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  • 8/3/2019 IDE 4r


    Chapter 4: Monopoly, Monopsony, & Dominant Firms


    Monopoly Behavior:

    1. Maximizes profits: MR = MC2. Faces downward sloping demand: Price maker

    3. Makes price by setting quantity

    4. Creates P > MC by selling less output than competitive firm

    5. Selling less output creates deadweight loss (DWL)

    Figure 4.2

    Consumer Surplus = Willingness-to-Pay minus Price

    Producer Surplus = Price minus Willingness-to-Supply

    Degree of market power Lerner Index

    Monopoly or market power results in an overcharge.

    The overcharge is related to the elasticity of demand.

    From MR = MC and from MR = P [ 1 + ( 1 / )]

    We obtain the Lerner Index (LI) or monopoly markup

    LI = [ P MC ] / P = 1 / -

    If MC = AC , then

    Gross Margin = [ P AC ] / P = 1 / -

    In perfect competition, = - and LI = 0

    DWLMonopoly Profit

    (Producer Surplus)





  • 8/3/2019 IDE 4r


    Incentive for Efficient Operation

    While the inefficient competitive firm will not survive, an inefficient monopoly may survive. The value

    maximizing owners have an incentive to become efficient. However, with the separation of ownership

    and control there is great potential for X-inefficiency.

    Welfare Comparison with Pure Competition

    1. DWL is a welfare loss hence inefficient

    2. In a cartel situation, DWL represents an incentive to cheat (see Chapter 5

    Other Costs of Monopoly:

    1. Rent-seeking costs (expenditures on lobbying to obtain preferential government treatment).Monopolist would be willing to spend up to the amount of the monopoly profits

    2. Advertising expenditures

    3. X-inefficiency (no market discipline)

    Benefits of Monopoly:

    Society may benefit from a monopoly when the monopolist has secured its position through innovation

    (differentiation or cost leadership). The government may even be justified in providing preferentialtreatment in this case with a patent.


    1. Merge or Collude (Chap. 5)

    Early antitrust law was clear in making collusion (price fixing, cartels) illegal, but not clear

    to when merging was illegal (merger to monopoly wave in 1890 1905)

    2. Strategic Entry Deterrence (Chap. 11)

    Strategic investment to make entry by rival firms unprofitable (send signal to potential

    entrants) Limit pricing

    Predatory pricing

    Capacity expansion

    3. Knowledge Advantage

    Asymmetric knowledge/technology

    4. Government-Created Monopolies

    Crony capitalism

    Rents that rent-seeking behavior seeks

    Intellectual property

    U.S. Post Office

    5. Natural Monopoly

    Declining Average Cost

    Cheaper for one firm to produce output than numerous smaller firms

    Traditional public utilities (phone, electric, cable, gas) are considered natural monopolies,

    but with new technologies this may be changing

  • 8/3/2019 IDE 4r



    1. What appears to be positive economic profit may in fact be a rent to scarce resources and not

    monopoly profit

    2. A monopoly does not guarantee positive economic profit

    3. Mergers to eliminate short-run losses may not be desirable in the short-run. Merger will lead to

    higher prices and a DWL. However, short-run losses cannot be sustained indefinitely. To survivein the long-run may require a merger.


    A monopsony is a single buyer in a market.

    The monopsony is a price taker in the input market.

    The economics are symmetric with the monopoly case with a marginal outlay schedule

    (marginal resource cost) lying above the supply curve.

    The strategy of the monopsony is to maximize profit where marginal benefit of hiring (the

    demand curve) equals the marginal outlay, resulting in the monopsony restricting hiring

    and paying an input price below the competitive price.

    Note that a minimum wage set at wc in Figure 4.5 on page 107 will have the effect of

    increasing the wage and employment. This is because the marginal outlay curve is flat at

    wc until it intersects the demand curve (MRP curve)


    Dominant Firm: A large price-setting firm with large market share, facing smaller price-taking firms.

    Fringe Firms: A group of small price-taking firms in a market with a dominant.

    With the fringe firms, the dominant firm will typically not set the conventional monopoly price, nor will

    the profit-maximizing dominant firm want to predatory price to drive out the fringe.

    Some examples might include:

    Dominant Firm IndustryKodak photographic film

    Hewlett-Packard laser printers

    IBM personal computers

    Microsoft operating system software

    U.S. Steel steel

    General Motors automobiles

    In most cases the dominant firms dominance wanes over time.

  • 8/3/2019 IDE 4r


    Why Some Firms are Dominant

    1. Lower cost with first mover advantage

    2. Superior (differentiated) product with first mover advantage

    3. Cartel without full market share (e.g. OPEC)

    Dominant Firm Model

    There are a number of variants of the dominant firm model, most of which assume that the dominant

    firm has a cost advantage. Consider 3 models:1. Umbrella Price ModelThis situation is a price leadership model with the largest or dominant firm as the leader. As

    benefactor the dominant firm uses an umbrella price strategy.

    The dominant firms umbrella price is higher than the price charged by the smaller fringe firms. The

    umbrella price policy will:

    1. Ward off antitrust authorities (no predatory pricing)

    2. Avoid a price war

    3. If the dominant firm has a superior product, there will be little concern about losing significant

    market share.

    To show this mathematically, let = % price cut by competitor or fringe entrant

    = fraction of demand captured by the price cutting competitor from the dominant firm.

    The price umbrella is optimal for the dominant firm if

    < / PCM where

    PCM = (P C) / P (gross margin)

    P = price

    C = average cost

    The strategy is desirable when:

    is large compared to (price cut large compared to lost share) PCM is small to begin with (margins are small)

    To see the algebra, let

    no cut = Profit from maintaining the higher umbrella price

    cut = Profit from following the competitors price cut

    The dominant firm will maintain the umbrella price if

    no cut > cut

    Where,no cut = [ P C ] Q ( 1 )

    cut = [ P ( 1 ) C] Q

    no cut > cut when < / PCM

    Problems with Dominant firm and umbrella price:

    1. With firm asymmetries, rivals are not interested in playing

    2. Dominant firm may lose significant market share and profit, since the dominant firm is

    passive (no tit-for-tat, no grim trigger)

  • 8/3/2019 IDE 4r


    2. No-Entry Model

    Fringe firms are identical price-takers

    Number of fringe firms is fixed and no new entry occurs

    Dominant firm knows market demand and fringe firms supply hence dominant

    firm knows residual demand and behaves as a monopoly with respect to the residual demand

    Outcomes (see Figure 4.6, page 114)

    (i) Dominant firm charges high price and makes a profit as do the fringe firms. The profit

    for the dominant firm is lower than would be the case if it was a monopoly. This market is

    not contestable since entry is restricted

    (ii) Dominant firm costs are so low that the monopoly price is below the fringe firms shut-

    down price

    3. Free, Instantaneous Entry Model

    Same situation as 2. above, except entry is not restricted

    Dominant firm still has cost advantage

    Outcomes (see Figure 4.7, page 118)

    (i) Dominant firm charges a price equal to the min(AC) of the fringe firms and makes a profit.

    Fringe firms earn zero economic profit. The profit for the dominant firm is lower than would

    be the case if it was a monopoly. This market has limited contestability since entry is limited

    by the cost differential

    (ii) Dominant firm costs are so low that the monopoly price is below the fringe firms shut-down

    price [min(AC)]

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