i ii ii by men's · 2012-12-17 · vol. xii ii ii ii what's newest, in men's...

Post on 31-May-2020






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SUITS & OVERCOATS No one who sce!> can hilt be il1Jpres~ccl hy the great breadth of scl.CCPOll. We

READY.TO-WEAR have nnticipated every conceivable re-qnire.lcnt for men's wenr for fall und winter: OUf suits interprct the 1Il0st ndvanccd fashion!> ill colour, cut and cloth; single bren51cd conts, well-shApe.1 ~holliders nnd I"pel::, illld cl-ose fitting eollnrs. Prices frolll ........ $12 . .50' to:'$22.00 ' . . SUITS & OVERCOATS We ate Illt00ying nbotlt 200' :lilTerent

. patterns of Fnll and Winter. Suiting:; aud MADE.TO.MEASURE Overeonlings. A large range of colonr-

ings in tlew weaves an:\ patterns in fnncy worsteds or the soft­finished warm tweeds. Made strictly to measure and gnaranteed . to be perfect ill fit. 1'his made-to· measure deparlment of ours is now the best of attention, Prices reasonable, $15 to $25



C9al ,an.d ,'Air = tighl Heaters,

anlit()b~l. Pl'itiay. Oct. 14, 1910

Killed by Fall From Wagon \ ~, ~ ~


The preliminary edition of t}Ie new Cerea'l lunp of Manitoua, Sask­atchewan ,And "Alberta, cO\'ering the crol;·areas foi- 1909. is j l1l;t i,;-

Gowan & Co's, store: sued' by the Depnrtmcn t of the , A snel accident occurred Inst Interior". Ottawn, and a similar

Tuesdav evenilig abollt scven is sJatecl to be in progres~ 50111C sixteen 11liles -from showing,llle crop areas for 19 10 ..

, by which'::J~~ncs Blakely, '~rhe en'oTt!! of the ;Departlllent eldest fion of Mr.-Robt. Blakely, of have be~li,.rol· l11any years directed

rnudvic\Y, met au al\ll~st iustall- to 111~cil1g settlers Oll Dominion I':arieous t1e~th, He hall been fOI' a lands ill tlte West. The land n· I' , I long time employed as a freighter vailable tram e~istillg lines' of

the (-)nnhllrv camp's. and ill transportation is now, however, with n young Eugl:sb ra'pidl)' dpproachittg exlHllIslioll

nAmed Joe pulled out of Ro~lil! andl a ql1~litiOIl of great present with two loads' immediately after interest, "lId tbe lI1teiest ill which diuner all 'l'l1esday, amI they'}iad wilt. increJse trolll year to year is got ahout, sixtecn miles 011 thci "What is'Jbeing done with the journey wheii it b~gan: to rall1. land ?", The Cereal lUnp is an J3lakely evidently had reached back effort to ali\iwer this question. 011 his land to get his coat and The aim1is to show· grai)hically, slnll~1ing up "'as in the act of n\1(1 separni~ly as to each the areas iug it 011 when the wheel drlDPlpec:l'Illuder the leadiug grni11s ill into n rut, th~owfng Jhe 1111 " ion to the whole ate man to the grol1ud betweel1 horses. He struck all the sid~ of

yenrs olll, 1300 1[':;, Omr horse, 10 yenrs old, I;;OO Ibs. Bay borse, 4 years old, 1200 Ib~, Bn\' mare, 2}6 years old, I300lbs, Bay horse, 7 yenr!! (lId, I ~oo Ibs.

CA'I'TI.I\·-Rc,1 e<',,", Z yenp; olli. White cow, 4 years old. Ronll cow, 4 years old. Red and white cow, :1 penn, old. Ronn cow. 6 years ole\. Gray cow, .j years ol(\. Rca -'co\\' , 2 ycarll old. Sleer, ~

olcl. ::! yC:lrlilig !tcifllrs. :1 spring cal\'es. Pure bred Short· horn bull, 3 years old,

IMPLJt~mN'rs - 1 Mnssey-Han is drill, I5 shoe. 1 Svlvester drill, dou hie disc, 16 sltpe. I Deeri ng binder, 6 ft, CIlt. I 1110\\,1'1' and rake. 1 disc harrow', 12 x 16. De I,avnl, eream scparntor. I Shnrples'l'ubular cream separator 450 Ills. 2 cream cans. 1 churn. 2 sets hcavy harness, I set single harness, nc~. 2 wagons, complcte with boxcs. , wng-ol1 gear. J

buggy and polc. I stllbble plow. i breaking plow, 12 inch, r gang plow, 12 inch. 2 sets bobsleighs, t wheelbarrow. Grind stone. Forks. Shovels. 80 grain bags. I logging chain, ,~ollltry netting.

HOUSETIOI.D - 2 cooking :;toves. I box ::tove: '1. sibcboard. ,'rable. Chairs. Dishes. Bedstead. Wash·

aud all


Having received instructions J Rmes MeKelllde, I will olTer

sale by public auction 011, his premises, See.8,8-lp, oil Oct. 20th, at I o'clock shnrp, the following goods and chattels: -. .

~~*~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. , :1 AUCTIO.,£ERING _~ -,! 4/ I will sell ynur goods ~nci lor ~ very ~~ ~ !111i\Jl di!CQUlll you can have: yuUl CJ.bn '"

'.1 day 01 .. I" P,k .. ,lalil,l"bl •• rod ;) ! sah,dldlun fUJ(.aI1't.:~I. ..R\

at N. WtLSON. M.A.Jh l: ... ~ •... ~.~.~~~~~.~ ...•. ~ Harne'58


Don't wait ulltil )'oui harness brcnkR before) all Ita \'e the weak parts rcp:tilcll. It is just as npt to gi\'c Ollt when yon :11 e hnlf way to towu with n load of wheat as any where. Sove tillie, trottble .nnd expense hr havillR" YOllr harnes~ overhauled before trouble appeals.

-Have Some Dandy Hand­

Made' Harness if You Need a

New Outfit.

~O. J.


Silver\vare Thc\' {;~l'. Ih~ NF.\vES1: of tht' nc\\'o llw; ~Ih'cr\l'nre WIll nppenl to you by I ea80n of its rlaintincs,; and originality. f The designs nrc nll artistIC-'SOlllC of them decidedl\' strikillg. Among- the artic1e~ :Ire; Bui:;cllit Jars, Cake Dish('~ Breucl Dishes, Butler Di~hes, Crllits, Sil­ver Tea a lid con'ec Sets, 'rca and Dinner Spoons, l'ie Knivcs, Bern' SPOOllS, Butt C I' Knives, ::-;ll~ar Shells al1l1 Kni\'es and Forks. 'l'hl' priCts of these rnngc from $1.00 to $~:). 00. \

And pi ease don't forget that this is silverplntc thnt isn't seen l'l'crywhercand is fully guarnnteed. For thb reason wc hope YOll'll see it.


I3 road wa \' • Treherne

------ .. _--_. - ---------

A Blessing on Your HQad -w--

B eautifitl 1-1 air l~) Insured by Ille IJaz"ly Ajjlza1Zce of

JVyats l-laz'r Resto'rer.

Iseptic ,tnel ,brings I;efreshing stimulus to the

issues, ' These arc l)J'ime essentials in the _ druff, gro\\'th of the hail' and prevention

of pr~ma~l1rc baldness,

Geo~ Graham --Druggist and dptic~an


A first class livery and feed busi­es~ i good reliable horses i stl'lish

rig-s-iverything lIp~to-datc.

Treherne. Manitoba


Ontario HOUSH

ncler the heading "Condensed Adit,"·~-_,

I , i I

, , I

\ /

.. \


HAY~~N'T we met beforo'" enquirod the inquI8Itl~o, bent·nosod, man

• • • in Ihe <lny concb.

T ill: alltipnth) which Dr Job "I hope no(,," replied tho short·hnlrod boro to Scotllll"l wn8 not 11Inn who wa. sharl1lF 1118 SCllt. or unprocedonted. Lord "You bopo notl' oJnellllltorlly ro

Cillno plninly dressed to request R nl>"IUIII tho /lrst sponker. /, Do you menn \ ule IlllrlieuM of Kl1Ig JUllIes J for nn 1I1811It'" f "3' Iv rlrcs"cd Seotchllliln refusod :'J.:.lnl.tona it for Just the revorRO 0 " "' tl ". , I et TI,e friend," rosponded the ihnittIllH" into Ie Kmg s e 09 • '.

'::;r~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~ hen""g lin altcrcuholl botweon Iman·.Wlltn 1"10 croppeu hair," nnil I tlun ........ ~,. Ollt, lind lu!]ulrod the apprcclntc tho sentmlCut "rd ;i:.":i)II'~c;n;~u8e " SRld Lord Stnnley, liko thllnlnng me for giving It ex·

'I this gay IIInn of yours has re· [>TOSRioll whon I tell 3·ou thnt thiS IS of Welton, nlt'l N.S. Mr. Sau(ocd Ie a Juatlc.. the Peace (or the CountT.' and" member of the Board of School Commlulonen. rr. I, ,IRa Do&cou of Lh. BapLllt Church In Bor"lck. Indoed it would bo dlmoul' to filld .. mAn moro .. "Iuly Ir.now. aDd more highly r.lpoctou Hore" hi. oplllion of Z"m.Buk. II. ""18 I-

•• , IIOTor u,u~(l anrthlng t.ho.. saye me "uob ""t.l~r"ctlon l\8 ZUlU Unit. I had .. p \l,.Jh 0' .JCcZUIIU\ Orl my ankle which h.d boun t)lJro fur ovor 20 JC[\fl4. Sometime. 0.110 Lho dlaa "itO \\:oul,t blOllk ou~ OD ml .btl"lder. 1 h (d appllcO(\ var OUI oln monLe and t,lod nil .ort. or thlngl t.o obtain "cure, bllt In vnlll ZlIrn Uuk, un· lIko oforJUllug ohte I hAd tried, proTod bhlhlYI:IILthtfnc'..ory nnrl cnrerl t.be aUment.

ifl h.t1"O ,,1 .. 0 ullod Zn.m B k for ltchl"" pile. ond It hi" c.ulucl lhum ollmpl.'el,. .. I" ')' I LJl{u ("omrnrt in IwlplilK my brother mono nnd tr tho lHlbtloo.ti n or "'1 opinion oCllto h., IInK'VlI uc oC lOllm link will lead othar "Ufrllr6r~ Lo try jt .. 1 .1111111d be glnd (i"or lhe f' Ilot ot till fflJrlug c"lI~d h1 Pllcl! nr Hkln DI,.ol\ UIjI 1 koow ot DOLlllua: toequu.l ?Am Hllk I

24m nuk

[uBod me Illllnlttlinco to YOllr presence" the tlr"t day in thirty lenrs Ihllt [Imvc "('ou-Ill" -nit! the king, "how shull I beoa out of tbe Stote'. pflson." PUII18h l:lln1 Shull I sOl1<l him to the • • • 'roworf" "Oh 110, my liege," rephod T lIB [risbman wns down on his Inek r~olll Rtonloy "lIlflict II so,·orer IllllllSh nnd needed Il lodging plnce. Atter mel\t, .cnd 111m hllc" to Scotlnnd " nsltlllg tho lonn of a bed in Bevern!

• • * U smnll Western town, he on·

A C~JR'rArN wollimown but Impo· LCOllllt.lfO,,) n pro achor, who toltl lum: eunious noblollllln, whilo wnllong 's nn unoccupied house down the ono day In Wnrdour Street, saw " little wuy. Yon might sloep

II flllllliv po,tralt for 81110 ID II shop wm· 13ut I am going to warn you that rlow IIl1d W011t III to lIJ1IUlrO tho prtce IS hllllntod." "No mnttor," 'I'he'donler wantod £l2 ]Os., bllt IllS lort}· the hialltDl1 n i "I'm not afrnld sIll l' would only gl\O £10, 80 the pur of ghosts." SOOD nfter dnrk.tho prench chl1se' \\US not Uillllc. A .hort tllne tLftor or droppod in to 800'tho IrlSbmnn nud wI1nl while tllning With II gontleman, he f01l1ld 111m 111 thc hl1l1ntorl houso nnr! a WRS .'nvILed 10 \'1ew hlH pictures. As he trlllo nerVOll8 Threo tiny. Intcr he sn\\ RtOOri gnzUlg with profollnd IOtel eHt III eOIlJlng down tho rand tho weary lIod n cortlllll 0110, hi. hOHt HUI(I, ".\h, tbnl <111 sty flgur~ of tbo former IS n portrillt of an tLllcoStOr of 1I11110 " tbo ghost rlddon hOllse "W I< [II <locrll" Hnul his lordship. "'rheD we hllvo lOll l)oen1" bo mllst he ulmost rclntoil III ."1110 \V,'y. It "wIllit hnvo rou bcell WIIS wltllln £2 lOs. of belllg an IlncestOl three <lIlYs SLDeo you of I1IIlW " hOIlge'" /I A 11 that t>n,., ,

• • IrlShnmD, 'f I ''''0 been cOlnlng

OSCULATION • my darling,

,'::~lilllinil\'cJ tdow t nnd cureless ODeS

Wo usod to know heli wo kissed beellme we 10'·0<1 ench

other, Simply to hl\\"e sOllie fuu,

And In\'lshed kisses ns the Summer LaVishes snn

But 11K they kISS whose hps aro spm~ ed With antISeptic brine;

Whou nothing is 10Ct to givc, except AD IIcouyoe

'rbe first kiSS, oh, my durhng, not be oIrgued thnt It wns on Is sprnyed wllh germlc!de.

of the fnet t1l1lt 1II0rpololl"~Ire, I For UlaDY JlO"IOU" little gorm" wero bO!ug usoel tor trafllc nnd [n red lips hide. "" tho n1lt0ll10bllo, the trolloy 'l'lle seco1ld kISS, my .IILrliog, Dlotor cyclo nnd bicycle IUI"n '1'hrough untleoptlc gUllze tered tho arena once occupied [s truly 10 Dceordllnce WIth Iy by tho horso nnd ench of them HygienIc Inw" gUlOod u hugo nllmbor of votaries. 'rbe third kl"S, oh, my tlarlillg,

As fnr n" the henvy horse Is concorn· My lo,e, I MII.not "eel tllD /101,1 for him Ims grelltly dovel· nils /lno wire mask I" horrible

oped nlong the hne of ordlnnry com It scoms to me mercial tra/llc , AmI though, of caurso, llzolll' go,m"

The opening up of new countries tll We IIlU"t forcstnU-our Nbrth West bas g,,·en nn Impetus This one Inst Ins8, Ill) durlI"g, IS to tho brceulDg of hOllvy .horses. 'rho Tho "or"t of n111 lncronso 01 hou '.y trnffic In our lnrgo eities hns devclope(l the 6eW thnt was nlWBvS exlstcnt nod the hcnvy horse lJusJliess lS tOilil)" on n 'most hOllltb] and ltvoly basl8

'I'he vnluo of tho hackney aull con(·h bus be 011 InercnsOIl by the dovol

nt o( horso shows IIn(l \he de 10 big Cit lOS lov n showy, higll

netlonod horse. The trotter pncer nn,l runDmg horse

has rocClvoil ~onrly 1111 its impetus from mce irnell. W nile tho stundurd horse u the most bouutlful aDO

thnt II mBn cnn "It behind ell her 118 0

roadster or show borse, tho lIlotlve boblnd tbo trotting horse Is the Idell to produce one, "\0 or ono hlln(lretl with sut1(Clcnt speed to go to the rnces

'1'he ruullIng horso or tho thorou~h bred 18 very \·"Iullhle fOI crossing WIth ordlnnry mllles to prml11ce bunter or .tabla horses, bnt tho ronl power he lund lho throne IIInt glV". Impetus for tho breed of them is (or rMlnl; pur· posos.

[t 18 !llmost lInpo"Blble Lo figure out the Immonse ~'1mount of money lOvoSt· od in the runnl trotting nnd pn'l\l1g horse~ nchultng tho numerOUB


Tt I·~rtnlnly SlIrprlsos 1110 to Hce Iho office

[ go away two wooks to stuy, yot l1I"t tOl s don't go vcry "rong.

rt cortnlllly sllrprisos IIlO 10 "CO tho o/lloe loso Il rlerk

Of Illy ostate nnd wondrous" eight anll Jet keop up the currcnt worll.

YOII 'c1 thIn" tho bOK~ to fill tho gnp "oul<1 Illre Iwo hllsky "arkarH, suy-

At least employ a 10.111 nlld boy to do Illy work while I'm nwny

lIo doesD't do 11 bioollllng tiling, 11 iool Jsh man, as ) ()n'lI Itg-ree, things wng on when t nlll gOlle 1t cel tlunly surprises me.


She dOllS n bnthlDg SUIt of hl"o, And do,~n thl'! beaoh sho goe",

With httle giggle" of tiohght, 'ro wot hor dninty toOS.

Shll dabble" 10 the briny pools, . Sho wndes nlong tho sand, She IIICOS ,WIth the Ulerry w,wes

And \ ows It 'K ~umply grnnd Sho lets the ripplos of the sllrf

Around her ankles pIny,

nlt'fl1,.,'the Illnnmerllblo .tables c IIg estnbhshmonlR una

the lIumorOUR fnrmB dovotell to the raising nlld feOllIng "or thouSllluls of horses to bo vrepnred for tho rnMS

~fci~~';~~il 'rhoro IS no other department of ! ngTlculturnl industry tlint h"s nearly

so lIlnny men elll]1loyod I1S thut of horso breoding, nlld yet there are men, both in the UUlted StateR und Cnnndn, who thin 1< thllt they nro caHell by Ood "nd eh'clNl bv the nnliob to do 1\11 th elln nlln "tlIlR greut mdu.try

And s[llnsboa In tho 'pearly l(Jam, And frolIcs ,"th the sprny.

Sllo counts the slhor snlls that 1'"8' Agl\lnst the dlstUDt sky,

S I~NA'I"OJt r,,\ l"OJ.T,I~'r'l'E WIlS tnlll· ing nbout two eorpornbons thllt IUlil heon ntta,'long on~ Illiothol III

th~ proHs. 1\ 'rhey bolh "coreti," ho snld. '''rhoy ma.lo mo t111IJII (If t\\O PflHUUOIS in Atlnntn, 0110 of 'Ihom hntl heen

of stcnlitlg H '''Itch, tlm (, 0"·. 'l'IHnH! two nriHOlliOICH

11. th

ThO! ° IS no other hrllnch of the turnl induslrv where RO Dlllny lIIen

"8 "thero IS in the and nl".,:::."

And dnnces WIth the billows brJght­Dllt Iloopa her powder dry



killing Ih~ .Iom either hy stcflm or by an Indnctlon shoek. He fonn,l thllt n~ soon 118 tho trunk WII8 delld Ihe .1If·

forence cf prcslHIrc followetl tho ~uU!c mle lIS woul<! 1'0 expo.·lotl to Il'ply to n RlnRs t1lb(',' In olln MtrlklUg (n~l' tbc stom \\ a8 not lullml, but HO .'lfIously III· Jure.l thnt th·e I11I~ s elllp"ed before the bob", lOr of the mlillOUIl tcrs lll'cnmo onco/wore 'ng irregnlnr ns In hung treoR.' .; ft slocuM bo 111111011 thllt Mr. RcwelorR naSUDlCR thllt tho (Iellli trunks "ll1l!h l'an 110 IOllger .\t·t as pl1111pS, \\ II tor ascends • through other CIiUSCS, c g, with tho hoi I' of cohesioll ' "


S UR~' cnpe. of tho SlIllIo slmde If not tbe SlIlIle IIIl1tenul liS tbo buthing HUlt

l Ilro now regnrded liS nbaolnto

I~ 'H~eutllli Jo'ortulllltoly, I heso wral'" are "" on~lh' mn.lo Ihnt tl ... girl who IIlUflt oeouoniizo ell-II rCluUly fntll110n oue

of thelll (or herself. 1 he lllo,t sllttNtlletor) fubrlcs of

"hlch to lllllkc Nueh a CIlPC arc Ihe strJp0c] moll1l1rs or bCllVy pongeos, winch 10 uut pICk III' tho sun.1 nlld ILrc not 1Il

lurod h) dallll'l"·"", 111111 thc beHt lIlollel to tollo\l IS the Cull length 1lllh"lr) ~Iollk

'I'}", l:!Hrlllf'lIt sholll.l hn, e 1L wlHghled hem, liollu(ltl b,) II. nnrrow Moutacho brul<llllg, elliS!, fa"lclI mgH lit 1110 throll t aud .111 oil Silk hncd hood Most er the 311rf CUpeR arc nllt hlled, bllt If the bllther iR upt lu f"el .·hlll~ nftor lenvlllg the wntcr thnro ~ho\l1tl be n wnisL tirt,lp, ~crnl uHuciu d InllnJ; of light \\(~lght tlaulIcl


Tll1l~ nrtlficlIll sponge hn~ rCl·f.mtl~ been mnuufucturotl. 'Phe pro(':csti, u Gorlt1an 011(', COII!:IIHtH prill« Il'ullJ

\II tho netlOll of ZIIIC chlomle (111 pure cellulose Th" results III 11 I'usty, \lS,'OU> mnsH, winch l!ol III 1 xCll With j'onrNel~ grl1l11od rock snlt. Plnced III u preHf\ monlel armcd With PIUS, tlw ma.NS I"

I'JCr~orl through unll throngh nllt _ II appellrs tru\·ersctl uy " mnltltude of tillY '·Illlnls, hlle Iho pores of .1 naturnl spong(1 'rho (!X,'ess of !mlh IS HubNU IJucnt ly remo\ cd by prolollgcd \\ ll~lllHg

III the enWWK (lr mCant lIlortllht~' eholt'rlL morb11s figures rreqlH ntly, nnd It IIIn~ lll" snlll th.11 compl.lInl" of Ihe ho\\elN nrc gront destroyers of cblld IIle. If nil mothels "ould ,,,nil Ihom· Hel\"~s of HO cfle('h\ 0 It relllc(ly us Dr .r D Kellngg'H D.)Hi'Htory Corelln] mUIIJ n little UIIO (01l1d br H.1H"1. 'rhls ('ur dUll fUn 11[' glH'n WIth s:tlolv 10 thp SIllU1\ost clJlItI, '" t hure I" nu In lurmu. !:lUhHtalu'c III it


III HEALTH, ITS CAUSE Sluggishncss of Liver and Bowels

I t took me 1\ long t imo Lo loarll, flllet"

big doclor!;' hills 111 tho b.lrglun, wrlteH Mr. Ogllb), ul W(lIlIIpeg, thllt tbo diS turlJlllleo ur my s~ stern "as UUO sl1nl'l,. to Ih·er IInll bowel lI111etl\ It) A sleepl nos!:! Ilnc1 lllnguor exhngl11Hhocl myoid tunc HmbltlOlJ r fmIl Irrtlnblltty of tom per lidded little to the (omCort Qf Illy fl\lIl1l). 'ct the hcadachcH, gUllcral nllsery an.1 Illelnn! holy foreboding" thllt "elghell Ille UO\\ n ollght to he cuo NHlercd 'I'OItIt~K l'lt~l·tflC trcutmollt 11.111\ Ulmernl \"ltert; III turl1 fnli1Dg' to cure me, tho uth l'rtuHlIg or Dr Unlll1ltoll't' I'llis nn.1 I ho 1'8tIIll0Illll," slIppOr""!; tho elullll 01 Ilrrut medlellllll 'lrtue III <lured me 10 tr) thl·m '11w result of 0\ CI1 tho flr~t Lox IIlulil' clell! tb It In,)

0\\"11 boc1\. "Iu-I mnkmg ItH m~n pOlf~OU, thnt bJ drillllg It from the .yotelll lllLl rPlllo'lng tho ,UI1SO \\llIch ullllonbtc.lI) rosIIIM III tl ... I" er nutl hrll\clo, b, Or ][lInllllon's Pills, Illy henlth '''lUl.1 bL u:! good lUI U\ or

It HCClnl::i Ct~rtnlll tn lIIe thut luort' th \1

hulf the MH'IUll'~t\ \\U ~l'U about us ll..' l'UUMCd h) cnlelt'~~II~~S III keoplll~ tho ho"clN (Ipt'll null thl' 11\cr nctt\~ IJr lluJlldton 's Pll1~ I t01111(1 do hoth llib

do It belt!..'1 I han ot h~r rt'IHNhc~ "!Ij(

per box, at ull l1(mJt.'rl:!, or 'rill' Catarrh ozono Go, l\.lIll{HtOll, UnllMln


In II "onll solutlOlI of dcohol The "I, hwd &pongo ""ells lip \lllh ""te,, hut hnrdells In Ill) IIIg, lllst IIko ItK 1"0\1 type, It IS Olllllll·ntly adul'tod for hll I r &n~ wntor for ~ullltnry or ItHIU'31 r1H

U\jCS Anu It can he emplo.) cd for I H tho PUI pmH!S t..hnt ~ln' 1I~.mnll) lUungl t' I to the geallllle I1rtal,'

'rHE unfortunate C S Holls," "11(1\ • New York nJrlnlln "WII" probn"l) tho most lIrJ~tuctutle H.)cr \\:0 hnd

As ].Jord ],ilI\Ug.llluoch ':-I Hon, you know he WI\!i 1\11 'bonorable,' Hnd III tUIIC lil. "ollid porha ps hll \ C ""cceelle!! to I h< title

"Lnst ]'IIIY 1 11,,"'" \\Ith Holl. 11\ N1CO, "ilero ·ho 110\\ well, de"plto \ hL untJllllntcll louk ul IllS Wright mllchll" Wo tullled 1I\' tI,,"wr .lhout society I'oople who 1,,"1 lillII'll I (I II) 1111(-\ I"Inl; Dloxol, young Gould, Ultllurd llnrrlloll .. nnd lIori1mor SllIl{(!r, uf fW\~ 109 Ilia du no famo -

II j Oh, yeA,' HllIll Holl .... "lth n llluHb ) 011 .1011 't roully b"long I 0 tho "1'1'0' dnHMe~ nO"" \lul(s" \(lll 0\\1\ nn lIru plnllO.' , I

ACHE Stop It 111 30 mInutes. without any hum 1o any pa.rl of your system. by taklll!:

·'NA-DRU-CO" Headache Wafers 25c • box alall dr,u:"ll1:1



Wrlte Cor full partlcllI"rs to-

Dominion School of' Accountancy and Finance WINNIPEG, MAN

D.A.Peu,ler,C A. D, (Jooper,(J.A •• J. R YOllug,C \ S H 1'lullI!t·r8,I.L B.


Empire Brands of Wall Plaster ItIANUI' ... CTUJ\&D ONLY BY

Manitoba Gypsum Co., Limited I



.. \

.. /



an opinion ex.pressed by \l.an .. ncvStn'r :

'tty :teeing many ot her thi~ province we are proud

rrnlf'V, :l1I'd so sitOl1tJ C\'CTY 1\11 should tal;(n pride

H""IJ,oautif111 cemcnt walks 011

. ,

For Sale ____ r •

NATURE TELLS YOU , . As Many,a Treberne Reader l>. ... n.3

. ' Too-WeD . .

• . \

. - ,


an Ie



AI aOe and 46e per garmenl,

,', '



•••• H ............. , ................... II ••• ; ..... .., ..... "' .............. o ••• I .............. , ......... ,', ............ n .... n... . ..... II •• , .................... II.. ...... ...... ..~ ~-"=,""""",-"", .. ",, .. "'''''' .. '''' .. ,

"STANFIELD'S" stands for the best in 11I1c1cr­

wear, g'uaranteec1 Ullshrinkable and made from

Nova Scotia wool, combed instead or carded,

. consequently, there arc no weak spots in the fibre

to break l and knitted with n lock stitch ~\'hich

PI:CVC!lts ravelling. No underwear will serve your requiremcnts so fully as Stanfield's lI.11-

's1irinkable underwent': For men and women Ollr

lIne Is complete ill all weights alild every garment

'For Met1 Red To/nbel, $1,25 to $i.50 per g(lnncut,

nccording to si:6C.

BIlIc' Label, $1,5° '10 $1.75 per garmcnt, r . ac:cordillg ~o size,

( . . Black I.abel, $2.00 per garment.

r,ight~r weight,~ finest natural wool, $1.75 , '. , " to j;i2.50.r.er gll rmcnt.

-Nicel\' finished gRrlllcnls in ditTe'rent weights :Jnd priccs, £r0I11'$1 to $1.75 per. garlllent.

& McDONALD '. .




M~n;toba Al 40c,

s' I


I ..

.. \

iil2,ea'fJf>~.···· your • I

nsylvama , • use at once.

FARM as YOll are awarr., 'a wisc provision to stor'e' nway

~'~;;'I. nery, etc., in good otlLbuildillgs, :lne! also arrange n certain amount of stock for. the spring ·mnrket.,' ur ot lumber is in good shape and we can fix: up tHose odd

to yonr sntisfaction.

Cenlral Meal Marllel' TREtlERNJ,;



Orders Delivcl'ed Daily.

Phone No. CiS.



Sto~m Doors

It isJillle Lo think of slorm sash. :When YOIl think of stol'm sash think of lite' Corona Lumbcr Co. Whell you think of'" the Corolla r.,lImber, Co. cnll at their office or cpll them. up by phone nnd let (hem supP,)y YOll, YOIt nrc think­ing of, thclJI nClIV.



L. O. L. No. 1730 (fr!,!' liprl1P) will, meet' in t,he lodge room next 'rnesday ev,ening, Oct. 18th, at,8 olc1ock. 'Itlis particularly re, q'llested t1ll,t all, Tnelllhers be present

These chilly nights your horses will ioeCJuire blankets to keep /£hem warm. It will add 1l1uch to their appearance

the oat bill. ,Qur ya'uge of blan ket,s runs from $3.00 11 P to $8.00 per pair.

Never had Such Values in this Line

,.See' Our Shoe,



" -,

Robes! \VilI you require n nice warm roh~ for the winter? If so Vall will lind here n Inrge ,assortment to lhoose from at ~hol L cr.,p

prices, ~

Irunl,s, (1ripps and ,Suit Cases We have jUlOt 'received a shipment' mut witl sell (lteLll at

quick trn\'eJling prices,


- Phone No. 60 - Treherne

at this IIIcetiilg'.:!, I "

• !.'.~ •• ~ •• ~ •••••• '.4~.~ ••••••••••••••• ~~O~ •• ' •• ' •••• '.4~~ •••• ~ ••• O •• O •• ~ •••••••• " .

The quarterly' coullllunion '\~i1l be ,pbservccl in erne P:esbvterian Chl1L'ch on

. . F. A. Mercer went to Wil1l1lio(!I!"I'.'

011 \Vednesday evening Lo • t

Mrs. MerceV', who hall ing II couple, of 1II~,nths visiti

ie'nds ,ill 'Ontario. They re, tiulled to·Treherllc.olI Friday, .


-Men's Overcoats! --_.

"­the Perfect




~.~":': • ,.., " ,,10 .. ; :I{ ,. -- ~ -...-........ " .

, "

• .. : • • • • ' . • • .­.. iI­.. • .. • .. • , 'I • • i i : i i i • : • .. : : f





, ,

r • J

... \

. "

A number

lIo 18 hot m)



soo t\ I C '(

Job of Lrnlls



Another Case Where Lifo Was Saved and Henlth Restored by

"NervUlno' f

We hu\c nil rCl1d IIl1d henrd of tbe 8gOl11CS of SC"'llcn, bllt 0111) those 'I ho bn,'o bee 11 tortured by tillS Ilrcnd 111111 n<ly cnn [ull) 1II'I'rec1I110 whnl It must monn to bo cur~<I uCter ) cnrs of suITer log

It IS LteclIllsc lIe feels .t Ius solemn duty to tell tu the "orlfl hiS fnlth III Nervilino thll! VIctor P HlTOS Illllkes tho followlll" doclnrlltion "l'or three yellr. L." n. III the ItO) nl 1fUlI serv,ce, aud .0 nil kllllis of weuther hnil to lIleet tbo night trn1l1s Dllmplless, coll1 nud exposllre hrollght 011 sClllticlI thllt nC. fected my I. fL •• do !:!omotilllos 1111 Ilt tack would 1.:01111" on LlUlt lIIudo 1110 pow erlcss to "ark I wnK so lIenrly 11 cow­plete Cripple I It ,t I hlld to gl\ 0 up my Job I "nK 111 despllIr, completel) enst down beellu.e lhe II10ney I spent all trying to I:ct \'toll WIlH \\n.Ht~d r \VnM !ltpcnklng to Ul~ chemist one, du~, nnd ho reeOIllIll"I"I." • Ncn Ihne [ bnd tblA good hn11l1"nt rubbllli all se' ernl times n dll) "lid got reliof I II order

to blUl<1 "l' 11l~ g<'11 crill hellith alld 111l pro\ C my blood I lItre(l I:'E!rrOZOllc, ono

SIX tablet wUh eMb l11eal 1 conhnuell tbl. trelltment lour mouths nnel WRS cur

ed I lID .. IIHed nil kllulH of hllllllClIh, and cnll truthtull> BIl~ thut Norvihne IS far Htronger, uloro Jlcnctrntlllg, lind In flDltel~ Lotter Ilmll IInythlng clso for rollcvllll; JIIlIII I urgo everyone w.tb lumbngoJ ncurn)glo, rhcul1lntUltll or solntlell to ""e Ncr"lll1e [know It .. III cure thelU '

,'III'ro .su't u rnorc Itlghly ostecllled Cltiz,," 111 lVe"tl hOHter tlmn 1fr l11ros Wlmt he "")" c 'n be rchell upon l'or six ) enrR "IOce bOlllg eurod h. hnsn't bad n slIIgle relll pSC nOIl't 110< cpt nil) thlllg from ,our donler but 'Nervi line" In t\\O S'ZOS. 50., nnt! 2fi~, Holt! "' er)" here, (lr '1'he CntllrrIlOzolle

1{lIIgstOll, Out


AN 1llgcnIOus AmerICun, while leud 111" h.s UCI'S 10 1111 orillnllry bee bll 0 1I0tieOll 0110 tilly "hell hu 1111

hng nR"n~lIl tbut the tum)leruturo wltli 111 tho Ilivo UII\Jearotl to be slIIlllnr to thnt 1,1 h .. lIwulmtor Hc thoreupon [lut tlto mntter to tho test by mellllS of tho thermolllel"r, und fOlllld thut I"s Y('lISllS hUll /.:lIl<lod blill Ilrtght It thou occllrro.1 [01,101, he "II)S, that he llll~bt cOlillulto tho llIdustrleH of hOllo> lllnl[Jug UOII egg IlIltchlng, alit! nlllko Iho sll)lor iluollH "urrnth frolll the aile provide tho IIfCt'HI:Ulfl tClI1puraturu for tho othcr He I'lneeu t\~1 nly eggs III tho upper [lor 11011 of tllO 1m c llud ~epurllto<l tbem from tho \\orl(lng lll'"rtments of the hcos by Illelln. uf U 'OttOll clotll 'Pho Cggfl w~rc furthur IHutcctuu by cutlllluns nllldo (roUl n tJII11t, u.nd "ere loft III the If unlquo POSlt,oU for the ro qulRllo n,"ubl'r of <luys '1 ho AlllOriCOD Il&y~ thai elght~ell of the twellty eggs bntched out


I N flttlDg out n IflTI for wlnler at school1t nl1turally mukcs some dlfforonce ns to whether tho school IS 1D the cOlllnlorv or n Inrgo city. For 11 wlllter 10 tho country 1t

1\ II fin ulstQrs and swontors aod the rougb wnlklllg 8U.t. which Illust bo given flrst cons.dorntion, wlnlo '11 n city school tbe everydny dross is gonornU, somowhnt Ulore elabornte lind the coat ulld skirt costtUnes smnrter III cllt uDd texture thnn are required otherWise

'rho city child Is nllturnlly sornewhnt more slIlurtly gowned than a girl who grows up lU tile country, and' the school dress Is u t .. lIe IDore ol!tbornte, tbercfore, wl}on lOtcnded for elt,. weBr 8110pl1elty, howe>cr, is the koyndto for e\'ory 80rt of troek for II youog gITI, nnd It 19 n m.stake to deYlnte tillS rulo evcll for nu ">ooing drcs9. I

Dresses throughout, rntbor tlutn seJlllrltte wnlsts nud skIrts, nre Illost III vogue for ull ngca--shlrt I\a,sta there UlIlSt bo, of

Striped Blue' and Black SUk Hat with Marabollt

\\ orn "holl the cloth boulCO IS too hon vy, but e\ ory must hll' 0 mude l\ Ith, It u bodlco to conospond A loose fitting jumpor-IiKe WI<l9t w.th dotuehublo collur nnd cull's IS oxtrol11oIy smart In hghlcst weight sergo Dnrk blue With a touch of Persian trllllllllllg nbont the yoke 1I11d top of the cuffs, "lIh pcrhllJlB 11 belt formed of tllU sumo tnm nllng, mllkeH nu oxcellont school dress I he Wlllst •• nd skirt nro IIlwnys ae)Jurnto, so tbllt when dosl1e<l II thID SIlk or u PlbllCh Hallncl or even 11 white hnen WUISt cun be worll be 1I0llth tho Juckot '1'1.ero shuuld be only a fine In Wll ur thm Silk IInlllg .n U Herge '''''Ht, und .t I. seldom ncce.sarJ to usc bOllcs~tho blouso is Intended to Lto loose Ilnd It wd! be more com!ortuble for e,or)dIlY wour If modo l\.thout II bOJJoII uuil tlUed Illllng SIBe' as nnd bodlCo ure cut all 111 ono pleDe, but tho IIlllteriul should nut be too looso Ilt tho Sides uuder tbo arms, for 1I1 'so plnln n Dlodel too Illuch fulnos" tS "pt to be clumsy I

• • •

most Instlng of all ~~;~h~ns~.~I~folof n good qunht), will stand ovea .. ' tho room. Transp Ir

ent collnrs nro '~0~;u!:~~:~~:~;s:~e~~p:.:nrnte wnlsts, but tho Dutch collnr nnd upon ns \ cry good style nny longer. Sleeves for tho must be full leugth, altho11gh In nn ufternoon dress tbree quarter lenb.J,b sleeves aro pcrtlllssible

Velveteens Ilnd corduroys are tho mlltorlnls of the W1l1tcr without u doubt, nna lor u Sundny trock, n gown nnd Jneket of brown or of snpplllrc blue corduroy IS chllrmlng for n loung gill TillS dress may be fnshlOoed mth utmost slmpli. city; no tnmmmg lit nil on the skirt, while tbe cont displays ooly collar 1111<1 cuffs of the blue or goldon brown sabn Hub, red corduroy '9 nlso nn exquislto sbnde aud should be woru With youthful coloring There IS plenty of bOle Intcr 00 to l\ ellT the moro sombre toues

~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~. ~ - . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . • • ~ . • • • • • • • • • • • • · ' . ................................................

Par n cant nnd skirt costumo for Sundny autl the occn s,onnl Snturday mntlnee trent, smooth eloths of l1na qUllhty lire ouce ugom to be woro Rough goods of nil d08cnptlODs­serge, cbevlOt, homespunl , t" ccil uDd 0' cry kmd of mixture thero 18--nre correct for morning wenr, but for otber tImes sJOootb cloths nnd corduroys lIod vehotoens uro newer 'I he wnlsts ore comblllullolls of cloth und cb.lfoll cloth or soft silk, 'fhousnllds of motber" Clln test.fy to With u touch of whlto nt tbront Dnd wrJsts A w.do glrdlo of tbe "rtno of lfotbcr Orn \ es \\ orlll the snme rnntorml as the skirt will give to tho dress un offcd Exterllllnator, beenuse tbey koow frolll of u pnnce.s model nod It ,,,II Dot bo nccessury to put nu; eXi'cneuce how !lseful It I" moro of the cloth or \ el\'et upon tho wnlst A touch of bnght 1-----;,-;,---,------­

tOll9, the ~1l111C of be til" 1')(pOrl e<l frolll l\[llllcbnrlll to Lnrope nlone IS cx pee ted to rellch $30,OUO,000 Ih •• Jonr A crop of I,OOO,OOU tOUM ,C h~llus I> "urth ~~5,000,OOO gold to the Illrlllcrs All(1 bore 18 ,,:horo the belln fUrillSho!:l the solut.oll to the lIlllncltnrlll' problem In extelldlJlg to l:nrtlllO her lIIurlwt lOr henus, tJupnn hus ol)(~rwd \\ Hit', to her 0\\ II ultuuh nntago, tho \ ery door \\ llich foreigners clnnucll wns hNn~ t IOtlcd IIg.llll"t t"em j,"tllTlllly BrILl." Oil HI'cd 1 rush( r8 Will fll~or tho purchase 01 h"lllls (hrough llntlsh exporters 'Plw foreign bcun mer(!iJuut \\htl pur .tm"l'" the prutluet fronl the> fllrltler "lil Lo abJo to oller \\ lrt':i ur IIlK (I" n 4.:Ul1I1

tly III UXthll'gC Tboll tho tllllles \\111 b,' tllru~d, lIud Ju~t IS .Inpone.c goods oustt,tI the fOrf.-'lglI, HU ,,; III tllO liter c1IHpluce tho Jt\pnllo~c 'rhe 0lUlutlf)fl

uf tho IlIws 01 trndo ,,111 r"wler Illl tI('CI'HBLr) tho llJt~neutloll o[ thJllom ney

\\ ITI" nrl' (Ion r wht Il torn CUll

cllsh/(urnllll'lItK thut t11~IIJ1 trollllli WIth lIollow"y'y

blue or ceriso upon tbe bodIce,s SDlurt for u growll up cos tume, but color comblDlIlg hns to be carefully workod out so us not to g" 0 a somewhat old effect to tho dresa

* • • 'l'horo 19 no IilDd of costume WblCII reCCl\OS lIlo SlIllIe un

consmg wenr os n school dress It.9 nlulos!;. nocessary for II I;"lrl to b. pro\ ,ded WIth at lenst two gowna 10 tltoro\,gh artier with whIch to stnrt tho wlutcr I'he "!Jost" SUlt of Inst ".n ter ""II perhnps tlo for ortilDluy wenr w,th SOUle htUo rono \ IItlng, nnd If tillS eostumo IS ronlly still good ,t may be sum ClOot to prolltlu slIDply II prott), sllupla gowu of plUld or dnrk billa, brown or gl cou serge or cheVIot, to bo worn benouth tho nl\l U) S IlCeeSSIIT) ulstor or fur coat TIllS oxtm gO\l II ".11 slI"e tbo cout 11011 slurt costume tremendously nnd w,lI Illso mnke n plensuut chnnge from tho coutlnued l\ellrlOg of sopnrllte ,m.sts IlIHI slllrts

'l'ho IOllg conts IInll ulstors ure extremely smnrt tillS 1.utUlIll' Of... rough texture, wllrUl, but not too heavy 10 \\ eight, they nrc fllceti wltll colhtr nntl re\ era of '01. et In 80me IIImlols tho hack 18 sellll fitted, 111 others n plulD bo eont IS soon A fo\\ uro belted IDtO tho IIgure, hnt IDOSt lire hnH fitted. ]'or the clt), liS u rule, the SCIil. litteu conts ure RUlli! test, "hllo for tho couutry tho long loose ulsters arc better

DrOll n POll) eonts ure worn uowlldllYS e\ au liy tmy cbll dll'lI, ulld, .ndeed, .f II glfJ rClIlly suffors 111 cold went her nil sucrlfice shouM be lUlldc to glvo her a wurm fnr cant, e~en If It cllnnot be Of eSllCc.ully good qUllhty Th.s st) I. of fur

's uot l1ltenued for IInl thing hut ortl.nury wellr, lIud should be mnde lurge ellough to put on u\ or her aUlt, 'f need be

There must, of course, bc two huts, DlId .f posBlble tlllee, provHled tor boor<Ill1g seliool outllts-ollo hut for hor best street dros8, nuother fOi orulllnry weur und u slIlliller hnt l>c

th<, t1l 0 of fur or hlllck ,elvct thut CIl11 be wor11 <1ILTgrellt frocks 'rhere ,"ll not Lte lUuch closet roolll, prob nbly, for her III willch to keep her tlllOgS, und It Will be lllllCh eUHJ(H If she eUD lIu \ e Just n few costumes, bnh, ete, whIch


SO s1I1ull of s.ze nnd so I1ght of wClght are the latost novelties III COIll IlUrses thllt thoy llllly sofol,

be ~lIrrled by I. chn," attnched to 11

liuge. illig Mnn) of them urc of groell, gold, wlllte or guu 1I11u;hcd dUlln 1I1('tlll with ellgrn vod frllllles wha h ha \C

spnces for ltD 1lll1l1ltCHlllllli monogrlll1l Sutliclently boy to be Ills.ly shpped

bct\\<,cn the palm Illill tho glo\o nnd holdlllg ouly t1l0 or (hree IIlckels or llullcti ure Pllude) or elll ncsc brocude co, crcd purseR

SOllie" hnt larger lire tho "1'IionclIl, tubulnr lIud clgurette .hnJled chnlollll110 ,",Oln pl1rKc!:J ot sterhng 81h cr or gold, nlltl .lIll 1Il0re CUPlICIUlIS III C thos< II< slglled to sWlUg frolll 11 brucel!'t or u belt I'hese lire embosse,j with GCrulll1l

,er t gold finish!!ll, or gUll IIwtlll, or cellulOid trented to "'llT""ellt uld

ory, null ~ 111 ncculflmodllte cOinS or \nnons tHZes, .L mirror and H tilly pOWtlN pufI


1'1' '" n far cry from hIgh d'plomnc) to tho humble SO)" bellll, ) et \I 0 hold to tho bohef tbut tho )last lind

prestlnt cOllllllcrcwl lutuutJOIl Ilud Ultl mul~ ""Iuboll of the \ csuttOIlS 11uIl chunull problelll u l>ouud up III !lilt cOlltrol of tillS OIlC product' tio "rJteM, LU the Pur LnHtcrn Re'II.!\\', Georgo Bronson Heu, the [llIblJ"lwr 01 thut pllper, and the llHpOltnucc thnt hl! nttn<iICH to IllS subJect IS llHhcnted b) the luet thnt he i1C\ ote. tu ,t 110 1o." th.11l tllJrteoll foho pngo" Hefcrrlllg to thc b.tter "ttneks UpOll .JDpUU by Amcr leUO 1I0d Untl811 \I fliers, Illleglllg Ih It uoFn.r d.SCTlllllunlion 19 Ihe foundllbou of hor success .11 1illochllrlU, be snys

.. After a cnreful stut!) of I ho sltun tlOn 1 11m of the OplUlOU thnt 1111 churgos

I us UgUlD5t the South h\ ny l:OIll [1llfly full lur

III explalulUg tho los" JU'lt.U,cIIIUrlnn llllll ket for Amcn

t;uropcllu prouucts AS:l It of se' ernl tTlPS to !\1l1nchurlll l

Urlllly to tho behof thnt tho prek ent 8.tUlltlOli IS lurgely tho 'UO\ .tablc Hoquel to tbo IIntullll operntlon of tho IIIWd of sllpply Ilnd demauu, 111" Illeh the TIl,lwuy hus SImply fillod it. roll

II public cnrner, IIl1d, J,(rllntl11g ull chur~c" of dlHcrl11HnntlOu IIl1d un tuc tW", the rc.ult ,\oultl be tho


"'1'JIO loul baSIS of Japan't-l HUCCcttH tll Mlluchurlll 18 he 1I11111111llllS, tbo opor aLlon of tho fundllmentnl eeonUIIlIt: IIlW, thllt the coulltry cOllsumlllg tlU' lII11Jor POrh011 of tho exports 01 ullother country hold. tho, 11106t

tllgeous POSltlOIi '11 "UP tho 1I0COSSUlJ JIl1POlts Now

hus for) Cllrs been th ChlCf COil Mlllichn


T Ill, t;hangus III europe bllUll 1801 Hhow RUlIIO rcmllrlmble rovorBllls 10 titlltes llHI pollllc" 'I be europe

fIr 1801 ('ountod I iii 1IlIIIIon .nhullltIL1I1H, It" puplll ,lton tn tiny .<, 1 od. I III 1I111 IIOIlH 'rh(~ popllln.llOll or Plnuc4 J "hu: h rlln to (J\er IllIrt) thnu 1IH1I10118, "xccetl ell then III 111IIulwr, l UhCHUIIl, nUll I" III strength Ihllt of lilly IInt"'n 1 <"Opt lIltK 6111, ,,,hleil, ilO\\O'ftr, cO\luled oul,) Hurt,) t-IIX 1II1lhclUH 1 he populatlOJI vi thn IhltlHh 11slcH "US only ~lxt(lel1 ulilhollS, 1I0t qUltl1 huH thnt 01 I"llllll l' 'I hc (lormnn l~nIIlIr(', cOllntlng ltM tlllC~ hUll lirHt Slntos, uften It "tar \~lth 0110 Ull uther, Illul In Illl olllj 11\ enty rh 11 1IIl1 \ton peoplc I tnly \I "" only II goo grnplllClI1 uSJIlCSSIOU" It thnt tll1lU, but tho 1\ halo POll1ll5Ulll In I('u tluchlOs ~OID jlllNcd oul) He\ClIteoll IIlllllo11 [luople Allstrm nntl 1IIlngllry tngothor numbor ell ollly t\\cut) Il\c IlUlilOn" tlutsul" of Luru»e lit thllt tllne tho \lolhl 'IllS either II tlesert or uul(Uow 0

'J ho popllllltlOu of CIIlUIl hUM TlSOII frum fifty 111110' lIll11lOlI" nt Ihe dllWIl or tho ChflstllU or, to 33~ mllhons IU liDG, bnt no othor flguro \ln8 IIUOtClI for A811. ACncli wo. to tho 01\ l11zo<1 worlU " mcro outhne Iu Amonc" tho olhcllll 't(en8lU~" of J700 rOllortt'tl rOlU IUllllon 11l1lHlHtnnlH, ,\!lllCh ro~c, uceord1l1g to the eOnBU" of 1800, to fi,:108,ISG No prccIHO figure "US given rUt tlill re~L ur AI1IOllCn, llor wns Ilnythlng known ot tho pOpuliltlUU of OccnlllU, .1.1I9trnhn or NCl\ Zenlulld

.1 u (tHy tho Jlohtlcul l Ollthl lOll

Dlll 01'0 hos chunget! WIth tho tllllllgO lJOpulnboll l!'IHpcc, w1lu:h n hUlIIlrod lind ton }Cllrs ngb \1118 tho /I,.t lllel, In n ~(Htse, tho ouly POW(Il of l~llropo, IS t II till) of cOlliI'm .bll'ly .mllll nccouut '1'110 populnlloll or Ehlropo IULR rillun rroltl 17;) 11111hol1N to illS ulllllOl1S-nn lucre UIO o[ 203 IllllhollS, or nuout InO llor lWllt l'rallco hnK IlIcn1l18ul ouly 1rom tlllrtJ II~co 1Il11llolls to tlllrt) Il.no 1I111l101I9, uu lllcrellsc, of onlJ 18 JIm "nllt [11 1801

\vus In populutlon ono fI[th of l1nropc, to du) It IH less than ulle dc, ellth l'he )lopllllltlOlI of Greut Brit lUll <'XCOCdH Jorly JIve I1lllhulI9, "II Ill' (renso of tWl!lIt,) Dtnt 11111110111', or more thnll ]80 )lor CClIt

Ittll"",o'l 'Pbo Gormull lJmpu(' has grown from t\\Ollt;l n, 0 IIl1lholl InhllllltllulH or flVIlI Illlt! lonlon8 Stutos 11' lHOl (u II hOlllogen OIlK strength of sixty IIvo IIl1lhollS, nil IlIcrl'l •• e of torly lIulllOIl" .'1ll0 ]801 the lllCr(llUW ulol1o tbe IlltlOn of 1111 o[ Prtluco tWOllt) SD, IIlllhollS NIIICU 1 populutlOn of 11118 ]52 per cent IUIlCO 1 l\lIHLflIll-I.lll

bUH Illore thll U t!ou'blt,·i\ Iu.h 110\\ IUlI.y,.lmI1l101l'H,

nll." .... "'!!.y, \\ Ith hus

chnrlctcrlZttf aN 'ttl. lIllrllclt1 of ~Itllhly, t'lIt'r~~ prolhglOIl!{ LntluHtrYJ un..! world llllurncllig eml1l1u:nl',JI Ui ItBClt II. "nit Hbl( lIt w world, "Ith uearly one huu dret! nllllloll Illlllli>itllUtH

I ho "orltl hn~ III "It! grl'lt IJrogn'ss Hlllcn 1801, nlHI ~rogl'-'!{~l..!ll Itl ('\er) Uti.

tUlI1 CXCf pl 011(1 Prnl" OJ ' .. )lIeh t hLin s, tlUtl SUlllo .)(h.lrM lJ.;U Justl~ CIr.llJ10ti, In 00 tilt lund uf prugrf'!'l'~ 1\l1{1 OUilghtoUlll.!ut, un(1 1)1 thl' g-r'lwth ur \lil'HS uHI tIu llX pun'" J or thought, hn~ rtHlHltllCt{ III thmw 110 Y,llrH tilllm;t. Ol1l~ldp t bu '~OJld H ntlVHlIll' 11\ 1801 Ic~~ thll" t""'O III ntiH d 1 1111 In II 111111 "Illutul III lIu 1'1"1 t l' IIt-tOrlt al III pullll .... ~l tl\ ell' l u d IV I till light hun I I I lH1IIIOil 1111111 'dIOW hl.'l\ ({I wlIJld thn t 111141 \H'np:l1J tn 1I~t1 t IHI I IlC" 1I1lplf' I1H.'ubi IU.I 11l~l \HUt ... l'" til

tllo st uggh tor I ft~o A t:( liS 1M l) mOl

In" , (II Ifl ,iltH 11)"'0 ~ world ~ IllJul1latum 1'1""111)2 tho pfodl~lI)1t~ IlgHfn l[ 1111, ... " tt'"lI!04I1H(1 tlulhOIl!i 'I btl ,00lullt 1011 III 1'1111l' hn\n huon ... ttnhl1lrl til ifil'

19'1tl rnto SUlCld", '1'" btl! tltH I~II P 1I!'H!; lIIust tH' 11"t h) lit I oJ, n I" 01'1(\ lor '11tH Hln t tOll

~top That

Chance tbat IImpill&' IIAC)(U borse t.ta • 8Ouad, healthy hf>J!te WilUDE' .ad cqu to do. E'ood day I work

Do. t Itt a Spa via Curb SpUnt, Sprai. Rtuldlone or any olher Lame .HI keep your harte lu the stablr eun. It whit

Kendall's Spavin Cure

It curu without 1t'.~luE' • .car, htellluti or while h.h".-bccauuitdor. aot bUster

.fort KaUa, B C, June lCtb 1009 I Haft been uIlIlI your I.iulweot for

,can aad find It III that you rtprekn~ Han Slot bc:ea withont It (arlO yean. II


II • boUic-6 for ~ ~:rccllcDt (or boulleho1d' UIC Sold by .11 ueaJera Ask (or (ree boot. If A , reaU k On The Hone 1 Of' write u. (or copy 55 .a.. J IIENDALL c. ErtnbDrt Fall .. VI.


.. \

, .



ANIT.OBA hns,~n e~tellsi\'c wnler slIrface for e\'npornLiol1'I1I~c1 .' ·'U'.' ,","', prcuipitntioii' pllrpo~cs (having, 6',019,2~O m·res). 'l'hn~: ,the:

greatest necessity for ClOp pnrposes j:; secured. " noccnpied about 25,000,000:: >\ , •

, of Ithe Province ill 1901 was 225,211 aud is now ILlll"lll 500,000, which is lIIore lhan ·salisfactory, cousiderit1g'

j ~ • •

the stnrllng POlllt., - . 'Thc production of w!lent oats ouel harley was, ill 1901 ; 9°,367,08,;

bushl;ls ; in fh'e ycnrs it- hn:-; incrensed to 129,475.94:; bushels. Winnipeg in I!)O( had a popl11ntion of 42,:!.]o, nud has 1I0W about

1.50,000, or hns nenrly quadrnpled ill eight yenrs. ' The assessed value of VlTinl1ipc~ wns ill 1901 $26,405,77° ; in 1905 ,

$116,106,390 , or hall tripled in:seven vcars. . Transportation facilities arc unequnlled ; ill a wo~d nrc in on ad·

vanced, np·to-date cNHlition, havill~ fOil l' transcontinental railways complete, or under construction centering in "Vinni­peg. 'rite province hns nearly 1\.000 mites of completed mil· way lines., "

~I;lnitohn Itns the greatest progress ngriculturally and fin'nncial!): of , any country in the! world. and is, lIlf!rrifore, the one to cast ill

I" your lot.wilh; os she otTers lI1!! best retuTIIs for labor or fin-d, auclal capital. ." .' ' . i

Wrile for'iuformatioll' to' :- I ' ,

JAB. I-IARTNEY, 77 YOlk St., Torol,tO, Ont. ,JOSEPH ,BURKE, '70, J,ognn A\'e., Winnipeg, 'Man.

, A. A. C. lARIVIERE, 22 Alliancc Building, Montreal, Q. F. TENNANT, Gretna, Munitoba.

{' ~" , .J. :J. GOLDEN, Minister of '-Agriculture Bnd' Immigration, . Winnipeg

~ . .. , . ,

on' you .... "paper . shows when your subscription , , '

~iXI)il·~S.' "f your 'label i,s m~rked, HNov. 10" your ·subscr'ip= ,tiol'i' wo~l'd~ e~pire"., in the Inonth of Nov~mber in the year

, . '

19,10. The .subscription list is now corrected to Oct. ·3rd . . ,

--.~--~---- -, ,

MRS~ ANDERSON ~e.ee ••• ee ... ~.~eeeee~ :l \ • • 41', ,FOR THE

: Hunting Season Correspondence.

Tells Ho~ ~fler, Giving ,l,Ip Hope, !-'-"----'---,-:O..-e:.-'c-:---'--"--''!

'She Was.Cured~of Dandruff

. 'nc Scarrol\'

tor Im;t week.

Mr, Henders, of Culros~, was a , ..... ,.\\,cll visilor 011 Tuesday.

LOllis ncllol1~~a:;,:a inl!ipeg' ou' Monday,

j _, tt f •

After rc:ultug, this ~trlliglttfor • ward state!l1ent' of Mrs. Imllabeth H. Anderson,' of Mechauicsburg,

go to Geo .. Graham, get a Parisi(ln S:lge for

'~'},'r.' " d if it don't do ~ I ." ,.. ~ ~.

Wheat ddiveric~ nrc ligl. now, ""u< rson, hc give YOIl your the fanners nre all busy, plowillg. m""pr bnck. Just read this letter, . '

J. A, Hamilton ane! wife' were i~s worth rour while,: cilY visiLor5 on Friday of last wecl:. "r had gi;'eu' up hope of

, ' T\fr. and Mrs. n, Briggs,lefL on bcin~ curcd, of dandruff, w!len I

'rnes(l~y lor '11 visit, Lo lricnds at purcl:ns~d .; 'baltIc of Parisian HarLney. " Sage. j t hns entirely remov'ed thc

Charles Roux, of Trehel'l1f',1 and ruff, and has started II growth loaded II car of cattle' at Ralh oi new hair,.and all this after hav-on' 'J'uesday. . iug bcell tro~bl~d. fer IS years.' I

, \ ,

AdU'\11 Forb~5 'nnd duu~hler, cheerfllli y ',recommend Vidan, wcre Winnipeg ,;isilo,rs Sage." last Fri(~ay. , ", .Pntisian Sage CU1:~S dandrulT, be-

Mrs. T: C. For be!!, aud Mrs. P. CRuse it gets right, down into the R: MeLachlu" visited friends in roots of the hair' and kills the

la,I~~ ou W~,d~lesc~ay. thol1sa11(15 of pernici'o\1s ,dandrnff

Mr. Reid and wife, of .Winnipeg, germs: .,. " spending a :;hort "acolion with Siilce the introduction of Parisinn

Miss GeOt'gina Cavanagh at Ralh· Sage iuto Canada, it has beell iu

Fno)! DINTRICT CoaRltKI·Ol<OH"T ••


'rhe Lavenhalll Methodi51 Church Allnivertiarv aud Ilar\'c~t 'l'hauks­giving Services will he. held on Sunday 'aut! Monday Oct. 'r6th and 17th. l>i\"illC service will be held 011 Sunday at 10.:;0 n. 111. and' at 730 p. Ill.; Rev, S. A. Bllckley, of McGregor, will be the preadJ[~r for the claY.1 The church will bt! suit­nbly dccornted for lite occasion. Ou Mouday, tbe 17th, a supper will be sen'ed at 5':\0 'p, Ill, after which a grand concert will be held. Admission to Slipper nl1(\ concert: adults. SOC, children 2SC.


'l'h~s. Ring is \'ery ill.

A party of 'J'relterne R.' 'l's. 01 T. visited the M~lcltett\'iI1e COIlIl­cil all Friday eveni og.


i \Vinchester shells, lond,ed with Dl1 Pout slIlokeless powder.

Regal Dominion shells, londed wilh Bnllastite smokeless powder.

Cley sitells, loaded with Dn Pont sruokcles~ powel"r.

i I

Cogwell & Har,rison shclls,loaelcd with Scll\~ltlr. slIIokeless powder.

Cogwell & Harrison shells,lomled with Vicmis smokeless powder.

Cogwell & Harrison shells, loaded with black powder.

, AU. 12 GUAGH.

Sizes of Shot Range from J to 6.

.. i Adam F orbe-s !)

i ,R A'T H W ELL, -1- MAN ITO ft A. ! ~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~ .. ~. .~~~~~.~~~~ .. ~.

---- -- - -' - -+ . -~-.

well.. , b d demand y thousan s of I1p·to-date Farmers' Mutual Fire

Insurance Co. The St, 1>alll's W. A. i avc n :;ale ()f work lO\\'ard the'cud

of N()\·p.mber, the date IL; be fixed Inter. ( , .

Thoulns 'Kearns, of 'l'rehcrlJe, Mr~, J. H. Ferguson, of Win-

peg, v!lIited friends ill Rnthwcll Monday.

society wornell. ,Parisian Sage will tllTn, harllh, lusterless, ill look.


l\Iiss Sarah Cameron wa, a visi· lor to Holland last week.

Mr. and ~rs. J. W. Sanderson were visitors to H,ollaud la1lt weck.

Mr. nnd !\{iss Long-ely left on on /fllesday to visit friends at Pilot Mound. ,

~liss. Clara.. Bueltbaeh and her ulJcle. ~Ir. Kelly, were pv:;sengers

the citv on Monday.

Mrs. W. H. Darling and two children are- visiting at Manitoll and Baldur this week. '

fiead Office ." Portage la Prairie


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, , .

, ,

... \

I , ;'

top related