if.lmt. childrens menu 5 - il fornaio. childrens menu 5.15.pdfcan you draw mona lisa's famous...

Post on 25-Mar-2018






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-- How many regions of Italy are there? ___ ' \. - Where did II Fornaio start?_______

Can you find the 'Boot" of Italy?

Can you draw Mona Lisa's famous smile?

Mona Lisa by ___________ Use the painting to the right as your model or create a new expression.


Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci Painted between 1503 and 1506

Mona's mysterious smile has helped make this painting one of the most famous in the world.

It is thought to be of Lisa Gherardini, wife of a Florentine cloth merchant named

Francesco del Giocondo.

Did you know Leo was also an inventor?

Which of the following items did he invent? 1.Battleship 2.Parachute 3.Flying Machines

4.Spring-Driven Car 5.AII of the above


ANTIPASTI (Appetizer)

Minestdd~~i~h·~;;9!.;~;ie stock Vegetable so~p m f ·tte 2.75

P tat1ne r• . ······ Q French fries

PRIMI (First Course)

Pizza Piccol1~~~i~/~1~a cheese . ·th tomato sauce an Pizza w1

secoNDI (Second Course) •

aa caroni al Forma9910,,v,ac ese 7.95IPomodoro o Bo 09~0 sauc~·~~· meat sauce

d cheese or toma Pasta with ched or ·t 8 95

Pollo Pepi ~~~1~itii french fries d d Chicken tenders ser

Brea e DOLCE (Dessert)

I · 3 95Ge.at1 --ci~·~k ~hocotate 9etato One scoop of van1 Ila or

BEVAN DE (Drinks)

soda or Milk......1.95

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