how to use just retweet - a by stepguide

Post on 10-Nov-2014






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How to Use "Just Retweet" is a step-by-step illustrated "how to" guide for getting started using this marketing tool. It has been presented as a part of my "10 Minute Marketing" series.


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Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3

Things You Need to Know ............................................................................................. 3

Step One: Signing Up and Signing In ............................................................................ 4

Step Two: Familiarize Yourself with JustRetweet Tabs, Settings and Options .............. 6

Step Three: Write Your First Tweet ............................................................................. 10

Ten Tips for JustRetweet Success ............................................................................... 13

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Just Retweet is a social sharing platform dedicated to helping you get more Retweets,

+1 shares and Facebook “Likes” – but don’t confuse it with social media managers like

HootSuite or TweetMeme.

For one thing, Just Retweet is adamant about:

No auto-Tweets

No auto-follows

No spam

It’s a fast way to boost your “social proof”. Part of the reason for this, no matter how

new you are to the social sharing scene: Just Retweet promises that “active users of

the site will automatically gain more followers”.

It does havae an affiliate program, featured member and V.I.P options… And it’s free to

join. (My affiliate link: )

Things You Need to Know

JustRetweet has its own requirements and rules, and it will simplify life if you learn

these right now…

Works on a “credit” system. You start out with 100 and earn more by Retweeting other JustRetweet member messages. (This means everyone is highly motivated to Retweet your messages!)

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Only posts containing URLS can be Retweeted, so you will need to sign up with an URL shortener such as .

You cannot request Retweets for “sales pages, direct affiliate links, squeeze pages, homepage links, and other overly promotional or low quality content” (they’ll be deleted).

You are allowed to submit a maximum of three Tweets in twenty-four hours. You can use multiple Twitter accounts – but you cannot post Tweets to the same URL from your other account. (Think of it as one URL per twenty-four hours.)

All Tweets must contain an URL

All signed up with an URL shortener? Okay… Let’s begin.

There are three easy steps you’ll need to take, to get up and racing out of the starting


1. Sign up

2. Post your Tweets

3. Acquire more followers.

So let’s not waste time wondering if this particular platform is right for you. Let’s just

check it out for ourselves.

And yes – JustRetweet does seem to be in flux (like so many social platforms – old and

new – these days) and some former features (such as “Retweet Exchange”) seem to be

unavailable. The important step to take is to just sign up and experiment – while you’re

still in on the ground floor.

Step One: Signing Up and Signing In

JustRetweet is based on a “credit” system – but these are not paid credits.

a) First you have to log in using your Twitter account from JustRetweet’s home page. Press “Sign in with Twitter” button in the top right corner. (Don’t worry: JustRetweet won’t be able to see your password.)

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Enter your Twitter name and password.

You will be directed to a “Welcome” page, where you can create your account by

entering your email address.

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You’ll be immediately redirected to your JustRetweet Dashboard, where you can

see different sections accessible by tab.

Step Two: Familiarize Yourself with JustRetweet Tabs, Settings and


Let’s take a moment to acquire a quick overview of JustRetweet’s options and features

by exploring these tabs…

a) Twitter Followers – Here’s where you can find Featured Members, as well as other types of Twitter Followers:

Top Submitters

Top Influencers

Top Promoters

Note that, using a drop-down menu, you can filter these Submitter types by time

frame (E.g.: “Last 7 Days”.)

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Begin selecting a few members to follow straight away, so you’ll have someone

to Retweet your posts – starting with JustRetweet itself.

b) Activity Summary – This is going to be a tab you’ll use a lot, once you’ve got a bunch of Tweets posted via JustRetweet. You can filter the results by day and activity type:

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You won’t have any activity to filter or look through, so go ahead and submit a


c) Buy Credits – You are given 100 credits to start off, which allows you to play around a little and learn what works for you. When you fill out your profile under the next Tab we’re going to visit, you can set a default amount of credits you are offering to promote your Tweets as well as a time interval between Retweets.

There are four basic packages, which you can easily purchase through PayPal…

For now, let’s stick with your basic free 100 credits, to get you started.

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d) Settings – This is an extremely important section. Here’s where you set up your blog URL and specify other things you want to add to your profile, or change within your JustRetweet account.

Fill in your email address, and use the drop-down arrows to select your country

and the interval at which you’d like your Tweets to be Retweeted.

Leave “Credits Per Follow” at the default “2” for now, until you start getting a

feel for what works and what doesn’t.

Fill in your website Title, URL and a brief description containing your keywords.

Press “Update”.

You should now see a notification in bright green that your update was


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1. Affiliates – This link will take you directly to the Affiliates sub-site, where you can familiarize yourself with how the program works by reading the Overview and FAQ sections, taking a Tour, and signing up for it, if desired.

JustRetweet offers 30% commission.

Step Three: Write Your First Tweet

Now you’re ready to start submitting Tweets with URLS you want shared – and

Retweeting other peoples’.

1. Get started by pressing the “submit a tweet” link. (Note that your 100 free credits shows up here.)

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2. Go to your Activity Summary Tab. Write a Tweet that (a) you’d really love people to share (b) includes your shortened URL. (Note: Your URL doesn’t have to be shortened: It’s just that you’ll leave more room for Retweets, if you shorten longer links.)

Be sure to check the radio boxes for social networks you’d like to allow access

via JustRetweet. (Twitter will already be pre-selected.)

Note also that your submitted tweet “will be moderated before going live on site”,

so you will have to wait a while to see what your new Tweet shared via

JustRetweet looks like.

Step Four: Retweet Other Members’ Tweets

And here’s the really important part – share other members’ Tweets.

1. Go to your Dashboard Tab and scroll down. You’ll see a tasty selection of Tweets you can choose from.

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Notice that you can:

Find optimized Tweets using the drop-down categories and keywords; or enter your own unique search

Weigh your Retweeting decisions based on the number of credits being offered for a Retweet. (This should not be your primary decision maker.)

2. When you are ready, simply click on “Schedule Retweet” and JustRetweet will take care of this automatically, based on the criteria given by the Tweeter in his or her Settings.

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You can also choose to “Like” the Tweet you’ve selected on Facebook, as well

as pressing the “+1” button for Google Plus.

And that’s all there is to it!

Ten Tips for JustRetweet Success

JustRetweet is still in its early stages compared to other social media managers, so

there are no hard and fast rules – conditions for success fluctuate as the audience

changes and grows: However, there are seven tips that will most likely always stay

evergreen for this platform…

1. Choose your Retweets carefully. Avoid the temptation to Retweet all and sundry, or you’ll quickly gain the reputation as an “empty” Tweeter. Use aids such as keywords, categories and custom search parameters to make sure each Retweet you schedule is well-suited to your own audience.

2. Make sure you share your highest-quality content. If you want others – especially other influencers in your niche – to Retweet you, make sure you’ve got something worth Retweeting. This is your fastest way to becoming one of the top influencers yourself – delighting not only your own audience, but that of people who Retweet your content.

3. Don’t Retweet suspected spammers. You’ll easily sniff these out because you’ll see their profile photo almost every second Tweet offered up for Retweet! Whether they mean to spam or not, members with this type of volume will quickly become someone (a) everyone is tired of (b) no one “sees” any more. The eye will skim over their Twitter inbox-cluttering Retweets – and your own reputation will suffer for aiding and abetting them.

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4. Use hashtags. Vary your own Tweets by using hashtags every second or third post… but keep it to three or under (otherwise you’ll create visual clutter and – more to the point – your post will look “spammy”).

5. Tweet others. That’s obvious, of course – but sometimes it’s easy to get carried away and neglect this vital part of using JustRetweet. (Besides, you’ll gain credits!)

6. Study the list of posts in your Dashboard. You can get a feel for:

What appeals to you

What repels you

How many credits people offer on average (TIP: The site founder, Valentine Belonwu, offers 10 credits).

Types of posts to Retweet

Types of posts that are missing – ones that you would like to Retweet. (Then go write them!)

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7. Consider paid options. This is not necessarily a recommendation: Some people find purchasing options fast-tracks them; others set great value by building relationships naturally. But do be aware the option is always there.

8. Consider becoming an affiliate, if affiliate marketing is part of your business model. However, never let this affect the quality of your Tweets and Retweets: Rather, it should heighten the quality and care you use in creation/selection.

9. “Follow” JustRetweet Members, as well as Retweeting their Tweets. There are credit rewards to do so and you can keep an eye on your favorite Tweets from these particular bloggers.

10. Remember platform is built primarily for bloggers. If you don’t have a blog, create one now – and make the most of its advantages and benefits!

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*Disclaimer: Affiliate links are used in my report; however, I choose carefully what I promote. I aim to

choose only the best resources that I deem as valuable to my readers and subscribers, that is, resources

worth your investment of time and money.

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