inglês basico

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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basic english slides Enjoy*_*



Inglês BasicoEQ*

2Estrutura do Módulo

•Expression to start a conversation•Forms of Treatment•Days of the Week•Month of Year•Seasons•Members of the Family•Questions Words•Verb To Be – Afirmative, Negative e Interrogative

•Do, Does and Did•Vocabulary•Adjectives•Numbers•Time•Simple Future: Will and Going to•Simple Present•Present Continuous•Simple Past•Past Continuous

4 Objetivos• Aprimorar/desenvolver habilidades

na língua inglesa que contribuam para a educação global dos alunos.

• Promover a interação dos alunos do Pronatec com uma nova cultura.

• Ajudar na formação do cidadão brasileiro, auxiliando no contato com uma nova língua.

5James _ Hello.

Lisa - Hi!

James -How are you?

Lisa- I am good. How about you?

James-Good. Do you speak English?

In the Park

Lisa - A little. Are you American?

James - Yes, I am.

Lisa - Where are you from?

James - I am from California.

Lisa - Nice to meet you.

James - Nice to meet you too.

7Other expression to start a conversation

Good Morning! Good Afternoon!


Good Evening!

Good Evening!


Good Night!

10 Hello! or Hi! Goodbye! or Bye Bye!

11 Forms of Treatment

Mr. Mister


12Ms or Miss




Escolha uma situação e um lugar e com a ajuda do professor escreva um diálogo usando as expressões aprendidas em sala de aula.


14Days of the Week

Sunday – Day of the Sun

Sunday I go to the beach.

15Days of the Week

Monday – Day of Moon

Monday I go to school.

16Days of the Week

Tuesday – Day of Mars

Tuesday I am calling you.

17Days of the Week

Wednesday – Day of Mercury

Wednesday I will be whit you.

18Days of the Week

Thursday – Thor´s Day

Thursday is my English class.

19Days of theWeek

Friday – Freya´s Day

Friday is always a blast.

20Days of the Week

Saturday – Saturn´s Day

Saturdays are the best.

Days of the weekDay Abbreviation

Monday MonTuesday Tue

Wednesday WedThursday Thu

Friday FriSaturday SatSunday Sun


In ancient Greece, each day of the week was to honor a certain god. Romans took over the custom, but used the names of their own gods. In English some of the names were replaced by the names of nordic gods.

Try to find out the origin of each day of the week.

This day is named after the sun. ________

This day is named after the moon._______ 

This day is named after Saturn. __________

This day is named after Freya, the Teutonic goddess of love and beauty.___________

This day is named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder.__________

This day is named after Tiu, the English / Germanic god of war and the sky. _________

This day is named after Woden, the chief Anglo-Saxon / Teutonic god._______________

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

football shopping meeting ring Jane

buy flowers concert sailing

  cinema tennis EnglishItalian restaurant


Have a look at James's last week's diary and answer the questions in complete sentences. Put the time expression at the end of the sentence.

1.When was his English class? → His English class was on Thursday.2.When did he go shopping? → He went shopping on Tuesday.

When did he buy flowers? → He bought flowers on Friday.When was his meeting? → His meeting was on Wednesday.When did he play football? → He played football on Monday. When did he go to the Italian restaurant? → He went to the Italian restaurant on Friday. When did he ring Jane? → He rang Jane on Thursday. When did he go to the cinema? → He went to the cinema on Tuesday. When did he play tennis? → He played tennis on Wednesday. When was the concert? → The concert was on Saturday.When did he go sailing? → He went sailing on Sunday.


Em inglês, descreva a sua semana. Você pode escrever o dia da semana e o nome de uma atividade que você faz naquele dia. Por exemplo:

Sunday: I go to church.


27Month of Year

January : Janus, Deus dos Portões.February : Febra, Festival de Purificação.March: Mars, Deus da Guerra.April: Aprilis, Abertura da Primavera.May: Maia, Deusa da Fertilidade.June : Juno, Deusa das Mulheres.July : Julius, Júlio César.August : Augustus, Augusto César.September: Septem, sete.October : Octo, oito.November : Novem, nove.December: Decem, dez.

28Our calendar today originated in Roman times. This can still be seen in the names of the months that are Latin words or named after Roman gods. Try to find out the origin of each month.

1.This month is named after the Roman emperor Julius Caesar. 2.This month is named after the Roman war god Mars.3.Before Julius Caesar decided that the year should begin in January (not March),this had been the seventh month of the year. (The Latin word for seven is septem).4.This used to be the tenth month of the year. (The Latin word for ten is decem.) 5.This month is named after the Roman god Janus6.This used to be the eighth month of the year (eight = octo). 6.The name of this month stands for the opening of the buds in spring. (to open = aperire) 7.This month is named after the Roman emperor Augustus 8.This month is named after the Roman mother goddess Maia.9.This month is named after the Roman festival of Februa.10.This month is named after the Roman goddess Juno, Jupiter's wife.


Faça uma pesquisa sobre os meses do ano e escolha um deles para você falar. Com a ajuada do professor, você pode escvrever um texto sobre todas as curiosodades do mês escolhido.


30 Seasons



There are four seasons in English each with three months. Here are the four seasons:

Spring MarchAprilMay





Escolha uma das estações do ano e procure em revistas figuras que as descreva. Peça ajuda ao professor e cole as figuras em uma cartolina com a legenda de cada uma delas em inglês. Ao final do trabalho apresente para turma a sua estação do ano preferida.

Text Production

33 Members of the Family


Great great grandfather: tataravôGreat great grandmother: tataravóGreat grandfather: bisavôGreat grandmother: bisavóGrandparents: avósGrandfather: avôGrandmother: avóGreat grandson: bisnetoGreat granddaughter: bisnetaGrandson: netoGranddaughter: neta

34 Parents

Wife: esposaHusband: esposoParents: paisFather: paiMother: mãeSon: filhoDaughter: filhaBrother: irmãoSister: irmãSiblings: irmãosTwins gêmeos


Uncle: tio

Aunt: tia

Cousin: primo e prima

Nephew: sobrinho

Niece: sobrinha



Father-in-law: sogroMother-in-law: sograBrother-in-law: cunhadoSister-in-law: cunhada

37Godfather: padrinhoGodmother: madrinha

Stepfather: padrastoStepmother: madrasta

Halfbrother: meio irmãoHalfsister: meia irmã


Traga fotos da sua família e faça uma árvore genealógica, colocando em inglês o grau de parentesco com os seus familiares.

Knowing my family

39Questions Words

Rachel and Ross are best friends and they go to school toghether. On Monday and Fryday, they have a English class, because they go to New York on vacation. Sometimes they go to English class by bus and the other times they go walking.

Who? Rachel and RossWhen? on Monday and Friday.Where? To school.Why? Because they go to New YorkHow? Bus and walkingHow many times in week? Two - on Monday and Friday.

40Questions Words

Escolham as opções que melhor preenchem os espaços em branco, utilizando "who","what","when","where" e "why" corretamente.

1. I don't know............we are going to finish the project but it won't take too long. It has to be ready before April 10th.2. I don't do. I haven't made a decision yet. Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with that?

3. I have no idea...............called you. Maybe your sister could tell you.

4. I'm curious to were born. I was born in Brazil. And you?

5. That's............I love you so much. You always make me happy.

6. I don't know ……… you are.

41 Fruit

Strawberry Grape Mango Apple Banana


Lemon Pineapple

Pear Papaya





42 Vegetables

Lettuce Cabbage Carrot

Radish Zucchini




Bell Pepper


43 Verb To Be


I am I`mYou are You´reHe is He`sShe is She`sIt is It´sWe are We´reYou are You`reThey are They´re


45 Negative

I am not I`m notYou are not You´re not You aren´tHe is not He`s not He isn´tShe is not She`s not She isn´tIt is not It´s not It isn´tWe are not We´re not We aren´tYou are not You`re not You aren´tThey are not They´re not They aren´t

46 Interrogative

Am I a student?Are you a doctor?Is he a journalist?Is she a teacher?Is it a book?Are we mechanics?Are you a pilot ? Are they policimen?


Do – questions of simple presente: I , You, We, You and They

Do you live here?

Does - questions of simple presente : she and he

Does she live here?

Did – past : yesterday, last week, last night, 3 days ago, one year ago, when I was a child, when I called you…

Did you see that?

Do, Does and Did










Escolha um lugar e diga quais são os elementos que o compõem. Por exemplo:In the hospital: doctor, nurse, blood, disease, patients,cure...

Choose your place

50 Verb To Be


I was I was not I wasn´tYou were You were not You weren´tHe was He was not He wasn´tShe was She was not She wasn´tIt was It was not It wasn´tWe were We were not We weren´tYou were You were not You weren´tThey were They were not They weren´t

Afirmative Negative

52 Interrogative

Was I...?Were you...?Was he...?Was she...?Was it...?Were we...?Were you...?Were they...?

Was she Lisa?Where were you?

53 Text Production

Agora que você conhece o verbo To Be, escreva um texto sobre ...


Happy Sad In love Bad

Good Shy Nervous Cry

Smile Thinking Beautiful Rich

55 Numbers

Tell the Time in English

What time is it?

58 Listening

Ouça a música “Help” dos Beatles e circule as palavras que você conhece. Em seguida, cante com os demais alunos.

The Beatles foi uma banda de rock, formada na cidade de Liverpool (Inglaterra), em 1956. Faziam parte deste grupo os seguintes músicos: John Lennon (vocalista, guitarrista e compositor), George Harrison (guitarrista e vocalista), Paul Mc Cartney (baixista, compositor e vocal) e Ringo Star (baterista). O nome inicial da banda era Silver Beetles, fazendo uma referência a besouros. Porém, por sugestão de John Lennon, a banda passou a se chamar The Beatles, pois a palavra inglesa "beat" significa rítmo ou batida.

59 Musical Intruments

Guitar Drums Piano Keyboard Cello

Violin Flute


Double bass


60 Address

61 Simple Future: Will e Going to

WILL se refere a um futuro incerto e GOING TO a algo planejado. 

Usa-se GOING TO:

•quando se tem certeza do que vai acontecer, uma decisão já tomada.

Situação 1

•What color are you going to paint your kitchen? 

•I´m going to paint it white.

62Situação 2

•- What are you going to do after class tonight? (O que você vai fazer após a aula hoje à noite?)

•- I´m going to stop by at my uncle´s house to pick up some books. (Vou passar na casa do meu tio para pegar alguns livros.)

para se fazer previsões sobre o que vai acontecer.

•I think the concert is going to be good. (Acho que o show vai ser bom.)

•I think it´s going to rain. (Acho que vai chover.)

63 Usa-se WILL:

com expressões como “I THINK”, “MAYBE”, “I´M SURE”.

•I think you´ll do well on the test. (Acho que você irá bem na prova.)

•Maybe I´ll go to the movies tonight. (Talvez eu vá ao cinema hoje à noite.)

•I´m sure everything will be all right. (Tenho certeza de que tudo ficará bem.)

64 para se oferecer a fazer algo.

•The phone´s ringing! (O telefone está tocando.)

•Don´t worry, I´ll get it. (Não se preocupe, eu atendo.)

quando se resolve fazer algo na hora da fala.

•Sir, will you have red wine or white wine? (O senhor aceita vinho tinto ou branco?)

•Mmm, I´ll have red wine. (Mmm, aceito o vinho tinto.)

65 JobsRadishCook Fisherman




Nurse Farmer Doctor

66 Simple Present - Afirmative

To Think To Make To Love

I think I make I loveYou think You make You loveHe thinks He makes He lovesShe thinks She makes She LovesIt thinks It makes It lovesWe think We make We loveYou think You make You loveThey think They make They Love

67 Special Cases

1° verbo To be: já tem a 3° pessoa especificado

He isShe isIt is

2° verbo To have : na 3ª pessoa ele perde as duas últimas letras e acrescenta-se S.

He hasShe hasIt has

68 O 3º caso especial são os verbos terminados em o, ss, ch, sh, x, em que se acrescenta ES:

Go: he/she /it goes

Kiss: he/she/it kisses

Teach: he/she/it teaches

Wash: he/she/it washes

Fix: he/she/it fixes

69 O 4º caso especial são os verbos terminados em Y, eles têm 2 possibilidades:

Y precedido de VOGAL acrescenta-se –S

Pay and buy : he/she/it pays buys

Y precedido de CONSOANTE acrescenta-se –IES

Cry and try: he/she/it cries, tries

70 Simple Present - NegativeDo + Not - To

1- I do not play the piano./ I don´t play the piano.2- My parents don’t like TV. 

Na 3ª pessoa do singular (he/she/it), usa-se o verbo auxiliar does + not ou doesn’t em vez de do+ not ou don’t. Note que o verbo seguinte fica na forma básica sem o to e sem o S, exemplo:

1- She does not speak Portuguese, just Chinese. 2- Paulo doesn’t eat chocolate.

Observação: Os verbos auxiliares do e does não tem tradução. Mas quando acompanhado do not, pode-se traduzir por não simplesmente.

71 Simple Present - Interrogative

Na forma interrogativa do Simple Present utilizam-se os verbos auxiliares do e does antes do sujeito na frase. O verbo fica na sua forma básica sem o to e sem o S, observe o exemplo:

1- Do you like orange juice?2- Does Mariah like movies?


Simple Present - Afirmative


I work I don’t work Do I work ...?

You work You don’t work Do you work ...?

He works He doesn’t work Does he work ...?

She works She doesn’t work Does she work ...?

It works It doesn’t work Does it work ...?

We work We don’t work Do we work...?

You work You don’twork Do you work ...?

They work They don’t work Do they work ...?

73 Text Production

74 Animals

Dog Cat Horse Cow


Duck Chicken




Tortoise Turtle Fish


75 Present Continuous


Indica que uma ação está acontecendo no momento em que se fala, ou na atualidade:

We are writing a letter now.Jeniffer is reading a book.

76 Afirmative

We are speaking English now.


Are you felling bad at this moment?


It is not raining anymore.

I am looking for a teacher.

Is she studing French?  


to try – tryingto study – studying               mantém-se o “y” antes do “-ingto play – playing                  to carry – carrying, etc.


Nesses verbos, substitui-se o “ie” pelo “y" e acrescenta-se o i:to die – dying        to lie – lying      to tie – tying

Dobra-se a última consoante quando houver a seqüência consoante-vogal-consoante: 

to put – putting  to sit – sittingto swim – swimming

Quando a sílaba tônica for a última, dobra-se a última consoante também:

begin - beginning  omit - omittingoccur – ocurring prefer - preferring 

78 Em verbos terminados em “e”, substitui-o pelo “-ing”.

to take – taking                                  to have – having 


to live – living            to be - beingto save – saving         to see - seeingto shine – shining      to agree – agreeing

79 Text Production

80 Simple PastVerbos Regulares


Os verbos no Simple Past são constituídos da partícula ED no final, e para isso, deve-se seguir algumas regras:

•Verbos já terminados em E apenas ganham o D: dance = danced•Verbos terminados em consoante + y, perdem o Y e ganham IED: study = studied.•Verbos terminados em vogal + y, apenas ganham ED: play = played.•Verbos terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante e cuja última sílaba seja a tônica, dobram a última consoante e ganham ED: stop = stopped

81 Simple Past

Verbos irregulares


As frases afirmativas com verbos irregulares se compoem do sujeito + passado simples do verbo:

I saw.She said.

82 Simple Past

Interrogações (regulares e irregulares)

As interrogações no simple past pedem ajuda do auxiliar DID (passado de DO) + a forma normal do verbo:

•Did you drink? •Did she sleep?

* Note que quem está no passado é o auxiliar DID, o verbo principal continua na sua forma básica.

83 Simple Past


Adiciona-se o DID + NOT (didn't) após o sujeito (serve para todas as pessoas):

•You did not drink. •She did not sleep.

84 Past Continuous

SUBJECT + VERB “to be” IN THE PAST (was/were) + VERB WHIT “ing” + complement.

She was working yesterday night. He was working at the college. The dog was barking a lot yesterday night.

Para a forma negativa, basta acrescentar o “not” após o passado do verbo “to be”(was/were):

They were not studying when I arrived home. I was not traveling last week. We were not playing cards during the class. 

85 Past ContinuousPara elaborar uma frase interrogativa é necessário colocar o passado do verbo “to be” (was/were) no início da frase:

Was Lisa copying Marianne’s exercises? 

Was Bob riding a horse with his friends on the farm yesterday? 

Were you two dancing during the P.E. class yesterday? 

86 Text Production


Thank you!


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