interesting insects oxford english 3a m4 u1 nanqiao primary school wei yuyi

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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Interesting InsectsOxford English 3A M4 U1

Nanqiao Primary SchoolWei Yuyi

Interesting insects, I can see.No time to play, busy honey bee.Strong little ant, lovely ladybird.Eight nice butterflies, stand on the leaf.Can you see the bee, also( 也 )on the leaf.Taste with feet, taste with feet.So many insects! How interesting!(有趣)

Interesting Insects

I can see a (an) ______ in (on) the ...It’s _____, and it can _____too.It likes ______.I like it. ( But I don’t like it. )

Is it an insect?

A ladybird has ____legs.So it _____(is/isn’t) an insect.

A spider has _______legs.So it _____(is/isn’t) an insect.



An insect has six legs.


A: Look at the ____. Is it an insect?B: Yes, it is. ( No, it isn’t.) It has __ legs.A: What colour is it?B: It’s ______.A: What can it do?B: It can _______. It likes _______. I (don’t) like it. Do you like it?A: Yes, I like it very much. (No, I don’t.)

Mother ladybird can ____And baby ladybirds can ____ too.How lovely! How interesting!

Interesting Baby Ladybirds,

Interesting Mother Ladybirds.

What do you like?

I like ladybirds.

Interesting lovely ladybirds.

How interesting!

The little ant can carry a big leaf.It’s strong, very strong.

_______ can carry _______._______ strong, very strong.


1.What colour is the caterpillar?

2.Has it six legs?3.Who is the caterpillar’s

mother?4.How is the caterpillar?

Caterpillar,Caterpillar,Here’s the caterpillar.

I’m a caterpillar hatching from my egg. 我是一只从卵中孵化出来的毛毛虫 .

My mother is a butterfly and one day I will look like her.我妈妈是一只蝴蝶 , 有一天我会长得像她 .

I’m a caterpillar hatching from my egg. 我是一只从卵中孵化出来的毛毛虫 .

The caterpillar’s mother is a beautiful butterfly. How interesting!

No time to play, honey bee!Taste with feet!Taste with feet!

What is it?


I can taste with my mouth. But the bee can taste with feet.How interesting!

Look at the bee.It’s an insect.It’s on the flower.It’s…(colour)It’s…, and it can…too.

carry a big leaf taste with feet caterpillar’s mother black and red

Look at the insect.We can see it in(on)the___.It’s________. (colour)It is___________, and it can _______too.__________________It’s interesting, very interesting.What is it?

Interesting insects, I can see.No time to play, busy honey bee.Strong little ant, lovely ladybird.Eight nice butterflies, stand on the leaf.Can you see the bee, also( 也 )on the leaf.Taste with feet, taste with feet.So many insects! How interesting!




Interesting Insects


Copy the new words and phrases. ( 抄写单词、词组。 )

Read the rhyme with emotion. ( 有感情地朗读诗歌 Interesting Insects 。 )

Write about an interesting insect and let teacher guess what insect it is.( 描写一个有趣的昆虫 , 让老师猜一猜。 )

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