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Post on 04-Oct-2015






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Master degree - Germany


  • iNForMaTioN aNdCoMMuNiCaTioNseNGiNeeriNG

    Master of science

    Department 02 EI and 11 IEMCampus Giessen and Friedberg


    Kontakte und informationenTechnische Hochschule Mittelhessen University of Applied SciencesWilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 1361169 FriedbergGermany

    iNFoline: +49 6031/604-7777info@thm.deaPPliCaTioNs

    iCe Coordination office +49 6031/604-251 Sylviane Anton Building B, Room B 035 info-ice-master@iem.thm.deCentral students admission +49 6031/604-123 Building C, Room 1a

    Verantwortlich: Zentrale Studienberatung Stand: 02/14

    at the heart of europe, in Germany, North of Franfurt/M. in Friedberg and Giessen

    Examples of Research Projects

    All projects below are financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and carried out by professors of our university with industrial/educational partners.

    Wireless indoor Positioning system WiPosProject coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ulrich BirkelMain Partners:Alcatel-Lucent (Stuttgart), RFS (Hannover)AWE Communications (Stuttgart)HTW Dresden, IKT University Hannover, TU Mnchen

    Mobility and Qos support in Next Generation Wireless NetworksProject coordinator: Prof. Dr. Joachim HabermannMain Partners:T-Systems of Telekom Germany (Darmstadt)Research Labs of Telekom Germany (Berlin)City University London (London, England)University of Luzerne (HSLU) (Luzerne, Switzerland)

    Work on visions of future Tv services, i.e. connecting secondary devices (e.g. smartphone) on TV thus offering more flexibility and more enjoyment for media consumptionProject coordinator: Prof. Dr. Rudolf JgerParticipation in the EU financed project HBBNEXT

    optical Fibers in new Fo-applications especially in the uv-regionProject coordinator: Prof. Dr. Karl-Friedrich KleinMain Partners:Heraeus (Hanau), Omicron (Rodgau)J&M (Essingen), Polymicro (Phoenix, USA)City University London (London, England) University of Sydney (Sydney, Australia)University of Applied Sciences Merseburg and Nuremberg

    simulation and Modeling of Nanoscale MosFeTsProject coordinator: Prof. Dr. Alexander KlsMain Partners / Funding:EU Network of Excellence SINANO (FP6) / NANOSIL (FP7)EU FP7 IAP Network COMON (Compact Modeling Network)University Graduate Center Kjeller (Norway)Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain)

  • International Masters Program

    Information and Communications Engineering deals with the digital processing of data and signals. Today, the state of the art I&C technologies have a major impact on most busi-ness and industrial processes as well as on many services. Integrated in numerous devices, they also revolutionize everyday life and global communications.

    Graduates of our masters program work in a fast-changing work environment in various sectors of the economy. They plan, design, implement or configure fixed or mobile tele-communications systems, communication networks (e.g. Car-to-Car, Smart Grid), data networks (e.g. for automation), home area networks, internet based systems and products or sensor networks. To name just a few other possibilities, you will also find our graduates in areas such as IT-Security, interactive media, software and hardware development as well as system integration.

    Course description

    During the first semester, the students extend and deepen their knowledge in the fundamental areas of Data Trans-mission, Optical and Wireless Communications as well as of Advanced Signal Processing. During the second semester, the emphasis is on various network technologies (Internet Protocols, Networks and Applications). A set of elective modules provide the opportunity to specialize according to personal career goals. The last semester is devoted to applied research and development work in order to design and implement new engineering solutions and systems. Throughout the whole program, communication skills, team-working abilities, intercultural competence and methodological training skills are also developed.

    Curriculum (Total 90 ECTS Credit Points)

    SWS = Course hours (45 Minutes per week)CrP = ECTS Credit Points

    Start; Duration; Language of study

    Start: annually in OctoberDuration: 3 semestersLanguage: English

    Admission Requirements

    A first University degree (Bachelors degree, German Diplom or a comparable academic degree) of an accre-dited University in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Information and Communications Engineering, Information Technology or in related subject areas, with an overall grade at least good.

    A good proficiency in English (e.g. TOEFL 80 iBT).

    International applicants also need a basic knowledge of German (level A1, Goethe Institut).

    Application deadline: May 31 (if a visa is required) July 31 (for non-visa students)

    Degree pursued

    Master of Science (M.Sc.)in Information and Communications Engineering.

    Core Modules sWs CrP



    r 1

    Data Transmission 5 7

    Optical Fiber Communications 3 4

    Advanced Digital Signal Processing 5 7

    Wireless Access Technologies 3 4

    Professional Practice & Scientific Methods 4 4

    German as a Foreign Language or English as a foreign Language 4 4

    ToTal seMesTer 1 24 30



    r 2 IP Based Networks and Protocols 4 6

    Internet Protocols and Applications 5 7

    Project Management 4 5

    Technical Electives (3 subjects, 4 CrP) 9 12

    ToTal seMesTer 2 22 30

    3 Master Thesis 4 30

    ToTal seMesTer 3 4 30

    eleCTive Modules (12 CrP) sWs CrP





    Object-Oriented Programming 3 4

    Photonics 3 4

    Computer Networks Part I 3 4

    Computer Networks Part II 3 4

    Transport Networks Technologies 3 4

    MATLAB Simulink and Stateflow in Digital Communications 3 4

    Project Work (in the field of ICE) 3 4

    Internship 2 4

    Biometric Systems Application Development 3 4

    iNForMaTioN & CoMMuNiCaTioNseNGiNeeriNG (iCe)

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