integrating social networking with traditional marketing

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Integrating Social Networking With Traditional Marketing

There are two types of networking that a career person should take advantage of. These are the traditional in-person networking and the social media networking. The former has been in existence for years and take place during gatherings and social functions; while the other take place online, in the comforts of an individual’s home, with the help of only a computer and an Internet connection.

The two have advantages and disadvantages and there’s no point in rejecting one over the other. A wise career person gets the most out of each type of networking.

To know how to take advantage of each type, it is important to know their differences. That will be discussed in this article.

First difference is by definition. Social media, like Twitter and Facebook, allows a person to share information in a global scale. Anybody who is online is practically a potential marketing target. In contrast, social or in-person networking, is meeting people in the flesh. You know you are with people who share common interests.

Communication style is another difference. With social media, you only have your ability to use words to back you up. You may get the help of a video presentation or even a video conference but you don’t face the unique challenge of facing a person and talking to him in the in the flesh. In traditional media, physical appearance plays a great role in clinching deals. It’s not enough that you have a way with words, you should need to win potential clients and partners with the way you carry yourselves and all the other unspoken qualities about you.

Third difference is in the return of investment. In social media, it’s can be sometimes difficult to determine if the amount of time and resources you spent on the computer and Internet connection will yield financial returns. But you can be sure that you were able to reach a huge audience as you click away.

In a traditional networking, you have the advantage of putting everything on paper, contracts, written agreements, memorandums, and other documents. You know, met in person and talked to the one you are now partnering up with

In the last analysis, a real entrepreneur is she who is adept in both types of networking. There are many networking organizations now that take advantage of both social networking and traditional networking. One of these groups is the National Association of Professional Women, or the NAPW. Imagine the benefits you can enjoy if you are an expert in both networking types.

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