o abitudine del passato.*� eine Situation oder Gewohnheit in der Vergangenheit.

When I was a child, we lived in a small house by the sea. Every day Iwalked for miles on the beach with my dog.

● Cet emploi s’exprime également souvent avec used to.� In questo caso si usa spesso used to. * In italiano si esprime solo con

l’imperfetto.� Diese Verwendung wird oft durch used to ausgedrückt.

We used to live in a small house … I used to walk for miles …

Spelling of verb + -ed

1● Dans l’ensemble, on ajoute -ed à la racine du verbe pour former le

prétérit.� La maggior parte dei verbi aggiunge -ed alla forma base.� Bei den meisten Verben wird -ed an die Grundform angehängt.

worked wanted helped washed

2● Lorsque le verbe se termine en -e, n’ajoutez qu’un -d.� Quando il verbo termina in -e, si aggiunge solo -d.� Wenn das Verb auf -e endet, wird -d angehängt.

liked used hated cared

3● Si le verbe ne comporte qu’une seule syllabe et se termine par une

voyelle suivie d’une consonne, redoublez la consonne avant d’ajouter-ed.

� Se il verbo è monosillabo e termina con una vocale + unaconsonante, si raddoppia la consonante.

� Wenn das Verb nur aus einer Silbe besteht und auf einen Vokal undeinen Konsonanten endet, wird der Konsonant verdoppelt und dann-ed angehängt.

stopped planned robbed

● On écrira toutefois cooked, seated, et moaned à cause de la présence dedeux voyelles.

� Ma si scrive cooked, seated, moaned perché qui ci sono due vocali.� Aber man schreibt cooked, seated und moaned, weil zwei Vokale da


4● On ne redouble pas la consonne si la syllabe se termine en -y ou -w.� Se la consonante finale è -y o -w, non si fa il raddoppiamento.� Wenn der Konsonant -y oder -w ist, wird er nicht verdoppelt.

played showed

5● Dans la plupart des verbes à deux syllabes, on redouble la consonne

finale si l’accent d’intensité se trouve sur la seconde syllabe.� Nella maggior parte dei verbi bisillabi, si raddoppia la consonante

finale se l’accento cade sulla seconda sillaba.� In den meisten zweisilbigen Verben, wird der letzte Konsonant

verdoppelt, wenn die Betonung auf die zweite Silbe fällt.

pre'ferred ad'mitted

● On écrira toutefois 'entered et 'visited parce que l’accent porte sur lapremière syllabe.

� Ma si scrive 'entered, 'visited perché qui l’accento cade sulla primasillaba.

� Bei den meisten zweisilbigen Verben wird der Endkonsonantverdoppelt, wenn die Betonung auf der zweiten Silbe liegt.

6● Dans le cas des verbes qui se terminent par une consonne + -y, on

remplace le -y par -ied.� Se il verbo termina in -y preceduta da consonante, si cambia -y in -

ied.� Bei Verben, die auf einen Konsonanten + -y enden, wird das -y zu -ied.

carried hurried buried

● On écrira toutefois enjoyed, parce que le verbe se termine par unevoyelle suivie de -y.

� Ma si scrive enjoyed perché qui -y è preceduta da una vocale.� Aber man schreibt enjoyed, weil es auf einen Vokal + -y endet.

● Il existe de nombreux verbes communs irréguliers.Se reporter à la page 58 pour une liste de ces verbes.

� Molti verbi comuni sono irregolari.La lista dei verbi irregolari è a pag. 58.

� Es gibt viele häufige unregelmässige Verben.Siehe die Liste S. 58

Past Simple and time expressions● Le Past Simple (prétérit) et les expressions de temps� Il Past Simple con espressioni di tempo passato� Das Past Simple mit Zeitangaben

● Etudiez les expressions de temps que l’on retrouve souvent avec lePast Simple (prétérit).

� Osserva le espressioni di tempo che si usano di solito con il PastSimple.

� Sehen Sie sich die Zeitangaben an, die häufig mit dem Past Simpleverwendet werden.


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last night.two days ago.

I met her yesterday summer.when I was young.

3.2 Past ContinuousFormPositive and negative Question

I IHe was was sheShe wasn’t heIt working. What it doing?

We weYou

werewere you



Short answer

Were you looking for me? Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.Were they waiting outside? Yes, they were./No, they weren’t.

Use● On emploie souvent le prétérit progressif dans les récits qui utilisent

aussi le Past Simple (prétérit).Le prétérit progressif décrit des activités plus longues, qui ont lieu enarrière plan, tandis que le prétérit concerne des actions plus courteset terminées.

� Il Past Continuous si usa spesso in frasi che hanno un verbo nel PastSimple.Il Past Continuous esprime azioni di maggior durata che descrivonola scena, mentre il Past Simple si riferisce ad azioni più brevi econcluse.

� Das Past Continuous wird oft in einem Satz mit dem Past Simplezusammen verwendet.Das Past Continuous bezieht sich auf längere Tätigkeiten, die imHintergrund ablaufen, während das Past Simple kürzere,abgeschlossene Handlungen beschreibt.

The children were playing in the garden when their grandparentsarrived.

● On emploie le prétérit progressif pour:� Il Past Continuous si usa:� Das Past Continuous wird verwendet:

1● exprimer des activités en cours qui précèdent et continueront

probablement après un moment particulier dans le passé.� per esprimere azioni in corso prima, e probabilmente dopo, un certo

momento nel passato.� für Vorgänge, die vor (und wahrscheinlich auch nach) einem

bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit stattfanden.

At 7 o’clock this morning I was having my breakfast.I walked past your house last night. There was an awful lot of noise.What were you doing?

2● effectuer des descriptions dans le passé, dans les histoires

notamment.� per fare descrizioni nel passato, specialmente nelle narrazioni.� für Beschreibungen in der Vergangenheit, vor allem beim Erzählen

von Geschichten.

Jan looked beautiful. She was wearing a green cotton dress. Her eyeswere shining in the light of the candles that were burning nearby.

3● exprimer une activité interrompue dans le passé.� per esprimere un’azione in corso nel passato interrotta da un’altra.� für eine unterbrochene Tätigkeit in der Vergangenheit.

When the phone rang, I was having a shower.While we were playing tennis, it started to rain.

4● exprimer une activité inachevée dans le passé à l’opposé du prétérit

qui exprime une activité terminée.� per esprimere un’azione passata incompleta, a differenza del Past

Simple che esprime un’azione portata a termine.� für eine nicht beendete Tätigkeit in der Vergangenheit; im Gegensatz

zum Past Simple, das eine abgeschlossene Tätigkeit beschreibt.

I was reading a book during the flight. ● (Je ne l’ai pas fini.)� (Non l’ho finito.)� (Ich habe es nicht zu Ende


I watched a film during the flight. ● (le film entier)� (tutto il film)� (den ganzen Film)

● A remarquer: Le prétérit s’emploie normalement pour exprimer unehabitude ou situation qui se répète ou se déroule dans le passé, tandisque le prétérit progressif s’emploie lorsque l’habitude devient la basede quelque chose de plus durable. Comparez:

� Nota: Un’azione o situazione abituale ripetuta nel passato si esprimecon il Past Simple. Ma si può esprimere con il Past Continuous sediventa una situazione continuata che fa da sfondo a un’altra azione.Confronta:

� Anmerkung: Normalerweise nimmt man das Past Simple, um einewiederholte Gewohnheit oder Situation in der Vergangenheit zubeschreiben. Man kann aber auch das Past Continuous verwenden,wenn die wiederholte Gewohnheit zum längeren Rahmen für etwaswird. Vergleiche:

I went out with Jack for ten years.I first met Harry while I was going out with Jack.

● Se reporter à la page 20 du livre d’exercices pour plus derenseignements sur while, during, et for.

� Vedi Workbook pag. 20 per ulteriori informazioni su while, during,for.

� Siehe Workbook S. 20 für weitere Informationen zu while, during undfor.

3.3 Past Simple or Past Continuous?1● On peut quelquefois utiliser l’un comme l’autre. Le prétérit simple

décrit des actions passées en tant que faits simples. Le prétéritprogressif attire l’attention sur la durée des situations et activitéspassées. Comparez:

� Talvolta la stessa azione può essere espressa con il Past Simple o il PastContinuous. Il Past Simple mette in evidenza l’azione passata comefatto puro e semplice. Il Past Continuous mette in evidenza la duratadella situazione o azione nel passato. Confronta:

� Manchmal kann man das Past Simple oder das Past Continuousbenutzen. Das Past Simple drückt Handlungen in der Vergangenheitals einfache Tatsachen aus. Das Past Continuous betont die Dauer vonSituationen und Handlungen in der Vergangenheit. Vergleiche:

A I didn’t see you at the party last night.B No. I stayed at home and watched football.

A I didn’t see you at the party last night.B No, I was watching football at home.

2● Les questions au prétérit et prétérit progressif se rapportent à

différents moments dans le temps. Au prétérit progressif, ondemande ce qui se passait avant un événement particulier dans lepassé tandis qu’au prétérit, on demande ce qui s’est passé aprèsl’événement.


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� Le domande nel Past Simple e nel Past Continuous fanno riferimentoa periodi di tempo diversi. Per chiedere che cosa è successo prima diun certo evento passato si usa il Past Continuous, per chiedere checosa è successo dopo si usa il Past Simple.

� Fragen im Past Simple und im Past Continuous beziehen sich aufunterschiedliche Zeiträume. Das Past Continuous fragt danach, wasvor einem Ereignis in der Vergangenheit geschah, und das Past Simplefragt, was nach dem Ereignis geschah.

When the war broke out, Peter was studying medicine at medicalschool. He decided that it was safer to go home to his parents andpostpone his studies.

What was Peter doing when the war broke out? He was studying.What did Peter do when the war broke out? He went home to his


3.4 Past Perfect● Perfect signifiant « avant », le Past Perfect décrit une action dans le

passé qui s’est terminée avant une autre action également dans lepassé.

� Perfect significa ‘prima’, perciò il Past Perfect si riferisce ad un’azionedel passato completata prima di un’altra azione passata.

� Perfect bedeutet ‘vor,’ deshalb bezieht sich das Past Perfect auf eineHandlung in der Vergangenheit, die vor einer anderen Handlung inder Vergangenheit abgeschlossen war.

Form● La forme du plus-que-parfait est la même pour toutes les personnes.� Il Past Perfect ha la stessa forma per tutte le persone.� Die Form des Past Perfect ist in allen Personen gleich.

Positive and negative

IYou ’d (had) seen him before.We hadn’t finished work at 6 o’clock.(etc.)


youWhere had she been before?


Short answer

Had he already left?Yes, he had.No, he hadn’t.

Use1● On emploie le Past Perfect (plus-que-parfait) pour indiquer

clairement qu’une action (dans le passé) a eu lieu avant une autreaction, également dans le passé.

� Il Past Perfect si usa per specificare che un’azione passata è avvenutaprima di un’altra azione anch’essa passata.

� Das Past Perfect wird verwendet um zu verdeutlichen, dass eineHandlung in der Vergangenheit vor einer anderen Handlung in derVergangenheit stattfand.

When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my apartmentand had stolen my DVD player, so I called the police.


My DVD player was stolen I arrived home I called the police

Action 1: Someone broke into my apartment and stole my DVD player.

Action 2: I got home and called the police.

I didn’t want to go to the theatre with my friends because I’d seen theplay before.


I saw the play My friends saw the play

Action 1: I saw the play.Action 2: My friends went to the theatre to see the play.

2● Notez la différence entre ces phrases:� Nota la differenza di significato tra queste frasi:� Beachten Sie den Unterschied zwischen den folgenden Sätzen:

When I got to the party, ● (J’arrive d’abord, puis Peter rentre Peter went home. chez lui.)

� (Prima sono arrivato io, poi è andato via Peter)

� (Erst kam ich, dann ging Peter.)

When I got to the party, ● (Peter rentre d’abord chez lui, puis Peter had gone home. j’arrive.)

� (Prima è andato via Peter, poi sono arrivato io)

� (Erst ging Peter, dann kam ich.)

3.5 Past tenses in the passive● Le passé à la voix passive� Il passivo dei tempi del passato � Vergangenheitsformen im Passiv

FormPast Simple passive was/were + past participlePast Continuous passive was/were being + past participlePast Perfect passive had been + past participle

Use● Les emplois sont les mêmes à la voix passive qu’à la voix active:� Gli usi di questi tempi verbali sono identici nell’attivo e nel passivo.� Die Verwendung ist im Passiv genau wie im Aktiv.

The bridge was built in 1876.● (action terminée dans le passé)� (azione conclusa nel passato)� (abgeschlossene Handlung in der Vergangenheit)

The bomb was being defused when it exploded.● (activité interrompue dans le passé)� (azione passata interrotta)� (unterbrochene Tätigkeit in der Vergangenheit)

The letter didn’t arrive because it had been sent to my old address.● (une action précède une autre dans le passé)� (un’azione avvenuta prima di un’altra azione passata)� (eine Handlung vor einer anderen Handlung in der Vergangenheit)


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Unit 4Introduction to modal verbs● Initiation aux verbes modaux� Introduzione ai verbi modali� Einführung in die Modalverben● Can, could, may, might, must, will, would, should et ought to

représentent les verbes modaux. On les appelle verbes auxiliairesmodaux car ils « aident » les autres verbes. (Se reporter égalementaux unités 1, 5, 8, et 9.)

� I verbi modali sono can, could, may, might, must, will, would, should,ought to. Si chiamano modali ausiliari perché ‘aiutano’ un altro verbo(vedi anche unità 1, 5, 8 e 9).

� Die Modalverben sind can, could, may, might, must, will, would,should, ought to. Sie werden modale Hilfsverben genannt, weil sieanderen Verben ‘helfen’. (Siehe auch Kapitel 1, 5, 8 und 9.)

I can swim.Do you think I should go?

Form1● Ces verbes ne prennent pas de -s en fin de mot à la troisième

personne du singulier.� I verbi modali non aggiungono -s alla terza persona singolare.� In der dritten Person Singular wird kein -s angehängt.

She can ski. He must be tired. It might rain.

2● On n’utilise pas do/does/don’t/doesn’t à la forme interrogative ou

négative.� Non usano do/does/don’t/doesn’t per formare le domande o le forme

negative.� Fragesätze und verneinte Sätze werden ohne do/does/don’t/doesn’t


What should I do? Can I help you? You mustn’t steal!He can’t dance. I won’t be a minute.

3● Les verbes auxiliaires modaux sont suivis d’un infinitif sans le « to »,

à l’exception de ought to.� Sono seguiti da un verbo nella forma base (infinito senza to), eccetto

ought to.� Nach modalen Hilfsverben folgt der Infinitiv ohne to. Ausnahme:

ought to.

You must go. I’ll help you. You ought to see a doctor.

4● Ils n’ont pas d’infinitif et pas de formes en -ing. On utilise à la place

d’autres expressions.� Non hanno né l’infinito né la forma in -ing. In questi casi sono

sostituiti da altre espressioni.� Sie haben keinen Infinitiv und keine ing-Form. Man benutzt

stattdessen andere Ausdrücke.

I’d love to be able to ski.I hate having to get up on cold, winter mornings.

5● Les verbes auxiliaires modaux n’ont normalement pas de forme

passée. Pour remédier à ceci, on les emploie avec l’infinitif passé:� Di solito non hanno la forma del passato. In questo caso si possono

usare con l’infinito passato:� Sie haben normalerweise keine Vergangenheitsformen. Man kann sie

stattdessen mit dem Infinitiv Perfekt verwenden:

You should have told me that you can’t swim. You might havedrowned!

● ou on a recours à d’autres expressions:� o sono sostituiti da altre espressioni:� oder man benutzt andere Ausdrücke:

I had to work hard in school.

● A remarquer: On emploie Could pour parler d’une capacité généraledans le passé.

� Nota: Could si usa con significato di passato per parlare di un’abilitàin senso generico.

� Anmerkung : Man benutzt could in der Vergangenheit, um von einerallgemeinen Fähigkeit zu sprechen.

I could swim when I was six. ● (= capacité générale)� (= abilità in generale)� (= allgemeine Fähigkeit)

● Pour parler d’une capacité particulière, liée à un moment donné, onutilise was able to/managed to.

� Per parlare di abilità in un caso specifico del passato, si usano wasable to/managed to.

� Um von einer Fähigkeit in einer ganz bestimmten Situation zusprechen, sagt man was able to/managed to.

The prisoner was able to/managed to escape by climbing on to the roofof the prison. NOT could escape

Use1● Les verbes modaux expriment les attitudes, opinions, et différentes

façons de percevoir les événements. Comparez:� I verbi modali esprimono atteggiamenti, opinioni e giudizi su ciò che

accade. Confronta:� Modalverben drücken aus, welche Einstellung oder Meinung man zu

einem Ereignis hat, wie man es beurteilt. Vergleiche:

‘Who’s that knocking on the door?’‘It’s John.’ ● (C’est un fait.)

� (È un dato di fatto.)� (Es ist eine Tatsache.)

‘Who’s that knocking on the door?’‘It could/may/might/must/should/can’t/’ll be John.’

● (Ces différentes options expriment, toutes, une attitude ou opinion.)� (Qui si esprime un atteggiamento o un’opinione.)� (Diese Modalverben drücken alle eine Einstellung oder Meinung


2● Les verbes modaux en anglais ont au moins deux sens. Ils expriment

toutefois, tous, une possibilité ou une probabilité. (Se reporter àl’unité 9, à la p. 51.)

� Tutti i verbi modali inglesi hanno almeno due significati, uno deiquali di solito esprime un certo grado di possibilità o probabilità(vedi unità 9 pag. 51.)

� Alle Modalverben im Englischen haben mindestens zweiBedeutungen. Sie bringen aber alle entweder eine Möglichkeit odereine Wahrscheinlichkeit zum Ausdruck. (Siehe Kapitel 9, S. 51.)

I must post this letter! ● (= obligation)� (= obbligo)� (= Verpflichtung)

You must be tired! ● (= déduction, probabilité)� (= deduzione, probabilità)� (= Schluss, Wahrscheinlichkeit)

Could you help me? ● (= demande)� (= richiesta) � (= Bitte)

We could go to Spain for our holiday. ● (= possibilité)� (= possibilità)� (= Möglichkeit)

You may go home now. ● (= permission)� (= permesso)� (= Erlaubnis)


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‘Where’s Anna?’ ‘I’m not sure. She may be at work.’ ● (= possibilité)� (= possibilità)� (= Möglichkeit)

Modal verbs of obligation and permission● Verbes modaux indiquant une obligation ou permission� Verbi modali per esprimere obbligo o permesso� Modalverben, die Verpflichtung und Erlaubnis ausdrücken

4.1 have (got) toFormPositive and negative

I/You/We/Theyhave todon’t have to

work hard.He/She

has todoesn’t have to


IDo you have to work hard?


Use● Have to n’est pas un verbe modal.� Have to non è un verbo modale.� Have to ist kein Modalverb.

1● Have to exprime une forte obligation. Il exprime une obligation

déterminée par une loi ou règle ou par l’autorité d’une autrepersonne. Le verbe est impersonnel.

� Si usa have to per esprimere un forte obbligo. È un obbligo generalebasato su leggi o regolamenti o sull’autorità di un’altra persona,quindi è qualcosa di impersonale.

� Have to drückt eine starke Verpflichtung, einen Zwang aus. Dabeihandelt es sich um eine allgemeine Verpflichtung, die in einemGesetz oder einer Vorschrift enthalten ist oder auf der Autorität einesanderen beruht. Es ist unpersönlich.

Children have to go to school ● (une loi)until they are 16. � (è la legge)

� (ein Gesetz)

Mum says you have to clean ● (exigence de la mère)your room before you go out. � (è un ordine della mamma)

� (Anordnung der Mutter)

2● Have got to, une expression plus décontractée que have to, s’emploie

couramment en anglais britannique.� Nell’inglese britannico si usa comunemente have got to, che è meno

formale di have to.� Have got to ist im britischen Englisch häufig, ist aber

umgangssprachlicher als have to.

I’ve got to go now. See you!Don’t go to bed late. We’ve got to get up early tomorrow.‘Go and tidy your room.’ ‘Have I got to?’ ‘Yes, you have!’

3● Have to exprime la répétition d’une obligation générale.� Have to esprime un obbligo generale che si ripete regolarmente.� Have to drückt eine allgemeine wiederholte Verpflichtung aus.

I always have to tell my parents where I’m going.

● Have got to exprime une obligation spécifique.� Have got to esprime un obbligo in un caso specifico.� Have got to drückt eine Verpflichtung zu einem bestimmten Anlass


I’ve got to get up early tomorrow to catch a train.

Can and be allowed toFormPositive and negative


I/You/ We/Theyare allowed toaren’t allowed to

park allowed to

He/Shecan/can’tisn’t allowed to


Can I/you/we etc.

Am I

Are youallowed to park here?

Is he

Use● Can est un verbe modal.

Can et be allowed to expriment tous les deux la permission de fairequelque chose. Can, plus décontracté que be allowed to, s’emploiecouramment dans le language parlé.

� Can è un verbo modale.Sia can che be allowed to esprimono permesso. Can è meno formaledi be allowed to e si usa di più nell’inglese parlato.

� Can ist ein Modalverb.Can und be allowed to drücken beide eine Erlaubnis aus. Can istweniger förmlich als be allowed to. Man verwendet es meist in dergesprochenen Sprache.

You can borrow my bike, but you can’t have the car. I need it.They can’t come in here with those muddy shoes!You’re allowed to get married when you’re 16.Are we allowed to use a dictionary for this test?He isn’t allowed to park here.

4.2 should, ought to and mustForm● Should, ought to et must sont des verbes modaux.� Should, ought to e must sono verbi modali.� Should, ought to und must sind Modalverben.


He/She/ Itought to/ought not to work hard.must

Use1● Should et ought to expriment une obligation « légère », une

suggestion, ou un conseil. Ils communiquent ce qui est, selonl’interlocuteur, juste ou ce qui représente la meilleure chose à fairedans des circonstances données. On les utilise souvent avec I think/don’t think … .

� Should e ought to esprimono un leggero obbligo, un suggerimento oun consiglio. Esprimono quello che è giusto o è meglio fare secondol’opinione di chi parla. Sono spesso usati dopo I think/don’t think …


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� Should und ought to drücken eine gewisse Verpflichtung, einenVorschlag oder Ratschlag aus. Sie werden verwendet, wenn derSprecher sagen will, was seiner Meinung nach das Richtige oder dasBeste ist. Sie werden oft mit I think/I don't think eingeführt.

You’re always asking me for money. I think you should spend less.You shouldn’t sit so close to the television! It’s bad for your eyes.You ought to be more careful with your money.

2● Should I/she/we … ? est possible, mais on emploie souvent la

tournure Do you think … ?� È possibile dire Should I/she/we … ?, ma spesso si preferisce dire Do

you think … ?� Should I/she/we … ? ist möglich, aber meist sagt man Do you

think … ?

Should I try to eat less?Do you think I should see a doctor?

3● Must, comme have to, exprime une forte obligation. Must exprime

une obligation qui fait intervenir l’opinion de l’interlocuteur. C’estun verbe qui traduit ce qui est personnel.

� Must, come have to, esprime un forte obbligo. È un obbligo secondol’opinione di chi parla, quindi esprime qualcosa di personale.

� Must drückt ebenso wie have to eine starke Verpflichtung aus. Beimust handelt es sich um eine Verpflichtung, die auf der Meinung desSprechers beruht. Es ist persönlich.

I must get my hair cut. ● (Je me parle à moi-même)� (Sono io che me lo sto dicendo.)� (Hier spreche ich mit mir selbst.

You must go and visit your ● (Un parent s’adressant à un enfant.)grandmother. � (Un genitore che parla al figlio.)

� (Ein Elternteil spricht mit einem Kind.)

4● On associe également must à un style de langue écrite, officielle.� Must ha carattere formale e si usa di più nell’inglese scritto.� Must kommt auch oft in der förmlichen, geschriebenen Sprache vor.

All visitors must ● (Panneau dans le foyer d’un immeuble de show proper ID. bureaux)

� (Avviso nell’entrata di un palazzo di uffici)� (Schild in der Eingangshalle eines


Books must be returned ● (Consignes dans une bibliothèque)on or before the due date. � (Istruzioni per gli utenti della biblioteca)

� (Anweisung in einer Bibliothek)

have to and must, don’t have to and mustn’t

1● Have to et must sont quelquefois interchangeables.� Talvolta have to e must sono intercambiabili.� Have to und must sind manchmal austauschbar.

I must be home by midnight. I have to be home by midnight.

● On emploie toutefois have to plus souvent que must. Si vous ne savezpas lequel choisir, il est probablement plus sûr d’utiliser have to.

� Ma have to si usa più spesso di must. Nel dubbio, è meglio usare haveto.

� Aber have to wird häufiger verwendet als must. Wenn man sich nichtsicher ist, was man verwenden soll, ist es wahrscheinlich besser, haveto zu nehmen.

2● Must I … ? s’utilise, mais il est plus courant d’employer have to à la

forme interrogative.� Must I … ? esiste, ma sono più comuni le domande con have to.� Must I … ? ist möglich, aber Fragen mit have to sind häufiger.

Do I have to do what you say, or can I do what I want?

3● Have to se conjugue à toutes les personnes, mais pas must.� Have to ha tutte le forme, must no.� Have to kann alle Formen bilden; must nicht.

I had to work until midnight last night. (Past)You’ll have to study hard when you go to college. (Future)She’s a millionaire. She’s never had to do any work. (Present Perfect)I hate having to get up on cold, winter mornings. (-ing form)If you were a nurse, you would have to wear a uniform. (Infinitive)

4● Don’t have to et mustn’t ont des significations complètement

différentes.Don’t have to exprime l’absence d’obligation, c. à d. vous pouvez fairequelque chose mais ce n’est pas obligatoire.

� Don’t have to e mustn’t hanno significati completamente diversi.Don’t have to esprime assenza di obbligo (puoi farlo, ma non ènecessario).

� Don’t have to und mustn’t haben völlig unterschiedlicheBedeutungen.Don’t have to drückt aus, dass es keine Verpflichtung, keinen Zwanggibt – man kann es tun, aber es ist nicht nötig.

Some people iron their socks, but you don’t have to. I think it’s a wasteof time.When you go into a shop, you don’t have to buy something. You can justlook.

● Mustn’t exprime une obligation au négatif, c. à d. il est impératif dene pas faire quelque chose.

� Mustn’t esprime un obbligo negativo o proibizione (è importantenon farlo).

� Mustn’t drückt ein Verbot aus – man darf etwas nicht tun.

You mustn’t steal other people’s things. It’s wrong.You mustn’t drive if you’ve been drinking. You could kill someone!

● Se reporter à la p. 28 du livres d’exercices pour plus d’exercices surmust et have to.

� Vedi Workbook pag. 28 per ulteriori esercizi su must e have to.� Siehe Workbook S. 28 für weitere Übungen zu must und have to.

4.3 Making requests: can, could, will, and would● Demander quelque chose: can, could, will et would� Fare una richiesta: can, could, will e would� Bitten: can, could, will und would

1● Il existe plusieurs façons de demander quelque chose en anglais.� Ci sono molti modi per fare una richiesta in inglese.� Es gibt im Englischen viele Möglichkeiten, um etwas zu bitten.


youhelp me, please?

Will pass the salt, please?Would

Would you mind helping me, please?


speak to you, please?Could ask you a question?

Do you mind if I open the window?Would you mind if I opened the window?

● Can, could, will et would sont tous des verbes modaux.� Can, could, will e would sono tutti verbi modali.� Can, could, will und would sind alle Modalverben.

2● Could est d’un registre un peu plus élevé que can, qui est un peu plus

décontracté. Les tournures Could I … ? et Could you … ? sont trèsutiles car elles peuvent être employées dans différents contextes.


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� Could è leggermente più formale; can è più familiare. Could I …? eCould you …? sono utili perché si possono usare in molte situazionidiverse.

� Could ist etwas förmlicher; can etwas vertraulicher. Could I … ? undCould you … ? sind nützliche Ausdrücke, weil man sie in vielenverschiedenen Situationen verwenden kann.

3● Voici quelques exemples de réponses à une demande:� Ecco alcuni modi di reagire ad una richiesta:� Hier sind einige Möglichkeiten, wie man auf Bitten antworten kann:

A Excuse me! Could you help me?B Sure.

Of course.Well, I’m afraid I’m a little busy right now.

A Would you mind if I opened the window?B No, not at all.

No, that’s fine.Well, I’m a little cold, actually.

4.4 Making offers: will and shall/should● Proposer quelque chose: will et shall/should� Offrire aiuto: will e shall/should� Angebote: will und shall/should1● On emploie will et shall/should, des verbes modaux, tous les deux,

pour proposer quelque chose.� Will e shall/should si usano per esprimere un’offerta di aiuto. Sono

verbi modali.� Will und shall/should werden verwendet, um etwas anzubieten. Beide

sind Modalverben.

2● La forme contractée de will s’emploie pour communiquer une

intention, décision ou proposition formulée ou prise au moment del’énonciation.

� La forma contratta di will si usa per esprimere intenzioni, offerte diaiuto, decisioni improvvise prese nel momento stesso in cui si parla.

� Die Kurzform von will wird verwendet, um eine spontane Absicht,Entscheidung, oder ein spontanes Angebot zum Ausdruck zubringen.

Come over after work. I’ll cook dinner for you.‘It’s Jane’s birthday today.’ ‘Is it? I’ll buy her some flowers.’Give him your suitcase. He’ll carry it for you.Don’t worry about catching the bus. Dave’ll give you a lift.Give it back or we’ll call the police!

● Dans plusieurs langues, on exprime souvent cette idée en employantle présent, mais en anglais, ceci serait incorrect.

� In molte lingue, compreso l’italiano, quest’idea si esprime con ilpresente, ma in inglese sarebbe un errore usarlo.

� In vielen Sprachen, auch im Deutschen, verwendet man hier dieGegenwart, aber im Englischen ist das falsch.

I’ll give you my number. NOT I give you my number.I’ll carry your suitcase. NOT I carry your suitcase.

● L’unité 5 examine d’autres façons d’employer will.� Altri usi di will sono presentati nell’unità 5.� Andere Verwendungen von will werden in Kapitel 5 behandelt.

3● Shall/Should …? s’emploient pour les questions à la première

personne du singulier ou du pluriel (I et we). Ils expriment uneproposition, une suggestion ou une demande de conseils.

� Shall/Should …? si usano nelle domande in prima persona (I e we).Esprimono un’offerta di aiuto, un suggerimento o una richiesta diconsiglio.

� Shall/Should …? wird in Fragesätzen mit der ersten Person (I und we)verwendet. Es drückt ein Angebot, einen Vorschlag oder eine Bitteum Rat aus.

‘Shall I carry your bag for you?’ ‘That’s very kind. Thank you.’‘Shall we go out for a meal tonight?’ ‘Mmm. I’d love to.’‘What shall we do? We haven’t got any money.’ ‘We could ask Dad.’

● On utilise should pour faire une suggestion en toute simplicité.� Si usa should per una richiesta informale.� Man verwendet should, um einen informellen Vorschlag zu machen.

What should we have for dinner?What should we do tonight?

Unit 5Introduction to future forms● Initiation aux formes du futur� Introduzione alle forme del futuro� Einführung in die Zukunftsformen)● Il n’existe pas, en anglais, comme c’est le cas dans plusieurs langues

européennes, de temps spécifique exprimant le futur. Cependant,l’anglais a plusieurs formes du futur, parmi lesquelles figurent will,going to et le Present Continuous (présent à la forme progressive).

� L’inglese non ha un tempo verbale ‘futuro’ come in molte lingueeuropee. Ma ha parecchie forme per esprimere il futuro, tra cui will,going to e il Present Continuous.

� Im Englischen gibt es kein Futur wie in vielen anderen europäischenSprachen. Das Englische hat aber mehrere Formen, die sich auf dieZukunft beziehen können. Drei davon sind will, going to, und dasPresent Continuous.

I’ll see you later. (will)We’re going to see a film tonight. Do you want to come? (going to)I’m seeing the doctor tomorrow evening. (Present Continuous)

● La différence entre ces trois formes n’est ni une question d’avenirproche ou distant, ni une question de certitude. L’interlocuteurchoisit la forme qui correspond à sa façon de voir l’événement futur.Est-ce un projet, une décision, une intention, une proposition, uneprédiction ou un arrangement? C’est la question à se poser avant dechoisir une des formes qui expriment le futur. Pour plus derenseignements sur ce sujet, reportez-vous à Use, à la p. 42.

� La differenza non consiste nel grado di certezza o di immediatezzadel futuro. Chi parla sceglie una forma verbale in base a comepercepisce l’evento futuro: è un progetto, una decisione,un’intenzione, un’offerta di aiuto, una previsione, qualcosa diorganizzato? Questa è la domanda da farsi quando si sceglie la formadel futuro da usare in inglese. Ulteriori spiegazioni vengono datenella sezione Use pag. 42.

� Der Unterschied zwischen diesen Formen liegt nicht darin, ob mansich auf die nahe oder ferne Zukunft bezieht, oder wie sicher etwasist. Der Sprecher wählt die Zukunftsform je nachdem, wie er dasEreignis in der Zukunft sieht. Handelt es sich um einen Plan, eineEntscheidung, eine Absicht, ein Angebot, eine Vorhersage oder eineAbmachung? Das ist die wichtige Frage bei der Entscheidung, welcheZukunftsform man verwendet. Mehr dazu in Use (siehe S. 42).


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5.1 will/going to and the Present ContinuousFormPositive and negative

I ’llHeThey

won’thelp you.

I’m/I’m not watch TV tonight.She’s/She isn’t going toWe’re/We aren’t

I’m/I’m notHe’s/He isn’t catching the 10 o’clock train.You’re/You aren’t


will youarrive?

What time are you going to

are you meeting the manager?

● A remarquer: On évite de dire going to come ou going to go. On utilise,à la place, comme forme du futur, le présent progressif.

� Nota: In genere si evita di dire going to come o going to go. In questicasi per esprimere il futuro si preferisce usare il Present Continuous.

� Anmerkung: Man vermeidet going to come oder going to go.Stattdessen verwendet man das Present Continuous als Zukunftsform.

We’re coming tomorrow.When are you going home?

Use● Projets, décisions et intentions (will et going to)� Progetti, decisioni e intenzioni (will e going to)� Pläne, Entscheidungen und Absichten (will und going to)

will● Will s’emploie comme verbe auxiliaire modal pour exprimer une

décision, intention, ou proposition liée au moment de l’énonciation.Nous avons déjà abordé cette utilisation dans l’unité 4. (Voir 4.4.)N’oubliez pas que vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le présent dans cetemploi.

� Will si usa come modale ausiliare per esprimere intenzioni, offerte diaiuto, decisioni improvvise prese nel momento stesso in cui si parla,come abbiamo visto nell’unità 4 (vedi 4.4). Ricordati che non si puòusare il presente in questo caso.

� Will wird als modales Hilfsverb benutzt, um eine spontaneEntscheidung, Absicht oder ein spontanes Angebot zum Ausdruck zubringen. Diese Verwendung wurde in Kapitel 4 behandelt. (Siehe 4.4.)Denken Sie daran, dass man hier nicht die Gegenwart verwendendarf.

I’ll have the steak, please. NOT I have the steak.I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye! NOT I see you tomorrow.Give me a call sometime. We’ll go out for coffee.‘Jeff, there’s someone at the door!’ ‘OK, I’ll get it.’

going to● Going to s’emploie pour exprimer un projet, une décision ou une

intention future liés à un moment qui précède l’énonciation.� Going to si usa per esprimere progetti, intenzioni o decisioni prese

prima del momento in cui si parla.� Going to wird verwendet, um einen Plan, eine Entscheidung oder

Absicht für die Zukunft auszudrücken, der/die vor demSprechzeitpunkt gefasst wurde.

When I grow up, I’m going to be a doctor.Jane and Peter are going to get married after they graduate.We’re going to paint this room blue.

● Faits et prédictions (will et going to)� Fatti e previsioni (will e going to)� Tatsachen und Vorhersagen (will und going to)

will● L’emploi le plus courant de will est comme verbe auxiliaire traduisant

le futur. Il exprime une prédiction ou un fait futur. C’est ce qu’onappelle le futur pur ou le Future Simple (futur de l’indicatif).

� L’uso più comune di will è come verbo ausiliare per indicare il futuro.Esprime un fatto futuro o una previsione e viene chiamato futurovero e proprio o Future Simple.

� Die gebräuchlichste Verwendung von will ist als Hilfsverb, um dieZukunft anzuzeigen. Es drückt eine Tatsache in der Zukunft odereine Vorhersage aus. Man nennt es das reine Futur oder das FutureSimple.

We’ll be away for two weeks.Those flowers won’t grow under the tree. It’s too dark.Our love will last forever.You’ll be sick if you eat all those sweets!

● Dans le cas d’une prédiction, will peut être basé plus sur une opinionque sur un fait.

� Si usa will per le previsioni basate piuttosto su un’opinione che su undato di fatto.

� Will als Vorhersage beruht oft mehr auf einer Meinung als auf einerTatsache.

I don’t think Laura will do very well in her exam. She doesn’t do any work.I am convinced that inflation will fall to three per cent next year.

going to● Going to peut également traduire une prédiction, surtout lorsque la

prédiction est liée à un fait présent (il est maintenant évident quequelque chose va véritablement avoir lieu).

� Anche going to può esprimere una previsione, specialmente se basatasu un fatto attuale, cioè se si sa di sicuro che una cosa sta peraccadere.

� Going to kann auch eine Vorhersage ausdrücken, vor allem, wenn dieVorhersage auf einer Tatsache in der Gegenwart beruht. Es gibt jetztBeweise, dass etwas ganz bestimmt geschehen wird.

She’s going to have a baby. ● (On peut voir qu’elle est enceinte.)� (Si vede che è incinta.)� (Man kann sehen, dass sie schwanger


Our team is going to win the match.● (Le score est quatre à zéro et il ne reste que cinq minutes de jeu.)� (Siamo quattro a zero e mancano solo cinque minuti alla fine della

partita.)� (Es steht vier zu null, und das Spiel ist in fünf Minuten zu Ende.)

It isn’t going to rain today. ● (Regardez ce ciel merveilleusement bleu.)

� (È sereno. Guarda che cielo azzurro!)� (Schau dir den schönen blauen

Himmel an.)

● A remarquer: Quelquefois, il n’y a aucune différence, au niveau dusens, entre will et going to.

� Nota: Talvolta non c’è differenza di significato tra will e going to.� Anmerkung: Manchmal besteht kein Bedeutungsunterschied

zwischen will und going to.

This government will ruin the country with its stupidis going to ruin economic policies.

● Arrangements (Present Continuous, présent progressif)� Appuntamenti e cose organizzate (Present Continuous)� Vereinbarungen (Present Continuous)

● On peut employer le présent progressif pour exprimer unarrangement dans le futur (généralement le futur proche).


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� Il Present Continuous si usa per parlare di appuntamenti e di cose giàorganizzate. Di solito si riferisce ad un futuro prossimo o immediato.

� Das Present Continuous kann verwendet werden, um eineVereinbarung für die Zukunft auszudrücken. Es bezieht sichnormalerweise auf die nahe Zukunft.

We’re going out with Jeremy tonight.I’m having my hair cut tomorrow.What are we having for lunch?

● Pensez aux choses que vous inscrivez dans votre agenda pour ne pasoublier ce que vous faites au cours des prochains jours et semaines.C’est ce genre d’événements qui est souvent exprimé par le présentprogressif (avec une signification future). Les verbes traduisent uneactivité ou un mouvement.

� Pensa alle cose che scrivi nell’agenda per ricordarti di quello che devifare nei prossimi giorni o nelle prossime settimane. Sono queste lecose da esprimere con il Present Continuous con valore di futuro. Disolito si tratta di verbi di moto o di azione.

� Überlegen Sie, welche Dinge man oft in den Terminkalender einträgt,damit man nicht vergisst, was man in den nächsten Tagen undWochen vorhat. Dies sind die Dinge, die oft durch das PresentContinuous als Zukunftsform ausgedrückt werden. Die Verbenbeinhalten eine Tätigkeit oder Bewegung.

I’m meeting Peter tonight.The Taylors are coming for dinner.I’m seeing the doctor in the morning.

● N’oubliez pas que vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le présent ordinairepour exprimer ce sens.

� Ricordati che non si può usare il presente in questo caso.� Denken Sie daran, dass Sie (anders als im Deutschen) hier nicht die

Gegenwart benutzen dürfen.

We’re going to a party on Saturday night.NOT We go to a party on Saturday night.We’re catching the 10 o’clock train.NOT We catch the 10 o’clock train.What are you doing this evening?NOT What do you do this evening?

● Quelquefois, il n’y a aucune différence entre un arrangementconfirmé (Present Continuous) et une intention (going to).

� Talvolta non si fa differenza tra una cosa decisa e organizzata (PresentContinuous) e un’intenzione (going to).

� Manchmal besteht kein Unterschied zwischen einer vereinbartenAbmachung (Present Continuous) und einer Absicht (going to).

We’re going to getmarried in the spring.

We’re getting

Unit 6Introduction to like● Présentation de like� Introduzione a like� Einführung: like● Like peut être verbe ou préposition.

Lorsque like est un verbe, il peut être suivi d’un autre verbe en -ingou à l’infinitif. Ceci change quelquefois le sens. Comparez:

� Like può essere un verbo o una preposizione.Quando like è un verbo, può essere seguito dalla forma in -ing o dato, talvolta con un cambiamento di significato. Confronta:

� Like kann ein Verb oder eine Präposition sein.Nach dem Verb like kann die ing- Form oder to stehen, manchmalmit unterschiedlicher Bedeutung. Vergleiche:

I like going out at the weekend. ● (activité de loisir général)� (un piacere in generale)� (etwas, das man allgemein gern tut)

I like to sit in a hot bath and read. ● (habitude ou préférence)� (un’abitudine o una preferenza)� (Gewohnheit, Vorliebe)

● Like en tant que verbe est précédé d’un sujet (une personne):� Il verbo like ha come soggetto la persona*:� Das Verb like hat eine Person als Subjekt:

I like modern art.I don’t like the way he looks at me.Do you like fish?Would you like a drink?

* � In italiano ‘piacere’ ha come soggetto la cosa:Mi piace l’arte moderna. Mi piacciono i quadri di Picasso.

● Like en tant que préposition est suivi d’un complément d’object:� La preposizione like è sempre seguita da un complemento oggetto:� Die Präposition like steht vor einem Objekt:

She’s wearing a hat like mine.He’s nothing like his father.That sounds like the postman.You’re behaving like children.

6.1 What ... like?● What is/are/was/were … like? s’emploie lorsqu’on veut se renseigner

sur le caractère permanent de certaines personnes ou choses.L’expression invite en retour une description, une impression ou unecomparaison.

� What is/are/was/were … like? si usano per fare domande sulla naturadelle cose o delle persone, cioè per chiedere una descrizione oun’impressione o un paragone.

� Mit What is/are/was/were … like? fragt man danach, wie Menschenund Dinge auf Dauer beschaffen sind. Mit dieser Frage bittet manum eine Beschreibung, einen Eindruck oder einen Vergleich.

What’s the health service like in your country?What are the new students like?

1● Dans le cas d’une description ou d’une impression, on n’utilise pas

like dans la réponse.� Con una descrizione o un’impressione, non si usa like nella risposta.� Wenn man als Antwort eine Beschreibung oder einen Eindruck gibt,

darf man like in der Antwort nicht verwenden.

What’s London like? It’s quite big, and it’s very interesting.NOT It’s like quite big …

What’s Amanda like? She’s tall, attractive, and very funny.NOT She’s like tall …

2● En ce qui concerne les comparaisons, on peut employer like dans la

réponse. Ici, like signifie en effet similar to / the same as (semblable à /pareil que).

� Con un paragone, si usa like nella risposta. Qui like significa ‘similea/uguale a’.

� Wenn man als Antwort einen Vergleich gibt, kann man like in derAntwort verwenden. Hier bedeutet like ähnlich wie / genauso wie.

What’s London like? It’s like New York, but without the tall buildings.(= C’est comme …)(= È simile a …)(= Es ist ähnlich wie …)

What’s Amanda’s daughter like? She’s just like Amanda.(= Elle est exactement comme …)(= È proprio come …)(= Sie ist genauso wie …)

● Se reporter à la p. 39 du livre d’exercices pour plus de renseignementssur like et as.

� Vedi Workbook pag. 39 per l’uso di like e as.� Siehe Workbook S. 39 für like und as.


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6.2 How ...?1● How … ? s’emploie pour poser des questions sur la condition actuelle

d’une situation qui change souvent, par ex. le temps, la circulation,etc.

� How … ? si usa per fare domande sullo stato attuale di situazioni checambiano spesso, per es. il tempo, il traffico, ecc.

� Mit How … ? fragt man nach dem momentanen Zustand von oftwechselnden Situationen (z.B. Wetter, Verkehr usw.).

How’s work these days? It’s better than last year.How was the traffic this morning? It was worse than usual.

● Pour se renseigner sur les conditions météorologiques, on peuttoutefois employer les deux types de questions.

� Per chiedere com’è il tempo, si possono usare due tipi di domanda.� Um nach dem Wetter zu fragen, kann man beide Formen verwenden:

How’s the weatherwhere you are?

What’s the weather like

2● On emploie how … ? également pour s’enquérir de la santé et du

bonheur de quelqu’un. Dans ce cas, il ne s’agit pas d’une description.Comparez:

� How …? si usa anche per fare domande sulla salute e sulla felicità diuna persona. Ma non si può usare per chiederne la descrizione.Confronta:

� Mit How … ? fragt man auch nach der Gesundheit und demWohlergehen anderer Menschen. In diesem Fall bittet man nicht umBeschreibung. Vergleiche:

How’s Peter? He’s fine.What’s Peter like? He’s a nice guy. He’s quite tall, has dark hair …

3● On emploie aussi How … ? pour se renseigner sur les réactions et

sentiments de quelqu’un.� How … ? si usa anche per chiedere ad una persona le sue reazioni o i

suoi sentimenti.� Mit How … ? fragt man auch nach den Reaktionen und Gefühlen

anderer Menschen.

How’s your meal?How’s your new job?

6.3 How ... ? or What ... like?● On peut quelquefois utiliser What … like? ou How …?, mais ils ne

sont pas identiques. What … like? sollicite une description objective.How …? par contre invite une appréciation personnelle. Comparez:

� In certe situazioni si può chiedere What …like? oppure How …?, manon hanno lo stesso significato. Con What …like? si chiede unadescrizione oggettiva. Con How …? si chiede qual è la reazionepersonale. Confronta:

� Manchmal kann man What …like? oder How …? sagen, aber sie sindnicht austauschbar. Mit What …like? bittet man um eine objektivenBeschreibung. Mit How …? fragt man nach persönlichen Gefühlen.Vergleiche:

How’s the party? It’s great! What’s the party like? It’s very noisy, but there’s lots to eat and drink.

6.4 Verb + -ing or infinitive● Se reporter à la p. 60 pour plus de renseignements sur les

constructions des verbes.� Vedi costruzioni verbali pag.60.� Für Verbmuster siehe S. 60.

6.5 Relative clauses● Propositions relatives� Frasi relative� Relativsätze1● On emploie les propositions relatives pour préciser de qui ou de quoi

on parle. Elles permettent d’apporter plus de renseignements sur lapersonne ou la chose dont on parle.

� Le frasi relative si usano per identificare di quale cosa o persona siparla e per fornire altre informazioni su di esse.

� Relativsätze werden verwendet, um zu sagen, von welcher Personoder Sache man spricht. Sie ermöglichen es, mehr Informationenüber die Person oder Sache zu geben, von der die Rede ist.

The boy has gone to the beach. ● (Quel garçon?)� (Quale ragazzo?)� (Welcher Junge?)

The boy who lives next door has gone to the beach.

The book is very good. ● (Quel livre?)� (Quale libro?)� (Welches Buch?)

The book that I bought yesterday is very good.

This is a photo of the hotel. ● (Quel hôtel?)� (Quale hotel?)� (Welches Hotel?)

This is a photo of the hotel where we stayed.

2● On utilise who lorsqu’on parle de personnes (on peut aussi utiliser

that).� Si usa who per riferirsi a persone (e si può anche usare that).� Man verwendet who für Personen (und man kann auch that sagen).

The book is about a girl who marries a millionaire.

● On utilise that lorsqu’on parle de choses (on peut aussi utiliserwhich).

� Si usa that per riferirsi a cose (e si può anche usare which).� Man verwendet that für Sachen (und man kann auch which sagen).

What was the name of the horse that won the race?

3● On peut omettre who ou that lorsqu’il s’agit du complément d’objet

d’une proposition relative,� Quando who o that sono l’oggetto della frase relativa, si possono

omettere.� Wenn who oder that das Objekt des Relativsatzes ist, kann es

weggelassen werden.

The person you need to talk to is on holiday.The book I bought yesterday is very good.

● mais pas lorsqu’il s’agit du sujet d’une proposition relative.� Ma quando who o that sono il soggetto della frase relativa, è

obbligatorio usarli.� Aber wenn who oder that das Subjekt des Relativsatzes ist, darf es

nicht weggelassen werden.

I like people who are kind and considerate.I want a computer that is easy to use.

4● On peut employer which pour faire allusion à la totalité de la

proposition ou idée précédente.� Which può anche essere usato per riferirsi a un’intera frase o idea

precedente.� Which kann man verwenden, wenn man sich auf den ganzen

vorhergehenden Satz oder Gedanken beziehen will.

I passed my driving test on my first attempt, which surprised everyone.Jane can’t come to the party, which is a shame.


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5● On emploie whose lorsqu’il s’agit de possessions.� Si usa whose per riferirsi a ciò che possiede una persona.� Man verwendet whose, wenn man davon spricht, was jemand besitzt.

That’s the woman whose dog ran away.That’s the man whose wife won the lottery.

6● On peut utiliser where lorsqu’il s’agit d’endroits particuliers.� Si usa where per riferirsi a un luogo.� Man kann where für Orte verwenden.

The hotel where we stayed was right on the beach.We went back to the place where we first met.

6.6 Participles● Les participes (présent ou passé), après un nom, définient et

identifient de la même façon que les propositions relatives.� I participi presenti e passati usati dopo un nome servono a

identificare il nome esattamente come una frase relativa.� Ein Partizip nach einem Nomen definiert und identifiziert es genau

wie ein Relativsatz.

That woman driving the ● (= la femme qui conduit)red Porsche is my aunt. � (= la donna che guida)

� (= die Frau, die fährt)

The men seen outside were ● (= les hommes qui ont étés vus)probably the thieves. � (= gli uomini che sono stati visti)

� (= die Männer, die gesehen wurden)

Unit 7Introduction to the Present Perfect● Initiation au Passé composé� Introduzione al Present Perfect� Einführung in das Present Perfect● La même forme (have + participe passé) existe dans plusieurs langues

européennes, mais son utilisation est différente en anglais. En anglais,le passé composé est fondamentalement un présent, mais il exprimeégalement l’effet d’anciennes actions et activités sur le présent.

� La costruzione have + participio passato è comune a molte lingueeuropee, ma in inglese viene usata in modo diverso. In inglese ilPresent Perfect è essenzialmente un tempo presente che esprime glieffetti di azioni e attività passate sul presente.

� Ähnliche Formen (have + Partizip Perfekt) gibt es in vieleneuropäischen Sprachen, aber die Verwendung im Englischen istanders. Im Englischen ist das Present Perfect im Grunde eineGegenwartsform, die aber zusätzlich die Auswirkung vonHandlungen und Vorgängen in der Vergangenheit auf die Gegenwartzum Ausdruck bringt.

● Le Present Perfect signifie ‘avant maintenant’. Le Present Perfectn’exprime donc pas une action au moment où elle a lieu. Si, en effeton mentionne un moment précis, on doit alors utiliser le Past Simple(prétérit).

� Il Present Perfect significa ‘prima d’ora’. Il Present Perfect non dicequando un’azione è stata compiuta. Se il momento esatto èmenzionato, si deve usare il Past Simple.

� Present Perfect bedeutet ‘vor jetzt’. Das Present Perfect sagt nichtsdarüber aus, wann eine Handlung stattfand. Wenn man die genaueZeit angibt, muss man das Past Simple verwenden.

In my life, I have travelled to all seven continents.I travelled around Africa in 1998.

7.1 The Present PerfectFormPositive and negative

IWe ’veYou haven’tThey lived in Rome.

He ’sShe hasn’t


IHow long have we

you known Peter?

How long hasshehe

Short answer

Have you always lived in Budapest?Yes, I have.No, I haven’t.

Use● Le Present Perfect (passé composé) exprime:� Il Present Perfect esprime:� Das Present Perfect drückt Folgendes aus:

1● une action qui, commencée dans le passé, continue toujours (passé

inachevé).� un’azione cominciata in passato che continua ancora (passato non

concluso).� eine Handlung, die in der Vergangenheit anfing und bis in die

Gegenwart andauert (unvollendete Vergangenheit).

We’ve lived in the same house for 25 years.Peter’s worked as a teacher since 2000.How long have you known each other?They’ve been married for 20 years.

● A remarquer: Plusieures langues expriment cette idée avec le présent,mais en anglais ceci serait inexact.

� Nota: In molte lingue, compreso l’italiano, quest’idea si esprime conil presente, ma in inglese sarebbe un errore usarlo.

� Anmerkung : Vorsicht: In vielen Sprachen, auch im Deutschen, wirddieses Konzept mit einer Gegenwartsform ausgedrückt, aber imEnglischen ist das falsch.

Peter has been a teacher for ten years.NOT Peter is a teacher for ten years.

● On trouve souvent les expressions de temps suivantes dans cet emploidu passé composé:

� Ecco alcune espressioni di tempo che si usano comunemente inquesto caso.

� Folgende Zeitangaben kommen bei dieser Verwendung häufig vor:

two years 1970a month the end of the class

for a few minutes since Augusthalf an hour 8 o’clockages Christmas

● On utilise for pour décrire une certaine période de temps et sincelorsqu’il s’agit d’un point précis dans le temps.

� Si usa for con un periodo di tempo e since per il momento iniziale.� Man verwendet for für einen Zeitraum und since für einen Zeitpunkt.


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2● une expérience que quelqu’un aurait faite à un moment donné de sa

vie. Bien que l’action se situe dans le passé et qu’elle soit terminée, leseffets se font toujours sentir. Le moment de l’action n’est pas uncritère important.

� un’esperienza che è successa ad un certo punto nella vita di unapersona. L’azione appartiene al passato ed è conclusa, ma gli effettisono ancora evidenti. Quando sia successa l’azione non è importante.

� ein Erlebnis, das man irgendwann seinem Leben hatte. Die Handlungfand in der Vergangenheit statt und ist abgeschlossen, aber dieAuswirkungen dieser Handlung sind noch von Bedeutung. Wann dieHandlung stattfand, ist nicht wichtig.

I’ve been to the United States. ● (Je m’en souviens toujours.)� (Lo ricordo ancora.)� (Ich erinnere mich noch daran.)

She’s written poetry and ● (au cours de sa carrière d’écrivain)children’s stories. � (durante la sua carriera di scrittrice)

� (in ihrer Schriftstellerlaufbahn)

Have you ever had an ● (à un moment donné de votre vie operation? avant le présent, jusqu’à l’heure actuelle)

� (prima d’ora, nel corso della tua vita)� (irgendwann in Ihrem Leben bis zum

jetzigen Zeitpunkt)

How many times has he been married? ● (dans sa vie)� (in vita sua)� (in seinem Leben)

● On trouve souvent les adverbes ever, never et before dans cet emploidu passé composé:

� In questo caso si usano spesso gli avverbi ever, never e before.� Die Adverbien ever, never und before kommen bei dieser Verwendung

häufig vor.

Have you ever been to Australia?I’ve never tried bungee jumping.I haven’t tried sushi before.

● Les questions et réponses concernant des moments définiss’expriment au prétérit.

� Le domande e le risposte relative a un momento specifico siesprimono con il Past Simple.

� Fragen und Antworten mit genauen Zeitangaben stehen im PastSimple.

When did you go to the United States?Was her poetry published while she was alive?I broke my leg once, but I didn’t have to stay in the hospital.He met his second wife in the dry cleaner’s.

3● une action passée, qui a un résultat dans le présent. L’action se situe

généralement dans le passé récent.� un’azione del passato che ha risultati o conseguenze nel presente. Di

solito si tratta di un’azione compiuta recentemente.� ein Geschehen in der Vergangenheit, das sich auf die Gegenwart

auswirkt. Oft liegt es nur eine kurze Zeit zurück.

The taxi hasn’t arrived yet. ● (Nous l’attendons toujours.)� (Lo stiamo ancora aspettando.)� (Wir warten immer noch darauf.)

What have you done to your lip? ● (Elle saigne.)� (Sta sanguinando.)� (Sie blutet.)

● On annonce souvent les nouvelles au Present Perfect car leprésentateur ou énonciateur met l’accent sur le fait qu’il s’agit d’unévénement actuel.

� Spesso le notizie vengono comunicate al Present Perfect per metterein risalto che si tratta di un avvenimento attuale.

� Neuigkeiten werden oft im Present Perfect angekündigt, weil derSprecher betonen will, das das Ereignis eine Tatsache in derGegenwart ist.

Have you heard? The Prime Minister has resigned.Susan’s had her baby!I’ve ruined the meal.

● Les détails portant sur un moment précis seront néanmoins donnésau Past Simple (prétérit).

� I dettagli dell’avvenimento vengono dati al Past Simple.� Einzelheiten über den genauen Zeitpunkt stehen aber im Past Simple.

She resigned because she lost a vote of no confidence.She had a baby boy this morning. It was a difficult birth.I didn’t watch it carefully enough.

● Les adverbes yet, already et just sont courants dans cet emploi dupassé composé.

� In questo uso del Present Perfect si trovano spesso gli avverbi yet,already e just.

� Die Adverbien yet, already und just kommen bei dieser Verwendunghäufig vor.

I haven’t done my homework yet. (Negative)Has the postman been yet? (Question)I’ve already done my homework.She’s just had some good news.

● Attention à been et gone.� Attenzione all’uso di been e gone.� Vorsicht bei been und gone.

He’s been to the United States. ● (expérience – il n’y est plus maintenant)

� (un’esperienza nella sua vita – ora non è là)

� (früheres Erlebnis – er ist jetzt nicht dort)

She’s gone to the United States. ● (résultat dans le présent – elle y estmaintenant)

� (risultato nel presente – è là in questo momento)

� (Resultat in der Gegenwart – sie ist jetzt dort)

● Se reporter à la p. 45 du livre d’exercices pour des exercicessupplémentaires sur been et gone

� Vedi Workbook pag. 45 per ulteriori esercizi su been e gone.� Siehe Workbook S. 45 für weitere Übungen zu been und gone.

7.2 Present Perfect or Past Simple?1● Le Present Perfect fait référence à des actions inachevées, tandis que le

Past Simple exprime des actions terminées. Comparez:� Il Present Perfect si usa per azioni che non sono finite, il Past Simple

per azioni concluse nel passato. Confronta:� Das Present Perfect wird für nicht abgeschlossene Handlungen

verwendet. Das Past Simple wird für abgeschlossene Handlungenverwendet. Vergleiche:

Present Perfect Past SimpleI’ve lived in Texas for six years. I lived in Texas for six years.

● (J’y vis toujours.) (Je vis ailleurs maintenant.)� (Abito ancora lì.) (Ora abito da un’altra parte.)� (Ich wohne immer noch dort.) (Jetzt wohne ich woanders.)

I’ve written several books. Shakespeare wrote 30 plays.● (Je peux toujours en écrire d’autres.) (Il ne peut plus en écrire.)� (Posso scriverne altri.) (Non può più scriverne.)� (Ich kann noch mehr schreiben.) (Er kann nicht noch mehr


2● Il est clair, si l’on étudie les expressions de temps employées par les

deux temps que le Present Perfect (passé composé) décrit un momentindéfini dans le temps tandis que le Past Simple (prétérit) décrit unmoment précis dans le temps.


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� Si può notare che il Present Perfect si riferisce a un momento nonspecifico del passato e il Past Simple a un momento specificoosservando le espressioni di tempo usate nei due casi.

� Man kann sehen, dass das Present Perfect sich auf eine unbestimmteZeit und das Past Simple sich auf eine bestimmte Zeit bezieht, wennman die Zeitangaben betrachtet, die mit diesen beiden Zeitenverwendet werden.

● Passé composé – indéfini Prétérit – défini� Present Perfect – non specifico Past Simple – specifico� Present Perfect – unbestimmt Past Simple – bestimmt

for a long time. yesterday.since July. last week.

I’ve done itbefore.

I did ittwo days ago.

recently. in 1987.I’ve already done it. at 8 o’clock.I haven’t done it yet. when I was young.

for a long time.

● Attention à this morning/afternoon, etc.� Attenzione alle espressioni this morning/afternoon, ecc.� Vorsicht bei this morning/afternoon usw.

Have you seen Amy this morning? ● (C’est toujours le matin.)� (È ancora mattino.)� (Es ist immer noch Vormittag.)

Did you see Amy this morning? ● (C’est l’après midi ou dans la soirée.)

� (È pomeriggio o sera.)� (Es ist Nachmittag oder


7.3 Present Perfect Simple passive● Le passé composé à la voix passive� Il Present Perfect passivo� Present Perfect Simple im PassivForm

has/have been + past participle● has/have been + participe passé� has/have been + participio passato� has/have been + Partizip Perfekt

It has beensold.

They have been

Use● Les emplois du passé composé sont les même à la voix passive qu’à la

voix active.� Gli usi di questo tempo verbale sono identici nell’attivo e nel passivo.� Die Verwendung ist im Passiv genau wie im Aktiv.

Two million cars have been ● (passé inachevé)produced so far this year. � (passato non ancora concluso)

� (unvollendete Vergangenheit)

Has she ever been made ● (expérience passée)redundant? � (un’esperienza nella vita)

� (früheres Erlebnis)

‘Have you heard? Two hundred ● (importance dans le présent)homes have been washed away � (importanza attuale)by a tidal wave!’ � (Resultat in der Gegenwart)

7.4 Phrasal verbs● Verbes à particule� Verbi frasali� Phrasal Verbs – feste Verbindungen von Verben und Partikeln

● Il existe quatre types de verbes à particule. Types 1, 2, et 3 ont un senssoit littéral, soit idiomatique. Le 4ème type est presque toujoursidiomatique.

� Ci sono quattro categorie di phrasal verbs. I verbi delle categorie 1, 2,e 3 possono avere un significato letterale o idiomatico. Quelli dellacategoria 4 sono quasi sempre idiomatici.

� Es gibt vier Arten von phrasal verbs. Typ 1, 2 und 3 kann einewörtliche und eine übertragene (idiomatische) Bedeutung haben.Typ 4 hat fast immer eine übertragene Bedeutung.

Type 1● Verbe + particule (pas d’objet)� Verbo + particella (senza complemento)� Verb + Partikel (ohne Objekt)

a He put on his coat and went out.b I didn’t put enough wood on the fire and it went out.

● Dans a, le verbe et la particule sont employés littéralement. Dans b,ils ont un sens idiomatique. Go out signifie ‘s’arrêter de brûler’.

� In a, il verbo e la particella sono usati in senso letterale. In b, sonousati in senso idiomatico. Go out qui significa ‘spegnersi’.

� In Beispiel a wird das Verb mit Partikel wörtlich verwendet. InBeispiel b wird es idiomatisch verwendet: Go out bedeutet ‘aufhörenzu brennen’.

● Exemples ayant un sens littéral:� Esempi con significato letterale:� Beispiele mit wörtlicher Bedeutung:

Sit down.She stood up and walked out.Please go away.She walked right past the store without noticing it.

● Exemples ayant un sens idiomatique:� Esempi con significato idiomatico:� Beispiele mit idiomatischer Bedeutung:

The marriage didn’t work out. ● (= réussir)� (= riuscire)� (= Erfolg haben)

Our plans fell through. ● (= échouer)� (= fallire)� (= scheitern)

Type 2● Verb + particule + complément d’objet (séparable)� Verbo + particella + complemento (separabile)� Verb + Partikel + Objekt (trennbar)

a I put up the picture.b I put up my sister for the night.

● Dans a, le verbe et la particule sont employés litéralement. Dans b, ilssont employés idiomatiquement. Put up signifie accueillir quelqu’un(le nourrir et le loger), généralement pour la nuit ou pour quelquesjours.Les verbes à particule du Type 2 sont séparables. Le complémentd’objet (nom ou pronom) peut être intercalé entre le verbe et laparticule.

� In a, il verbo e la particella sono usati in senso letterale. In b, sonousati in senso idiomatico. Put up qui significa ‘dare ospitalità aqualcuno’ (di solito per qualche giorno).I verbi della categoria 2 sono separabili. Il complemento (nome opronome) può essere messo tra il verbo e la particella.

� In Beispiel a wird das Verb mit Partikel wörtlich verwendet. InBeispiel b wird es idiomatisch verwendet: Put up bedeutet hier, dassman jemandem Essen und ein Bett gibt, normalerweise für eineNacht oder ein paar Tage.Phrasal verbs vom Typ 2 sind trennbar. Das Objekt (Nomen oderPronomen) kann zwischen dem Verb und der Partikel stehen.

I put up the picture. I put up my sister.I put the picture up. I put my sister up.


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● Si le complément d’objet est un pronom, il se situe toujours entre leverbe et la particule.

� Se il complemento è un pronome personale, è obbligatorio metterlotra il verbo e la particella.

� Wenn das Objekt ein Pronomen ist, steht es immer zwischen demVerb und der Partikel.

I put it up. NOT I put up it.I put her up. NOT I put up her.

● Exemples ayant un sens littéral:� Esempi con significato letterale:� Beispiele mit wörtlicher Bedeutung:

The waiter took away the plates.Don’t throw it away.They’re pulling that old building down.

● Exemples ayant un sens idiomatique:� Esempi con significato idiomatico:� Beispiele mit idiomatischer Bedeutung:

I put off the meeting. ● (= reporter à plus tard)� (= posticipare)� (= verschieben)

Don’t let me down. ● (= décevoir)� (= deludere)� (= enttäuschen)

Type 3● Verbe + particule + complément d’objet (inséparable)� Verbo + particella + complemento (non separabile)� Verb + Partikel + Objekt (nicht trennbar)

a She came across the room.b She came across an old friend while she was out shopping.

● Dans a, le verbe et la particule sont utilisés littéralement. Dans b, ilssont employés idiomatiquement. Come across signifie trouver paraccident.L’ordre des mots dans les verbes à particule du Type 3 n’est pasinterchangeable. Le complément d’objet (nom ou pronom) suittoujours la particule.

� In a, il verbo e la particella sono usati in senso letterale. In b, sonousati in senso idiomatico. Come across qui significa ‘trovare per caso’.I verbi della categoria 2 non sono separabili. Il complemento (nomeo pronome) deve essere messo dopo la particella.

� In Beispiel a wird das Verb mit Partikel wörtlich verwendet. InBeispiel b wird es idiomatisch verwendet: Come across bedeutet‘zufällig finden’.Phrasal verbs vom Typ 3 sind nicht trennbar. Das Objekt (Nomenoder Pronomen) steht immer nach der Partikel.

NOT She came an old friend across. or She came her across.

● Exemples ayant un sens littéral:� Esempi con significato letterale:� Beispiele mit wörtlicher Bedeutung:

I’m looking for Jane.They ran across the park.We drove past them.

● Exemples ayant un sens idiomatique:� Esempi con significato idiomatico:� Beispiele mit idiomatischer Bedeutung:

I’ll look after it for you. ● (= en prendre soin)� (= prendersi cura di)� (= aufpassen)

She takes after her father. ● (= ressembler à qn. en termes de gabarit, caractère, ou disposition)

� (= assomigliare in termini di aspetto,corporatura, caratere, o temperamento)

� (= im Aussehen, Körperbau, Charakter oder Wesen ähnlich sein)

He never got over the death of his wife. ● (= se remettre de qch.)� (= superare)� (= sich erholen von)

Type 4● Verbe + particule + particule� Verbo + particella + particella� Verb + Partikel + Partikel

I get along very well with my boss.I’m looking forward to it.How can you put up with that noise?

● Les verbes à particule du Type 4 sont quasiment toujoursidiomatiques. Le complément d’objet ne peut pas changer deposition. On ne peut ni le faire précéder les particules, ni le placerentre ces dernières.

� I verbi della categoria 4 sono quasi sempre idiomatici. Ilcomplemento non può cambiare di posizione. Non può essere messoné prima delle particelle né in mezzo alle due particelle.

� Phrasal verbs vom Typ 4 sind fast immer idiomatisch. Das Objektkann nicht umgestellt werden. Es kann nicht vor oder zwischen denPartikeln stehen.

NOT I’m looking forward it to.

Unit 8Introduction to conditionals● Initiation aux différentes formes du conditionnel� Introduzione al periodo ipotetico� Einführung in den Konditional● La construction de phrases ou de propositions commençant par if

(si) s’effectue de différentes façons et dépend de ce que l’on essaied’exprimer: une potentialité ou une hypothèse impossible / irréelle. Ilest donc impératif d’établir tout d’abord de quelle option il s’agit.

� Ci sono vari modi di formare delle frasi con if. È importante capire ladifferenza tra le frasi che esprimono possibilità reali e quelle cheesprimono situazioni non reali o poco probabili.

� Es gibt viele verschiedene Arten, Sätze mit if zu bilden. Dabei ist eswichtig, dass man den Unterschied zwischen Sätzen mit echtenMöglichkeiten und Sätzen mit unwahrscheinlichen Situationenversteht.

Real possibilities● Potentielle (hypothèses dont la réalisation est possible)� Possibilità reali� Echte Möglichkeiten

If it rains, we’ll stay home.(if + Present Simple + will)

If you’ve finished your work, you can go home.(if + Present Perfect + modal auxiliary verb)

If you’re feeling ill, go home and get into bed.(if + Present Continuous + imperative)

Unreal situations● Situations / faits irréels� Situazioni non reali� Unwahrscheinliche Situationen

You would understand me better if you came from my country.(would + if + Past Simple)

If I were rich, I wouldn’t have any problems.(if + were + would)

If I stopped smoking, I could run faster.(if + Past Simple + modal auxiliary verb)

● Pour comprendre les différentes variations, vous devrez enreconnaître les modèles. Remarquez qu’on emploie généralement unevirgule après la proposition conditionnelle (commençant par if (si)),lorsque celle-ci se situe en début de phrase.


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� Per capire queste variazioni è necessario imparare come sicostruiscono. Nota che ci sono sempre due frasi: la frase con if (lacondizione) e la frase principale (il risultato). Se la frase con ifprecede, viene separata con una virgola dalla frase principale.

� Es gibt verschiedene Muster, die man kennen muss, um dieUnterschiede zu verstehen. Beachten Sie, dass ein Komma gesetztwird, wenn der if-Satz am Anfang steht.

8.1 First conditional● Conditionnel du premier type� Periodo ipotetico di primo tipo� Der Konditional IFormif + Present Simple + will


If I find your wallet, I’ll let you know.We’ll come and see you on Sunday if the weather’s good.


You won’t pass the test if you don’t study.If you lose your ticket, you won’t be able to go.


What will you do if you don’t find a job?If there isn’t a hotel, where will you stay?

● A remarquer: on n’utilise généralement pas will dans la propositionsubordonnée conditionnelle.

� Nota che di solito non si usa will nella frase con if, mentre in italianoil futuro è possibile.

� Beachten Sie, dass man will im if-Satz normalerweise nichtverwendet.

NOT If you will leave now, you’ll catch the train.If I’ll go out tonight, I’ll give you a call.

● If peut être remplacé par unless (= if … not) ou in case (= because ofthe possibility …).

� If può essere sostituito da unless (a meno che non) o da in case (nelcaso che).

� If kann durch unless (= if … not) oder in case (= für den Fall, dass…)ersetzt werden.

Unless I hear from you, I’ll come at 8.00.I’ll take my umbrella in case it rains.

Use1● Les subordonnées au First conditional (conditionnel du premier type)

expriment une hypothèse réalisable et son résultat probable àl’avenir.

� Il periodo ipotetico di primo tipo esprime una condizione possibile eil suo probabile risultato nel futuro.

� Sätze im Konditional I drücken um eine mögliche Bedingung undderen wahrscheinliche Folge in der Zukunft aus.

● Condition (proposition Résultat (proposition principale,subordonnée conditionnelle) résultante)

� Condizione (frase con if) Risultato (frase principale)� Bedingung (if-Satz) Folge (Folgesatz)

If I find a jumper in your size, I’ll buy it for you.If you can’t do the homework, give me a call.If you can find my purse, I might buy you an ice-cream.If you’ve never been to Wales, you should try to go there one day.

2● On peut employer le conditionnel du premier type pour

communiquer différentes fonctions (qui expriment toutes unehypothèse réalisable et un résultat probable).

� Il periodo ipotetico di primo tipo può essere usato per diversefunzioni: tutte esprimono una condizione possibile e il suo probabilerisultato nel futuro.

� Man kann den Konditional I mit unterschiedlichen Funktionenverwenden (die alle eine mögliche Bedingung und einewahrscheinliche Folge ausdrücken).

If you do that again, I’ll kill you! ● (une menace)� (minaccia)� (Drohung)

Careful! If you touch that, you’ll burn yourself! ● (un avertissement)� (avvertimento)� (Warnung)

I’ll post the letter if you like. ● (une proposition)� (offerta di aiuto)� (Angebot)

If you lend me £100, I’ll love you for ever. ● (une promesse)� (promessa)� (Versprechen)

8.2 Time clauses● Propositions subordonnées de temps� Frasi temporali� Temporale Nebensätze● Will ne suit généralement pas les conjonctions de temps (when, as

soon as, before, until, after). On utilise à la place le présent bien quel’on se réfère à un moment dans l’avenir.

� Le congiunzioni temporali (when, as soon as, before, until, after) disolito non sono seguite da will. Si usa il presente anche se si fariferimento a un momento del futuro, mentre in italiano è possibileusare il futuro.

� Nach temporalen Konjunktionen (when, as soon as, before, until,after) steht normalerweise nicht will. Man verwendet eineGegenwartsform, obwohl man von einer Zeit in der Zukunft spricht.

I’ll call you when I get home.As soon as dinner is ready, I’ll give you a call.Can I have a word with you before I go?Wait until I come back.

● On peut employer le Present Perfect (passé composé) dans lasubordonnée de temps, s’il est important de montrer que l’action àlaquelle on fait référence est terminée.

� Si può usare il Present Perfect se è importante indicare che l’azionenella frase temporale è finita.

� Man kann das Present Perfect verwenden, wenn es wichtig ist zuzeigen, dass die Handlung im temporalen Nebensatz beendet ist.

When I’ve read the book, I’ll lend it to you.I’ll go home after I’ve done the shopping.

8.3 Zero conditional● Conditionnel « zéro »� Periodo ipotetico generale� Der Konditional 0● Les subordonnées conditionnelles dites « Zéro » s’appliquent à

n’importe quel moment et non pas simplement au présent ou aufutur. Elles expriment une situation qui est toujours vraie. If dans cecas signifie when ou whenever.

� Il periodo ipotetico generale si riferisce a ‘qualsiasi momento,’ nonsolo al presente o al futuro. Esprime una situazione che è semprevera. In questo caso if significa ‘quando’ o ‘tutte le volte che’.

� Sätze im Konditional 0 beziehen sich auf ‘die ganze Zeit’, nicht nurdie Gegenwart oder die Zukunft. Sie beschreiben eine Situation, dieimmer zutrifft. If bedeutet hier when oder whenever.

If you spend over £50 at that supermarket, you get a five per centdiscount.


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8.4 Second conditional● Conditionnel du second type� Periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo� Der Konditional IIFormif + Past Simple + would


If I won some money, I’d go around the world.My father would kill me if he could see me now.


I’d give up my job if I didn’t like it.If I saw a ghost, I wouldn’t talk to it.


What would you do if you saw someone shoplifting?If you needed help, who would you ask?

● A remarquer: On peut substituer were à la place de was dans lasubordonnée conditionnelle.

� Nota che was può essere sostituito da were nella frase con if.� Beachten Sie, dass was im Bedingungssatz zu were werden kann.

If Iwere rich,

Iwouldn’t have to work.

If he he

Use1● On emploie le conditionnel du second type pour exprimer une

situation irréelle et son résultat tout aussi peu probable. La situationou condition est improbable, impossible, imaginaire, ou contraire àdes faits certains.

� Il periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo esprime una situazione non realee il suo probabile risultato. La situazione o condizione è pocoprobabile, impossibile, immaginaria o contraria a ciò che si sa.

� Der Konditional II wird benutzt, um eine unwahrscheinlicheSituation und deren wahrscheinliche Folge zu beschreiben. DieSituation oder Bedingung ist unwahrscheinlich, unmöglich,vorgestellt, oder sie entspricht nicht den uns bekannten Tatsachen.

If I were the president of my ● (Mais il est fort peu probable country, I’d increase taxes. que je sois jamais président.)

� (Ma non è molto probabile che io diventi presidente.)

� (Aber es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass ich je Präsident werde.)

If my mother was still alive, ● (Mais elle est morte.)she’d be very proud. � (Ma è morta.)

� (Aber sie ist tot.)

If Ted needed money, I’d ● (Mais il n’en a pas besoin.)lend it to him. � (Ma non ne ha bisogno.)

� (Aber er braucht keins.)

2● D’autres verbes modaux peuvent apparaître dans la proposition

résultante (principale).� Si possono trovare altri verbi modali nella frase principale.� Im Folgesatz können andere Modalverben verwendet werden.

I could buy some new clothes if I had some money.If I saved a little every week, I might be able to save up for a car.If you wanted that job, you’d have to apply very soon.

3● La tournure If I were you, I’d … s’emploie pour donner des conseils.� La costruzione If I were you, I’d … viene usata per dare un consiglio.� If I were you, I’d … sagt man, um einen Ratschlag einzuleiten.

If I were you, I’d apologize to her.I’d take it easy for a while if I were you.

8.5 First or second conditional?● Conditionnel du premier ou du second type?� Periodo ipotetico di primo o secondo tipo?� Konditional I oder II?● Ces conditionnels s’appliquent, tous les deux, au présent et au futur.

La différence se situe au niveau de la probabilité, et non pas au niveaudu temps. Le choix entre les deux est normalement évident. Lesphrases employant le conditionnel du premier type traduisent unepossibilité réelle tandis que les phrases qui contiennent unconditionnel du second type expriment des situations qui n’aurontsans doute jamais lieu.

� Sia il primo che il secondo tipo di periodo ipotetico si riferiscono alpresente o al futuro. La differenza sta nella probabilità, non neltempo. Di solito il senso chiarisce qual è la costruzione da usare. Ilperiodo ipotetico di primo tipo si riferisce a situazioni reali epossibili; quello di secondo tipo esprime situazioni cheprobabilmente non si verificheranno mai.

� Sowohl der Konditional I als auch der Konditional II bezieht sich aufdie Gegenwart und die Zukunft. Der Unterschied liegt in derWahrscheinlichkeit, nicht in der Zeit. Meist ist es klar, welchenKonditional man verwenden muss. Sätze im Konditional I sind realund möglich, Sätze im Konditional II drücken Situationen aus, die eswahrscheinlich nie geben wird.

If I lose my job, I’ll … ● (La performance de la société pour laquelle je travaille est médiocre. Il estfort possible que je sois licencié.)

� (La società per cui lavoro è in cattive acque. C’è una forte possibilità che mi licenzino.)

� (Meiner Firma geht es schlecht. Es ist durchaus möglich, dass ich entlassen werde.)

If I lost my job, I’d … ● (Je ne perdrai sans doute pas mon emploi. Je ne fais que spéculer.)

� (Probabilmente non perderò il lavoro. Sto solo facendo un’ipotesi.)

� (Wahrscheinlich werde ich meine Stelle nicht verlieren. Ich stelle nur Vermutungen an.)

If there is a nuclear war, ● (prononcé par un pessimiste.)we’ll all … � (Chi parla è un pessimista.)

� (Ausspruch eines Pessimisten.)

If there was a nuclear war, ● (Mais je ne pense pas que cela auraI’d … lieu.)

� (Ma non credo che succederà.)� (Aber ich glaube nicht, dass es

passieren wird.)

would● Notez l’emploi de would dans les phrases suivantes:� Nota l’uso di would nelle frasi seguenti:� Beachten Sie die Verwendung von would in den folgenden Sätzen:

She’d look better with ● (= Si elle se coupait les cheveux,shorter hair. cela lui irait mieux.)

� (= Se si tagliasse i capelli, starebbe meglio.)

� (= Wenn sie kurze Haare hätte, sähe sie besser aus.)

● would pour exprimer une préférence:� would per esprimere una preferenza� would zum Ausdruck der Vorliebe

I’d love a cup of coffee.Where would you like to sit?I’d rather have coffee, please.I’d rather not tell you, if that’s all right.What would you rather do, stay in or go out?


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● would pour exprimer une demande:� would per esprimere una richiesta � would zum Ausdruck einer Bitte

Would you open the door for me?Would you mind lending me a hand?

Unit 9Modal verbs● Les verbes modaux peuvent exprimer la capacité de faire qch,

l’obligation ou la permission de faire qch. et une demande de qch. Ilspeuvent également exprimer l’idée de probabilité ou le niveau decertitude d’une situation donnée. Vous trouverez une présentationdes verbes modaux à la p. 38.

� I verbi modali possono esprimere abilità, obbligo, permesso orichiesta. Possono anche esprimere l’idea di probabilità o il grado dicertezza di una situazione. Vedi l’introduzione ai verbi modaliausiliari a pag. 38.

� Modalverben können eine Fähigkeit, Verpflichtung, Erlaubnis oderBitte ausdrücken. Sie können auch angeben, wie wahrscheinlich odersicher eine Situation ist. Eine Einführung in die modalen Hilfsverbensteht auf S. 38.

Modal verbs of probability● Les verbes modaux de probabilité� Verbi modali che esprimono probabilità� Modalverben, die die Wahrscheinlichkeit ausdrücken

9.1 Expressing possibility/probability: the present/future● Exprimant une possibilité/probabilité: le présent/futur� Esprimere possibilità/probabilità nel presente e nel futuro� Möglichkeit/Wahrscheinlichkeit in der Gegenwart/Zukunft

1● Must et can’t expriment la conclusion logique d’une situation: must =

logiquement probable; can’t = logiquement improbable (on nedispose pas de tous les faits ; on n’est par conséquent pas entièrementcertain de quelque chose, mais on en est presque sûr).

� Must e can’t esprimono la conclusione logica di una situazione: must= è logicamente probabile; can’t = è logicamente improbabile. Nonabbiamo tutte le informazioni necessarie, perciò non siamocompletamente sicuri che sia vero, ma lo riteniamo molto probabile.

� Must und can’t drücken die logische Folge einer Situation aus: must =wahrscheinlich; can’t = unwahrscheinlich. Man kennt nicht alleEinzelheiten, also ist man sich nicht absolut sicher, aber ziemlichsicher.

He must be exhausted. He can’t even stand up.Sue can’t have a ten-year-old daughter! Sue’s only 24!He’s in great shape, even though he must be at least 60! A walk in this weather! You must be joking!Is there no answer? They must be in bed. They can’t be out this late!

2● Could et may/might expriment une possibilité au présent ou au futur.

May/Might + not en est la forme négative. Couldn’t est rare dans cesens.

� Could e may/might esprimono una possibilità nel presente o nelfuturo. Per la forma negativa si usano may/might + not. Couldn’t siusa raramente.

� Could und may/might drücken eine Möglichkeit in der Gegenwartoder Zukunft aus. Die verneinte Form ist may/might + not. Couldn’tist in dieser Verwendung selten.

He might be lost.They could move to a different place.Dave and Beth aren’t at home. They could be at the concert, I suppose.We may go to Greece for our vacation. We haven’t decided yet.Take your umbrella. It might rain later.I might not be able to come tonight. I might have to work late.

The continuous infinitive● L’infinitif progressif� La forma progressiva dell’infinito� Der Infinitiv der Verlaufsform

● Must/could/can’t/might + be + -ing constituent la forme progressivede l’infinitif au présent.

� Must/could/can’t/might + be + forma in -ing si usano per la formaprogressiva nel presente.

� Must/could/can’t/might + be + ing-Form bilden die Verlaufsform inder Gegenwart.

Peter might be working late.They can’t be working very hard.

● Comparez:� Confronta:� Vergleiche:

‘John’s grass is lovely. He must cut ● (habitude)it regularly.’ � (abitudine)

� (Gewohnheit)

‘What’s John doing in the garden?’ ● (maintenant)‘He might be cutting the grass.’ � (in questo momento)

� (jetzt)

9.2 Expressing possibility/probability: the past● Exprimant une possibilité/probabilité: le passé� Esprimere possibilità/probabilità nel passato� Möglichkeit/Wahrscheinlichkeit in der Vergangenheit

The perfect infinitive● L’infinitif passé� L’infinito passato� Der Infinitiv Perfekt

● Must/could/can’t/might + have + participe passé expriment des degrésde probabilité dans le passé.

� Must/could/can’t/might + have + participio passato esprimono varigradi di probabilità nel passato.

� Must/could/can’t/might + have + Partizip Perfekt drückt den Grad derWahrscheinlichkeit in der Vergangenheit aus.

He must have been exhausted.She can’t have told him about us yet.He might have got lost.They could have moved house.

The continuous infinitive● L’infinitif progressif� La forma progressiva dell’infinito passato� Der Infinitiv der Verlaufsform

● Must/could/can’t/might + have + been + -ing constituent la formeprogressive de l’infinitif au passé.

� Must/could/can’t/might + have + been + forma in -ing si usano per laforma progressiva nel passato.

� Must/could/can’t/might + have + been + ing-Form bilden dieVerlaufsform in der Vergangenheit.

She must have been joking.They can’t have been trying very hard.He could have been lying to you.

● Se reporter à la p. 57 du livre d’exercices pour des exercicessupplémentaires sur l’infinitif progressif.

� Vedi Workbook pag. 57 per ulteriori esercizi sul continuous infinitive.� Siehe Workbook S. 57 für weitere Übungen zum Infinitiv der



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9.3 Asking about possibilities● Se renseigner sur ce qui est possible� Fare domande sulla possibilità� Fragen nach der Möglichkeit● Pour se renseigner sur ce qui est possible ou probable, on emploie

généralement la tournure Do you think …? L’utilisation de verbesmodaux de probabilité à la forme interrogative est inhabituelle.

� Per fare domande sulla possibilità o probabilità di solito si usa Do youthink …? Le domande con i verbi modali di probabilità si usanoraramente.

� Um nach der Möglichkeit/Wahrscheinlichkeit zu fragen, sagt mannormalerweise Do you think …? Fragesätze mit Modalverben, die dieWahrscheinlichkeit ausdrücken, sind selten.

‘Do you think she’s married?’ ‘She can’t be.’‘Where do you think he’s from?’ ‘He might be Spanish or

Portuguese.’‘Do you think they’ve arrived yet?’ ‘They may have. Or they might

have got stuck in the traffic.’

9.4 So do I! Neither do I!● Moi, aussi! Moi, non plus!� Esprimere accordo o disaccordo� Ich auch! Ich auch nicht!● Lorsqu’on utilise So… /Neither… I pour indiquer qu’on est d’accord

ou pas avec un point de vue, on répète le verbe auxiliaire présentdans la première affirmation. S’il n’y a pas d’auxiliaire, on utilise alorsdo/does/did. Faites attention à l’endroit où se trouve l’accentd’intensité de la phrase.

� Quando si esprime accordo con So/Neither … I, si ripete il verboausiliare. Se non c’è l’ausiliare, si usano do/does/did. Nota la parola sucui cade l’accento. Attenzione a come si esprime disaccordo.

� Wenn man seine Zustimmung oder Ablehnung mit So …/Neither … Izum Ausdruck bringt, wiederholt man das Hilfsverb. Wenn es keinHilfsverb gibt, verwendet man do/does/did. Achten Sie auf dieBetonung im Satz.


I like ice-cream. So do I.I’m wearing jeans. So am I.I can swim. So can I.I went out. So did I.

I don’t like working. Neither do I.I can’t drive. Neither can I.I haven’t been to Paris. Neither have I.


I don’t like Mary. I do.We’re going now. We aren’t.I can speak Polish. I can’t.I haven’t been skiing. I have.

I like blue cheese. I don’t.I saw Pat yesterday. I didn’t.I’m going to have some coffee. I’m not.

9.5 too and either/neither● Pour montrer que l’on a la même idée/opinion que quelqu’un

d’autre, on utilise either/neither. Avec too et either, on répète le verbeauxiliaire présent dans la première affirmation ou, s’il n’y a pasd’auxiliaire, on utilise do/does/did.

� Per dire che abbiamo qualcosa in comune con un’altra persona,possiamo anche usare too e either/neither. Con too e either, si ripete ilverbo ausiliare. Se non c’è l’ausiliare, si usano do/does/did.

� Wenn man ausdrücken will, dass man das gleiche denkt oder tut wiejemand anders, sagt man too oder either/neither. Bei too undeither/neither wird das Hilfsverb wiederholt; wenn es kein Hilfsverbgibt, nimmt man do/does/did.

I like ice-cream. I do, too./Me too.I have always studied hard. I have, too./Me too.I don’t like working. I don’t, either./Me neither.I can’t play a musical instrument. I can’t, either./Me neither.

Unit 10Continuous forms● Les formes progressives� Le forme progressive� Die Verlaufsform● N’oubliez pas que les idées suivantes se communiquent toutes par

des formes progressives:� Ricordati che tutte le forme progressive esprimono le seguenti idee:� Zur Erinnerung: Alle Verlaufsformen drücken Folgendes aus:

1● activité en cours.� un’azione in corso di svolgimento.� eine Tätigkeit, die gerade stattfindet.

Be quiet! I’m thinking.I was having a shower when the phone rang.I’ve been working since 9 o’clock this morning.

2● activité temporaire.� un’azione temporanea.� eine vorübergehende Tätigkeit.

We’re staying with friends until we find a place of our own.We’ve been living with them for six weeks.

3● activité qui peut être incomplète.� un’azione che potrebbe non essere stata portata a termine.� eine Tätigkeit, die evtl. noch nicht beendet ist.

I’m writing a report. I have to finish it by tomorrow.Who’s been eating my sandwich?

● Se reporter à la p. 63 du livre d’exercices pour des exercicessupplémentaires sur les formes simples et progressives.

� Vedi Workbook pag. 63 per ulteriori esercizi sulle forme semplici eprogressive.

� Siehe Workbook S. 63 für weitere Übungen zu einfachen Formen undVerlaufsformen.

10.1 Present Perfect Continuous● Le passé composé progressif� Il Present Perfect Continuous� Das Present Perfect Continuous


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FormPositive and negative



Theybeen working.





Ihave you

How long we been working?


Use● On emploie le passé composé progressif pour exprimer:� Si usa il Present Perfect Continuous per esprimere:� Man benutzt das Present Perfect Continuous, um Folgendes


1● une activité qui, commencée dans le passé, continue toujours dans le

présent.� un’azione iniziata nel passato che continua ancora adesso.� eine Tätigkeit, die in der Vergangenheit begann und jetzt immer noch


I’ve been studying English for three years.How long have you been working here?

● Quelquefois, il n’y a aucune différence entre le passé composé simpleet progressif.

� Talvolta non c’è differenza tra la forma semplice e quella progressiva.� Manchmal besteht kein Unterschied zwischen der einfachen Form

und der Verlaufsform.

I’ve playedthe piano since I was a boy.

I’ve been playing

● Dans la mesure du possible, l’anglais favorise l’emploi du progressif.Le progressif peut quelquefois exprimer une activité temporaire, et lesimple un état permanent.

� Se la forma progressiva esiste, in inglese si preferisce usarla.Talvolta la forma progressiva esprime un’azione temporanea, quellasemplice esprime uno stato permanente.

� Wenn die Verlaufsform möglich ist, wird sie im Englischen gernebenutzt.Die Verlaufsform kann manchmal eine vorübergehende Handlungausdrücken, die einfache Form einen Dauerzustand.

I’ve been living in this house ● (temporaire)for the past few months. � (situazione temporanea)

� (vorübergehend)

I’ve lived here all my life. ● (permanent)� (situazione permanente)� (Dauerzustand)

● N’oubliez pas qu’on utilise rarement la forme progressive avec lesverbes d’état (voir 2.3 p32).

� Ricordati che i verbi di stato si usano raramente nella formaprogessiva (vedi 2.3 pag. 32).

� Denken Sie daran, dass Zustandsverben selten in der Verlaufsformstehen (siehe 2.3 S.32).

I’ve had this book for ages.I’ve always loved sunny days.

2● une activité dans le passé qui a une répercution sur le présent.� un’azione passata che ha conseguenze nel presente.� eine Tätigkeit in der Vergangenheit, die Folgen in der Gegenwart hat.

I’ve been working all day. ● (Je suis fatiguée maintenant.)� (Adesso sono stanco.)� (Ich bin jetzt müde.)

Have you been crying? ● (Tes yeux sont rouges.)� (Hai gli occhi rossi.)� (Du hast rote Augen.)

Roger’s been cutting the grass. ● (Je peux sentir l’herbe.)� (Sento odore di erba.)� (Ich kann es riechen.)

● L’activité dans le passé peut être terminée ou non. Ceci pourranormalement être déterminé selon le contexte.

� L’azione passata può essere finita oppure no. Di solito si capisce dalcontesto.

� Die Tätigkeit in der Vergangenheit kann beendet sein oder auchnicht. Das wird normalerweise aus dem Zusammenhang deutlich.

Look out of the window! It’s ● (Il ne neige plus maintenant.)been snowing! � (È smesso di nevicare ora.)

� (Es hat jetzt aufgehört zu schneien.)

I’ve been writing this book ● (Il n’est toujours pas achevé.)for two years. � (Il libro non è ancora finito.)

� (Es ist immer noch nicht fertig.)

I’m covered in paint because ● (La peinture peut être terminée I’ve been decorating the ou pas. On ne le sait pas.)bathroom. � (Può darsi che il lavoro sia finito

oppure no. Non si sa.)� (Es kann fertig sein oder auch

nicht. Man weiss es nicht.)

10.2 Present Perfect Simple or Continuous?1● Le passé composé simple indique une action terminée.� Il Present Perfect Simple esprime un’azione portata a termine.� Die einfache Form beschreibt eine abgeschlossene Handlung.

I’ve painted the kitchen, and ● (La cuisine est terminée, mais pas now I’m doing the bathroom. la salle de bain.)

� (La cucina è finita, il bagno no.)� (Die Küche ist fertig, das Bad


● La forme progressive exprime une activité qui a lieu sur une certainepériode ainsi que ce qui s’est passé au cours de l’activité en question.

� Il Present Perfect Continuous esprime un’azione che è durata un certotempo durante il quale sono successe alcune cose.

� Die Verlaufsform beschreibt eine länger dauernde Tätigkeit und dieEreignisse, die im Laufe dieser Tätigkeit stattfanden.

I’ve got paint in my hair because I’ve been decorating.

● Puisque la forme simple exprime une action terminée, on l’emploie sila phrase indique un nombre ou une quantité particulière. Dans cecas en effet il est impossible d’utiliser le progressif.

� Siccome il Present Perfect Simple esprime un’azione portata atermine, lo usiamo se nella frase c’è un numero o una quantità. Inquesto caso non si può usare il Present Perfect Continuous.

� Da die einfache Form eine abgeschlossene Handlung beschreibt,muss sie verwendet werden, wenn im Satz eine Anzahl oder Mengeangegeben wird. Die Verlaufsform ist hier nicht möglich.

I’ve been reading all day. I’ve read ten chapters.She’s been eating ever since she arrived. She’s eaten ten biscuits already.

2● Certains verbes ne transmettent pas une idée de longue période de

temps, par exemple: find, start, buy, die, lose, break, stop. On trouvepar conséquent ces verbes au passé composé simple.D’autres verbes toutefois expriment une idée de longue durée, parexemple: wait, work, play, try, learn, rain. On trouve ainsi souvent cesverbes au passé composé progressif.


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� Alcuni verbi non esprimono l’idea di durata, per es. find, start, buy,die, lose, break, stop. Questi verbi di solito vengono usati nel PresentPerfect Simple.Alcuni verbi esprimono l’idea di una lunga durata, per es. wait, work,play, try, learn, rain. Questi verbi di solito vengono usati nel PresentPerfect Continuous.

� Manche Verben beinhalten keine längere Dauer, z.B. find, start, buy,die, lose, break, stop. Diese Verben stehen gewöhnlich in der einfachenForm.Manche Verben beinhalten eine längere Dauer, z.B. wait, work, play,try, learn, rain. Diese Verben stehen oft in der Verlaufsform.

I’ve cut my finger. ● (Une action brève.)� (Un’azione istantanea.)� (Eine kurze Handlung.)

I’ve been cutting firewood. ● (Pendant plusieurs heures peut-être.)� (Probabilmente per alcune ore.)� (Vielleicht mehrere Stunden lang.)

10.3 Time expressions● Expressions de temps� Espressioni di tempo � Zeitangaben● Voici quelques expressions qui exigent souvent des temps

particuliers.� Ecco alcune espressioni di tempo usate spesso con certi tempi verbali.� Hier sind einige Zeitangaben, die oft in bestimmten Zeiten


Past SimpleI lived in Chicago for six years.I saw Jack two days ago.They met during the war.She got married while she was at university.

Present PerfectWe’ve been married for ten years.They’ve been living here since June.She hasn’t been working since their baby was born.

FutureWe’re going on vacation for a few days.The class ends in 20 minutes.I’ll be home in half an hour.

● Prépositions et dates, mois, années, etc.� Preposizioni usate con date, mesi, anni, ecc.� Präpositionen mit Datums-, Monats-, Jahresangaben usw.

SeptemberMonday 7 o’clock

1965Monday morning the end of May


on 8 August at Christmasthe holidays

Christmas Day the age of tenthe 1920s

holiday dinner-timethe 20th century

Unit 11Question words● Pronoms interrogatifs� Gli interrogativi� Fragewörter● Examinez les questions. Remarquez que What, Which, et Whose

peuvent être suivis d’un nom, tandis que How peut être suivi d’unadjectif ou d’un adverbe.

� Osserva le domande. Nota che What, Which e Whose possonoprecedere un nome e How può precedere un aggettivo o un avverbio.

� Sehen Sie sich diese Fragen an. Man sieht, dass What, Which undWhose mit einem Nomen kombiniert werden können und How miteinem Adjektiv oder Adverb.

What kind of music do you like?What size shoe do you wear?What colour are your eyes?Which pen do you want?Which way is it to the station?Whose book is this?How much do you weigh?How many brothers and sisters do you have?How many times have you been on a plane?How much homework do you get every night?How tall are you?How often do you go to the dentist?How long does it take you to get to school?

11.1 Indirect questions● Questions indirectes� Domande indirette� Indirekte Fragesätze1● Les questions indirectes adoptent le même ordre de mots que la

forme affirmative. On n’introduit pas non plus do/does/did.� Nelle domande indirette l’ordine delle parole è lo stesso che nelle

frasi affermative e non si usano do/does/did.� Indirekte Fragesätze haben die gleiche Wortstellung wie Aussagesätze,

man bildet sie auch nicht mit do/does/did.

Tom lives in California.

Do you know where Tom lives ?

NOT Do you know where does Tom live?

2● On tourne souvent les questions directes en questions indirectes pour

les adoucir (ou les rendre plus polies).� Spesso si trasformano le domande dirette in domande indirette per

renderle meno brusche e più cortesi.� Man macht aus direkten Fragen oft indirekte Fragen, damit sie

‘weicher’ oder höflicher klingen.

Direct question

What time do the banks close?

Indirect question

Could you tell meDo you knowDo you happen to know what time the banks close?Have you any ideaDo you rememberWould you mind telling me

● S’il n’y a pas de pronom interrogatif, utilisez if ou whether, qui ont lamême signification.

� Se non c’è un pronome, aggettivo o avverbio interrogativo, si usano ifo whether. Tutti e due significano ‘se’.

� Wenn kein Fragewort vorhanden ist, kann man if oder whetherbenutzen. Beide haben die gleiche Bedeutung.

I don’t know if I’m coming or not.I wonder whether it’s going to rain.

● Les expressions supplémentaires suivantes appellent des questionsindirectes:

� Ecco altre espressioni che introducono le domande indirette:� Hier sind noch einige Ausdrücke, mit denen man eine indirekte Frage

einleiten kann:


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I don’t knowI wonderI can’t rememberI’ve no idea

how long the journey takes.

I’d like to knowI’m not sure

11.2 Question tags● « queues de phrases interrogatives » � Le question tags� FrageanhängselForm1● On utilise très couramment les question tags dans l’anglais parlé. Les

constructions les plus usuelles sont:Lorsque la phrase antérieure est affirmative, la question tag serainterro-négative:

You’re Jenny, aren’t you?

Inversement, à une phrase antérieure négative correspondra unequestion tag interrogative simple:

It isn’t a very nice day, is it?

� Le question tags sono molto comuni nell’inglese parlato. Lecostruzioni più usate sono:

frase positiva – tag negativa

You’re Jenny, aren’t you?

frase negativa – tag positiva

It isn’t a very nice day, is it?� Frageanhängsel sind im gesprochenen Englisch sehr gebräuchlich.

Die häufigsten Muster sind:

bejahter Satz – verneintes Anhängsel

You’re Jenny, aren’t you?

verneinter Satz – bejahtes Anhängsel

It isn’t a very nice day, is it?

2● On répète l’auxiliaire employé dans la principale dans le tag. Au cas

où il n’ y aurait pas d’auxiliaire dans la principale, utilisezdo/does/did.

� Nella question tag si ripete il verbo ausiliare. Se non c’è l’ausiliare, siusano do/does/did.

� Im Anhängsel wird das Hilfsverb wiederholt. Wenn es kein Hilfsverbgibt, nimmt man do/does/did.

You haven’t been here before, have you?You can speak French, can’t you?We should take the dog out, shouldn’t we?Banks close at four, don’t they?She eats meat, doesn’t she?You went to bed late, didn’t you?

● A remarquer: pour les tags négatives des questions commençant parI’m…, utilisez aren’t.

� Nota: Per formare la question tag negativa di I’m …, si usa aren’t.� Anmerkung: In verneinten Frageanhängseln mit I’m … verwendet

man aren’t.

I’m late, aren’t I? NOT I’m late, am’t I?

● Mais,� Ma,� Aber,

I’m not late, am I? NOT I’m not late, aren’t I?

3● Remarquez la signification de Yes et No dans les réponses aux

question tags.� Nota il significato di Yes e No nelle risposte alle question tags.� Beachten Sie die Bedeutung von Yes und No als Antwort auf


‘You’re coming, aren’t you?’ ‘Yes.’ (= Je viens.)(= Vengo)(= Ich komme.)

‘No.’ (= Je ne viens pas.)(= Non vengo)(= Ich komme nicht.)

Use● On utilise les question tags pour encourager une conversation en

invitant ceux qui écoutent à participer. La signification d’unequestion tag dépend de la manière dont vous la prononcez:Une question tag posée avec une intonation qui monte équivaut à unequestion – elle solicite une confirmation. Elle signifie « Je ne suis passûr, je vérifie donc ». L’interlocuteur pense en effet qu’il / elle connaîtla réponse, mais n’en est pas absolument certain/e.

� Le question tags si usano per mantenere viva la conversazioneinvitando chi ascolta a partecipare.Il significato della question tag dipende da come viene pronunciata.La question tag con intonazione ascendente è come una veradomanda – chiede una conferma. Significa ‘Non sono sicuro, perciòcontrollo’. Chi parla pensa di sapere la risposta, ma non ècompletamente sicuro.

� Man benutzt Frageanhängsel, um eine Unterhaltung in Gang zuhalten, indem man die Zuhörer mit einbezieht und zur Teilnahmeam Gespräch auffordert.Die Bedeutung von Frageanhängseln hängt davon ab, wie man siespricht.Ein Frageanhängsel mit steigender Intonation ist wie eine richtigeFrage – es bittet um eine Bestätigung. Es bedeutet: ‘Ich bin mir nichtsicher, also frage ich nach’. Der Sprecher glaubt die Antwort zuwissen, ist sich aber nicht ganz sicher.

Your name’s Abigail, isn’t it?

You’re in advertising, aren’t you?

You work in the city, don’t you?

● Une question tag posée avec une intonation qui descend n’est pasvraiment une question – c’est un moyen de faire la conversation. Celasignifie « Parlez-moi ». L’interlocuteur s’attend à ce que l’on soitd’accord avec lui / elle.

� La question tag con intonazione discendente non è affatto unadomanda – è un modo per attaccare discorso. Significa ‘Parla con me’.Chi parla si aspetta che gli altri esprimano accordo.

� Ein Frageanhängsel mit fallender Intonation ist eigentlich gar keineFrage – es dient nur der Konversation. Es bedeutet ‘Reden Sie mitmir’. Der Sprecher erwartet, dass die anderen ihm zustimmen.

Beautiful day, isn’t it?

It’s wonderful weather for swimming, isn’t it?

That was a great concert, wasn’t it?

You haven’t been here before, have you?

● A remarquer: On peut également employer une question tag en fin dephrase négative pour effectuer une demande de renseignements oupour demander de l’aide poliment.

� Nota: Si può anche usare una question tag dopo una frase negativaper chiedere cortesemente un aiuto o un’informazione.

� Anmerkung: Man kann Frageanhängsel auch in Verbindung mitverneinten Sätzen benutzen, wenn man höflich um Informationenoder Hilfe bitten möchte.

You couldn’t lend me your car this evening, could you?


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Unit 1212.1 Tense changes in reported statements● Changement de temps dans le discours indirect� Cambiamento dei tempi nel discorso indiretto� Verschiebung der Zeiten in der indirekten Rede1● Il est de norme pour le verbe de la subordonnée, dans un discours

indirect, de passer à « un temps situé plus en arrière d’un cran » quele verbe de la principale si celui-ci (rapportant le discours) est aupassé (par ex. said, told).

� Se le parole di qualcuno vengono riferite con un verbo al passato (peres. said, told), di solito i verbi della frase riferita ‘si spostano’ verso ilpassato, nel modo seguente:

� Normalerweise wird das Verb in der indirekten Rede um eine Zeit‘nach hinten verschoben’, wenn das einleitende Verb in derVergangenheit steht (z.B. said, told).

Present PastPresent Perfect Past PerfectPast Past Perfect

‘I’m going.’ He said he was going.‘She’s passed her test.’ He told me she had passed her test.‘My father died when I was six.’ She said her father had died when shewas six.

● Le verbe passe également à « un temps situé plus en arrière d’un cran » lorsque l’on relate des pensées ou des sentiments.

� Il verbo ‘si sposta’ verso il passato, anche quando si riferisconopensieri e sentimenti.

� Das Verb wird auch um eine Zeit ‘nach hinten verschoben’, wenn manüber Gedanken und Gefühle berichtet.

I thought she was married, but she isn’t.I didn’t know he was a teacher. I thought he worked in a bank.I forgot you were coming. Never mind. Come in.I hoped you would call.

2● Le temps demeure le même si:� Non vi sono cambiamenti di tempi verbali se:� Die Zeit ändert sich nicht, wenn:

● – Le verbe de la principale (rapportant le discours) est au présent(par ex. says, asks).

� – il verbo con cui si riferiscono le parole è al presente (per es. says,asks).

� – das einleitende Verb in der Gegenwart steht (z.B. says, asks).

‘The train will be late.’ He says the train will be late.‘I come from Spain.’ She says she comes from Spain.

● – le discours indirect concerne quelque chose qui demeure vrai.� – la frase riferita riguarda qualcosa che è sempre vero.� – die indirekte Rede von etwas handelt, das immer noch zutrifft.

‘Rain forests are being destroyed.’She told him that rain forests are being destroyed.‘I hate football.’I told him I hate football.

● Dans le discours indirect, certains verbes modaux changent.� Alcuni verbi modali cambiano.� Manche Modalverben werden verändert.

can couldwill wouldmay might

‘She can type well.’ He told me she could type well.‘I’ll help you.’ She said she’d help me.‘I may come.’ She said she might come.

● D’autres ne changent pas.� Altri verbi modali non cambiano.� Andere Modalverben werden nicht verändert.

‘You should go to bed.’ He told me I should go to bed.‘It might rain.’ She said she thought it might rain.

● Must demeure must, ou est remplacé par had to.� Must rimane must, o cambia in had to.� Must bleibt unverändert oder wird zu had to.

‘I must go!’ He said he must/had to go.

12.2 Reporting verbs● Verbes rapportant un discours� Verbi per riferire le parole di qualcuno� Das einleitende Verb● Il en existe plusieurs. On emploie rarement say avec un complément

d’objet indirect (c. à d. la personne à qui l’on parle).� Ci sono molti verbi usati per riferire le parole di qualcuno.

Il verbo say si usa di solito se non si menziona la persona a cui siparla.

� Man verwendet say nur ganz selten mit einem Dativobjekt (d.h. dieangesprochene Person).

She said she was going. NOT She said to me she was going.

● On emploie toujours tell avec un complément d’objet indirect dans lediscours indirect.

� Il verbo tell è sempre seguito dalla persona a cui si parla.� Tell wird in der indirekten Rede immer mit Dativobjekt verwendet.


She toldthe doctor

the news.usher husband

● On peut utiliser that après say et tell.� Dopo say e tell si può usare that.� Nach say und tell kann man that verwenden.

He told her (that) he would be home late.She said (that) sales were down from last year.

● Il existe plusieurs verbes plus descriptifs que say et tell, par exemple,explain, interrupt, demand, insist, admit, complain, warn.

� Altri verbi sono più specifici di say e tell, per es. explain, interrupt,demand, insist, admit, complain, warn.

� Es gibt viele Verben, die aussagekräftiger sind als say und tell, z.B.explain, interrupt, demand, insist, admit, complain, warn.

explained that he would be home late.He complained

admitted that sales were down that year.

● Quelquefois c’est l’idée que l’on relate plutôt que les termes enquestion.

� Talvolta viene riferito il concetto espresso, non le parole vere eproprie.

� Manchmal wird in der indirekten Rede das Gesagte mit anderenWorten wiedergegeben.

‘I’ll lend you some money.’ He offered to lend me some money.‘I won’t help you.’ She refused to help me.


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12.3 Reported questions● Questions rapportées� Domande riferite� Fragesätze in der indirekten Rede1● L’ordre des mots dans les questions formulées dans un discours

indirect est différent de celui du discours direct: il n’y a pasd’inversion du sujet et de l’auxiliaire et on n’a pas recours àdo/does/did. Il est semblable à celui des questions indirectes (voirp54).

� L’ordine delle parole nelle domande riferite è diverso da quello delledomande dirette. Non si fa l’inversione di soggetto e ausiliare e non siusano do/does/did. Questo comportamento è simile a quello delledomande indirette (vedi pag. 54).

� Die Wortstellung bei Fragesätzen in der indirekten Rede ist anders alsbei normalen Fragen. Man vertauscht das Subjekt nicht mit demHilfsverb und verwendet auch nicht do/does/did. Dies ist ähnlich wiebei den indirekten Fragen (siehe S. 54).

‘Why have you come here?’ I asked her why she had come here.‘What time is it?’ He wants to know what time it is.‘Where do you live?’ She asked me where I lived.

● A remarquer: On n’emploie ni de point d’interrogation, ni le verbesay dans les questions appartenant au discours indirect.

� Nota: Non si usa il punto interrogativo nelle domande riferite.Non si usa il verbo say per riferire una domanda.

� Anmerkung: Nach Fragen in der indirekten Rede steht keinFragezeichen.Fragen in der indirekten Rede kann man nicht mit say einleiten.

He said, ‘How old are you?’ He asked me how old I am.

2● S’il n’y a pas de pronom d’interrogation, utilisez if ou whether.� Se non c’è un pronome, aggettivo o avverbio interrogativo, si usano if

o whether. Tutti e due significano ‘se’.� Wenn kein Fragewort vorhanden ist, nimmt man if oder whether.

She wants to knowif

she should wear a dress.whether

12.4 Reported commands, requests, etc.● Ordres, demandes, etc. rapportés� Cornaudi, richieste ecc. riferite� Befehle, Bitten usw. in der indirekten Rede1● On utilise le verbe + la personne + to + l’infinitif pour exprimer un

ordre, une demande, une proposition ou des conseils dans le discoursindirect.

� Per riferire comandi, richieste, offerte e consigli si usa questacostruzione:verbo + persona (a cui si parla) + to + forma base.

� Bei Befehlen, Bitten, Angeboten und Ratschlägen in der indirektenRede verwendet man Verb + Person + to + Infinitiv.

They told us to go away.They asked me to look after their cat.He urged the teachers to go back to work.She persuaded me to have my hair cut.I advised the President to leave immediately.

● Say ne s’emploie pas. Utilisez à la place asked, told, etc.� Non si può usare il verbo say. Si usano invece asked, told, ecc.� Say kann man hier nicht sagen. Man nimmt ask, told usw.

2● Utilisez not avant to, pour communiquer un ordre à la forme

négative.� Per riferire comandi negativi o proibizioni, si mette not davanti a to.� Bei Verboten verwendet man not vor to.

He told me not to tell anyone.The police warned people not to go out.

3● Tell s’emploie à la fois pour les déclarations effectuées dans un style

indirect et pour les ordres exprimés dans un style indirect, mais laconstruction n’est pas la même.

� Tell si usa sia per riferire un’affermazione che un comando, ma lacostruzione è diversa.

� Man verwendet tell bei Aussagen und bei Befehlen in der indirektenRede, aber die Formen sind unterschiedlich.

● Déclarations effectuées dans un style indirect� Affermazioni� Aussagen in der indirekten Rede

He told me that he was going.They told us that they were going abroad.She told them what had been happening.

● Ordres exprimés dans un style indirect� Comandi � Befehle in der indirekten Rede

He told me to keep still.The police told people to move on.My parents told me to clean up my room.

● Ask s’emploie à la fois pour les ordres et pour les questions formulésdans un style indirect, mais la construction n’est pas la même.

� Ask si usa sia per riferire un comando che una domanda, ma lacostruzione è diversa.

� Man verwendet ask bei Befehlen und bei Fragen in der indirektenRede, aber die Formen sind unterschiedlich.

● Ordres formulés dans un style indirect� Comandi� Befehle in der indirekten Rede

I was asked to attend the interview.He asked me to open my suitcase.She asked me not to leave.

● Questions indirectes� Domande� Fragen in der indirekten Rede

He asked me what I did for a living.I asked her how much the rent was.She asked me why I had come.

● Se reporter à la p. 77 du livre d’exercices pour des exercicessupplémentaires sur ask et tell.

� Vedi Workbook pag. 77 per ulteriori esercizi su ask e tell.� Siehe Workbook S. 77 für weitere Übungen zu ask und tell.


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Irregular verbsBase Formbe ● être � essere � seinbeat ● battre � battere � schlagenbecome ● devenir � diventare � werdenbegin ● commencer � cominciare � beginnenbend ● tordre � piegare � biegenbite ● mordre � mordere � beissenblow ● souffler � soffiare � blasenbreak ● casser � rompere � (zer) brechenbring ● amener � portare � bringenbuild ● construire � costruire � bauenbuy ● acheter � comprare � kaufencan ● pouvoir � potere � könnencatch ● attraper � prendere � fangenchoose ● choisir � scegliere � wählencome ● venir � venire � kommencost ● coûter � costare � kostencut ● couper � tagliare � schneidendig ● creuser � scavare � grabendo ● faire � fare � tun, machendraw ● dessiner � disegnare � zeichnendream ● rêver � sognare � träumendrink ● boire � bere � trinkendrive ● conduire � guidare � fahreneat ● manger � mangiare � essenfall ● tomber � cadere � fallenfeed ● nourrir � dar da mangiare � fütternfeel ● sentir � sentire � fühlenfight ● combattre � lottare � kämpfenfind ● trouver � trovare � findenfit ● être à sa taille � andare bene � passenfly ● voler � volare � fliegenforget ● oublier � dimenticare � vergessenforgive ● pardonner � perdonare � verzeihenfreeze ● geler � gelare, congelare � (ein) frierenget ● obtenir � ottenere, diventare, arrivare (a) � bekommengive ● donner � dare � gebengo ● aller � andare � gehengrow ● grandir, pousser � crescere � wachsenhang ● pendre � pendere, appendere � hängenhave ● avoir � avere � habenhear ● entendre � sentire � hörenhide ● (se) cacher � nascondere � versteckenhit ● frapper � colpire � schlagenhold ● tenir � tenere � haltenhurt ● faire mal (à) � far male � weh tunkeep ● garder � tenere � behaltenkneel ● s’agenouiller, être à genoux � inginocchiarsi � knienknow ● savoir � sapere, conoscere � wissen, kennenlay ● mettre (à plat), (se) coucher � posare � legenlead ● mener � condurre � führenlearn ● apprendre � imparare � lernenleave ● laisser, partir � lasciare, partire � lassen, gehenlend ● prêter � prestare � leihenlet ● laisser, permettre � permettere � lassenlie ● se coucher, être couché � sdraiarsi, trovarsi � liegenlight ● allumer � accendere � anzündenlose ● perdre � perdere � verlierenmake ● faire � fare � machenmean ● signifier � significare � bedeutenmeet ● recontrer � incontrare � (sich) treffenmust ● devoir � dovere � müssenpay ● payer � pagare � (be) zahlenput ● mettre � mettere � tun, legen, stellen

Past Simplewas/werebeatbecamebeganbentbitblewbrokebroughtbuiltboughtcouldcaughtchosecamecostcutdugdiddrewdreamed/dreamtdrankdroveatefellfedfeltfoughtfoundfitflewforgotforgavefrozegotgavewentgrewhanged/hunghadheardhidhitheldhurtkeptkneltknewlaidledlearned/learntleftlentletlaylighted/litlostmademeantmethad topaidput

Past Principlebeenbeatenbecomebegunbentbittenblownbrokenbroughtbuiltboughtbeen ablecaughtchosencomecostcutdugdonedrawndreamed/dreamtdrunkdriveneatenfallenfedfeltfoughtfoundfitflownforgottenforgivenfrozengotgivenbeen/gonegrownhanged/hunghadheardhiddenhitheldhurtkeptkneltknownlaidledlearned/learntleftlentletlainlighted/litlostmademeant methad topaidput


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Base Formread ● lire � leggere � lesenride ● monter à cheval, aller à cheval, vélo, etc � andare (in bici, a cavallo) � reiten, fahrenring ● appeler, téléphoner � suonare, telefonare � läutenrise ● monter, s’élever � sorgere � steigenrun ● courir � correre � laufensay ● dire � dire � sagensee ● voir � vedere � sehensell ● vendre � vendere � verkaufensend ● envoyer � mandare � schickenset ● placer � mettere � setzen, stellenshake ● secouer � scuotere � schüttelnshine ● briller � splendere � leuchten, scheinenshoot ● tirer (un coup de fusil) � sparare � schiessenshow ● montrer � mostrare � zeigenshut ● fermer � chiudere � schliessensing ● chanter � cantare � singensink ● couler � affondare � sinkensit ● (s’)asseoir, être assis � sedersi � sitzensleep ● dormir � dormire � schlafenslide ● glisser � scivolare � rutschenspeak ● parler � parlare � sprechenspend ● dépenser, passer � spendere, passare � ausgebenspoil ● gâter, gâcher � rovinare � verderben, verwöhnenspread ● étaler � diffondere, spalmare � (sich) ausbreitenstand ● se lever, être debout � stare in piedi, sopportare � stehensteal ● voler � rubare � stehlenstick ● coller � incollare, ficcare � stecken, klebenswim ● nager � nuotare � schwimmentake ● prendre � prendere � nehmenteach ● enseigner � insegnare � unterrichtentear ● déchirer � strappare � reissentell ● raconter � dire, raccontare � sagen, erzählenthink ● penser � pensare � denkenthrow ● lancer � gettare � werfenunderstand ● comprendre � capire � verstehenwake ● (se) réveiller � svegliare, svegliarsi � weckenwear ● porter (un habit) � indossare � tragenwin ● gagner � vincere � gewinnenwrite ● écrire � scrivere � schreiben

Past Simplereadroderangroseransaidsawsoldsentsetshookshoneshotshowedshutsangsanksatsleptslidspokespentspoiled/spoiltspreadstoodstolestuckswamtooktaughttoretoldthoughtthrewunderstoodwokeworewonwrote

Past Principlereadridden rungrisenrunsaidseensoldsentsetshakenshoneshotshownshutsung sunksatsleptslidspokenspentspoiled/spoiltspreadstoodstolenstuckswumtakentaughttorntoldthoughtthrownunderstoodwokenwornwonwritten


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Verbs + ing

adorecan’t stand

doingdon’t mind


cookingfinishlook forward to

Note● Go + -ing est souvent employé pour parler

de sports ou d’activités.� Spesso si usa il verbo go + la forma in -ing

per gli sport e le attività.� Man verwendet oft das Verb go + ing-

Form, wenn man über Sport und andereAktivitäten spricht.

I go swimming every dayI go shopping on weekends

Verbs + to + infinitive


to domanage

to comeneed

to cookofferpromiserefuseseemwantwould hatewould likewould lovewould prefer

Notes● 1 Help et dare peuvent s’employer sans to.� 1 Help e dare si possono usare senza il to.� 1 Help und dare kann man ohne to


We helped clean up the kitchen.They didn’t dare disagree with him.

● 2 Have to exprime l’obligation.� 2 Have to si usa per esprimere un obbligo.� 2 Have to drückt eine Verpflichtung aus.

I have to wear a uniform.

● 3 Used to s’emploie pour exprimer deshabitudes révolues.

� 3 Used to si usa per abitudini del passato.� 3 Used to drückt frühere Gewohnheiten


I used to smoke, but I quit last year.

Verbs + sb + to +infinitive



himto do


to goneed

someoneto come

orderremindtellwantwarnwould like

Note ● Help peut s’employer sans to.� Help si può usare senza il to.� Help kann man ohne to verwenden.

I helped him do the dishes.

Verbs + sb + infinitive (no to)




Note● 1 Au passif, make est toujours suivi de to.� 1 Make nel passivo è seguito da to.� 1. Wenn make im Passiv steht, verwendet

man to.

We were made to work hard.

● 2 Au passif, allowed to s’employe à la placede let.

� 2 Let non si può usare nel passivo. Si usainvece allowed to.

� 2. Let kann nicht im Passiv stehen. Manverwendet stattdessen allowed to.

She was allowed to leave.

Verbs + -ing or to + infinitive● (sans changement de signification)� (con poca o nessuna differenza di

significato)� (mit geringer oder keiner




to dolovepreferstart

Verb patternsVerbs + -ing or to + infinitive(avec un changement de signification)(con differenza di significato)(mit Bedeutungsänderung)


stopto do


Notes1 I remember posting the letter.● (= je me souviens maintenant d’une action

passée: l’envoi de la lettre.)� (= mi ricordo di aver fatto una cosa in

passato: imbucare la lettera.)� (= Ich erinnere mich jetzt an eine

Handlung in der Vergangenheit: dasEinwerfen des Briefes.)

I remembered to post the letter.● (= Je me suis rappellé d’envoyer la lettre. Je

n’ai pas oublié de le faire.)� (= mi sono ricordato di imbucare la lettera.

Non ho dimenticato di farlo.)� (= Ich habe daran gedacht, den Brief

einzuwerfen. Ich habe es nicht vergessen.)

2 I stopped drinking coffee.● (= j’ai arrêté, j’ai perdu l’habitude)� (= ho smesso, non ho più questa

abitudine.)� (= Ich habe es mir abgewöhnt.)

I stopped to drink a coffee.● (= j’ai interrompu autre chose pour boire

un café.)� (= ho interrotto di fare una cosa per

prendere un caffè.)� (= Ich habe eine andere Tätigkeit

unterbrochen, um eine Tasse Kaffee zutrinken.)

3 I tried to sleep.● (= je voulais dormir, mais c’était difficile.)� (= ho cercato di dormire, volevo farlo, ma

mi era difficile.)� (= Ich wollte schlafen, aber ich konnte

schlecht einschlafen.)

I tried counting sheep and drinking a glassof warm milk.

● (= j’ai essayé différentes méthodes pourm’endormir.)

� (= ho provato vari modi possibili peraddormentarmi.)

� (= Diese Dinge habe ich ausprobiert umeinzuschlafen.)


© Oxford University Press


1 /p/ as in pen /pen/

2 /b/ as in big /bIg/

3 /t/ as in tea /ti:/

4 /d/ as in do /du:/

5 /k/ as in cat /k&t/

6 /g/ as in go /g@U/

7 /f/ as in four /fO:/

8 /v/ as in very /"veri/

9 /s/ as in son /sVn/

10 /z/ as in zoo /zu:/

11 /l/ as in live /lIv/

12 /m/ as in my /maI/

13 /n/ as in near /nI@/

14 /h/ as in happy /"h&pi/

15 /r/ as in red /red/

16 /j/ as in yes /jes/

17 /w/ as in want /wQnt/

18 /T/ as in thanks /T&Nks/

19 /D/ as in the /D@/

20 /S/ as in she /Si:/

21 /Z/ as in television /"telIvIZn/

22 /tS/ as in child /tSaIld/

23 /dZ/ as in German /"dZ3:m@n/

24 /N/ as in English /"INglIS/

Phonetic symbols


25 /i:/ as in see /si:/

26 /I/ as in his /hIz/

27 /i/ as in twenty /"twenti/

28 /e/ as in ten /ten/

29 /&/ as in stamp /st&mp/

30 /A:/ as in father /"fA:D@/

31 /Q/ as in hot /hQt/

32 /O:/ as in morning /"mO:nIN/

33 /U/ as in football /"fUtbO:l/

34 /u:/ as in you /ju:/

35 /V/ as in sun /sVn/

36 /3:/ as in learn /l3:n/

37 /@/ as in letter /"let@/

Diphthongs (two vowels together)

38 /eI/ as in name /neIm/

39 /@U/ as in no /n@U/

40 /aI/ as in my /maI/

41 /aU/ as in how /haU/

42 /OI/ as in boy /bOI/

43 /I@/ as in hear /hI@/

44 /e@/ as in where /we@/

45 /U@/ as in tour /tU@/

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