i • of the ships strawbridge & clothier and shipping …

Post on 26-Dec-2021






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t " " . ' . " *• " ' ' » •

• i ><«<9

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Something About. Arrivals and Clearances at This Port,

Movements on Delaware Bay and River,

Notes of Interest to Mariners 4


F o r t Of P h i l a d e l p h i a . N o v e m b e r y » 7.00 A M. S e t a . . . . 4.:»5 P M Sun rises

\ "High water -Tbilndelphla . . Reedy Inland Breakwater . .

Low w a t e r -Philadelphia . Reedv Inland » Breakwater . .

.12.35 A M . . . 3.50 A M . . . 7.15 A M . . .

8.0* A M . . . 4.27 A M . . .

12. 43 A M . . .

. 12.65 P M

.10.25 I'M

. 7.45 P M

8.40 P M 5.It P M

. 1.22 F M A r r i v e d Y e a t e r d a y

Sirs ARTEMISIAN (Gen, Ntss. Hamburg, merchandise. The Atlantic Transport Co; GRANE (Nor). Rekkevold. Hillsboro. plaster. Keystone Plaster Co (arrived (theater); AV-RKOLB <Bo, Waters, Shields, ballast. L Westergaard &. Co; WKKHAWKKN (Br). Harding. Barrow, ballast, Philip Ruprecht; GEORGETOWN. Smith. Portland, ballast. Atlantic Coast S S Co: ANTHONY GROVES. JR. MrNamee. Baltimore, merchandise, Erlcs-son Line.

Bark FORMICA (Nor). Terge-sou. Buenos Ayrcs. bones, Weseuborg A Co.

Sehrs DAVIS PALMER. MeKown. Boston, bal­last. Mitchell * Meaee; MILLIE) R ROHAN-NAN. Lawrence.'Jacksonville, via Wllmlugton, Del. lumber. 11nIdt A Cummins.

Barges THOM ASTON, from Blddeford: POCOP-SON and MINGo. from Portland, In'tow tuff LENAPK. (> II Hagerman; llOLTON. from

• Providence. Sterling Coal .. Co; ( H A S F P R K H A R D aud HORACR A ALLYN. In tow tug BOXftR P ft Mun.i; DRAPER, from L.vuii: PHOENIX, from Plymouth, and PAX TAN'} from Chelsea. In tow tug GKTTY8-! , 1 ! U ( : J „ , ° I J Hagerman: 8 Q CO NO 57, from Wilmington. N O. Jos C Gabriel, in tow tux ASTRAL: WM SAYLOR, from Norfolk, and ( HAS O MelLVAINB. from Norfolk. In tow tug DELAWARE.

, , <'tr>itr«*d Y e N t e r d n y , Sirs T n p R S D A L (Nor), Melson. Ouantanamo.

Karn Line Steamship jPo; KMlLIA lAust), Sfifflflffi™' Qalveston. L Kubolirs Sons; AD-MIRAL FARRAOUT. Mader. Port Antonio, l nited Fruit «'o: BELLA (RrL Durle. Kings i&'Vri? J!"i?L MJL,ra,,t- Tn-* Atlantic Fruit Co; SAXOLKINK (Br). Crosby. Rouen. L Wester­gaard. A Co; WASHTENAW. Crowlev. New York. Charles PV'arwell; ROMA. Melvln.New York. Cbas P Farwell: PARTHIAN. HUlarv. Provi.lenc* boston A Philadelphia Steamship «2ii S S f P ^ H i i B r l « « . Boston. Boston* & MlnQVr%» Steamship Cot ANTHONY GROVES. JR. MeNamee. Baltimore. Ericsson 1.111.'. .

Bark ORA Utah. Denmaurtsl. Buenos Avies, Wesenherg A Co

Schrs ROBF.RT P .MIRI'HY. Dnntnn. Sagua

yesterday. The vessel In addition to a large genera) cargo, brings 'JH5 cases of Christmas toys consigned to a number of Philadelphia

LORD ORMONDE DAM-HI FJ>-London. Nov 28 —Cable from Havre states British steamer Lord Ormonde, from (ialvoston. struck dock entrance and received damage.

WALTKR M YOL'NG SAILED- Reedy Island. Nov • 28— Two-masted s.hooner Walter M Youni?. from Philadelphia for Lubec. coal laden, before reported nxround and floated, sailed during night.

STEAMERS' SCHEDULE To Depart From Philadelphia



For. * Sailt. ' • Lelth Nov. 20

•Noordland Liverpool ,.i)ec. i Montana London l > c . i Artemisia Hamburg Dec. 5 K.agle Point. 'Carthaginian. . . Peunmanor Boscla •Menominee Rods Pallanza Astoria Kast Point •Merlon Mehr. Comtneicc. •Siberian (anadla •Marquette North Point ••

.Minnesota Barcelona Arkansas. • • • • Frumentln • • • • • Mehr (iM-poi'itlon. •Haverford Crown Point • . • •Corean Amienlii • M i n ' - ' i i AellU

Ixmdon . .Glasgow . .

. .Rotterdam . .Stettin . . .

::.A,!rp..: . . Hamburg . .. .Rotterdam ... I.ondnu . .Liverpool . . .Manchester . . .Glasgow . ..Rotterdam ...Antwerp" . . . . London . . . , .London ..Hai amburg .

Copenhagen ...Rotterdam . .Manchester ..Liverpool .

..London '..Glasgow ., . .Hamburg . ..Antwerp

.. .Hamburg .

. .Dec Dec. 4

.Dec. 4

:::M I D e c 8 Dec. 13 Dec. 18 Dec. 16 D e c 15 Dee. 15 Dec. 18 Dee. 20 D e c 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Pec. 28

. . . . Dec. 25 Dec. 27 Dec. 20 Dee, 20 Dec. 31 Jan. a Jan. 3 Jan. 4

. . . . .Jan. IS

•Cirry passengers.

To Arrive at ~Phl ladefphia " Name Iflrom. Sailed.

Koton la . . It-j.la I'enuruanor.

DUE NOVEMBRR 20. Copenhagen Huelva

. .Rotterdam .

Barges BPHRKTA. for Boston- Rl 'THKRlnl t l . for New Bedford, and snkNANDOAii M i/.,mHf.1,0oiJ ,, ,,-Um,-tUK; ,*A,{L's,'K'- " H ii* \ T T i V e " " «• for Nj.rf.dk: P R A M S .,n, ,..^rP.Tiluf': f o r North ^'arollna. In low tuj COLUMBIA. F \v Mm* D e l a w a r e B a y a n d K l v e r V e w n

Delaware Hrpakwnter, Nov 28 I'asxp.l un— f£\$SI PI?N,>'^-VN<>R «Br). from Rotierd.m for PhlladelphlM Cifl \> JX l u barhor I ijtht-

.ovV.Ji i V r,ri"n. 1 ! nr f , ,n <•'•' Philadelphia (towed here h.y tug BOXKRi. Paaesd onl St.amers I A\KRKt>Rl> iBri. from Phlladel-\,,,',. I ? K I , L r f r K ? 0 , : , Probably At.IIJA (Oer>, ft V v A 3 f l p J l f „ f 0 , r Hamburg; MANCHEXS-. TKR RXCHAN.QE (Brt. from Phi adelphla for Mnn.hosfoi; DANIA (I'M,,., from Phlladol

Arrived—Soap vv^o!1* f."r S ' / ' - h n s . N K. Wind. 2 P"M N \V 24 mile*; cloudv, Imr .to. * «T.i»)fMV; N?'v .2h. ,,!,s•'<,',, l n *"«' OBTTY8-I ? ' " • P MT b a r w s f r o m Fistern ports.

Marcus Hook Nov 28- Passed IdOWO* Probably ink' IIOLION ((wing a 4-masted schooner, i,'!*'.I? fi°A *S\'2fl. P»«^d down Str YILI.K ' i i ' - ' r . 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 , , ' ^ - f o r "mien: schooner \VAL TKR M YOUNG, for Lubee; tug CARLIS1.K K r t S M f ' " ? - % H K * J T ^ J f , , r Boston; RPT1I-!'; I';?,111,- rVr N,<>,w "edford. and SHKNA.V i wiVi ,0,r. Provldonee. Pawod up—Schooner

roi Phlladrlphla. In tow tug IVANHOK. ,'1.35 M^ r . f; lA\.H5°k , \ . NVV 2 » Anchored off- Schooner

THOMAS \ \ LAWSGN. f„r Sabine Pass. Passed down Shin MANGA RKVA for San Diego: sehr KSTWI.I.K PHINNFY. 1'rovl donee.

Delaware Breakwater. Nov 28 5 P M N W 1,0 miles; cloudv; liar 30.

Kew Caatle. Nov 28 Anchored U.cp Water Point-Shin MANGA I'KVA. for San Diego.

Marcus Hook. Nov 28 Passed down Sol,,- \ f . l -CIA B CROSBY for New Orleans: sioajn barge RKLLM MILLKR. for Maurice River.

Becdy Island DoJ. Nov,,2H fussed urv-JStea«i-; r T*K.VSMAI«»« fWrf. RottSrUam for Pl"la d»%lphla.

Delaware Breakwater, 1VI. Nov tiX Paswxl UP / Steamer CRINZKSSIN V I C T 7 ) R I A LCISK (Ger). Hamburg for Philadelphia Pasted out Steamers BKLLA l l ln . Philadelphia for Kingston via Port Mnrant; VILLK I>K DOUAI (Pr). Philadelphia for Rouen. Ar­rived -Schooner GARDINER Q DKKRING Boston for Philadelphia (In low).

Carthaginian Glasgow . . DPK DECfc^IBKJt 6.

Mehr. Commerce Manchester DUB DKCKMBFR 7.

Pallanfa. Hamburg . . . DTK DECEMBER 0.

Merlon. . . .Liverpool . DTK DECEMBER 11.

East Point London . . .

. Nov, 0

. Nov. 0 .Nov. 11 .Nov. 15

, Nov. 15

Nov, 10

.Nov. 17

.Nov. 23

. Nov. 21

.Nov. 38

Nov. 27

To Depart From New~York •""

Name. Italia.. . . . . La Provence. Cedrlc Columbia Madonna Philadelphia. Patricia Ca rpnia. Prlnz

OTHER PORtS A r r i v e d

Savannah. Nov 2-v,Sehr HILDA, from Phila­delphia.

Brunswick. Nov 27 Str ANGLO-AFRICAN. fiom Philadelphia.

Baltimore. Nov 28 Str ERICSSON, from Phil­adelphia,

Stockholm. Nov 23 Str STANDARD, from Phil­adelphia.

Stettin. Nov 25- Sir PAULA, from Philadel­phia.

New York. Nov 2.S Strs MAOD/fLA and BENE FACTOR, from. Philadelphia.

Rotterdam. Xov 27 Str FRUMENTIA. from Philadelphia.

Boston, Nov 28 Sir MRNOMINpE. from Ant­werp for Philadelphia; str PERSIAN from Philadelphia. Nov 27 Str KENOSHA, from Philadelphia

Port Arthur. Nov 20 Str WINIFRED, from Tamplco.

Hau.na. Nov 2 2 - B r i g H.VVlI.AH. from Phil­adelphia.

Vineyard Haven. Nov 27 Sehr HAROLD c BBBCH^R, from High island for Philadel­phia.

B u l l e d Nov 28- Stc CHATHAM, for Phlla-

Nov 28 Str ERICSSON, for Phila-

Savannah delDhta,

Baltimore delphla.

Shields Nov 27 Str HELIOS, from Bremen for Philadelphia.

Barrv. Nov 27 Str HKUMOINE. for Philadel­phia.

New York. Nov 28—Str FLORA, for Philadel-

Poi t Antonio. Nov 28- Str ADMIRAL SCHLEY. for Philadelphia.

Tampa. Nov 27 Sir ALICE MAY DAVEN­PORT, for Philadelphia

Liverpool. Nov 28 Str MERION. for Philadel­phia via Oueenstown.

W t r e l e a * Slasconset, Mass Nov 28- The str OCEANIC,

from Liverpool and Qneenstown for New-York, was In communication by wireless tele-k-iaph with the station here when 148 miles east of the Nantucket South Shoals Lightship, at It o'clock last night: will dock about 8 A M Thursday.

Brow Head. Nov 28 LA SAYOIE. New York for Havre. 120 nitlos southwest at 7.05 A M todav. and will probably reach Havre about 0 A M Thursday.

A P a n s e d Llzard/Nov 28- -Str Ll-ClLlN». from Philadel­

phia/ for Rouen. Sandv Hook. Nov 28 Str FLORA, from New

York tor Philadelphia. 10.40 A M. Fire Island, Nov 28 Str ARIES, from Provi­

dence etc. for Philadelphia. I.IO P M; str CRETAN, from Boston for Philadelphia, H O

BcVllv. Nov 28- Str NORTH POINT, from Phil-adclpbla for London.

C l e a r e d New York. Nov 28--Str VOLUND. for Phila­



HERM, Nor *tr. 2518 tons. Ixmdon to Phila­delphia, chalk..

MANTINEA. Br str. 1737 tons. West India trade, li option 12 months, Dec or Jan.

MANOUNIA. lir »tr. 2287 ton's. Baltimore to Trtuipleo. coal.

FRANKDALE. Hr str, 3200 tons (new). New York to Australia, mdse. 31SY Feb.

MONTROSK. Br str. 2884 tons. United King doui or Contluftii („ \ e w Yo rk. mdse. 4s lV*d. Uec.

HERMES. Nor str. >>w> tons. Savannah to I ulted Kingdom , o.ntlnent. cotton. 30c, Dee.

LA NOOK. Br str 2im t o n s < Baltimore to Havre, mdse. 8s, Due.

INVEBTAT. Br str .3703 ton* (new). Calais to New York, chalk.

BEACON. Nor J*T| 1715 tons. Norfolk to Rot-t'tdam or Hamburg, mdse i w .

CYNTIUANA. Br str. 20BI ions. United States t i United Kingdom or Continent, cotton, etc,

N O i m p O U Nor str. 2428 tons. Provincial coal trade. £1700.

MlNfERVA. Nor str. 2413 tons. Oulf to Buenos Ayres. lumber. 115s, option, La l'lata I Ota 'lWRJ«an*oV t<Feb , , ,' U ' - e d ; ° r Buhia Mianca;

GliOROB E WAIX'OTT. Amr sehr, Phlla.lel. phla to Portland. 2.SO0 tons. cool. , n " * » a

IHNA TUNNMLL. Amr sehr. Philadelphia to Charleston. 200(» tons coal. $120. lo

STAR OF THE. SEA. Amr sehr. Philadelphia to Han Juan, 1300 tons coal. $2 %nd port

WILLIAM II SUMNER. Amr sehr, Phltadol phla to Brunswick. 000 tons coal, thence to N'-w York, lumber.

KIN'KO. Amr echr. 1807 tons. Baltimore to Oalveaton. steel rails. $2.80.

zess Irene. . . . Mesaba Moltke Slavonla Vaderland Oceanic Algeria Statendam Ltgurlu Prliiz Oscar II. .'. Cltta dl Napoll . La Lorraine Trave C. P. Tletgeo St. Paul Mlnnetonka Koenlgln Lulse. . . Pretoria Campania Roma Furnessla Rheln Finland Celtic Sloterdyk Kalserln Aug Vic 1M Toiirnlne Pannonla

For. .-.. .Naples-Genoa . . .Havre . . .Naples-Genoa ...Glasgow , . k . . . . Naples M'llt'x

. . .Southampton ...Hamburg . . . . . . .Liverpool . . . . . . . Naples Genoa —London .. .Naples-Genoa

— Gibr'r-Napleg .. .Antwerp . . . . ...Liverpool . . . . . . . .Naples ... .Rotterdam , . . ...Naples-Geuoa

....Copenhagen .. ...Naples-Genoa . . .Havre . ..Bremen .. .Copenhagen . . . . .Southampton . . . . London . ..Naples-Genoa

— Hamburg ...Liverpool . . . . . . .Naples . M'lles

.. .Clasgow . . .Bremen . . .Antwerp . ..Liverpool ,

. . . .Rotterdam . . . . ... Hamburg . ..Havre .. .Liverpool


IN THE MARKETS , . • • » » . . . * . . , , w . » i M | . » . M » .

Conditions and.Quotations Re­ported in This City and Other Points

• - • • " • ' ' i * » NMjlhi

Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1906. There was llttlo trading ln flour, as local

Jobbers and bakers were well stocked up, but offerings were moderate and prices ruled stoady. Whoat also ruled steady, but there was little doing. Corn was In small supply and quiet at former rates. Desirable grades of oats wero ln fair request and steady, with light offerings. Feed was In small supply aud firm. Hay was plentiful and dull, aside from strictly No. 1 stock, which was In fair demand. Provisions were In moderate jobbing request and steady. Butter was firm and solid-packed was a shade higher under stronger outside advices. Choice fresh eggs were acarco and wanted. Refined sugars were ln fair request and firm. Cotton sold slowly at former rates.

CO i'TON -Demand from spinners was light, but prices were steadily held. We quote on a basis of 11.40c per lb for middling uplands, cash terms.

PROVISIONS -The market ruled steady with a fair jobbing trade lu roost descriptions. We quote the following prices: City beef, In sets, smoked and air dried, 15al7c; West­ern beet, ln sets, smoked, 14al6c; city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and air dried, I7al0c; Westorn beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked. 17al0c; beef hams, $22a23.50; pork, family, $l». 25a 10.75; hams, S P cured. In tierces, 12V4al2%c; do skinned, ln tierces. 11% al l%c: do do loose. l l ^ a l P f t c ; hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average. 13a 14c; hams, smoked. Western cured. 13a 14c; bains, boiled, boneless. 23a21c; shoul­ders, pickle cured, in tierces, Oc; do do smoked 0%ic: picnic hams. S P cured. In tierces. 8%a Oc: picnic hams, smoked. OHalOc; bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose 11a 12Vac; breakfast bacon, as to^braud and'aver­age, city cured, 13alUc; breakfast bacon. West-• io <-i,icd. Kiuliic; lard. Western, refined, tierces. 10V&c; do do do tuba. lOftnlOftc; lard, pure, city, kettle rendered, lu tierces, lOJfc-t lOUc; lard, pure city, kettle rendered, In tubs, loAialle.

TALLOW was dull and unchanged. We quote: Prime, city. In tierces. 6V«c; prime, country. 6Hc; dark. 6M.c; cakes, 6W>a«Vic; grease. 4 a4Ue.

BUTTER—The market developed Increased strength as a result of higher outside advices. Receipts of Western creamery were light, and all offerings were promptly cleaned up at 30'Ac with some holders asking higher prices for very fancy goods. Medium grades were moving out fairly at the Inside range of quotations and

. l\OV.

. Nov,

.Nov . Dec. . Dec. . Dec. . Dee. .Dec. .Dec. . Dec. .Dee. .Dee. . Deo.

pee. Dei-.

. Dec. Dec.

. Dec.

. Dec. . Dec. .Dee. .Dec. . Dec. . Dec. ' P e c .Dec. • pec. . Dee. . Dee. . Dec. . Dec. .Dee. . Dec. .I>ee. .Dec. .Dec.

29 20 20

1 I 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 5 D 5 5 5 fl « « 0 s 8

8 8 8 8 8

11 12 IS 12 13 13 14

To Arrive at New York Name. rroM.

DUE NOVEMBER 20. Naples . . . . Gibraltar . London . , . Gibraltar . Havre



I ta l i a . . . Slavonla Mesaba Algeria Hudson Chemnitz Kalserln Lulse Gibraltar Llgurla Gibraltar . . .

DPK NOVEMBER 30. Cltta dl Palermo Marseilles . . Moltke Naples Pretoria Plymouth

DUE DECEMBER I St. Paul Southampton La Lorraine Havre Campania Liverpool . . .

For mall steamers see "Closing of foreign Mails."

..Nov. 8 .Nov. 16 Nov. 18 .Nov. 16 .Nov. 17 , Nov. 17 .Nov. 10 Nov. 10

..Nov. 11 • Nov. 18 .Nov. 10

.Nov. 24

.Nov. 24

.Nov. 24

there was also a fair jobbing movement In desirable June goods. Indies were scarce and firm. Prints were very firm, with supplies closely sold up. Wo quote: Solid packed Elgin and other separator creamery, extra, 81c; ex­ceptional lots higher; do extra firsts. S0a30VK; do firsts. 28a20>.,c; do seconds, 4i6V<la2«^; held creamery, extra. 20c: fair to prime. 25a28e; ladle packed.as lo quality,20a22c; nearby cream-erv prints, extra. 33c; do extra firsts. 32c; do tkst.i 30a31e; do seconds. 28a20c; Western prints extra 31c: fair to choice, 2ta30c; Job­bing sales of prints. 34a37c.

CHEESE The market ruled steady, under light offering*, but trade v.as quiet.- We uuote: New York full cream, funcy, 13%al4c; d i do fair to good. 13al3Mie; part skims, 0a l i e ; domestic Swiss. No 1. new. 16c: do do No 2. new 12al3c.

EGGS Strictly fine slock was scarce and wanted. Receipts were mostly of medium and raw eggs, which were plentiful and dull ow­ing to the competition of refrigerator stock,

most of local trad*

20th St. Elevator Truck .<., 8.800 8,800

1, « ' » • * - . ' * ( •

Total 20.151 8,800 55.057 NOTE -on all sales of corn and oats to local

trade, except those on track, there Is a cuBfAQ of %e for storage and elovntlnc. which is paid by the buyer. Sales of grain, flour, etc, for tho jobbing trade arc at an advance over Un* wholesale quotations herelu recorded.

OATS—Offerings of desirable slock were moderate and the market ruled steady with n fair demand. Wo quote:

No 2 white Standard white . . No 3 white Rejected white

Glrard Pt Stg Co , 20th St. Elevator 28d St. Stores . Track

Bid. Asked.

• 8s% «o 87 32%

, . . . ? , . . . . 84 85 Receipts. Shlpm'ts. S'0«k:

.*.' 7,480 0,50i lOO'iTOl

' .*' 22,500 22,606 ' . . Total ^"0,080 ""82,001 115^270


No 2 mixed corn s *J No 2 yellow corn * Steamer No 2 corn g No 8 corn * § No 4 corn , . I No grade corn , J No 2 red winter wheat 4 Steamer No 2 red winter wheat Rejected winter wheat i No established grade winter wheat Manitoba No 2 N spring wheat 4 "Duluth" No 1 Durum spring wheat 8 "Duluth" No 2 Durum spring wheat 12 No 2 red Western wheat No 1 Western rye No 2 white clipped oats No established grade clipped oats . . . . No 2 white oats i No 8 white oats -Rejected oats No established grade oats Standard white oats

Total 80 AFLOAT.

New steamer No 2 yellow corn. .2,810 bush New No 8 yellow corn . . . . °{,Kf> K"u'' New no grade yellow corn . Steamer No 2 red winter wheat Rejected red winter wheat . Out-Wheat

.. . _,060 bush 2,100 bush 3.006 bush

. . .1,770 bush ..151,311 bush

GRAIN AUD PROVISIONS L e a d i n g ; F u t u r e s a n d Cas ih Q u o t a *

t l o n « I n t h e D i f f e r e n t M a r k e t s CHICAGO. Nov. 28.—Fear of heavy deliveries

on December contracts Saturday caused re­newed liquidation in the local wheat market todav and resulted iq decided weakness, the Anal quotations on December being off ^ a ^ c . Corn wae up M»aV;c Oats were down ^aVic. Provisions were a shade to 5c lower.

Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Opcuing. Highest. Lowest. Closing.

wfih w as satisfying wants. We quote: penna and other nearby firsts, in original returnable crates, at mark, 32c; do do seconds. 28a31c: Western extras, 34a36<-: do firsts. 32c; do fair lo good. 28a 31c; Southwestern firsts, tu free cases, 3la32c; do fair to good. 20a30c; Southern fresh. In free eases. 20a3lc. as to duality: refrigerator stock tlrsts. 24c; exceptional lots higher: do fair to good 22a23c; Inferior lots. lO.vJlc; candled and recrated eggs were lobbing at 34a36e. the latter for very fancy stock.

LIVE POULTRY was In moderate supply and firm, with a fair demand. We quote: Fowls, hens, an to quality, llM,al2Vie; old roosters.8%a Oc: spring chickens, as to uuallty, 11al2',ic; tur­keys, I6al7c; ducks. 12a1.V; geese. 12al3c; pigeons, old. per pair. 20a22c; do young, per pair. 15a 18c.

DRESSED POULTRY-There was a good demand for all choke stock for the Thanks giving trade, and the market ruled firm, with supplies of this description well cleaned up. Many of tne turkeys were thin and coajrs» aud this class of stock had to be worked off at best rates obtainable, vlr.: Fresh killed poultry, fowls, dry-picked, choice, heavy, 18VJC; do me­dium sizes. 12al3c; old roosters, dry-picked, 8V4c; roasting chickens, nearby, Halflc; roast-lug chickens. Western, weighing 4a5 lbs apiece, i:t',«.aUc. as to duality; exceptional lots. 15c; roasting chickens. Western,- weighing 2'^a.l pounds apiece. I2al3c; broilers. Western, wcltfhltik' l'Aa2 pounds apiece. 15al7c, as to quality; broilers, nearby, weighing lWa2 pounds apiece. 20a23e: turkeys, nearby, choice and fancy. 21a23e: do Westeru choice, young. 10n20c; .do do fair to.good, young. 17eAsC; do do commou, young. 14aloe; do old. aa to quality, 14al8c; nearby spring ducks,I4at5c; Western do do,13al4e; old ducks, Western, l o a t t c ; squab*, per doxen. white, weighing 0 to 10 pounds per dozen. $4a4.60- white weighing 8 pounds per dozen, $3; do do 7 pounds per dozen, $2.50; do do IP*, pounds per dozen. $2; dark and No 2. $1.26.

DRIED BEANS wero in small supply and Arm. with a fair inquiry. A\e quote, per bush Marrows , 11 P. 1000. choice, $2.56: me­diums, II P. 1006. choice. $1.65; nea beans, H P. 1000. choice. $l60al .65; red kidney. 11 P. 1000. choice. $2.60.

GRKBN FRUITS Supplies were liberal and tho market was unlet with no important change In prices. We quote as follows: Apples, N \ . per bid. Guno, choice and fancy, $2.25a 2.60; Spitzenberg. choice and fauey. $2.60a8; King, choice aud fancy. $2.50a3.60; Holland pippins, choice to fancy. $2a2.60: fall pippin, choice to fancy. $2a2.50; Ben Davis, choice and

W h e a t -Dec May

Corn-Dec Mav July

O a t s -Dee Mav Julv

Mess Pork. Jan. . . Mav . .

Lard, Nov. ., Dee. . , Jan. . . Mav . .

Short Jan. . . smv



Mr .33%



48V4 ,44 .4414,


.33% .34T*a35 .35 .32%a83 .33

per bbl— 14.65 14.66

' 16.02% 16.02% 100 l b s -. 9.47% 0.50 . 8.75 8.75

.50 8.62%

Ribs. 8.47% 8.60

r 100 lb



.42% .48% .44%

.33% .34% .32%

14.52% 14.87%

0.47% 8.67% 8.45 8.45

• 72%a% .78a%

.43%a% .43% .44% .33%a% .34%a35 .32%

14.55 14.87% 9.50 8.67% 8.47% 8.45

i. Pel 7.75 7.00

7.77% 7.00

FOREIGN MAILS Closing at Philadelphia Poatofflce for

Week Ending December THURSDAY. For Europe, per S S La Prov-

ence, via Havre. 4 A M. For Cuba. Yucatan and Caiupeehe. per S S Seguranca (other parts of Mexico when siieelally addressed). 4 A M. For Jamaica. i*>r steamer from Philadelphia, S A M . For Azores Islands, per S S Cedrlc, 10 A M. For Newfoundland (except Parcels Post Malls), via North Sydney). 2 P M. For Argentine. Uruguay and Paraguay, per S S Miguel de Larrinaga, 11 P M.

FRIDAY—For Bahama Islands, per S S Vlgl-lancla, via Nassau, 0 A M: for Azores Islands, per S S Republic from Boston. 6 P M: for Costa Rica, per steamer from Boston. 0 P M: for Ireland, per S S Coronia. via Queenstown (other parts of Europe when specially address­ed). !) P M.

SATURDAY—For Europe, per S S Philadel­phia, via Plymouth aud Cherbourg, 1 A M ; for Curacao, Venezuela aud Santander Department of Colombia, per S S Maraealbo (other parts of Colombia via Curacao when specially address­ed). 4 A M: for Porto Rico, per S S Carolina, via San Juan, 4 A M ; for Leeward and Wind­ward Islands, per S 8 Pretoria (Barbados aud Guiana when specially addressed). 6 A M : for Cuba, per 8 S Mexico, via Havana (when spe­cially addressed). 6 A M : for Fortune Island and Colombia, except Cauca. Magdaleua and Santander Departments, per S S Sarnia (Costa Itlea when specially addressed) 5 A M : for Barbados, per 8 8 Gunther (Brazil, via Pernam-bueo Rio Janeiro and Santos, wheu specially addressed), 0 A M; for Yucatan and Campcche,

^Parcels ' .post ' mails arc dispatched for Great Britain and Ireland by the American steamer on Saturday from Ne\y York: Germany by the North German Lloyd and Hamburg-American

VAl&JSSS' for Cuba, by rail to , Port Tami a Florida. Monday. Wednesday aud Sat-i f f i 9 .M A M. Mexican Overland 3.30. 0 S 0 1180 A M, 3.30. 0.30 P !d. Foreign registered mall 0 P Si. Malls for China, Japan Hawaii and Australia via Vancouver, 9 80 A M and 0.30 P M. Malls via Mobile. Ala a n d V w Orleans. La. 5 30 1 I P M. Malls for the Philippine Islands. 0.30 A M. 9^0 J T L Malls via San Francisco. 9.80 A M. 9.30 P M.

TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. ETC. For Hawaii. Japan. Korea. China and Phil­

ippine Islands, per S S Amerikn Maru. from. San Francisco, cloao at Philadelphia Novem-

°For Vladivostok and Dalny, per S S Hyades. from Seattle, close at Philadelphia Novem-

For Hawaii. Guam aud Philippine Islands, per U 8 transport from San Francisco, close at Philadelphia November 3L , .

For Australia (except West). Fiji Islands and New Caledonia, per S 8 Mlowera. from Van­couver. B C. clow at Philadelphia December 2.

For Japan. Korea and China (especially ad­dressed only), per 8 8 Shawmut, from Seattle. AVash close at Philadelphia December 2.

For Hawaii, Japan. Korea and Philippine Islauds. per 8 S Siberia, from San Francisco, close at Philadelphia December 2.

For Japan, per S S Ceylon Maru. from Soat-tle. Wash, close at Philadelphia December 6.

For Hawaii, per 8 8 Alameda, from 8au Francisco, close at Philadelphia December 10.

For Japan (except parcels post malls). Korea. China and Philippine Islands, per 8 8 Bmpross of India, from Vancouver. B C. close ut Phil­adelphia December 19.

For Japan, Korea and China (specially ad­dressed only), per 8 8 Antlloehus. from, 'fa-coma, close at Philadelphia December 20.

For New Zealand, Australia (except West). New Caledonia, Samoa. Hawaii and specially addressed mall for Fil l Islands, per 8 S Son­oma, from San Francisco, close at Philadelphia December 22.

For Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, per S 8 Mariposa, from San Francisco, close at Phila­delphia December 23.

Manchuria (except Mukden. Newchang. Dalny and Port Arthur), mall Is at present forwarded

Unless otherwise addressed West Australia is forwarded via Europe

Parcels Post Malls for New Zealand and Aus­tralia (Including West Australia), are forward-ed via San Francisco. Cal. exclusively.


fancv. $1.60a2.50; Greening, choice and fancy. $1.76a2.50; Baldwin, choice and fancy. $1.6oa 2.50: Spy. choice and funcy, l l . oveJ i common

Baldwin, choice and fancy, $1 holce and funcy, $1.50a2- com

to fair. $ la 1.50; handiiicked. In bulk, as to quality, per bush. 40a75e; pears, Keifer, pet bbl. $ln2; do do per basket. 10a25c; cranber­ries fancy late varieties, per bbl. $8.60a9.60: do Cape Cod. Early Black, per bbl. $7,60a8; do Cape Cod, per crate. $_2.26a3: do Jcrsc -


uurg-Amorlean Line cruising yacht Prlnzessln Victoria Lulse. which left Hamburg Nov 15 for Philadelphia, passed in the Delaware Cape* last night and will arrive at Philadel­phia tola afternoon. It will be the flrat visit this flue cruising steamship has made to 4hia Port and she #111 be placed on exM-bujno to give all Interested an opportunity to go on board.

p X c ^ i T O r V C L O S E S AT NOON TODAY- The Philadelphia MeritImu Wxchange will close

ART1§fffiu!l {&OUGHT TOYS- The Hamburg-•AmerTc^nvfoa steamer Artemisia, which left aUatlMi* N » r 18 for Philadelphia, arrived

London Closing Stocks LONDON. Nov. 2 S - 4 P. M.-Coiieola for

money. 80%; consols for account. 88 0-16: Ana­conda, 14%: Atchison, l<»6%: do preferred, 105%; Baltfinor and Ohio, 122%: Canadian Pa-cltlc. 188^4; ChsaiMMke and Ohio. 60%> Chicago GiKst AVestem. 10; Chicago. Mil and St Paul. 1K<>%; De Beers, 21%: Denver and Rio Grande. 44%; do preferred, 80; Wrlo. 46%: do 1st pre­ferred. 78%: do 2d preferred. 70: Illinois Cen­tral. 181%; Louisville aud Nashville. 160%: Mis­souri. Kan and Texas, 48%: New York Central l » : Norfolk and Western, 97%: do preferred, 08; Ontario and Westorn. 50: Pennsylvania. 71%; Rand Mines. 5%; Reading. 76%: Southern Rallwuy, 86: do preferred. 08; fioiithern Pacific. 07%: Union Pacific. 193%; do preferred, 00: United States Steel. 49%; do proferred. 107%; Wabash. 20: do preferred, 44; Spanish 4s. 05%. Bar sliver firm. 32%d ix»r ounce. Mouoy. 4%u5 per cent. The rate of discount in tho open msrket for short bllla Is 3%a6 per cent. The rata of discount In the open market for three Glrard Pt. Stf. C O . . . . months bills Is 6%a% per ce«»a- MCort Richmond —

cratoTnteaOvf oranges'. "Jamaica, per bb f; ft. 6: do Florida, jwr crate, $1.60a2.60: do Cal. per box $2.50a3.75: lemons, per box, $2.76a4.25; grape fruit. Florida per crate. *2a,i,

VEGETABLES^-Buyers showed little lute*'*! In potatoes, onions or cabbage, aud prices fa­vored buyers under free offerings. Other vege­tables were quiet and unchanged. Wo quote the following prices: WMte potat«*e«. per hush -Penna. choice. 65a68e: N Y and Western, choice. 50a63c; bulk, fair to good. 46a48c. sweet potatoes. Jersey, red prime per basket, 30u35c: do yellow prime, per bskt. 30a85c; do culls, per basket. 15u20c: onions, per bushel -choice Yellow Globe. 50a56c; common to good, 20a35c. Cabbage, per ton, Danish, choice. $8a l l ; domestic. choice, 98a9; dp fair to good. $6a7: peas. Florida, per 1-8 bbl bskt, $2.60a3.00; beans. Charleston, per bush has got. $1.60a3; do Florida, per bush basket, $L50a 3.25; egg plant. Florida, per bdx $l.50a8: cu­cumbers. Florida, poo- bushel .basket. $2a8; spinach. Southern, per bbl, t l . 60a l .75: cauli­flower. Western New York, per bush basket, Sl.00af.25; squash. Florida, per bush basket, il.6()a2: do do. per bush box. t l .60a2: lettuce. Florida, per basket, $2a3.50; do. North Caro­lina per basket, l t .25al .75 . „ t«j.

REFINED SUGARS ruled firm with a bet­ter inquiry. Wo quote refiners' wholosalo prices for Eastern Pennsylvania, Now Jersey and Dela­ware, subject to a rebate of 16a20, points and 1 per cent discount for cash. Cut loaf. 6.00c; Crown A. 6.26c; cubes. 6.l0a6.16c; ^powdered, 4.95a6c; standard and ttno granulated, In bole, 4.85a4.90c; do do lo 100-lb bags, 4.85a4.90e; do do ln 2-lb bags. 6.15u5.20c: do do lu 6-lb puckages, 6.06a5.10c: crystal A, 4.90c: extra flue granulated. 6c; confectioners* A, 4.66a4.70c; soft grades, as lo quality. 8.95a4.60c.

FEED.-Demand was good aud prices ruled Arm under light offerings. We. quote: Winter bran. In bulk, per ton, $22.50a23; spring bran, lu sacks, as to size, per ton, $22.60a23.

BALE!) HAY AND S T R A W - H a y was. plen­tiful and much of the supply was of me­dium aud poor stock, which was dull and weak, but strictly N o l hay was ln fair de­mand and steady. Straw was in moderate sup­ply and sold slowly at former rates. We quoto the following range, of .pr ices: Tim­othy hay. No 1 lanre bale?. t l9-Ma20: No 1, small bales, |10.60a2O; No 2, fct-SQalS.riQ;

bs :2% 7.85

.5 7.95 (•ash quotations were as follows: Flour steady; No 2 spring wheat. 78a84c;

No 3. 78a83c: No 2 red. 72%u73%e: No 2 corn. 45a45%c; No 2 yellow. 48%c: No 2 oate. 33%c; No 2 white, 85Vic; No 3 white. 32%a34%e; No 2 rye. 64%a65c; fair to choice malting. 48 a53c; No 1 flax seed. $1-11%: No 1 Northwest­ern. $1.10%; prime timothy seed, $4.25; clover, contract grades. $13.40; short ribs sides (loose), $8a8.02%: mess pork, per bbl. f l o O a r d , per 100 lbs $9.50; short clear sides (boxed), $8.37% a8.50; whisky, basis of high wines, $1.20.

M i n n e a p o l i s MINNEAPOLIS. Nov 28- Close-Wheat. De­

cember. 77%ai*c; May. 70%c; July. 80%a %c- No 1 hard. 82>y ; No 1 Northern. 71%e; No 2 Northern. 79%c; No 3 Northern. 7«%a 77%c Flour- First patents, t4.80a4.40: sec­ond patents. $4.16a4.26; first clears. 8825a 3 36: "econ.i clears. $3.40a2.0O. Bran. $17.

Clover and Timothy 8eed TOLEDO. Nov 28 Cloverseed: C a a h . N 0 ;

vemher and December. $8.26; March, $8.42%: alsike. $7.90; timothy. $2.

NEW YORi^MARKETS G e n e r a l R e v i e w o"f G r a i n a n d P * o -

< r l s t o n « , CotYee . F r n l t s , K t o . NEW YORK. Nov. 28, - jnonr Itccelpts. 16 -

062 barrels: exports. 20.226 barrels: sales. 2700 packages. Market dull and unchanged. Rye flour, firm. Buckwheat flour, steady. Buck­wheat, steady. Corn meal, steady. R y f . f "'»• Barley, steady.' Wheat -Receipts. I6O.O0O; ex­ports. 116.001: sales. 8,800,000 futures and 192.000 siwt. Spot, easy; No 2 red. 70%c ele­vator: No 2 red. 81%c f o b afloat; No 1 Northern Duluth. 83%e c I f Buffalo; No 2 hard winter. 77%e c 1 f Buffalo. Although steady at first with corn, the wheat market weakened later under liquidation of December and a bearish Kansas State report, closing %g net lower. Mav. S4- I IrtaM '7-lflo. closed. 84%e; Julv. 84%a^4 316c . closed. W%c: peceiuber. 80%a81c. closed. 80%c. .Corn- Receipts. 89.775; exports. 36.216; sales. 60,000 futures and 88,-CHXi spot. Simt, steady; No 2. 54c elevator ami 63c f o b afloat: No 2 yellow, 54c; No 2 white. 64%e. Option market was stronger on a scare of December shorts, and with the .west closing %c to Vie net higher. January, closed. 5l%c: Mav. 51Ua61V,o. closed. 61%c; Decem­ber. 63a58*»i.e. closed. 63c. Oats—Receipts. 183.-700. Spot, steady: mixed oats. 26A32 pounds. 80c: natural white. 30a33 pounds. S8a39c; clip­ped white. 38a40 pounds, 38a48%e. Feed, firm. Hav. steady. Hops, quiet. Hides, steady. I/ca'her. steady. Wool, steady. Beef, firm. Out meats, steady. I/ard, steady; prime Western. $0.20a9.30: refined, steady. Pork, stoady. Tallow, easy. Cottonseed oil. firm; prime, crude, f 0 b mills. 30c; do yellow. 42c. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, steady. 69%a70e. Rice, quiet. Molasses, steady. Coffee, spot Rio. nominal; No 7 Invoice. 7%c; mild, steady. Sugar, raw, firm, fair refining, 3 5.16*8 ll-32c: centrifugal. 06 test. 3 27-82c; molasses sugar. 3 1-I6a3 3-82e; refined, quiet. Butter, very firm: receipts. 6786. Street price, extra creamery. 30a30%c. official prices, creamery common to extra. 21a30c; held seconds to extra. 23n28%e; State dairy, common to fan­cy, 20a28c: renovated common to extra, 17a28c; Western factory firsts. 20%a21c; Western Imi­tation creamery firsts. 21a23c. Cheese, quiet; unchanged: receipts. 6537. Eggs, firm; re­ceipts. 5210. State, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white. 42e- do choice, 88a40e; do mixed fancy 38a40c; Westeru finest select­ed. 88a34c (official price* firsts, 32c); seconds, 27a30c Peanuts and freight*, quiet, unchang­ed. Potatoes, Irish, quiet, unchanged; sweets firm: Jersey, per bhl, $1.25a2. Southern. 50ca $1.00. Cabbages, steady, unchanged.

\i • It Is probable th't't suits growing out of thd

wreck on Thoroughfare Bridge, Atlantic City, will hereafter bo /^entered against the West Jersey and Seashor* Railway Company. Instead of the Pennsylvania Railroad. If this Is done all of the suits wjjl undoubtedly then be re­moved to the UnltW States Courts. Attorney John R. K. Scott gays that he has determined that the liability la; properly chargeable against the West Jersey road, and a number of aulta resulting from tho- wreck Instituted by him yesterday named this corporation aa the de­fendant. . 1

None of the.court* will be ln session today, Thanksgiving.

1 <}L

U. 8. DISTRICT COURT .Judge Holland. ID an opinion handed down

yestorday, sot aside tho sale of certain real estate in the case of the. Provident Investment Company. j

U . 8 . C I R C U I T C O U R T Judge Holland vesterdav granted an order to

show cause why bill should not lie dismissed In the case of Williams vs. Fidelity,,Trust Com­pany. • 1 • •„.

Judgq McPlterson handed down an opinion, in tho caso of MoDuffec, trustee, vs. Heston-vllle. Mantua and Fairmount Passenger Rail­way Company, granting leave to file supple­mental bill.

An order affirming decision of Board of United States General Appraisers wae granted by Judge MePheraon.

Argument was heard and decision was re­served by Judge McPhcrson In the following cases:

Petition for a review In the case of Van-diver vs. Thomas, collector.

Pleadings and pwjpfs ln the case of Frank­lin Sugar Refining Co. vs. United States.

COMMON PLEA8 L I 8 T 8 The new trial argument list occupied the at­

tention of all five -courts yesterday. Court No. 1 also began the bearing of argument In the nuo warranto proceedings against the Broad Street Rapid Tranjlt Passenger Railway Com­pany, contesting Us right, to lay surface tracks on that thoroughfare. Tho hearing will be ro-sumed on Friday.

C o u r t N o . » t , . „ .. ('URRKNT LIST DECISIONS. Haerther vs. Power & Milling Co., see entry.

Morrison vs Morrison, rule discharged: Downea * Co. vs. Myer. rule absolute; Stern vs. Dwv-er. iiilo uhsolute; Shannon v». Shannon, rule absolute; City vs. Ogdeu & Murray, rule dis­charged with leave, etc .: Alines vs. Harvey et al.. rue discharged; Miller vs. HullRtrung, rue absolute; Henderson vs. Bohem et ul.. rule absolute: Whitney v». Scroven Countv Oil Mills, eutry made; Lunhard vs. Telegraph' Co.. pet I on granted; Pullo et al. vs. Railroad, petition granted; Jn re Louis Bordichevskv. net It ion granted.


mSee"1"*'0 1 1 V*' P b r r V 0 t a ,•• p e t u , o u d » v

D l v

u£i°i-'£Tr*NiV l . T ^ n " u n . H Blackwood from \\ illiam K IL Blackwood, and Minnie Jackson from David Jackson.


C o u r t N o . 1

A,4.!!2.iIV<,or*»?ub.«ll- T"- M o r r l " 3- Ooodfriend. Appeal from Magistrate. L. Goodfrlend. 404 -James M. Copeland vs. American Pay-

U)^Snt CmiatrucMon Co. Damages.

Rh Und1: gffftgcW. 'hZi 0 t ° - " G C 0 W

..%-8c^S?t%T"- J- G Br,H Co- D,m-Rei^i^^iVifi* MuU|0»«n'> »a Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company. Same. Same.

Margaret A. Snyder vs . , William II. Brlck-er. Mortgage.

C«rnrt N o . 2

n»S:1 WM l. ,r ,Pl ,ir

B- •'•'' <"arl Xiessoner vs. Ken-n ei£a WH«on. Damages. A. Bauerle.

t-ias' J o h n " ! ^ " f e ' 1 ^ W , U - M a M e ? C «-rJSi5 i££°\in \-1*fo « i (•">»««« Martlno. Ap-' A l

l ,r ' i u , . . M a ? u . , r i . ' 0 K- Raymond. Jr.

cJfftrJi \*liiir(0m*nV V" Wm *' 8h,Pf-408 John C. I)el| A Son vs. William Hae)ane.

APJieal from Magistrate. l \ Bleeh. "•" ,"n"-Garlic -luiato vs. G. Mamorella. Same.

tract RvauJ" 1>*.r*>na v*' RmlX S c h « o f » r - Con-

ha5iJ8'a5s. ,''n<M?! W,!!"1 vg- T ^ " 1 " A. Sbee-Hsu. fnmo. O. R. llell lgman. C o u r t N o . ft

A K ' H V ' U v , n *•• s"«" "-»-«• ^ ^ ' . .'c"v^^ <*f"r H,,<' Machine Company

• inf^'K1} °« f«Kl- Contract. J. Relicr * 507 Wil l iam IL Woodward vs. Solomon („venberK. Damages^ Devlne. »oiomon 401 I eqiiea B. and L. Association vs. Sam-

U"LA- J'roeii iee.-Aiitraet. Shupp. Jr. . . . l i V i " r a h \.-- ^flUKeray vs. Unda II. Wilson " ' j^ ' i 0 , " '** ^ M««-rlson. S a m e W. Evan" u4iri'UV}Ty, 9 J uutahlln. trustee. Vs. James KiKMV"*L,or'lir M 0 * " ^ - M. 2. Paul. ~ .•. V KCk% ?*rJ 9f*>nr wl"' Maehlse Company * s , Jo^u Oxford., Contract. J. B e | A . ^JT

C o u r t N o . .11

C«mt<rHcta.T ,SeniieS'0 ,< ,n ,a" W < T h 0 m " 8 R e , , , 5 r -603- John Little et al.. trustee etc vs

John FHtseh et al. Mortgage. Klrko^trtck.

J l ^ M # . * S ' ! f f l t e W TS- VMKet McGarvey. % i « P Ramsey. 510^-Warren Sanger vs. Reall & Coippany.

Co'Jtiact. j . A. WlUlams. 512 -A . Iss ve. John B. Boatty. Same. Grata.

C o u r t N o . 4 ••1?T7; l B 8t\c B loomf le ld ,« . Millard Conatruc-tlou Co. Damages. Holdings.

ORPHANS' COURT > n e e r e e s I s s u e d BY PRESIDENT JUDGH! ASHMAN: Appointing Sarah Jennings guardlau of Jen­

nings Minors. > BY JUDGE PENROSE: Appointing Continental Trust Co.. of Har-

rlsburg. aub-trueteo, under will of John E. Fox, deceased.

A rule on Catlrlno Romano, administratrix of the estate of Vinccnzo Tllll, deeeaaed. to show cauao why she should not aell or mort­gage certain real estate.

BY JUDGE I-AMORELLE: Vacating sale of real estate In the estato

of Mary E. Brauford, deceased.

. QUARTER 8E88 ION3 F r i d a y ' s T r i a l L i s t

COURT NO. 2: Ball cases-Judge Wlllsou, Leonard Murphy, Theresa Lotarlo. et al. . Co-lotta Monco. Harris Hunter. Giovanni Toglla, Georgo McEr.tee, et al.. Sllae Cannon. Jamea J. Ryan, Max Rosenberg, Michael McCaffrey, et al., Annie Rosenthal, Matthew S. Wilson. Joseph Cant well, Joseph Randolph, William Condon, ct al., John McCuen, assault and bat­tery; Joseph McTague. conspiracy: Julius Co­hen, perjury: Hugh Jrtenry, et al., Margaret McDowell, Philip C. Goodwin, la lliibbs. bawdy house.

jreeny; Howard




JUDGMENTS ENTERED In the following list the judgments are entered

against the first named in each case: Brown. Charles H.. ct nl.- Berean B.

and L. Association: mortgage 618.01 Busslnger. D. W.. Jr.-~Oeorge Pea-

body Lodge. No.. 21. K. of P.; note . . 80.00 Foster. Robert J.—William A. Zumpfc;

note 66.00 Gillen. Edward C.. et al.—Ixrster Sup-

ply Company; for want of a defense 528.59 Gllckinan, Morris J. -Miller &- Jacobs;

for want of a defense 3150.00 Hartman. Thomas IL. et a l . -Pennsyl­

vania Company for Insurances on Lives, etc . ; for want of an appearance 3260.25

Holt. James—F. X. Qulnn: n o t e . . . . . . 108.66 Kahen. Jacob and Sarah-Julius Green-

berg; note Kelly. Mary K. The Triumph Build­

ing Association; note Lasonlsyo. Joseph—Samuel Simpson;

noto , Llberly Chemical Company—D. O.

Haynes & Co.; for want of a defense 103.76 Malamadson, Jacob and Eva—Philip

Flahman; note, execution 128.80 Moore. Hugh R.—Carrie B. Kilbore:

transcript from Magistrate Borle's docket 70.00

Natt. FannloV—G. Pereey Fox; note t200.00 Rcddln. Catharine, administratrix, et

HI Amelia M. Ryan: mortgage 1655.86 Schmits. Albert- George Peabody I-odge

No. 21. K. of P. : note Sheldrake. Jacob—Margaret R. Shel­

drake ; note Slonlmsky. Dr. George and Pauline-—

New Commonwealth B. and L. Asso­ciation : note

The Syndicate Oil and Gas Company— Louis 0 . Wallace: note, execution.. 737.20

Trebln. Margaretha- John Schmmik: note

Wohr, Ohrlstlsn and Anna M.—John .Schmunk; note

Zalesnlck. Joseph-Julius Oreenberg; note






• - J ~ ! > . '


; . •

— — — ——— —

- . •


Will Remain Closed All Day ThanksQivino Day

1 1

• . . . . • Mm i mtmtmm* mm <

Now Get Ready for Christmas This Store is Heady

There's No Time to Lose '

' •" M i '»

. - '




B a n k r u p t e y Arteraus W. Deane, trading as the Scotch

Hop Ale Manufacturing Company, of this city, was discharged yesterday as an Involuntary bankrupt.

The Pblladophla Boat and Engine Company, of thise cltv. was adjudged an involuntary bankrupt. Referee Alfred Driver.

George O. Smith, this city, was discharged as a voluntary bankrupt yesterday.

A creditors' netltlon in bankruptcy was yes­terday filed against West Side Paper Company, of this city. The names of the creditors ap­pearing in the petition are Robert MeAlplne, 1030.96; C. W. MeAlplne. $768,78: Walter J. Smith. $288.76. Referee Joseph Mellow.

Manuel Fernandez. Individually and as a partner In the late firm of Reiser A Fernando*. of this cltv. was adjudged a voluntary bank-nipt. Liabilities. $059.13: assets. $126. Referee, Richard 8. Hunter.

Judge Holland yesterday handed down a de­cree setting aside sale of certain real eetste in the matter of the Provident Investment Com­pany. In bankruptcy.

IN T H E LEGAL WORLD Owlne to the fact that Judge von Moschslsker

Is to sit lu the license court on Friday, the hearing of the rule on Lawyer Joshua R. Ser-fass to show cause why he should not be dis­barred from practice, fixed for that day, has been postponed until next Wednesday.

Wilfred La Roeho pleaded guilty before Judge von Mosehxlsker In Quarter Sessions Court No. 1 yesterday to the Chargp of larceny of clothes from numerous boarding houses In the neighbor­hood of Nineteenth and Vine streets. He was not represented t«v counsel and he pleaded his own cause, saying that it was bis first offense. Judge von Moschxisker sentenced him to serve one year In the County Prison.

Frank P. Brown. Esq.. a member of the Chi­cago bar. was a visitor in the United' States Courts yesterday.

Montgomery. Robert Smith. William J ^ Sprang. Emily E.

Robinson. Laura A. Kelly. John K . . . . , Ulant. Mamie R Kessler. George W. Geealer, Frederick W Reynolds. Frank E . . Baehr. Christian. . , . Storks Dr James 0 , . Thaiaii. Gustav Sheppard, Alber t . . . , Wood. ElkaiiBte A , . Crlstlno. P l e t r o . . . . . Dauulla. Gulseppe,

Miller. Sarah A. Sehyvaiifor. Annie K. McQuade. Margaret .Downing. Sybil B. Ivlns. rauaheth W. Crowley. Elisabeth. Koih, Anna.

. .Barney. Emma M. ...Plscopin. Mlchellna

l^l'^vy^W''••• •dwagtlata. Louisa r f e r ' *<nf0 , b e r t WM- Antoinette L sclo. rietro Dl Mapoll. Virgin !fcl«£' te?.w-~ • •> « « U « K ^ . Mary.. Fisher. William.

Virginia. dary.

McQuald. Sarah S.

No H. $15.60818.50: no wade, lI8.60ai4.K). Clover mixed hay---No 1. $17al7.60; No X $16 a l 8 5 0 Clover hay—No 1, t l6 .60a l8 : No 2. $14

S t r a w - N o 1 strnlght rye. t l 2 .50a l8 ; a 14.50. No_2 dp. $11.6081.12 tangled rye No 1, t l l a

|9 .60a 11.50; do No 2.^$10al0.50; oat. No 1, |9.60i 10; oat. No 2, |8 .60a9; wheat. No I, | 9 . 6 0 a l 0 wheat. No 2. 10.

FLOUR—Receipts, 4635 barrels, 1,725/710 pounds, ln sacks. Trade was quiet, but offer­ings wero moderate and prices ruled steady. We quote as follows: Winter extras. $2.80a3; Penna. roller, clear. $3.05a3.20; do do atralght, $8.25a3.40; Western winter, clear, tt.10a8.26; do do straight, $3.80a3.60; do do patent. |8.60a 8.86; Kansas, straight, sack*. $3.40a3.60; do pntent. sacks. $3.65a8.80: spring, clear. t?-40a 8.70; do straight, $3.S0a4.l0; do patent, |4 .20 a4.40; do do favorite brands, $4.60a4.75: Cltj Mills, cholco and- fancy patent, t4.40s4.66; Cltj Mills, regular grades, wluter, clear. $3.lOa8.25; do atralght. $3.30a8.60: do patent. t8.00a3.85

RYE FLOUR was quiet but firm, w e quote he following^. Choice Pennsylvania at to.76a 1.85 per bbl ln wood; Western. $8.76u4. the atter for fancy patent In sacks.

BUCKWHEAT FI/OUR continued dull, but steady. We quote at $i{.30a2.40 per 100 lbs, as to quality, for new.

WHEAT.—There was llttlo demand from exporters or mUlers, but offerings were mode­rate and prices ruled steady, No 2 rod closed:

Bld.Asked November 76 75% .Spot car lota, in export elevator:

No 2 red . , , No 2 red Western N R grade red No 2 Southern red Steamer No 2 red No 8 red Rejected A Rejected B . . . , . , No 1 Northern Duluth No 2 Northern Duluth

Receipt Glrard Pt. Stg. Co . . 63,413 . . 608,80 Port Richmond 10,644 40,681 154,61 Track 22.000 22,000

87 Shl'pm'te. Stooli1,


m Total CORN.-The

85,037 62,621 762,919 market ruled steady under

moderate offerings, but thef© was little de­mand from any source. We quote old No &

ii -.1 high

mixed at 66a56%c; old No 2 yelbpw at 55%a to 10-

vellow for local trado at 54%c; old steamer yellow do at 56c; old No 2 mixed and mixed at 66a56%e; old No 2 yellow at 66c;- new steamer yellow at 48a40c. as to lo­cation; No 8 shelled yellow at 47a48o; new No 4 yellow at 46a47e, and new cob at 44a45c. as to quality In bag lots, on dock, and at 45a47c per 70 lbs. In car lots, on track. No 2 mixed ," ,"" , , : ftld.A*

m 1? % Novoraber . . . . . . . . . , , . . ,

December January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Soot car lots In export elevator:

8Id No. z. In export elevator 49 Id steamer. In export olovator . . . 47%

New xtoamer, in export elevator. , .^ . , Old No. 8. in export elevator 46 4JM

.New No 8. |p export elevator . . .-, . . 4 5 Receipts. Shlpm ts. Stock.

r 5,241

42, tO(j 11,687

Coffee From The Inquirer Bureau.

NEW YORK. Nov. 28 . -The coffee market opened steady at unchanged prices to a de­cline of live points. The close was weak ot a net decline of 5alo points. Sales wero re­ported of about (56,000 bags.

The maket for spot coffee was quiet, with quotation, on the basis of 7 ^ ' for Rio No. 7.

The range of contract prices In tho local market todav was aa follows: Months. Open. High.Low. Close. Tuesday.

Novembe. r 6.66a6.70 5.76a5.80 December 5 8 0 5.80 5.75 6 65a6.70 5.76a5.80 January.. 5.85 5.85 5.80 6.76a6.80 6.86a6.00

. . . . . . . . 6.85a5.00 6.90a8.00 0.10 0.10 6.00 5.05afl.00 0.08tt$.10 6.16 0.15 6.10 6.56a0.10 6.16a6.20 0.25 6. So 6.15 fl.10a6.16 6.20a6.26

6.20a6.25 6.30n6.S5 6.45 0.45 0.35 6.80«8.8r

February, Ma 1 e h . . . . Anrll Mav June July August. .. September October..

ol.Zu ' iv'iiri "';/ w • • " I r vuaia . waran t>. M ' i \ i U U ? I V K ; 0 K»w»n«. Margaret K. Mann. Albert J Mooncy, Catharine A. Loos, Hoarce I I . . . . . . H o f f m a n . Bertha A. Koponhaven. Charlie H.Rhonda. Nellie. Shirt. George 0 . Bobbing. Emma. Scheok. Alfred A Fames, Harry T Brulg. Frank J . . . . . . . Fantacone. Antonio..

Shompson. John J . . . . ryan. P h i l i p . . . . . . . .

Haines. Walter C . . . Brenutheejsel. Cleon N Harford. Robert I . , . . Potts. Georgo, Jr Ouenther. Frank A.

.Justice. Catharine. .Miller. Minnie E. .McAnally. Mary A. .Davauelrl. Maria G, .Hackney. Rebecca G. Brandaechaln, Alice,

.('utler, IJOUISR R. .Young. Mary L. .Mailman. Kate L. .Hlukle, Clara E. .Brown. Mary.

McMenamin. James F. ..Gaul. Elizabeth M. Gaul. James J, Collins. Gertrudo. Hopkins. Roy Young, Jane L. Watson, William Bosnian. Portia^ I)eck. William 8 Johnson. Ellen W

6.60 6.50 0.40 8.00 6.60 6.45 6.05 6.65 6.65

.80A6.35 6.36afl.4d

.35a6.40 6.45a6.80 ;.40a6.45 0.6Oa6.55 ).60a8.55 6.56a6.60

Cotton Seod Oil NEW YORK. Nov. 28.-Cotton seed oil waa

Arm and generally higher on better outside buying. Prlmo crude f. o. b. mills, 80c; prime sunimer yellow. 42c; prime white, nominal; prime winter yellow, nominal.

The Oil Market OIL CITY, Nov. 28.-Credlt balances. 1.58.

Runs, 121,488: average. 08.905: shipments, 149,048; average. 156\52>.

City Wholesale Live and Dressed Stock Markets

Philadelphia.—For three daya cudiug Wed­nesday evening. November 28. Beef cattle— Southern and Western cattle dominated the market, there being 47 carloads arriving. Values ruled steady to firm with a good de­mand for all prlmo ateers. There were 7 car­loads of calves among tho holdings and all desirable selections were firmly hold. The bet­ter grades of cows ruled steady under a sea­sonable Inquiry, but thin and common stock was dull and easy. Quotations: Steers, average best. 5%a6c: choice, 5%a8%c: good, 6%a5%c; medium. 4%a6c; common, 4%a4%c; Blockers and feeders, 4a5c; bulls, 8%a4%c; fat cows. 3a4c; thin cows, l%a2e; much cows, $36a60 for common to good: veal calves flrm; good to choice, 7a8c; exceptional stock, SaOc; medium, 5a6c; common, 4a6c; grassers and West­erns, 8n4%c. Sheep and Lambs-Of the 27 carloads of stock on sale there wore Fow left overs, except among the -culle. which were not much sought after, Buyers were.after cholco stock and that ruled steady to firm, extra lambs gelng a shade higher. Quotations: Sheo] 5%c; 2a( ia8c;

>P—Wcthore. extra. 5%a8c; choice, 6%a ,1 good, 5a5V4c; medium, 4%a4%c; common, c; ewea. heavy, fat, 4%a6c; lambs, extra,

___c; ewes, heavy,fat.4%a6c; lambs, extra, 7%a 8c; good to choice, 7%a7%c; medium, 6%a7%e: common, 5a6c. Ilpge—Values were well cleaned up. Quotations: Western, as to also and quali­ty 9a0%c. City Dressed Stock—The flneat se­lections of meats were selling satisfactorily at firm prices. Quotations: Steers, 7a0%c; cows. 8a6c: sheep, OalOe; extra wethers, l i e ; lambs, l l a l 2 e ; extra lambs, 18c; veal calves, 10al2c; extra calves. 12%c; hogs, 9%c; coun­try dressed calves, Pal2c; grassers and West­erns, 6a8c.

Pittsburg Quotations PlTTSbURG. Nov. 28.~We&tlnghouse Air

Brake. 161%: Marsden. offered. 2%: Crucible Steel, 12%; do preferred, 80%; Pittsburg Coal, 17% asked: do preferred, 69 asked.

S • • ' • ,• « < l » " — — 1 _ • I • • ^ v

MARRIAGE L ICEN8E8 ISSUED Pettlnto, Gonnaro. Moore. Goorge R Faact, Joseph R. GoetB. Arpmnd M . . . . . Fredericks, Utobralm.. Smyth. Joseph Elsaeseer, Ernst Wanssor. Isaac Stolpe. August Nadasan, Victor Sembollo, E n r i c o . . . . . Dudley. I l e r b e r t . . . . . . Duckctt. Charles C . . . Geary, E d g a r ^ . , u , . . Craword, Henry 1 1 . . . . Campbell, John J . . . . * Wilson, Jamcf 11 Donley, Joseph I ' . . . . Owens, J n « - » b . . , . . . . , Walnwrlght. John W. Lynn, Robert P Woodill, J o h n B

...Coaentlno, ^Franc'caAD. ..Berretta. Jeannotte G. . Walton. Mary Y. . .Goldsmith, Florence J. ..Williams, Blanche. . Riley. Anna. ..Nownk. Frederlcka. ...Ionian, Jennie.

.Deltre. Mamie B. less. Mary. 'iiHcaie. Debbery, anlels. Ida. /altou. Cflrrla C. lanti. 1 .ill Ian.

-lolly. Carrie R. Bnglesbe. Loretto fl.

.,.Sharp. Kmma R. . , Bllea, Frances J,

"fe B. . ennedy.

... Jackson. Minnie « . . ..Tlghe,^ Mapgaret .M^

Nugeat. Margaret F»

Wlleon. Talbott lLildeman. Walter 8 . Ran. Charles G . . . . . . Regendnna, Charles F Simmons, Peter A , , . Blunt. Harry L . . j . . . Torhuue. Charles B . . Cannon. Daniel J . . . . K riser. Meloher.. w . . Graham. William J . . Simpson. Charles G. . Fell, William M . . , . . Cxenctak, J 1 . . Flletis. G e o r g e . . , . , . . Ilogue. Georgo H . , . . Petersen. William T. Nagell. William Unriih, Tiowls-R.

.Hopper. Anna L. Blehl. Helen D.

.Galbralth. Mary V.

.Thompson. Emma L.

.Dakers. Mary A. Hill. Alice. Seymour, Elisabeth L.

.Moore, Mary II, Stefan. Katharine,

.McGovern. Mary E .

.Kins, Katherlno E.

.Fehrle. Viola M. Prelsuer. Ludwlka. Menra. Hannah. Ross. Ida J.

.Dugan. Sarah P. , Freudenthal. Emma. Clvmor. Edith J.

.Zimmerman, Clara M. Ble.vler, Clarence.. Forenuugh, Henry, Simons, Emma. Smith. Roy W Heft. Jennie M. Kclly\ Alfred I I . . . . . . . . Brechtel. Roae E% Bailey. DrOharlea P . . .Murphy. Elisabeth M.

p h S . . r Helnizelman. Josonl Gallagher. Joseph .C Guckert. Henry. . Groenberg. Albert

.Barnes. Elsie. ...Cull. M ary A. .. Krete, Jennie.

„ . . .Sundhelm. Reua. Wlfltor. AlexanderW. Jr.Stoffel. Eva. . . Kennody. Peter P Mahoney.' Anna V. Algeo. Preston L. y Whiteside, Reba N. Ryan. Frederick J, Rossltor. jAlice. Ferrall, Thomas J,1 Walker. Eva J. "arrlty. Patrick J Duff. Katherine.

twood, Charles Hewitt . Ellxabeth. cCourt, William, Conway, Mary

son of Thomas and Kate Boon, son-in-law of Frederick, 8r. and Annie Simon, aged 44 years. Relatives and friends, also Ingomar Castle, No 4. K G E; Southern Cross Castle. No 97. A O K M C and postofflrs- Protective Asso­ciation, are Invited to attend the fuperal, ou Sunday. December 2. at 11.80 A M. from late residence. 1410 Mooro at. Services and Inter­ment at Trinity Lutheran Church at 1 P M.

BOYLE.-Novembcr 28. ANNA B BOYLK, wife of late Robert Boyle. Relatives ana friends Invited to attend funeral. Friday. 8 A M. from late residence. 1420 S 15th st. Sol­emn requiem mass St Thomas' Church 9.30 A M. Interment Holy Cross. , BRENZ.-Ou November 26. 1906. CHARLES BRENZ, aged 70 years. Relatives and friends art' Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, November 80. at I P M. from the residence of his son. William P Brens. 19 E Stewart ave, I/ansdowne. Pa. Services at the Lensdowiio Bap­tist Church, at 2 P M. Interment at Mt Mo-rlah Cemetery.

BROGAN.-On November 20. 1908, JAMEfl.son of James and Annie Brogan. aged 2 years. Fu­neral 011 Thursday, at 1 P M. from the residence of his parents, 4667 Olive st. Interment at St Denis's Cemetery. Relatives aud frlenda are Invited to attend.

BROWN.. Nov 28. MARY BROWN, aged 76 years. Relatives and. friends, also represen­tatives and Board of Lady Managers of Rebe-kah Home. I O O F . Invited to attend funeral service Friday. 2 P M. at Home. 3201 N 17th at. Interment private. nPv i*4 iAI4IAN-~<i , |.SonMnbe- lLrT« W - JOHN CALLAHAN, aged 58 years. The relatives and frlonds of the family are respectfully Invited i°o/? t t e lV' I K . fu»««0. on Friday morning, at 8.30 o clock, from his late residence, 1288 N Carlisle st. High requiem mass at St Jdalachy's at 10 o'clock. Interment at New Cathedral. «PA$»in9.K , l 'L-T9n N o * 2 6 \ 1908. CATHARINE CAMPBELL, sister of the lato Daniel McAnal­ly. Relatives and friends, also the Sacred Heart, Confraternity of Church of the Immacu­late Conception, are Invited to attend funeral, Saturday, 8.80 A M, . from son-ln-law'a resi­dence, Thomas Donnelly, S E cor Richmond and Norrls sts. Solemn requiem mass Church of Holy Name. Interment Cathedral.

OARMODY.—On November 27, 1906, CATH-A R I N C wffe of the late^ Michael^ Carmody. of Limerick. Ireland, aged 68 years. Rela­tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8 8 0 A M. from the residence of her son-in-law. Thomas G Fla-

gvln. 1422 j o u t h 28d at. High mass at St abrlel'a Church. Interment at Holy Cross »metery. OASSIDY.-Oii November 26. 1900. ANNIE

M. daughter of the late Etlwaid and Sarsh Oaa-VM:, ^Relatives and frlonds are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8.80 A M. from the residence of her brother-in-law. Mr Thomas Harley. 246 Wanamaker at (6Sth and

urt, v „. cGlll. Michael

.Roberts. D a v i d . . . . . . . Morris. Abo L . ^ . . / . . . Boohar, Elmer T . . . . . CUrke, Raymond I f . . . ^oobber. Richard PUryenr, Lewis H,*. . . Rutter, Robert . I T . . . Herm, Frederick L . . . Meyer, BInkemau Q . . . Carter. A l fred . . .

Curran, Mary, "well . Katherine.

ramer. Katie. old. Elizabeth.

hler, Mary T D. /ackenhut. Amelia.

..Smith. Daisy M.

. Parker. Lavlnla.

..Rodman. Martha, .gooke. May B.

ields. Clara. Holden. Thomas P Calnft, Marlon 0 . Tllaner, Guatav

olfanyder, Joseph . Sears, Lena. . Funk, Sarah B.

"""unt. Bertha. ose. T h o m a s . . . . . . . . . . . { » . . . . . , ,w anl. William A, J r . . . ,Helros._ Phoebe H

i f . . . . Daj lser. Harry . . . Uf.... Day. C jhnson. James P w '^' .R .< 'Buo. R e n o . . . . . ' , Myrlek. # n 1 c k J a m Y e ^ . A . . . 9 . a . b e r v

obert. . • .lanman .Itcnendof, Lnight. Erneat. f tjr.

rlorst, John X I . . . . . . Heaco^k, Harry I i , . Tvson, William If , . Wlnbush. Wll l lum.. Miller'. H a r r y . . . . . . Werner, P a u l . . . . * . Bevan, H a r r y . . . . , Clcmmer. Joseph F

Carrie. Annie K. Julia A. Rosa,

roth, .Anna M. . Horger. Frieda. . Couch, Mary. . .Sehuck. Ellaabeth. .Bell. Mabel K. Arbuckle. Louisa M.

.Mitchell. Mary. .Kelflen. Mabel. .Talke. Pauline. .Sclywlnt. Annie. * .Kolly. Elisabeth M.

M ARRIED GREGORY-BRNZON.-On the 24th lnat. at

lton. N J. b* the Rev J D Fox. I) D. Miss NAH R BBNZON to Prof BENJAMIN C

...njORY. of Chelnea. Mass. TURNBULD-BJBOBST.-At New York, on the

24th Inst, bv the Rev John Lewis Clark, D D, FREDERICK TURNBULL to BESSIE, eldei i daughter of the late Frank Brobst.


ARNOLD. -On November 25. 1906. EUGENE ARNOLD. agod„ 41 , years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday af­ternoon, at 2 o'clock precljdly. at his late res]-donee. 2146 N Franklin st. Interment private.

ASHBRIDGE.--On Novcmbor 27, 1006, MARY PECHIN. eldost daughter of the l a t e Joshua and Rebecca E Aahbrldgo. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 8 P M, at her late, reeidence. Mont­gomery ave. Rosemont, Pa. Intormct private. Please omit flowers. < ''

BILBROUGH.-~pn. Noyember 27. 1906. AL­BERT BILllROUGH. aged 42 year£ Rela* Uvea and friends, also Loynl Faith Lodge, No 0*716, I O 0 F M U; tMjjakoka Tflbo, &o 205,, I d ft M and St Matthias Yearly .Ben*-ficlal Aasoclatlon. aro Invited to attend the Tu-netaU ou Satoraiy. at 2 P M . , from h{« late resldonce. 8487 0«(»»on street. Falls of Schuyl­kill, Iuterment, at Mount, Paace Cemetery.

BOON.-On Novcmbor tSfilOOa. EDWARD 0 .

Vine st»V. West phlia ... ... oulem.at. the Ohureh of Our Lady of tha Ros M.

Solemn mass of ro-)ur M d y of tha Ros-

Interment at Holy Cross ary at 10 A Cemetery.

CHBSTNUT. -pn Nov 27. 1906. WILLIAM. beloved husband of Kato Chestnut, aged 62 years. The relatives and friends of the fam­ily, alao Police Department, Slat district, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Fri­day afternoon, vat 2 o'clock, at his late resi­dence, 8272 Chancellor place. Interment at Montrose Cemetery.

CLBGGv-On November 27. MARIA CLMGG. wlfo of Thomas B Clegg. of Ridge ave, iibove Terrace at, Wissahlekon. Relatives sod friends ln'ritoa to attond ftineraj. rrom,,wTsaahtckon Baptist Church Friday. 2.80 P M. interment private, westmlnater.

COUGHLAN.-On the 27th inatant. JOHN. son of Catharine and the lato Patrick Cough-Ion, aged 28, years. Relatives and friends, also Oathodral T A. B Society and Court Mu­tual, No 283, V of A, are Invited to attend the funeral, 011 Friday, at fi A M. from 2388 Cross street. Solemn requiem mass at the Cathedral, at 10 A M. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.

DALY.-On Nov 27, 1908. JOSEPH C, young­est, beloved son of Jane and the late James Daly. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to at­tend funeral, Friday, 8.80 A hi. from real-deuce of brother, Edward Daly. 244 Mayfleld st. High mass St Veronica's Church 10 A M. Intermont private Holy Cross,

DALY.—On November 27. 1906. JAMES, son of the late Matthew and Ellen Daly, aged 43

friends are Invited to at-

Chatham street. Reoulem mass at 10 o'clock, at the Church of Our Lady Help of Christiana. Interment at St Peter's Cemetery.

KLLIOTT.-Suddenly. on November 26. 1906. WALTKR. beloved husband of Mary A Elliott, aged 37 years. The relatives and friends, alao employes of Armstrong A Latta. are invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday after­noon, at 1 o'clock, at his late residence. 48 Mercy st (Front and Snyder ave). Interment private at Fernwood Cemetery.

FNGLISH.-On Nov 26, 1906, JOHN, aon of the late Patrick and Ann English. Rela­tives and friends arc invited to attend funeral, Thursday, at 8.80 A M, from bis brother's residence. Mr Joseph English, >154o N Bodine at. Solemn requiem mass at St Michael's Church at 10 A M. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.

FELKBR.-On November 28. 1906. IVAN O, son of George C and Ella C Felker. In the 19th year of his age. Relatives and friends are In­vited to attend the funeral services, at his late residence. 1648 N 20th st. on Saturday, at 2.80 P M precisely. Intermeut strictly private at Mt Peace Cemetery.

FERRIS. -On November 24. 1906. MARTHA J. wife of Samuel Ferris and daughter of Isabella and the late Joseph Flaber. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, s t 2 P M. from her late residence, 1220 Wilder st . Interment at Fernwood Cem­etery.

FISHER. -On Nov 25, 1906, MARGARET, daughter of the late Jamea and Catharine I.M.den. Relatives and friends are Invited to atLma funeral, on Friday at 8.30 A M, from residence of ber brother-ln-law.John McClernan, 170 W Palmer et. Solemn requiem mass at St Michael's Church at 10 A M precisely. In­terment at Moat Holy Redeemer Cemetery.

FLYNN.-Nov 28. IBVIN S FLYNN. beloved son of Charles R and late Catharine R Flyno. aged 19 years. 9 months. Relatives and frlenda Invited to attend funeral services. Saturday. 1 P M. at late residence. 1518 N 11th at. In­terment private.

FREUND.- On November 27. 1906. BARBARA widow of Daniel Freund. (nee Helnrlch). aged 72 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 2 P M, from the residence of Charles Horsh. 1128 N 3d st. uterment at German I^utheran Cburcb Ground.

OARRITY.-On November 27. MARGARET C OARRITY. beloved wife of Charles J Oar-titv. and daughter of Matbew and late Mary Dougherty. Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral. Saturday. 8.80 A M. from late residence. 1725 Manton st. Solemn reoulem mass at St Charles' Church. 10 A M. Inter­ment Holy Cross.

GKBB1K. On November 27. MARY J OEB-BIB. wife of the late George Cobble.

GILBERT.-At Wilmington. Del. November 26. CAROLINE GILBERT, wife of Daniel Gil­bert, aged 71 years. Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral services, st residence of son-in-law. John Sheppard. 82d and llolsteln sve Phlla, Pa. . Thursday. 2 P M . without further notice. Interment Mt Morlsb.

OORMLEY.-On Nov 27, 1906. ELLEN A. wife of Felix J Gormley snd daughter of Den­nis and Jane McGlynn. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral Saturday. 8.80 A M, from late residence. 2441 Meredith st. Solemn high reqleum mass St Francis Xavler Church 10 A M. Interment Holy Cross.

HAGBRTY.-On November 27. 1906. AN­THONY, husband of Jennie Hagerty. Rels-tlves and friends, also employes of the A Oolhurn Co. are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 P M. at his late residence. 6638 Haverford ave. West Philadel­phia. Interment private.

HARTFORD- Died on the 27th lnat. RA­CHEL HARTFORD, wife of Brooks 1> Hart­ford. The relatives and frtends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Friday. 80th. at I o'clock, from ber late residence. 2138 N Percy st. Interment strictly private.

HAUTER.—On November 27. 1900. ELIZA­BETH 1IAUTBR. widow of Frederick Hauler, ln her 89th year. Due notice of funeral.

IIBALKY November 26. ANNIE M HEALBY. beloved daughter of Catharine and the late William Healey. In 18th year. Relatives snd friends Invited to attend funeral. Friday, 8.80 A M. from late residence, 2286 8 9th. Sol­emn requiem high mass. Church of the Epi-pbsnv. 10 A M. Interment New Cathedral.

HICKS,—On November 27. 1906. Colonel CHARLES CARROLL HICKS, aged 79 years. Funeral services will be held at the Old Men a Home. 39th aud Baring sts. on Friday. 30th lnat. at 9.80 A M precisely. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. New York. New York papers please copy.

HUGO. -On November 26. 1906. BENJAMIN M HUGO, lu his 06th year. The relatives and friends, also Henry Seybert Council. No 620. Jr O U A M; Golden Rule Conclave. No 48. I O H. sre Invited to attend funeral, on Thurs­day. November 29. at 8 o'clock, from his late residence. Bloomsdale. Pa. Further services on Fridar. November 80. at the Zion M K Church at Porchtown. N J. at 2.80 o'clock. Interment at ssme place.

HUBLEY.—Suddenly. on Nov 27. 1906. AQUILA. son of Isaac D and Emma E Hubley. aged 14 veare. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock,

f t his parents' residence. 1400 8. Clarion at. uterment at Mt Morlah Cemetery. JOHNSTON.—On November 27. at the Home

for Aged aud Inflrm Colored Persons. PA-TIBNCE JOHNSTON, tor fifty years faithful servant ln the famtly of Mrs P L Laiiuorenne. Funeral services in the chapel of the home. 44th aud Glrard ave. on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Eden Cemetery.

JONES. On November 26. BENJAMIN JONES, aged 74 years. Relatlvea. and friends, also Frankford Lodge. No 202. F and A M, invited to attend funeral, Friday. 2 P M from Itster-ln-law. a residence. Mrs Mary Mllner. 6722 Frankford ave. Frankford. Interment Ce­dar Hill.

JOSRPH.-Nov 27^ BENJAMIN JOSEPH, be­loved husband of Emma Joseph. In bla 87th year. Relatives aud friends Invited to attend funeral services, Sunday, 2 P M . from late res­idence, 2428 Columbia ave. Interment Mt Peace.

KANE--On November 28, 1906. ROBERT P KANE. Funeral and interment private.

KAY.—On November 27. 1906. ALEXANDER KAYV in the 80th year of his age. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 10.80 A M precisely, at hie late residence. 1218 S 10th st. interment private.

KAUFMAN.-On Nov 28. 1906. MARY, wife of the late William Kaufman, daughter of the late George and Rachel Reade. Relatives and frlenda aae invited to attend funeral ser­vices, Saturdak 1 P M, at son in law' s resi­dence. Joseph W Claypoole. 4668 Frankford ava, Frankford. Interment private. Jersey City papers please copy.

KILLACKY.-Npvomber 26. 1906. FRANK P. husband of Annie^Klllacky. aged 68 years. Relatives and friends, alao the Thomas J Ryan Association, are invited to attend the fune­ral, on Thursday, at 8.80 A M. froin his late residence, southwest corner Sixth and Cherry afreets. Solemn mass of requiem at St A

K Mitchell, of Camden. N J. in S2d year of age. Services at residence of aop-in-law. Al­fred M Heston. 26 S Iowa ava. Atlantic City, Friday. Nov 30. 8 P M. Interment private Saturday.

MORRISON.-On November 26. JOHN W MORRISON, beloved husband 6f Nettie'Morri­son (nee Manser). Relatives and friends, also "elief of P and R Railway Co. also Trinity

eformed Episcopal Church. Invited to attend nersT. Thursday. 2 P M . from late residence, "J Llpplncolt st. Services at Triulty Reformed

_ureh. S P M. Allegheny ave and F st. In­terment Oreenmount.

MORRISKY. On Nov 27. 1906. MARY, wld ow of late John Morrlsey, aged 60 years. Hole l ives and friends are Invited to atetnd funeral. Friday. B A M , from residence. 1142 S 23d st. Solemn requiem mass St Anthony's Church 9-30 A M sharp. Interment Old Cathedral.

MOORE. Suddenly, on November 27. 1000. MARTHA J MOORE, aged 77 years. Relatives and friends sre Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Frldsy. November 80, at 8 P M, at the parlors of 8 M Tallmen. funeral director. 2728 Glrard sve. Interment at Brldgeton, N J. Bridgeton papers copy.

MOUNT.-On November 26, MR8 HANNAH MOUNT. Relatives snd friends invited to at

. tend funeral, from residence of brother, Wil­liam Williams. Blackwood. N J. Frldsy, 1.30 P M. Services at house. Interment Black­wood. Train leaves Chestnut st wharf 11.40 A M.

MURPHY.-On November 28. 1906. ALBERT

S MURPHY. Relatives and friends of the rally, also employes of the Philadelphia Post-

office. Jefferson Democratic Club. Court Arden. F 0 of A. are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence. 301 N 20th at. on Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock. Solemn requiem mass at the Cathedral at 10.30 o'clock. Interment Holv Cross Cemetery.

NEBLY. D n November 28. 1906. JOSIAII NEELY. in his 86th year. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday morning, December 1, at 11 o'clock, at the residence of his aon. Henry B Neely, 626 North Twenty-second street.

NOONB.~On November 27. 1906. THOMAS D. husband of Mary aud son of the late James and Grace Noone. The relatives and friends of the family, also Division No 2. A O H: Done-gal 8 B and P Association; s t Joseph's I C B


tine's Church, at 10 A M. Interment at Hoi Cross Cemetery.

K I N "

yenrs. s t ives and frlenda art end the funeral, on Friday, at 8.80 _ ... ....

elsely. from his late resldonce. 1128 Parrlsh st VJt pre-

Solemn requiem mass at the Church of the Assumption. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme­tery.

DAVIS. -On November 27. 1006. ANNIE A, beloved wife of George B Davis and daughter of Margaret E and the late John J Burns. Tne relatives and frlenda are invited to Attend tho funeral, on Monday morning. aKS.Jo o'clock, from her late residence. House T, Porter ave. League Island, Navy Yhrd. High requiem mass at « t Moulca's Church. Interment Old Cathe­dral.

I)B LBSS.-NOV 28 JOSEPH J D E LESS, beloved husband of Annie De Less and son of late Anthony and Mary De Less, aged 60 years. Relatives and friends, also Southwark Quolt Club, Invited to attend funeral. Monday. 8.80 A M\ from late residence. 2600 McKee st. be­low 4th and Ritner sts. Solemn requiem mass, Church of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. Iotetmeut Holy Cross.

DROHAN^-On the 28th Inst, BRIDGET, widow of Thomas, Drohan. Relatives and friends are Invited to attond the funeral, on Sattirday. at 8.80 A M . from the residence ot her son-m-law. Mr Wm F" Rowan. 016 South 49th st. Solemn high mass of requiem at Church Of St Francis do Sales, at 10 A M. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery.

D Y O H . - p n November 25. AMEDID DYOH. beloved wife of John F. Dych. daughter of John F and lato Margaret Schlech. aged 27 yeara. Relatives and friends, invited to attend fu­neral. Thursday. 2 P M, from late residence. i l05 "JR jVUt st. Interment Palmer.

BBBRT.-On the 26th of November, 1906, JOSEPH J, husband of Angollne Ebort inc* Emraert). aged 70 years. The 1. itlves and friends of the family ate respect 1 Ay invited to attond the. funeral, on Thursday morning, at 8.80,o'clock, from h!s lute residence; 3170

-_,NDlO.-8uddenly. on November 27. 1908. at his late residence, 2616 Celumbla ave, ISAIAH II 8 HTlNDIG. aged 68 yeara. Reia-tlvea aud frlenda. alao employes of the flrm of Pfromm- & Kindlg. wholesale dr members of America Lodi and Covenant Lodge. No Invited to. attend the strfl< .

t 5_ Q c lock.^att l je Columbia Ave1 M E

114. 1 0 0 F. are ices, on Friday even­

ing, at 8 o'clock, at the Columbia Ave T" ChurcV 26th and Columbia ave. Interment vate. Saturday mprnlng. at 10 o'clock.

KING.—On November 2 8 / 1906. MAR1 daughter of the late William and Catharine King (nee Robinson). Relatives and friends sre Invited to attend the funeral, on Thurs­day, at 2 P M. from., tha residence of nor brother, Mr Matthew King. 1911 East Som­erset street, interment at Oreenmount Oame-

^ R A M E R — N O T 28. JACOB D KRAMER. beloved husband of Nellie Kramer and aon of Mr and Mrs Owen Kramer. Relatives and friends, also Court Huntingdon. Foreaters' Lodge, No 294. and Cigarmakera' National Union No 166. of Philadelphia. Invited to at­tend funeral services. Thursday. 8 P M. at late residence. 1820 Brown at. Tralna leave Colum­bia aye station Friday. 7.87. A M . forPerkaeUs Pa. Perkasle services at Lutheran Church.

KRAUS. -On Nov 26.1906, JOHN_F KRAUB, aged 62 years. Relatives, and friends, also

meht private . , Ivy Hill KRISIIER. On November 28, 1906, MARY

E. wife of Lalen O Kflsher and daughter of,the late Audrow and fotitla McOtfl. aged 56 yeara. Duo notice of funeral will bo given, from 2144 E Suaquehanan ave.

MAIIMR. On November 28. 1906. REBECCA McCARTY. daughter of Charles A and Mar-

Saret Maher. granddaughter of the late W11-an\ and BltEs Duncan, in her 22d year. Resi­

dence 1200 Snyder ave. Due notice of fu­neral will be given.

MANNA/..- On November 26. 1906. CATHA­RINE, widow of Charles J Manual, aged 84 vears. Relatives and friends sre Invited to at­tend the funeral services. . on Friday, at 8 1* M. at the residence of her son-in-law. Mr Frederick R AhUtrgud. 2620 N 80th st. in­terment private. , ' . ,

. McOABB.-On November 24. 1008. MAGGIE, beloved wlfo of Patrick McCabe. late of 1484 South Fifty-sixth street. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thurs­day, ~oT 8.30„A..7dV f£om the1 Residence o f he.r

?s at tho Chuj erroent at Holy

i.hiii-i-.'"M>':< \vniiMi.. KVIIIIH.'JjfjFjIsft''..!• 'S^t on street. High*reoulem mass at the ChUTC of Our Lady of Mercy. Cross Cemetery. . .

'Z. -On,November 26. 1906. JAMES 1 powBpT si nd friends, also ': Heart and I

Jongregatlpo of are Invited to attend Congregation of T>n\h tJniwl Praaby. .Church, are Invi ted, to attend the funeral services ou Thursday, t P fl.Jfrom his late, realdence. J426 N Robinson st. West Phlla. Interment West Laurel Hill Cemetery. •>

1906. Mrs ELIZA Funeral servicea

' M at tho office 8748 Qermantown

avenue. MITCHELL. -At Atlantic City,. Nov IS. Mra

JESSIE n MITCHELL, widow of MpiUmln

U. and Bishop O'Fsrrell. I C B U. are n-apectfully Invited to attend the funeral ou

J'rlday morning. November 30. at 8 o'clock, rom his late residence. 911 N Front at. Cam­

den. High mass at Immaculate Conception Church at 9 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.

O G D B N - O n November 25. 1906. HOWARD . B. aon of William II 11 and Mary Ogden. lu his 24th year. Relatives and friends are In­vited to attend the funeral services, on Friday. November 80. at 1 P M. at the residence of bis parents. 2612 W Columbia ave. Iiileimeiii private in Westminster Cemetery.

PALMER.—At Atlantic City. N J. on Novem-ber 26. 1906, MARIB C. beloved daughter of the late Frederick C and Mai> J Palmer, aged 8 years and 10 months. Relatives and frtends can view the remslns at her parents residence. 217 New Hampshire ave. North * Atlantic City, on Thursday, at 8 P M. Inter- • "1 ment st Mechanics' Cemetery. Philadelphia, on arrival of the 11.24 bridge train at Broad St Station.

PBRRY.-On November 27. 1906. ELIZA­BETH, widow of Frederick Perry, aged 76 vears. Relatives and frlfnds are invited to at­tend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 P M. at the resldonce of her daughter. Mrs Harry Birch. 222 N 65th st. Interment private.

PKRRY.-On NoV 26. 1906. DAVID W, PER HY. U 8 N. retired, aged 61 years. Relatives and friends, slso Integrity I»dge, 187, F and A M; Columbia Mark Ixidge. 91; Columbia R A. Chapter. 91. sre Invited to attend funeral, on Friday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, from the parlors of Andrew J Balr A Son, 19th and Filbert sts. Interment Mt Morisb Cemetery, . .

QUINN—On November 24. 1000. MARY A C. widow of the late John J Qulnn.- Foners! has taken place. Wednesday morning. Noveralier 28. from residence, 652 N Markoe at. Reoulem mass at Church of Our Mother of Sorrows. In­terment Holy Cross Cemetery.

RANDALL.-On November 28. 1900. MARY B widow of J Colvln Randall. Due notice of the funeral will e given.

REEVES. -At Mount Holly. N J. on November 27. 1906. PHOEBE A REEVES, widow of Ab saiom Reaves. In ber 77th year. Relatives ami friends sre Invited to attend the funeral, from ber late residence. No 42 Bralnard st. Mount Hollv. on Saturday. December 1. 1906. at 2 P M. Interment Baptist.

HKIRRRCHT.--On November 27. 1900. MA­BEL ANNA, daughter of William II and Mabel F Selbrecht (nee Easterday). aged 3 months. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral on Sunday, at 1 P M. from parents' residence. 711 Tree at. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery.

8H1SLKR. On November 25 1908. IDA C, daughter of William H and Emms L SblsW, aged 21 years 1 month snd 21 dsys. Rela­tives s n d friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, 29th Instant, s t 1 P M, from parents' residence. Penrose avenue, oppo­site Philadelphia Driving Park. Services and interment at Trinity Lutheran Church, at 2.30 P M

S H U S T B R - N o v 27. ANNIB M SIIU8TEH. wife of George M sinister and daughter of late William and Eleanor lennon. Relatives and friends Invited to attend funeral. Friday afternoon. 2 o'clock, from her husband's resi­dence. 1633 Howarth st. Frankford. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery, < ,

SIMPLER. On November 27. 1900. DAVID R. beloved husband of Anna M Simpler (nee Dickerson). sged 62 years. Relatives and friends. Harmony Council, No 68. Jr O U A M. of Philadelphia; Witherapoon Circle. No 1. B of A (II F). and the employes of American Dredging Co. are Invited to attend funeral. Saturday, at 12 o'clock, from hie family residence 438 Beckett at. Camden. N J. Services at Wiley M R Church (6d and Beckett) at 1 o'clock. In­terment private at Mt Morlah Cemetery.

SMITH.- On November 28. 1906. EDWARD ANDERSON SMITH, formerly of 116 Lombard at. Relatives and friends and Seaman's Board­ing Housekeepers' Association, are invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 1 P M. from his late residence, No 203 Stamper si. (2d and Pine). Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery.

SMITH.-On November 27. 1900, JANB. be­loved wife of John R Smith. Relatives aud frlenda. also the I/cague of the Sacred Heart of the Immaculate Conception Church, are in­vited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8.80 A M. from the realdence of. her husband, York road, below. Olney ave. Solemn requiem mass at the Church of the Holy Angels at 10 A M. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery.

TORNIT»N.-On Nov 27. 1906, PHILIP, hus­band of late Eva Tornlten, In bla 80th year. Relatives and friends, slso hPlladelphle Tiseh-ler Verolti. are Invited to attend funeral, Sat­urday, 1 P II, i t late realdence, 1186 Taskcr at. Interment Mt Vernon Vault.

VANDJBGRIFT. -On the 27th lnat. MARY Q A. widow of William R Vaudegrift. aged 06 vears. Relatives and friends are Invited to at­tend the funeral services, ou Frldsy. at Joseph J Murdock. 8780 N Carlisle at. Interment pri­vate at Burlington. N 1.

VANDBNHYLBN.-On Nov 28. 1906. GU8-TAVU8 VANDENHYLEN, aged IS years. 2 months and 28 days. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral, Saturday. 2 P M . from mother's residence, 224 Stamper at. In­terment private.

VERNON. -On November 27. JAMBS A VER­NON, aged 66 years. Relatives and friends, also Wlnfield Scott Post. 1114. G A R : 8e-locta Tribe. No 868, I O R M„ and Hector Tyndale Circle, No 65, Ladles of the G A R. are Invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 1 p M, from his late residence. 921 wes t Dauphin street. Interment at Oedar Hill Cem­etery.

W A L L - O n November 27. 1906. MARY A. wife ot Jamea Wall. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to at­tend the funeral, on Friday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from her late residence, 127 Walnut lane, Monayunk. Requiem mass aud Interment at St John the Baptist Church.

WARNBR.-On November 27. 1906. REBEC­CA H. widow of Tneodoro Warner. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, precisely at 2.80 P M, at the realdence of her aon, Mr Tneodoro O Warner. 4114 Stiles street (42d and Glrard ave.) interment private.

WHKEIJOR.-On Nov 27, 1906, REBECCA, widow of Caleb Wheelor. In the 64th year of her age. Relatives and frlenda are invited to attend funeral services, ou Friday morning,, precisely at 11 o'clock, at her late reaideuce. 823 N Holly at. Interment private.

WHITE.—On November 28, 1906. CAROLINE WHITE, widow of the late Captain George White, aged 78 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 2 F M. from the residence of her son, Ku-

f ene White. 167 Dearborn st (60th and Race), uterment at North Laurel Hill Cemetery. WlTTBRS.On November 85. 1906. ANNIE,

beloved wife of Lewis Witters, sged 60 years, Relatives aud frlenda are invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at 1 P M. from her late realdence. No 185 Moore at. .^Serv­ices at the Calvary Baptist Church. 7th and Snyder aye. at 2 P M precisely. Interment ut German Lutheran Cemotery.

WOOD—On November 27, 1906. JOHN c, son of tho late John and Elisabeth Wood ami grandson of the late Robert and Mary Clyde. Relatives and friends are invited to atteud th« funeral services, on Friday, at 1 P M. at tne residence of William Albright. 182 Brown st. Interment s t Mt Ponce Cemotery.

WORRELL- On November 27. 1906, ANNA 0 . daughter of Charles A and Catharine M Worell and granddaughter of Catharine B sod the late R C Benson, aged 11 months. Rela­tives snd friends are Invited to attend tho fu­neral, on Friday, at 8 P M, from the realdcnco of her parents. 1617 North Hutchinson st. In­terment private, at New Cathedral Cemetery.

WYKER.-On Nov 27. 1906, GEORGE A. buaband of Katie Wykcr and son of Clemens

;er. ai al given fr

Melrose at, Fraukford.

. J l 91 and Anns Wyger. aged 80 yeara. Due notice of funeral given from lato resldeuce. 4020


YOUNG. On November 26. 1906. THOMAS. 11 o f Samuel L S and Mary A Yonrtg. In » 17th year. Relatives and friends are In-_ed to attond the funeral services, on Sun-

ay. December 2. at 2 P M. ut parents' re«<l-enee. 8th and league Island road. Intemeut

at Trinity Lutheran Cemote



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