idea generation task4

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Task 4

Idea 1.

COLOUR SCHEME; in terms of colours I will use a very different

colour scheme to the already existing orange and blue. By using the stereotypical pink and blue tones which will

make it appropriate to the selected audiences

FONT: for both of the designs I will look at using

two very different contrasting fonts; one a very soft and feminine fonts such as serif font, meanwhile to

contrast this a more chunky and bold font will be used to

appear more masculine.

IMAGES: I will look to extreme this idea of men

vs women by adding a colour overlay to also

reflect, I will also look at changing the focus to these images to the

appropriate audience such as soft to contrast the sharp. In terms of the images I will look to

create a scrapbook effect of images layering up these different images and symbols related to

that gender.THEME: the inspiration for this idea has come from the idea of

competition between men and women. Which I feel will fit in with there already existing tone, based on there offensive humour, and so two

designs of each product will be made for the poster, web banner and packaging. Some of the ideas behind this will also be very stereotypical

of that gender, down to the text, colour schemes and images appropriate to get this message across. I got this idea from the Cadburys chocolate

which ran a similar campaign over ‘spots and stripes’

Idea 2.

COLOUR SCHEME; in terms of colours I will

look to use a more suital and muted colour

scheme, as it will help to create a more calming and very

different image for the brand. I also feel that these colours would

appeal more to a range of people because the

already existing colours were more masculine.

FONTS; for the purpose of this design I will be using chunky font, that are clear and

easy to understand for all ages. A sans serif font would work best because I feel that it is

better for giving out clear instruction and content to the reader, that type of font will also be a lot more modern for the audience. IMAGES; I will look to use

very strong and eye catching images inspired by newspaper and comic book

strip which could be created using the software Photoshop and creating this by using the technique of

rota scoping. Also by including some of there

previous images into there campaign and again using the same technique rota

scoping them.

THEME; this idea is aimed at appealing more to the younger generation that they are targeting to try and increase profits and profile for them,

and so this strategy looks at being a lot more bold and graphic with there designs, the main focus been the busy images and backgrounds used to entice the audience, and in some ways to look a lot for childish in design.

Taking inspiration from other drinks on the market such as innocent smoothies, as I really like the packaging and house style they have

employed into there brand.

Idea 3.

COLOUR SCHEME; the main difference to this campaign is

the fact that the colour scheme is

very different to the already existing

product to try and appeal to a wider audience. Using

more of monochrome colour

scheme; whites, slivers, greys and

blacks. These monochrome

colours will help to create a new image,

a more simplistic and sophisticated


FONTS; I would look at using a serif fonts as I feel this style would work well with the overall tone and

appearance to this idea. However, it would appeal to more of a female based audience being very different to what

there branding is like at the moment, and will complement the images and text surrounding it. IMAGE; to complement

the colour scheme I would use black and white images with

extreme contrast to them, which will help to create this very graphic

and cartoon effect. However while the main image will be based in

black and white the image of the can of irn-

bru 32 will be highlighted and

brightened to emphasis this more drawing our attention to the bottle both on the poster and

web banner.

THEME; the main house style and inspiration for

this idea will come from the colour scheme been very muted, while the product

will be bright and eye catching in its original

colours, the fact that I am using the same colours, captivates there original

audience. But will also help to bring a new audience in

with the more simplistic tone.

Idea 4.

COLOUR SCHEME; I will be using the orange

and blue colour, however, muting these more into pastel colours

making them more appealing to a female

audience. These colours will also reflect the

younger audience and also brighter and

summary tones, unlike the harsh colours used


FONTS; I will still look to using a sans serif font in capital letters, especially a chunky font. Which will continue to complement the bold colours with a bold font. As there existing advertising is more loud and

garish then muted and soft, an image that wants to be continued. To then complement this other text surrounding the round whether this be

slogans, captions or ingredients list will been is a similar sans serif font to help fit with the modern look that is been used throughout. IMAGE; because I will

look at recreating a similar look for irn-bru 32 I will use stock images in similar situation to the what has been used on

the past to create a more updated version such as

the old black n white images, finding images in

similar situations however the camera

quality been a lot better and the colour images, picking out the brighter

tones and adding different effects found on

Photoshop .

THEME; the overall look of the idea will be very similar to there existing

branding, however I tend to improve this, making it

modern and updating there original packaging

both with the colour scheme, and images, still using the adult humour, to shock and get a reaction

from audiences.

Idea 5.

COLOUR SCHEME; in terms of colours, i will look

to sue mainly primary colours to fit in with the

original irn-bru, however by introducing some new

colours into the design will help to brighten it and look new and different to what is already on the market of

irn-bru, and is also good contrasting colours that will catch the eye of the public

on the shelf.

FONTS; as the text is an important to part to this design, I will look to

use a number of different fonts both serif,

and sans serif, both in capital and lower case. This will help to keep

audiences interested, I will also look at different

sizing and widths of these fonts, to make

them curve and merge with the images and

other text, and so the website dafont will help

me to do so with the range of different texts

that can be sourced from there.

IMAGE; because unusually the text is

most important to this campaign rather than

the image, which normally grabs the

attention of the public the text will need to be bright and eye catching so to complement this a

image to the background will be used

to the back of the designs and so by

lowering the opacity and showing the

silhouettes of different people drinking this energy drink. Which

wont distract from the text.

THEME; for the purpose of this idea the text would be a large part of the designs for all the packaging, poster and web banner, using

what is commonly known as info graphics, compacting the information in a more interesting and humorous way just like what the brand is already well known for. This will also allow the market to gain more of an understanding into what they are drinking and

to good it does but in a more innovative and unusual way.

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