inter company booking guide

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Business Planning andConsolidationIntercompany Bookingin Business Rules

Business Planning and Consolidation Business Rules – Intercompany Booking

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Intercompany Bookingin Business Rules

Business Planning and Consolidation 5.1

HistoryVersion Date Status (Comments)

1.0 3/18/2009 Initial version released

1.1 2/09/2010 Limitation and solution are added

1.2 3/03/2010 Illustration added to step 2 in Appendix

Business Planning and Consolidation Business Rules – Intercompany Booking

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Table of Contents

Intercompany Booking Procedures ................................................................................. 4

SPICDATA .................................................................................................................................................... 4DataSrc Dimension ...................................................................................................................................... 5Account Dimension ...................................................................................................................................... 6

SPICBOOKING ............................................................................................................................................. 8clcICBooking_{app} table ............................................................................................................................. 9DIFF_TYPE field .......................................................................................................................................... 9DIMENSION field ....................................................................................................................................... 10MAX_AMOUNT field .................................................................................................................................. 10How SPICBOOKING Works ....................................................................................................................... 10

Limitation .......................................................................................................................... 13

Appendix .......................................................................................................................... 17

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Intercompany Booking ProceduresThe Consolidation Engine supports a mechanism for matching the inter-company declarations among theentities of a group. This mechanism is split into two independent procedures: SPICDATA andSPICBOOKING.

Note that inter-company matching does not mean elimination between entity and inter-company. The mainpurpose of SPICDATA is to calculate difference between entity and inter-company and SPICBOOKING is tobook the difference between entity and inter-company.


You can use this procedure to copy the declarations of all entities versus a given entity by the inter-companyaccount. It concentrates into a single entity the declarations of all other entities. This mechanism allows youto run a report matching all of an entity’s declarations against the declarations involving it from other entities,without the need to assign to each owner read permits into other entities.

Launch this procedure using the following logic statement:



The stored procedure requires several parameters that must be passed in the correct order and format, asdescribed in the following table:

Parameter Description Can Be Blank Multi/Single Value

Application The Application ID. The name of the MAINapplication where the SPICDATA must beperformed.

No Single

Category A valid member of the category dimension. Thename of the data category to process. Wecurrently support the handling of only onecategory at a time. Alternatively, the SPICDATAcan be invoked multiple times in a loop ofcategories within the logic file.

No Single

Time A valid member or members of the timedimension. The name of the time members toprocess. Time must be entered in the format2009.JAN, not as 20090100.

No Multi

Currency A valid member of reporting currency. The nameof the currency to process. The parameterCurrency is able to take any of currency in theFact tables.

No Single

Entity A valid member or members of the entitydimension. The name of the entities to process.The parameter Entity is able to take valid baselevel or parent member IDs from the entitydimension. When this parameter is blank, allentities are processed.

Yes Multi

Account A valid member or members of the accountdimension. The name of the accounts to process.The parameter Account is able to take valid baselevel or parent member IDs from the accountdimension.

Yes Multi

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Parameter Description Can Be Blank Multi/Single Value

Flow A valid member or members of the flowdimension. The name of the flow members toprocess. The parameter Flow is able to take validbase level or parent member IDs from the flowdimension. When this parameter is blank, all flowmembers are processed.

Yes Multi

Data Source A valid member or members of the data sourcedimension. The name of the data sourcemembers to process. The parameter DataSource is able to take valid base level or parentmember IDs from the data source dimension.When this parameter is blank, all data sourcesare processed.

Note: Only base level members that have I inIC_ORIGINE will be taken as its source data.

Yes Multi

Property A valid value that is a property name or values ofthe AccType property name of the accountdimension. The valid value of AccType propertyof the account dimension. If blank, the proceduresearches for all values in the AccType property.

Yes Single

%LOGTABLE% This keyword is used internally by the procedureto identify the name of a table where theprocedure writes logging information. At the end,this information is copied into the logic log fileand the table is deleted.

No (Keyword) Single

DataSrc Dimension

The property IC_ORIGINE is used to define the debit and credit where the calculated difference is to bewritten.

Property Name Length Description

IC_ORIGINE 2 I - These members are for ICData.

M - Exchange entity and inter-company without touching data

D or D1 - Debit for Balance EntityDebtor

C or C1 - Credit for Balance EntityDebtor

D or D2 - Debit for Balance EntityCreditor

C or C2 - Credit for Balance EntityCreditor

The following is an example showing how to set the IC_ORIGINE property value in the DataSrc dimension:

INPUT and IC_INPUT have I in IC_ORIGINE as the input value.

Debit1, Credit1, Debit2, and Credit2 are set for the calculation of Debit and Credit.

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ICDIFF is going to be used for booking the difference by SPICBOOKING, which should be set in theICBooking rule table. See SPICBOOKING for more information.

ID EVDESCRIPTION PARENTH1 IC_ORIGINE IS_CONVERTED IS_CONSOL DATASRC_TYPEINPUT Company Input CONTRIB I Y Y IIC_INPUT Company Input for IC CONTRIB I Y Y IICDIFF Diff - Intercompany I G Y MBalance BalanceBalance1 Balance Entity Debtor BalanceDebit1 Debit1 Balance1 D1Credit1 Credit1 Balance1 C1Balance2 Balance Entity Creditor BalanceDebit2 Debit2 Balance2 D2Credit2 Credit2 Balance2 C2

Note: IC_ORIGINE is a mandatory property in DataSrc to use Intercompany Booking, SPICDATA andSPICBOOKING.

Account Dimension

Accounts for Receivable and Payable should belong to the same parent for SPICBOOKING.



Assume there are transactions among entities as shown in the following figure:

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These transactions could be represented in EVDRE as the following:

As shown in this example, there are differences in the transactions among the Receivable and Payableaccounts among the entities. Assume you have permissions for only CGD, but you need to know whetherthere are differences from other entities or not. Generally, finding this out is impossible because of security,but you can calculate them by SPICDATA.

After running SPICDATA, DEBIT, and CREDIT, which have transactions generated to the property DataSrcsuch as Debit1, Credit1, Debit2 and Credit2, the following appears:

Calculated result between CGD and CGI

Calculated result between CGD and CGF

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This procedure can be used to automatically generate the bookings which will make the inter-companydeclarations to match.

Launch this procedure using the following logic statement:



The stored procedure requires several parameters that must be passed in the correct order and format, asdescribed in the following table:

Parameter Description Can Be Blank Multi/Single Value

Application The Application ID. The name of the MAINapplication where the SPICDATA must beperformed.

No Single

Category A valid member of the category dimension. Thename of the data category to process. Wecurrently support the handling of only onecategory at a time. Alternatively, theSPICBOOKING can be invoked multiple times ina loop of categories within the logic file.

No Single

Time A valid member or members of the timedimension. The name of the time members toprocess. Time must be entered in the format2009.JAN, not as 20090100.

No Multi

Currency A valid member of reporting currency. The nameof the currency to process. The parameterCurrency is able to take any of currency in theFact tables.

No Single

Data Source A valid member or members of the data sourcedimension. The name of the data sourcemembers to process. The parameter DataSource is able to take valid base level or parentmember IDs from the data source dimension.When this parameter is blank, all data sourcesare processed.

Note: Only base level members that do not haveD, D1, D2, C, C1 or C2 in IC_ORIGINE will betaken as source data. In other words, ICBookingdoes not take only data source whoseIC_ORIGINE equals to I as its source data.

Yes Multi

%LOGTABLE% This keyword is used internally by the procedureto identify the name of a table where theprocedure writes logging information. At the end,this information is copied into the logic log fileand the table is deleted.

No (Keyword) Single

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clcICBooking_{app} table

The clcICBooking_{app} table defines the original DataSrc and destination DataSrc.

Column Name SQL Column Length Description

Remark COMMENT 250 A free description.

Type DIFF_TYPE 1 S: Seller

B: Buyer

G: Greatest Amount

Parent matchingaccount

MATCHING_ID 20 Parent of debit and creditaccounts wheredifference to be booked.

Other destinationdimension member

DIMENSION 20 No longer used.

Booking destinationdata source

DATASRC 20 A valid data sourcemember to be booked.

Max booking amount MAX_AMOUNT 20 Maximum amount ofauthorize of booking.

Debit account DEBIT_ACCOUNT 20 A valid account memberto be booked in debit.

Debit flow DEBIT_SUBTABLES 20 Cannot be blank.Destination flow to bebooked in debit.

Debit intco DEBIT_INTCO 20 Can be blank. If not,destination inter-company to be booked indebit.

Credit account CREDIT_ACCOUNT 20 A valid account memberto be booked in credit.

Credit flow CREDIT_SUBTABLES 20 Cannot be blank.Destination flow to bebooked in credit.

Credit intco CREDIT_INTCO 20 Can be blank. If not,destination inter-company to be booked incredit.


This field may contain the following values:

Seller Rule: Calculate differences between Receivable and Payable and make corrections to theBuyer side.

Buyer Rule: Calculate differences between Receivable and Payable and make correction to theSeller’s side.

Greatest Amount: Not currently supported.

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No longer supported


This field identifies the maximum amount to be calculated. For example, if MAX_AMOUNT is set to 100, thenvalues smaller than 100 are calculated.


SPICBOOKING can be used to automatically generate the bookings that make inter-company declarationsmatch. This procedure must be performed after performing SPICDATA.

In the case of <Seller Rule>, fixed differences are booked on the buyer’s accounts.

Rule Type Buyer’saccount

Buyer’s Debit Buyer’s Credit

Seller Rule B/S Balance Booking

Seller Rule P/L Booking Balance

In the case of <Buyer Rule>, fixed differences are booked on the seller’s accounts.

Rule Type Seller’saccount

Seller’s Debit Seller’s Credit

Buyer Rule B/S Booking Balance

Buyer Rule P/L Balance Booking

Example:Transaction between CGD and CGI using SPICDATA

In this case, SPICBOOKING for DEBIT and CREDIT of CGI (Buyer) on the Seller’s rule generates twojournal entries in DEBIT and CREDIT of CGI as showing in the following figure:

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Example: Seller Rule

Normally, the balance must be zero. However, this example shows a case which involves a Seller’s rule” withB/S except P/L.

This is an example used in SPICDATA. Assume there are the following transactions among entities:

The rule for ICBOOKING could be set as follows:

Since ICBOOKING is performed on the Seller’s rule, the calculated differences between Seller and Buyer arebooked to the DEBIT and CREDIT accounts with ICDIFF DataSrc on the Buyer side. In this example, CGF isthe buyer against CGD, and CGD is the buyer against CGI.

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As illustrated, the two journal entries in ICDIFF are generated to each Buyer.

After the booking, we must run the SPICDATA procedure again, which results in the following:

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LimitationIf you are using flow type dimension in your application, then you may meet unexpected results according tothe structure of flow type dimension since ICBooking does not filter flow type dimension during the process ofcalculation.

Under the structure of flow type dimension that has Total (F_TOT) and Close (F_CLO) as the followingFigure 1, if source amounts exist in children of F_TOT and F_CLO, then ICBooking will calculate amountsfrom all of flow members, and the calculated results from F_TOT and F_CLO will be booked.

(Figure 1)

Symptom:Assume there are transactions among entities on F_TOT and F_CLO as follows:

ICBooking rule is set as follows:

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And if ICBooking is run for SourceData data source member from the following DataSrc:

Then all of children of F_TOT and F_CLO amounts from children of SourceData are calculated and bookedaccording to ICBooking rule as follows:

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To avoid the limitation, add data source members for F_CLO as the following Figure 3 from the followingFigure 2, and then it is possible to classify amounts from F_TOT and F_CLO through data source members.

(Figure 2) (Figure 3)

To make it work correctly, you have to set input value for F_TOT to IC_INPUT and F_CLO toIC_INPUT_CLO as follows:

After then, if ICBooking is run for SourceData_CLO data source member, then calculated amounts of F_CLOwill be booked without F_TOT intervention.

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Note:If you are meeting this limitation and want to apply the solution to your system, you may have to considerhow to move existing amounts on F_CLO under SourceData after adding data source members for F_CLO.To move existing amount on F_CLO under SourceData, please refer to Appendix.

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Step 1: Add data source members for F_CLO like Figure 3 on page 15 through processing dimension ofAdmin console.

Step 2: Change DataSource parameter of SPICBOOKING from SourceData to SourceData_CLO.

Step 3: Move all of amounts on SourceData/F_CLO to SourceData_CLO/F_CLO through DM Move package.Please refer to the following steps for details.

Select Move package and click Run button.

Select “Merge data values” option and click next button.

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Select members of Flow and DataSrc dimension of source and destination. And click next button.

Select “Run now” option and click finish button to run move package.

Step 4: Run SPICBooking again.

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